]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/common/hobject.h
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / common / hobject.h
1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
3 /*
4 * Ceph - scalable distributed file system
5 *
6 * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil <sage@newdream.net>
7 *
8 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
11 * Foundation. See file COPYING.
12 *
13 */
15 #ifndef __CEPH_OS_HOBJECT_H
16 #define __CEPH_OS_HOBJECT_H
18 #include <string.h>
19 #include "include/types.h"
20 #include "include/object.h"
21 #include "include/cmp.h"
23 #include "json_spirit/json_spirit_value.h"
24 #include "include/assert.h" // spirit clobbers it!
26 namespace ceph {
27 class Formatter;
28 }
30 #ifndef UINT64_MAX
31 #define UINT64_MAX (18446744073709551615ULL)
32 #endif
33 #ifndef INT64_MIN
34 #define INT64_MIN ((int64_t)0x8000000000000000ll)
35 #endif
37 struct hobject_t {
38 object_t oid;
39 snapid_t snap;
40 private:
41 uint32_t hash;
42 bool max;
43 uint32_t nibblewise_key_cache;
44 uint32_t hash_reverse_bits;
45 static const int64_t POOL_META = -1;
46 static const int64_t POOL_TEMP_START = -2; // and then negative
47 friend class spg_t; // for POOL_TEMP_START
48 public:
49 int64_t pool;
50 string nspace;
52 private:
53 string key;
55 class hobject_t_max {};
57 public:
58 const string &get_key() const {
59 return key;
60 }
62 void set_key(const std::string &key_) {
63 if (key_ == oid.name)
64 key.clear();
65 else
66 key = key_;
67 }
69 string to_str() const;
71 uint32_t get_hash() const {
72 return hash;
73 }
74 void set_hash(uint32_t value) {
75 hash = value;
76 build_hash_cache();
77 }
79 static bool match_hash(uint32_t to_check, uint32_t bits, uint32_t match) {
80 return (match & ~((~0)<<bits)) == (to_check & ~((~0)<<bits));
81 }
82 bool match(uint32_t bits, uint32_t match) const {
83 return match_hash(hash, bits, match);
84 }
86 bool is_temp() const {
87 return pool <= POOL_TEMP_START && pool != INT64_MIN;
88 }
89 bool is_meta() const {
90 return pool == POOL_META;
91 }
93 hobject_t() : snap(0), hash(0), max(false), pool(INT64_MIN) {
94 build_hash_cache();
95 }
97 hobject_t(const hobject_t &rhs) = default;
98 hobject_t(hobject_t &&rhs) = default;
99 hobject_t(hobject_t_max &&singleton) : hobject_t() {
100 max = true;
101 }
102 hobject_t &operator=(const hobject_t &rhs) = default;
103 hobject_t &operator=(hobject_t &&rhs) = default;
104 hobject_t &operator=(hobject_t_max &&singleton) {
105 *this = hobject_t();
106 max = true;
107 return *this;
108 }
110 // maximum sorted value.
111 static hobject_t_max get_max() {
112 return hobject_t_max();
113 }
115 hobject_t(object_t oid, const string& key, snapid_t snap, uint32_t hash,
116 int64_t pool, string nspace)
117 : oid(oid), snap(snap), hash(hash), max(false),
118 pool(pool), nspace(nspace),
119 key(oid.name == key ? string() : key) {
120 build_hash_cache();
121 }
123 hobject_t(const sobject_t &soid, const string &key, uint32_t hash,
124 int64_t pool, string nspace)
125 : oid(soid.oid), snap(soid.snap), hash(hash), max(false),
126 pool(pool), nspace(nspace),
127 key(soid.oid.name == key ? string() : key) {
128 build_hash_cache();
129 }
131 /// @return min hobject_t ret s.t. ret.hash == this->hash
132 hobject_t get_boundary() const {
133 if (is_max())
134 return *this;
135 hobject_t ret;
136 ret.set_hash(hash);
137 ret.pool = pool;
138 return ret;
139 }
141 hobject_t get_object_boundary() const {
142 if (is_max())
143 return *this;
144 hobject_t ret = *this;
145 ret.snap = 0;
146 return ret;
147 }
149 /// @return head version of this hobject_t
150 hobject_t get_head() const {
151 hobject_t ret(*this);
152 ret.snap = CEPH_NOSNAP;
153 return ret;
154 }
156 /// @return snapdir version of this hobject_t
157 hobject_t get_snapdir() const {
158 hobject_t ret(*this);
159 ret.snap = CEPH_SNAPDIR;
160 return ret;
161 }
163 /// @return true if object is snapdir
164 bool is_snapdir() const {
165 return snap == CEPH_SNAPDIR;
166 }
168 /// @return true if object is head
169 bool is_head() const {
170 return snap == CEPH_NOSNAP;
171 }
173 /// @return true if object is neither head nor snapdir nor max
174 bool is_snap() const {
175 return !is_max() && !is_head() && !is_snapdir();
176 }
178 /// @return true iff the object should have a snapset in it's attrs
179 bool has_snapset() const {
180 return is_head() || is_snapdir();
181 }
183 /* Do not use when a particular hash function is needed */
184 explicit hobject_t(const sobject_t &o) :
185 oid(o.oid), snap(o.snap), max(false), pool(POOL_META) {
186 set_hash(std::hash<sobject_t>()(o));
187 }
189 bool is_max() const {
190 assert(!max || (*this == hobject_t(hobject_t::get_max())));
191 return max;
192 }
193 bool is_min() const {
194 // this needs to match how it's constructed
195 return snap == 0 &&
196 hash == 0 &&
197 !max &&
198 pool == INT64_MIN;
199 }
201 static uint32_t _reverse_bits(uint32_t v) {
202 if (v == 0)
203 return v;
204 // reverse bits
205 // swap odd and even bits
206 v = ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555) | ((v & 0x55555555) << 1);
207 // swap consecutive pairs
208 v = ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333) | ((v & 0x33333333) << 2);
209 // swap nibbles ...
210 v = ((v >> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F) | ((v & 0x0F0F0F0F) << 4);
211 // swap bytes
212 v = ((v >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) | ((v & 0x00FF00FF) << 8);
213 // swap 2-byte long pairs
214 v = ( v >> 16 ) | ( v << 16);
215 return v;
216 }
217 static uint32_t _reverse_nibbles(uint32_t retval) {
218 // reverse nibbles
219 retval = ((retval & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 4) | ((retval & 0xf0f0f0f0) >> 4);
220 retval = ((retval & 0x00ff00ff) << 8) | ((retval & 0xff00ff00) >> 8);
221 retval = ((retval & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((retval & 0xffff0000) >> 16);
222 return retval;
223 }
225 /**
226 * Returns set S of strings such that for any object
227 * h where h.match(bits, mask), there is some string
228 * s \f$\in\f$ S such that s is a prefix of h.to_str().
229 * Furthermore, for any s $f\in\f$ S, s is a prefix of
230 * h.str() implies that h.match(bits, mask).
231 */
232 static set<string> get_prefixes(
233 uint32_t bits,
234 uint32_t mask,
235 int64_t pool);
237 // filestore nibble-based key
238 uint32_t get_nibblewise_key_u32() const {
239 assert(!max);
240 return nibblewise_key_cache;
241 }
242 uint64_t get_nibblewise_key() const {
243 return max ? 0x100000000ull : nibblewise_key_cache;
244 }
246 // newer bit-reversed key
247 uint32_t get_bitwise_key_u32() const {
248 assert(!max);
249 return hash_reverse_bits;
250 }
251 uint64_t get_bitwise_key() const {
252 return max ? 0x100000000ull : hash_reverse_bits;
253 }
255 // please remember to update set_bitwise_key_u32() also
256 // once you change build_hash_cache()
257 void build_hash_cache() {
258 nibblewise_key_cache = _reverse_nibbles(hash);
259 hash_reverse_bits = _reverse_bits(hash);
260 }
261 void set_bitwise_key_u32(uint32_t value) {
262 hash = _reverse_bits(value);
263 // below is identical to build_hash_cache() and shall be
264 // updated correspondingly if you change build_hash_cache()
265 nibblewise_key_cache = _reverse_nibbles(hash);
266 hash_reverse_bits = value;
267 }
269 const string& get_effective_key() const {
270 if (key.length())
271 return key;
272 return oid.name;
273 }
275 hobject_t make_temp_hobject(const string& name) const {
276 return hobject_t(object_t(name), "", CEPH_NOSNAP,
277 hash,
278 hobject_t::POOL_TEMP_START - pool, "");
279 }
281 void swap(hobject_t &o) {
282 hobject_t temp(o);
283 o = (*this);
284 (*this) = temp;
285 }
287 const string &get_namespace() const {
288 return nspace;
289 }
291 bool parse(const string& s);
293 void encode(bufferlist& bl) const;
294 void decode(bufferlist::iterator& bl);
295 void decode(json_spirit::Value& v);
296 void dump(Formatter *f) const;
297 static void generate_test_instances(list<hobject_t*>& o);
298 friend int cmp(const hobject_t& l, const hobject_t& r);
299 friend bool operator>(const hobject_t& l, const hobject_t& r) {
300 return cmp(l, r) > 0;
301 }
302 friend bool operator>=(const hobject_t& l, const hobject_t& r) {
303 return cmp(l, r) >= 0;
304 }
305 friend bool operator<(const hobject_t& l, const hobject_t& r) {
306 return cmp(l, r) < 0;
307 }
308 friend bool operator<=(const hobject_t& l, const hobject_t& r) {
309 return cmp(l, r) <= 0;
310 }
311 friend bool operator==(const hobject_t&, const hobject_t&);
312 friend bool operator!=(const hobject_t&, const hobject_t&);
313 friend struct ghobject_t;
314 };
315 WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(hobject_t)
317 namespace std {
318 template<> struct hash<hobject_t> {
319 size_t operator()(const hobject_t &r) const {
320 static rjhash<uint64_t> I;
321 return r.get_hash() ^ I(r.snap);
322 }
323 };
324 } // namespace std
326 ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const hobject_t& o);
328 WRITE_EQ_OPERATORS_7(hobject_t, hash, oid, get_key(), snap, pool, max, nspace)
330 template <typename T>
331 struct always_false {
332 using value = std::false_type;
333 };
335 template <typename T>
336 inline bool operator==(const hobject_t &lhs, const T&) {
337 static_assert(always_false<T>::value::value, "Do not compare to get_max()");
338 return lhs.is_max();
339 }
340 template <typename T>
341 inline bool operator==(const T&, const hobject_t &rhs) {
342 static_assert(always_false<T>::value::value, "Do not compare to get_max()");
343 return rhs.is_max();
344 }
345 template <typename T>
346 inline bool operator!=(const hobject_t &lhs, const T&) {
347 static_assert(always_false<T>::value::value, "Do not compare to get_max()");
348 return !lhs.is_max();
349 }
350 template <typename T>
351 inline bool operator!=(const T&, const hobject_t &rhs) {
352 static_assert(always_false<T>::value::value, "Do not compare to get_max()");
353 return !rhs.is_max();
354 }
356 extern int cmp(const hobject_t& l, const hobject_t& r);
357 template <typename T>
358 static inline int cmp(const hobject_t &l, const T&) {
359 static_assert(always_false<T>::value::value, "Do not compare to get_max()");
360 return l.is_max() ? 0 : -1;
361 }
362 template <typename T>
363 static inline int cmp(const T&, const hobject_t&r) {
364 static_assert(always_false<T>::value::value, "Do not compare to get_max()");
365 return r.is_max() ? 0 : 1;
366 }
370 typedef version_t gen_t;
372 struct ghobject_t {
373 hobject_t hobj;
374 gen_t generation;
375 shard_id_t shard_id;
376 bool max;
378 public:
379 static const gen_t NO_GEN = UINT64_MAX;
381 ghobject_t()
382 : generation(NO_GEN),
383 shard_id(shard_id_t::NO_SHARD),
384 max(false) {}
386 explicit ghobject_t(const hobject_t &obj)
387 : hobj(obj),
388 generation(NO_GEN),
389 shard_id(shard_id_t::NO_SHARD),
390 max(false) {}
392 ghobject_t(const hobject_t &obj, gen_t gen, shard_id_t shard)
393 : hobj(obj),
394 generation(gen),
395 shard_id(shard),
396 max(false) {}
398 static ghobject_t make_pgmeta(int64_t pool, uint32_t hash, shard_id_t shard) {
399 hobject_t h(object_t(), string(), CEPH_NOSNAP, hash, pool, string());
400 return ghobject_t(h, NO_GEN, shard);
401 }
402 bool is_pgmeta() const {
403 // make sure we are distinct from hobject_t(), which has pool INT64_MIN
404 return hobj.pool >= 0 && hobj.oid.name.empty();
405 }
407 bool match(uint32_t bits, uint32_t match) const {
408 return hobj.match_hash(hobj.hash, bits, match);
409 }
410 /// @return min ghobject_t ret s.t. ret.hash == this->hash
411 ghobject_t get_boundary() const {
412 if (hobj.is_max())
413 return *this;
414 ghobject_t ret;
415 ret.hobj.set_hash(hobj.hash);
416 ret.shard_id = shard_id;
417 ret.hobj.pool = hobj.pool;
418 return ret;
419 }
420 uint32_t get_nibblewise_key_u32() const {
421 return hobj.get_nibblewise_key_u32();
422 }
423 uint32_t get_nibblewise_key() const {
424 return hobj.get_nibblewise_key();
425 }
427 bool is_degenerate() const {
428 return generation == NO_GEN && shard_id == shard_id_t::NO_SHARD;
429 }
431 bool is_no_gen() const {
432 return generation == NO_GEN;
433 }
435 bool is_no_shard() const {
436 return shard_id == shard_id_t::NO_SHARD;
437 }
439 void set_shard(shard_id_t s) {
440 shard_id = s;
441 }
443 bool parse(const string& s);
445 // maximum sorted value.
446 static ghobject_t get_max() {
447 ghobject_t h;
448 h.max = true;
449 h.hobj = hobject_t::get_max(); // so that is_max() => hobj.is_max()
450 return h;
451 }
452 bool is_max() const {
453 return max;
454 }
455 bool is_min() const {
456 return *this == ghobject_t();
457 }
459 void swap(ghobject_t &o) {
460 ghobject_t temp(o);
461 o = (*this);
462 (*this) = temp;
463 }
465 void encode(bufferlist& bl) const;
466 void decode(bufferlist::iterator& bl);
467 void decode(json_spirit::Value& v);
468 size_t encoded_size() const;
469 void dump(Formatter *f) const;
470 static void generate_test_instances(list<ghobject_t*>& o);
471 friend int cmp(const ghobject_t& l, const ghobject_t& r);
472 friend bool operator>(const ghobject_t& l, const ghobject_t& r) {
473 return cmp(l, r) > 0;
474 }
475 friend bool operator>=(const ghobject_t& l, const ghobject_t& r) {
476 return cmp(l, r) >= 0;
477 }
478 friend bool operator<(const ghobject_t& l, const ghobject_t& r) {
479 return cmp(l, r) < 0;
480 }
481 friend bool operator<=(const ghobject_t& l, const ghobject_t& r) {
482 return cmp(l, r) <= 0;
483 }
484 friend bool operator==(const ghobject_t&, const ghobject_t&);
485 friend bool operator!=(const ghobject_t&, const ghobject_t&);
487 };
488 WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(ghobject_t)
490 namespace std {
491 template<> struct hash<ghobject_t> {
492 size_t operator()(const ghobject_t &r) const {
493 static rjhash<uint64_t> I;
494 return r.hobj.get_hash() ^ I(r.hobj.snap);
495 }
496 };
497 } // namespace std
499 ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const ghobject_t& o);
501 WRITE_EQ_OPERATORS_4(ghobject_t, max, shard_id, hobj, generation)
503 extern int cmp(const ghobject_t& l, const ghobject_t& r);
506 #endif