]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/mgr/ActivePyModules.cc
import ceph 12.2.12
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / mgr / ActivePyModules.cc
1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
3 /*
4 * Ceph - scalable distributed file system
5 *
6 * Copyright (C) 2014 John Spray <john.spray@inktank.com>
7 *
8 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
11 * Foundation. See file COPYING.
12 */
14 // Include this first to get python headers earlier
15 #include "BaseMgrModule.h"
16 #include "Gil.h"
18 #include "common/errno.h"
19 #include "include/stringify.h"
21 #include "PyFormatter.h"
23 #include "osd/OSDMap.h"
24 #include "mon/MonMap.h"
26 #include "mgr/MgrContext.h"
28 // For ::config_prefix
29 #include "PyModuleRegistry.h"
31 #include "ActivePyModules.h"
33 #define dout_context g_ceph_context
34 #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_mgr
35 #undef dout_prefix
36 #define dout_prefix *_dout << "mgr " << __func__ << " "
39 ActivePyModules::ActivePyModules(PyModuleConfig const &config_,
40 DaemonStateIndex &ds, ClusterState &cs,
41 MonClient &mc, LogChannelRef clog_, Objecter &objecter_,
42 Client &client_, Finisher &f)
43 : config_cache(config_), daemon_state(ds), cluster_state(cs),
44 monc(mc), clog(clog_), objecter(objecter_), client(client_), finisher(f),
45 lock("ActivePyModules")
46 {}
48 ActivePyModules::~ActivePyModules() = default;
50 void ActivePyModules::dump_server(const std::string &hostname,
51 const DaemonStateCollection &dmc,
52 Formatter *f)
53 {
54 f->dump_string("hostname", hostname);
55 f->open_array_section("services");
56 std::string ceph_version;
58 for (const auto &i : dmc) {
59 Mutex::Locker l(i.second->lock);
60 const auto &key = i.first;
61 const std::string &str_type = key.first;
62 const std::string &svc_name = key.second;
64 // TODO: pick the highest version, and make sure that
65 // somewhere else (during health reporting?) we are
66 // indicating to the user if we see mixed versions
67 auto ver_iter = i.second->metadata.find("ceph_version");
68 if (ver_iter != i.second->metadata.end()) {
69 ceph_version = i.second->metadata.at("ceph_version");
70 }
72 f->open_object_section("service");
73 f->dump_string("type", str_type);
74 f->dump_string("id", svc_name);
75 f->close_section();
76 }
77 f->close_section();
79 f->dump_string("ceph_version", ceph_version);
80 }
84 PyObject *ActivePyModules::get_server_python(const std::string &hostname)
85 {
86 PyThreadState *tstate = PyEval_SaveThread();
87 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
88 PyEval_RestoreThread(tstate);
89 dout(10) << " (" << hostname << ")" << dendl;
91 auto dmc = daemon_state.get_by_server(hostname);
93 PyFormatter f;
94 dump_server(hostname, dmc, &f);
95 return f.get();
96 }
99 PyObject *ActivePyModules::list_servers_python()
100 {
101 PyThreadState *tstate = PyEval_SaveThread();
102 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
103 PyEval_RestoreThread(tstate);
104 dout(10) << " >" << dendl;
106 PyFormatter f(false, true);
107 daemon_state.with_daemons_by_server([this, &f]
108 (const std::map<std::string, DaemonStateCollection> &all) {
109 for (const auto &i : all) {
110 const auto &hostname = i.first;
112 f.open_object_section("server");
113 dump_server(hostname, i.second, &f);
114 f.close_section();
115 }
116 });
118 return f.get();
119 }
121 PyObject *ActivePyModules::get_metadata_python(
122 const std::string &svc_type,
123 const std::string &svc_id)
124 {
125 auto metadata = daemon_state.get(DaemonKey(svc_type, svc_id));
126 if (metadata == nullptr) {
127 derr << "Requested missing service " << svc_type << "." << svc_id << dendl;
129 }
131 Mutex::Locker l(metadata->lock);
132 PyFormatter f;
133 f.dump_string("hostname", metadata->hostname);
134 for (const auto &i : metadata->metadata) {
135 f.dump_string(i.first.c_str(), i.second);
136 }
138 return f.get();
139 }
141 PyObject *ActivePyModules::get_daemon_status_python(
142 const std::string &svc_type,
143 const std::string &svc_id)
144 {
145 auto metadata = daemon_state.get(DaemonKey(svc_type, svc_id));
146 if (metadata == nullptr) {
147 derr << "Requested missing service " << svc_type << "." << svc_id << dendl;
149 }
151 Mutex::Locker l(metadata->lock);
152 PyFormatter f;
153 for (const auto &i : metadata->service_status) {
154 f.dump_string(i.first.c_str(), i.second);
155 }
156 return f.get();
157 }
159 PyObject *ActivePyModules::get_python(const std::string &what)
160 {
161 PyThreadState *tstate = PyEval_SaveThread();
162 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
163 PyEval_RestoreThread(tstate);
165 if (what == "fs_map") {
166 PyFormatter f;
167 cluster_state.with_fsmap([&f](const FSMap &fsmap) {
168 fsmap.dump(&f);
169 });
170 return f.get();
171 } else if (what == "osdmap_crush_map_text") {
172 bufferlist rdata;
173 cluster_state.with_osdmap([&rdata](const OSDMap &osd_map){
174 osd_map.crush->encode(rdata, CEPH_FEATURES_SUPPORTED_DEFAULT);
175 });
176 std::string crush_text = rdata.to_str();
177 return PyString_FromString(crush_text.c_str());
178 } else if (what.substr(0, 7) == "osd_map") {
179 PyFormatter f;
180 cluster_state.with_osdmap([&f, &what](const OSDMap &osd_map){
181 if (what == "osd_map") {
182 osd_map.dump(&f);
183 } else if (what == "osd_map_tree") {
184 osd_map.print_tree(&f, nullptr);
185 } else if (what == "osd_map_crush") {
186 osd_map.crush->dump(&f);
187 }
188 });
189 return f.get();
190 } else if (what.substr(0, 6) == "config") {
191 PyFormatter f;
192 if (what == "config_options") {
193 g_conf->config_options(&f);
194 } else if (what == "config") {
195 g_conf->show_config(&f);
196 }
197 return f.get();
198 } else if (what == "mon_map") {
199 PyFormatter f;
200 cluster_state.with_monmap(
201 [&f](const MonMap &monmap) {
202 monmap.dump(&f);
203 }
204 );
205 return f.get();
206 } else if (what == "service_map") {
207 PyFormatter f;
208 cluster_state.with_servicemap(
209 [&f](const ServiceMap &service_map) {
210 service_map.dump(&f);
211 }
212 );
213 return f.get();
214 } else if (what == "osd_metadata") {
215 PyFormatter f;
216 auto dmc = daemon_state.get_by_service("osd");
217 for (const auto &i : dmc) {
218 Mutex::Locker l(i.second->lock);
219 f.open_object_section(i.first.second.c_str());
220 f.dump_string("hostname", i.second->hostname);
221 for (const auto &j : i.second->metadata) {
222 f.dump_string(j.first.c_str(), j.second);
223 }
224 f.close_section();
225 }
226 return f.get();
227 } else if (what == "pg_summary") {
228 PyFormatter f;
229 cluster_state.with_pgmap(
230 [&f](const PGMap &pg_map) {
231 std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, uint32_t> > osds;
232 std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, uint32_t> > pools;
233 std::map<std::string, uint32_t> all;
234 for (const auto &i : pg_map.pg_stat) {
235 const auto pool = i.first.m_pool;
236 const std::string state = pg_state_string(i.second.state);
237 // Insert to per-pool map
238 pools[stringify(pool)][state]++;
239 for (const auto &osd_id : i.second.acting) {
240 osds[stringify(osd_id)][state]++;
241 }
242 all[state]++;
243 }
244 f.open_object_section("by_osd");
245 for (const auto &i : osds) {
246 f.open_object_section(i.first.c_str());
247 for (const auto &j : i.second) {
248 f.dump_int(j.first.c_str(), j.second);
249 }
250 f.close_section();
251 }
252 f.close_section();
253 f.open_object_section("by_pool");
254 for (const auto &i : pools) {
255 f.open_object_section(i.first.c_str());
256 for (const auto &j : i.second) {
257 f.dump_int(j.first.c_str(), j.second);
258 }
259 f.close_section();
260 }
261 f.close_section();
262 f.open_object_section("all");
263 for (const auto &i : all) {
264 f.dump_int(i.first.c_str(), i.second);
265 }
266 f.close_section();
267 f.open_object_section("pg_stats_sum");
268 pg_map.pg_sum.dump(&f);
269 f.close_section();
270 }
271 );
272 return f.get();
273 } else if (what == "pg_status") {
274 PyFormatter f;
275 cluster_state.with_pgmap(
276 [&f](const PGMap &pg_map) {
277 pg_map.print_summary(&f, nullptr);
278 }
279 );
280 return f.get();
281 } else if (what == "pg_dump") {
282 PyFormatter f;
283 cluster_state.with_pgmap(
284 [&f](const PGMap &pg_map) {
285 pg_map.dump(&f);
286 }
287 );
288 return f.get();
289 } else if (what == "df") {
290 PyFormatter f;
292 cluster_state.with_pgmap([this, &f](const PGMap &pg_map) {
293 cluster_state.with_osdmap(
294 [&pg_map, &f](const OSDMap &osd_map) {
295 pg_map.dump_fs_stats(nullptr, &f, true);
296 pg_map.dump_pool_stats_full(osd_map, nullptr, &f, true);
297 });
298 });
299 return f.get();
300 } else if (what == "osd_stats") {
301 PyFormatter f;
302 cluster_state.with_pgmap(
303 [&f](const PGMap &pg_map) {
304 pg_map.dump_osd_stats(&f);
305 });
306 return f.get();
307 } else if (what == "health" || what == "mon_status") {
308 PyFormatter f;
309 bufferlist json;
310 if (what == "health") {
311 json = cluster_state.get_health();
312 } else if (what == "mon_status") {
313 json = cluster_state.get_mon_status();
314 } else {
315 assert(false);
316 }
317 f.dump_string("json", json.to_str());
318 return f.get();
319 } else if (what == "mgr_map") {
320 PyFormatter f;
321 cluster_state.with_mgrmap([&f](const MgrMap &mgr_map) {
322 mgr_map.dump(&f);
323 });
324 return f.get();
325 } else {
326 derr << "Python module requested unknown data '" << what << "'" << dendl;
328 }
329 }
331 int ActivePyModules::start_one(std::string const &module_name,
332 PyObject *pClass, const SafeThreadState &pMyThreadState)
333 {
334 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
336 assert(modules.count(module_name) == 0);
338 modules[module_name].reset(new ActivePyModule(
339 module_name, pClass,
340 pMyThreadState, clog));
342 int r = modules[module_name]->load(this);
343 if (r != 0) {
344 return r;
345 } else {
346 dout(4) << "Starting thread for " << module_name << dendl;
347 // Giving Thread the module's module_name member as its
348 // char* thread name: thread must not outlive module class lifetime.
349 modules[module_name]->thread.create(
350 modules[module_name]->get_name().c_str());
352 return 0;
353 }
354 }
356 void ActivePyModules::shutdown()
357 {
358 Mutex::Locker locker(lock);
360 // Signal modules to drop out of serve() and/or tear down resources
361 for (auto &i : modules) {
362 auto module = i.second.get();
363 const auto& name = i.first;
365 lock.Unlock();
366 dout(10) << "calling module " << name << " shutdown()" << dendl;
367 module->shutdown();
368 dout(10) << "module " << name << " shutdown() returned" << dendl;
369 lock.Lock();
370 }
372 // For modules implementing serve(), finish the threads where we
373 // were running that.
374 for (auto &i : modules) {
375 lock.Unlock();
376 dout(10) << "joining module " << i.first << dendl;
377 i.second->thread.join();
378 dout(10) << "joined module " << i.first << dendl;
379 lock.Lock();
380 }
382 modules.clear();
383 }
385 void ActivePyModules::notify_all(const std::string &notify_type,
386 const std::string &notify_id)
387 {
388 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
390 dout(10) << __func__ << ": notify_all " << notify_type << dendl;
391 for (auto& i : modules) {
392 auto module = i.second.get();
393 // Send all python calls down a Finisher to avoid blocking
394 // C++ code, and avoid any potential lock cycles.
395 finisher.queue(new FunctionContext([module, notify_type, notify_id](int r){
396 module->notify(notify_type, notify_id);
397 }));
398 }
399 }
401 void ActivePyModules::notify_all(const LogEntry &log_entry)
402 {
403 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
405 dout(10) << __func__ << ": notify_all (clog)" << dendl;
406 for (auto& i : modules) {
407 auto module = i.second.get();
408 // Send all python calls down a Finisher to avoid blocking
409 // C++ code, and avoid any potential lock cycles.
410 //
411 // Note intentional use of non-reference lambda binding on
412 // log_entry: we take a copy because caller's instance is
413 // probably ephemeral.
414 finisher.queue(new FunctionContext([module, log_entry](int r){
415 module->notify_clog(log_entry);
416 }));
417 }
418 }
420 bool ActivePyModules::get_config(const std::string &module_name,
421 const std::string &key, std::string *val) const
422 {
423 const std::string global_key = PyModuleRegistry::config_prefix
424 + module_name + "/" + key;
426 dout(4) << __func__ << "key: " << global_key << dendl;
428 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
430 if (config_cache.count(global_key)) {
431 *val = config_cache.at(global_key);
432 return true;
433 } else {
434 return false;
435 }
436 }
438 PyObject *ActivePyModules::get_config_prefix(const std::string &module_name,
439 const std::string &prefix) const
440 {
441 PyThreadState *tstate = PyEval_SaveThread();
442 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
443 PyEval_RestoreThread(tstate);
445 const std::string base_prefix = PyModuleRegistry::config_prefix
446 + module_name + "/";
447 const std::string global_prefix = base_prefix + prefix;
448 dout(4) << __func__ << "prefix: " << global_prefix << dendl;
450 PyFormatter f;
451 for (auto p = config_cache.lower_bound(global_prefix);
452 p != config_cache.end() && p->first.find(global_prefix) == 0;
453 ++p) {
454 f.dump_string(p->first.c_str() + base_prefix.size(), p->second);
455 }
456 return f.get();
457 }
459 void ActivePyModules::set_config(const std::string &module_name,
460 const std::string &key, const boost::optional<std::string>& val)
461 {
462 const std::string global_key = PyModuleRegistry::config_prefix
463 + module_name + "/" + key;
465 Command set_cmd;
466 {
467 PyThreadState *tstate = PyEval_SaveThread();
468 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
469 PyEval_RestoreThread(tstate);
470 if (val) {
471 config_cache[global_key] = *val;
472 } else {
473 config_cache.erase(global_key);
474 }
476 std::ostringstream cmd_json;
477 JSONFormatter jf;
478 jf.open_object_section("cmd");
479 if (val) {
480 jf.dump_string("prefix", "config-key set");
481 jf.dump_string("key", global_key);
482 jf.dump_string("val", *val);
483 } else {
484 jf.dump_string("prefix", "config-key del");
485 jf.dump_string("key", global_key);
486 }
487 jf.close_section();
488 jf.flush(cmd_json);
489 set_cmd.run(&monc, cmd_json.str());
490 }
491 set_cmd.wait();
493 if (set_cmd.r != 0) {
494 // config-key set will fail if mgr's auth key has insufficient
495 // permission to set config keys
496 // FIXME: should this somehow raise an exception back into Python land?
497 dout(0) << "`config-key set " << global_key << " " << val << "` failed: "
498 << cpp_strerror(set_cmd.r) << dendl;
499 dout(0) << "mon returned " << set_cmd.r << ": " << set_cmd.outs << dendl;
500 }
501 }
503 std::vector<ModuleCommand> ActivePyModules::get_py_commands() const
504 {
505 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
507 std::vector<ModuleCommand> result;
508 for (const auto& i : modules) {
509 auto module = i.second.get();
510 auto mod_commands = module->get_commands();
511 for (auto j : mod_commands) {
512 result.push_back(j);
513 }
514 }
516 return result;
517 }
519 std::vector<MonCommand> ActivePyModules::get_commands() const
520 {
521 std::vector<ModuleCommand> commands = get_py_commands();
522 std::vector<MonCommand> result;
523 for (auto &pyc: commands) {
524 result.push_back({pyc.cmdstring, pyc.helpstring, "mgr",
525 pyc.perm, "cli", MonCommand::FLAG_MGR});
526 }
527 return result;
528 }
531 std::map<std::string, std::string> ActivePyModules::get_services() const
532 {
533 std::map<std::string, std::string> result;
534 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
535 for (const auto& i : modules) {
536 const auto &module = i.second.get();
537 std::string svc_str = module->get_uri();
538 if (!svc_str.empty()) {
539 result[module->get_name()] = svc_str;
540 }
541 }
543 return result;
544 }
546 PyObject* ActivePyModules::get_counter_python(
547 const std::string &svc_name,
548 const std::string &svc_id,
549 const std::string &path)
550 {
551 PyThreadState *tstate = PyEval_SaveThread();
552 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
553 PyEval_RestoreThread(tstate);
555 PyFormatter f;
556 f.open_array_section(path.c_str());
558 auto metadata = daemon_state.get(DaemonKey(svc_name, svc_id));
559 if (metadata) {
560 Mutex::Locker l2(metadata->lock);
561 if (metadata->perf_counters.instances.count(path)) {
562 auto counter_instance = metadata->perf_counters.instances.at(path);
563 auto counter_type = metadata->perf_counters.types.at(path);
564 if (counter_type.type & PERFCOUNTER_LONGRUNAVG) {
565 const auto &avg_data = counter_instance.get_data_avg();
566 for (const auto &datapoint : avg_data) {
567 f.open_array_section("datapoint");
568 f.dump_unsigned("t", datapoint.t.sec());
569 f.dump_unsigned("s", datapoint.s);
570 f.dump_unsigned("c", datapoint.c);
571 f.close_section();
572 }
573 } else {
574 const auto &data = counter_instance.get_data();
575 for (const auto &datapoint : data) {
576 f.open_array_section("datapoint");
577 f.dump_unsigned("t", datapoint.t.sec());
578 f.dump_unsigned("v", datapoint.v);
579 f.close_section();
580 }
581 }
582 } else {
583 dout(4) << "Missing counter: '" << path << "' ("
584 << svc_name << "." << svc_id << ")" << dendl;
585 dout(20) << "Paths are:" << dendl;
586 for (const auto &i : metadata->perf_counters.instances) {
587 dout(20) << i.first << dendl;
588 }
589 }
590 } else {
591 dout(4) << "No daemon state for "
592 << svc_name << "." << svc_id << ")" << dendl;
593 }
594 f.close_section();
595 return f.get();
596 }
598 PyObject* ActivePyModules::get_perf_schema_python(
599 const std::string svc_type,
600 const std::string &svc_id)
601 {
602 PyThreadState *tstate = PyEval_SaveThread();
603 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
604 PyEval_RestoreThread(tstate);
606 DaemonStateCollection daemons;
608 if (svc_type == "") {
609 daemons = std::move(daemon_state.get_all());
610 } else if (svc_id.empty()) {
611 daemons = std::move(daemon_state.get_by_service(svc_type));
612 } else {
613 auto key = DaemonKey(svc_type, svc_id);
614 // so that the below can be a loop in all cases
615 auto got = daemon_state.get(key);
616 if (got != nullptr) {
617 daemons[key] = got;
618 }
619 }
621 PyFormatter f;
622 if (!daemons.empty()) {
623 for (auto statepair : daemons) {
624 auto key = statepair.first;
625 auto state = statepair.second;
627 std::ostringstream daemon_name;
628 daemon_name << key.first << "." << key.second;
629 f.open_object_section(daemon_name.str().c_str());
631 Mutex::Locker l(state->lock);
632 for (auto ctr_inst_iter : state->perf_counters.instances) {
633 const auto &counter_name = ctr_inst_iter.first;
634 f.open_object_section(counter_name.c_str());
635 auto type = state->perf_counters.types[counter_name];
636 f.dump_string("description", type.description);
637 if (!type.nick.empty()) {
638 f.dump_string("nick", type.nick);
639 }
640 f.dump_unsigned("type", type.type);
641 f.dump_unsigned("priority", type.priority);
642 f.dump_unsigned("units", type.unit);
643 f.close_section();
644 }
645 f.close_section();
646 }
647 } else {
648 dout(4) << __func__ << ": No daemon state found for "
649 << svc_type << "." << svc_id << ")" << dendl;
650 }
651 return f.get();
652 }
654 PyObject *ActivePyModules::get_context()
655 {
656 PyThreadState *tstate = PyEval_SaveThread();
657 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
658 PyEval_RestoreThread(tstate);
660 // Construct a capsule containing ceph context.
661 // Not incrementing/decrementing ref count on the context because
662 // it's the global one and it has process lifetime.
663 auto capsule = PyCapsule_New(g_ceph_context, nullptr, nullptr);
664 return capsule;
665 }
667 /**
668 * Helper for our wrapped types that take a capsule in their constructor.
669 */
670 PyObject *construct_with_capsule(
671 const std::string &module_name,
672 const std::string &clsname,
673 void *wrapped)
674 {
675 // Look up the OSDMap type which we will construct
676 PyObject *module = PyImport_ImportModule(module_name.c_str());
677 if (!module) {
678 derr << "Failed to import python module:" << dendl;
679 derr << handle_pyerror() << dendl;
680 }
681 assert(module);
683 PyObject *wrapper_type = PyObject_GetAttrString(
684 module, (const char*)clsname.c_str());
685 if (!wrapper_type) {
686 derr << "Failed to get python type:" << dendl;
687 derr << handle_pyerror() << dendl;
688 }
689 assert(wrapper_type);
691 // Construct a capsule containing an OSDMap.
692 auto wrapped_capsule = PyCapsule_New(wrapped, nullptr, nullptr);
693 assert(wrapped_capsule);
695 // Construct the python OSDMap
696 auto pArgs = PyTuple_Pack(1, wrapped_capsule);
697 auto wrapper_instance = PyObject_CallObject(wrapper_type, pArgs);
698 if (wrapper_instance == nullptr) {
699 derr << "Failed to construct python OSDMap:" << dendl;
700 derr << handle_pyerror() << dendl;
701 }
702 assert(wrapper_instance != nullptr);
703 Py_DECREF(pArgs);
704 Py_DECREF(wrapped_capsule);
706 Py_DECREF(wrapper_type);
707 Py_DECREF(module);
709 return wrapper_instance;
710 }
712 PyObject *ActivePyModules::get_osdmap()
713 {
714 PyThreadState *tstate = PyEval_SaveThread();
715 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
716 PyEval_RestoreThread(tstate);
718 OSDMap *newmap = new OSDMap;
720 cluster_state.with_osdmap([&](const OSDMap& o) {
721 newmap->deepish_copy_from(o);
722 });
724 return construct_with_capsule("mgr_module", "OSDMap", (void*)newmap);
725 }
727 void ActivePyModules::set_health_checks(const std::string& module_name,
728 health_check_map_t&& checks)
729 {
730 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
731 auto p = modules.find(module_name);
732 if (p != modules.end()) {
733 p->second->set_health_checks(std::move(checks));
734 }
735 }
737 void ActivePyModules::get_health_checks(health_check_map_t *checks)
738 {
739 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
740 for (auto& p : modules) {
741 p.second->get_health_checks(checks);
742 }
743 }
745 void ActivePyModules::set_uri(const std::string& module_name,
746 const std::string &uri)
747 {
748 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
750 dout(4) << " module " << module_name << " set URI '" << uri << "'" << dendl;
752 modules[module_name]->set_uri(uri);
753 }