]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/pybind/mgr/cephadm/inventory.py
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / pybind / mgr / cephadm / inventory.py
1 import datetime
2 import enum
3 from copy import copy
4 import ipaddress
5 import itertools
6 import json
7 import logging
8 import math
9 import socket
10 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Iterator, Optional, Any, Tuple, Set, Mapping, cast, \
11 NamedTuple, Type
13 import orchestrator
14 from ceph.deployment import inventory
15 from ceph.deployment.service_spec import ServiceSpec, PlacementSpec, TunedProfileSpec, IngressSpec
16 from ceph.utils import str_to_datetime, datetime_to_str, datetime_now
17 from orchestrator import OrchestratorError, HostSpec, OrchestratorEvent, service_to_daemon_types
18 from cephadm.services.cephadmservice import CephadmDaemonDeploySpec
20 from .utils import resolve_ip, SpecialHostLabels
21 from .migrations import queue_migrate_nfs_spec, queue_migrate_rgw_spec
24 from .module import CephadmOrchestrator
27 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
29 HOST_CACHE_PREFIX = "host."
30 SPEC_STORE_PREFIX = "spec."
31 AGENT_CACHE_PREFIX = 'agent.'
34 class HostCacheStatus(enum.Enum):
35 stray = 'stray'
36 host = 'host'
37 devices = 'devices'
40 class Inventory:
41 """
42 The inventory stores a HostSpec for all hosts persistently.
43 """
45 def __init__(self, mgr: 'CephadmOrchestrator'):
46 self.mgr = mgr
47 adjusted_addrs = False
49 def is_valid_ip(ip: str) -> bool:
50 try:
51 ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
52 return True
53 except ValueError:
54 return False
56 # load inventory
57 i = self.mgr.get_store('inventory')
58 if i:
59 self._inventory: Dict[str, dict] = json.loads(i)
60 # handle old clusters missing 'hostname' key from hostspec
61 for k, v in self._inventory.items():
62 if 'hostname' not in v:
63 v['hostname'] = k
65 # convert legacy non-IP addr?
66 if is_valid_ip(str(v.get('addr'))):
67 continue
68 if len(self._inventory) > 1:
69 if k == socket.gethostname():
70 # Never try to resolve our own host! This is
71 # fraught and can lead to either a loopback
72 # address (due to podman's futzing with
73 # /etc/hosts) or a private IP based on the CNI
74 # configuration. Instead, wait until the mgr
75 # fails over to another host and let them resolve
76 # this host.
77 continue
78 ip = resolve_ip(cast(str, v.get('addr')))
79 else:
80 # we only have 1 node in the cluster, so we can't
81 # rely on another host doing the lookup. use the
82 # IP the mgr binds to.
83 ip = self.mgr.get_mgr_ip()
84 if is_valid_ip(ip) and not ip.startswith('127.0.'):
85 self.mgr.log.info(
86 f"inventory: adjusted host {v['hostname']} addr '{v['addr']}' -> '{ip}'"
87 )
88 v['addr'] = ip
89 adjusted_addrs = True
90 if adjusted_addrs:
91 self.save()
92 else:
93 self._inventory = dict()
94 self._all_known_names: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
95 logger.debug('Loaded inventory %s' % self._inventory)
97 def keys(self) -> List[str]:
98 return list(self._inventory.keys())
100 def __contains__(self, host: str) -> bool:
101 return host in self._inventory or host in itertools.chain.from_iterable(self._all_known_names.values())
103 def _get_stored_name(self, host: str) -> str:
104 self.assert_host(host)
105 if host in self._inventory:
106 return host
107 for stored_name, all_names in self._all_known_names.items():
108 if host in all_names:
109 return stored_name
110 return host
112 def update_known_hostnames(self, hostname: str, shortname: str, fqdn: str) -> None:
113 for hname in [hostname, shortname, fqdn]:
114 # if we know the host by any of the names, store the full set of names
115 # in order to be able to check against those names for matching a host
116 if hname in self._inventory:
117 self._all_known_names[hname] = [hostname, shortname, fqdn]
118 return
119 logger.debug(f'got hostname set from gather-facts for unknown host: {[hostname, shortname, fqdn]}')
121 def assert_host(self, host: str) -> None:
122 if host not in self:
123 raise OrchestratorError('host %s does not exist' % host)
125 def add_host(self, spec: HostSpec) -> None:
126 if spec.hostname in self:
127 # addr
128 if self.get_addr(spec.hostname) != spec.addr:
129 self.set_addr(spec.hostname, spec.addr)
130 # labels
131 for label in spec.labels:
132 self.add_label(spec.hostname, label)
133 else:
134 self._inventory[spec.hostname] = spec.to_json()
135 self.save()
137 def rm_host(self, host: str) -> None:
138 host = self._get_stored_name(host)
139 del self._inventory[host]
140 self._all_known_names.pop(host, [])
141 self.save()
143 def set_addr(self, host: str, addr: str) -> None:
144 host = self._get_stored_name(host)
145 self._inventory[host]['addr'] = addr
146 self.save()
148 def add_label(self, host: str, label: str) -> None:
149 host = self._get_stored_name(host)
151 if 'labels' not in self._inventory[host]:
152 self._inventory[host]['labels'] = list()
153 if label not in self._inventory[host]['labels']:
154 self._inventory[host]['labels'].append(label)
155 self.save()
157 def rm_label(self, host: str, label: str) -> None:
158 host = self._get_stored_name(host)
160 if 'labels' not in self._inventory[host]:
161 self._inventory[host]['labels'] = list()
162 if label in self._inventory[host]['labels']:
163 self._inventory[host]['labels'].remove(label)
164 self.save()
166 def has_label(self, host: str, label: str) -> bool:
167 host = self._get_stored_name(host)
168 return (
169 host in self._inventory
170 and label in self._inventory[host].get('labels', [])
171 )
173 def get_addr(self, host: str) -> str:
174 host = self._get_stored_name(host)
175 return self._inventory[host].get('addr', host)
177 def spec_from_dict(self, info: dict) -> HostSpec:
178 hostname = info['hostname']
179 hostname = self._get_stored_name(hostname)
180 return HostSpec(
181 hostname,
182 addr=info.get('addr', hostname),
183 labels=info.get('labels', []),
184 status='Offline' if hostname in self.mgr.offline_hosts else info.get('status', ''),
185 )
187 def all_specs(self) -> List[HostSpec]:
188 return list(map(self.spec_from_dict, self._inventory.values()))
190 def get_host_with_state(self, state: str = "") -> List[str]:
191 """return a list of host names in a specific state"""
192 return [h for h in self._inventory if self._inventory[h].get("status", "").lower() == state]
194 def save(self) -> None:
195 self.mgr.set_store('inventory', json.dumps(self._inventory))
198 class SpecDescription(NamedTuple):
199 spec: ServiceSpec
200 rank_map: Optional[Dict[int, Dict[int, Optional[str]]]]
201 created: datetime.datetime
202 deleted: Optional[datetime.datetime]
205 class SpecStore():
206 def __init__(self, mgr):
207 # type: (CephadmOrchestrator) -> None
208 self.mgr = mgr
209 self._specs = {} # type: Dict[str, ServiceSpec]
210 # service_name -> rank -> gen -> daemon_id
211 self._rank_maps = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[int, Dict[int, Optional[str]]]]
212 self.spec_created = {} # type: Dict[str, datetime.datetime]
213 self.spec_deleted = {} # type: Dict[str, datetime.datetime]
214 self.spec_preview = {} # type: Dict[str, ServiceSpec]
215 self._needs_configuration: Dict[str, bool] = {}
217 @property
218 def all_specs(self) -> Mapping[str, ServiceSpec]:
219 """
220 returns active and deleted specs. Returns read-only dict.
221 """
222 return self._specs
224 def __contains__(self, name: str) -> bool:
225 return name in self._specs
227 def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> SpecDescription:
228 if name not in self._specs:
229 raise OrchestratorError(f'Service {name} not found.')
230 return SpecDescription(self._specs[name],
231 self._rank_maps.get(name),
232 self.spec_created[name],
233 self.spec_deleted.get(name, None))
235 @property
236 def active_specs(self) -> Mapping[str, ServiceSpec]:
237 return {k: v for k, v in self._specs.items() if k not in self.spec_deleted}
239 def load(self):
240 # type: () -> None
241 for k, v in self.mgr.get_store_prefix(SPEC_STORE_PREFIX).items():
242 service_name = k[len(SPEC_STORE_PREFIX):]
243 try:
244 j = cast(Dict[str, dict], json.loads(v))
245 if (
246 (self.mgr.migration_current or 0) < 3
247 and j['spec'].get('service_type') == 'nfs'
248 ):
249 self.mgr.log.debug(f'found legacy nfs spec {j}')
250 queue_migrate_nfs_spec(self.mgr, j)
252 if (
253 (self.mgr.migration_current or 0) < 6
254 and j['spec'].get('service_type') == 'rgw'
255 ):
256 queue_migrate_rgw_spec(self.mgr, j)
258 spec = ServiceSpec.from_json(j['spec'])
259 created = str_to_datetime(cast(str, j['created']))
260 self._specs[service_name] = spec
261 self.spec_created[service_name] = created
263 if 'deleted' in j:
264 deleted = str_to_datetime(cast(str, j['deleted']))
265 self.spec_deleted[service_name] = deleted
267 if 'needs_configuration' in j:
268 self._needs_configuration[service_name] = cast(bool, j['needs_configuration'])
270 if 'rank_map' in j and isinstance(j['rank_map'], dict):
271 self._rank_maps[service_name] = {}
272 for rank_str, m in j['rank_map'].items():
273 try:
274 rank = int(rank_str)
275 except ValueError:
276 logger.exception(f"failed to parse rank in {j['rank_map']}")
277 continue
278 if isinstance(m, dict):
279 self._rank_maps[service_name][rank] = {}
280 for gen_str, name in m.items():
281 try:
282 gen = int(gen_str)
283 except ValueError:
284 logger.exception(f"failed to parse gen in {j['rank_map']}")
285 continue
286 if isinstance(name, str) or m is None:
287 self._rank_maps[service_name][rank][gen] = name
289 self.mgr.log.debug('SpecStore: loaded spec for %s' % (
290 service_name))
291 except Exception as e:
292 self.mgr.log.warning('unable to load spec for %s: %s' % (
293 service_name, e))
294 pass
296 def save(
297 self,
298 spec: ServiceSpec,
299 update_create: bool = True,
300 ) -> None:
301 name = spec.service_name()
302 if spec.preview_only:
303 self.spec_preview[name] = spec
304 return None
305 self._specs[name] = spec
306 self._needs_configuration[name] = True
308 if update_create:
309 self.spec_created[name] = datetime_now()
310 self._save(name)
312 def save_rank_map(self,
313 name: str,
314 rank_map: Dict[int, Dict[int, Optional[str]]]) -> None:
315 self._rank_maps[name] = rank_map
316 self._save(name)
318 def _save(self, name: str) -> None:
319 data: Dict[str, Any] = {
320 'spec': self._specs[name].to_json(),
321 }
322 if name in self.spec_created:
323 data['created'] = datetime_to_str(self.spec_created[name])
324 if name in self._rank_maps:
325 data['rank_map'] = self._rank_maps[name]
326 if name in self.spec_deleted:
327 data['deleted'] = datetime_to_str(self.spec_deleted[name])
328 if name in self._needs_configuration:
329 data['needs_configuration'] = self._needs_configuration[name]
331 self.mgr.set_store(
333 json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True),
334 )
335 self.mgr.events.for_service(self._specs[name],
336 OrchestratorEvent.INFO,
337 'service was created')
339 def rm(self, service_name: str) -> bool:
340 if service_name not in self._specs:
341 return False
343 if self._specs[service_name].preview_only:
344 self.finally_rm(service_name)
345 return True
347 self.spec_deleted[service_name] = datetime_now()
348 self.save(self._specs[service_name], update_create=False)
349 return True
351 def finally_rm(self, service_name):
352 # type: (str) -> bool
353 found = service_name in self._specs
354 if found:
355 del self._specs[service_name]
356 if service_name in self._rank_maps:
357 del self._rank_maps[service_name]
358 del self.spec_created[service_name]
359 if service_name in self.spec_deleted:
360 del self.spec_deleted[service_name]
361 if service_name in self._needs_configuration:
362 del self._needs_configuration[service_name]
363 self.mgr.set_store(SPEC_STORE_PREFIX + service_name, None)
364 return found
366 def get_created(self, spec: ServiceSpec) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
367 return self.spec_created.get(spec.service_name())
369 def set_unmanaged(self, service_name: str, value: bool) -> str:
370 if service_name not in self._specs:
371 return f'No service of name {service_name} found. Check "ceph orch ls" for all known services'
372 if self._specs[service_name].unmanaged == value:
373 return f'Service {service_name}{" already " if value else " not "}marked unmanaged. No action taken.'
374 self._specs[service_name].unmanaged = value
375 self.save(self._specs[service_name])
376 return f'Set unmanaged to {str(value)} for service {service_name}'
378 def needs_configuration(self, name: str) -> bool:
379 return self._needs_configuration.get(name, False)
381 def mark_needs_configuration(self, name: str) -> None:
382 if name in self._specs:
383 self._needs_configuration[name] = True
384 self._save(name)
385 else:
386 self.mgr.log.warning(f'Attempted to mark unknown service "{name}" as needing configuration')
388 def mark_configured(self, name: str) -> None:
389 if name in self._specs:
390 self._needs_configuration[name] = False
391 self._save(name)
392 else:
393 self.mgr.log.warning(f'Attempted to mark unknown service "{name}" as having been configured')
396 class ClientKeyringSpec(object):
397 """
398 A client keyring file that we should maintain
399 """
401 def __init__(
402 self,
403 entity: str,
404 placement: PlacementSpec,
405 mode: Optional[int] = None,
406 uid: Optional[int] = None,
407 gid: Optional[int] = None,
408 ) -> None:
409 self.entity = entity
410 self.placement = placement
411 self.mode = mode or 0o600
412 self.uid = uid or 0
413 self.gid = gid or 0
415 def validate(self) -> None:
416 pass
418 def to_json(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
419 return {
420 'entity': self.entity,
421 'placement': self.placement.to_json(),
422 'mode': self.mode,
423 'uid': self.uid,
424 'gid': self.gid,
425 }
427 @property
428 def path(self) -> str:
429 return f'/etc/ceph/ceph.{self.entity}.keyring'
431 @classmethod
432 def from_json(cls: Type, data: dict) -> 'ClientKeyringSpec':
433 c = data.copy()
434 if 'placement' in c:
435 c['placement'] = PlacementSpec.from_json(c['placement'])
436 _cls = cls(**c)
437 _cls.validate()
438 return _cls
441 class ClientKeyringStore():
442 """
443 Track client keyring files that we are supposed to maintain
444 """
446 def __init__(self, mgr):
447 # type: (CephadmOrchestrator) -> None
448 self.mgr: CephadmOrchestrator = mgr
449 self.mgr = mgr
450 self.keys: Dict[str, ClientKeyringSpec] = {}
452 def load(self) -> None:
453 c = self.mgr.get_store('client_keyrings') or b'{}'
454 j = json.loads(c)
455 for e, d in j.items():
456 self.keys[e] = ClientKeyringSpec.from_json(d)
458 def save(self) -> None:
459 data = {
460 k: v.to_json() for k, v in self.keys.items()
461 }
462 self.mgr.set_store('client_keyrings', json.dumps(data))
464 def update(self, ks: ClientKeyringSpec) -> None:
465 self.keys[ks.entity] = ks
466 self.save()
468 def rm(self, entity: str) -> None:
469 if entity in self.keys:
470 del self.keys[entity]
471 self.save()
474 class TunedProfileStore():
475 """
476 Store for out tuned profile information
477 """
479 def __init__(self, mgr: "CephadmOrchestrator") -> None:
480 self.mgr: CephadmOrchestrator = mgr
481 self.mgr = mgr
482 self.profiles: Dict[str, TunedProfileSpec] = {}
484 def __contains__(self, profile: str) -> bool:
485 return profile in self.profiles
487 def load(self) -> None:
488 c = self.mgr.get_store('tuned_profiles') or b'{}'
489 j = json.loads(c)
490 for k, v in j.items():
491 self.profiles[k] = TunedProfileSpec.from_json(v)
492 self.profiles[k]._last_updated = datetime_to_str(datetime_now())
494 def exists(self, profile_name: str) -> bool:
495 return profile_name in self.profiles
497 def save(self) -> None:
498 profiles_json = {k: v.to_json() for k, v in self.profiles.items()}
499 self.mgr.set_store('tuned_profiles', json.dumps(profiles_json))
501 def add_setting(self, profile: str, setting: str, value: str) -> None:
502 if profile in self.profiles:
503 self.profiles[profile].settings[setting] = value
504 self.profiles[profile]._last_updated = datetime_to_str(datetime_now())
505 self.save()
506 else:
507 logger.error(
508 f'Attempted to set setting "{setting}" for nonexistent os tuning profile "{profile}"')
510 def rm_setting(self, profile: str, setting: str) -> None:
511 if profile in self.profiles:
512 if setting in self.profiles[profile].settings:
513 self.profiles[profile].settings.pop(setting, '')
514 self.profiles[profile]._last_updated = datetime_to_str(datetime_now())
515 self.save()
516 else:
517 logger.error(
518 f'Attemped to remove nonexistent setting "{setting}" from os tuning profile "{profile}"')
519 else:
520 logger.error(
521 f'Attempted to remove setting "{setting}" from nonexistent os tuning profile "{profile}"')
523 def add_profile(self, spec: TunedProfileSpec) -> None:
524 spec._last_updated = datetime_to_str(datetime_now())
525 self.profiles[spec.profile_name] = spec
526 self.save()
528 def rm_profile(self, profile: str) -> None:
529 if profile in self.profiles:
530 self.profiles.pop(profile, TunedProfileSpec(''))
531 else:
532 logger.error(f'Attempted to remove nonexistent os tuning profile "{profile}"')
533 self.save()
535 def last_updated(self, profile: str) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
536 if profile not in self.profiles or not self.profiles[profile]._last_updated:
537 return None
538 return str_to_datetime(self.profiles[profile]._last_updated)
540 def set_last_updated(self, profile: str, new_datetime: datetime.datetime) -> None:
541 if profile in self.profiles:
542 self.profiles[profile]._last_updated = datetime_to_str(new_datetime)
544 def list_profiles(self) -> List[TunedProfileSpec]:
545 return [p for p in self.profiles.values()]
548 class HostCache():
549 """
550 HostCache stores different things:
552 1. `daemons`: Deployed daemons O(daemons)
554 They're part of the configuration nowadays and need to be
555 persistent. The name "daemon cache" is unfortunately a bit misleading.
556 Like for example we really need to know where daemons are deployed on
557 hosts that are offline.
559 2. `devices`: ceph-volume inventory cache O(hosts)
561 As soon as this is populated, it becomes more or less read-only.
563 3. `networks`: network interfaces for each host. O(hosts)
565 This is needed in order to deploy MONs. As this is mostly read-only.
567 4. `last_client_files` O(hosts)
569 Stores the last digest and owner/mode for files we've pushed to /etc/ceph
570 (ceph.conf or client keyrings).
572 5. `scheduled_daemon_actions`: O(daemons)
574 Used to run daemon actions after deploying a daemon. We need to
575 store it persistently, in order to stay consistent across
576 MGR failovers.
577 """
579 def __init__(self, mgr):
580 # type: (CephadmOrchestrator) -> None
581 self.mgr: CephadmOrchestrator = mgr
582 self.daemons = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, orchestrator.DaemonDescription]]
583 self._tmp_daemons = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, orchestrator.DaemonDescription]]
584 self.last_daemon_update = {} # type: Dict[str, datetime.datetime]
585 self.devices = {} # type: Dict[str, List[inventory.Device]]
586 self.facts = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
587 self.last_facts_update = {} # type: Dict[str, datetime.datetime]
588 self.last_autotune = {} # type: Dict[str, datetime.datetime]
589 self.osdspec_previews = {} # type: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]
590 self.osdspec_last_applied = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, datetime.datetime]]
591 self.networks = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]]]
592 self.last_network_update = {} # type: Dict[str, datetime.datetime]
593 self.last_device_update = {} # type: Dict[str, datetime.datetime]
594 self.last_device_change = {} # type: Dict[str, datetime.datetime]
595 self.last_tuned_profile_update = {} # type: Dict[str, datetime.datetime]
596 self.daemon_refresh_queue = [] # type: List[str]
597 self.device_refresh_queue = [] # type: List[str]
598 self.network_refresh_queue = [] # type: List[str]
599 self.osdspec_previews_refresh_queue = [] # type: List[str]
601 # host -> daemon name -> dict
602 self.daemon_config_deps = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str,Any]]]
603 self.last_host_check = {} # type: Dict[str, datetime.datetime]
604 self.loading_osdspec_preview = set() # type: Set[str]
605 self.last_client_files: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, int, int, int]]] = {}
606 self.registry_login_queue: Set[str] = set()
608 self.scheduled_daemon_actions: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {}
610 self.metadata_up_to_date = {} # type: Dict[str, bool]
612 def load(self):
613 # type: () -> None
614 for k, v in self.mgr.get_store_prefix(HOST_CACHE_PREFIX).items():
615 host = k[len(HOST_CACHE_PREFIX):]
616 if self._get_host_cache_entry_status(host) != HostCacheStatus.host:
617 if self._get_host_cache_entry_status(host) == HostCacheStatus.devices:
618 continue
619 self.mgr.log.warning('removing stray HostCache host record %s' % (
620 host))
621 self.mgr.set_store(k, None)
622 try:
623 j = json.loads(v)
624 if 'last_device_update' in j:
625 self.last_device_update[host] = str_to_datetime(j['last_device_update'])
626 else:
627 self.device_refresh_queue.append(host)
628 if 'last_device_change' in j:
629 self.last_device_change[host] = str_to_datetime(j['last_device_change'])
630 # for services, we ignore the persisted last_*_update
631 # and always trigger a new scrape on mgr restart.
632 self.daemon_refresh_queue.append(host)
633 self.network_refresh_queue.append(host)
634 self.daemons[host] = {}
635 self.osdspec_previews[host] = []
636 self.osdspec_last_applied[host] = {}
637 self.networks[host] = {}
638 self.daemon_config_deps[host] = {}
639 for name, d in j.get('daemons', {}).items():
640 self.daemons[host][name] = \
641 orchestrator.DaemonDescription.from_json(d)
642 self.devices[host] = []
643 # still want to check old device location for upgrade scenarios
644 for d in j.get('devices', []):
645 self.devices[host].append(inventory.Device.from_json(d))
646 self.devices[host] += self.load_host_devices(host)
647 self.networks[host] = j.get('networks_and_interfaces', {})
648 self.osdspec_previews[host] = j.get('osdspec_previews', {})
649 self.last_client_files[host] = j.get('last_client_files', {})
650 for name, ts in j.get('osdspec_last_applied', {}).items():
651 self.osdspec_last_applied[host][name] = str_to_datetime(ts)
653 for name, d in j.get('daemon_config_deps', {}).items():
654 self.daemon_config_deps[host][name] = {
655 'deps': d.get('deps', []),
656 'last_config': str_to_datetime(d['last_config']),
657 }
658 if 'last_host_check' in j:
659 self.last_host_check[host] = str_to_datetime(j['last_host_check'])
660 if 'last_tuned_profile_update' in j:
661 self.last_tuned_profile_update[host] = str_to_datetime(
662 j['last_tuned_profile_update'])
663 self.registry_login_queue.add(host)
664 self.scheduled_daemon_actions[host] = j.get('scheduled_daemon_actions', {})
665 self.metadata_up_to_date[host] = j.get('metadata_up_to_date', False)
667 self.mgr.log.debug(
668 'HostCache.load: host %s has %d daemons, '
669 '%d devices, %d networks' % (
670 host, len(self.daemons[host]), len(self.devices[host]),
671 len(self.networks[host])))
672 except Exception as e:
673 self.mgr.log.warning('unable to load cached state for %s: %s' % (
674 host, e))
675 pass
677 def _get_host_cache_entry_status(self, host: str) -> HostCacheStatus:
678 # return whether a host cache entry in the config-key
679 # store is for a host, a set of devices or is stray.
680 # for a host, the entry name will match a hostname in our
681 # inventory. For devices, it will be formatted
682 # <hostname>.devices.<integer> where <hostname> is
683 # in out inventory. If neither case applies, it is stray
684 if host in self.mgr.inventory:
685 return HostCacheStatus.host
686 try:
687 # try stripping off the ".devices.<integer>" and see if we get
688 # a host name that matches our inventory
689 actual_host = '.'.join(host.split('.')[:-2])
690 return HostCacheStatus.devices if actual_host in self.mgr.inventory else HostCacheStatus.stray
691 except Exception:
692 return HostCacheStatus.stray
694 def update_host_daemons(self, host, dm):
695 # type: (str, Dict[str, orchestrator.DaemonDescription]) -> None
696 self.daemons[host] = dm
697 self._tmp_daemons.pop(host, {})
698 self.last_daemon_update[host] = datetime_now()
700 def append_tmp_daemon(self, host: str, dd: orchestrator.DaemonDescription) -> None:
701 # for storing empty daemon descriptions representing daemons we have
702 # just deployed but not yet had the chance to pick up in a daemon refresh
703 # _tmp_daemons is cleared for a host upon receiving a real update of the
704 # host's dameons
705 if host not in self._tmp_daemons:
706 self._tmp_daemons[host] = {}
707 self._tmp_daemons[host][dd.name()] = dd
709 def update_host_facts(self, host, facts):
710 # type: (str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> None
711 self.facts[host] = facts
712 hostnames: List[str] = []
713 for k in ['hostname', 'shortname', 'fqdn']:
714 v = facts.get(k, '')
715 hostnames.append(v if isinstance(v, str) else '')
716 self.mgr.inventory.update_known_hostnames(hostnames[0], hostnames[1], hostnames[2])
717 self.last_facts_update[host] = datetime_now()
719 def update_autotune(self, host: str) -> None:
720 self.last_autotune[host] = datetime_now()
722 def invalidate_autotune(self, host: str) -> None:
723 if host in self.last_autotune:
724 del self.last_autotune[host]
726 def devices_changed(self, host: str, b: List[inventory.Device]) -> bool:
727 old_devs = inventory.Devices(self.devices[host])
728 new_devs = inventory.Devices(b)
729 # relying on Devices class __eq__ function here
730 if old_devs != new_devs:
731 self.mgr.log.info("Detected new or changed devices on %s" % host)
732 return True
733 return False
735 def update_host_devices(
736 self,
737 host: str,
738 dls: List[inventory.Device],
739 ) -> None:
740 if (
741 host not in self.devices
742 or host not in self.last_device_change
743 or self.devices_changed(host, dls)
744 ):
745 self.last_device_change[host] = datetime_now()
746 self.last_device_update[host] = datetime_now()
747 self.devices[host] = dls
749 def update_host_networks(
750 self,
751 host: str,
752 nets: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]]
753 ) -> None:
754 self.networks[host] = nets
755 self.last_network_update[host] = datetime_now()
757 def update_daemon_config_deps(self, host: str, name: str, deps: List[str], stamp: datetime.datetime) -> None:
758 self.daemon_config_deps[host][name] = {
759 'deps': deps,
760 'last_config': stamp,
761 }
763 def update_last_host_check(self, host):
764 # type: (str) -> None
765 self.last_host_check[host] = datetime_now()
767 def update_osdspec_last_applied(self, host, service_name, ts):
768 # type: (str, str, datetime.datetime) -> None
769 self.osdspec_last_applied[host][service_name] = ts
771 def update_client_file(self,
772 host: str,
773 path: str,
774 digest: str,
775 mode: int,
776 uid: int,
777 gid: int) -> None:
778 if host not in self.last_client_files:
779 self.last_client_files[host] = {}
780 self.last_client_files[host][path] = (digest, mode, uid, gid)
782 def removed_client_file(self, host: str, path: str) -> None:
783 if (
784 host in self.last_client_files
785 and path in self.last_client_files[host]
786 ):
787 del self.last_client_files[host][path]
789 def prime_empty_host(self, host):
790 # type: (str) -> None
791 """
792 Install an empty entry for a host
793 """
794 self.daemons[host] = {}
795 self.devices[host] = []
796 self.networks[host] = {}
797 self.osdspec_previews[host] = []
798 self.osdspec_last_applied[host] = {}
799 self.daemon_config_deps[host] = {}
800 self.daemon_refresh_queue.append(host)
801 self.device_refresh_queue.append(host)
802 self.network_refresh_queue.append(host)
803 self.osdspec_previews_refresh_queue.append(host)
804 self.registry_login_queue.add(host)
805 self.last_client_files[host] = {}
807 def refresh_all_host_info(self, host):
808 # type: (str) -> None
810 self.last_host_check.pop(host, None)
811 self.daemon_refresh_queue.append(host)
812 self.registry_login_queue.add(host)
813 self.device_refresh_queue.append(host)
814 self.last_facts_update.pop(host, None)
815 self.osdspec_previews_refresh_queue.append(host)
816 self.last_autotune.pop(host, None)
818 def invalidate_host_daemons(self, host):
819 # type: (str) -> None
820 self.daemon_refresh_queue.append(host)
821 if host in self.last_daemon_update:
822 del self.last_daemon_update[host]
823 self.mgr.event.set()
825 def invalidate_host_devices(self, host):
826 # type: (str) -> None
827 self.device_refresh_queue.append(host)
828 if host in self.last_device_update:
829 del self.last_device_update[host]
830 self.mgr.event.set()
832 def invalidate_host_networks(self, host):
833 # type: (str) -> None
834 self.network_refresh_queue.append(host)
835 if host in self.last_network_update:
836 del self.last_network_update[host]
837 self.mgr.event.set()
839 def distribute_new_registry_login_info(self) -> None:
840 self.registry_login_queue = set(self.mgr.inventory.keys())
842 def save_host(self, host: str) -> None:
843 j: Dict[str, Any] = {
844 'daemons': {},
845 'devices': [],
846 'osdspec_previews': [],
847 'osdspec_last_applied': {},
848 'daemon_config_deps': {},
849 }
850 if host in self.last_daemon_update:
851 j['last_daemon_update'] = datetime_to_str(self.last_daemon_update[host])
852 if host in self.last_device_update:
853 j['last_device_update'] = datetime_to_str(self.last_device_update[host])
854 if host in self.last_network_update:
855 j['last_network_update'] = datetime_to_str(self.last_network_update[host])
856 if host in self.last_device_change:
857 j['last_device_change'] = datetime_to_str(self.last_device_change[host])
858 if host in self.last_tuned_profile_update:
859 j['last_tuned_profile_update'] = datetime_to_str(self.last_tuned_profile_update[host])
860 if host in self.daemons:
861 for name, dd in self.daemons[host].items():
862 j['daemons'][name] = dd.to_json()
863 if host in self.networks:
864 j['networks_and_interfaces'] = self.networks[host]
865 if host in self.daemon_config_deps:
866 for name, depi in self.daemon_config_deps[host].items():
867 j['daemon_config_deps'][name] = {
868 'deps': depi.get('deps', []),
869 'last_config': datetime_to_str(depi['last_config']),
870 }
871 if host in self.osdspec_previews and self.osdspec_previews[host]:
872 j['osdspec_previews'] = self.osdspec_previews[host]
873 if host in self.osdspec_last_applied:
874 for name, ts in self.osdspec_last_applied[host].items():
875 j['osdspec_last_applied'][name] = datetime_to_str(ts)
877 if host in self.last_host_check:
878 j['last_host_check'] = datetime_to_str(self.last_host_check[host])
880 if host in self.last_client_files:
881 j['last_client_files'] = self.last_client_files[host]
882 if host in self.scheduled_daemon_actions:
883 j['scheduled_daemon_actions'] = self.scheduled_daemon_actions[host]
884 if host in self.metadata_up_to_date:
885 j['metadata_up_to_date'] = self.metadata_up_to_date[host]
886 if host in self.devices:
887 self.save_host_devices(host)
889 self.mgr.set_store(HOST_CACHE_PREFIX + host, json.dumps(j))
891 def save_host_devices(self, host: str) -> None:
892 if host not in self.devices or not self.devices[host]:
893 logger.debug(f'Host {host} has no devices to save')
894 return
896 devs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
897 for d in self.devices[host]:
898 devs.append(d.to_json())
900 def byte_len(s: str) -> int:
901 return len(s.encode('utf-8'))
903 dev_cache_counter: int = 0
904 cache_size: int = self.mgr.get_foreign_ceph_option('mon', 'mon_config_key_max_entry_size')
905 if cache_size is not None and cache_size != 0 and byte_len(json.dumps(devs)) > cache_size - 1024:
906 # no guarantee all device entries take up the same amount of space
907 # splitting it up so there's one more entry than we need should be fairly
908 # safe and save a lot of extra logic checking sizes
909 cache_entries_needed = math.ceil(byte_len(json.dumps(devs)) / cache_size) + 1
910 dev_sublist_size = math.ceil(len(devs) / cache_entries_needed)
911 dev_lists: List[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = [devs[i:i + dev_sublist_size]
912 for i in range(0, len(devs), dev_sublist_size)]
913 for dev_list in dev_lists:
914 dev_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {'devices': dev_list}
915 if dev_cache_counter == 0:
916 dev_dict.update({'entries': len(dev_lists)})
917 self.mgr.set_store(HOST_CACHE_PREFIX + host + '.devices.'
918 + str(dev_cache_counter), json.dumps(dev_dict))
919 dev_cache_counter += 1
920 else:
921 self.mgr.set_store(HOST_CACHE_PREFIX + host + '.devices.'
922 + str(dev_cache_counter), json.dumps({'devices': devs, 'entries': 1}))
924 def load_host_devices(self, host: str) -> List[inventory.Device]:
925 dev_cache_counter: int = 0
926 devs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
927 dev_entries: int = 0
928 try:
929 # number of entries for the host's devices should be in
930 # the "entries" field of the first entry
931 dev_entries = json.loads(self.mgr.get_store(
932 HOST_CACHE_PREFIX + host + '.devices.0')).get('entries')
933 except Exception:
934 logger.debug(f'No device entries found for host {host}')
935 for i in range(dev_entries):
936 try:
937 new_devs = json.loads(self.mgr.get_store(
938 HOST_CACHE_PREFIX + host + '.devices.' + str(i))).get('devices', [])
939 if len(new_devs) > 0:
940 # verify list contains actual device objects by trying to load one from json
941 inventory.Device.from_json(new_devs[0])
942 # if we didn't throw an Exception on above line, we can add the devices
943 devs = devs + new_devs
944 dev_cache_counter += 1
945 except Exception as e:
946 logger.error(('Hit exception trying to load devices from '
947 + f'{HOST_CACHE_PREFIX + host + ".devices." + str(dev_cache_counter)} in key store: {e}'))
948 return []
949 return [inventory.Device.from_json(d) for d in devs]
951 def rm_host(self, host):
952 # type: (str) -> None
953 if host in self.daemons:
954 del self.daemons[host]
955 if host in self.devices:
956 del self.devices[host]
957 if host in self.facts:
958 del self.facts[host]
959 if host in self.last_facts_update:
960 del self.last_facts_update[host]
961 if host in self.last_autotune:
962 del self.last_autotune[host]
963 if host in self.osdspec_previews:
964 del self.osdspec_previews[host]
965 if host in self.osdspec_last_applied:
966 del self.osdspec_last_applied[host]
967 if host in self.loading_osdspec_preview:
968 self.loading_osdspec_preview.remove(host)
969 if host in self.networks:
970 del self.networks[host]
971 if host in self.last_daemon_update:
972 del self.last_daemon_update[host]
973 if host in self.last_device_update:
974 del self.last_device_update[host]
975 if host in self.last_network_update:
976 del self.last_network_update[host]
977 if host in self.last_device_change:
978 del self.last_device_change[host]
979 if host in self.last_tuned_profile_update:
980 del self.last_tuned_profile_update[host]
981 if host in self.daemon_config_deps:
982 del self.daemon_config_deps[host]
983 if host in self.scheduled_daemon_actions:
984 del self.scheduled_daemon_actions[host]
985 if host in self.last_client_files:
986 del self.last_client_files[host]
987 self.mgr.set_store(HOST_CACHE_PREFIX + host, None)
989 def get_hosts(self):
990 # type: () -> List[str]
991 return list(self.daemons)
993 def get_schedulable_hosts(self) -> List[HostSpec]:
994 """
995 Returns all usable hosts that went through _refresh_host_daemons().
997 This mitigates a potential race, where new host was added *after*
998 ``_refresh_host_daemons()`` was called, but *before*
999 ``_apply_all_specs()`` was called. thus we end up with a hosts
1000 where daemons might be running, but we have not yet detected them.
1001 """
1002 return [
1003 h for h in self.mgr.inventory.all_specs()
1004 if (
1005 self.host_had_daemon_refresh(h.hostname)
1006 and SpecialHostLabels.DRAIN_DAEMONS not in h.labels
1007 )
1008 ]
1010 def get_conf_keyring_available_hosts(self) -> List[HostSpec]:
1011 """
1012 Returns all hosts without the drain conf and keyrings
1013 label (SpecialHostLabels.DRAIN_CONF_KEYRING) that have
1014 had a refresh. That is equivalent to all hosts we
1015 consider eligible for deployment of conf and keyring files
1017 Any host without that label is considered fair game for
1018 a client keyring spec to match. However, we want to still
1019 wait for refresh here so that we know what keyrings we've
1020 already deployed here
1021 """
1022 return [
1023 h for h in self.mgr.inventory.all_specs()
1024 if (
1025 self.host_had_daemon_refresh(h.hostname)
1026 and SpecialHostLabels.DRAIN_CONF_KEYRING not in h.labels
1027 )
1028 ]
1030 def get_non_draining_hosts(self) -> List[HostSpec]:
1031 """
1032 Returns all hosts that do not have drain daemon label
1033 (SpecialHostLabels.DRAIN_DAEMONS).
1035 Useful for the agent who needs this specific list rather than the
1036 schedulable_hosts since the agent needs to be deployed on hosts with
1037 no daemon refresh
1038 """
1039 return [
1040 h for h in self.mgr.inventory.all_specs() if SpecialHostLabels.DRAIN_DAEMONS not in h.labels
1041 ]
1043 def get_draining_hosts(self) -> List[HostSpec]:
1044 """
1045 Returns all hosts that have the drain daemons label (SpecialHostLabels.DRAIN_DAEMONS)
1046 and therefore should have no daemons placed on them, but are potentially still reachable
1047 """
1048 return [
1049 h for h in self.mgr.inventory.all_specs() if SpecialHostLabels.DRAIN_DAEMONS in h.labels
1050 ]
1052 def get_conf_keyring_draining_hosts(self) -> List[HostSpec]:
1053 """
1054 Returns all hosts that have drain conf and keyrings label (SpecialHostLabels.DRAIN_CONF_KEYRING)
1055 and therefore should have no config files or client keyring placed on them, but are
1056 potentially still reachable
1057 """
1058 return [
1059 h for h in self.mgr.inventory.all_specs() if SpecialHostLabels.DRAIN_CONF_KEYRING in h.labels
1060 ]
1062 def get_unreachable_hosts(self) -> List[HostSpec]:
1063 """
1064 Return all hosts that are offline or in maintenance mode.
1066 The idea is we should not touch the daemons on these hosts (since
1067 in theory the hosts are inaccessible so we CAN'T touch them) but
1068 we still want to count daemons that exist on these hosts toward the
1069 placement so daemons on these hosts aren't just moved elsewhere
1070 """
1071 return [
1072 h for h in self.mgr.inventory.all_specs()
1073 if (
1074 h.status.lower() in ['maintenance', 'offline']
1075 or h.hostname in self.mgr.offline_hosts
1076 )
1077 ]
1079 def is_host_unreachable(self, hostname: str) -> bool:
1080 # take hostname and return if it matches the hostname of an unreachable host
1081 return hostname in [h.hostname for h in self.get_unreachable_hosts()]
1083 def is_host_schedulable(self, hostname: str) -> bool:
1084 # take hostname and return if it matches the hostname of a schedulable host
1085 return hostname in [h.hostname for h in self.get_schedulable_hosts()]
1087 def is_host_draining(self, hostname: str) -> bool:
1088 # take hostname and return if it matches the hostname of a draining host
1089 return hostname in [h.hostname for h in self.get_draining_hosts()]
1091 def get_facts(self, host: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
1092 return self.facts.get(host, {})
1094 def _get_daemons(self) -> Iterator[orchestrator.DaemonDescription]:
1095 for dm in self.daemons.copy().values():
1096 yield from dm.values()
1098 def _get_tmp_daemons(self) -> Iterator[orchestrator.DaemonDescription]:
1099 for dm in self._tmp_daemons.copy().values():
1100 yield from dm.values()
1102 def get_daemons(self):
1103 # type: () -> List[orchestrator.DaemonDescription]
1104 return list(self._get_daemons())
1106 def get_error_daemons(self) -> List[orchestrator.DaemonDescription]:
1107 r = []
1108 for dd in self._get_daemons():
1109 if dd.status is not None and dd.status == orchestrator.DaemonDescriptionStatus.error:
1110 r.append(dd)
1111 return r
1113 def get_daemons_by_host(self, host: str) -> List[orchestrator.DaemonDescription]:
1114 return list(self.daemons.get(host, {}).values())
1116 def get_daemon(self, daemon_name: str, host: Optional[str] = None) -> orchestrator.DaemonDescription:
1117 assert not daemon_name.startswith('ha-rgw.')
1118 dds = self.get_daemons_by_host(host) if host else self._get_daemons()
1119 for dd in dds:
1120 if dd.name() == daemon_name:
1121 return dd
1123 raise orchestrator.OrchestratorError(f'Unable to find {daemon_name} daemon(s)')
1125 def has_daemon(self, daemon_name: str, host: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
1126 try:
1127 self.get_daemon(daemon_name, host)
1128 except orchestrator.OrchestratorError:
1129 return False
1130 return True
1132 def get_daemons_with_volatile_status(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Dict[str, orchestrator.DaemonDescription]]]:
1133 def alter(host: str, dd_orig: orchestrator.DaemonDescription) -> orchestrator.DaemonDescription:
1134 dd = copy(dd_orig)
1135 if host in self.mgr.offline_hosts:
1136 dd.status = orchestrator.DaemonDescriptionStatus.error
1137 dd.status_desc = 'host is offline'
1138 elif self.mgr.inventory._inventory[host].get("status", "").lower() == "maintenance":
1139 # We do not refresh daemons on hosts in maintenance mode, so stored daemon statuses
1140 # could be wrong. We must assume maintenance is working and daemons are stopped
1141 dd.status = orchestrator.DaemonDescriptionStatus.stopped
1142 dd.events = self.mgr.events.get_for_daemon(dd.name())
1143 return dd
1145 for host, dm in self.daemons.copy().items():
1146 yield host, {name: alter(host, d) for name, d in dm.items()}
1148 def get_daemons_by_service(self, service_name):
1149 # type: (str) -> List[orchestrator.DaemonDescription]
1150 assert not service_name.startswith('keepalived.')
1151 assert not service_name.startswith('haproxy.')
1153 return list(dd for dd in self._get_daemons() if dd.service_name() == service_name)
1155 def get_related_service_daemons(self, service_spec: ServiceSpec) -> Optional[List[orchestrator.DaemonDescription]]:
1156 if service_spec.service_type == 'ingress':
1157 dds = list(dd for dd in self._get_daemons() if dd.service_name() == cast(IngressSpec, service_spec).backend_service)
1158 dds += list(dd for dd in self._get_tmp_daemons() if dd.service_name() == cast(IngressSpec, service_spec).backend_service)
1159 logger.debug(f'Found related daemons {dds} for service {service_spec.service_name()}')
1160 return dds
1161 else:
1162 for ingress_spec in [cast(IngressSpec, s) for s in self.mgr.spec_store.active_specs.values() if s.service_type == 'ingress']:
1163 if ingress_spec.backend_service == service_spec.service_name():
1164 dds = list(dd for dd in self._get_daemons() if dd.service_name() == ingress_spec.service_name())
1165 dds += list(dd for dd in self._get_tmp_daemons() if dd.service_name() == ingress_spec.service_name())
1166 logger.debug(f'Found related daemons {dds} for service {service_spec.service_name()}')
1167 return dds
1168 return None
1170 def get_daemons_by_type(self, service_type: str, host: str = '') -> List[orchestrator.DaemonDescription]:
1171 assert service_type not in ['keepalived', 'haproxy']
1173 daemons = self.daemons[host].values() if host else self._get_daemons()
1175 return [d for d in daemons if d.daemon_type in service_to_daemon_types(service_type)]
1177 def get_daemon_types(self, hostname: str) -> Set[str]:
1178 """Provide a list of the types of daemons on the host"""
1179 return cast(Set[str], {d.daemon_type for d in self.daemons[hostname].values()})
1181 def get_daemon_names(self):
1182 # type: () -> List[str]
1183 return [d.name() for d in self._get_daemons()]
1185 def get_daemon_last_config_deps(self, host: str, name: str) -> Tuple[Optional[List[str]], Optional[datetime.datetime]]:
1186 if host in self.daemon_config_deps:
1187 if name in self.daemon_config_deps[host]:
1188 return self.daemon_config_deps[host][name].get('deps', []), \
1189 self.daemon_config_deps[host][name].get('last_config', None)
1190 return None, None
1192 def get_host_client_files(self, host: str) -> Dict[str, Tuple[str, int, int, int]]:
1193 return self.last_client_files.get(host, {})
1195 def host_needs_daemon_refresh(self, host):
1196 # type: (str) -> bool
1197 if host in self.mgr.offline_hosts:
1198 logger.debug(f'Host "{host}" marked as offline. Skipping daemon refresh')
1199 return False
1200 if host in self.daemon_refresh_queue:
1201 self.daemon_refresh_queue.remove(host)
1202 return True
1203 cutoff = datetime_now() - datetime.timedelta(
1204 seconds=self.mgr.daemon_cache_timeout)
1205 if host not in self.last_daemon_update or self.last_daemon_update[host] < cutoff:
1206 return True
1207 if not self.mgr.cache.host_metadata_up_to_date(host):
1208 return True
1209 return False
1211 def host_needs_facts_refresh(self, host):
1212 # type: (str) -> bool
1213 if host in self.mgr.offline_hosts:
1214 logger.debug(f'Host "{host}" marked as offline. Skipping gather facts refresh')
1215 return False
1216 cutoff = datetime_now() - datetime.timedelta(
1217 seconds=self.mgr.facts_cache_timeout)
1218 if host not in self.last_facts_update or self.last_facts_update[host] < cutoff:
1219 return True
1220 if not self.mgr.cache.host_metadata_up_to_date(host):
1221 return True
1222 return False
1224 def host_needs_autotune_memory(self, host):
1225 # type: (str) -> bool
1226 if host in self.mgr.offline_hosts:
1227 logger.debug(f'Host "{host}" marked as offline. Skipping autotune')
1228 return False
1229 cutoff = datetime_now() - datetime.timedelta(
1230 seconds=self.mgr.autotune_interval)
1231 if host not in self.last_autotune or self.last_autotune[host] < cutoff:
1232 return True
1233 return False
1235 def host_needs_tuned_profile_update(self, host: str, profile: str) -> bool:
1236 if host in self.mgr.offline_hosts:
1237 logger.debug(f'Host "{host}" marked as offline. Cannot apply tuned profile')
1238 return False
1239 if profile not in self.mgr.tuned_profiles:
1240 logger.debug(
1241 f'Cannot apply tuned profile {profile} on host {host}. Profile does not exist')
1242 return False
1243 if host not in self.last_tuned_profile_update:
1244 return True
1245 last_profile_update = self.mgr.tuned_profiles.last_updated(profile)
1246 if last_profile_update is None:
1247 self.mgr.tuned_profiles.set_last_updated(profile, datetime_now())
1248 return True
1249 if self.last_tuned_profile_update[host] < last_profile_update:
1250 return True
1251 return False
1253 def host_had_daemon_refresh(self, host: str) -> bool:
1254 """
1255 ... at least once.
1256 """
1257 if host in self.last_daemon_update:
1258 return True
1259 if host not in self.daemons:
1260 return False
1261 return bool(self.daemons[host])
1263 def host_needs_device_refresh(self, host):
1264 # type: (str) -> bool
1265 if host in self.mgr.offline_hosts:
1266 logger.debug(f'Host "{host}" marked as offline. Skipping device refresh')
1267 return False
1268 if host in self.device_refresh_queue:
1269 self.device_refresh_queue.remove(host)
1270 return True
1271 cutoff = datetime_now() - datetime.timedelta(
1272 seconds=self.mgr.device_cache_timeout)
1273 if host not in self.last_device_update or self.last_device_update[host] < cutoff:
1274 return True
1275 if not self.mgr.cache.host_metadata_up_to_date(host):
1276 return True
1277 return False
1279 def host_needs_network_refresh(self, host):
1280 # type: (str) -> bool
1281 if host in self.mgr.offline_hosts:
1282 logger.debug(f'Host "{host}" marked as offline. Skipping network refresh')
1283 return False
1284 if host in self.network_refresh_queue:
1285 self.network_refresh_queue.remove(host)
1286 return True
1287 cutoff = datetime_now() - datetime.timedelta(
1288 seconds=self.mgr.device_cache_timeout)
1289 if host not in self.last_network_update or self.last_network_update[host] < cutoff:
1290 return True
1291 if not self.mgr.cache.host_metadata_up_to_date(host):
1292 return True
1293 return False
1295 def host_needs_osdspec_preview_refresh(self, host: str) -> bool:
1296 if host in self.mgr.offline_hosts:
1297 logger.debug(f'Host "{host}" marked as offline. Skipping osdspec preview refresh')
1298 return False
1299 if host in self.osdspec_previews_refresh_queue:
1300 self.osdspec_previews_refresh_queue.remove(host)
1301 return True
1302 # Since this is dependent on other factors (device and spec) this does not need
1303 # to be updated periodically.
1304 return False
1306 def host_needs_check(self, host):
1307 # type: (str) -> bool
1308 cutoff = datetime_now() - datetime.timedelta(
1309 seconds=self.mgr.host_check_interval)
1310 return host not in self.last_host_check or self.last_host_check[host] < cutoff
1312 def osdspec_needs_apply(self, host: str, spec: ServiceSpec) -> bool:
1313 if (
1314 host not in self.devices
1315 or host not in self.last_device_change
1316 or host not in self.last_device_update
1317 or host not in self.osdspec_last_applied
1318 or spec.service_name() not in self.osdspec_last_applied[host]
1319 ):
1320 return True
1321 created = self.mgr.spec_store.get_created(spec)
1322 if not created or created > self.last_device_change[host]:
1323 return True
1324 return self.osdspec_last_applied[host][spec.service_name()] < self.last_device_change[host]
1326 def host_needs_registry_login(self, host: str) -> bool:
1327 if host in self.mgr.offline_hosts:
1328 return False
1329 if host in self.registry_login_queue:
1330 self.registry_login_queue.remove(host)
1331 return True
1332 return False
1334 def host_metadata_up_to_date(self, host: str) -> bool:
1335 if host not in self.metadata_up_to_date or not self.metadata_up_to_date[host]:
1336 return False
1337 return True
1339 def all_host_metadata_up_to_date(self) -> bool:
1340 if [h for h in self.get_hosts() if (not self.host_metadata_up_to_date(h) and not self.is_host_unreachable(h))]:
1341 # this function is primarily for telling if it's safe to try and apply a service
1342 # spec. Since offline/maintenance hosts aren't considered in that process anyway
1343 # we don't want to return False if the host without up-to-date metadata is in one
1344 # of those two categories.
1345 return False
1346 return True
1348 def add_daemon(self, host, dd):
1349 # type: (str, orchestrator.DaemonDescription) -> None
1350 assert host in self.daemons
1351 self.daemons[host][dd.name()] = dd
1353 def rm_daemon(self, host: str, name: str) -> None:
1354 assert not name.startswith('ha-rgw.')
1356 if host in self.daemons:
1357 if name in self.daemons[host]:
1358 del self.daemons[host][name]
1360 def daemon_cache_filled(self) -> bool:
1361 """
1362 i.e. we have checked the daemons for each hosts at least once.
1363 excluding offline hosts.
1365 We're not checking for `host_needs_daemon_refresh`, as this might never be
1366 False for all hosts.
1367 """
1368 return all((self.host_had_daemon_refresh(h) or h in self.mgr.offline_hosts)
1369 for h in self.get_hosts())
1371 def schedule_daemon_action(self, host: str, daemon_name: str, action: str) -> None:
1372 assert not daemon_name.startswith('ha-rgw.')
1374 priorities = {
1375 'start': 1,
1376 'restart': 2,
1377 'reconfig': 3,
1378 'redeploy': 4,
1379 'stop': 5,
1380 'rotate-key': 6,
1381 }
1382 existing_action = self.scheduled_daemon_actions.get(host, {}).get(daemon_name, None)
1383 if existing_action and priorities[existing_action] > priorities[action]:
1384 logger.debug(
1385 f'skipping {action}ing {daemon_name}, cause {existing_action} already scheduled.')
1386 return
1388 if host not in self.scheduled_daemon_actions:
1389 self.scheduled_daemon_actions[host] = {}
1390 self.scheduled_daemon_actions[host][daemon_name] = action
1392 def rm_scheduled_daemon_action(self, host: str, daemon_name: str) -> bool:
1393 found = False
1394 if host in self.scheduled_daemon_actions:
1395 if daemon_name in self.scheduled_daemon_actions[host]:
1396 del self.scheduled_daemon_actions[host][daemon_name]
1397 found = True
1398 if not self.scheduled_daemon_actions[host]:
1399 del self.scheduled_daemon_actions[host]
1400 return found
1402 def get_scheduled_daemon_action(self, host: str, daemon: str) -> Optional[str]:
1403 assert not daemon.startswith('ha-rgw.')
1405 return self.scheduled_daemon_actions.get(host, {}).get(daemon)
1408 class AgentCache():
1409 """
1410 AgentCache is used for storing metadata about agent daemons that must be kept
1411 through MGR failovers
1412 """
1414 def __init__(self, mgr):
1415 # type: (CephadmOrchestrator) -> None
1416 self.mgr: CephadmOrchestrator = mgr
1417 self.agent_config_deps = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str,Any]]
1418 self.agent_counter = {} # type: Dict[str, int]
1419 self.agent_timestamp = {} # type: Dict[str, datetime.datetime]
1420 self.agent_keys = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
1421 self.agent_ports = {} # type: Dict[str, int]
1422 self.sending_agent_message = {} # type: Dict[str, bool]
1424 def load(self):
1425 # type: () -> None
1426 for k, v in self.mgr.get_store_prefix(AGENT_CACHE_PREFIX).items():
1427 host = k[len(AGENT_CACHE_PREFIX):]
1428 if host not in self.mgr.inventory:
1429 self.mgr.log.warning('removing stray AgentCache record for agent on %s' % (
1430 host))
1431 self.mgr.set_store(k, None)
1432 try:
1433 j = json.loads(v)
1434 self.agent_config_deps[host] = {}
1435 conf_deps = j.get('agent_config_deps', {})
1436 if conf_deps:
1437 conf_deps['last_config'] = str_to_datetime(conf_deps['last_config'])
1438 self.agent_config_deps[host] = conf_deps
1439 self.agent_counter[host] = int(j.get('agent_counter', 1))
1440 self.agent_timestamp[host] = str_to_datetime(
1441 j.get('agent_timestamp', datetime_to_str(datetime_now())))
1442 self.agent_keys[host] = str(j.get('agent_keys', ''))
1443 agent_port = int(j.get('agent_ports', 0))
1444 if agent_port:
1445 self.agent_ports[host] = agent_port
1447 except Exception as e:
1448 self.mgr.log.warning('unable to load cached state for agent on host %s: %s' % (
1449 host, e))
1450 pass
1452 def save_agent(self, host: str) -> None:
1453 j: Dict[str, Any] = {}
1454 if host in self.agent_config_deps:
1455 j['agent_config_deps'] = {
1456 'deps': self.agent_config_deps[host].get('deps', []),
1457 'last_config': datetime_to_str(self.agent_config_deps[host]['last_config']),
1458 }
1459 if host in self.agent_counter:
1460 j['agent_counter'] = self.agent_counter[host]
1461 if host in self.agent_keys:
1462 j['agent_keys'] = self.agent_keys[host]
1463 if host in self.agent_ports:
1464 j['agent_ports'] = self.agent_ports[host]
1465 if host in self.agent_timestamp:
1466 j['agent_timestamp'] = datetime_to_str(self.agent_timestamp[host])
1468 self.mgr.set_store(AGENT_CACHE_PREFIX + host, json.dumps(j))
1470 def update_agent_config_deps(self, host: str, deps: List[str], stamp: datetime.datetime) -> None:
1471 self.agent_config_deps[host] = {
1472 'deps': deps,
1473 'last_config': stamp,
1474 }
1476 def get_agent_last_config_deps(self, host: str) -> Tuple[Optional[List[str]], Optional[datetime.datetime]]:
1477 if host in self.agent_config_deps:
1478 return self.agent_config_deps[host].get('deps', []), \
1479 self.agent_config_deps[host].get('last_config', None)
1480 return None, None
1482 def messaging_agent(self, host: str) -> bool:
1483 if host not in self.sending_agent_message or not self.sending_agent_message[host]:
1484 return False
1485 return True
1487 def agent_config_successfully_delivered(self, daemon_spec: CephadmDaemonDeploySpec) -> None:
1488 # agent successfully received new config. Update config/deps
1489 assert daemon_spec.service_name == 'agent'
1490 self.update_agent_config_deps(
1491 daemon_spec.host, daemon_spec.deps, datetime_now())
1492 self.agent_timestamp[daemon_spec.host] = datetime_now()
1493 self.agent_counter[daemon_spec.host] = 1
1494 self.save_agent(daemon_spec.host)
1497 class EventStore():
1498 def __init__(self, mgr):
1499 # type: (CephadmOrchestrator) -> None
1500 self.mgr: CephadmOrchestrator = mgr
1501 self.events = {} # type: Dict[str, List[OrchestratorEvent]]
1503 def add(self, event: OrchestratorEvent) -> None:
1505 if event.kind_subject() not in self.events:
1506 self.events[event.kind_subject()] = [event]
1508 for e in self.events[event.kind_subject()]:
1509 if e.message == event.message:
1510 return
1512 self.events[event.kind_subject()].append(event)
1514 # limit to five events for now.
1515 self.events[event.kind_subject()] = self.events[event.kind_subject()][-5:]
1517 def for_service(self, spec: ServiceSpec, level: str, message: str) -> None:
1518 e = OrchestratorEvent(datetime_now(), 'service',
1519 spec.service_name(), level, message)
1520 self.add(e)
1522 def from_orch_error(self, e: OrchestratorError) -> None:
1523 if e.event_subject is not None:
1524 self.add(OrchestratorEvent(
1525 datetime_now(),
1526 e.event_subject[0],
1527 e.event_subject[1],
1528 "ERROR",
1529 str(e)
1530 ))
1532 def for_daemon(self, daemon_name: str, level: str, message: str) -> None:
1533 e = OrchestratorEvent(datetime_now(), 'daemon', daemon_name, level, message)
1534 self.add(e)
1536 def for_daemon_from_exception(self, daemon_name: str, e: Exception) -> None:
1537 self.for_daemon(
1538 daemon_name,
1539 "ERROR",
1540 str(e)
1541 )
1543 def cleanup(self) -> None:
1544 # Needs to be properly done, in case events are persistently stored.
1546 unknowns: List[str] = []
1547 daemons = self.mgr.cache.get_daemon_names()
1548 specs = self.mgr.spec_store.all_specs.keys()
1549 for k_s, v in self.events.items():
1550 kind, subject = k_s.split(':')
1551 if kind == 'service':
1552 if subject not in specs:
1553 unknowns.append(k_s)
1554 elif kind == 'daemon':
1555 if subject not in daemons:
1556 unknowns.append(k_s)
1558 for k_s in unknowns:
1559 del self.events[k_s]
1561 def get_for_service(self, name: str) -> List[OrchestratorEvent]:
1562 return self.events.get('service:' + name, [])
1564 def get_for_daemon(self, name: str) -> List[OrchestratorEvent]:
1565 return self.events.get('daemon:' + name, [])