]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/crimson/os/alienstore/alien_store.cc
update ceph source to reef 18.1.2
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / crimson / os / alienstore / alien_store.cc
1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
4 #include "alien_collection.h"
5 #include "alien_store.h"
6 #include "alien_log.h"
8 #include <algorithm>
9 #include <iterator>
10 #include <map>
11 #include <string_view>
12 #include <boost/algorithm/string/trim.hpp>
13 #include <boost/iterator/counting_iterator.hpp>
14 #include <fmt/format.h>
15 #include <fmt/ostream.h>
17 #include <seastar/core/alien.hh>
18 #include <seastar/core/future-util.hh>
19 #include <seastar/core/reactor.hh>
20 #include <seastar/core/resource.hh>
22 #include "common/ceph_context.h"
23 #include "global/global_context.h"
24 #include "include/Context.h"
25 #include "os/ObjectStore.h"
26 #include "os/Transaction.h"
28 #include "crimson/common/config_proxy.h"
29 #include "crimson/common/log.h"
30 #include "crimson/os/futurized_store.h"
32 using std::map;
33 using std::set;
34 using std::string;
36 namespace {
38 seastar::logger& logger()
39 {
40 return crimson::get_logger(ceph_subsys_alienstore);
41 }
43 class OnCommit final: public Context
44 {
45 const int cpuid;
46 seastar::alien::instance &alien;
47 seastar::promise<> &alien_done;
48 public:
49 OnCommit(
50 int id,
51 seastar::promise<> &done,
52 seastar::alien::instance &alien,
53 ceph::os::Transaction& txn)
54 : cpuid(id),
55 alien(alien),
56 alien_done(done) {
57 }
59 void finish(int) final {
60 return seastar::alien::submit_to(alien, cpuid, [this] {
61 alien_done.set_value();
62 return seastar::make_ready_future<>();
63 }).wait();
64 }
65 };
66 }
68 namespace crimson::os {
70 using crimson::common::get_conf;
72 AlienStore::AlienStore(const std::string& type,
73 const std::string& path,
74 const ConfigValues& values)
75 : type(type),
76 path{path},
77 values(values)
78 {
79 }
81 AlienStore::~AlienStore()
82 {
83 }
85 seastar::future<> AlienStore::start()
86 {
87 cct = std::make_unique<CephContext>(
89 CephContext::create_options { CODE_ENVIRONMENT_UTILITY, 0,
90 [](const ceph::logging::SubsystemMap* subsys_map) {
91 return new ceph::logging::CnLog(subsys_map, seastar::engine().alien(), seastar::this_shard_id());
92 }
93 }
94 );
95 g_ceph_context = cct.get();
96 cct->_conf.set_config_values(values);
97 cct->_log->start();
99 store = ObjectStore::create(cct.get(), type, path);
100 if (!store) {
101 ceph_abort_msgf("unsupported objectstore type: %s", type.c_str());
102 }
103 auto cpu_cores = seastar::resource::parse_cpuset(
104 get_conf<std::string>("crimson_alien_thread_cpu_cores"));
105 // cores except the first "N_CORES_FOR_SEASTAR" ones will
106 // be used for alien threads scheduling:
107 // [0, N_CORES_FOR_SEASTAR) are reserved for seastar reactors
108 // [N_CORES_FOR_SEASTAR, ..] are assigned to alien threads.
109 if (!cpu_cores.has_value()) {
110 seastar::resource::cpuset cpuset;
111 std::copy(boost::counting_iterator<unsigned>(N_CORES_FOR_SEASTAR),
112 boost::counting_iterator<unsigned>(sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN)),
113 std::inserter(cpuset, cpuset.end()));
114 if (cpuset.empty()) {
115 logger().error("{}: unable to get nproc: {}", __func__, errno);
116 } else {
117 cpu_cores = cpuset;
118 }
119 }
120 const auto num_threads =
121 get_conf<uint64_t>("crimson_alien_op_num_threads");
122 tp = std::make_unique<crimson::os::ThreadPool>(num_threads, 128, cpu_cores);
123 return tp->start();
124 }
126 seastar::future<> AlienStore::stop()
127 {
128 if (!tp) {
129 // not really started yet
130 return seastar::now();
131 }
132 return tp->submit([this] {
133 for (auto [cid, ch]: coll_map) {
134 static_cast<AlienCollection*>(ch.get())->collection.reset();
135 }
136 store.reset();
137 cct.reset();
138 g_ceph_context = nullptr;
140 }).then([this] {
141 return tp->stop();
142 });
143 }
145 AlienStore::mount_ertr::future<> AlienStore::mount()
146 {
147 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
148 assert(tp);
149 return tp->submit([this] {
150 return store->mount();
151 }).then([] (const int r) -> mount_ertr::future<> {
152 if (r != 0) {
153 return crimson::stateful_ec{
154 std::error_code(-r, std::generic_category()) };
155 } else {
156 return mount_ertr::now();
157 }
158 });
159 }
161 seastar::future<> AlienStore::umount()
162 {
163 logger().info("{}", __func__);
164 if (!tp) {
165 // not really started yet
166 return seastar::now();
167 }
168 return op_gate.close().then([this] {
169 return tp->submit([this] {
170 return store->umount();
171 });
172 }).then([] (int r) {
173 assert(r == 0);
174 return seastar::now();
175 });
176 }
178 AlienStore::mkfs_ertr::future<> AlienStore::mkfs(uuid_d osd_fsid)
179 {
180 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
181 store->set_fsid(osd_fsid);
182 assert(tp);
183 return tp->submit([this] {
184 return store->mkfs();
185 }).then([] (int r) -> mkfs_ertr::future<> {
186 if (r != 0) {
187 return crimson::stateful_ec{
188 std::error_code(-r, std::generic_category()) };
189 } else {
190 return mkfs_ertr::now();
191 }
192 });
193 }
195 seastar::future<std::tuple<std::vector<ghobject_t>, ghobject_t>>
196 AlienStore::list_objects(CollectionRef ch,
197 const ghobject_t& start,
198 const ghobject_t& end,
199 uint64_t limit) const
200 {
201 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
202 assert(tp);
203 return do_with_op_gate(std::vector<ghobject_t>(), ghobject_t(),
204 [=, this] (auto &objects, auto &next) {
205 objects.reserve(limit);
206 return tp->submit(ch->get_cid().hash_to_shard(tp->size()),
207 [=, this, &objects, &next] {
208 auto c = static_cast<AlienCollection*>(ch.get());
209 return store->collection_list(c->collection, start, end,
210 store->get_ideal_list_max(),
211 &objects, &next);
212 }).then([&objects, &next] (int r) {
213 assert(r == 0);
214 return seastar::make_ready_future<
215 std::tuple<std::vector<ghobject_t>, ghobject_t>>(
216 std::move(objects), std::move(next));
217 });
218 });
219 }
221 seastar::future<CollectionRef> AlienStore::create_new_collection(const coll_t& cid)
222 {
223 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
224 assert(tp);
225 return tp->submit([this, cid] {
226 return store->create_new_collection(cid);
227 }).then([this, cid] (ObjectStore::CollectionHandle c) {
228 CollectionRef ch;
229 auto cp = coll_map.find(c->cid);
230 if (cp == coll_map.end()) {
231 ch = new AlienCollection(c);
232 coll_map[c->cid] = ch;
233 } else {
234 ch = cp->second;
235 auto ach = static_cast<AlienCollection*>(ch.get());
236 if (ach->collection != c) {
237 ach->collection = c;
238 }
239 }
240 return seastar::make_ready_future<CollectionRef>(ch);
241 });
243 }
245 seastar::future<CollectionRef> AlienStore::open_collection(const coll_t& cid)
246 {
247 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
248 assert(tp);
249 return tp->submit([this, cid] {
250 return store->open_collection(cid);
251 }).then([this] (ObjectStore::CollectionHandle c) {
252 if (!c) {
253 return seastar::make_ready_future<CollectionRef>();
254 }
255 CollectionRef ch;
256 auto cp = coll_map.find(c->cid);
257 if (cp == coll_map.end()){
258 ch = new AlienCollection(c);
259 coll_map[c->cid] = ch;
260 } else {
261 ch = cp->second;
262 auto ach = static_cast<AlienCollection*>(ch.get());
263 if (ach->collection != c){
264 ach->collection = c;
265 }
266 }
267 return seastar::make_ready_future<CollectionRef>(ch);
268 });
269 }
271 seastar::future<std::vector<coll_core_t>> AlienStore::list_collections()
272 {
273 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
274 assert(tp);
276 return do_with_op_gate(std::vector<coll_t>{}, [this] (auto &ls) {
277 return tp->submit([this, &ls] {
278 return store->list_collections(ls);
279 }).then([&ls] (int r) -> seastar::future<std::vector<coll_core_t>> {
280 assert(r == 0);
281 std::vector<coll_core_t> ret;
282 ret.resize(ls.size());
283 std::transform(
284 ls.begin(), ls.end(), ret.begin(),
285 [](auto p) { return std::make_pair(p, NULL_CORE); });
286 return seastar::make_ready_future<std::vector<coll_core_t>>(std::move(ret));
287 });
288 });
289 }
291 AlienStore::read_errorator::future<ceph::bufferlist>
292 AlienStore::read(CollectionRef ch,
293 const ghobject_t& oid,
294 uint64_t offset,
295 size_t len,
296 uint32_t op_flags)
297 {
298 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
299 assert(tp);
300 return do_with_op_gate(ceph::bufferlist{}, [=, this] (auto &bl) {
301 return tp->submit(ch->get_cid().hash_to_shard(tp->size()), [=, this, &bl] {
302 auto c = static_cast<AlienCollection*>(ch.get());
303 return store->read(c->collection, oid, offset, len, bl, op_flags);
304 }).then([&bl] (int r) -> read_errorator::future<ceph::bufferlist> {
305 if (r == -ENOENT) {
306 return crimson::ct_error::enoent::make();
307 } else if (r == -EIO) {
308 return crimson::ct_error::input_output_error::make();
309 } else {
310 return read_errorator::make_ready_future<ceph::bufferlist>(
311 std::move(bl));
312 }
313 });
314 });
315 }
317 AlienStore::read_errorator::future<ceph::bufferlist>
318 AlienStore::readv(CollectionRef ch,
319 const ghobject_t& oid,
320 interval_set<uint64_t>& m,
321 uint32_t op_flags)
322 {
323 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
324 assert(tp);
325 return do_with_op_gate(ceph::bufferlist{},
326 [this, ch, oid, &m, op_flags](auto& bl) {
327 return tp->submit(ch->get_cid().hash_to_shard(tp->size()),
328 [this, ch, oid, &m, op_flags, &bl] {
329 auto c = static_cast<AlienCollection*>(ch.get());
330 return store->readv(c->collection, oid, m, bl, op_flags);
331 }).then([&bl](int r) -> read_errorator::future<ceph::bufferlist> {
332 if (r == -ENOENT) {
333 return crimson::ct_error::enoent::make();
334 } else if (r == -EIO) {
335 return crimson::ct_error::input_output_error::make();
336 } else {
337 return read_errorator::make_ready_future<ceph::bufferlist>(
338 std::move(bl));
339 }
340 });
341 });
342 }
344 AlienStore::get_attr_errorator::future<ceph::bufferlist>
345 AlienStore::get_attr(CollectionRef ch,
346 const ghobject_t& oid,
347 std::string_view name) const
348 {
349 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
350 assert(tp);
351 return do_with_op_gate(ceph::bufferlist{}, std::string{name},
352 [=, this] (auto &value, const auto& name) {
353 return tp->submit(ch->get_cid().hash_to_shard(tp->size()), [=, this, &value, &name] {
354 // XXX: `name` isn't a `std::string_view` anymore! it had to be converted
355 // to `std::string` for the sake of extending life-time not only of
356 // a _ptr-to-data_ but _data_ as well. Otherwise we would run into a use-
357 // after-free issue.
358 auto c = static_cast<AlienCollection*>(ch.get());
359 return store->getattr(c->collection, oid, name.c_str(), value);
360 }).then([oid, &value](int r) -> get_attr_errorator::future<ceph::bufferlist> {
361 if (r == -ENOENT) {
362 return crimson::ct_error::enoent::make();
363 } else if (r == -ENODATA) {
364 return crimson::ct_error::enodata::make();
365 } else {
366 return get_attr_errorator::make_ready_future<ceph::bufferlist>(
367 std::move(value));
368 }
369 });
370 });
371 }
373 AlienStore::get_attrs_ertr::future<AlienStore::attrs_t>
374 AlienStore::get_attrs(CollectionRef ch,
375 const ghobject_t& oid)
376 {
377 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
378 assert(tp);
379 return do_with_op_gate(attrs_t{}, [=, this] (auto &aset) {
380 return tp->submit(ch->get_cid().hash_to_shard(tp->size()), [=, this, &aset] {
381 auto c = static_cast<AlienCollection*>(ch.get());
382 const auto r = store->getattrs(c->collection, oid, aset);
383 return r;
384 }).then([&aset] (int r) -> get_attrs_ertr::future<attrs_t> {
385 if (r == -ENOENT) {
386 return crimson::ct_error::enoent::make();
387 } else {
388 return get_attrs_ertr::make_ready_future<attrs_t>(std::move(aset));
389 }
390 });
391 });
392 }
394 auto AlienStore::omap_get_values(CollectionRef ch,
395 const ghobject_t& oid,
396 const set<string>& keys)
397 -> read_errorator::future<omap_values_t>
398 {
399 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
400 assert(tp);
401 return do_with_op_gate(omap_values_t{}, [=, this] (auto &values) {
402 return tp->submit(ch->get_cid().hash_to_shard(tp->size()), [=, this, &values] {
403 auto c = static_cast<AlienCollection*>(ch.get());
404 return store->omap_get_values(c->collection, oid, keys,
405 reinterpret_cast<map<string, bufferlist>*>(&values));
406 }).then([&values] (int r) -> read_errorator::future<omap_values_t> {
407 if (r == -ENOENT) {
408 return crimson::ct_error::enoent::make();
409 } else {
410 assert(r == 0);
411 return read_errorator::make_ready_future<omap_values_t>(
412 std::move(values));
413 }
414 });
415 });
416 }
418 auto AlienStore::omap_get_values(CollectionRef ch,
419 const ghobject_t &oid,
420 const std::optional<string> &start)
421 -> read_errorator::future<std::tuple<bool, omap_values_t>>
422 {
423 logger().debug("{} with_start", __func__);
424 assert(tp);
425 return do_with_op_gate(omap_values_t{}, [=, this] (auto &values) {
426 return tp->submit(ch->get_cid().hash_to_shard(tp->size()), [=, this, &values] {
427 auto c = static_cast<AlienCollection*>(ch.get());
428 return store->omap_get_values(c->collection, oid, start,
429 reinterpret_cast<map<string, bufferlist>*>(&values));
430 }).then([&values] (int r)
431 -> read_errorator::future<std::tuple<bool, omap_values_t>> {
432 if (r == -ENOENT) {
433 return crimson::ct_error::enoent::make();
434 } else if (r < 0){
435 logger().error("omap_get_values(start): {}", r);
436 return crimson::ct_error::input_output_error::make();
437 } else {
438 return read_errorator::make_ready_future<std::tuple<bool, omap_values_t>>(
439 true, std::move(values));
440 }
441 });
442 });
443 }
445 seastar::future<> AlienStore::do_transaction_no_callbacks(
446 CollectionRef ch,
447 ceph::os::Transaction&& txn)
448 {
449 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
450 auto id = seastar::this_shard_id();
451 auto done = seastar::promise<>();
452 return do_with_op_gate(
453 std::move(txn),
454 std::move(done),
455 [this, ch, id] (auto &txn, auto &done) {
456 AlienCollection* alien_coll = static_cast<AlienCollection*>(ch.get());
457 // moving the `ch` is crucial for buildability on newer S* versions.
458 return alien_coll->with_lock([this, ch=std::move(ch), id, &txn, &done] {
459 assert(tp);
460 return tp->submit(ch->get_cid().hash_to_shard(tp->size()),
461 [this, ch, id, &txn, &done, &alien=seastar::engine().alien()] {
462 txn.register_on_commit(new OnCommit(id, done, alien, txn));
463 auto c = static_cast<AlienCollection*>(ch.get());
464 return store->queue_transaction(c->collection, std::move(txn));
465 });
466 }).then([&done] (int r) {
467 assert(r == 0);
468 return done.get_future();
469 });
470 });
471 }
473 seastar::future<> AlienStore::inject_data_error(const ghobject_t& o)
474 {
475 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
476 assert(tp);
477 return seastar::with_gate(op_gate, [=, this] {
478 return tp->submit([o, this] {
479 return store->inject_data_error(o);
480 });
481 });
482 }
484 seastar::future<> AlienStore::inject_mdata_error(const ghobject_t& o)
485 {
486 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
487 assert(tp);
488 return seastar::with_gate(op_gate, [=, this] {
489 return tp->submit([=, this] {
490 return store->inject_mdata_error(o);
491 });
492 });
493 }
495 seastar::future<> AlienStore::write_meta(const std::string& key,
496 const std::string& value)
497 {
498 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
499 assert(tp);
500 return seastar::with_gate(op_gate, [=, this] {
501 return tp->submit([=, this] {
502 return store->write_meta(key, value);
503 }).then([] (int r) {
504 assert(r == 0);
505 return seastar::make_ready_future<>();
506 });
507 });
508 }
510 seastar::future<std::tuple<int, std::string>>
511 AlienStore::read_meta(const std::string& key)
512 {
513 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
514 assert(tp);
515 return seastar::with_gate(op_gate, [this, key] {
516 return tp->submit([this, key] {
517 std::string value;
518 int r = store->read_meta(key, &value);
519 if (r > 0) {
520 value.resize(r);
521 boost::algorithm::trim_right_if(value,
522 [] (unsigned char c) {return isspace(c);});
523 } else {
524 value.clear();
525 }
526 return std::make_pair(r, value);
527 }).then([] (auto entry) {
528 return seastar::make_ready_future<std::tuple<int, std::string>>(
529 std::move(entry));
530 });
531 });
532 }
534 uuid_d AlienStore::get_fsid() const
535 {
536 logger().debug("{}", __func__);
537 return store->get_fsid();
538 }
540 seastar::future<store_statfs_t> AlienStore::stat() const
541 {
542 logger().info("{}", __func__);
543 assert(tp);
544 return do_with_op_gate(store_statfs_t{}, [this] (store_statfs_t &st) {
545 return tp->submit([this, &st] {
546 return store->statfs(&st, nullptr);
547 }).then([&st] (int r) {
548 assert(r == 0);
549 return seastar::make_ready_future<store_statfs_t>(std::move(st));
550 });
551 });
552 }
554 unsigned AlienStore::get_max_attr_name_length() const
555 {
556 logger().info("{}", __func__);
557 return 256;
558 }
560 seastar::future<struct stat> AlienStore::stat(
561 CollectionRef ch,
562 const ghobject_t& oid)
563 {
564 assert(tp);
565 return do_with_op_gate((struct stat){}, [this, ch, oid](auto& st) {
566 return tp->submit(ch->get_cid().hash_to_shard(tp->size()), [this, ch, oid, &st] {
567 auto c = static_cast<AlienCollection*>(ch.get());
568 store->stat(c->collection, oid, &st);
569 return st;
570 });
571 });
572 }
574 auto AlienStore::omap_get_header(CollectionRef ch,
575 const ghobject_t& oid)
576 -> get_attr_errorator::future<ceph::bufferlist>
577 {
578 assert(tp);
579 return do_with_op_gate(ceph::bufferlist(), [=, this](auto& bl) {
580 return tp->submit(ch->get_cid().hash_to_shard(tp->size()), [=, this, &bl] {
581 auto c = static_cast<AlienCollection*>(ch.get());
582 return store->omap_get_header(c->collection, oid, &bl);
583 }).then([&bl](int r) -> get_attr_errorator::future<ceph::bufferlist> {
584 if (r == -ENOENT) {
585 return crimson::ct_error::enoent::make();
586 } else if (r < 0) {
587 logger().error("omap_get_header: {}", r);
588 ceph_assert(0 == "impossible");
589 } else {
590 return get_attr_errorator::make_ready_future<ceph::bufferlist>(
591 std::move(bl));
592 }
593 });
594 });
595 }
597 AlienStore::read_errorator::future<std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t>> AlienStore::fiemap(
598 CollectionRef ch,
599 const ghobject_t& oid,
600 uint64_t off,
601 uint64_t len)
602 {
603 assert(tp);
604 return do_with_op_gate(std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t>(), [=, this](auto& destmap) {
605 return tp->submit(ch->get_cid().hash_to_shard(tp->size()), [=, this, &destmap] {
606 auto c = static_cast<AlienCollection*>(ch.get());
607 return store->fiemap(c->collection, oid, off, len, destmap);
608 }).then([&destmap](int r)
609 -> read_errorator::future<std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t>> {
610 if (r == -ENOENT) {
611 return crimson::ct_error::enoent::make();
612 } else {
613 return read_errorator::make_ready_future<std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t>>(
614 std::move(destmap));
615 }
616 });
617 });
618 }
620 }