]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/pybind/ceph_rest_api.py
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / pybind / ceph_rest_api.py
1 # vim: ts=4 sw=4 smarttab expandtab
3 import errno
4 import json
5 import logging
6 import logging.handlers
7 import os
8 import rados
9 import textwrap
10 import xml.etree.ElementTree
11 import xml.sax.saxutils
13 import flask
14 from ceph_argparse import \
15 ArgumentError, CephPgid, CephOsdName, CephChoices, CephPrefix, \
16 concise_sig, descsort, parse_funcsig, parse_json_funcsigs, \
17 validate, json_command
19 #
20 # Globals and defaults
21 #
23 DEFAULT_ADDR = '::'
24 DEFAULT_PORT = '5000'
25 DEFAULT_ID = 'restapi'
27 DEFAULT_BASEURL = '/api/v0.1'
28 DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = 'warning'
29 DEFAULT_LOGDIR = '/var/log/ceph'
30 # default client name will be 'client.<DEFAULT_ID>'
32 # network failure could keep the underlying json_command() waiting forever,
33 # set a timeout, so it bails out on timeout.
35 # and retry in that case.
38 # 'app' must be global for decorators, etc.
39 APPNAME = '__main__'
40 app = flask.Flask(APPNAME)
43 'critical': logging.CRITICAL,
44 'error': logging.ERROR,
45 'warning': logging.WARNING,
46 'info': logging.INFO,
47 'debug': logging.DEBUG,
48 }
51 def find_up_osd(app):
52 '''
53 Find an up OSD. Return the last one that's up.
54 Returns id as an int.
55 '''
56 ret, outbuf, outs = json_command(app.ceph_cluster, prefix="osd dump",
57 argdict=dict(format='json'))
58 if ret:
59 raise EnvironmentError(ret, 'Can\'t get osd dump output')
60 try:
61 osddump = json.loads(outbuf)
62 except:
63 raise EnvironmentError(errno.EINVAL, 'Invalid JSON back from osd dump')
64 osds = [osd['osd'] for osd in osddump['osds'] if osd['up']]
65 if not osds:
66 return None
67 return int(osds[-1])
70 METHOD_DICT = {'r': ['GET'], 'w': ['PUT', 'DELETE']}
73 def api_setup(app, conf, cluster, clientname, clientid, args):
74 '''
75 This is done globally, and cluster connection kept open for
76 the lifetime of the daemon. librados should assure that even
77 if the cluster goes away and comes back, our connection remains.
79 Initialize the running instance. Open the cluster, get the command
80 signatures, module, perms, and help; stuff them away in the app.ceph_urls
81 dict. Also save app.ceph_sigdict for help() handling.
82 '''
83 def get_command_descriptions(cluster, target=('mon', '')):
84 ret, outbuf, outs = json_command(cluster, target,
85 prefix='get_command_descriptions',
86 timeout=30)
87 if ret:
88 err = "Can't get command descriptions: {0}".format(outs)
89 app.logger.error(err)
90 raise EnvironmentError(ret, err)
92 try:
93 sigdict = parse_json_funcsigs(outbuf, 'rest')
94 except Exception as e:
95 err = "Can't parse command descriptions: {}".format(e)
96 app.logger.error(err)
97 raise EnvironmentError(err)
98 return sigdict
100 app.ceph_cluster = cluster or 'ceph'
101 app.ceph_urls = {}
102 app.ceph_sigdict = {}
103 app.ceph_baseurl = ''
105 conf = conf or ''
106 cluster = cluster or 'ceph'
107 clientid = clientid or DEFAULT_ID
108 clientname = clientname or 'client.' + clientid
110 app.ceph_cluster = rados.Rados(name=clientname, conffile=conf)
111 app.ceph_cluster.conf_parse_argv(args)
112 app.ceph_cluster.connect()
114 app.ceph_baseurl = app.ceph_cluster.conf_get('restapi_base_url') \
116 if app.ceph_baseurl.endswith('/'):
117 app.ceph_baseurl = app.ceph_baseurl[:-1]
118 addr = app.ceph_cluster.conf_get('public_addr') or DEFAULT_ADDR
120 if addr == '-':
121 addr = None
122 port = None
123 else:
124 # remove the type prefix from the conf value if any
125 for t in ('legacy:', 'msgr2:'):
126 if addr.startswith(t):
127 addr = addr[len(t):]
128 break
129 # remove any nonce from the conf value
130 addr = addr.split('/')[0]
131 addr, port = addr.rsplit(':', 1)
132 addr = addr or DEFAULT_ADDR
133 port = port or DEFAULT_PORT
134 port = int(port)
136 loglevel = app.ceph_cluster.conf_get('restapi_log_level') \
138 # ceph has a default log file for daemons only; clients (like this)
139 # default to "". Override that for this particular client.
140 logfile = app.ceph_cluster.conf_get('log_file')
141 if not logfile:
142 logfile = os.path.join(
144 '{cluster}-{clientname}.{pid}.log'.format(
145 cluster=cluster,
146 clientname=clientname,
147 pid=os.getpid()
148 )
149 )
150 app.logger.addHandler(logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler(logfile))
151 app.logger.setLevel(LOGLEVELS[loglevel.lower()])
152 for h in app.logger.handlers:
153 h.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(
154 '%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
156 app.ceph_sigdict = get_command_descriptions(app.ceph_cluster)
158 osdid = find_up_osd(app)
159 if osdid is not None:
160 osd_sigdict = get_command_descriptions(app.ceph_cluster,
161 target=('osd', int(osdid)))
163 # shift osd_sigdict keys up to fit at the end of the mon's app.ceph_sigdict
164 maxkey = sorted(app.ceph_sigdict.keys())[-1]
165 maxkey = int(maxkey.replace('cmd', ''))
166 osdkey = maxkey + 1
167 for k, v in osd_sigdict.iteritems():
168 newv = v
169 newv['flavor'] = 'tell'
170 globk = 'cmd' + str(osdkey)
171 app.ceph_sigdict[globk] = newv
172 osdkey += 1
174 # app.ceph_sigdict maps "cmdNNN" to a dict containing:
175 # 'sig', an array of argdescs
176 # 'help', the helptext
177 # 'module', the Ceph module this command relates to
178 # 'perm', a 'rwx*' string representing required permissions, and also
179 # a hint as to whether this is a GET or POST/PUT operation
180 # 'avail', a comma-separated list of strings of consumers that should
181 # display this command (filtered by parse_json_funcsigs() above)
182 app.ceph_urls = {}
183 for cmdnum, cmddict in app.ceph_sigdict.iteritems():
184 cmdsig = cmddict['sig']
185 flavor = cmddict.get('flavor', 'mon')
186 url, params = generate_url_and_params(app, cmdsig, flavor)
187 perm = cmddict['perm']
188 for k in METHOD_DICT.iterkeys():
189 if k in perm:
190 methods = METHOD_DICT[k]
191 urldict = {'paramsig': params,
192 'help': cmddict['help'],
193 'module': cmddict['module'],
194 'perm': perm,
195 'flavor': flavor,
196 'methods': methods, }
198 # app.ceph_urls contains a list of urldicts (usually only one long)
199 if url not in app.ceph_urls:
200 app.ceph_urls[url] = [urldict]
201 else:
202 # If more than one, need to make union of methods of all.
203 # Method must be checked in handler
204 methodset = set(methods)
205 for old_urldict in app.ceph_urls[url]:
206 methodset |= set(old_urldict['methods'])
207 methods = list(methodset)
208 app.ceph_urls[url].append(urldict)
210 # add, or re-add, rule with all methods and urldicts
211 app.add_url_rule(url, url, handler, methods=methods)
212 url += '.<fmt>'
213 app.add_url_rule(url, url, handler, methods=methods)
215 app.logger.debug("urls added: %d", len(app.ceph_urls))
217 app.add_url_rule('/<path:catchall_path>', '/<path:catchall_path>',
218 handler, methods=['GET', 'PUT'])
219 return addr, port
222 def generate_url_and_params(app, sig, flavor):
223 '''
224 Digest command signature from cluster; generate an absolute
225 (including app.ceph_baseurl) endpoint from all the prefix words,
226 and a list of non-prefix param descs
227 '''
229 url = ''
230 params = []
231 # the OSD command descriptors don't include the 'tell <target>', so
232 # tack it onto the front of sig
233 if flavor == 'tell':
234 tellsig = parse_funcsig(['tell',
235 {'name': 'target', 'type': 'CephOsdName'}])
236 sig = tellsig + sig
238 for desc in sig:
239 # prefixes go in the URL path
240 if desc.t == CephPrefix:
241 url += '/' + desc.instance.prefix
242 else:
243 # tell/<target> is a weird case; the URL includes what
244 # would everywhere else be a parameter
245 if flavor == 'tell' and ((desc.t, desc.name) ==
246 (CephOsdName, 'target')):
247 url += '/<target>'
248 else:
249 params.append(desc)
251 return app.ceph_baseurl + url, params
254 #
255 # end setup (import-time) functions, begin request-time functions
256 #
257 def concise_sig_for_uri(sig, flavor):
258 '''
259 Return a generic description of how one would send a REST request for sig
260 '''
261 prefix = []
262 args = []
263 ret = ''
264 if flavor == 'tell':
265 ret = 'tell/<osdid-or-pgid>/'
266 for d in sig:
267 if d.t == CephPrefix:
268 prefix.append(d.instance.prefix)
269 else:
270 args.append(d.name + '=' + str(d))
271 ret += '/'.join(prefix)
272 if args:
273 ret += '?' + '&'.join(args)
274 return ret
277 def show_human_help(prefix):
278 '''
279 Dump table showing commands matching prefix
280 '''
281 # XXX There ought to be a better discovery mechanism than an HTML table
282 s = '<html><body><table border=1><th>Possible commands:</th><th>Method</th><th>Description</th>'
284 permmap = {'r': 'GET', 'rw': 'PUT', 'rx': 'GET', 'rwx': 'PUT'}
285 line = ''
286 for cmdsig in sorted(app.ceph_sigdict.itervalues(), cmp=descsort):
287 concise = concise_sig(cmdsig['sig'])
288 flavor = cmdsig.get('flavor', 'mon')
289 if flavor == 'tell':
290 concise = 'tell/<target>/' + concise
291 if concise.startswith(prefix):
292 line = ['<tr><td>']
293 wrapped_sig = textwrap.wrap(
294 concise_sig_for_uri(cmdsig['sig'], flavor), 40
295 )
296 for sigline in wrapped_sig:
297 line.append(flask.escape(sigline) + '\n')
298 line.append('</td><td>')
299 line.append(permmap[cmdsig['perm']])
300 line.append('</td><td>')
301 line.append(flask.escape(cmdsig['help']))
302 line.append('</td></tr>\n')
303 s += ''.join(line)
305 s += '</table></body></html>'
306 if line:
307 return s
308 else:
309 return ''
312 @app.before_request
313 def log_request():
314 '''
315 For every request, log it. XXX Probably overkill for production
316 '''
317 app.logger.info(flask.request.url + " from " + flask.request.remote_addr + " " + flask.request.user_agent.string)
318 app.logger.debug("Accept: %s", flask.request.accept_mimetypes.values())
321 @app.route('/')
322 def root_redir():
323 return flask.redirect(app.ceph_baseurl)
326 def make_response(fmt, output, statusmsg, errorcode):
327 '''
328 If formatted output, cobble up a response object that contains the
329 output and status wrapped in enclosing objects; if nonformatted, just
330 use output+status. Return HTTP status errorcode in any event.
331 '''
332 response = output
333 if fmt:
334 if 'json' in fmt:
335 try:
336 native_output = json.loads(output or '[]')
337 response = json.dumps({"output": native_output,
338 "status": statusmsg})
339 except:
340 return flask.make_response("Error decoding JSON from " +
341 output, 500)
342 elif 'xml' in fmt:
343 # XXX
344 # one is tempted to do this with xml.etree, but figuring out how
345 # to 'un-XML' the XML-dumped output so it can be reassembled into
346 # a piece of the tree here is beyond me right now.
347 # ET = xml.etree.ElementTree
348 # resp_elem = ET.Element('response')
349 # o = ET.SubElement(resp_elem, 'output')
350 # o.text = output
351 # s = ET.SubElement(resp_elem, 'status')
352 # s.text = statusmsg
353 # response = ET.tostring(resp_elem)
354 response = '''
355 <response>
356 <output>
357 {0}
358 </output>
359 <status>
360 {1}
361 </status>
362 </response>'''.format(response, xml.sax.saxutils.escape(statusmsg))
363 else:
364 if not 200 <= errorcode < 300:
365 response = response + '\n' + statusmsg + '\n'
367 return flask.make_response(response, errorcode)
370 def handler(catchall_path=None, fmt=None, target=None):
371 '''
372 Main endpoint handler; generic for every endpoint, including catchall.
373 Handles the catchall, anything with <.fmt>, anything with embedded
374 <target>. Partial match or ?help cause the HTML-table
375 "show_human_help" output.
376 '''
378 ep = catchall_path or flask.request.endpoint
379 ep = ep.replace('.<fmt>', '')
381 if ep[0] != '/':
382 ep = '/' + ep
384 # demand that endpoint begin with app.ceph_baseurl
385 if not ep.startswith(app.ceph_baseurl):
386 return make_response(fmt, '', 'Page not found', 404)
388 rel_ep = ep[len(app.ceph_baseurl) + 1:]
390 # Extensions override Accept: headers override defaults
391 if not fmt:
392 if 'application/json' in flask.request.accept_mimetypes.values():
393 fmt = 'json'
394 elif 'application/xml' in flask.request.accept_mimetypes.values():
395 fmt = 'xml'
397 prefix = ''
398 pgid = None
399 cmdtarget = 'mon', ''
401 if target:
402 # got tell/<target>; validate osdid or pgid
403 name = CephOsdName()
404 pgidobj = CephPgid()
405 try:
406 name.valid(target)
407 except ArgumentError:
408 # try pgid
409 try:
410 pgidobj.valid(target)
411 except ArgumentError:
412 return flask.make_response("invalid osdid or pgid", 400)
413 else:
414 # it's a pgid
415 pgid = pgidobj.val
416 cmdtarget = 'pg', pgid
417 else:
418 # it's an osd
419 cmdtarget = name.nametype, name.nameid
421 # prefix does not include tell/<target>/
422 prefix = ' '.join(rel_ep.split('/')[2:]).strip()
423 else:
424 # non-target command: prefix is entire path
425 prefix = ' '.join(rel_ep.split('/')).strip()
427 # show "match as much as you gave me" help for unknown endpoints
428 if ep not in app.ceph_urls:
429 helptext = show_human_help(prefix)
430 if helptext:
431 resp = flask.make_response(helptext, 400)
432 resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'
433 return resp
434 else:
435 return make_response(fmt, '', 'Invalid endpoint ' + ep, 400)
437 found = None
438 exc = ''
439 for urldict in app.ceph_urls[ep]:
440 if flask.request.method not in urldict['methods']:
441 continue
442 paramsig = urldict['paramsig']
444 # allow '?help' for any specifically-known endpoint
445 if 'help' in flask.request.args:
446 response = flask.make_response('{0}: {1}'.
447 format(prefix +
448 concise_sig(paramsig),
449 urldict['help']))
450 response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
451 return response
453 # if there are parameters for this endpoint, process them
454 if paramsig:
455 args = {}
456 for k, l in flask.request.args.iterlists():
457 if len(l) == 1:
458 args[k] = l[0]
459 else:
460 args[k] = l
462 # is this a valid set of params?
463 try:
464 argdict = validate(args, paramsig)
465 found = urldict
466 break
467 except Exception as e:
468 exc += str(e)
469 continue
470 else:
471 if flask.request.args:
472 continue
473 found = urldict
474 argdict = {}
475 break
477 if not found:
478 return make_response(fmt, '', exc + '\n', 400)
480 argdict['format'] = fmt or 'plain'
481 argdict['module'] = found['module']
482 argdict['perm'] = found['perm']
483 if pgid:
484 argdict['pgid'] = pgid
486 if not cmdtarget:
487 cmdtarget = ('mon', '')
489 app.logger.debug('sending command prefix %s argdict %s', prefix, argdict)
491 for _ in range(DEFAULT_TRIES):
492 ret, outbuf, outs = json_command(app.ceph_cluster, prefix=prefix,
493 target=cmdtarget,
494 inbuf=flask.request.data,
495 argdict=argdict,
496 timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
497 if ret != -errno.EINTR:
498 break
499 else:
500 return make_response(fmt, '',
501 'Timedout: {0} ({1})'.format(outs, ret), 504)
502 if ret:
503 return make_response(fmt, '', 'Error: {0} ({1})'.format(outs, ret), 400)
505 response = make_response(fmt, outbuf, outs or 'OK', 200)
506 if fmt:
507 contenttype = 'application/' + fmt.replace('-pretty', '')
508 else:
509 contenttype = 'text/plain'
510 response.headers['Content-Type'] = contenttype
511 return response
514 #
515 # Main entry point from wrapper/WSGI server: call with cmdline args,
516 # get back the WSGI app entry point
517 #
518 def generate_app(conf, cluster, clientname, clientid, args):
519 addr, port = api_setup(app, conf, cluster, clientname, clientid, args)
520 app.ceph_addr = addr
521 app.ceph_port = port
522 return app