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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / c-ares / test / README.md
1 c-ares Unit Test Suite
2 ======================
5 This directory holds unit tests for the c-ares library. To build the tests:
7 - Build the main c-ares library first, in the directory above this. To
8 enable tests of internal functions, configure the library build to expose
9 hidden symbols with `./configure --disable-symbol-hiding`.
10 - Generate a `configure` file by running `autoreconf -iv` (which requires
11 a local installation of
12 [autotools](https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/html_node/Autotools-Introduction.html)).
13 - `./configure`
14 - `make`
15 - Run the tests with `./arestest`, or `./arestest -v` for extra debug info.
17 Points to note:
19 - The tests are written in C++11, and so need a C++ compiler that supports
20 this. To avoid adding this as a requirement for the library, the
21 configuration and build of the tests is independent from the library.
22 - The tests include some live queries, which will fail when run on a machine
23 without internet connectivity. To skip live tests, run with
24 `./arestest --gtest_filter=-*.Live*`.
25 - The tests include queries of a mock DNS server. This server listens on port
26 5300 by default, but the port can be changed with the `-p 5300` option to
27 `arestest`.
30 Test Types
31 ----------
33 The test suite includes various different types of test.
35 - There are live tests (`ares-test-live.cc`), which assume that the
36 current machine has a valid DNS setup and connection to the
37 internet; these tests issue queries for real domains but don't
38 particularly check what gets returned. The tests will fail on
39 an offline machine.
40 - There are some mock tests (`ares-test-mock.cc`) that set up a fake DNS
41 server and inject its port into the c-ares library configuration.
42 These tests allow specific response messages to be crafted and
43 injected, and so are likely to be used for many more tests in
44 future.
45 - To make this generation/injection easier, the `dns-proto.h`
46 file includes C++ helper classes for building DNS packets.
47 - Other library entrypoints that don't require network activity
48 (e.g. `ares_parse_*_reply`) are tested directly.
49 - A couple of the tests use a helper method of the test fixture to
50 inject memory allocation failures, using a recent change to the
51 c-ares library that allows override of `malloc`/`free`.
52 - There are some tests of the internal entrypoints of the library
53 (`ares-test-internal.c`), but these are only enabled if the library
54 was configured with `--disable-symbol-hiding` and/or
55 `--enable-expose-statics`.
56 - There is also an entrypoint to allow Clang's
57 [libfuzzer](http://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html) to drive
58 the packet parsing code in `ares_parse_*_reply`, together with a
59 standalone wrapper for it (`./aresfuzz`) to allow use of command
60 line fuzzers (such as [afl-fuzz](http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/))
61 for further [fuzz testing](#fuzzing).
64 Code Coverage Information
65 -------------------------
67 To generate code coverage information:
69 - Configure both the library and the tests with `./configure
70 --enable-code-coverage` before building. This requires the relevant code
71 coverage tools ([gcov](https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Gcov.html),
72 [lcov](http://ltp.sourceforge.net/coverage/lcov.php)) to be installed locally.
73 - Run the tests with `test/arestest`.
74 - Generate code coverage output with `make code-coverage-capture` in the
75 library directory (i.e. not in `test/`).
78 Fuzzing
79 -------
81 ### libFuzzer
83 To fuzz the packet parsing code with libFuzzer, follow the main
84 [libFuzzer build instructions](http://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html#building):
86 - Configure the c-ares library and test suite with a recent Clang and a sanitizer, for example:
88 ```console
89 % export CFLAGS="-fsanitize=address -fsanitize-coverage=edge"
90 % export CC=clang
91 % ./configure --disable-shared && make
92 ```
93 - Download and build the libFuzzer code:
95 ```console
96 % cd test
97 % svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/Fuzzer
98 % clang++ -c -g -O2 -std=c++11 Fuzzer/*.cpp -IFuzzer
99 % ar ruv libFuzzer.a Fuzzer*.o
100 ```
101 - Link each of the fuzzer entrypoints in with `ares-fuzz.cc`:
103 ```
104 % $CC $CFLAGS -I.. -c ares-test-fuzz.c
105 % $CC $CFLAGS -I.. -c ares-test-fuzz-name.c
106 % clang++ $CFLAGS ares-test-fuzz.o ../.libs/libcares.a libFuzzer.a -o ares-libfuzzer
107 % clang++ $CFLAGS ares-test-fuzz-name.o ../.libs/libcares.a libFuzzer.a -o ares-libfuzzer-name
108 ```
109 - Run the fuzzer using the starting corpus with:
111 ```console
112 % ./ares-libfuzzer fuzzinput/ # OR
113 % ./ares-libfuzzer-name fuzznames/
114 ```
116 ### AFL
118 To fuzz using AFL, follow the
119 [AFL quick start guide](http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/QuickStartGuide.txt):
121 - Download and build AFL.
122 - Configure the c-ares library and test tool to use AFL's compiler wrappers:
124 ```console
125 % export CC=$AFLDIR/afl-gcc
126 % ./configure --disable-shared && make
127 % cd test && ./configure && make aresfuzz aresfuzzname
128 ```
130 - Run the AFL fuzzer against the starting corpus:
132 ```console
133 % mkdir fuzzoutput
134 % $AFLDIR/afl-fuzz -i fuzzinput -o fuzzoutput -- ./aresfuzz # OR
135 % $AFLDIR/afl-fuzz -i fuzznames -o fuzzoutput -- ./aresfuzzname
136 ```
138 ### AFL Persistent Mode
140 If a recent version of Clang is available, AFL can use its built-in compiler
141 instrumentation; this configuration also allows the use of a (much) faster
142 persistent mode, where multiple fuzz inputs are run for each process invocation.
144 - Download and build a recent AFL, and run `make` in the `llvm_mode`
145 subdirectory to ensure that `afl-clang-fast` gets built.
146 - Configure the c-ares library and test tool to use AFL's clang wrappers that
147 use compiler instrumentation:
149 ```console
150 % export CC=$AFLDIR/afl-clang-fast
151 % ./configure --disable-shared && make
152 % cd test && ./configure && make aresfuzz
153 ```
155 - Run the AFL fuzzer (in persistent mode) against the starting corpus:
157 ```console
158 % mkdir fuzzoutput
159 % $AFLDIR/afl-fuzz -i fuzzinput -o fuzzoutput -- ./aresfuzz
160 ```