]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/dmclock/src/dmclock_client.h
update sources to ceph Nautilus 14.2.1
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / dmclock / src / dmclock_client.h
1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
4 /*
5 * Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat Inc.
6 *
7 * Author: J. Eric Ivancich <ivancich@redhat.com>
8 *
9 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version
11 * 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. See file
13 */
16 #pragma once
18 #include <map>
19 #include <deque>
20 #include <chrono>
21 #include <thread>
22 #include <mutex>
23 #include <condition_variable>
25 #include "run_every.h"
26 #include "dmclock_util.h"
27 #include "dmclock_recs.h"
30 namespace crimson {
31 namespace dmclock {
33 // OrigTracker is a best-effort implementation of the the original
34 // dmClock calculations of delta and rho. It adheres to an
35 // interface, implemented via a template type, that allows it to
36 // be replaced with an alternative. The interface consists of the
37 // static create, prepare_req, resp_update, and get_last_delta
38 // functions.
39 class OrigTracker {
40 Counter delta_prev_req;
41 Counter rho_prev_req;
42 uint32_t my_delta;
43 uint32_t my_rho;
45 public:
47 OrigTracker(Counter global_delta,
48 Counter global_rho) :
49 delta_prev_req(global_delta),
50 rho_prev_req(global_rho),
51 my_delta(0),
52 my_rho(0)
53 { /* empty */ }
55 static inline OrigTracker create(Counter the_delta, Counter the_rho) {
56 return OrigTracker(the_delta, the_rho);
57 }
59 inline ReqParams prepare_req(Counter& the_delta, Counter& the_rho) {
60 Counter delta_out = the_delta - delta_prev_req - my_delta;
61 Counter rho_out = the_rho - rho_prev_req - my_rho;
62 delta_prev_req = the_delta;
63 rho_prev_req = the_rho;
64 my_delta = 0;
65 my_rho = 0;
66 return ReqParams(uint32_t(delta_out), uint32_t(rho_out));
67 }
69 inline void resp_update(PhaseType phase,
70 Counter& the_delta,
71 Counter& the_rho,
72 Cost cost) {
73 the_delta += cost;
74 my_delta += cost;
75 if (phase == PhaseType::reservation) {
76 the_rho += cost;
77 my_rho += cost;
78 }
79 }
81 inline Counter get_last_delta() const {
82 return delta_prev_req;
83 }
84 }; // struct OrigTracker
87 // BorrowingTracker always returns a positive delta and rho. If
88 // not enough responses have come in to allow that, we will borrow
89 // a future response and repay it later.
90 class BorrowingTracker {
91 Counter delta_prev_req;
92 Counter rho_prev_req;
93 Counter delta_borrow;
94 Counter rho_borrow;
96 public:
98 BorrowingTracker(Counter global_delta, Counter global_rho) :
99 delta_prev_req(global_delta),
100 rho_prev_req(global_rho),
101 delta_borrow(0),
102 rho_borrow(0)
103 { /* empty */ }
105 static inline BorrowingTracker create(Counter the_delta,
106 Counter the_rho) {
107 return BorrowingTracker(the_delta, the_rho);
108 }
110 inline Counter calc_with_borrow(const Counter& global,
111 const Counter& previous,
112 Counter& borrow) {
113 Counter result = global - previous;
114 if (0 == result) {
115 // if no replies have come in, borrow one from the future
116 ++borrow;
117 return 1;
118 } else if (result > borrow) {
119 // if we can give back all of what we borrowed, do so
120 result -= borrow;
121 borrow = 0;
122 return result;
123 } else {
124 // can only return part of what was borrowed in order to
125 // return positive
126 borrow = borrow - result + 1;
127 return 1;
128 }
129 }
131 inline ReqParams prepare_req(Counter& the_delta, Counter& the_rho) {
132 Counter delta_out =
133 calc_with_borrow(the_delta, delta_prev_req, delta_borrow);
134 Counter rho_out =
135 calc_with_borrow(the_rho, rho_prev_req, rho_borrow);
136 delta_prev_req = the_delta;
137 rho_prev_req = the_rho;
138 return ReqParams(uint32_t(delta_out), uint32_t(rho_out));
139 }
141 inline void resp_update(PhaseType phase,
142 Counter& the_delta,
143 Counter& the_rho,
144 Counter cost) {
145 the_delta += cost;
146 if (phase == PhaseType::reservation) {
147 the_rho += cost;
148 }
149 }
151 inline Counter get_last_delta() const {
152 return delta_prev_req;
153 }
154 }; // struct BorrowingTracker
157 /*
158 * S is server identifier type
159 *
160 * T is the server info class that adheres to ServerTrackerIfc
161 * interface
162 */
163 template<typename S, typename T = OrigTracker>
164 class ServiceTracker {
165 // we don't want to include gtest.h just for FRIEND_TEST
166 friend class dmclock_client_server_erase_Test;
168 using TimePoint = decltype(std::chrono::steady_clock::now());
169 using Duration = std::chrono::milliseconds;
170 using MarkPoint = std::pair<TimePoint,Counter>;
172 Counter delta_counter; // # reqs completed
173 Counter rho_counter; // # reqs completed via reservation
174 std::map<S,T> server_map;
175 mutable std::mutex data_mtx; // protects Counters and map
177 using DataGuard = std::lock_guard<decltype(data_mtx)>;
179 // clean config
181 std::deque<MarkPoint> clean_mark_points;
182 Duration clean_age; // age at which server tracker cleaned
184 // NB: All threads declared at end, so they're destructed firs!
186 std::unique_ptr<RunEvery> cleaning_job;
189 public:
191 // we have to start the counters at 1, as 0 is used in the
192 // cleaning process
193 template<typename Rep, typename Per>
194 ServiceTracker(std::chrono::duration<Rep,Per> _clean_every,
195 std::chrono::duration<Rep,Per> _clean_age) :
196 delta_counter(1),
197 rho_counter(1),
198 clean_age(std::chrono::duration_cast<Duration>(_clean_age))
199 {
200 cleaning_job =
201 std::unique_ptr<RunEvery>(
202 new RunEvery(_clean_every,
203 std::bind(&ServiceTracker::do_clean, this)));
204 }
207 // the reason we're overloading the constructor rather than
208 // using default values for the arguments is so that callers
209 // have to either use all defaults or specify all timings; with
210 // default arguments they could specify some without others
211 ServiceTracker() :
212 ServiceTracker(std::chrono::minutes(5), std::chrono::minutes(10))
213 {
214 // empty
215 }
218 /*
219 * Incorporates the response data received into the counters.
220 */
221 void track_resp(const S& server_id,
222 const PhaseType& phase,
223 Counter request_cost = 1u) {
224 DataGuard g(data_mtx);
226 auto it = server_map.find(server_id);
227 if (server_map.end() == it) {
228 // this code can only run if a request did not precede the
229 // response or if the record was cleaned up b/w when
230 // the request was made and now
231 auto i = server_map.emplace(server_id,
232 T::create(delta_counter, rho_counter));
233 it = i.first;
234 }
235 it->second.resp_update(phase, delta_counter, rho_counter, request_cost);
236 }
238 /*
239 * Returns the ReqParams for the given server.
240 */
241 ReqParams get_req_params(const S& server) {
242 DataGuard g(data_mtx);
243 auto it = server_map.find(server);
244 if (server_map.end() == it) {
245 server_map.emplace(server,
246 T::create(delta_counter, rho_counter));
247 return ReqParams(1, 1);
248 } else {
249 return it->second.prepare_req(delta_counter, rho_counter);
250 }
251 }
253 private:
255 /*
256 * This is being called regularly by RunEvery. Every time it's
257 * called it notes the time and delta counter (mark point) in a
258 * deque. It also looks at the deque to find the most recent
259 * mark point that is older than clean_age. It then walks the
260 * map and delete all server entries that were last used before
261 * that mark point.
262 */
263 void do_clean() {
264 TimePoint now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
265 DataGuard g(data_mtx);
266 clean_mark_points.emplace_back(MarkPoint(now, delta_counter));
268 Counter earliest = 0;
269 auto point = clean_mark_points.front();
270 while (point.first <= now - clean_age) {
271 earliest = point.second;
272 clean_mark_points.pop_front();
273 point = clean_mark_points.front();
274 }
276 if (earliest > 0) {
277 for (auto i = server_map.begin();
278 i != server_map.end();
279 /* empty */) {
280 auto i2 = i++;
281 if (i2->second.get_last_delta() <= earliest) {
282 server_map.erase(i2);
283 }
284 }
285 }
286 } // do_clean
287 }; // class ServiceTracker
288 }
289 }