]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/src/app/ceph/cluster/telemetry/telemetry.component.html
Import ceph 15.2.8
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / pybind / mgr / dashboard / frontend / src / app / ceph / cluster / telemetry / telemetry.component.html
1 <cd-loading-panel *ngIf="loading && !error"
2 i18n>Loading configuration...</cd-loading-panel>
3 <cd-alert-panel type="error"
4 *ngIf="loading && error"
5 i18n>The configuration could not be loaded.</cd-alert-panel>
7 <div class="cd-col-form"
8 *ngIf="!loading && !error">
9 <ng-container [ngSwitch]="step">
10 <!-- Configuration step -->
11 <div *ngSwitchCase="1">
12 <form name="form"
13 #formDir="ngForm"
14 [formGroup]="configForm"
15 novalidate>
16 <div class="card">
17 <div class="card-header"
18 i18n>Step {{ step }} of 2: Telemetry report configuration</div>
19 <div class="card-body">
20 <p i18n>The telemetry module sends anonymous data about this Ceph cluster back to the Ceph developers
21 to help understand how Ceph is used and what problems users may be experiencing.<br/>
22 This data is visualized on <a href="https://telemetry-public.ceph.com/">public dashboards</a>
23 that allow the community to quickly see summary statistics on how many clusters are reporting,
24 their total capacity and OSD count, and version distribution trends.<br/><br/>
25 The data being reported does <b>not</b> contain any sensitive data like pool names, object names, object contents,
26 hostnames, or device serial numbers. It contains counters and statistics on how the cluster has been
27 deployed, the version of Ceph, the distribution of the hosts and other parameters which help the project
28 to gain a better understanding of the way Ceph is used. The data is sent secured to {{ sendToUrl }} and
29 {{ sendToDeviceUrl }} (device report).</p>
30 <div *ngIf="moduleEnabled">
31 The plugin is already <b>enabled</b>. Click <b>Deactivate</b> to disable it.&nbsp;
32 <button type="button"
33 class="btn btn-light"
34 (click)="disableModule('The Telemetry module has been disabled successfully.')"
35 i18n>Deactivate</button>
36 </div>
37 <legend i18n>Channels</legend>
38 <p i18n>The telemetry report is broken down into several "channels", each with a different type of information that can
39 be configured below.</p>
41 <!-- Channel basic -->
42 <div class="form-group row">
43 <label class="cd-col-form-label"
44 for="channel_basic">
45 <ng-container i18n>Basic</ng-container>
46 <cd-helper>
47 <ng-container i18n>Includes basic information about the cluster:</ng-container>
48 <ul>
49 <li i18n>Capacity of the cluster</li>
50 <li i18n>Number of monitors, managers, OSDs, MDSs, object gateways, or other daemons</li>
51 <li i18n>Software version currently being used</li>
52 <li i18n>Number and types of RADOS pools and CephFS file systems</li>
53 <li i18n>Names of configuration options that have been changed from their default (but not their values)</li>
54 </ul>
55 </cd-helper>
56 </label>
57 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
58 <div class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
59 <input type="checkbox"
60 class="custom-control-input"
61 id="channel_basic"
62 formControlName="channel_basic">
63 <label class="custom-control-label"
64 for="channel_basic"></label>
65 </div>
66 </div>
67 </div>
69 <!-- Channel crash -->
70 <div class="form-group row">
71 <label class="cd-col-form-label"
72 for="channel_crash">
73 <ng-container i18n>Crash</ng-container>
74 <cd-helper>
75 <ng-container i18n>Includes information about daemon crashes:</ng-container>
76 <ul>
77 <li i18n>Type of daemon</li>
78 <li i18n>Version of the daemon</li>
79 <li i18n>Operating system (OS distribution, kernel version)</li>
80 <li i18n>Stack trace identifying where in the Ceph code the crash occurred</li>
81 </ul>
82 </cd-helper>
83 </label>
84 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
85 <div class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
86 <input type="checkbox"
87 class="custom-control-input"
88 id="channel_crash"
89 formControlName="channel_crash">
90 <label class="custom-control-label"
91 for="channel_crash"></label>
92 </div>
93 </div>
94 </div>
96 <!-- Channel device -->
97 <div class="form-group row">
98 <label class="cd-col-form-label"
99 for="channel_device">
100 <ng-container i18n>Device</ng-container>
101 <cd-helper i18n-html
102 html="Includes information about device metrics like anonymized SMART metrics.">
103 </cd-helper>
104 </label>
105 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
106 <div class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
107 <input type="checkbox"
108 class="custom-control-input"
109 id="channel_device"
110 formControlName="channel_device">
111 <label class="custom-control-label"
112 for="channel_device"></label>
113 </div>
114 </div>
115 </div>
117 <!-- Channel ident -->
118 <div class="form-group row">
119 <label class="cd-col-form-label"
120 for="channel_ident">
121 <ng-container i18n>Ident</ng-container>
122 <cd-helper>
123 <ng-container i18n>Includes user-provided identifying information about the cluster:</ng-container>
124 <ul>
125 <li>Cluster description</li>
126 <li>Contact email address</li>
127 </ul>
128 </cd-helper>
129 </label>
130 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
131 <div class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
132 <input type="checkbox"
133 class="custom-control-input"
134 id="channel_ident"
135 formControlName="channel_ident">
136 <label class="custom-control-label"
137 for="channel_ident"></label>
138 </div>
139 </div>
140 </div>
141 <legend>
142 <ng-container i18n>Contact Information</ng-container>
143 <cd-helper i18n>Submitting any contact information is completely optional and disabled by default.</cd-helper>
144 </legend>
145 <div class="form-group row">
146 <label class="cd-col-form-label"
147 for="contact"
148 i18n>Contact</label>
149 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
150 <input id="contact"
151 class="form-control"
152 type="text"
153 formControlName="contact"
154 placeholder="Example User <user@example.com>">
155 </div>
156 </div>
157 <div class="form-group row">
158 <label class="cd-col-form-label"
159 for="description"
160 i18n>Description</label>
161 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
162 <input id="description"
163 class="form-control"
164 type="text"
165 formControlName="description"
166 placeholder="My first Ceph cluster"
167 i18n-placeholder>
168 </div>
169 </div>
170 <legend i18n>Advanced Settings</legend>
171 <div class="form-group row">
172 <label class="cd-col-form-label"
173 for="interval">
174 <ng-container i18n>Interval</ng-container>
175 <cd-helper i18n>The module compiles and sends a new report every 24 hours by default. You can
176 adjust this interval by setting a different number of hours.</cd-helper>
177 </label>
178 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
179 <input id="interval"
180 class="form-control"
181 type="number"
182 formControlName="interval">
183 <span class="invalid-feedback"
184 *ngIf="configForm.showError('interval', formDir, 'min')"
185 i18n>The entered value is too low! It must be greater or equal to 8.</span>
186 </div>
187 </div>
188 <div class="form-group row">
189 <label class="cd-col-form-label"
190 for="proxy">
191 <ng-container i18n>Proxy</ng-container>
192 <cd-helper>
193 <p i18n>If the cluster cannot directly connect to the configured telemetry endpoint
194 (default telemetry.ceph.com), you can configure a HTTP/HTTPS proxy server by e.g. adding
196 <p i18n>You can also include a user:pass if needed e.g. https://ceph:telemetry@</p>
197 </cd-helper>
198 </label>
199 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
200 <input id="proxy"
201 class="form-control"
202 type="text"
203 formControlName="proxy"
204 placeholder="">
205 </div>
206 </div>
207 <br />
208 <p i18n><b>Note:</b> By clicking 'Next' you will first see a preview of the report content before you
209 can activate the automatic submission of your data.</p>
210 </div>
211 <div class="card-footer">
212 <div class="button-group text-right">
213 <button type="button"
214 class="btn btn-light"
215 (click)="next()">
216 <ng-container i18n>Next</ng-container>
217 </button>
218 </div>
219 </div>
220 </div>
221 </form>
222 </div>
224 <!-- Preview step -->
225 <div *ngSwitchCase="2">
226 <form name="previewForm"
227 #frm="ngForm"
228 [formGroup]="previewForm"
229 novalidate>
230 <div class="card">
231 <div class="card-header"
232 i18n>Step {{ step }} of 2: Telemetry report preview</div>
233 <div class="card-body">
234 <!-- Telemetry report ID -->
235 <div class="form-group row">
236 <label i18n
237 for="reportId"
238 class="cd-col-form-label">Report ID
239 <cd-helper i18n-html
240 html="A randomized UUID to identify a particular cluster over the course of several telemetry reports.">
241 </cd-helper></label>
242 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
243 <input class="form-control"
244 type="text"
245 id="reportId"
246 formControlName="reportId"
247 readonly>
248 </div>
249 </div>
251 <!-- Telemetry report -->
252 <div class="form-group row">
253 <label i18n
254 for="report"
255 class="cd-col-form-label">Report preview
256 <cd-helper i18n-html
257 html="The actual telemetry data that will be submitted.">
258 </cd-helper></label>
259 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
260 <textarea class="form-control"
261 id="report"
262 formControlName="report"
263 rows="15"
264 readonly></textarea>
265 </div>
266 </div>
267 <div class="form-group row">
268 <div class="cd-col-form-offset">
269 <button type="button"
270 class="btn btn-light mr-2"
271 title="Download"
272 (click)="download(report, 'telemetry_report.json')"
273 i18n-title>
274 <i class="fa fa-download"></i>
275 </button>
276 <button type="button"
277 class="btn btn-light"
278 cdCopy2ClipboardButton="report">
279 </button>
280 </div>
281 </div>
283 <!-- License agreement -->
284 <div class="form-group row">
285 <div class="cd-col-form-offset">
286 <div class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
287 <input type="checkbox"
288 class="custom-control-input"
289 id="licenseAgrmt"
290 name="licenseAgrmt"
291 formControlName="licenseAgrmt">
292 <label class="custom-control-label"
293 for="licenseAgrmt"
294 i18n>I agree to my telemetry data being submitted under the Community Data License Agreement - Sharing - Version 1.0 (<a href="https://cdla.io/sharing-1-0/">https://cdla.io/sharing-1-0/</a>)</label>
295 </div>
296 </div>
297 </div>
298 </div>
299 <div class="card-footer">
300 <div class="button-group text-right">
301 <cd-submit-button (submitAction)="onSubmit()"
302 [form]="previewForm">
303 <ng-container i18n>Save</ng-container>
304 </cd-submit-button>
305 <button type="button"
306 class="btn btn-light"
307 (click)="back()"
308 i18n>Back</button>
309 </div>
310 </div>
311 </div>
312 </form>
313 </div>
314 </ng-container>
315 </div>