]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/jaegertracing/opentelemetry-cpp/third_party/prometheus-cpp/3rdparty/civetweb/docs/UserManual.md
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / jaegertracing / opentelemetry-cpp / third_party / prometheus-cpp / 3rdparty / civetweb / docs / UserManual.md
1 Overview
2 =====
4 CivetWeb is a small and easy to use web server.
5 It may be embedded into C/C++ host applications or used as a stand-alone
6 server. See `Embedding.md` for information on embedding CivetWeb into
7 host applications.
9 The stand-alone server is self-contained, and does not require any external
10 software to run. Some Windows users may need to install the
11 [Visual C++ Redistributable](http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679).
14 Installation
15 ----
17 On Windows, UNIX and Mac, the CivetWeb stand-alone executable may be started
18 from the command line.
19 Running `CivetWeb` in a terminal, optionally followed by configuration parameters
20 (`CivetWeb [OPTIONS]`) or a configuration file name (`CivetWeb [config_file_name]`),
21 starts the web server.
23 For UNIX and Mac, CivetWeb does not detach from the terminal.
24 Pressing `Ctrl-C` keys will stop the server.
26 On Windows, CivetWeb iconifies itself to the system tray icon when started.
27 Right-clicking on the icon pops up a menu, where it is possible to stop
28 CivetWeb, configure it, or install it as Windows service.
30 When started without options, the server exposes the local directory at
31 [http](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol) port 8080.
32 Thus, the easiest way to share a folder on Windows is to copy `CivetWeb.exe`
33 to this folder, double-click the exe, and launch a browser at
34 [http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080). Note that 'localhost' should
35 be changed to a machine's name if a folder is accessed from another computer.
37 When started, CivetWeb first searches for the configuration file.
38 If a configuration file is specified explicitly in the command line, i.e.
39 `CivetWeb path_to_config_file`, then the specified configuration file is used.
40 Otherwise, CivetWeb will search for the file `CivetWeb.conf` in the same directory that
41 the executable is located, and use it. This configuration file is optional.
43 The configuration file is a sequence of lines, each line containing one
44 command line argument name and the corresponding value.
45 Empty lines, and lines beginning with `#`, are ignored.
46 Here is the example of a `CivetWeb.conf` file:
48 document_root c:\www
49 listening_ports 80,443s
50 ssl_certificate c:\CivetWeb\ssl_cert.pem
52 When a configuration file is used, additional command line arguments may
53 override the configuration file settings.
54 All command line arguments must start with `-`.
56 For example: The above `CivetWeb.conf` file is used, and CivetWeb started as
57 `CivetWeb -document_root D:\web`. Then the `D:\web` directory will be served
58 as document root, because command line options take priority over the
59 configuration file. The configuration options section below provides a good
60 overview of CivetWeb features.
62 Note that configuration options on the command line must start with `-`,
63 but their names are the same as in the config file. All option names are
64 listed in the next section. Thus, the following two setups are equivalent:
66 # Using command line arguments
67 $ CivetWeb -listening_ports 1234 -document_root /var/www
69 # Using config file
70 $ cat CivetWeb.conf
71 listening_ports 1234
72 document_root /var/www
73 $ CivetWeb
75 CivetWeb can also be used to modify `.htpasswd` passwords files:
77 CivetWeb -A <htpasswd_file> <realm> <user> <passwd>
80 Configuration Options
81 ----
83 Below is a list of configuration options understood by CivetWeb.
84 Every option is followed by it's default value. If a default value is not
85 present, then the default is empty.
87 ## Pattern matching in configuration options
89 CivetWeb uses shell-like glob patterns for several configuration options,
90 e.g., CGI, SSI and Lua script files are recognized by the file name pattern.
91 Pattern match starts at the beginning of the string, so essentially
92 patterns are prefix patterns. Syntax is as follows:
94 ** Matches everything
95 * Matches everything but slash character, '/'
96 ? Matches any character
97 $ Matches the end of the string
98 | Matches if pattern on the left side or the right side matches.
100 All other characters in the pattern match themselves. Examples:
102 **.cgi$ Any string that ends with .cgi
103 /foo Any string that begins with /foo
104 **a$|**b$ Any string that ends with a or b
107 ## Options from `civetweb.c`
109 The following options are supported in `civetweb.c`. They can be used for
110 the stand-alone executable as well as for applications embedding CivetWeb.
111 The stand-alone executable supports some additional options: see *Options from `main.c`*.
112 The options are explained in alphabetic order - for a quick start, check
113 *document\_root*, *listening\_ports*, *error\_log\_file* and (for HTTPS) *ssl\_certificate*.
115 ### access\_control\_allow\_headers `*`
116 Access-Control-Allow-Headers header field, used for cross-origin resource
117 sharing (CORS) pre-flight requests.
118 See the [Wikipedia page on CORS](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing).
120 If set to an empty string, pre-flights will not allow additional headers.
121 If set to "*", the pre-flight will allow whatever headers have been requested.
122 If set to a comma separated list of valid HTTP headers, the pre-flight will return
123 exactly this list as allowed headers.
124 If set in any other way, the result is unspecified.
126 ### access\_control\_allow\_methods `*`
127 Access-Control-Allow-Methods header field, used for cross-origin resource
128 sharing (CORS) pre-flight requests.
129 See the [Wikipedia page on CORS](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing).
131 If set to an empty string, pre-flights will not be supported directly by the server,
132 but scripts may still support pre-flights by handling the OPTIONS method properly.
133 If set to "*", the pre-flight will allow whatever method has been requested.
134 If set to a comma separated list of valid HTTP methods, the pre-flight will return
135 exactly this list as allowed method.
136 If set in any other way, the result is unspecified.
138 ### access\_control\_allow\_origin `*`
139 Access-Control-Allow-Origin header field, used for cross-origin resource
140 sharing (CORS).
141 See the [Wikipedia page on CORS](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing).
143 ### access\_control\_list
144 An Access Control List (ACL) allows restrictions to be put on the list of IP
145 addresses which have access to the web server. In the case of the CivetWeb
146 web server, the ACL is a comma separated list of IP subnets, where each
147 subnet is pre-pended by either a `-` or a `+` sign. A plus sign means allow,
148 where a minus sign means deny. If a subnet mask is omitted, such as `-`,
149 this means to deny only that single IP address.
151 If this value is not set, all accesses are allowed. Otherwise, the default
152 setting is to deny all accesses. On each request the full list is traversed, and
153 the last match wins. Examples:
155 +,+fe80::/64 deny all accesses, allow and fe80::/64 subnet
156 (The second one is valid only if IPv6 support is enabled)
158 To learn more about subnet masks, see the
159 [Wikipedia page on Subnetwork](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subnetwork).
161 ### access\_log\_file
162 Path to a file for access logs. Either full path, or relative to the current
163 working directory. If absent (default), then accesses are not logged.
165 ### additional\_header
166 Send additional HTTP response header line for every request.
167 The full header line including key and value must be specified, excluding the carriage return line feed.
169 Example (used as command line option):
170 `-additional_header "X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN"`
172 This option can be specified multiple times. All specified header lines will be sent.
174 ### allow\_index\_script\_resource `no`
175 Index scripts (like `index.cgi` or `index.lua`) may have script handled resources.
177 It this feature is activated, that /some/path/file.ext might be handled by:
178 1. /some/path/file.ext (with PATH\_INFO='/', if ext = cgi)
179 2. /some/path/index.lua with mg.request\_info.path\_info='/file.ext'
180 3. /some/path/index.cgi with PATH\_INFO='/file.ext'
181 4. /some/path/index.php with PATH\_INFO='/file.ext'
182 5. /some/index.lua with mg.request\_info.path\_info=='/path/file.ext'
183 6. /some/index.cgi with PATH\_INFO='/path/file.ext'
184 7. /some/index.php with PATH\_INFO='/path/file.ext'
185 8. /index.lua with mg.request\_info.path\_info=='/some/path/file.ext'
186 9. /index.cgi with PATH\_INFO='/some/path/file.ext'
187 10. /index.php with PATH\_INFO='/some/path/file.ext'
189 Note: This example is valid, if the default configuration values for
190 `index_files`, `cgi_pattern` and `lua_script_pattern` are used,
191 and the server is built with CGI and Lua support enabled.
193 If this feature is not activated, only the first file (/some/path/file.cgi) will be accepted.
195 Note: This parameter affects only index scripts. A path like /here/script.cgi/handle/this.ext
196 will call /here/script.cgi with PATH\_INFO='/handle/this.ext', no matter if this option is set to `yes` or `no`.
198 This feature can be used to completely hide the script extension from the URL.
200 ### allow\_sendfile\_call `yes`
201 This option can be used to enable or disable the use of the Linux `sendfile` system call.
202 It is only available for Linux systems and only affecting HTTP (not HTTPS) connections
203 if `throttle` is not enabled.
204 While using the `sendfile` call will lead to a performance boost for HTTP connections,
205 this call may be broken for some file systems and some operating system versions.
207 ### authentication\_domain `mydomain.com`
208 Authorization realm used for HTTP digest authentication. This domain is
209 used in the encoding of the `.htpasswd` authorization files as well.
210 Changing the domain retroactively will render the existing passwords useless.
212 ### case\_sensitive `no`
213 This option can be uset to enable case URLs for Windows servers.
214 It is only available for Windows systems. Windows file systems are not case sensitive,
215 but they still store the file name including case.
216 If this option is set to `yes`, the comparison for URIs and Windows file names will be case sensitive.
218 ### cgi\_environment
219 Extra environment variables to be passed to the CGI script in
220 addition to standard ones. The list must be comma-separated list
221 of name=value pairs, like this: `VARIABLE1=VALUE1,VARIABLE2=VALUE2`.
223 ### cgi\_interpreter
224 Path to an executable to use as CGI interpreter for __all__ CGI scripts
225 regardless of the script file extension. If this option is not set (which is
226 the default), CivetWeb looks at first line of a CGI script,
227 [shebang line](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_(Unix\)), for an
228 interpreter (not only on Linux and Mac but also for Windows).
230 For example, if both PHP and Perl CGIs are used, then
231 `#!/path/to/php-cgi.exe` and `#!/path/to/perl.exe` must be first lines of the
232 respective CGI scripts. Note that paths should be either full file paths,
233 or file paths relative to the current working directory of the CivetWeb
234 server. If CivetWeb is started by mouse double-click on Windows, the current
235 working directory is the directory where the CivetWeb executable is located.
237 If all CGIs use the same interpreter, for example they are all PHP, it is
238 more efficient to set `cgi_interpreter` to the path to `php-cgi.exe`.
239 The shebang line in the CGI scripts can be omitted in this case.
240 Note that PHP scripts must use `php-cgi.exe` as executable, not `php.exe`.
242 ### cgi\_interpreter\_args
243 Optional additional arguments passed to a Windows CGI interpreter program.
245 ### cgi\_pattern `**.cgi$|**.pl$|**.php$`
246 All files that match `cgi_pattern` are treated as CGI files. The default pattern
247 allows CGI files be anywhere. To restrict CGIs to a certain directory,
248 use `/path/to/cgi-bin/**.cgi` as the pattern. Note that the full file path is
249 matched against the pattern, not the URI.
251 Depending on the build configuration, additional patterns `cgi2_pattern`,
252 `cgi3_pattern` and `cgi4_pattern` may be available.
253 This allows to use different cgi interpreter programs (`cgi2_interpreter`,
254 ...), environments (`cgi2_environment` ...) and interpreter arguments
255 (`cgi2_interpreter_argument`, ...). The default for all additional CGI file
256 patterns is empty - they are not used unless they are configured explicitly.
258 ### cgi\_timeout\_ms
259 Maximum allowed runtime for CGI scripts. CGI processes are terminated by
260 the server after this time. The default is "no timeout", so scripts may
261 run or block for undefined time.
263 ### decode\_query\_string `no`
264 URL decode all query strings in the server.
265 If you set this option to `yes`, all callbacks and scripts will only see the already
266 decoded query string. If this option is set to `no`, all callbacks and scripts have to decode
267 the query strings on their own, if they need to. Note that setting this option to `yes` is not
268 compatible with submitting form data using "GET" requests (but it is compatible with submitting
269 form data using the "POST" method; using "POST" is recommended for most use cases).
271 ### decode\_url `yes`
272 The server should decode the URL, according to the HTTP standard.
273 This means, `http://mydomain.com/this%20file.txt` will be decoded to `this file.txt`
274 (%20 corresponds to the URL encoding of the space character).
275 Set this option to `no` only if you are using callbacks exclusively and need access to the encoded URLs.
277 ### document\_root `.`
278 A directory to serve. By default, the current working directory is served.
279 The current directory is commonly referenced as dot (`.`).
280 It is recommended to use an absolute path for document\_root, in order to
281 avoid accidentally serving the wrong directory.
283 ### enable\_auth\_domain\_check `yes`
284 When using absolute URLs, verify the host is identical to the authentication\_domain.
285 If enabled, requests to absolute URLs will only be processed
286 if they are directed to the domain. If disabled, absolute URLs to any host
287 will be accepted.
289 ### enable\_directory\_listing `yes`
290 Enable directory listing, either `yes` or `no`.
292 ### enable\_http2 `no`
293 Enable HTTP2 protocol. Note: This option is only available, if the server has been
294 compiled with the `USE_HTTP2` define. The CivetWeb server supports only a subset of
295 all HTTP2 features.
297 ### enable\_keep\_alive `no`
298 Enable connection keep alive, either `yes` or `no`.
300 Allows clients to reuse TCP connection for subsequent HTTP requests,
301 which improves performance.
302 For this to work when using request handlers it is important to add the
303 correct Content-Length HTTP header for each request. If this is forgotten the
304 client will time out.
306 Note: If you set keep\_alive to `yes`, you should set keep\_alive\_timeout\_ms
307 to some value > 0 (e.g. 500). If you set keep\_alive to `no`, you should set
308 keep\_alive\_timeout\_ms to 0. Currently, this is done as a default value,
309 but this configuration is redundant. In a future version, the keep\_alive
310 configuration option might be removed and automatically set to `yes` if
311 a timeout > 0 is set.
313 ### enable\_websocket\_ping\_pong `no`
314 If this configuration value is set to `yes`, the server will send a
315 websocket PING message to a websocket client, once the timeout set by
316 websocket\_timeout\_ms expires. Clients (Web browsers) supporting this
317 feature will reply with a PONG message.
319 If this configuration value is set to `no`, the websocket server will
320 close the connection, once the timeout expires.
322 Note: This configuration value only exists, if the server has been built
323 with websocket support enabled.
325 ### error\_log\_file
326 Path to a file for error logs. Either full path, or relative to the current
327 working directory. If absent (default), then errors are not logged.
329 ### error\_pages
330 This option may be used to specify a directory for user defined error pages.
331 To specify a directory, make sure the name ends with a backslash (Windows)
332 or slash (Linux, MacOS, ...).
333 The error pages may be specified for an individual http status code (e.g.,
334 404 - page requested by the client not found), a group of http status codes
335 (e.g., 4xx - all client errors) or all errors. The corresponding error pages
336 must be called error404.ext, error4xx.ext or error.ext, whereas the file
337 extension may be one of the extensions specified for the index_files option.
338 See the [Wikipedia page on HTTP status codes](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_status_code).
340 ### extra\_mime\_types
341 Extra mime types, in the form `extension1=type1,exten-sion2=type2,...`.
342 See the [Wikipedia page on Internet media types](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type).
343 Extension must include a leading dot. Example:
344 `.cpp=plain/text,.java=plain/text`
346 ### global\_auth\_file
347 Path to a global passwords file, either full path or relative to the current
348 working directory. If set, per-directory `.htpasswd` files are ignored,
349 and all requests are authorized against that file.
351 The file has to include the realm set through `authentication_domain` and the
352 password in digest format:
354 user:realm:digest
355 test:test.com:ce0220efc2dd2fad6185e1f1af5a4327
357 Password files may be generated using `CivetWeb -A` as explained above, or
358 online tools e.g. [this generator](http://www.askapache.com/online-tools/htpasswd-generator).
360 ### hide\_files\_patterns
361 A pattern for the files to hide. Files that match the pattern will not
362 show up in directory listing and return `404 Not Found` if requested. Pattern
363 must be for a file name only, not including directory names. Example:
365 CivetWeb -hide_files_patterns secret.txt|**.hide
367 Note: hide\_file\_patterns uses the pattern described above. If you want to
368 hide all files with a certain extension, make sure to use **.extension
369 (not just *.extension).
371 ### index\_files `index.xhtml,index.html,index.htm,index.cgi,index.shtml,index.php`
372 Comma-separated list of files to be treated as directory index files.
373 If more than one matching file is present in a directory, the one listed to the left
374 is used as a directory index.
376 In case built-in Lua support has been enabled, `index.lp,index.lsp,index.lua`
377 are additional default index files, ordered before `index.cgi`.
379 ### keep\_alive\_timeout\_ms `500` or `0`
380 Idle timeout between two requests in one keep-alive connection.
381 If keep alive is enabled, multiple requests using the same connection
382 are possible. This reduces the overhead for opening and closing connections
383 when loading several resources from one server, but it also blocks one port
384 and one thread at the server during the lifetime of this connection.
385 Unfortunately, browsers do not close the keep-alive connection after loading
386 all resources required to show a website.
387 The server closes a keep-alive connection, if there is no additional request
388 from the client during this timeout.
390 Note: if enable\_keep\_alive is set to `no` the value of
391 keep\_alive\_timeout\_ms should be set to `0`, if enable\_keep\_alive is set
392 to `yes`, the value of keep\_alive\_timeout\_ms must be >0.
393 Currently keep\_alive\_timeout\_ms is ignored if enable\_keep\_alive is no,
394 but future versions may drop the enable\_keep\_alive configuration value and
395 automatically use keep-alive if keep\_alive\_timeout\_ms is not 0.
397 ### linger\_timeout\_ms
398 Set TCP socket linger timeout before closing sockets (SO\_LINGER option).
399 The configured value is a timeout in milliseconds. Setting the value to 0
400 will yield in abortive close (if the socket is closed from the server side).
401 Setting the value to -1 will turn off linger.
402 If the value is not set (or set to -2), CivetWeb will not set the linger
403 option at all.
405 Note: For consistency with other timeout configurations, the value is
406 configured in milliseconds. However, the TCP socket layer usually only
407 offers a timeout in seconds, so the value should be an integer multiple
408 of 1000.
410 ### listening\_ports `8080`
411 Comma-separated list of ports to listen on. If the port is SSL, a
412 letter `s` must be appended, for example, `80,443s` will open
413 port 80 and port 443, and connections on port 443 will be SSL-ed.
414 For non-SSL ports, it is allowed to append letter `r`, meaning 'redirect'.
415 Redirect ports will redirect all their traffic to the first configured
416 SSL port. For example, if `listening_ports` is `80r,443s`, then all
417 HTTP traffic coming at port 80 will be redirected to HTTPS port 443.
419 It is possible to specify an IP address to bind to. In this case,
420 an IP address and a colon must be pre-pended to the port number.
421 For example, to bind to a loopback interface on port 80 and to
422 all interfaces on HTTPS port 443, use `,443s`.
424 If the server is built with IPv6 support, `[::]:8080` can be used to
425 listen to IPv6 connections to port 8080. IPv6 addresses of network
426 interfaces can be specified as well,
427 e.g. `[::1]:8080` for the IPv6 loopback interface.
429 [::]:80 will bind to port 80 IPv6 only. In order to use port 80 for
430 all interfaces, both IPv4 and IPv6, use either the configuration
431 `80,[::]:80` (create one socket for IPv4 and one for IPv6 only),
432 or `+80` (create one socket for both, IPv4 and IPv6).
433 The `+` notation to use IPv4 and IPv6 will only work if no network
434 interface is specified. Depending on your operating system version
435 and IPv6 network environment, some configurations might not work
436 as expected, so you have to test to find the configuration most
437 suitable for your needs. In case `+80` does not work for your
438 environment, you need to use `80,[::]:80`.
440 It is possible to use network interface addresses (e.g., ``,
441 `[2001:0db8::1234]:80`). To get a list of available network interface
442 addresses, use `ipconfig` (in a `cmd` window in Windows) or `ifconfig`
443 (in a Linux shell).
444 Alternatively, you could use the hostname for an interface. Check the
445 hosts file of your operating system for a proper hostname
446 (for Windows, usually found in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\,
447 for most Linux distributions: /etc/hosts). E.g., to bind the IPv6
448 local host, you could use `ip6-localhost:80`. This translates to
449 `[::1]:80`. Beside the hosts file, there are several other name
450 resolution services. Using your hostname might bind you to the
451 localhost or an external interface. You could also try `hostname.local`,
452 if the proper network services are installed (Zeroconf, mDNS, Bonjour,
453 Avahi). When using a hostname, you need to test in your particular network
454 environment - in some cases, you might need to resort to a fixed IP address.
456 If you want to use an ephemeral port (i.e. let the operating system choose
457 a port number), use `0` for the port number. This will make it necessary to
458 communicate the port number to clients via other means, for example mDNS
459 (Zeroconf, Bonjour, Avahi).
461 In case the server has been built with the `USE_X_DOM_SOCKET` option set,
462 it can listen to unix domain sockets as well. They are specified by a
463 lower case `x` followed by the domain socket path, e.g. `x/tmp/sockname`.
464 Domain sockets do not require a port number, always use HTTP (not HTTPS)
465 and never redirect. Thus `:` is not allowed, while `r` or `s` at the end
466 of the configuration is interpreted as part of the domain socket path.
467 The domain sochet path must be a valid path to a non-existing file on a
468 Unix/Linux system. The CivetWeb process needs write/create access rights
469 to create the domain socket in the Unix/Linux file system.
470 Use only alphanumerical characters, underscore and `/` in a domain socket
471 path (in particular, `,;:` must be avoided).
473 All socket/protocol types may be combined, separated by `,`.
474 E.g.: `,[::1]:80,x/tmp/sockname` will listen to localhost
475 http connections using IPv4, IPv6 and the domain socket `/tmp/sockname`.
477 ### lua\_background\_script
478 Run a Lua script in the background, independent from any connection.
479 The script is started before network access to the server is available.
480 It can be used to prepare the document root (e.g., update files, compress
481 files, ...), check for external resources, remove old log files, etc.
483 The script can define callbacks to be notified when the server starts
484 or stops. Furthermore, it can be used for log filtering or formatting.
485 The Lua state remains open until the server is stopped.
487 For a detailed descriotion of available Lua callbacks see section
488 "Lua background script" below.
490 ### lua\_background\_script\_params
491 Can add dynamic parameters to background script.
492 Parameters mapped into 'mg.params' as table.
493 Example: `paramName1=paramValue1,paramName2=2`
495 ### lua\_preload\_file
496 This configuration option can be used to specify a Lua script file, which
497 is executed before the actual web page script (Lua script, Lua server page
498 or Lua websocket). It can be used to modify the Lua environment of all web
499 page scripts, e.g., by loading additional libraries or defining functions
500 required by all scripts.
501 It may be used to achieve backward compatibility by defining obsolete
502 functions as well.
504 ### lua\_script\_pattern `"**.lua$`
505 A pattern for files that are interpreted as Lua scripts by the server.
506 In contrast to Lua server pages, Lua scripts use plain Lua syntax.
507 An example can be found in the test directory.
509 ### lua\_server\_page\_pattern `**.lp$|**.lsp$`
510 Files matching this pattern are treated as Lua server pages.
511 In contrast to Lua scripts, the content of a Lua server pages is delivered
512 directly to the client. Lua script parts are delimited from the standard
513 content by including them between <? and ?> tags.
514 An example can be found in the test directory.
516 ### lua\_websocket\_pattern `"**.lua$`
517 A pattern for websocket script files that are interpreted as Lua scripts by the server.
519 ### max\_request\_size `16384`
520 Size limit for HTTP request headers and header data returned from CGI scripts, in Bytes.
521 A buffer of the configured size is pre allocated for every worker thread.
522 max\_request\_size limits the HTTP header, including query string and cookies,
523 but it does not affect the HTTP body length.
524 The server has to read the entire header from a client or from a CGI script,
525 before it is able to process it. In case the header is longer than max\_request\_size,
526 the request is considered as invalid or as DoS attack.
527 The configuration value is approximate, the real limit might be a few bytes off.
528 The minimum is 1024 (1 kB).
530 ### num\_threads `50`
531 Number of worker threads. CivetWeb handles each incoming connection in a
532 separate thread. Therefore, the value of this option is effectively the number
533 of concurrent HTTP connections CivetWeb can handle.
535 If there are more simultaneous requests (connection attempts), they are queued.
536 Every connection attempt first needs to be accepted (up to a limit of
537 `listen_backlog` waiting connections). Then it is accepted and queued for the next
538 available worker thread (up to a limit of `connection_queue`). Finally a worker
539 thread handles all requests received in a connection (up to `num_threads`).
541 In case the clients are web browsers, it is recommended to use `num_threads` of
542 at least 5, since browsers often establish multiple connections to load a single
543 web page, including all linked documents (CSS, JavaScript, images, ...).
545 ### listen\_backlog `200`
546 Maximum number of connections waiting to be accepted by the server operating system.
547 Internally, this parameter is passed to the "listen" socket/system call.
549 ### connection\_queue `20`
550 Maximum number of accepted connections waiting to be dispatched by a worker thread.
552 ### protect\_uri
553 Comma separated list of URI=PATH pairs, specifying that given
554 URIs must be protected with password files specified by PATH.
555 All Paths must be full file paths.
557 ### put\_delete\_auth\_file
558 Passwords file for PUT and DELETE requests. Without a password file, it will not
559 be possible to PUT new files to the server or DELETE existing ones. PUT and
560 DELETE requests might still be handled by Lua scripts and CGI paged.
562 ### request\_timeout\_ms `30000`
563 Timeout for network read and network write operations, in milliseconds.
564 If a client intends to keep long-running connection, either increase this
565 value or (better) use keep-alive messages.
567 ### run\_as\_user
568 Switch to given user credentials after startup. Usually, this option is
569 required when CivetWeb needs to bind on privileged ports on UNIX. To do
570 that, CivetWeb needs to be started as root. From a security point of view,
571 running as root is not advisable, therefore this option can be used to drop
572 privileges. Example:
574 civetweb -listening_ports 80 -run_as_user webserver
576 ### ssi\_pattern `**.shtml$|**.shtm$`
577 All files that match `ssi_pattern` are treated as Server Side Includes (SSI).
579 SSI is a simple interpreted server-side scripting language which is most
580 commonly used to include the contents of another file in a web page.
581 It can be useful when it is desirable to include a common piece
582 of code throughout a website, for example, headers and footers.
584 In order for a webpage to recognize an SSI-enabled HTML file, the filename
585 should end with a special extension, by default the extension should be
586 either `.shtml` or `.shtm`. These extensions may be changed using the
587 `ssi_pattern` option.
589 Unknown SSI directives are silently ignored by CivetWeb. Currently, two SSI
590 directives are supported, `<!--#include ...>` and
591 `<!--#exec "command">`. Note that the `<!--#include ...>` directive supports
592 three path specifications:
594 <!--#include virtual="path"> Path is relative to web server root
595 <!--#include abspath="path"> Path is absolute or relative to
596 web server working dir
597 <!--#include file="path">, Path is relative to current document
598 <!--#include "path">
600 The `include` directive may be used to include the contents of a file or the
601 result of running a CGI script. The `exec` directive is used to execute a
602 command on a server, and show the output that would have been printed to
603 stdout (the terminal window) otherwise. Example:
605 <!--#exec "ls -l" -->
607 For more information on Server Side Includes, take a look at the Wikipedia:
608 [Server Side Includes](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Side_Includes)
610 ### ssl\_ca\_file
611 Path to a .pem file containing trusted certificates. The file may contain
612 more than one certificate.
614 ### ssl\_ca\_path
615 Name of a directory containing trusted CA certificates. Each file in the
616 directory must contain only a single CA certificate. The files must be named
617 by the subject name’s hash and an extension of “.0”. If there is more than one
618 certificate with the same subject name they should have extensions ".0", ".1",
619 ".2" and so on respectively.
621 ### ssl\_cache\_timeout `-1`
622 Allow caching of SSL/TLS sessions, so HTTPS connection from the same client
623 to the same server can be established faster. A configuration value >0 activates
624 session caching. The configuration value is the maximum lifetime of a cached
625 session in seconds.
626 The default is to deactivated session caching.
628 ### ssl\_certificate
629 Path to the SSL certificate file. This option is only required when at least
630 one of the `listening\_ports` is SSL. The file must be in PEM format,
631 and it must have both, private key and certificate, see for example
632 [ssl_cert.pem](https://github.com/civetweb/civetweb/blob/master/resources/ssl_cert.pem)
633 A description how to create a certificate can be found in doc/OpenSSL.md
635 ### ssl\_certificate\_chain
636 Path to an SSL certificate chain file. As a default, the ssl\_certificate file is used.
638 ### ssl\_cipher\_list
639 List of ciphers to present to the client. Entries should be separated by
640 colons, commas or spaces.
642 ALL All available ciphers
643 ALL:!eNULL All ciphers excluding NULL ciphers
644 AES128:!MD5 AES 128 with digests other than MD5
646 See [this entry](https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/apps/ciphers.html) in
647 OpenSSL documentation for full list of options and additional examples.
648 The OpenSSL cipher string uses different cipher names than IANA
649 (see [this mapping](https://testssl.sh/openssl-iana.mapping.html)).
651 In case CivetWeb is built with a TLS library other than OpenSSL
652 (e.g., [mbedTLS](https://tls.mbed.org/supported-ssl-ciphersuites)),
653 the cipher names may be different.
655 ### ssl\_default\_verify\_paths `yes`
656 Loads default trusted certificates locations set at openssl compile time.
658 ### ssl\_protocol\_version `4`
659 Sets the minimal accepted version of SSL/TLS protocol according to the table:
661 Protocols | Value
662 ------------ | -------------
663 SSL2+SSL3+TLS1.0+TLS1.1+TLS1.2+TLS1.3 | 0
664 SSL3+TLS1.0+TLS1.1+TLS1.2+TLS1.3 | 1
665 TLS1.0+TLS1.1+TLS1.2+TLS1.3 | 2
666 TLS1.1+TLS1.2+TLS1.3 | 3
667 TLS1.2+TLS1.3 | 4
668 TLS1.3 | 5
670 TLS version 1.3 is only available if you are using an up-to-date TLS libary.
671 The default setting has been changed from 0 to 4 in CivetWeb 1.14.
673 ### ssl\_short\_trust `no`
674 Enables the use of short lived certificates. This will allow for the certificates
675 and keys specified in `ssl_certificate`, `ssl_ca_file` and `ssl_ca_path` to be
676 exchanged and reloaded while the server is running.
678 In an automated environment it is advised to first write the new pem file to
679 a different filename and then to rename it to the configured pem file name to
680 increase performance while swapping the certificate.
682 Disk IO performance can be improved when keeping the certificates and keys stored
683 on a tmpfs (linux) on a system with very high throughput.
685 ### ssl\_verify\_depth `9`
686 Sets maximum depth of certificate chain. If client's certificate chain is longer
687 than the depth set here connection is refused.
689 ### ssl\_verify\_peer `no`
690 Enable client's certificate verification by the server.
692 ### static\_file\_cache\_control
693 Set the `Cache-Control` header of static files responses.
694 The string value will be used directly.
696 E.g. this config:
698 `static_file_cache_control no-cache, max-age=31536000`
700 Will result in this header being added:
702 `Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=31536000`
704 This will take precedence over the static\_file\_max\_age option.
706 ### static\_file\_max\_age `3600`
707 Set the maximum time (in seconds) a cache may store a static files.
709 This option will set the `Cache-Control: max-age` value for static files.
710 Dynamically generated content, i.e., content created by a script or callback,
711 must send cache control headers by themselves.
713 A value >0 corresponds to a maximum allowed caching time in seconds.
714 This value should not exceed one year (RFC 2616, Section 14.21).
715 A value of 0 will send "do not cache at all" headers for all static files.
716 For values <0 and values >31622400 (366 days), the behaviour is undefined.
718 ### strict\_transport\_security\_max\_age
720 Set the `Strict-Transport-Security` header, and set the `max-age` value.
721 This instructs web browsers to interact with the server only using HTTPS,
722 never by HTTP. If set, it will be sent for every request handled directly
723 by the server, except scripts (CGI, Lua, ..) and callbacks. They must
724 send HTTP headers on their own.
726 The time is specified in seconds. If this configuration is not set,
727 or set to -1, no `Strict-Transport-Security` header will be sent.
728 For values <-1 and values >31622400, the behaviour is undefined.
730 ### tcp\_nodelay `0`
731 Enable TCP_NODELAY socket option on client connections.
733 If set the socket option will disable Nagle's algorithm on the connection
734 which means that packets will be sent as soon as possible instead of waiting
735 for a full buffer or timeout to occur.
737 0 Keep the default: Nagel's algorithm enabled
738 1 Disable Nagel's algorithm for all sockets
740 ### throttle
741 Limit download speed for clients. `throttle` is a comma-separated
742 list of key=value pairs, where key could be:
744 * limit speed for all connections
745 x.x.x.x/mask limit speed for specified subnet
746 [IPv6-addr]/mask limit speed for specified IPv6 subnet (needs square brackets)
747 uri_prefix_pattern limit speed for given URIs
749 The value is a floating-point number of bytes per second, optionally
750 followed by a `k` or `m` character, meaning kilobytes and
751 megabytes respectively. A limit of 0 means unlimited rate. The
752 last matching rule wins. Examples:
754 *=1k, limit all accesses to 1 kilobyte per second,
755 but give connections the from subnet
756 unlimited speed
758 /downloads/=5k limit accesses to all URIs in `/downloads/` to
759 5 kilobytes per second. All other accesses are unlimited
761 ### url\_rewrite\_patterns
762 Comma-separated list of URL rewrites in the form of
763 `uri_pattern=file_or_directory_path`. When CivetWeb receives any request,
764 it constructs the file name to show by combining `document_root` and the URI.
765 However, if the rewrite option is used and `uri_pattern` matches the
766 requested URI, then `document_root` is ignored. Instead,
767 `file_or_directory_path` is used, which should be a full path name or
768 a path relative to the web server's current working directory. Note that
769 `uri_pattern`, as all CivetWeb patterns, is a prefix pattern.
771 This makes it possible to serve many directories outside from `document_root`,
772 redirect all requests to scripts, and do other tricky things. For example,
773 to redirect all accesses to `.doc` files to a special script, do:
775 CivetWeb -url_rewrite_patterns **.doc$=/path/to/cgi-bin/handle_doc.cgi
777 Or, to imitate support for user home directories, do:
779 CivetWeb -url_rewrite_patterns /~joe/=/home/joe/,/~bill=/home/bill/
781 ### websocket\_root
782 In case CivetWeb is built with Lua and websocket support, Lua scripts may
783 be used for websockets as well. Since websockets use a different URL scheme
784 (ws, wss) than other http pages (http, https), the Lua scripts used for
785 websockets may also be served from a different directory. By default,
786 the document\_root is used as websocket\_root as well.
788 ### websocket\_timeout\_ms
789 Timeout for network read and network write operations for websockets, WS(S),
790 in milliseconds. If this value is not set, the value of request\_timeout\_ms
791 is used for HTTP(S) as well as for WS(S). In case websocket\_timeout\_ms is
792 set, HTTP(S) and WS(S) can use different timeouts.
794 Note: This configuration value only exists, if the server has been built
795 with websocket support enabled.
798 ## Options from `main.c`
800 The following options are supported in `main.c`, the additional source file for
801 the stand-alone executable. These options are not supported by other applications
802 embedding `civetweb.c`, unless they are added to the embedding application.
804 ### title
805 Use the configured string as a server name. For Windows, this will be shown as
806 the window title.
808 ### icon
809 For Windows, show this icon file in the systray, replacing the CivetWeb standard
810 icon. This option has no effect for Linux.
812 ### website
813 For Windows, use this website as a link in the systray, replacing the default
814 link for CivetWeb.
816 ### hide\_tray `no`
817 For Windows: Do not show a tray icon. May be `yes` (hide) or `no` (show, default).
819 ### daemonize `no`
820 This option is only available for Linux, if the server has been build with the
821 `DAEMONIZE` compile options. Call (deprecated) `daemon()` BSD function to
822 detach the server process from the controlling terminal and run it in the
823 background as a system daemon.
825 ### add\_domain
826 Option to load an additional configuration file, specifying an additional domain
827 to host. To add multiple additional domains, use the add\_domain option
828 multiple times with one configuration file for each domain.
829 This option is available for Windows and Linux operating systems.
831 Internally, the options are passed to the `mg_start_domain` API function.
832 If you are not using `main.c`, you need to call this API function to activate
833 and additional domain.
835 Every domain configuration file may contain a subset of the options available for
836 the main server configuration files, with some exceptions. Some configurations
837 are per server while others are available for each domain.
839 All port, socket, process and thread specific parameters are per server:
840 `allow_sendfile_call`, `case_sensitive`, `connection_queue`, `decode_url`,
841 `enable_http2`, `enable_keep_alive`, `enable_websocket_ping_pong`,
842 `keep_alive_timeout_ms`, `linger_timeout_ms`, `listen_backlog`,
843 `listening_ports`, `lua_background_script`, `lua_background_script_params`,
844 `max_request_size`, `num_threads`, `request_timeout_ms`, `run_as_user`,
845 `tcp_nodelay`, `throttle`, `websocket_timeout_ms` + all options from `main.c`.
847 All other options can be set per domain. In particular
848 `authentication_domain`, `document_root` and (for HTTPS) `ssl_certificate`
849 must be set for each additional domain.
851 While some options like `error_log_file` are per domain, the setting of the
852 initial (main) domain may be used if the server could not determine the
853 correct domain for a specific request.
856 Scripting
857 ----
859 # Lua Scripts and Lua Server Pages
860 Pre-built Windows and Mac CivetWeb binaries have built-in Lua scripting
861 support as well as support for Lua Server Pages.
863 Lua scripts (default extension: *.lua) use plain Lua syntax.
864 The body of the script file is not sent directly to the client,
865 the Lua script must send header and content of the web page by calling
866 the function mg.write(text).
868 Lua Server Pages (default extensions: *.lsp, *.lp) are html pages containing
869 script elements similar to PHP, using the Lua programming language instead of
870 PHP. Lua script elements must be enclosed in `<? ?>` blocks, and can appear
871 anywhere on the page. Furthermore, Lua Server Pages offer the opportunity to
872 insert the content of a variable by enclosing the Lua variable name in
873 `<?= ?>` blocks, similar to PHP.
874 For example, to print the current weekday name and the URI of the current
875 page, one can write:
877 <p>
878 <span>Today is:</span>
879 <? mg.write(os.date("%A")) ?>
880 </p>
881 <p>
882 URI is <?=mg.request_info.uri?>
883 </p>
885 From version 1.11, CivetWeb supports "Kepler Syntax" in addition to the
886 traditional Lua pages syntax of CivetWeb. Kepler Syntax uses `<?lua ?>`
887 or `<% %>` blocks for script elements (corresponding to `<? ?>` above)
888 and `<?lua= ?>` or `<%= %>` for variable content (corresponding to `<?= ?>`).
890 <ul>
891 <% for key, value in pairs(mg.request_info) do %>
892 <li> <%= key %>: <%= value %> </li>
893 <% end %>
894 </ul>
896 Currently the extended "Kepler Syntax" is available only for HTML (see
897 note on HTTP headers below).
899 Lua is known for it's speed and small size. The default Lua version for
900 CivetWeb is Lua 5.2.4. The documentation for it can be found in the
901 [Lua 5.2 reference manual](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/). However,
902 CivetWeb can be built with Lua 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 (currently pre-release)
903 and LuaJIT.
905 Note that this example uses function `mg.write()`, which sends data to the
906 web client. Using `mg.write()` is the way to generate web content from inside
907 Lua code. In addition to `mg.write()`, all standard Lua library functions
908 are accessible from the Lua code (please check the reference manual for
909 details). Lua functions working on files (e.g., `io.open`) use a path
910 relative to the working path of the CivetWeb process. The web server content
911 is located in the path `mg.document_root`.
912 Information on the request is available in the `mg.request_info`
913 object, like the request method, all HTTP headers, etcetera.
915 [page2.lua](https://github.com/civetweb/civetweb/blob/master/test/page2.lua)
916 is an example for a plain Lua script.
918 [page2.lp](https://github.com/civetweb/civetweb/blob/master/test/page2.lp)
919 is an example for a Lua Server Page.
921 [page4kepler.lp](https://github.com/civetweb/civetweb/blob/master/test/page4kepler.lp)
922 is a Lua Server Page showing "Kepler Syntax" in addition to traditional CivetWeb
923 Lua Server Pages syntax.
925 These examples show the content of the `mg.request_info` object as the page
926 content. Please refer to `struct mg_request_info` definition in
927 [CivetWeb.h](https://github.com/civetweb/civetweb/blob/master/include/civetweb.h)
928 to see additional information on the elements of the `mg.request_info` object.
930 CivetWeb also provides access to the [SQlite3 database](http://www.sqlite.org/)
931 through the [LuaSQLite3 interface](http://lua.sqlite.org/index.cgi/doc/tip/doc/lsqlite3.wiki)
932 in Lua. Examples are given in
933 [page.lua](https://github.com/civetweb/civetweb/blob/master/test/page.lua) and
934 [page.lp](https://github.com/civetweb/civetweb/blob/master/test/page.lp).
937 CivetWeb exports the following functions to Lua:
939 mg (table):
941 mg.read() -- reads a chunk from POST data, returns it as a string
942 mg.write(str) -- writes string to the client
943 mg.cry(str) -- logs error string to stderr
944 mg.include(filename, [pathtype]) -- include another Lua Page file (Lua Pages only)
945 -- pathtype can be "abs", "rel"/"file" or "virt[ual]"
946 -- like defined for SSI #include
947 mg.redirect(uri) -- redirect to internal URI
948 mg.onerror(msg) -- error handler, can be overridden
949 mg.auth_domain -- a string that holds the HTTP authentication domain
950 mg.document_root -- a string that holds the document root directory
951 mg.lua_type -- a string that holds the lua script type
952 mg.system -- a string that holds the operating system name
953 mg.version -- a string that holds CivetWeb version
954 mg.get_cookie(str, cookie) -- extract cookie from a string
955 mg.get_info(infotype) -- get server status information
956 mg.get_mime_type(filename) -- get MIME type of a file
957 mg.get_option(name) -- get configuration option value from name
958 mg.get_response_code_text(n)-- get response code text for n, nil otherwise
959 mg.get_var(str, varname, [occurance]) -- extract the first occurance of variable from (query) string
960 -- otherwise the nth occurance if supplied, nil if not found
961 mg.send_file(filename) -- send a file, including all required HTTP headers
962 mg.send_file_body(filename) -- send a file, excluding HTTP headers
963 mg.send_http_error(n,str) -- send http error code n with string body
964 mg.send_http_ok(mime,body) -- send http 200 OK with content-type mime and string body
965 mg.send_http_ok(mime,length)-- send http 200 OK with content-type mime and integer content-length length
966 mg.send_http_redirect(url,n)-- redirect to url with status code n
967 mg.split_form_data(form) -- returns a table of the split form data
968 mg.url_encode(str) -- URL encode a string
969 mg.url_decode(str, [form]) -- URL decode a string. If form=true, replace + by space.
970 mg.base64_encode(str) -- BASE64 encode a string
971 mg.base64_decode(str) -- BASE64 decode a string
972 mg.md5(str) -- return the MD5 hash of a string
973 mg.keep_alive(bool) -- allow/forbid to use http keep-alive for this request
974 mg.time([bool]) -- get the current unix timestamp with milliseconds
975 -- if bool is true then it is the time since startup
976 mg.trace(n,message,...) -- trace level n messages into tracefile
977 mg.uuid() -- generate a uuid
978 mg.random() -- get a random floating point number
979 mg.request_info -- a table with the following request information
980 .content_length -- Request content-length as a float
981 .content_type -- Request content-type, nil otherwise
982 .request_link -- Requested link
983 .request_uri -- Request URI
984 .uri -- Local request URI
985 .path_info -- Request URI, nil otherwise
986 .status -- Request status code, nil otherwise
987 .remote_addr -- IP address of the client as string
988 .remote_port -- remote port number
989 .server_port -- server port number
990 .request_method -- HTTP method (e.g.: GET, POST)
991 .http_version -- HTTP protocol version (e.g.: 1.1)
992 .http_headers -- Table of HTTP headers
993 .num_headers -- Number of headers
994 .query_string -- query string if present, nil otherwise
995 .script_name -- name of the Lua script, nil otherwise
996 .https -- true if accessed by https://, false otherwise
997 .remote_user -- user name if authenticated, nil otherwise
998 .auth_type -- Digest
999 .client_cert -- Table with ssl certificate infomation
1000 .subject -- Certificate subject
1001 .issuer -- Certificate issuer
1002 .serial -- Certificate serial number
1003 .finger -- Certificate finger
1005 If websocket and timers support is enabled then the following is also available:
1007 mg.set_timeout(fn,delay,[interval]) -- call function after delay at an interval
1008 mg.set_interval(fn,delay,[interval]) -- call function after delay at an interval
1009 mg.websocket_root -- a string that holds the websocket root
1011 connect (function):
1013 -- Connect to the remote TCP server. This function is an implementation
1014 -- of simple socket interface. It returns a socket object with three
1015 -- methods: send, recv, close, which are synchronous (blocking).
1016 -- connect() throws an exception on connection error.
1017 -- use_ssl is not implemented.
1018 connect(host, port, use_ssl)
1020 -- Example of using connect() interface:
1021 local host = 'www.example.com' -- IP address or domain name
1022 local ok, sock = pcall(connect, host, 80, 0)
1023 if ok then
1024 sock:send('GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n' ..
1025 'Host: ' .. host .. '\r\n\r\n')
1026 local reply = sock:recv()
1027 sock:close()
1028 -- reply now contains the web page http://www.example.com/
1029 end
1032 All filename arguments are either absolute or relative to the CivetWeb working
1033 directory (not the document root or the Lua script/page file).
1035 To serve a Lua Page, CivetWeb creates a Lua context. That context is used for
1036 all Lua blocks within the page. That means, all Lua blocks on the same page
1037 share the same context. If one block defines a variable, for example, that
1038 variable is visible in all blocks that follow.
1041 **Important note on HTTP headers:**
1043 Lua scripts MUST send HTTP headers themselves, e.g.:
1045 mg.write('HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n')
1047 Lua Server Pages CAN send HTTP reply headers, like this:
1049 HTTP/1.0 200 OK
1050 Content-Type: text/html
1052 <html><body>
1053 ... the rest of the web page ...
1055 or using Lua code:
1057 <? mg.write('HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n') ?>
1058 <html><body>
1059 ... the rest of the web page ...
1061 or Lua Server Pages generating HTML content MAY skip the HTTP header lines.
1062 In this case, CivetWeb automatically creates a "200 OK"/"Content-Type: text/html"
1063 reply header. In this case, the document must start with "<!DOCTYPE html>"
1064 or "<html".
1066 Currently the extended "Kepler Syntax" is available only for text/html pages
1067 not sending their own HTTP headers. Thus, "Kepler Syntax" can only be used for
1068 HTML pages, while traditional CivetWeb syntax can be used to send a content-type
1069 header and generate any kind of file.
1072 ## Websockets for Lua
1073 CivetWeb offers support for websockets in Lua as well. In contrast to plain
1074 Lua scripts and Lua server pages, Lua websocket scripts are shared by all clients.
1076 Lua websocket scripts must define the following functions:
1077 `ready(arg)` -- called after a connection has been established
1078 `data(arg)` -- called when the server receives data from the client
1079 `close(arg)` -- called when a websocket connection is closed
1080 All function are called with one argument of type table with at least one field
1081 "client" to identify the client. When "open" is called, the argument table additionally
1082 contains the "request_info" table as defined above. For the "data" handler, an
1083 additional field "data" is available. The functions "open", "ready" and "data"
1084 must return true in order to keep the connection open.
1086 Lua websocket pages do support single shot (timeout) and interval timers.
1088 An example is shown in
1089 [websocket.lua](https://github.com/civetweb/civetweb/blob/master/test/websocket.lua).
1091 ## Lua background script
1092 The Lua background script is loaded when the server is starting,
1093 before any client is able to connect. It can be used for preparation and
1094 maintenance tasks, e.g., for preparing the web contents, cleaning log files,
1095 etc.
1097 The Name of the script file including path is configured as `lua_background_script`.
1098 Additional parameters can be supplied using `lua_background_script_params`.
1100 The background script is loaded before the server is ready to start.
1101 It may return a boolean value. If "false" in returned, the server will
1102 not be started. Since the server is not fully initialized when the script is loaded,
1103 some features of the "mg" library are not available yet. Use the "start()" callbacks
1104 function instead.
1106 A Lua background script may define the following functions:
1107 `start()` -- called wnen the server is started
1108 `stop()` -- called when the server is stopped
1109 `log(req, res)` -- called when an access log entry is created
1111 The return values of `start` and `stop` are ignored. The `start` callback can be used
1112 to create timers.
1114 The optional function `log` may be used to filter or format access log file entries.
1115 The `request_info` table is supplied as first argument (content of this table: see above).
1116 The second argument is the request processing result. It contains the number of bytes
1117 `read` and `written` (incl. header information), the `processing_time` in seconds,
1118 the `protocol` ("http", "https", "ws" or "wss"). For internally generated response and
1119 response generated using the `mg_response_*()` API, it will contain the http `status`
1120 code and a the response `http_headers` table (CGI response will not have all headers).
1122 The function can return a boolean value: true if the entry should be logged or false if not.
1123 Alternatively it can return a string: this will be used as log message
1124 (empty strings will not be logged).
1126 See example Lua script :
1127 [background.lua](https://github.com/civetweb/civetweb/blob/master/test/lua_backbround_script_timer.lua).
1129 # Using CGI
1131 Unlike some other web servers, CivetWeb does not require CGI scripts to be located
1132 in a special directory. CGI scripts files are recognized by the file name pattern
1133 and can be anywhere.
1135 When using CGI, make sure your CGI file names match the `cgi\_pattern` parameter
1136 configured for the server.
1137 Furthermore, you must either configure a `cgi\_interpreter` to be used for all
1138 CGI scripts, or all scripts must start with `#!` followed by the CGI
1139 interpreter executable, e.g.: `#!/path/to/perl.exe` or `#!/bin/sh`.
1141 See `cgi\_pattern` and `cgi\_interpreter` for more details.
1143 It is possible to disable CGI completely by building the server with
1144 the `NO\_CGI` define. Setting this define is required for operating
1145 systems not supporting `fork/exec` or `CreateProcess` (since CGI is
1146 based on creating child processes, it will not be available on such
1147 operating systems for principle reasons).
1149 Every CGI request will spawn a new child process. Data sent from the
1150 HTTP client to the server is passed to stdin of the child process,
1151 while data written to stdout by the child process is sent back to the
1152 HTTP client.
1154 In case a CGI script cannot handle a particular request, it might
1155 write a short error message to stderr instead of writing to stdout.
1156 This error message is added to the server error log.
1158 A script should not write to stderr after writing a reply header
1159 to stdout. In case CGI libraries are writing to stderr (e.g., for
1160 logging/debugging), the CGI script should redirect stderr to a
1161 user defined log file at the beginning of the script.
1164 FAQ
1165 ----
1167 # Common Problems
1168 - PHP doesn't work - getting empty page, or 'File not found' error. The
1169 reason for that is wrong paths to the interpreter. Remember that with PHP,
1170 the correct interpreter is `php-cgi.exe` (`php-cgi` on UNIX).
1171 Solution: specify the full path to the PHP interpreter, e.g.:
1172 `CivetWeb -cgi_interpreter /full/path/to/php-cgi`
1174 - `php-cgi` is unavailable, for example on Mac OS X. As long as the `php` binary is installed, you can run CGI programs in command line mode (see the example below). Note that in this mode, `$_GET` and friends will be unavailable, and you'll have to parse the query string manually using [parse_str](http://php.net/manual/en/function.parse-str.php) and the `QUERY_STRING` environmental variable.
1176 #!/usr/bin/php
1177 <?php
1178 echo "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
1179 echo "Hello World!\n";
1180 ?>
1182 - CivetWeb fails to start. If CivetWeb exits immediately when started, this
1183 usually indicates a syntax error in the configuration file
1184 (named `civetweb.conf` by default) or the command-line arguments.
1185 Syntax checking is omitted from CivetWeb to keep its size low. However,
1186 the Manual should be of help. Note: the syntax changes from time to time,
1187 so updating the config file might be necessary after executable update.
1188 Try to use the *error\_log\_file* option for details.
1190 - Embedding with OpenSSL on Windows might fail because of calling convention.
1191 To force CivetWeb to use `__stdcall` convention, add `/Gz` compilation
1192 flag in Visual Studio compiler.