]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/tools/build/src/tools/rc.py
update ceph source to reef 18.1.2
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / tools / build / src / tools / rc.py
1 # Status: being ported by Steven Watanabe
2 # Base revision: 47077
3 #
4 # Copyright (C) Andre Hentz 2003. Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and
5 # distribute this software is granted provided this copyright notice appears in
6 # all copies. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
7 # warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
8 #
9 # Copyright (c) 2006 Rene Rivera.
10 #
11 # Copyright (c) 2008 Steven Watanabe
12 #
13 # Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
14 # License Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
15 # https://www.bfgroup.xyz/b2/LICENSE.txt)
17 ##import type ;
18 ##import generators ;
19 ##import feature ;
20 ##import errors ;
21 ##import scanner ;
22 ##import toolset : flags ;
24 import os.path
25 import re
27 import bjam
29 from b2.build import type, toolset, generators, scanner, feature
30 from b2.exceptions import AlreadyDefined
31 from b2.tools import builtin
32 from b2.util import regex
33 from b2.build.toolset import flags
34 from b2.manager import get_manager
35 from b2.util import utility
37 __debug = None
39 def debug():
40 global __debug
41 if __debug is None:
42 __debug = "--debug-configuration" in bjam.variable("ARGV")
43 return __debug
45 type.register('RC', ['rc'])
47 def init():
48 pass
50 def configure (command = None, condition = None, options = None):
51 """
52 Configures a new resource compilation command specific to a condition,
53 usually a toolset selection condition. The possible options are:
55 * <rc-type>(rc|windres) - Indicates the type of options the command
56 accepts.
58 Even though the arguments are all optional, only when a command, condition,
59 and at minimum the rc-type option are given will the command be configured.
60 This is so that callers don't have to check auto-configuration values
61 before calling this. And still get the functionality of build failures when
62 the resource compiler can't be found.
63 """
64 rc_type = feature.get_values('<rc-type>', options)
65 if rc_type:
66 assert(len(rc_type) == 1)
67 rc_type = rc_type[0]
69 if command and condition and rc_type:
70 flags('rc.compile.resource', '.RC', condition, command)
71 flags('rc.compile.resource', '.RC_TYPE', condition, [rc_type.lower()])
72 flags('rc.compile.resource', 'DEFINES', [], ['<define>'])
73 flags('rc.compile.resource', 'INCLUDES', [], ['<include>'])
74 if debug():
75 print 'notice: using rc compiler ::', condition, '::', command
77 engine = get_manager().engine()
79 class RCAction:
80 """Class representing bjam action defined from Python.
81 The function must register the action to execute."""
83 def __init__(self, action_name, function):
84 self.action_name = action_name
85 self.function = function
87 def __call__(self, targets, sources, property_set):
88 if self.function:
89 self.function(targets, sources, property_set)
91 # FIXME: What is the proper way to dispatch actions?
92 def rc_register_action(action_name, function = None):
93 global engine
94 if action_name in engine.actions:
95 raise AlreadyDefined("Bjam action %s is already defined" % action_name)
96 engine.actions[action_name] = RCAction(action_name, function)
98 def rc_compile_resource(targets, sources, properties):
99 rc_type = bjam.call('get-target-variable', targets, '.RC_TYPE')
100 rc_type = rc_type[0] if rc_type else ''
101 global engine
102 engine.set_update_action('rc.compile.resource.' + rc_type, targets, sources, properties)
104 rc_register_action('rc.compile.resource', rc_compile_resource)
107 engine.register_action(
108 'rc.compile.resource.rc',
109 '"$(.RC)" -l 0x409 "-U$(UNDEFS)" "-D$(DEFINES)" -I"$(>:D)" -I"$(<:D)" -I"$(INCLUDES)" -fo "$(<)" "$(>)"')
111 engine.register_action(
112 'rc.compile.resource.windres',
113 '"$(.RC)" "-U$(UNDEFS)" "-D$(DEFINES)" -I"$(>:D)" -I"$(<:D)" -I"$(INCLUDES)" -o "$(<)" -i "$(>)"')
115 # FIXME: this was originally declared quietly
116 engine.register_action(
117 'compile.resource.null',
118 'as /dev/null -o "$(<)"')
120 # Since it's a common practice to write
121 # exe hello : hello.cpp hello.rc
122 # we change the name of object created from RC file, to
123 # avoid conflict with hello.cpp.
124 # The reason we generate OBJ and not RES, is that gcc does not
125 # seem to like RES files, but works OK with OBJ.
126 # See http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.build/5643/
127 #
128 # Using 'register-c-compiler' adds the build directory to INCLUDES
129 # FIXME: switch to generators
130 builtin.register_c_compiler('rc.compile.resource', ['RC'], ['OBJ(%_res)'], [])
132 __angle_include_re = "#include[ ]*<([^<]+)>"
134 # Register scanner for resources
135 class ResScanner(scanner.Scanner):
137 def __init__(self, includes):
138 scanner.__init__ ;
139 self.includes = includes
141 def pattern(self):
143 "[ ]+([^ \"]+|\"[^\"]+\"))|(#include[ ]*(<[^<]+>|\"[^\"]+\")))" ;
145 def process(self, target, matches, binding):
146 binding = binding[0]
147 angle = regex.transform(matches, "#include[ ]*<([^<]+)>")
148 quoted = regex.transform(matches, "#include[ ]*\"([^\"]+)\"")
149 res = regex.transform(matches,
151 "[ ]+(([^ \"]+)|\"([^\"]+)\")", [3, 4])
153 # Icons and other includes may referenced as
154 #
155 # IDR_MAINFRAME ICON "res\\icon.ico"
156 #
157 # so we have to replace double backslashes to single ones.
158 res = [ re.sub(r'\\\\', '/', match) for match in res if match is not None ]
160 # CONSIDER: the new scoping rule seem to defeat "on target" variables.
161 g = bjam.call('get-target-variable', target, 'HDRGRIST')[0]
162 b = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(binding))
164 # Attach binding of including file to included targets.
165 # When target is directly created from virtual target
166 # this extra information is unnecessary. But in other
167 # cases, it allows to distinguish between two headers of the
168 # same name included from different places.
169 # We don't need this extra information for angle includes,
170 # since they should not depend on including file (we can't
171 # get literal "." in include path).
172 g2 = g + "#" + b
174 g = "<" + g + ">"
175 g2 = "<" + g2 + ">"
176 angle = [g + x for x in angle]
177 quoted = [g2 + x for x in quoted]
178 res = [g2 + x for x in res]
180 all = angle + quoted
182 bjam.call('mark-included', target, all)
184 engine = get_manager().engine()
186 engine.add_dependency(target, res)
187 bjam.call('NOCARE', all + res)
188 engine.set_target_variable(angle, 'SEARCH', [utility.get_value(inc) for inc in self.includes])
189 engine.set_target_variable(quoted, 'SEARCH', [b + utility.get_value(inc) for inc in self.includes])
190 engine.set_target_variable(res, 'SEARCH', [b + utility.get_value(inc) for inc in self.includes])
192 # Just propagate current scanner to includes, in a hope
193 # that includes do not change scanners.
194 get_manager().scanners().propagate(self, angle + quoted)
196 scanner.register(ResScanner, 'include')
197 type.set_scanner('RC', ResScanner)