]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/rb/benchmark/benchmark.rb
update source to Ceph Pacific 16.2.2
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / jaegertracing / thrift / lib / rb / benchmark / benchmark.rb
1 #
2 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3 # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4 # distributed with this work for additional information
5 # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6 # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7 # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8 # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 #
10 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 #
12 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13 # software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15 # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
16 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
17 # under the License.
18 #
20 require 'rubygems'
21 $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib'
22 require 'thrift'
23 require 'stringio'
25 HOST = ''
26 PORT = 42587
28 ###############
29 ## Server
30 ###############
32 class Server
33 attr_accessor :serverclass
34 attr_accessor :interpreter
35 attr_accessor :host
36 attr_accessor :port
38 def initialize(opts)
39 @serverclass = opts.fetch(:class, Thrift::NonblockingServer)
40 @interpreter = opts.fetch(:interpreter, "ruby")
41 @host = opts.fetch(:host, ::HOST)
42 @port = opts.fetch(:port, ::PORT)
43 end
45 def start
46 return if @serverclass == Object
47 args = (File.basename(@interpreter) == "jruby" ? "-J-server" : "")
48 @pipe = IO.popen("#{@interpreter} #{args} #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/server.rb #{@host} #{@port} #{@serverclass.name}", "r+")
49 Marshal.load(@pipe) # wait until the server has started
50 sleep 0.4 # give the server time to actually start spawning sockets
51 end
53 def shutdown
54 return unless @pipe
55 Marshal.dump(:shutdown, @pipe)
56 begin
57 @pipe.read(10) # block until the server shuts down
58 rescue EOFError
59 end
60 @pipe.close
61 @pipe = nil
62 end
63 end
65 class BenchmarkManager
66 def initialize(opts, server)
67 @socket = opts.fetch(:socket) do
68 @host = opts.fetch(:host, 'localhost')
69 @port = opts.fetch(:port)
70 nil
71 end
72 @num_processes = opts.fetch(:num_processes, 40)
73 @clients_per_process = opts.fetch(:clients_per_process, 10)
74 @calls_per_client = opts.fetch(:calls_per_client, 50)
75 @interpreter = opts.fetch(:interpreter, "ruby")
76 @server = server
77 @log_exceptions = opts.fetch(:log_exceptions, false)
78 end
80 def run
81 @pool = []
82 @benchmark_start = Time.now
83 puts "Spawning benchmark processes..."
84 @num_processes.times do
85 spawn
86 sleep 0.02 # space out spawns
87 end
88 collect_output
89 @benchmark_end = Time.now # we know the procs are done here
90 translate_output
91 analyze_output
92 report_output
93 end
95 def spawn
96 pipe = IO.popen("#{@interpreter} #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/client.rb #{"-log-exceptions" if @log_exceptions} #{@host} #{@port} #{@clients_per_process} #{@calls_per_client}")
97 @pool << pipe
98 end
100 def socket_class
101 if @socket
102 Thrift::UNIXSocket
103 else
104 Thrift::Socket
105 end
106 end
108 def collect_output
109 puts "Collecting output..."
110 # read from @pool until all sockets are closed
111 @buffers = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = '' }
112 until @pool.empty?
113 rd, = select(@pool)
114 next if rd.nil?
115 rd.each do |fd|
116 begin
117 @buffers[fd] << fd.readpartial(4096)
118 rescue EOFError
119 @pool.delete fd
120 end
121 end
122 end
123 end
125 def translate_output
126 puts "Translating output..."
127 @output = []
128 @buffers.each do |fd, buffer|
129 strio = StringIO.new(buffer)
130 logs = []
131 begin
132 loop do
133 logs << Marshal.load(strio)
134 end
135 rescue EOFError
136 @output << logs
137 end
138 end
139 end
141 def analyze_output
142 puts "Analyzing output..."
143 call_times = []
144 client_times = []
145 connection_failures = []
146 connection_errors = []
147 shortest_call = 0
148 shortest_client = 0
149 longest_call = 0
150 longest_client = 0
151 @output.each do |logs|
152 cur_call, cur_client = nil
153 logs.each do |tok, time|
154 case tok
155 when :start
156 cur_client = time
157 when :call_start
158 cur_call = time
159 when :call_end
160 delta = time - cur_call
161 call_times << delta
162 longest_call = delta unless longest_call > delta
163 shortest_call = delta if shortest_call == 0 or delta < shortest_call
164 cur_call = nil
165 when :end
166 delta = time - cur_client
167 client_times << delta
168 longest_client = delta unless longest_client > delta
169 shortest_client = delta if shortest_client == 0 or delta < shortest_client
170 cur_client = nil
171 when :connection_failure
172 connection_failures << time
173 when :connection_error
174 connection_errors << time
175 end
176 end
177 end
178 @report = {}
179 @report[:total_calls] = call_times.inject(0.0) { |a,t| a += t }
180 @report[:avg_calls] = @report[:total_calls] / call_times.size
181 @report[:total_clients] = client_times.inject(0.0) { |a,t| a += t }
182 @report[:avg_clients] = @report[:total_clients] / client_times.size
183 @report[:connection_failures] = connection_failures.size
184 @report[:connection_errors] = connection_errors.size
185 @report[:shortest_call] = shortest_call
186 @report[:shortest_client] = shortest_client
187 @report[:longest_call] = longest_call
188 @report[:longest_client] = longest_client
189 @report[:total_benchmark_time] = @benchmark_end - @benchmark_start
190 @report[:fastthread] = $".include?('fastthread.bundle')
191 end
193 def report_output
194 fmt = "%.4f seconds"
195 puts
196 tabulate "%d",
197 [["Server class", "%s"], @server.serverclass == Object ? "" : @server.serverclass],
198 [["Server interpreter", "%s"], @server.interpreter],
199 [["Client interpreter", "%s"], @interpreter],
200 [["Socket class", "%s"], socket_class],
201 ["Number of processes", @num_processes],
202 ["Clients per process", @clients_per_process],
203 ["Calls per client", @calls_per_client],
204 [["Using fastthread", "%s"], @report[:fastthread] ? "yes" : "no"]
205 puts
206 failures = (@report[:connection_failures] > 0)
207 tabulate fmt,
208 [["Connection failures", "%d", [:red, :bold]], @report[:connection_failures]],
209 [["Connection errors", "%d", [:red, :bold]], @report[:connection_errors]],
210 ["Average time per call", @report[:avg_calls]],
211 ["Average time per client (%d calls)" % @calls_per_client, @report[:avg_clients]],
212 ["Total time for all calls", @report[:total_calls]],
213 ["Real time for benchmarking", @report[:total_benchmark_time]],
214 ["Shortest call time", @report[:shortest_call]],
215 ["Longest call time", @report[:longest_call]],
216 ["Shortest client time (%d calls)" % @calls_per_client, @report[:shortest_client]],
217 ["Longest client time (%d calls)" % @calls_per_client, @report[:longest_client]]
218 end
220 ANSI = {
221 :reset => 0,
222 :bold => 1,
223 :black => 30,
224 :red => 31,
225 :green => 32,
226 :yellow => 33,
227 :blue => 34,
228 :magenta => 35,
229 :cyan => 36,
230 :white => 37
231 }
233 def tabulate(fmt, *labels_and_values)
234 labels = labels_and_values.map { |l| Array === l ? l.first : l }
235 label_width = labels.inject(0) { |w,l| l.size > w ? l.size : w }
236 labels_and_values.each do |(l,v)|
237 f = fmt
238 l, f, c = l if Array === l
239 fmtstr = "%-#{label_width+1}s #{f}"
240 if STDOUT.tty? and c and v.to_i > 0
241 fmtstr = "\e[#{[*c].map { |x| ANSI[x] } * ";"}m" + fmtstr + "\e[#{ANSI[:reset]}m"
242 end
243 puts fmtstr % [l+":", v]
244 end
245 end
246 end
248 def resolve_const(const)
249 const and const.split('::').inject(Object) { |k,c| k.const_get(c) }
250 end
252 puts "Starting server..."
253 args = {}
254 args[:interpreter] = ENV['THRIFT_SERVER_INTERPRETER'] || ENV['THRIFT_INTERPRETER'] || "ruby"
255 args[:class] = resolve_const(ENV['THRIFT_SERVER']) || Thrift::NonblockingServer
256 args[:host] = ENV['THRIFT_HOST'] || HOST
257 args[:port] = (ENV['THRIFT_PORT'] || PORT).to_i
258 server = Server.new(args)
259 server.start
261 args = {}
262 args[:host] = ENV['THRIFT_HOST'] || HOST
263 args[:port] = (ENV['THRIFT_PORT'] || PORT).to_i
264 args[:num_processes] = (ENV['THRIFT_NUM_PROCESSES'] || 40).to_i
265 args[:clients_per_process] = (ENV['THRIFT_NUM_CLIENTS'] || 5).to_i
266 args[:calls_per_client] = (ENV['THRIFT_NUM_CALLS'] || 50).to_i
267 args[:interpreter] = ENV['THRIFT_CLIENT_INTERPRETER'] || ENV['THRIFT_INTERPRETER'] || "ruby"
268 args[:log_exceptions] = !!ENV['THRIFT_LOG_EXCEPTIONS']
269 BenchmarkManager.new(args, server).run
271 server.shutdown