]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/ocaml/src/TFramedTransport.ml
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / jaegertracing / thrift / lib / ocaml / src / TFramedTransport.ml
1 open Thrift
3 module T = Transport
5 let c_0xff_32 = Int32.of_string "0xff"
7 (* Copied from OCamlnet rtypes.ml *)
8 let encode_frame_size x =
9 let s = String.create 4 in
10 let n3 = Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right_logical x 24) land 0xff in
11 let n2 = Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right_logical x 16) land 0xff in
12 let n1 = Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right_logical x 8) land 0xff in
13 let n0 = Int32.to_int (Int32.logand x c_0xff_32) in
14 String.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr n3);
15 String.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr n2);
16 String.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr n1);
17 String.unsafe_set s 3 (Char.unsafe_chr n0);
18 s
20 let decode_frame_size s =
21 let n3 = Int32.of_int (Char.code s.[0]) in
22 let n2 = Int32.of_int (Char.code s.[1]) in
23 let n1 = Int32.of_int (Char.code s.[2]) in
24 let n0 = Int32.of_int (Char.code s.[3]) in
25 Int32.logor
26 (Int32.shift_left n3 24)
27 (Int32.logor
28 (Int32.shift_left n2 16)
29 (Int32.logor
30 (Int32.shift_left n1 8)
31 n0))
33 class t ?(max_length=Sys.max_string_length) (transport: T.t) =
34 object (self)
35 inherit T.t
37 method isOpen = transport#isOpen
38 method opn = transport#opn
39 method close = transport#close
41 val mutable read_buf = None
42 val mutable read_buf_offset = 0
43 val mutable write_buf = ""
45 method private read_frame =
46 let len_buf = String.create 4 in
47 assert (transport#readAll len_buf 0 4 = 4);
49 let size = Int32.to_int (decode_frame_size len_buf) in
51 (if size < 0
52 then failwith (Printf.sprintf "Read a negative frame size (%i)!" size));
54 (if size > max_length
55 then failwith (Printf.sprintf "Frame size (%i) larger than max length (%i)!" size max_length));
57 let buf = String.create size in
58 assert (transport#readAll buf 0 size = size);
59 read_buf <- Some buf;
60 read_buf_offset <- 0
62 method private read_from_frame frame buf off len =
63 let to_copy = min len ((String.length frame) - read_buf_offset) in
64 String.blit frame read_buf_offset buf off to_copy;
65 read_buf_offset <- read_buf_offset + to_copy;
66 to_copy
68 method read buf off len =
69 match read_buf with
70 | Some frame ->
71 let i = self#read_from_frame frame buf off len in
72 if i > 0
73 then i
74 else begin
75 self#read_frame;
76 self#read_from_frame frame buf off len
77 end
78 | None ->
79 self#read_frame;
80 self#read buf off len
82 method write buf off len =
83 write_buf <- write_buf ^ (String.sub buf off len)
85 method flush =
86 let encoded_size = encode_frame_size (Int32.of_int (String.length write_buf)) in
87 transport#write encoded_size 0 (String.length encoded_size);
88 transport#write write_buf 0 (String.length write_buf);
89 transport#flush;
90 write_buf <- ""
91 end