]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol/Compact.hs
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / jaegertracing / thrift / lib / hs / src / Thrift / Protocol / Compact.hs
1 --
2 -- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3 -- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4 -- distributed with this work for additional information
5 -- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6 -- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7 -- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8 -- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 --
10 -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 --
12 -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13 -- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15 -- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
16 -- specific language governing permissions and limitations
17 -- under the License.
18 --
20 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
21 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
22 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
23 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
25 module Thrift.Protocol.Compact
26 ( module Thrift.Protocol
27 , CompactProtocol(..)
28 , parseVarint
29 , buildVarint
30 ) where
32 import Control.Applicative
33 import Control.Monad
34 import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as P
35 import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as LP
36 import Data.Bits
37 import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder as B
38 import Data.Int
39 import Data.List as List
40 import Data.Monoid
41 import Data.Word
42 import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding ( decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8 )
44 import Thrift.Protocol
45 import Thrift.Transport
46 import Thrift.Types
48 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
49 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
50 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
51 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
53 -- | the Compact Protocol implements the standard Thrift 'TCompactProcotol'
54 -- which is similar to the 'TBinaryProtocol', but takes less space on the wire.
55 -- Integral types are encoded using as varints.
56 data CompactProtocol a = CompactProtocol a
57 -- ^ Constuct a 'CompactProtocol' with a 'Transport'
59 protocolID, version, versionMask, typeMask, typeBits :: Word8
60 protocolID = 0x82 -- 1000 0010
61 version = 0x01
62 versionMask = 0x1f -- 0001 1111
63 typeMask = 0xe0 -- 1110 0000
64 typeBits = 0x07 -- 0000 0111
65 typeShiftAmount :: Int
66 typeShiftAmount = 5
68 getTransport :: Transport t => CompactProtocol t -> t
69 getTransport (CompactProtocol t) = t
71 instance Transport t => Protocol (CompactProtocol t) where
72 readByte p = tReadAll (getTransport p) 1
73 writeMessage p (n, t, s) f = do
74 tWrite (getTransport p) messageBegin
75 f
76 tFlush $ getTransport p
77 where
78 messageBegin = toLazyByteString $
79 B.word8 protocolID <>
80 B.word8 ((version .&. versionMask) .|.
81 (((fromIntegral $ fromEnum t) `shiftL`
82 typeShiftAmount) .&. typeMask)) <>
83 buildVarint (i32ToZigZag s) <>
84 buildCompactValue (TString $ encodeUtf8 n)
86 readMessage p f = readMessageBegin >>= f
87 where
88 readMessageBegin = runParser p $ do
89 pid <- fromIntegral <$> P.anyWord8
90 when (pid /= protocolID) $ error "Bad Protocol ID"
91 w <- fromIntegral <$> P.anyWord8
92 let ver = w .&. versionMask
93 when (ver /= version) $ error "Bad Protocol version"
94 let typ = (w `shiftR` typeShiftAmount) .&. typeBits
95 seqId <- parseVarint zigZagToI32
96 TString name <- parseCompactValue T_STRING
97 return (decodeUtf8 name, toEnum $ fromIntegral $ typ, seqId)
99 writeVal p = tWrite (getTransport p) . toLazyByteString . buildCompactValue
100 readVal p ty = runParser p $ parseCompactValue ty
102 instance Transport t => StatelessProtocol (CompactProtocol t) where
103 serializeVal _ = toLazyByteString . buildCompactValue
104 deserializeVal _ ty bs =
105 case LP.eitherResult $ LP.parse (parseCompactValue ty) bs of
106 Left s -> error s
107 Right val -> val
109 -- | Writing Functions
110 buildCompactValue :: ThriftVal -> Builder
111 buildCompactValue (TStruct fields) = buildCompactStruct fields
112 buildCompactValue (TMap kt vt entries) =
113 let len = fromIntegral $ length entries :: Word32 in
114 if len == 0
115 then B.word8 0x00
116 else buildVarint len <>
117 B.word8 (fromTType kt `shiftL` 4 .|. fromTType vt) <>
118 buildCompactMap entries
119 buildCompactValue (TList ty entries) =
120 let len = length entries in
121 (if len < 15
122 then B.word8 $ (fromIntegral len `shiftL` 4) .|. fromTType ty
123 else B.word8 (0xF0 .|. fromTType ty) <>
124 buildVarint (fromIntegral len :: Word32)) <>
125 buildCompactList entries
126 buildCompactValue (TSet ty entries) = buildCompactValue (TList ty entries)
127 buildCompactValue (TBool b) =
128 B.word8 $ toEnum $ if b then 1 else 0
129 buildCompactValue (TByte b) = int8 b
130 buildCompactValue (TI16 i) = buildVarint $ i16ToZigZag i
131 buildCompactValue (TI32 i) = buildVarint $ i32ToZigZag i
132 buildCompactValue (TI64 i) = buildVarint $ i64ToZigZag i
133 buildCompactValue (TDouble d) = doubleLE d
134 buildCompactValue (TString s) = buildVarint len <> lazyByteString s
135 where
136 len = fromIntegral (LBS.length s) :: Word32
137 buildCompactValue (TBinary s) = buildCompactValue (TString s)
139 buildCompactStruct :: Map.HashMap Int16 (LT.Text, ThriftVal) -> Builder
140 buildCompactStruct = flip (loop 0) mempty . Map.toList
141 where
142 loop _ [] acc = acc <> B.word8 (fromTType T_STOP)
143 loop lastId ((fid, (_,val)) : fields) acc = loop fid fields $ acc <>
144 (if fid > lastId && fid - lastId <= 15
145 then B.word8 $ fromIntegral ((fid - lastId) `shiftL` 4) .|. typeOf val
146 else B.word8 (typeOf val) <> buildVarint (i16ToZigZag fid)) <>
147 (if typeOf val > 0x02 -- Not a T_BOOL
148 then buildCompactValue val
149 else mempty) -- T_BOOLs are encoded in the type
150 buildCompactMap :: [(ThriftVal, ThriftVal)] -> Builder
151 buildCompactMap = foldl combine mempty
152 where
153 combine s (key, val) = buildCompactValue key <> buildCompactValue val <> s
155 buildCompactList :: [ThriftVal] -> Builder
156 buildCompactList = foldr (mappend . buildCompactValue) mempty
158 -- | Reading Functions
159 parseCompactValue :: ThriftType -> Parser ThriftVal
160 parseCompactValue (T_STRUCT tmap) = TStruct <$> parseCompactStruct tmap
161 parseCompactValue (T_MAP kt' vt') = do
162 n <- parseVarint id
163 if n == 0
164 then return $ TMap kt' vt' []
165 else do
166 w <- P.anyWord8
167 let kt = typeFrom $ w `shiftR` 4
168 vt = typeFrom $ w .&. 0x0F
169 TMap kt vt <$> parseCompactMap kt vt n
170 parseCompactValue (T_LIST ty) = TList ty <$> parseCompactList
171 parseCompactValue (T_SET ty) = TSet ty <$> parseCompactList
172 parseCompactValue T_BOOL = TBool . (/=0) <$> P.anyWord8
173 parseCompactValue T_BYTE = TByte . fromIntegral <$> P.anyWord8
174 parseCompactValue T_I16 = TI16 <$> parseVarint zigZagToI16
175 parseCompactValue T_I32 = TI32 <$> parseVarint zigZagToI32
176 parseCompactValue T_I64 = TI64 <$> parseVarint zigZagToI64
177 parseCompactValue T_DOUBLE = TDouble . bsToDoubleLE <$> P.take 8
178 parseCompactValue T_STRING = parseCompactString TString
179 parseCompactValue T_BINARY = parseCompactString TBinary
180 parseCompactValue ty = error $ "Cannot read value of type " ++ show ty
182 parseCompactString ty = do
183 len :: Word32 <- parseVarint id
184 ty . LBS.fromStrict <$> P.take (fromIntegral len)
186 parseCompactStruct :: TypeMap -> Parser (Map.HashMap Int16 (LT.Text, ThriftVal))
187 parseCompactStruct tmap = Map.fromList <$> parseFields 0
188 where
189 parseFields :: Int16 -> Parser [(Int16, (LT.Text, ThriftVal))]
190 parseFields lastId = do
191 w <- P.anyWord8
192 if w == 0x00
193 then return []
194 else do
195 let ty = typeFrom (w .&. 0x0F)
196 modifier = (w .&. 0xF0) `shiftR` 4
197 fid <- if modifier /= 0
198 then return (lastId + fromIntegral modifier)
199 else parseVarint zigZagToI16
200 val <- if ty == T_BOOL
201 then return (TBool $ (w .&. 0x0F) == 0x01)
202 else case (ty, Map.lookup fid tmap) of
203 (T_STRING, Just (_, T_BINARY)) -> parseCompactValue T_BINARY
204 _ -> parseCompactValue ty
205 ((fid, (LT.empty, val)) : ) <$> parseFields fid
207 parseCompactMap :: ThriftType -> ThriftType -> Int32 ->
208 Parser [(ThriftVal, ThriftVal)]
209 parseCompactMap kt vt n | n <= 0 = return []
210 | otherwise = do
211 k <- parseCompactValue kt
212 v <- parseCompactValue vt
213 ((k,v) :) <$> parseCompactMap kt vt (n-1)
215 parseCompactList :: Parser [ThriftVal]
216 parseCompactList = do
217 w <- P.anyWord8
218 let ty = typeFrom $ w .&. 0x0F
219 lsize = w `shiftR` 4
220 size <- if lsize == 0xF
221 then parseVarint id
222 else return $ fromIntegral lsize
223 loop ty size
224 where
225 loop :: ThriftType -> Int32 -> Parser [ThriftVal]
226 loop ty n | n <= 0 = return []
227 | otherwise = liftM2 (:) (parseCompactValue ty)
228 (loop ty (n-1))
230 -- Signed numbers must be converted to "Zig Zag" format before they can be
231 -- serialized in the Varint format
232 i16ToZigZag :: Int16 -> Word16
233 i16ToZigZag n = fromIntegral $ (n `shiftL` 1) `xor` (n `shiftR` 15)
235 zigZagToI16 :: Word16 -> Int16
236 zigZagToI16 n = fromIntegral $ (n `shiftR` 1) `xor` negate (n .&. 0x1)
238 i32ToZigZag :: Int32 -> Word32
239 i32ToZigZag n = fromIntegral $ (n `shiftL` 1) `xor` (n `shiftR` 31)
241 zigZagToI32 :: Word32 -> Int32
242 zigZagToI32 n = fromIntegral $ (n `shiftR` 1) `xor` negate (n .&. 0x1)
244 i64ToZigZag :: Int64 -> Word64
245 i64ToZigZag n = fromIntegral $ (n `shiftL` 1) `xor` (n `shiftR` 63)
247 zigZagToI64 :: Word64 -> Int64
248 zigZagToI64 n = fromIntegral $ (n `shiftR` 1) `xor` negate (n .&. 0x1)
250 buildVarint :: (Bits a, Integral a) => a -> Builder
251 buildVarint n | n .&. complement 0x7F == 0 = B.word8 $ fromIntegral n
252 | otherwise = B.word8 (0x80 .|. (fromIntegral n .&. 0x7F)) <>
253 buildVarint (n `shiftR` 7)
255 parseVarint :: (Bits a, Integral a, Ord a) => (a -> b) -> Parser b
256 parseVarint fromZigZag = do
257 bytestemp <- BS.unpack <$> P.takeTill (not . flip testBit 7)
258 lsb <- P.anyWord8
259 let bytes = lsb : List.reverse bytestemp
260 return $ fromZigZag $ List.foldl' combine 0x00 bytes
261 where combine a b = (a `shiftL` 7) .|. (fromIntegral b .&. 0x7f)
263 -- | Compute the Compact Type
264 fromTType :: ThriftType -> Word8
265 fromTType ty = case ty of
266 T_STOP -> 0x00
267 T_BOOL -> 0x01
268 T_BYTE -> 0x03
269 T_I16 -> 0x04
270 T_I32 -> 0x05
271 T_I64 -> 0x06
272 T_DOUBLE -> 0x07
273 T_STRING -> 0x08
274 T_BINARY -> 0x08
275 T_LIST{} -> 0x09
276 T_SET{} -> 0x0A
277 T_MAP{} -> 0x0B
278 T_STRUCT{} -> 0x0C
279 T_VOID -> error "No Compact type for T_VOID"
281 typeOf :: ThriftVal -> Word8
282 typeOf v = case v of
283 TBool True -> 0x01
284 TBool False -> 0x02
285 TByte _ -> 0x03
286 TI16 _ -> 0x04
287 TI32 _ -> 0x05
288 TI64 _ -> 0x06
289 TDouble _ -> 0x07
290 TString _ -> 0x08
291 TBinary _ -> 0x08
292 TList{} -> 0x09
293 TSet{} -> 0x0A
294 TMap{} -> 0x0B
295 TStruct{} -> 0x0C
297 typeFrom :: Word8 -> ThriftType
298 typeFrom w = case w of
299 0x01 -> T_BOOL
300 0x02 -> T_BOOL
301 0x03 -> T_BYTE
302 0x04 -> T_I16
303 0x05 -> T_I32
304 0x06 -> T_I64
305 0x07 -> T_DOUBLE
306 0x08 -> T_STRING
307 0x09 -> T_LIST T_VOID
308 0x0A -> T_SET T_VOID
309 0x0B -> T_MAP T_VOID T_VOID
310 0x0C -> T_STRUCT Map.empty
311 n -> error $ "typeFrom: " ++ show n ++ " is not a compact type"