]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/erl/src/thrift_client.erl
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / jaegertracing / thrift / lib / erl / src / thrift_client.erl
1 %%
2 %% Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3 %% or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4 %% distributed with this work for additional information
5 %% regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6 %% to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7 %% "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8 %% with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 %%
10 %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 %%
12 %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13 %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15 %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
16 %% specific language governing permissions and limitations
17 %% under the License.
18 %%
20 -module(thrift_client).
22 %% API
23 -export([new/2, call/3, send_call/3, close/1]).
25 -include("thrift_constants.hrl").
26 -include("thrift_protocol.hrl").
28 -record(tclient, {service, protocol, seqid}).
31 new(Protocol, Service)
32 when is_atom(Service) ->
33 {ok, #tclient{protocol = Protocol,
34 service = Service,
35 seqid = 0}}.
37 -spec call(#tclient{}, atom(), list()) -> {#tclient{}, {ok, any()} | {error, any()}}.
38 call(Client = #tclient{}, Function, Args)
39 when is_atom(Function), is_list(Args) ->
40 case send_function_call(Client, Function, Args) of
41 {ok, Client1} -> receive_function_result(Client1, Function);
42 {{error, X}, Client1} -> {Client1, {error, X}};
43 Else -> Else
44 end.
47 %% Sends a function call but does not read the result. This is useful
48 %% if you're trying to log non-oneway function calls to write-only
49 %% transports like thrift_disk_log_transport.
50 -spec send_call(#tclient{}, atom(), list()) -> {#tclient{}, ok}.
51 send_call(Client = #tclient{}, Function, Args)
52 when is_atom(Function), is_list(Args) ->
53 case send_function_call(Client, Function, Args) of
54 {ok, Client1} -> {Client1, ok};
55 Else -> Else
56 end.
58 -spec close(#tclient{}) -> ok.
59 close(#tclient{protocol=Protocol}) ->
60 thrift_protocol:close_transport(Protocol).
63 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
64 %%% Internal functions
65 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
66 -spec send_function_call(#tclient{}, atom(), list()) -> {ok | {error, any()}, #tclient{}}.
67 send_function_call(Client = #tclient{service = Service}, Function, Args) ->
68 {Params, Reply} = try
69 {Service:function_info(Function, params_type), Service:function_info(Function, reply_type)}
70 catch error:function_clause -> {no_function, 0}
71 end,
72 MsgType = case Reply of
73 oneway_void -> ?tMessageType_ONEWAY;
74 _ -> ?tMessageType_CALL
75 end,
76 case Params of
77 no_function ->
78 {{error, {no_function, Function}}, Client};
79 {struct, PList} when length(PList) =/= length(Args) ->
80 {{error, {bad_args, Function, Args}}, Client};
81 {struct, _PList} -> write_message(Client, Function, Args, Params, MsgType)
82 end.
84 -spec write_message(#tclient{}, atom(), list(), {struct, list()}, integer()) ->
85 {ok | {error, any()}, #tclient{}}.
86 write_message(Client = #tclient{protocol = P0, seqid = Seq}, Function, Args, Params, MsgType) ->
87 try
88 {P1, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(P0, #protocol_message_begin{
89 name = atom_to_list(Function),
90 type = MsgType,
91 seqid = Seq
92 }),
93 {P2, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(P1, {Params, list_to_tuple([Function|Args])}),
94 {P3, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(P2, message_end),
95 {P4, ok} = thrift_protocol:flush_transport(P3),
96 {ok, Client#tclient{protocol = P4}}
97 catch
98 error:{badmatch, {_, {error, _} = Error}} -> {Error, Client}
99 end.
101 -spec receive_function_result(#tclient{}, atom()) -> {#tclient{}, {ok, any()} | {error, any()}}.
102 receive_function_result(Client = #tclient{service = Service}, Function) ->
103 ResultType = Service:function_info(Function, reply_type),
104 read_result(Client, Function, ResultType).
106 read_result(Client, _Function, oneway_void) ->
107 {Client, {ok, ok}};
109 read_result(Client = #tclient{protocol = Proto0,
110 seqid = SeqId},
111 Function,
112 ReplyType) ->
113 case thrift_protocol:read(Proto0, message_begin) of
114 {Proto1, {error, Reason}} ->
115 NewClient = Client#tclient{protocol = Proto1},
116 {NewClient, {error, Reason}};
117 {Proto1, MessageBegin} ->
118 NewClient = Client#tclient{protocol = Proto1},
119 case MessageBegin of
120 #protocol_message_begin{seqid = RetSeqId} when RetSeqId =/= SeqId ->
121 {NewClient, {error, {bad_seq_id, SeqId}}};
122 #protocol_message_begin{type = ?tMessageType_EXCEPTION} ->
123 handle_application_exception(NewClient);
124 #protocol_message_begin{type = ?tMessageType_REPLY} ->
125 handle_reply(NewClient, Function, ReplyType)
126 end
127 end.
130 handle_reply(Client = #tclient{protocol = Proto0,
131 service = Service},
132 Function,
133 ReplyType) ->
134 {struct, ExceptionFields} = Service:function_info(Function, exceptions),
135 ReplyStructDef = {struct, [{0, ReplyType}] ++ ExceptionFields},
136 {Proto1, {ok, Reply}} = thrift_protocol:read(Proto0, ReplyStructDef),
137 {Proto2, ok} = thrift_protocol:read(Proto1, message_end),
138 NewClient = Client#tclient{protocol = Proto2},
139 ReplyList = tuple_to_list(Reply),
140 true = length(ReplyList) == length(ExceptionFields) + 1,
141 ExceptionVals = tl(ReplyList),
142 Thrown = [X || X <- ExceptionVals,
143 X =/= undefined],
144 case Thrown of
145 [] when ReplyType == {struct, []} ->
146 {NewClient, {ok, ok}};
147 [] ->
148 {NewClient, {ok, hd(ReplyList)}};
149 [Exception] ->
150 throw({NewClient, {exception, Exception}})
151 end.
153 handle_application_exception(Client = #tclient{protocol = Proto0}) ->
154 {Proto1, {ok, Exception}} =
155 thrift_protocol:read(Proto0, ?TApplicationException_Structure),
156 {Proto2, ok} = thrift_protocol:read(Proto1, message_end),
157 XRecord = list_to_tuple(
158 ['TApplicationException' | tuple_to_list(Exception)]),
159 error_logger:error_msg("X: ~p~n", [XRecord]),
160 true = is_record(XRecord, 'TApplicationException'),
161 NewClient = Client#tclient{protocol = Proto2},
162 throw({NewClient, {exception, XRecord}}).