]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/osd/MissingLoc.h
import quincy beta 17.1.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / osd / MissingLoc.h
1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
4 #pragma once
6 #include <map>
7 #include <set>
9 #include "OSDMap.h"
10 #include "common/HBHandle.h"
11 #include "common/ceph_context.h"
12 #include "common/dout.h"
13 #include "osd_types.h"
15 class MissingLoc {
16 public:
18 class MappingInfo {
19 public:
20 virtual const std::set<pg_shard_t> &get_upset() const = 0;
21 virtual bool is_ec_pg() const = 0;
22 virtual int get_pg_size() const = 0;
23 virtual ~MappingInfo() {}
24 };
26 // a loc_count indicates how many locations we know in each of
27 // these distinct sets
28 struct loc_count_t {
29 int up = 0; //< up
30 int other = 0; //< other
32 friend bool operator<(const loc_count_t& l,
33 const loc_count_t& r) {
34 return (l.up < r.up ||
35 (l.up == r.up &&
36 (l.other < r.other)));
37 }
38 friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const loc_count_t& l) {
39 ceph_assert(l.up >= 0);
40 ceph_assert(l.other >= 0);
41 return out << "(" << l.up << "+" << l.other << ")";
42 }
43 };
46 using missing_by_count_t = std::map<shard_id_t, std::map<loc_count_t,int>>;
47 private:
48 loc_count_t _get_count(const std::set<pg_shard_t> &shards) {
49 loc_count_t r;
50 for (auto s : shards) {
51 if (mapping_info->get_upset().count(s)) {
52 r.up++;
53 } else {
54 r.other++;
55 }
56 }
57 return r;
58 }
60 std::map<hobject_t, pg_missing_item> needs_recovery_map;
61 std::map<hobject_t, std::set<pg_shard_t> > missing_loc;
62 std::set<pg_shard_t> missing_loc_sources;
64 // for every entry in missing_loc, we count how many of each type of shard we have,
65 // and maintain totals here. The sum of the values for this std::map will always equal
66 // missing_loc.size().
67 missing_by_count_t missing_by_count;
69 void pgs_by_shard_id(
70 const std::set<pg_shard_t>& s,
71 std::map<shard_id_t, std::set<pg_shard_t> >& pgsbs) {
72 if (mapping_info->is_ec_pg()) {
73 int num_shards = mapping_info->get_pg_size();
74 // For completely missing shards initialize with empty std::set<pg_shard_t>
75 for (int i = 0 ; i < num_shards ; ++i) {
76 shard_id_t shard(i);
77 pgsbs[shard];
78 }
79 for (auto pgs: s)
80 pgsbs[pgs.shard].insert(pgs);
81 } else {
82 pgsbs[shard_id_t::NO_SHARD] = s;
83 }
84 }
86 void _inc_count(const std::set<pg_shard_t>& s) {
87 std::map< shard_id_t, std::set<pg_shard_t> > pgsbs;
88 pgs_by_shard_id(s, pgsbs);
89 for (auto shard: pgsbs)
90 ++missing_by_count[shard.first][_get_count(shard.second)];
91 }
92 void _dec_count(const std::set<pg_shard_t>& s) {
93 std::map< shard_id_t, std::set<pg_shard_t> > pgsbs;
94 pgs_by_shard_id(s, pgsbs);
95 for (auto shard: pgsbs) {
96 auto p = missing_by_count[shard.first].find(_get_count(shard.second));
97 ceph_assert(p != missing_by_count[shard.first].end());
98 if (--p->second == 0) {
99 missing_by_count[shard.first].erase(p);
100 }
101 }
102 }
104 spg_t pgid;
105 MappingInfo *mapping_info;
106 DoutPrefixProvider *dpp;
107 CephContext *cct;
108 std::set<pg_shard_t> empty_set;
109 public:
110 boost::scoped_ptr<IsPGReadablePredicate> is_readable;
111 boost::scoped_ptr<IsPGRecoverablePredicate> is_recoverable;
112 explicit MissingLoc(
113 spg_t pgid,
114 MappingInfo *mapping_info,
115 DoutPrefixProvider *dpp,
116 CephContext *cct)
117 : pgid(pgid), mapping_info(mapping_info), dpp(dpp), cct(cct) { }
118 void set_backend_predicates(
119 IsPGReadablePredicate *_is_readable,
120 IsPGRecoverablePredicate *_is_recoverable) {
121 is_readable.reset(_is_readable);
122 is_recoverable.reset(_is_recoverable);
123 }
124 const IsPGRecoverablePredicate &get_recoverable_predicate() const {
125 return *is_recoverable;
126 }
127 std::ostream& gen_prefix(std::ostream& out) const {
128 return dpp->gen_prefix(out);
129 }
130 bool needs_recovery(
131 const hobject_t &hoid,
132 eversion_t *v = 0) const {
133 std::map<hobject_t, pg_missing_item>::const_iterator i =
134 needs_recovery_map.find(hoid);
135 if (i == needs_recovery_map.end())
136 return false;
137 if (v)
138 *v = i->second.need;
139 return true;
140 }
141 bool is_deleted(const hobject_t &hoid) const {
142 auto i = needs_recovery_map.find(hoid);
143 if (i == needs_recovery_map.end())
144 return false;
145 return i->second.is_delete();
146 }
147 bool is_unfound(const hobject_t &hoid) const {
148 auto it = needs_recovery_map.find(hoid);
149 if (it == needs_recovery_map.end()) {
150 return false;
151 }
152 if (it->second.is_delete()) {
153 return false;
154 }
155 auto mit = missing_loc.find(hoid);
156 return mit == missing_loc.end() || !(*is_recoverable)(mit->second);
157 }
158 bool readable_with_acting(
159 const hobject_t &hoid,
160 const std::set<pg_shard_t> &acting,
161 eversion_t* v = 0) const;
162 uint64_t num_unfound() const {
163 uint64_t ret = 0;
164 for (std::map<hobject_t, pg_missing_item>::const_iterator i =
165 needs_recovery_map.begin();
166 i != needs_recovery_map.end();
167 ++i) {
168 if (i->second.is_delete())
169 continue;
170 auto mi = missing_loc.find(i->first);
171 if (mi == missing_loc.end() || !(*is_recoverable)(mi->second))
172 ++ret;
173 }
174 return ret;
175 }
177 bool have_unfound() const {
178 for (std::map<hobject_t, pg_missing_item>::const_iterator i =
179 needs_recovery_map.begin();
180 i != needs_recovery_map.end();
181 ++i) {
182 if (i->second.is_delete())
183 continue;
184 auto mi = missing_loc.find(i->first);
185 if (mi == missing_loc.end() || !(*is_recoverable)(mi->second))
186 return true;
187 }
188 return false;
189 }
190 void clear() {
191 needs_recovery_map.clear();
192 missing_loc.clear();
193 missing_loc_sources.clear();
194 missing_by_count.clear();
195 }
197 void add_location(const hobject_t &hoid, pg_shard_t location) {
198 auto p = missing_loc.find(hoid);
199 if (p == missing_loc.end()) {
200 p = missing_loc.emplace(hoid, std::set<pg_shard_t>()).first;
201 } else {
202 _dec_count(p->second);
203 }
204 p->second.insert(location);
205 _inc_count(p->second);
206 }
207 void remove_location(const hobject_t &hoid, pg_shard_t location) {
208 auto p = missing_loc.find(hoid);
209 if (p != missing_loc.end()) {
210 _dec_count(p->second);
211 p->second.erase(location);
212 if (p->second.empty()) {
213 missing_loc.erase(p);
214 } else {
215 _inc_count(p->second);
216 }
217 }
218 }
220 void clear_location(const hobject_t &hoid) {
221 auto p = missing_loc.find(hoid);
222 if (p != missing_loc.end()) {
223 _dec_count(p->second);
224 missing_loc.erase(p);
225 }
226 }
228 void add_active_missing(const pg_missing_t &missing) {
229 for (std::map<hobject_t, pg_missing_item>::const_iterator i =
230 missing.get_items().begin();
231 i != missing.get_items().end();
232 ++i) {
233 std::map<hobject_t, pg_missing_item>::const_iterator j =
234 needs_recovery_map.find(i->first);
235 if (j == needs_recovery_map.end()) {
236 needs_recovery_map.insert(*i);
237 } else {
238 if (i->second.need != j->second.need) {
239 lgeneric_dout(cct, 0) << this << " " << pgid << " unexpected need for "
240 << i->first << " have " << j->second
241 << " tried to add " << i->second << dendl;
242 ceph_assert(0 == "unexpected need for missing item");
243 }
244 }
245 }
246 }
248 void add_missing(const hobject_t &hoid, eversion_t need, eversion_t have, bool is_delete=false) {
249 needs_recovery_map[hoid] = pg_missing_item(need, have, is_delete);
250 }
251 void revise_need(const hobject_t &hoid, eversion_t need) {
252 auto it = needs_recovery_map.find(hoid);
253 ceph_assert(it != needs_recovery_map.end());
254 it->second.need = need;
255 }
257 /// Adds info about a possible recovery source
258 bool add_source_info(
259 pg_shard_t source, ///< [in] source
260 const pg_info_t &oinfo, ///< [in] info
261 const pg_missing_t &omissing, ///< [in] (optional) missing
262 HBHandle *handle ///< [in] ThreadPool handle
263 ); ///< @return whether a new object location was discovered
265 /// Adds recovery sources in batch
266 void add_batch_sources_info(
267 const std::set<pg_shard_t> &sources, ///< [in] a std::set of resources which can be used for all objects
268 HBHandle *handle ///< [in] ThreadPool handle
269 );
271 /// Uses osdmap to update structures for now down sources
272 void check_recovery_sources(const OSDMapRef& osdmap);
274 /// Remove stray from recovery sources
275 void remove_stray_recovery_sources(pg_shard_t stray);
277 /// Call when hoid is no longer missing in acting std::set
278 void recovered(const hobject_t &hoid) {
279 needs_recovery_map.erase(hoid);
280 auto p = missing_loc.find(hoid);
281 if (p != missing_loc.end()) {
282 _dec_count(p->second);
283 missing_loc.erase(p);
284 }
285 }
287 /// Call to update structures for hoid after a change
288 void rebuild(
289 const hobject_t &hoid,
290 pg_shard_t self,
291 const std::set<pg_shard_t> &to_recover,
292 const pg_info_t &info,
293 const pg_missing_t &missing,
294 const std::map<pg_shard_t, pg_missing_t> &pmissing,
295 const std::map<pg_shard_t, pg_info_t> &pinfo) {
296 recovered(hoid);
297 std::optional<pg_missing_item> item;
298 auto miter = missing.get_items().find(hoid);
299 if (miter != missing.get_items().end()) {
300 item = miter->second;
301 } else {
302 for (auto &&i: to_recover) {
303 if (i == self)
304 continue;
305 auto pmiter = pmissing.find(i);
306 ceph_assert(pmiter != pmissing.end());
307 miter = pmiter->second.get_items().find(hoid);
308 if (miter != pmiter->second.get_items().end()) {
309 item = miter->second;
310 break;
311 }
312 }
313 }
314 if (!item)
315 return; // recovered!
317 needs_recovery_map[hoid] = *item;
318 if (item->is_delete())
319 return;
320 auto mliter =
321 missing_loc.emplace(hoid, std::set<pg_shard_t>()).first;
322 ceph_assert(info.last_backfill.is_max());
323 ceph_assert(info.last_update >= item->need);
324 if (!missing.is_missing(hoid))
325 mliter->second.insert(self);
326 for (auto &&i: pmissing) {
327 if (i.first == self)
328 continue;
329 auto pinfoiter = pinfo.find(i.first);
330 ceph_assert(pinfoiter != pinfo.end());
331 if (item->need <= pinfoiter->second.last_update &&
332 hoid <= pinfoiter->second.last_backfill &&
333 !i.second.is_missing(hoid))
334 mliter->second.insert(i.first);
335 }
336 _inc_count(mliter->second);
337 }
339 const std::set<pg_shard_t> &get_locations(const hobject_t &hoid) const {
340 auto it = missing_loc.find(hoid);
341 return it == missing_loc.end() ? empty_set : it->second;
342 }
343 const std::map<hobject_t, std::set<pg_shard_t>> &get_missing_locs() const {
344 return missing_loc;
345 }
346 const std::map<hobject_t, pg_missing_item> &get_needs_recovery() const {
347 return needs_recovery_map;
348 }
350 const missing_by_count_t &get_missing_by_count() const {
351 return missing_by_count;
352 }
353 };