]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/mds/MDSAuthCaps.cc
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / mds / MDSAuthCaps.cc
1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
3 /*
4 * Ceph - scalable distributed file system
5 *
6 * Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat
7 *
8 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
11 * Foundation. See file COPYING.
12 *
13 */
15 #include <string_view>
17 #include <errno.h>
18 #include <fcntl.h>
20 #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
21 #include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
22 #include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
24 #include "common/debug.h"
25 #include "MDSAuthCaps.h"
26 #include "include/ipaddr.h"
28 #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_mds
30 #undef dout_prefix
31 #define dout_prefix *_dout << "MDSAuthCap "
33 using std::ostream;
34 using std::string;
35 namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
36 namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
37 namespace phoenix = boost::phoenix;
39 template <typename Iterator>
40 struct MDSCapParser : qi::grammar<Iterator, MDSAuthCaps()>
41 {
42 MDSCapParser() : MDSCapParser::base_type(mdscaps)
43 {
44 using qi::char_;
45 using qi::int_;
46 using qi::uint_;
47 using qi::lexeme;
48 using qi::alnum;
49 using qi::_val;
50 using qi::_1;
51 using qi::_2;
52 using qi::_3;
53 using qi::eps;
54 using qi::lit;
56 spaces = +(lit(' ') | lit('\n') | lit('\t'));
58 quoted_path %=
59 lexeme[lit("\"") >> *(char_ - '"') >> '"'] |
60 lexeme[lit("'") >> *(char_ - '\'') >> '\''];
61 unquoted_path %= +char_("a-zA-Z0-9_./-");
62 network_str %= +char_("/.:a-fA-F0-9][");
64 // match := [path=<path>] [uid=<uid> [gids=<gid>[,<gid>...]]
65 path %= (spaces >> lit("path") >> lit('=') >> (quoted_path | unquoted_path));
66 uid %= (spaces >> lit("uid") >> lit('=') >> uint_);
67 uintlist %= (uint_ % lit(','));
68 gidlist %= -(spaces >> lit("gids") >> lit('=') >> uintlist);
69 match = -(
70 (uid >> gidlist)[_val = phoenix::construct<MDSCapMatch>(_1, _2)] |
71 (path >> uid >> gidlist)[_val = phoenix::construct<MDSCapMatch>(_1, _2, _3)] |
72 (path)[_val = phoenix::construct<MDSCapMatch>(_1)]);
74 // capspec = * | r[w][p][s]
75 capspec = spaces >> (
76 lit("*")[_val = MDSCapSpec(MDSCapSpec::ALL)]
77 |
78 lit("all")[_val = MDSCapSpec(MDSCapSpec::ALL)]
79 |
80 (lit("rwps"))[_val = MDSCapSpec(MDSCapSpec::RWPS)]
81 |
82 (lit("rwp"))[_val = MDSCapSpec(MDSCapSpec::RWP)]
83 |
84 (lit("rws"))[_val = MDSCapSpec(MDSCapSpec::RWS)]
85 |
86 (lit("rw"))[_val = MDSCapSpec(MDSCapSpec::RW)]
87 |
88 (lit("r"))[_val = MDSCapSpec(MDSCapSpec::READ)]
89 );
91 grant = lit("allow") >> (capspec >> match >>
92 -(spaces >> lit("network") >> spaces >> network_str))
93 [_val = phoenix::construct<MDSCapGrant>(_1, _2, _3)];
94 grants %= (grant % (*lit(' ') >> (lit(';') | lit(',')) >> *lit(' ')));
95 mdscaps = grants [_val = phoenix::construct<MDSAuthCaps>(_1)];
96 }
97 qi::rule<Iterator> spaces;
98 qi::rule<Iterator, string()> quoted_path, unquoted_path, network_str;
99 qi::rule<Iterator, MDSCapSpec()> capspec;
100 qi::rule<Iterator, string()> path;
101 qi::rule<Iterator, uint32_t()> uid;
102 qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<uint32_t>() > uintlist;
103 qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<uint32_t>() > gidlist;
104 qi::rule<Iterator, MDSCapMatch()> match;
105 qi::rule<Iterator, MDSCapGrant()> grant;
106 qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<MDSCapGrant>()> grants;
107 qi::rule<Iterator, MDSAuthCaps()> mdscaps;
108 };
110 void MDSCapMatch::normalize_path()
111 {
112 // drop any leading /
113 while (path.length() && path[0] == '/') {
114 path = path.substr(1);
115 }
117 // drop dup //
118 // drop .
119 // drop ..
120 }
122 bool MDSCapMatch::match(std::string_view target_path,
123 const int caller_uid,
124 const int caller_gid,
125 const vector<uint64_t> *caller_gid_list) const
126 {
127 if (uid != MDS_AUTH_UID_ANY) {
128 if (uid != caller_uid)
129 return false;
130 if (!gids.empty()) {
131 bool gid_matched = false;
132 if (std::find(gids.begin(), gids.end(), caller_gid) != gids.end())
133 gid_matched = true;
134 if (caller_gid_list) {
135 for (auto i = caller_gid_list->begin(); i != caller_gid_list->end(); ++i) {
136 if (std::find(gids.begin(), gids.end(), *i) != gids.end()) {
137 gid_matched = true;
138 break;
139 }
140 }
141 }
142 if (!gid_matched)
143 return false;
144 }
145 }
147 if (!match_path(target_path)) {
148 return false;
149 }
151 return true;
152 }
154 bool MDSCapMatch::match_path(std::string_view target_path) const
155 {
156 if (path.length()) {
157 if (target_path.find(path) != 0)
158 return false;
159 // if path doesn't already have a trailing /, make sure the target
160 // does so that path=/foo doesn't match target_path=/food
161 if (target_path.length() > path.length() &&
162 path[path.length()-1] != '/' &&
163 target_path[path.length()] != '/')
164 return false;
165 }
167 return true;
168 }
170 void MDSCapGrant::parse_network()
171 {
172 network_valid = ::parse_network(network.c_str(), &network_parsed,
173 &network_prefix);
174 }
176 /**
177 * Is the client *potentially* able to access this path? Actual
178 * permission will depend on uids/modes in the full is_capable.
179 */
180 bool MDSAuthCaps::path_capable(std::string_view inode_path) const
181 {
182 for (const auto &i : grants) {
183 if (i.match.match_path(inode_path)) {
184 return true;
185 }
186 }
188 return false;
189 }
191 /**
192 * For a given filesystem path, query whether this capability carries`
193 * authorization to read or write.
194 *
195 * This is true if any of the 'grant' clauses in the capability match the
196 * requested path + op.
197 */
198 bool MDSAuthCaps::is_capable(std::string_view inode_path,
199 uid_t inode_uid, gid_t inode_gid,
200 unsigned inode_mode,
201 uid_t caller_uid, gid_t caller_gid,
202 const vector<uint64_t> *caller_gid_list,
203 unsigned mask,
204 uid_t new_uid, gid_t new_gid,
205 const entity_addr_t& addr) const
206 {
207 if (cct)
208 ldout(cct, 10) << __func__ << " inode(path /" << inode_path
209 << " owner " << inode_uid << ":" << inode_gid
210 << " mode 0" << std::oct << inode_mode << std::dec
211 << ") by caller " << caller_uid << ":" << caller_gid
212 // << "[" << caller_gid_list << "]";
213 << " mask " << mask
214 << " new " << new_uid << ":" << new_gid
215 << " cap: " << *this << dendl;
217 for (std::vector<MDSCapGrant>::const_iterator i = grants.begin();
218 i != grants.end();
219 ++i) {
220 if (i->network.size() &&
221 (!i->network_valid ||
222 !network_contains(i->network_parsed,
223 i->network_prefix,
224 addr))) {
225 continue;
226 }
228 if (i->match.match(inode_path, caller_uid, caller_gid, caller_gid_list) &&
229 i->spec.allows(mask & (MAY_READ|MAY_EXECUTE), mask & MAY_WRITE)) {
230 // we have a match; narrow down GIDs to those specifically allowed here
231 vector<uint64_t> gids;
232 if (std::find(i->match.gids.begin(), i->match.gids.end(), caller_gid) !=
233 i->match.gids.end()) {
234 gids.push_back(caller_gid);
235 }
236 if (caller_gid_list) {
237 std::set_intersection(i->match.gids.begin(), i->match.gids.end(),
238 caller_gid_list->begin(), caller_gid_list->end(),
239 std::back_inserter(gids));
240 std::sort(gids.begin(), gids.end());
241 }
244 // Spec is non-allowing if caller asked for set pool but spec forbids it
245 if (mask & MAY_SET_VXATTR) {
246 if (!i->spec.allow_set_vxattr()) {
247 continue;
248 }
249 }
251 if (mask & MAY_SNAPSHOT) {
252 if (!i->spec.allow_snapshot()) {
253 continue;
254 }
255 }
257 // check unix permissions?
258 if (i->match.uid == MDSCapMatch::MDS_AUTH_UID_ANY) {
259 return true;
260 }
262 // chown/chgrp
263 if (mask & MAY_CHOWN) {
264 if (new_uid != caller_uid || // you can't chown to someone else
265 inode_uid != caller_uid) { // you can't chown from someone else
266 continue;
267 }
268 }
269 if (mask & MAY_CHGRP) {
270 // you can only chgrp *to* one of your groups... if you own the file.
271 if (inode_uid != caller_uid ||
272 std::find(gids.begin(), gids.end(), new_gid) ==
273 gids.end()) {
274 continue;
275 }
276 }
278 if (inode_uid == caller_uid) {
279 if ((!(mask & MAY_READ) || (inode_mode & S_IRUSR)) &&
280 (!(mask & MAY_WRITE) || (inode_mode & S_IWUSR)) &&
281 (!(mask & MAY_EXECUTE) || (inode_mode & S_IXUSR))) {
282 return true;
283 }
284 } else if (std::find(gids.begin(), gids.end(),
285 inode_gid) != gids.end()) {
286 if ((!(mask & MAY_READ) || (inode_mode & S_IRGRP)) &&
287 (!(mask & MAY_WRITE) || (inode_mode & S_IWGRP)) &&
288 (!(mask & MAY_EXECUTE) || (inode_mode & S_IXGRP))) {
289 return true;
290 }
291 } else {
292 if ((!(mask & MAY_READ) || (inode_mode & S_IROTH)) &&
293 (!(mask & MAY_WRITE) || (inode_mode & S_IWOTH)) &&
294 (!(mask & MAY_EXECUTE) || (inode_mode & S_IXOTH))) {
295 return true;
296 }
297 }
298 }
299 }
301 return false;
302 }
304 void MDSAuthCaps::set_allow_all()
305 {
306 grants.clear();
307 grants.push_back(MDSCapGrant(MDSCapSpec(MDSCapSpec::ALL), MDSCapMatch(),
308 {}));
309 }
311 bool MDSAuthCaps::parse(CephContext *c, std::string_view str, ostream *err)
312 {
313 // Special case for legacy caps
314 if (str == "allow") {
315 grants.clear();
316 grants.push_back(MDSCapGrant(MDSCapSpec(MDSCapSpec::RWPS), MDSCapMatch(),
317 {}));
318 return true;
319 }
321 auto iter = str.begin();
322 auto end = str.end();
323 MDSCapParser<decltype(iter)> g;
325 bool r = qi::phrase_parse(iter, end, g, ascii::space, *this);
326 cct = c; // set after parser self-assignment
327 if (r && iter == end) {
328 for (auto& grant : grants) {
329 std::sort(grant.match.gids.begin(), grant.match.gids.end());
330 grant.parse_network();
331 }
332 return true;
333 } else {
334 // Make sure no grants are kept after parsing failed!
335 grants.clear();
337 if (err)
338 *err << "mds capability parse failed, stopped at '"
339 << std::string(iter, end)
340 << "' of '" << str << "'";
341 return false;
342 }
343 }
346 bool MDSAuthCaps::allow_all() const
347 {
348 for (std::vector<MDSCapGrant>::const_iterator i = grants.begin(); i != grants.end(); ++i) {
349 if (i->match.is_match_all() && i->spec.allow_all()) {
350 return true;
351 }
352 }
354 return false;
355 }
358 ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const MDSCapMatch &match)
359 {
360 if (match.path.length()) {
361 out << "path=\"/" << match.path << "\"";
362 if (match.uid != MDSCapMatch::MDS_AUTH_UID_ANY) {
363 out << " ";
364 }
365 }
366 if (match.uid != MDSCapMatch::MDS_AUTH_UID_ANY) {
367 out << "uid=" << match.uid;
368 if (!match.gids.empty()) {
369 out << " gids=";
370 for (std::vector<gid_t>::const_iterator p = match.gids.begin();
371 p != match.gids.end();
372 ++p) {
373 if (p != match.gids.begin())
374 out << ',';
375 out << *p;
376 }
377 }
378 }
380 return out;
381 }
384 ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const MDSCapSpec &spec)
385 {
386 if (spec.allow_all()) {
387 out << "*";
388 } else {
389 if (spec.allow_read()) {
390 out << "r";
391 }
392 if (spec.allow_write()) {
393 out << "w";
394 }
395 if (spec.allow_set_vxattr()) {
396 out << "p";
397 }
398 if (spec.allow_snapshot()) {
399 out << "s";
400 }
401 }
403 return out;
404 }
407 ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const MDSCapGrant &grant)
408 {
409 out << "allow ";
410 out << grant.spec;
411 if (!grant.match.is_match_all()) {
412 out << " " << grant.match;
413 }
414 if (grant.network.size()) {
415 out << " network " << grant.network;
416 }
417 return out;
418 }
421 ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const MDSAuthCaps &cap)
422 {
423 out << "MDSAuthCaps[";
424 for (size_t i = 0; i < cap.grants.size(); ++i) {
425 out << cap.grants[i];
426 if (i < cap.grants.size() - 1) {
427 out << ", ";
428 }
429 }
430 out << "]";
432 return out;
433 }