]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/controllers/docs.py
import 15.2.5
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / pybind / mgr / dashboard / controllers / docs.py
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 from __future__ import absolute_import
3 from typing import Any, Dict, Union
5 import logging
6 import cherrypy
8 from . import Controller, BaseController, Endpoint, ENDPOINT_MAP
9 from .. import mgr
11 from ..tools import str_to_bool
14 logger = logging.getLogger('controllers.docs')
17 @Controller('/docs', secure=False)
18 class Docs(BaseController):
20 @classmethod
21 def _gen_tags(cls, all_endpoints):
22 """ Generates a list of all tags and corresponding descriptions. """
23 # Scenarios to consider:
24 # * Intentionally make up a new tag name at controller => New tag name displayed.
25 # * Misspell or make up a new tag name at endpoint => Neither tag or endpoint displayed.
26 # * Misspell tag name at controller (when referring to another controller) =>
27 # Tag displayed but no endpoints assigned
28 # * Description for a tag added at multiple locations => Only one description displayed.
29 list_of_ctrl = set()
30 for endpoints in ENDPOINT_MAP.values():
31 for endpoint in endpoints:
32 if endpoint.is_api or all_endpoints:
33 list_of_ctrl.add(endpoint.ctrl)
35 tag_map: Dict[str, str] = {}
36 for ctrl in list_of_ctrl:
37 tag_name = ctrl.__name__
38 tag_descr = ""
39 if hasattr(ctrl, 'doc_info'):
40 if ctrl.doc_info['tag']:
41 tag_name = ctrl.doc_info['tag']
42 tag_descr = ctrl.doc_info['tag_descr']
43 if tag_name not in tag_map or not tag_map[tag_name]:
44 tag_map[tag_name] = tag_descr
46 tags = [{'name': k, 'description': v if v else "*No description available*"}
47 for k, v in tag_map.items()]
48 tags.sort(key=lambda e: e['name'])
49 return tags
51 @classmethod
52 def _get_tag(cls, endpoint):
53 """ Returns the name of a tag to assign to a path. """
54 ctrl = endpoint.ctrl
55 func = endpoint.func
56 tag = ctrl.__name__
57 if hasattr(func, 'doc_info') and func.doc_info['tag']:
58 tag = func.doc_info['tag']
59 elif hasattr(ctrl, 'doc_info') and ctrl.doc_info['tag']:
60 tag = ctrl.doc_info['tag']
61 return tag
63 @classmethod
64 def _gen_type(cls, param):
65 # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
66 """
67 Generates the type of parameter based on its name and default value,
68 using very simple heuristics.
69 Used if type is not explicitly defined.
70 """
71 param_name = param['name']
72 def_value = param['default'] if 'default' in param else None
73 if param_name.startswith("is_"):
74 return "boolean"
75 if "size" in param_name:
76 return "integer"
77 if "count" in param_name:
78 return "integer"
79 if "num" in param_name:
80 return "integer"
81 if isinstance(def_value, bool):
82 return "boolean"
83 if isinstance(def_value, int):
84 return "integer"
85 return "string"
87 @classmethod
88 # isinstance doesn't work: input is always <type 'type'>.
89 def _type_to_str(cls, type_as_type):
90 """ Used if type is explicitly defined. """
91 if type_as_type is str:
92 type_as_str = 'string'
93 elif type_as_type is int:
94 type_as_str = 'integer'
95 elif type_as_type is bool:
96 type_as_str = 'boolean'
97 elif type_as_type is list or type_as_type is tuple:
98 type_as_str = 'array'
99 elif type_as_type is float:
100 type_as_str = 'number'
101 else:
102 type_as_str = 'object'
103 return type_as_str
105 @classmethod
106 def _add_param_info(cls, parameters, p_info):
107 # Cases to consider:
108 # * Parameter name (if not nested) misspelt in decorator => parameter not displayed
109 # * Sometimes a parameter is used for several endpoints (e.g. fs_id in CephFS).
110 # Currently, there is no possibility of reuse. Should there be?
111 # But what if there are two parameters with same name but different functionality?
112 """
113 Adds explicitly described information for parameters of an endpoint.
115 There are two cases:
116 * Either the parameter in p_info corresponds to an endpoint parameter. Implicit information
117 has higher priority, so only information that doesn't already exist is added.
118 * Or the parameter in p_info describes a nested parameter inside an endpoint parameter.
119 In that case there is no implicit information at all so all explicitly described info needs
120 to be added.
121 """
122 for p in p_info:
123 if not p['nested']:
124 for parameter in parameters:
125 if p['name'] == parameter['name']:
126 parameter['type'] = p['type']
127 parameter['description'] = p['description']
128 if 'nested_params' in p:
129 parameter['nested_params'] = cls._add_param_info([], p['nested_params'])
130 else:
131 nested_p = {
132 'name': p['name'],
133 'type': p['type'],
134 'description': p['description'],
135 'required': p['required'],
136 }
137 if 'default' in p:
138 nested_p['default'] = p['default']
139 if 'nested_params' in p:
140 nested_p['nested_params'] = cls._add_param_info([], p['nested_params'])
141 parameters.append(nested_p)
143 return parameters
145 @classmethod
146 def _gen_schema_for_content(cls, params):
147 """
148 Generates information to the content-object in OpenAPI Spec.
149 Used to for request body and responses.
150 """
151 required_params = []
152 properties = {}
154 for param in params:
155 if param['required']:
156 required_params.append(param['name'])
158 props = {}
159 if 'type' in param:
160 props['type'] = cls._type_to_str(param['type'])
161 if 'nested_params' in param:
162 if props['type'] == 'array': # dict in array
163 props['items'] = cls._gen_schema_for_content(param['nested_params'])
164 else: # dict in dict
165 props = cls._gen_schema_for_content(param['nested_params'])
166 elif props['type'] == 'object': # e.g. [int]
167 props['type'] = 'array'
168 props['items'] = {'type': cls._type_to_str(param['type'][0])}
169 else:
170 props['type'] = cls._gen_type(param)
171 if 'description' in param:
172 props['description'] = param['description']
173 if 'default' in param:
174 props['default'] = param['default']
175 properties[param['name']] = props
177 schema = {
178 'type': 'object',
179 'properties': properties,
180 }
181 if required_params:
182 schema['required'] = required_params
183 return schema
185 @classmethod
186 def _gen_responses(cls, method, resp_object=None):
187 resp: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, Any]]] = {
188 '400': {
189 "description": "Operation exception. Please check the "
190 "response body for details."
191 },
192 '401': {
193 "description": "Unauthenticated access. Please login first."
194 },
195 '403': {
196 "description": "Unauthorized access. Please check your "
197 "permissions."
198 },
199 '500': {
200 "description": "Unexpected error. Please check the "
201 "response body for the stack trace."
202 }
203 }
204 if method.lower() == 'get':
205 resp['200'] = {'description': "OK"}
206 if method.lower() == 'post':
207 resp['201'] = {'description': "Resource created."}
208 if method.lower() == 'put':
209 resp['200'] = {'description': "Resource updated."}
210 if method.lower() == 'delete':
211 resp['204'] = {'description': "Resource deleted."}
212 if method.lower() in ['post', 'put', 'delete']:
213 resp['202'] = {'description': "Operation is still executing."
214 " Please check the task queue."}
216 if resp_object:
217 for status_code, response_body in resp_object.items():
218 resp[status_code].update({
219 'content': {
220 'application/json': {
221 'schema': cls._gen_schema_for_content(response_body)}}})
223 return resp
225 @classmethod
226 def _gen_params(cls, params, location):
227 parameters = []
228 for param in params:
229 if 'type' in param:
230 _type = cls._type_to_str(param['type'])
231 else:
232 _type = cls._gen_type(param)
233 if 'description' in param:
234 descr = param['description']
235 else:
236 descr = "*No description available*"
237 res = {
238 'name': param['name'],
239 'in': location,
240 'schema': {
241 'type': _type
242 },
243 'description': descr
244 }
245 if param['required']:
246 res['required'] = True
247 elif param['default'] is None:
248 res['allowEmptyValue'] = True
249 else:
250 res['default'] = param['default']
251 parameters.append(res)
253 return parameters
255 @classmethod
256 def _gen_paths(cls, all_endpoints):
257 method_order = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete']
258 paths = {}
259 for path, endpoints in sorted(list(ENDPOINT_MAP.items()),
260 key=lambda p: p[0]):
261 methods = {}
262 skip = False
264 endpoint_list = sorted(endpoints, key=lambda e:
265 method_order.index(e.method.lower()))
266 for endpoint in endpoint_list:
267 if not endpoint.is_api and not all_endpoints:
268 skip = True
269 break
271 method = endpoint.method
272 func = endpoint.func
274 summary = "No description available"
275 resp = {}
276 p_info = []
277 if hasattr(func, 'doc_info'):
278 if func.doc_info['summary']:
279 summary = func.doc_info['summary']
280 resp = func.doc_info['response']
281 p_info = func.doc_info['parameters']
282 params = []
283 if endpoint.path_params:
284 params.extend(
285 cls._gen_params(
286 cls._add_param_info(endpoint.path_params, p_info), 'path'))
287 if endpoint.query_params:
288 params.extend(
289 cls._gen_params(
290 cls._add_param_info(endpoint.query_params, p_info), 'query'))
292 methods[method.lower()] = {
293 'tags': [cls._get_tag(endpoint)],
294 'summary': summary,
295 'description': func.__doc__,
296 'parameters': params,
297 'responses': cls._gen_responses(method, resp)
298 }
300 if method.lower() in ['post', 'put']:
301 if endpoint.body_params:
302 body_params = cls._add_param_info(endpoint.body_params, p_info)
303 methods[method.lower()]['requestBody'] = {
304 'content': {
305 'application/json': {
306 'schema': cls._gen_schema_for_content(body_params)}}}
308 if endpoint.is_secure:
309 methods[method.lower()]['security'] = [{'jwt': []}]
311 if not skip:
312 paths[path] = methods
314 return paths
316 def _gen_spec(self, all_endpoints=False, base_url=""):
317 if all_endpoints:
318 base_url = ""
320 host = cherrypy.request.base
321 host = host[host.index(':')+3:]
322 logger.debug("Host: %s", host)
324 paths = self._gen_paths(all_endpoints)
326 if not base_url:
327 base_url = "/"
329 scheme = 'https'
330 ssl = str_to_bool(mgr.get_localized_module_option('ssl', True))
331 if not ssl:
332 scheme = 'http'
334 spec = {
335 'openapi': "3.0.0",
336 'info': {
337 'description': "Please note that this API is not an official "
338 "Ceph REST API to be used by third-party "
339 "applications. It's primary purpose is to serve"
340 " the requirements of the Ceph Dashboard and is"
341 " subject to change at any time. Use at your "
342 "own risk.",
343 'version': "v1",
344 'title': "Ceph-Dashboard REST API"
345 },
346 'host': host,
347 'basePath': base_url,
348 'servers': [{'url': "{}{}".format(cherrypy.request.base, base_url)}],
349 'tags': self._gen_tags(all_endpoints),
350 'schemes': [scheme],
351 'paths': paths,
352 'components': {
353 'securitySchemes': {
354 'jwt': {
355 'type': 'http',
356 'scheme': 'bearer',
357 'bearerFormat': 'JWT'
358 }
359 }
360 }
361 }
363 return spec
365 @Endpoint(path="api.json")
366 def api_json(self):
367 return self._gen_spec(False, "/")
369 @Endpoint(path="api-all.json")
370 def api_all_json(self):
371 return self._gen_spec(True, "/")
373 def _swagger_ui_page(self, all_endpoints=False, token=None):
374 base = cherrypy.request.base
375 if all_endpoints:
376 spec_url = "{}/docs/api-all.json".format(base)
377 else:
378 spec_url = "{}/docs/api.json".format(base)
380 auth_header = cherrypy.request.headers.get('authorization')
381 jwt_token = ""
382 if auth_header is not None:
383 scheme, params = auth_header.split(' ', 1)
384 if scheme.lower() == 'bearer':
385 jwt_token = params
386 else:
387 if token is not None:
388 jwt_token = token
390 api_key_callback = """, onComplete: () => {{
391 ui.preauthorizeApiKey('jwt', '{}');
392 }}
393 """.format(jwt_token)
395 page = """
396 <!DOCTYPE html>
397 <html>
398 <head>
399 <meta charset="UTF-8">
400 <meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer" />
401 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
402 href="/swagger-ui.css" >
403 <style>
404 html
405 {{
406 box-sizing: border-box;
407 overflow: -moz-scrollbars-vertical;
408 overflow-y: scroll;
409 }}
410 *,
411 *:before,
412 *:after
413 {{
414 box-sizing: inherit;
415 }}
416 body {{
417 margin:0;
418 background: #fafafa;
419 }}
420 </style>
421 </head>
422 <body>
423 <div id="swagger-ui"></div>
424 <script src="/swagger-ui-bundle.js">
425 </script>
426 <script>
427 window.onload = function() {{
428 const ui = SwaggerUIBundle({{
429 url: '{}',
430 dom_id: '#swagger-ui',
431 presets: [
432 SwaggerUIBundle.presets.apis
433 ],
434 layout: "BaseLayout"
435 {}
436 }})
437 window.ui = ui
438 }}
439 </script>
440 </body>
441 </html>
442 """.format(spec_url, api_key_callback)
444 return page
446 @Endpoint(json_response=False)
447 def __call__(self, all_endpoints=False):
448 return self._swagger_ui_page(all_endpoints)
450 @Endpoint('POST', path="/", json_response=False,
451 query_params="{all_endpoints}")
452 def _with_token(self, token, all_endpoints=False):
453 return self._swagger_ui_page(all_endpoints, token)