]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/src/app/ceph/cluster/osd/osd-list/osd-list.component.html
update sources to ceph Nautilus 14.2.1
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / pybind / mgr / dashboard / frontend / src / app / ceph / cluster / osd / osd-list / osd-list.component.html
1 <tabset>
2 <tab i18n-heading
3 heading="OSDs List">
4 <cd-table [data]="osds"
5 (fetchData)="getOsdList()"
6 [columns]="columns"
7 selectionType="single"
8 (updateSelection)="updateSelection($event)"
9 [updateSelectionOnRefresh]="'never'">
10 <div class="table-actions btn-toolbar">
11 <cd-table-actions [permission]="permissions.osd"
12 [selection]="selection"
13 class="btn-group"
14 [tableActions]="tableActions">
15 </cd-table-actions>
17 <div class="btn-group"
18 dropdown>
19 <button type="button"
20 class="btn btn-sm btn-default btn-label tc_configureCluster"
21 (click)="configureClusterAction()">
22 <i class="fa fa-fw fa-cog"
23 aria-hidden="true">
24 </i>
25 <ng-container i18n>Set Cluster-wide Flags</ng-container>
26 </button>
27 <button type="button"
28 dropdownToggle
29 class="btn btn-sm btn-default dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-split">
30 <span class="caret caret-black"></span>
31 </button>
32 <ul *dropdownMenu
33 class="dropdown-menu"
34 role="menu">
35 <li role="menuitem">
36 <a class="dropdown-item"
37 (click)="configureQosParamsAction()">
38 <i class="fa fa-fw fa-cog"
39 aria-hidden="true">
40 </i>
41 <ng-container i18n>Set Cluster-wide Recovery Priority</ng-container>
42 </a>
43 </li>
44 </ul>
45 </div>
46 </div>
48 <cd-osd-details cdTableDetail
49 [selection]="selection">
50 </cd-osd-details>
51 </cd-table>
53 <ng-template #statusColor
54 let-value="value">
55 <span *ngFor="let state of value; last as last">
56 <span class="label"
57 [ngClass]="{'label-success': ['in', 'up'].includes(state), 'label-danger': ['down', 'out'].includes(state)}">{{ state }}</span>
58 <span *ngIf="!last">&nbsp;</span>
59 </span>
60 </ng-template>
62 <ng-template #osdUsageTpl
63 let-row="row">
64 <cd-usage-bar [totalBytes]="row.stats.stat_bytes"
65 [usedBytes]="row.stats.stat_bytes_used">
66 </cd-usage-bar>
67 </ng-template>
68 </tab>
69 <tab i18n-heading
70 *ngIf="permissions.grafana.read"
71 heading="Overall Performance">
72 <cd-grafana [grafanaPath]="'osd-overview?'"
73 uid="lo02I1Aiz"
74 grafanaStyle="three">
75 </cd-grafana>
76 </tab>
77 </tabset>
79 <ng-template #markOsdConfirmationTpl
80 let-markActionDescription="markActionDescription">
81 <ng-container i18n><strong>OSD {{ selection.first().id }}</strong> will be marked
82 <strong>{{ markActionDescription }}</strong> if you proceed.</ng-container>
83 </ng-template>
85 <ng-template #criticalConfirmationTpl
86 let-safeToDestroyResult="result"
87 let-actionDescription="actionDescription">
88 <div *ngIf="!safeToDestroyResult['is_safe_to_destroy']"
89 class="danger">
90 <cd-warning-panel i18n>The OSD is not safe to destroy!</cd-warning-panel>
91 </div>
92 <ng-container i18n><strong>OSD {{ selection.first().id }}</strong> will be
93 <strong>{{ actionDescription }}</strong> if you proceed.</ng-container>
94 </ng-template>