]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/jaegertracing/opentelemetry-cpp/third_party/prometheus-cpp/3rdparty/civetweb/build.cmd
update ceph source to reef 18.1.2
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / jaegertracing / opentelemetry-cpp / third_party / prometheus-cpp / 3rdparty / civetweb / build.cmd
1 :: Make sure the extensions are enabled
2 @verify other 2>nul
3 @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
4 @if errorlevel 1 (
5 call :print_usage "Failed to enable extensions"
6 exit /b 1
7 )
9 ::Change the code page to unicode
10 @chcp 65001 1>nul 2>nul
11 @if errorlevel 1 (
12 call :print_usage "Failed to change the code page to unicode"
13 exit /b 1
14 )
16 :: Set up some global variables
17 @set project=civetweb
18 @set "script_name=%~nx0"
19 @set "script_folder=%~dp0"
20 @set "script_folder=%script_folder:~0,-1%"
21 @set "output_path=%script_folder%\output"
22 @set "build_path=%output_path%\build"
23 @set "install_path=%output_path%\install"
24 @set build_shared=OFF
25 @set build_type=Release
26 @set dependency_path=%TEMP%\%project%-build-dependencies
28 :: Check the command line parameters
29 @set logging_level=1
30 @set "options=%* "
31 @if not "!options!"=="!options:/? =!" set usage="Convenience script to build %project% with CMake"
32 @for %%a in (%options%) do @(
33 @set arg=%%~a
34 @set arg=!arg: =!
35 @set one=!arg:~0,1!
36 @set two=!arg:~0,2!
37 @if /i [!arg!] == [/q] set quiet=true
38 @if /i [!two!] == [/v] call :verbosity "!arg!"
39 @if /i [!arg!] == [/s] set build_shared=ON
40 @if /i [!arg!] == [/d] set build_type=Debug
41 @if /i not [!one!] == [/] (
42 if not defined generator (
43 set generator=!arg!
44 ) else (
45 set usage="Too many generators: !method! !arg!" ^
46 "There should only be one generator parameter"
47 )
48 )
49 )
50 @if defined quiet (
51 set logging_level=0
52 )
53 @if not defined generator (
54 set generator=MSVC
55 )
56 @if /i not [%generator%] == [MinGW] (
57 if /i not [%generator%] == [MSVC] (
58 call :print_usage "Invalid argument: %generator%"
59 exit /b 1
60 )
61 )
63 :: Set up the logging
64 @set log_folder=%output_path%\logs
65 @call :iso8601 timestamp
66 @set log_path=%log_folder%\%timestamp%.log
67 @set log_keep=10
69 :: Only keep a certain amount of logs
70 @set /a "log_keep=log_keep-1"
71 @if not exist %log_folder% @mkdir %log_folder%
72 @for /f "skip=%log_keep%" %%f in ('dir /b /o-D /tc %log_folder%') do @(
73 call :log 4 "Removing old log file %log_folder%\%%f"
74 del %log_folder%\%%f
75 )
77 :: Set up some more global variables
78 @call :architecture arch
79 @call :windows_version win_ver win_ver_major win_ver_minor win_ver_rev
80 @call :script_source script_source
81 @if [%script_source%] == [explorer] (
82 set /a "logging_level=logging_level+1"
83 )
85 :: Print the usage or start the script
86 @set exit_code=0
87 @if defined usage (
88 call :print_usage %usage%
89 ) else (
90 call :main
91 @if errorlevel 1 (
92 @call :log 0 "Failed to build the %project% project"
93 @set exit_code=1
94 )
95 )
97 :: Tell the user where the built files are
98 @call :log 5
99 @call :log 0 "The built files are available in %install_path%"
101 :: Stop the script if the user double clicked
102 @if [%script_source%] == [explorer] (
103 pause
104 )
106 @exit /b %exit_code%
107 @endlocal
108 @goto :eof
110 :: -------------------------- Functions start here ----------------------------
112 :main - Main function that performs the build
113 @setlocal
114 @call :log 6
115 @call :log 2 "Welcome to the %project% build script"
116 @call :log 6 "------------------------------------"
117 @call :log 6
118 @call :log 2 "This script builds the project using CMake"
119 @call :log 6
120 @call :log 2 "Generating %generator%..."
121 @call :log 6
122 @set methods=dependencies ^
123 generate ^
124 build ^
125 install
126 @for %%m in (%methods%) do @(
127 call :log 3 "Excuting the '%%m' method"
128 call :log 8
129 call :%%~m
130 if errorlevel 1 (
131 call :log 0 "Failed to complete the '%%~m' dependency routine"
132 call :log 0 "View the log at %log_path%"
133 exit /b 1
134 )
135 )
136 @call :log 6 "------------------------------------"
137 @call :log 2 "Build complete"
138 @call :log 6
139 @endlocal
140 @goto :eof
142 :print_usage - Prints the usage of the script
143 :: %* - message to print, each argument on it's own line
144 @setlocal
145 @for %%a in (%*) do @echo.%%~a
146 @echo.
147 @echo.build [/?][/v[v...]^|/q][MinGW^|MSVC]
148 @echo.
149 @echo. [MinGW^|(MSVC)]
150 @echo. Builds the library with one of the compilers
151 @echo. /s Builds shared libraries
152 @echo. /d Builds a debug variant of the project
153 @echo. /v Sets the output to be more verbose
154 @echo. /v[v...] Extra verbosity, /vv, /vvv, etc
155 @echo. /q Quiets the output
156 @echo. /? Shows this usage message
157 @echo.
158 @endlocal
159 @goto :eof
161 :dependencies - Installs any prerequisites for the build
162 @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
163 @if errorlevel 1 (
164 call :log 0 "Failed to enable extensions"
165 exit /b 1
166 )
167 @call :log 5
168 @call :log 0 "Installing dependencies for %generator%"
169 @if /i [%generator%] == [MinGW] (
170 call :mingw compiler_path
171 @if errorlevel 1 (
172 @call :log 5
173 @call :log 0 "Failed to find MinGW"
174 @exit /b 1
175 )
176 set "PATH=!compiler_path!;%PATH%"
177 @call :find_in_path gcc_executable gcc.exe
178 @if errorlevel 1 (
179 @call :log 5
180 @call :log 0 "Failed to find gcc.exe"
181 @exit /b 1
182 )
183 )
184 @if [%reboot_required%] equ [1] call :reboot
185 @endlocal & set "PATH=%PATH%"
186 @goto :eof
188 :generate - Uses CMake to generate the build files
189 @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
190 @if errorlevel 1 (
191 call :log 0 "Failed to enable extensions"
192 exit /b 1
193 )
194 @call :log 5
195 @call :log 0 "Generating CMake files for %generator%"
196 @call :cmake cmake_executable
197 @if errorlevel 1 (
198 @call :log 5
199 @call :log 0 "Need CMake to create the build files"
200 @exit /b 1
201 )
202 @if /i [%generator%] == [MinGW] @(
203 @set "generator_var=-G "MinGW Makefiles^""
204 )
205 @if /i [%generator%] == [MSVC] @(
206 rem We could figure out the correct MSVS generator here
207 )
208 @call :iso8601 iso8601
209 @set output=%temp%\cmake-%iso8601%.log
210 @if not exist %build_path% mkdir %build_path%
211 @cd %build_path%
212 @"%cmake_executable%" ^
213 !generator_var! ^
214 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=!build_type! ^
215 -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=!build_shared! ^
216 "%script_folder%" > "%output%"
217 @if errorlevel 1 (
218 @call :log 5
219 @call :log 0 "Failed to generate build files with CMake"
220 @call :log_append "%output%"
221 @cd %script_folder%
222 @exit /b 1
223 )
224 @cd %script_folder%
225 @endlocal
226 @goto :eof
228 :build - Builds the library
229 @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
230 @if errorlevel 1 (
231 call :log 0 "Failed to enable extensions"
232 exit /b 1
233 )
234 @call :log 5
235 @call :log 0 "Building %project% with %generator%"
236 @if /i [%generator%] == [MinGW] @(
237 @call :find_in_path mingw32_make_executable mingw32-make.exe
238 @if errorlevel 1 (
239 @call :log 5
240 @call :log 0 "Failed to find mingw32-make"
241 @exit /b 1
242 )
243 @set "build_command=^"!mingw32_make_executable!^" all test"
244 )
245 @if /i [%generator%] == [MSVC] @(
246 @call :msbuild msbuild_executable
247 @if errorlevel 1 (
248 @call :log 5
249 @call :log 0 "Failed to find MSBuild"
250 @exit /b 1
251 )
252 @set "build_command=^"!msbuild_executable!^" /m:4 /p:Configuration=%build_type% %project%.sln"
253 )
254 @if not defined build_command (
255 @call :log 5
256 @call :log 0 "No build command for %generator%"
257 @exit /b 1
258 )
259 @cd %build_path%
260 @call :iso8601 iso8601
261 @set output=%temp%\build-%iso8601%.log
262 @call :log 7
263 @call :log 2 "Build command: %build_command:"=%"
264 @%build_command% > "%output%"
265 @if errorlevel 1 (
266 @call :log_append "%output%"
267 @call :log 5
268 @call :log 0 "Failed to complete the build"
269 @exit /b 1
270 )
271 @call :log_append "%output%"
272 @cd %script_folder%
273 @endlocal
274 @goto :eof
276 :install - Installs the built files
277 @setlocal
278 @call :log 5
279 @call :log 0 "Installing built files"
280 @call :cmake cmake_executable
281 @if errorlevel 1 (
282 @call :log 5
283 @call :log 0 "Need CMake to install the built files"
284 @exit /b 1
285 )
286 @call :iso8601 iso8601
287 @set output=%temp%\install-%iso8601%.log
288 @"%cmake_executable%" ^
289 "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%install_path%" ^
290 -P "%build_path%/cmake_install.cmake" ^
291 > "%output%"
292 @if errorlevel 1 (
293 @call :log_append "%output%"
294 @call :log 5
295 @call :log 0 "Failed to install the files"
296 @exit /b 1
297 )
298 @call :log_append "%output%"
299 @endlocal
300 @goto :eof
302 :script_source - Determines if the script was ran from the cli or explorer
303 :: %1 - The return variable [cli|explorer]
304 @verify other 2>nul
305 @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
306 @if errorlevel 1 (
307 call :log 0 "Failed to enable extensions"
308 exit /b 1
309 )
310 @call :log 3 "Attempting to detect the script source"
311 @echo "The invocation command was: '%cmdcmdline%'" >> %log_path%
312 @for /f "tokens=1-3,*" %%a in ("%cmdcmdline%") do @(
313 set cmd=%%~a
314 set arg1=%%~b
315 set arg2=%%~c
316 set rest=%%~d
317 )
318 @set quote="
319 @if "!arg2:~0,1!" equ "!quote!" (
320 if "!arg2:~-1!" neq "!quote!" (
321 set "arg2=!arg2:~1!"
322 )
323 )
324 @call :log 4 "cmd = %cmd%"
325 @call :log 4 "arg1 = %arg1%"
326 @call :log 4 "arg2 = %arg2%"
327 @call :log 4 "rest = %rest%"
328 @call :log 4 "src = %~f0"
329 @if /i "%arg2%" == "call" (
330 set script_source=cli
331 ) else (
332 @if /i "%arg1%" == "/c" (
333 set script_source=explorer
334 ) else (
335 set script_source=cli
336 )
337 )
338 @call :log 3 "The script was invoked from %script_source%"
339 @endlocal & set "%~1=%script_source%"
340 @goto :eof
342 :architecture - Finds the system architecture
343 :: %1 - The return variable [x86|x86_64]
344 @setlocal
345 @call :log 3 "Determining the processor architecture"
346 @set "key=HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
348 @for /f "skip=2 tokens=2,*" %%a in ('reg query "%key%" /v "%var%"') do @set "arch=%%b"
349 @if "%arch%" == "AMD64" set arch=x86_64
350 @call :log 4 "arch = %arch%"
351 @endlocal & set "%~1=%arch%"
352 @goto :eof
354 :md5 - Gets the MD5 checksum for a file
355 :: %1 - The hash
356 :: %2 - The file path
357 @setlocal
358 @set var=%~1
359 @set file_path=%~2
360 @if [%var%] == [] exit /b 1
361 @if "%file_path%" == "" exit /b 1
362 @if not exist "%file_path%" exit /b 1
363 @for /f "skip=3 tokens=1,*" %%a in ('powershell Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 "'%file_path%'"') do @set hash=%%b
364 @if not defined hash (
365 call :log 6
366 call :log 0 "Failed to get MD5 hash for %file_path%"
367 exit /b 1
368 )
369 @endlocal & set "%var%=%hash: =%"
370 @goto :eof
372 :windows_version - Checks the windows version
373 :: %1 - The windows version
374 :: %2 - The major version number return variable
375 :: %3 - The minor version number return variable
376 :: %4 - The revision version number return variable
377 @setlocal
378 @call :log 3 "Retrieving the Windows version"
379 @for /f "tokens=2 delims=[]" %%x in ('ver') do @set win_ver=%%x
380 @set win_ver=%win_ver:Version =%
381 @set win_ver_major=%win_ver:~0,1%
382 @set win_ver_minor=%win_ver:~2,1%
383 @set win_ver_rev=%win_ver:~4%
384 @call :log 4 "win_ver = %win_ver%"
385 @endlocal & set "%~1=%win_ver%" ^
386 & set "%~2=%win_ver_major%" ^
387 & set "%~3=%win_ver_minor%" ^
388 & set "%~4=%win_ver_rev%"
389 @goto :eof
391 :find_in_path - Finds a program of file in the PATH
392 @setlocal
393 @set var=%~1
394 @set file=%~2
395 @if [%var%] == [] exit /b 1
396 @if [%file%] == [] exit /b 1
397 @call :log 3 "Searching PATH for %file%"
398 @for %%x in ("%file%") do @set "file_path=%%~f$PATH:x"
399 @if not defined file_path exit /b 1
400 @endlocal & set "%var%=%file_path%"
401 @goto :eof
403 :administrator_check - Checks for administrator priviledges
404 @setlocal
405 @call :log 2 "Checking for administrator priviledges"
406 @set "key=HKLM\Software\VCA\Tool Chain\Admin Check"
407 @reg add "%key%" /v Elevated /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f > nul 2>&1
408 @if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
409 @reg delete "%key%" /va /f > nul 2>&1
410 @endlocal
411 @goto :eof
413 :log_append - Appends another file into the current logging file
414 :: %1 - the file_path to the file to concatenate
415 @setlocal
416 @set "file_path=%~1"
417 @if [%file_path%] == [] exit /b 1
418 @call :log 3 "Appending to log: %file_path%"
419 @call :iso8601 iso8601
420 @set "temp_log=%temp%\append-%iso8601%.log"
421 @call :log 4 "Using temp file %temp_log%"
422 @type "%log_path%" "%file_path%" > "%temp_log%" 2>nul
423 @move /y "%temp_log%" "%log_path%" 1>nul
424 @del "%file_path%" 2>nul
425 @del "%temp_log%" 2>nul
426 @endlocal
427 @goto :eof
429 :iso8601 - Returns the current time in ISO8601 format
430 :: %1 - the return variable
431 :: %2 - format [extended|basic*]
432 :: iso8601 - contains the resulting timestamp
433 @setlocal
434 @wmic Alias /? >NUL 2>&1 || @exit /b 1
435 @set "var=%~1"
436 @if "%var%" == "" @exit /b 1
437 @set "format=%~2"
438 @if "%format%" == "" set format=basic
439 @for /F "skip=1 tokens=1-6" %%g IN ('wmic Path Win32_UTCTime Get Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Month^,Second^,Year /Format:table') do @(
440 @if "%%~l"=="" goto :iso8601_done
441 @set "yyyy=%%l"
442 @set "mm=00%%j"
443 @set "dd=00%%g"
444 @set "hour=00%%h"
445 @set "minute=00%%i"
446 @set "seconds=00%%k"
447 )
448 :iso8601_done
449 @set mm=%mm:~-2%
450 @set dd=%dd:~-2%
451 @set hour=%hour:~-2%
452 @set minute=%minute:~-2%
453 @set seconds=%seconds:~-2%
454 @if /i [%format%] == [extended] (
455 set iso8601=%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%T%hour%:%minute%:%seconds%Z
456 ) else (
457 if /i [%format%] == [basic] (
458 set iso8601=%yyyy%%mm%%dd%T%hour%%minute%%seconds%Z
459 ) else (
460 @exit /b 1
461 )
462 )
463 @set iso8601=%iso8601: =0%
464 @endlocal & set %var%=%iso8601%
465 @goto :eof
467 :verbosity - Processes the verbosity parameter '/v[v...]
468 :: %1 - verbosity given on the command line
469 :: logging_level - set to the number of v's
470 @setlocal
471 @set logging_level=0
472 @set verbosity=%~1
473 :verbosity_loop
474 @set verbosity=%verbosity:~1%
475 @if not [%verbosity%] == [] @(
476 set /a "logging_level=logging_level+1"
477 goto verbosity_loop
478 )
479 @endlocal & set logging_level=%logging_level%
480 @goto :eof
482 :log - Logs a message, depending on verbosity
483 :: %1 - level
484 :: [0-4] for CLI logging
485 :: [5-9] for GUI logging
486 :: %2 - message to print
487 @setlocal
488 @set "level=%~1"
489 @set "msg=%~2"
490 @if "%log_folder%" == "" (
491 echo Logging was used to early in the script, log_folder isn't set yet
492 goto :eof
493 )
494 @if "%log_path%" == "" (
495 echo Logging was used to early in the script, log_path isn't set yet
496 goto :eof
497 )
498 @if not exist "%log_folder%" mkdir "%log_folder%"
499 @if not exist "%log_path%" echo. 1>nul 2>"%log_path%"
500 @echo.%msg% >> "%log_path%"
501 @if %level% geq 5 (
502 @if [%script_source%] == [explorer] (
503 set /a "level=level-5"
504 ) else (
505 @goto :eof
506 )
507 )
508 @if "%logging_level%" == "" (
509 echo Logging was used to early in the script, logging_level isn't set yet
510 goto :eof
511 )
512 @if %logging_level% geq %level% echo.%msg% 1>&2
513 @endlocal
514 @goto :eof
517 :start_browser - Opens the default browser to a URL
518 :: %1 - the url to open
519 @setlocal
520 @set url=%~1
521 @call :log 4 "Opening default browser: %url%"
522 @start %url%
523 @endlocal
524 @goto :eof
526 :find_cmake - Finds cmake on the command line or in the registry
527 :: %1 - the cmake file path
528 @setlocal
529 @set var=%~1
530 @if [%var%] == [] exit /b 1
531 @call :log 6
532 @call :log 6 "Finding CMake"
533 @call :log 6 "--------------"
534 @call :find_in_path cmake_executable cmake.exe
535 @if not errorlevel 1 goto found_cmake
536 @for /l %%i in (5,-1,0) do @(
537 @for /l %%j in (9,-1,0) do @(
538 @for /l %%k in (9,-1,0) do @(
539 @for %%l in (HKCU HKLM) do @(
540 @for %%m in (SOFTWARE SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node) do @(
541 @reg query "%%l\%%m\Kitware\CMake %%i.%%j.%%k" /ve > nul 2>nul
542 @if not errorlevel 1 (
543 @for /f "skip=2 tokens=2,*" %%a in ('reg query "%%l\%%m\Kitware\CMake %%i.%%j.%%k" /ve') do @(
544 @if exist "%%b\bin\cmake.exe" (
545 @set "cmake_executable=%%b\bin\cmake.exe"
546 goto found_cmake
547 )
548 )
549 )
550 )))))
551 @call :log 5
552 @call :log 0 "Failed to find cmake"
553 @exit /b 1
554 :found_cmake
555 @endlocal & set "%var%=%cmake_executable%"
556 @goto :eof
558 :cmake - Finds cmake and installs it if necessary
559 :: %1 - the cmake file path
560 @setlocal
561 @set var=%~1
562 @if [%var%] == [] exit /b 1
563 @call :log 6
564 @call :log 6 "Checking for CMake"
565 @call :log 6 "------------------"
566 @call :find_cmake cmake_executable cmake.exe
567 @if not errorlevel 1 goto got_cmake
568 @set checksum=C00267A3D3D9619A7A2E8FA4F46D7698
569 @set version=3.2.2
570 @call :install_nsis cmake http://www.cmake.org/files/v%version:~0,3%/cmake-%version%-win32-x86.exe %checksum%
571 @if errorlevel 1 (
572 call :log 5
573 call :log 0 "Failed to install cmake"
574 @exit /b 1
575 )
576 @call :find_cmake cmake_executable cmake.exe
577 @if not errorlevel 1 goto got_cmake
578 @call :log 5
579 @call :log 0 "Failed to check for cmake"
580 @exit /b 1
581 :got_cmake
582 @endlocal & set "%var%=%cmake_executable%"
583 @goto :eof
585 :mingw - Finds MinGW, installing it if needed
586 :: %1 - the compiler path that should be added to PATH
587 @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
588 @if errorlevel 1 (
589 @call :log 5
590 @call :log 0 "Failed to enable extensions"
591 @exit /b 1
592 )
593 @set var=%~1
594 @if [%var%] == [] exit /b 1
595 @call :log 6
596 @call :log 6 "Checking for MinGW"
597 @call :log 6 "------------------"
598 @call :find_in_path gcc_executable gcc.exe
599 @if not errorlevel 1 (
600 @for %%a in ("%gcc_executable%") do @set "compiler_path=%%~dpa"
601 goto got_mingw
602 )
603 @call :log 7
604 @call :log 2 "Downloading MinGW"
605 @if %logging_level% leq 1 set "logging=/q"
606 @if %logging_level% gtr 1 set "logging=/v"
607 @set output_path=
608 @for /f %%a in ('call
609 "%script_folder%\mingw.cmd"
610 %logging%
611 /arch "%arch%"
612 "%dependency_path%"'
613 ) do @set "compiler_path=%%a\"
614 @if not defined compiler_path (
615 @call :log_append "%output%"
616 @call :log 5
617 @call :log 0 "Failed to download MinGW"
618 @exit /b 1
619 )
620 :got_mingw
621 @call :log 5
622 @call :log 0 "Found MinGW: %compiler_path%gcc.exe"
623 @endlocal & set "%var%=%compiler_path%"
624 @goto :eof
626 :msbuild - Finds MSBuild
627 :: %1 - the path to MSBuild executable
628 @setlocal
629 @set var=%~1
630 @if [%var%] == [] exit /b 1
631 @call :find_in_path msbuild_executable msbuild.exe
632 @if not errorlevel 1 goto got_msbuild
633 @for /l %%i in (20,-1,4) do @(
634 @for /l %%j in (9,-1,0) do @(
635 @for %%k in (HKCU HKLM) do @(
636 @for %%l in (SOFTWARE SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node) do @(
637 @reg query "%%k\%%l\Microsoft\MSBuild\%%i.%%j" /v MSBuildOverrideTasksPath > nul 2>nul
638 @if not errorlevel 1 (
639 @for /f "skip=2 tokens=2,*" %%a in ('reg query "%%k\%%l\Microsoft\MSBuild\%%i.%%j" /v MSBuildOverrideTasksPath') do @(
640 @if exist "%%bmsbuild.exe" (
641 @set "msbuild_executable=%%bmsbuild.exe"
642 goto got_msbuild
643 )
644 )
645 )
646 ))))
647 @call :log 5
648 @call :log 0 "Failed to check for MSBuild"
649 @exit /b 1
650 :got_msbuild
651 @endlocal & set "%var%=%msbuild_executable%"
652 @goto :eof
654 :download - Downloads a file from the internet
655 :: %1 - the url of the file to download
656 :: %2 - the file to download to
657 :: %3 - the MD5 checksum of the file (optional)
658 @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
659 @if errorlevel 1 (
660 call :print_usage "Failed to enable extensions"
661 exit /b 1
662 )
663 @set url=%~1
664 @set file_path=%~2
665 @set checksum=%~3
666 @for %%a in (%file_path%) do @set dir_path=%%~dpa
667 @for %%a in (%file_path%) do @set file_name=%%~nxa
668 @if [%url%] == [] exit /b 1
669 @if [%file_path%] == [] exit /b 1
670 @if [%dir_path%] == [] exit /b 1
671 @if [%file_name%] == [] exit /b 1
672 @if not exist "%dir_path%" mkdir "%dir_path%"
673 @call :log 1 "Downloading %url%"
674 @call :iso8601 iso8601
675 @set temp_path=%temp%\download-%iso8601%-%file_name%
676 @call :log 3 "Using temp file %temp_path%"
677 @powershell Invoke-WebRequest "%url%" -OutFile %temp_path%
678 @if errorlevel 1 (
679 call :log 0 "Failed to download %url%"
680 exit /b 1
681 )
682 @if [%checksum%] neq [] (
683 @call :log 4 "Checking %checksum% against %temp_path%"
684 @call :md5 hash "%temp_path%"
685 if "!hash!" neq "%checksum%" (
686 call :log 0 "Failed to match checksum: %temp_path%"
687 call :log 0 "Hash : !hash!"
688 call :log 0 "Checksum: %checksum%"
689 exit /b 1
690 ) else (
691 call :log 3 "Checksum matched: %temp_path%"
692 call :log 3 "Hash : !hash!"
693 call :log 3 "Checksum: %checksum%"
694 )
695 )
696 @call :log 4 "Renaming %temp_path% to %file_path%"
697 @move /y "%temp_path%" "%file_path%" 1>nul
698 @endlocal
699 @goto :eof
701 :install_msi - Installs a dependency from an Microsoft Installer package (.msi)
702 :: %1 - [string] name of the project to install
703 :: %2 - The location of the .msi, a url must start with 'http://' or file_path
704 :: %3 - The checksum of the msi (optional)
705 @setlocal
706 @set name=%~1
707 @set file_path=%~2
708 @set checksum=%~3
709 @set msi=%~nx2
710 @set msi_path=%dependency_path%\%msi%
711 @if [%name%] == [] exit /b 1
712 @if [%file_path%] == [] exit /b 1
713 @if [%msi%] == [] exit /b 1
714 @if [%msi_path%] == [] exit /b 1
715 @for %%x in (msiexec.exe) do @set "msiexec_path=%%~f$PATH:x"
716 @if "msiexec_path" == "" (
717 call :log 0 "Failed to find the Microsoft package installer (msiexec.exe)"
718 call :log 6
719 call :log 0 "Please install it from the Microsoft Download center"
720 call :log 6
721 choice /C YN /T 60 /D N /M "Would you like to go there now?"
722 if !errorlevel! equ 1 call :start_browser ^
723 "http://search.microsoft.com/DownloadResults.aspx?q=Windows+Installer"
724 exit /b 1
725 )
726 @call :log 6
727 @call :log 1 "Installing the '%name%' dependency"
728 @call :log 6 "-------------------------------------"
729 @call :administrator_check
730 @if errorlevel 1 (
731 call :log 0 "You must run %~nx0 in elevated mode to install '%name%'"
732 call :log 5 "Right-Click and select 'Run as Administrator'
733 call :log 0 "Install the dependency manually by running %file_path%"
734 @exit /b 740
735 )
736 @if [%file_path:~0,4%] == [http] (
737 if not exist "%msi_path%" (
738 call :download "%file_path%" "%msi_path%" %checksum%
739 if errorlevel 1 (
740 call :log 0 "Failed to download the %name% dependency"
741 exit /b 1
742 )
743 )
744 ) else (
745 call :log 2 "Copying MSI %file_path% to %msi_path%"
746 call :log 7
747 if not exist "%msi_path%" (
748 xcopy /q /y /z "%file_path%" "%msi_path%" 1>nul
749 if errorlevel 1 (
750 call :log 0 "Failed to copy the Microsoft Installer"
751 exit /b 1
752 )
753 )
754 )
755 @call :log 1 "Running the %msi%"
756 @call :log 6
757 @set msi_log=%temp%\msiexec-%timestamp%.log
758 @call :log 3 "Logging to: %msi_log%"
759 @msiexec /i "%msi_path%" /passive /log "%msi_log%" ALLUSERS=1
760 @set msi_errorlevel=%errorlevel%
761 @call :log_append "%msi_log%"
762 @if %msi_errorlevel% equ 0 goto install_msi_success
763 @if %msi_errorlevel% equ 3010 goto install_msi_success_reboot
764 @if %msi_errorlevel% equ 1641 goto install_msi_success_reboot
765 @if %msi_errorlevel% equ 3015 goto install_msi_in_progress_reboot
766 @if %msi_errorlevel% equ 1615 goto install_msi_in_progress_reboot
767 @call :log 0 "Microsoft Installer failed: %msi_errorlevel%"
768 @call :log 0 "Install the dependency manually by running %msi_path%"
769 @exit /b 1
770 :install_msi_in_progress_reboot
771 @call :log 0 "The installation requires a reboot to continue"
772 @call :log 5
773 @call :reboot
774 @exit /b 1
775 :install_msi_success_reboot
776 @call :log 3 "The installation requires a reboot to be fully functional"
777 @set reboot_required=1
778 :install_msi_success
779 @call :log 2 "Successfully installed %name%"
780 @call :log 7
781 @endlocal & set reboot_required=%reboot_required%
782 @goto :eof
784 :install_nsis - Installs a dependency from an Nullsoft Installer package (.exe)
785 :: %1 - [string] name of the project to install
786 :: %2 - The location of the .exe, a url must start with 'http://' or file_path
787 :: %3 - The checksum of the exe (optional)
788 @setlocal
789 @set name=%~1
790 @set file_path=%~2
791 @set checksum=%~3
792 @set exe=%~nx2
793 @set exe_path=%dependency_path%\%exe%
794 @if [%name%] == [] exit /b 1
795 @if [%file_path%] == [] exit /b 1
796 @if [%exe%] == [] exit /b 1
797 @if [%exe_path%] == [] exit /b 1
798 @call :log 6
799 @call :log 1 "Installing the '%name%' dependency"
800 @call :log 6 "-------------------------------------"
801 @call :administrator_check
802 @if errorlevel 1 (
803 call :log 0 "You must run %~nx0 in elevated mode to install '%name%'"
804 call :log 5 "Right-Click and select 'Run as Administrator'
805 call :log 0 "Install the dependency manually by running %file_path%"
806 @exit /b 740
807 )
808 @if [%file_path:~0,4%] == [http] (
809 if not exist "%exe_path%" (
810 call :download "%file_path%" "%exe_path%" %checksum%
811 if errorlevel 1 (
812 call :log 0 "Failed to download the %name% dependency"
813 exit /b 1
814 )
815 )
816 ) else (
817 call :log 2 "Copying installer %file_path% to %exe_path%"
818 call :log 7
819 if not exist "%exe_path%" (
820 xcopy /q /y /z "%file_path%" "%exe_path%" 1>nul
821 if errorlevel 1 (
822 call :log 0 "Failed to copy the Nullsoft Installer"
823 exit /b 1
824 )
825 )
826 )
827 @call :log 1 "Running the %exe%"
828 @call :log 6
829 @"%exe_path%" /S
830 @set nsis_errorlevel=%errorlevel%
831 @if %nsis_errorlevel% equ 0 goto install_nsis_success
832 @if %nsis_errorlevel% equ 3010 goto install_nsis_success_reboot
833 @if %nsis_errorlevel% equ 1641 goto install_nsis_success_reboot
834 @if %nsis_errorlevel% equ 3015 goto install_nsis_in_progress_reboot
835 @if %nsis_errorlevel% equ 1615 goto install_nsis_in_progress_reboot
836 @call :log 0 "Nullsoft Installer failed: %nsis_errorlevel%"
837 @call :log 0 "Install the dependency manually by running %exe_path%"
838 @exit /b 1
839 :install_nsis_in_progress_reboot
840 @call :log 0 "The installation requires a reboot to continue"
841 @call :log 5
842 @call :reboot
843 @exit /b 1
844 :install_nsis_success_reboot
845 @call :log 3 "The installation requires a reboot to be fully functional"
846 @set reboot_required=1
847 :install_nsis_success
848 @call :log 2 "Successfully installed %name%"
849 @call :log 7
850 @endlocal & set reboot_required=%reboot_required%
851 @goto :eof
853 :reboot - Asks the user if they would like to reboot then stops the script
854 @setlocal
855 @call :log 6 "-------------------------------------------"
856 @choice /C YN /T 60 /D N /M "The %method% requires a reboot, reboot now?"
857 @set ret=%errorlevel%
858 @call :log 6
859 @if %ret% equ 1 (
860 @shutdown /r
861 ) else (
862 @call :log 0 "You will need to reboot to complete the %method%"
863 @call :log 5
864 )
865 @endlocal
866 @goto :eof