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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / jaegertracing / opentelemetry-cpp / third_party / prometheus-cpp / README.md
1 # Prometheus Client Library for Modern C++
3 [![CI Status](https://github.com/jupp0r/prometheus-cpp/workflows/Continuous%20Integration/badge.svg)](https://github.com/jupp0r/prometheus-cpp/actions?workflow=Continuous+Integration)
4 [![Travis Status](https://travis-ci.org/jupp0r/prometheus-cpp.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/jupp0r/prometheus-cpp)
5 [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/jupp0r/prometheus-cpp/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/jupp0r/prometheus-cpp?branch=master)
6 [![Coverity Scan](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/10567/badge.svg)](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/jupp0r-prometheus-cpp)
8 This library aims to enable
9 [Metrics-Driven Development](https://sookocheff.com/post/mdd/mdd/) for
10 C++ services. It implements the
11 [Prometheus Data Model](https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/data_model/),
12 a powerful abstraction on which to collect and expose metrics. We
13 offer the possibility for metrics to be collected by Prometheus, but
14 other push/pull collections can be added as plugins.
16 ## Usage
18 See https://jupp0r.github.io/prometheus-cpp for more detailed interface documentation.
20 ``` c++
21 #include <prometheus/counter.h>
22 #include <prometheus/exposer.h>
23 #include <prometheus/registry.h>
25 #include <array>
26 #include <chrono>
27 #include <cstdlib>
28 #include <memory>
29 #include <string>
30 #include <thread>
32 int main() {
33 using namespace prometheus;
35 // create an http server running on port 8080
36 Exposer exposer{""};
38 // create a metrics registry
39 // @note it's the users responsibility to keep the object alive
40 auto registry = std::make_shared<Registry>();
42 // add a new counter family to the registry (families combine values with the
43 // same name, but distinct label dimensions)
44 //
45 // @note please follow the metric-naming best-practices:
46 // https://prometheus.io/docs/practices/naming/
47 auto& packet_counter = BuildCounter()
48 .Name("observed_packets_total")
49 .Help("Number of observed packets")
50 .Register(*registry);
52 // add and remember dimensional data, incrementing those is very cheap
53 auto& tcp_rx_counter =
54 packet_counter.Add({{"protocol", "tcp"}, {"direction", "rx"}});
55 auto& tcp_tx_counter =
56 packet_counter.Add({{"protocol", "tcp"}, {"direction", "tx"}});
57 auto& udp_rx_counter =
58 packet_counter.Add({{"protocol", "udp"}, {"direction", "rx"}});
59 auto& udp_tx_counter =
60 packet_counter.Add({{"protocol", "udp"}, {"direction", "tx"}});
62 // add a counter whose dimensional data is not known at compile time
63 // nevertheless dimensional values should only occur in low cardinality:
64 // https://prometheus.io/docs/practices/naming/#labels
65 auto& http_requests_counter = BuildCounter()
66 .Name("http_requests_total")
67 .Help("Number of HTTP requests")
68 .Register(*registry);
70 // ask the exposer to scrape the registry on incoming HTTP requests
71 exposer.RegisterCollectable(registry);
73 for (;;) {
74 std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));
75 const auto random_value = std::rand();
77 if (random_value & 1) tcp_rx_counter.Increment();
78 if (random_value & 2) tcp_tx_counter.Increment();
79 if (random_value & 4) udp_rx_counter.Increment();
80 if (random_value & 8) udp_tx_counter.Increment();
82 const std::array<std::string, 4> methods = {"GET", "PUT", "POST", "HEAD"};
83 auto method = methods.at(random_value % methods.size());
84 // dynamically calling Family<T>.Add() works but is slow and should be
85 // avoided
86 http_requests_counter.Add({{"method", method}}).Increment();
87 }
88 return 0;
89 }
91 ```
93 ## Requirements
95 Using `prometheus-cpp` requires a C++11 compliant compiler. It has been successfully tested with GNU GCC 7.4 on Ubuntu Bionic (18.04) and Visual Studio 2017 (but Visual Studio 2015 should work, too).
97 ## Building
99 There are two supported ways to build
100 `prometheus-cpp` - [CMake](https://cmake.org)
101 and [bazel](https://bazel.io). Both are tested in CI and should work
102 on master and for all releases.
104 In case these instructions don't work for you, looking at
105 the [GitHub Workflows](.github/workflows) might help.
107 ### via CMake
109 For CMake builds don't forget to fetch the submodules first. Please note that
110 [zlib](https://zlib.net/) and [libcurl](https://curl.se/) are not provided by
111 the included submodules. In the example below their usage is disabled.
113 Then build as usual.
115 ``` shell
116 # fetch third-party dependencies
117 git submodule init
118 git submodule update
120 mkdir _build
121 cd _build
123 # run cmake
126 # build
127 cmake --build . --parallel 4
129 # run tests
130 ctest -V
132 # install the libraries and headers
133 cmake --install .
134 ```
136 ### via Bazel
138 Install [bazel](https://www.bazel.io). Bazel makes it easy to add
139 this repo to your project as a dependency. Just add the following
140 to your `WORKSPACE`:
142 ```python
143 load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive", "http_file")
144 http_archive(
145 name = "com_github_jupp0r_prometheus_cpp",
146 strip_prefix = "prometheus-cpp-master",
147 urls = ["https://github.com/jupp0r/prometheus-cpp/archive/master.zip"],
148 )
150 load("@com_github_jupp0r_prometheus_cpp//bazel:repositories.bzl", "prometheus_cpp_repositories")
152 prometheus_cpp_repositories()
153 ```
155 Then, you can reference this library in your own `BUILD` file, as
156 demonstrated with the sample server included in this repository:
158 ```python
159 cc_binary(
160 name = "sample_server",
161 srcs = ["sample_server.cc"],
162 deps = ["@com_github_jupp0r_prometheus_cpp//pull"],
163 )
164 ```
166 When you call `prometheus_cpp_repositories()` in your `WORKSPACE` file,
167 you load the following dependencies, if they do not exist yet, into your project:
169 * `civetweb` for [Civetweb](https://github.com/civetweb/civetweb)
170 * `com_google_googletest` for [Google Test](https://github.com/google/googletest)
171 * `com_github_google_benchmark` for [Google Benchmark](https://github.com/google/benchmark)
172 * `com_github_curl` for [curl](https://curl.haxx.se/)
173 * `net_zlib_zlib` for [zlib](http://www.zlib.net/)
175 The list of dependencies is also available from file [repositories.bzl](bazel/repositories.bzl).
177 ## Packaging
179 By configuring CPack you can generate an installer like a
180 Debian package (.deb) or RPM (.rpm) for the static or dynamic
181 libraries so they can be easily installed on
182 other systems.
184 Please refer to the [CPack](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/CPack.html)
185 documentation for all available generators and their
186 configuration options.
188 To generate a Debian package you could follow these steps:
190 ``` shell
191 # fetch third-party dependencies
192 git submodule update --init
194 # run cmake
195 cmake -B_build -DCPACK_GENERATOR=DEB -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON # or OFF for static libraries
197 # build and package
198 cmake --build _build --target package --parallel $(nproc)
199 ```
201 This will place an appropriately named .deb in the
202 `_build` folder. To build a RPM package set the `CPACK_GENERATOR`
203 variable to `RPM`.
205 ## Consuming the installed project
207 ### CMake
209 Consuming prometheus-cpp via CMake is the preferred way because all the dependencies
210 between the three prometheus-cpp libraries are handled correctly.
212 The `cmake/project-import` directory contains an
213 example project and minimal [CMakeLists.txt](cmake/project-import-cmake/CMakeLists.txt).
215 ### vcpkg
217 The [vcpkg](https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg) package manager contains a
218 prometheus-cpp port which has been tested on Linux, macOS, and Windows.
220 ### Conan
222 [Conan](https://conan.io/) package manager contains prometheus-cpp package as well
223 in [ConanCenter](https://conan.io/center/prometheus-cpp) repository
225 ### Plain Makefiles
227 When manually linking prometheus-cpp the library order matters. The needed
228 libraries depend on the individual use case but the following should work for the pull metrics approach:
230 ```
231 -lprometheus-cpp-pull -lprometheus-cpp-core -lz
232 ```
234 For the push-workflow please try:
236 ```
237 -lprometheus-cpp-push -lprometheus-cpp-core -lcurl -lz
238 ```
240 ## Contributing
242 Please adhere to the [Google C++ Style
243 Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html). Make sure
244 to clang-format your patches before opening a PR. Also make sure to
245 adhere to [these commit message
246 guidelines](https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/).
248 You can check out this repo and build the library using
249 ``` bash
250 bazel build //... # build everything
251 bazel build //core //pull # build just the libraries
252 ```
254 Run the unit tests using
255 ```
256 bazel test //...
257 ```
259 There is also an integration test that
260 uses [telegraf](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf) to scrape a
261 sample server. With telegraf installed, it can be run using
262 ```
263 bazel test //pull/tests/integration:scrape-test
264 ```
266 ## Benchmarks
268 There's a benchmark suite you can run:
270 ```
271 bazel run -c opt //core/benchmarks
273 INFO: Analysed target //core/benchmarks:benchmarks (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
274 INFO: Found 1 target...
275 Target //core/benchmarks:benchmarks up-to-date:
276 bazel-bin/core/benchmarks/benchmarks
277 INFO: Elapsed time: 0.356s, Critical Path: 0.01s, Remote (0.00% of the time): [queue: 0.00%, setup: 0.00%, process: 0.00%]
278 INFO: 0 processes.
279 INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
280 INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
281 2018-11-30 15:13:14
282 Run on (4 X 2200 MHz CPU s)
283 CPU Caches:
284 L1 Data 32K (x2)
285 L1 Instruction 32K (x2)
286 L2 Unified 262K (x2)
287 L3 Unified 4194K (x1)
288 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
289 Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
290 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
291 BM_Counter_Increment 13 ns 12 ns 55616469
292 BM_Counter_Collect 7 ns 7 ns 99823170
293 BM_Gauge_Increment 12 ns 12 ns 51511873
294 BM_Gauge_Decrement 12 ns 12 ns 56831098
295 BM_Gauge_SetToCurrentTime 184 ns 183 ns 3928964
296 BM_Gauge_Collect 6 ns 6 ns 117223478
297 BM_Histogram_Observe/0 134 ns 124 ns 5665310
298 BM_Histogram_Observe/1 122 ns 120 ns 5937185
299 BM_Histogram_Observe/8 137 ns 135 ns 4652863
300 BM_Histogram_Observe/64 143 ns 143 ns 4835957
301 BM_Histogram_Observe/512 259 ns 257 ns 2334750
302 BM_Histogram_Observe/4096 1545 ns 1393 ns 620754
303 BM_Histogram_Collect/0 103 ns 102 ns 5654829
304 BM_Histogram_Collect/1 100 ns 100 ns 7015153
305 BM_Histogram_Collect/8 608 ns 601 ns 1149652
306 BM_Histogram_Collect/64 1438 ns 1427 ns 515236
307 BM_Histogram_Collect/512 5178 ns 5159 ns 114619
308 BM_Histogram_Collect/4096 33527 ns 33280 ns 20785
309 BM_Registry_CreateFamily 320 ns 316 ns 2021567
310 BM_Registry_CreateCounter/0 128 ns 128 ns 5487140
311 BM_Registry_CreateCounter/1 2066 ns 2058 ns 386002
312 BM_Registry_CreateCounter/8 7672 ns 7634 ns 91328
313 BM_Registry_CreateCounter/64 63270 ns 62761 ns 10780
314 BM_Registry_CreateCounter/512 560714 ns 558328 ns 1176
315 BM_Registry_CreateCounter/4096 18672798 ns 18383000 ns 35
316 BM_Summary_Observe/0/iterations:262144 9351 ns 9305 ns 262144
317 BM_Summary_Observe/1/iterations:262144 9242 ns 9169 ns 262144
318 BM_Summary_Observe/8/iterations:262144 14344 ns 14195 ns 262144
319 BM_Summary_Observe/64/iterations:262144 19176 ns 18950 ns 262144
320 BM_Summary_Collect/0/0 31 ns 30 ns 24873766
321 BM_Summary_Collect/1/0 166 ns 166 ns 4266706
322 BM_Summary_Collect/8/0 1040 ns 1036 ns 660527
323 BM_Summary_Collect/64/0 4529 ns 4489 ns 155600
324 BM_Summary_Collect/0/1 28 ns 28 ns 24866697
325 BM_Summary_Collect/1/1 190 ns 188 ns 3930354
326 BM_Summary_Collect/8/1 1372 ns 1355 ns 535779
327 BM_Summary_Collect/64/1 9901 ns 9822 ns 64632
328 BM_Summary_Collect/0/8 29 ns 29 ns 24922651
329 BM_Summary_Collect/1/8 217 ns 215 ns 3278381
330 BM_Summary_Collect/8/8 2275 ns 2256 ns 282503
331 BM_Summary_Collect/64/8 56790 ns 55804 ns 13878
332 BM_Summary_Collect/0/64 32 ns 31 ns 22548350
333 BM_Summary_Collect/1/64 395 ns 389 ns 1817073
334 BM_Summary_Collect/8/64 10187 ns 10064 ns 71928
335 BM_Summary_Collect/64/64 374835 ns 373560 ns 1812
336 BM_Summary_Collect/0/512 28 ns 28 ns 25234228
337 BM_Summary_Collect/1/512 1710 ns 1639 ns 802285
338 BM_Summary_Collect/8/512 50355 ns 49335 ns 15975
339 BM_Summary_Collect/64/512 2520972 ns 2493417 ns 295
340 BM_Summary_Collect/0/4096 31 ns 31 ns 24059034
341 BM_Summary_Collect/1/4096 2719 ns 2698 ns 286186
342 BM_Summary_Collect/8/4096 121689 ns 119995 ns 5647
343 BM_Summary_Collect/64/4096 5660131 ns 5587634 ns 134
344 BM_Summary_Collect/0/32768 29 ns 29 ns 22217567
345 BM_Summary_Collect/1/32768 4344 ns 4294 ns 138135
346 BM_Summary_Collect/8/32768 331563 ns 326403 ns 2017
347 BM_Summary_Collect/64/32768 16363553 ns 16038182 ns 44
348 BM_Summary_Collect/0/262144 27 ns 27 ns 23923036
349 BM_Summary_Collect/1/262144 10457 ns 10332 ns 67690
350 BM_Summary_Collect/8/262144 930434 ns 869234 ns 792
351 BM_Summary_Collect/64/262144 39217069 ns 39054846 ns 13
352 BM_Summary_Observe_Common/iterations:262144 5587 ns 5557 ns 262144
353 BM_Summary_Collect_Common/0 676 ns 673 ns 1054630
354 BM_Summary_Collect_Common/1 709 ns 705 ns 990659
355 BM_Summary_Collect_Common/8 1030 ns 1025 ns 685649
356 BM_Summary_Collect_Common/64 2066 ns 2055 ns 339969
357 BM_Summary_Collect_Common/512 5754 ns 5248 ns 156895
358 BM_Summary_Collect_Common/4096 23894 ns 23292 ns 31096
359 BM_Summary_Collect_Common/32768 49831 ns 49292 ns 13492
360 BM_Summary_Collect_Common/262144 128723 ns 126987 ns 5579
361 ```
363 ## Project Status
364 Stable and used in production.
366 Parts of the library are instrumented by itself
367 (bytes scraped, number of scrapes, scrape request latencies). There
368 is a working [example](pull/tests/integration/sample_server.cc) that's
369 scraped by telegraf as part of integration tests.
371 ## FAQ
373 ### What scrape formats do you support
375 Only the [Prometheus Text Exposition
376 Format](https://github.com/prometheus/docs/blob/master/content/docs/instrumenting/exposition_formats.md#text-format-details).
377 Support for the protobuf format was removed because it's been removed
378 from Prometheus 2.0.
380 ## License
382 MIT