]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/crimson/osd/main_config_bootstrap_helpers.cc
add stop-gap to fix compat with CPUs not supporting SSE 4.1
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / crimson / osd / main_config_bootstrap_helpers.cc
1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
4 #include "crimson/osd/main_config_bootstrap_helpers.h"
6 #include <seastar/core/print.hh>
7 #include <seastar/core/prometheus.hh>
8 #include <seastar/core/thread.hh>
9 #include <seastar/http/httpd.hh>
10 #include <seastar/net/inet_address.hh>
11 #include <seastar/util/closeable.hh>
12 #include <seastar/util/defer.hh>
13 #include <seastar/util/std-compat.hh>
15 #include "common/ceph_argparse.h"
16 #include "common/config_tracker.h"
17 #include "crimson/common/buffer_io.h"
18 #include "crimson/common/config_proxy.h"
19 #include "crimson/common/fatal_signal.h"
20 #include "crimson/mon/MonClient.h"
21 #include "crimson/net/Messenger.h"
22 #include "crimson/osd/main_config_bootstrap_helpers.h"
24 using namespace std::literals;
25 using crimson::common::local_conf;
26 using crimson::common::sharded_conf;
27 using crimson::common::sharded_perf_coll;
29 static seastar::logger& logger()
30 {
31 return crimson::get_logger(ceph_subsys_osd);
32 }
34 namespace crimson::osd {
36 void usage(const char* prog)
37 {
38 std::cout << "usage: " << prog << std::endl;
39 generic_server_usage();
40 }
43 seastar::future<> populate_config_from_mon()
44 {
45 logger().info("populating config from monitor");
46 // i don't have any client before joining the cluster, so no need to have
47 // a proper auth handler
48 class DummyAuthHandler : public crimson::common::AuthHandler {
49 public:
50 void handle_authentication(const EntityName& name,
51 const AuthCapsInfo& caps)
52 {}
53 };
54 return seastar::async([] {
55 auto auth_handler = std::make_unique<DummyAuthHandler>();
56 auto msgr = crimson::net::Messenger::create(entity_name_t::CLIENT(),
57 "temp_mon_client",
58 get_nonce());
59 crimson::mon::Client monc{*msgr, *auth_handler};
60 msgr->set_auth_client(&monc);
61 msgr->start({&monc}).get();
62 auto stop_msgr = seastar::defer([&] {
63 msgr->stop();
64 msgr->shutdown().get();
65 });
66 monc.start().handle_exception([] (auto ep) {
67 fmt::print(std::cerr, "FATAL: unable to connect to cluster: {}\n", ep);
68 return seastar::make_exception_future<>(ep);
69 }).get();
70 auto stop_monc = seastar::defer([&] {
71 monc.stop().get();
72 });
73 monc.sub_want("config", 0, 0);
74 monc.renew_subs().get();
75 // wait for monmap and config
76 monc.wait_for_config().get();
77 auto fsid = monc.get_fsid().to_string();
78 local_conf().set_val("fsid", fsid).get();
79 logger().debug("{}: got config from monitor, fsid {}", __func__, fsid);
80 });
81 }
83 static tl::expected<early_config_t, int>
84 _get_early_config(int argc, const char *argv[])
85 {
86 early_config_t ret;
88 // pull off ceph configs the stuff from early_args
89 std::vector<const char *> early_args;
90 early_args.insert(
91 std::end(early_args),
92 argv, argv + argc);
94 ret.init_params = ceph_argparse_early_args(
95 early_args,
97 &ret.cluster_name,
98 &ret.conf_file_list);
100 if (ceph_argparse_need_usage(early_args)) {
101 usage(argv[0]);
102 exit(0);
103 }
105 seastar::app_template::config app_cfg;
106 app_cfg.name = "Crimson-startup";
107 app_cfg.auto_handle_sigint_sigterm = false;
108 seastar::app_template app(std::move(app_cfg));
109 const char *bootstrap_args[] = { argv[0], "--smp", "1" };
110 int r = app.run(
111 sizeof(bootstrap_args) / sizeof(bootstrap_args[0]),
112 const_cast<char**>(bootstrap_args),
113 [argc, argv, &ret, &early_args] {
114 return seastar::async([argc, argv, &ret, &early_args] {
115 seastar::global_logger_registry().set_all_loggers_level(
116 seastar::log_level::debug);
117 sharded_conf().start(
118 ret.init_params.name, ret.cluster_name).get();
119 local_conf().start().get();
120 auto stop_conf = seastar::deferred_stop(sharded_conf());
122 sharded_perf_coll().start().get();
123 auto stop_perf_coll = seastar::deferred_stop(sharded_perf_coll());
125 local_conf().parse_env().get();
126 local_conf().parse_argv(early_args).get();
127 local_conf().parse_config_files(ret.conf_file_list).get();
129 if (local_conf()->no_mon_config) {
130 logger().info("bypassing the config fetch due to --no-mon-config");
131 } else {
132 populate_config_from_mon().get();
133 }
135 // get ceph configs
136 std::set_difference(
137 argv, argv + argc,
138 std::begin(early_args),
139 std::end(early_args),
140 std::back_inserter(ret.ceph_args));
142 ret.early_args.insert(
143 std::end(ret.early_args),
144 std::begin(early_args),
145 std::end(early_args));
147 if (auto found = std::find_if(
148 std::begin(early_args),
149 std::end(early_args),
150 [](auto* arg) { return "--smp"sv == arg; });
151 found == std::end(early_args)) {
153 // Set --smp based on crimson_seastar_smp config option
154 ret.early_args.emplace_back("--smp");
156 auto smp_config = local_conf().get_val<uint64_t>(
157 "crimson_seastar_smp");
159 ret.early_args.emplace_back(fmt::format("{}", smp_config));
160 logger().info("get_early_config: set --smp {}", smp_config);
161 }
162 return 0;
163 });
164 });
165 if (r < 0) {
166 return tl::unexpected(r);
167 }
168 return ret;
169 }
171 /* get_early_config handles obtaining config parameters required prior
172 * to reactor startup. Most deployment mechanisms (cephadm for one)
173 * rely on pulling configs from the monitor rather than shipping around
174 * config files, so this process needs to support pulling config options
175 * from the monitors.
176 *
177 * Of particular interest are config params related to the seastar
178 * reactor itself which can't be modified after the reactor has been
179 * started -- like the number of cores to use (smp::count). Contacting
180 * the monitors, however, requires a MonClient, which in turn needs a
181 * running reactor.
182 *
183 * Unfortunately, seastar doesn't clean up thread local state
184 * associated with seastar::smp task queues etc, so we can't
185 * start a reactor, stop it, and restart it in the same thread
186 * without an impractical amount of cleanup in seastar.
187 *
188 * More unfortunately, starting a reactor in a seperate thread
189 * and then joining the thread still doesn't avoid all global state,
190 * I observed tasks from the previous reactor incarnation nevertheless
191 * continuing to run in the new one resulting in a crash as they access
192 * freed memory.
193 *
194 * The approach taken here, therefore, is to actually fork, start a
195 * reactor in the child process, encode the resulting early_config_t,
196 * and send it back to the parent process.
197 */
198 tl::expected<early_config_t, int>
199 get_early_config(int argc, const char *argv[])
200 {
201 int pipes[2];
202 int r = pipe2(pipes, 0);
203 if (r < 0) {
204 std::cerr << "get_early_config: failed to create pipes: "
205 << -errno << std::endl;
206 return tl::unexpected(-errno);
207 }
209 pid_t worker = fork();
210 if (worker < 0) {
211 close(pipes[0]);
212 close(pipes[1]);
213 std::cerr << "get_early_config: failed to fork: "
214 << -errno << std::endl;
215 return tl::unexpected(-errno);
216 } else if (worker == 0) { // child
217 close(pipes[0]);
218 auto ret = _get_early_config(argc, argv);
219 if (ret.has_value()) {
220 bufferlist bl;
221 ::encode(ret.value(), bl);
222 r = bl.write_fd(pipes[1]);
223 close(pipes[1]);
224 if (r < 0) {
225 std::cerr << "get_early_config: child failed to write_fd: "
226 << r << std::endl;
227 exit(-r);
228 } else {
229 exit(0);
230 }
231 } else {
232 std::cerr << "get_early_config: child failed: "
233 << -ret.error() << std::endl;
234 exit(-ret.error());
235 }
236 return tl::unexpected(-1);
237 } else { // parent
238 close(pipes[1]);
240 bufferlist bl;
241 early_config_t ret;
242 while ((r = bl.read_fd(pipes[0], 1024)) > 0);
243 close(pipes[0]);
245 // ignore error, we'll propogate error based on read and decode
246 waitpid(worker, nullptr, 0);
248 if (r < 0) {
249 std::cerr << "get_early_config: parent failed to read from pipe: "
250 << r << std::endl;
251 return tl::unexpected(r);
252 }
253 try {
254 auto bliter = bl.cbegin();
255 ::decode(ret, bliter);
256 return ret;
257 } catch (...) {
258 std::cerr << "get_early_config: parent failed to decode" << std::endl;
259 return tl::unexpected(-EINVAL);
260 }
261 }
262 }
264 }