]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/mon/MonMap.h
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / mon / MonMap.h
1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
3 /*
4 * Ceph - scalable distributed file system
5 *
6 * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil <sage@newdream.net>
7 *
8 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
11 * Foundation. See file COPYING.
12 *
13 */
15 #ifndef CEPH_MONMAP_H
16 #define CEPH_MONMAP_H
18 #include "include/err.h"
20 #include "msg/Message.h"
21 #include "include/types.h"
22 #include "mon/mon_types.h"
24 namespace ceph {
25 class Formatter;
26 }
28 struct mon_info_t {
29 /**
30 * monitor name
31 *
32 * i.e., 'foo' in 'mon.foo'
33 */
34 string name;
35 /**
36 * monitor's public address
37 *
38 * public facing address, traditionally used to communicate with all clients
39 * and other monitors.
40 */
41 entity_addr_t public_addr;
42 /**
43 * the priority of the mon, the lower value the more preferred
44 */
45 uint16_t priority{0};
47 mon_info_t(const string& n, const entity_addr_t& p_addr, uint16_t p)
48 : name(n), public_addr(p_addr), priority(p)
49 {}
50 mon_info_t(const string &n, const entity_addr_t& p_addr)
51 : name(n), public_addr(p_addr)
52 { }
54 mon_info_t() { }
57 void encode(bufferlist& bl, uint64_t features) const;
58 void decode(bufferlist::iterator& p);
59 void print(ostream& out) const;
60 };
63 inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const mon_info_t& mon) {
64 mon.print(out);
65 return out;
66 }
68 class MonMap {
69 public:
70 epoch_t epoch; // what epoch/version of the monmap
71 uuid_d fsid;
72 utime_t last_changed;
73 utime_t created;
75 map<string, mon_info_t> mon_info;
76 map<entity_addr_t, string> addr_mons;
78 vector<string> ranks;
80 /**
81 * Persistent Features are all those features that once set on a
82 * monmap cannot, and should not, be removed. These will define the
83 * non-negotiable features that a given monitor must support to
84 * properly operate in a given quorum.
85 *
86 * Should be reserved for features that we really want to make sure
87 * are sticky, and are important enough to tolerate not being able
88 * to downgrade a monitor.
89 */
90 mon_feature_t persistent_features;
91 /**
92 * Optional Features are all those features that can be enabled or
93 * disabled following a given criteria -- e.g., user-mandated via the
94 * cli --, and act much like indicators of what the cluster currently
95 * supports.
96 *
97 * They are by no means "optional" in the sense that monitors can
98 * ignore them. Just that they are not persistent.
99 */
100 mon_feature_t optional_features;
102 /**
103 * Returns the set of features required by this monmap.
104 *
105 * The features required by this monmap is the union of all the
106 * currently set persistent features and the currently set optional
107 * features.
108 *
109 * @returns the set of features required by this monmap
110 */
111 mon_feature_t get_required_features() const {
112 return (persistent_features | optional_features);
113 }
115 public:
116 void sanitize_mons(map<string,entity_addr_t>& o);
117 void calc_ranks();
119 MonMap()
120 : epoch(0) {
121 memset(&fsid, 0, sizeof(fsid));
122 }
124 uuid_d& get_fsid() { return fsid; }
126 unsigned size() const {
127 return mon_info.size();
128 }
130 epoch_t get_epoch() const { return epoch; }
131 void set_epoch(epoch_t e) { epoch = e; }
133 /**
134 * Obtain list of public facing addresses
135 *
136 * @param ls list to populate with the monitors' addresses
137 */
138 void list_addrs(list<entity_addr_t>& ls) const {
139 for (map<string,mon_info_t>::const_iterator p = mon_info.begin();
140 p != mon_info.end();
141 ++p) {
142 ls.push_back(p->second.public_addr);
143 }
144 }
146 /**
147 * Add new monitor to the monmap
148 *
149 * @param m monitor info of the new monitor
150 */
151 void add(mon_info_t &&m) {
152 assert(mon_info.count(m.name) == 0);
153 assert(addr_mons.count(m.public_addr) == 0);
154 mon_info[m.name] = std::move(m);
155 calc_ranks();
156 }
158 /**
159 * Add new monitor to the monmap
160 *
161 * @param name Monitor name (i.e., 'foo' in 'mon.foo')
162 * @param addr Monitor's public address
163 */
164 void add(const string &name, const entity_addr_t &addr) {
165 add(mon_info_t(name, addr));
166 }
168 /**
169 * Remove monitor from the monmap
170 *
171 * @param name Monitor name (i.e., 'foo' in 'mon.foo')
172 */
173 void remove(const string &name) {
174 assert(mon_info.count(name));
175 mon_info.erase(name);
176 assert(mon_info.count(name) == 0);
177 calc_ranks();
178 }
180 /**
181 * Rename monitor from @p oldname to @p newname
182 *
183 * @param oldname monitor's current name (i.e., 'foo' in 'mon.foo')
184 * @param newname monitor's new name (i.e., 'bar' in 'mon.bar')
185 */
186 void rename(string oldname, string newname) {
187 assert(contains(oldname));
188 assert(!contains(newname));
189 mon_info[newname] = mon_info[oldname];
190 mon_info.erase(oldname);
191 mon_info[newname].name = newname;
192 calc_ranks();
193 }
195 bool contains(const string& name) const {
196 return mon_info.count(name);
197 }
199 /**
200 * Check if monmap contains a monitor with address @p a
201 *
202 * @note checks for all addresses a monitor may have, public or otherwise.
203 *
204 * @param a monitor address
205 * @returns true if monmap contains a monitor with address @p;
206 * false otherwise.
207 */
208 bool contains(const entity_addr_t &a) const {
209 for (map<string,mon_info_t>::const_iterator p = mon_info.begin();
210 p != mon_info.end();
211 ++p) {
212 if (p->second.public_addr == a)
213 return true;
214 }
215 return false;
216 }
218 string get_name(unsigned n) const {
219 assert(n < ranks.size());
220 return ranks[n];
221 }
222 string get_name(const entity_addr_t& a) const {
223 map<entity_addr_t,string>::const_iterator p = addr_mons.find(a);
224 if (p == addr_mons.end())
225 return string();
226 else
227 return p->second;
228 }
230 int get_rank(const string& n) {
231 for (unsigned i = 0; i < ranks.size(); i++)
232 if (ranks[i] == n)
233 return i;
234 return -1;
235 }
236 int get_rank(const entity_addr_t& a) {
237 string n = get_name(a);
238 if (n.empty())
239 return -1;
241 for (unsigned i = 0; i < ranks.size(); i++)
242 if (ranks[i] == n)
243 return i;
244 return -1;
245 }
246 bool get_addr_name(const entity_addr_t& a, string& name) {
247 if (addr_mons.count(a) == 0)
248 return false;
249 name = addr_mons[a];
250 return true;
251 }
253 const entity_addr_t& get_addr(const string& n) const {
254 assert(mon_info.count(n));
255 map<string,mon_info_t>::const_iterator p = mon_info.find(n);
256 return p->second.public_addr;
257 }
258 const entity_addr_t& get_addr(unsigned m) const {
259 assert(m < ranks.size());
260 return get_addr(ranks[m]);
261 }
262 void set_addr(const string& n, const entity_addr_t& a) {
263 assert(mon_info.count(n));
264 mon_info[n].public_addr = a;
265 calc_ranks();
266 }
267 entity_inst_t get_inst(const string& n) {
268 assert(mon_info.count(n));
269 int m = get_rank(n);
270 assert(m >= 0); // vector can't take negative indicies
271 return get_inst(m);
272 }
273 entity_inst_t get_inst(unsigned m) const {
274 assert(m < ranks.size());
275 entity_inst_t i;
276 i.addr = get_addr(m);
277 i.name = entity_name_t::MON(m);
278 return i;
279 }
281 void encode(bufferlist& blist, uint64_t con_features) const;
282 void decode(bufferlist& blist) {
283 bufferlist::iterator p = blist.begin();
284 decode(p);
285 }
286 void decode(bufferlist::iterator &p);
288 void generate_fsid() {
289 fsid.generate_random();
290 }
292 // read from/write to a file
293 int write(const char *fn);
294 int read(const char *fn);
296 /**
297 * build an initial bootstrap monmap from conf
298 *
299 * Build an initial bootstrap monmap from the config. This will
300 * try, in this order:
301 *
302 * 1 monmap -- an explicitly provided monmap
303 * 2 mon_host -- list of monitors
304 * 3 config [mon.*] sections, and 'mon addr' fields in those sections
305 *
306 * @param cct context (and associated config)
307 * @param errout ostream to send error messages too
308 */
309 int build_initial(CephContext *cct, ostream& errout);
311 /**
312 * build a monmap from a list of hosts or ips
313 *
314 * Resolve dns as needed. Give mons dummy names.
315 *
316 * @param hosts list of hosts, space or comma separated
317 * @param prefix prefix to prepend to generated mon names
318 * @return 0 for success, -errno on error
319 */
320 int build_from_host_list(std::string hosts, std::string prefix);
322 /**
323 * filter monmap given a set of initial members.
324 *
325 * Remove mons that aren't in the initial_members list. Add missing
326 * mons and give them dummy IPs (blank IPv4, with a non-zero
327 * nonce). If the name matches my_name, then my_addr will be used in
328 * place of a dummy addr.
329 *
330 * @param initial_members list of initial member names
331 * @param my_name name of self, can be blank
332 * @param my_addr my addr
333 * @param removed optional pointer to set to insert removed mon addrs to
334 */
335 void set_initial_members(CephContext *cct,
336 list<std::string>& initial_members,
337 string my_name, const entity_addr_t& my_addr,
338 set<entity_addr_t> *removed);
340 void print(ostream& out) const;
341 void print_summary(ostream& out) const;
342 void dump(ceph::Formatter *f) const;
344 static void generate_test_instances(list<MonMap*>& o);
345 };
348 inline ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const MonMap &m) {
349 m.print_summary(out);
350 return out;
351 }
353 #endif