]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/src/app/ceph/dashboard-v3/dashboard/dashboard-v3.component.html
update ceph source to reef 18.2.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / pybind / mgr / dashboard / frontend / src / app / ceph / dashboard-v3 / dashboard / dashboard-v3.component.html
1 <div class="container-fluid"
2 *ngIf="healthData && enabledFeature$ | async as enabledFeature">
3 <div class="row mx-0">
4 <cd-card cardTitle="Details"
5 i18n-title
6 class="col-sm-3 px-3"
7 [ngClass]="{'d-flex': flexHeight}"
8 aria-label="Details card">
9 <dl class="ms-4 me-4">
10 <dt>FSID</dt>
11 <dd>{{ detailsCardData.fsid }}</dd>
12 <dt>Orchestrator</dt>
13 <dd i18n>{{ detailsCardData.orchestrator || 'Orchestrator is not available' }}</dd>
14 <dt>Ceph version</dt>
15 <dd>{{ detailsCardData.cephVersion }}</dd>
16 </dl>
17 </cd-card>
19 <cd-card cardTitle="Status"
20 i18n-title
21 class="col-sm-6 px-3 d-flex"
22 aria-label="Status card">
23 <div class="d-flex ms-4 me-4 mb-5 center-content">
24 <ng-template #healthChecks>
25 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="logsLink"></ng-container>
26 <ul>
27 <li *ngFor="let check of healthData.health.checks">
28 <span [ngStyle]="check.severity | healthColor"
29 [class.health-warn-description]="check.severity === 'HEALTH_WARN'">
30 {{ check.type }}</span>: {{ check.summary.message }}
31 </li>
32 </ul>
33 </ng-template>
34 <i *ngIf="healthData.health?.status"
35 [ngClass]="[healthData.health.status | healthIcon, icons.large2x]"
36 [ngStyle]="healthData.health.status | healthColor"
37 [title]="healthData.health.status"></i>
38 <a class="ms-2 mt-n1 lead text-primary"
39 [ngbPopover]="healthChecks"
40 popoverClass="info-card-popover-cluster-status"
41 *ngIf="healthData.health?.checks?.length"
42 i18n>Cluster</a>
43 <span class="ms-2 mt-n1 lead"
44 *ngIf="!healthData.health?.checks?.length"
45 i18n>Cluster</span>
46 </div>
47 <section class="border-top mt-5"
48 *ngIf="isAlertmanagerConfigured && (prometheusAlertService.activeCriticalAlerts || prometheusAlertService.activeWarningAlerts)">
49 <div class="d-flex flex-wrap ms-4 me-4">
50 <span class="pt-2"
51 i18n>Alerts</span>
52 <!-- Potentially make widget component -->
53 <button class="btn btn-outline-danger rounded-pill ms-2"
54 [ngClass]="{'active': showAlerts && alertType === 'critical'}"
55 title="Danger"
56 (click)="toggleAlertsWindow('danger')"
57 id="dangerAlerts"
58 i18n-title
59 *ngIf="prometheusAlertService?.activeCriticalAlerts > 0">
60 <i [ngClass]="[icons.danger]"></i>
61 <span>{{ prometheusAlertService.activeCriticalAlerts }}</span>
62 </button>
64 <button class="btn btn-outline-warning rounded-pill ms-2"
65 [ngClass]="{'active': showAlerts && alertType === 'warning'}"
66 title="Warning"
67 (click)="toggleAlertsWindow('warning')"
68 id="warningAlerts"
69 i18n-title
70 *ngIf="prometheusAlertService?.activeWarningAlerts > 0">
71 <i [ngClass]="[icons.infoCircle]"></i>
72 <span>{{ prometheusAlertService.activeWarningAlerts }}</span>
73 </button>
75 <div class="pt-0 position-right">
76 <button class="btn btn-block dropdown-toggle"
77 data-toggle="collapse"
78 aria-label="toggle alert window"
79 [attr.aria-expanded]="showAlerts"
80 (click)="toggleAlertsWindow('danger', 'true')"></button>
82 </div>
83 </div>
84 <div class="alerts pt-0"
85 *ngIf="showAlerts">
86 <hr class="mt-4">
87 <ngx-simplebar [options]="simplebar">
88 <div class="card-body ps-0 pe-1 pt-1">
89 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="alertsCard"></ng-container>
90 </div>
91 </ngx-simplebar>
92 </div>
93 </section>
94 </cd-card>
96 <cd-card cardTitle="Capacity"
97 i18n-title
98 class="col-sm-3 px-3"
99 [ngClass]="{'d-flex': flexHeight}"
100 aria-label="Capacity card">
101 <ng-container class="ms-4 me-4"
102 *ngIf="capacity && osdSettings">
103 <cd-dashboard-pie [data]="{max: capacity.total_bytes, current: capacity.total_used_raw_bytes}"
104 [lowThreshold]="osdSettings.nearfull_ratio"
105 [highThreshold]="osdSettings.full_ratio">
106 </cd-dashboard-pie>
107 </ng-container>
108 </cd-card>
109 </div>
110 <!-- Second row -->
111 <div class="row mx-0">
112 <!-- Inventory Card -->
113 <cd-card cardTitle="Inventory"
114 i18n-title
115 class="col-sm-3 px-3 d-flex"
116 aria-label="Inventory card">
117 <hr>
118 <!-- Hosts -->
119 <li class="list-group-item">
120 <cd-card-row [data]="healthData.hosts"
121 link="/hosts"
122 title="Host"
123 summaryType="simplified"
124 *ngIf="healthData.hosts != null"></cd-card-row>
125 </li>
126 <hr>
127 <!-- Monitors -->
128 <li class="list-group-item">
129 <cd-card-row [data]="healthData.mon_status.monmap.mons.length"
130 link="/monitor"
131 title="Monitor"
132 summaryType="simplified"
133 *ngIf="healthData.mon_status"></cd-card-row>
134 </li>
135 <hr>
136 <!-- Managers -->
137 <li *ngIf="healthData.mgr_map"
138 class="list-group-item">
139 <cd-card-row [data]="healthData.mgr_map | mgrSummary"
140 title="Manager"
141 *ngIf="healthData.mgr_map"></cd-card-row>
142 </li>
143 <hr>
144 <!-- OSDs -->
145 <li class="list-group-item">
146 <cd-card-row [data]="healthData.osd_map | osdSummary"
147 link="/osd"
148 title="OSD"
149 summaryType="osd"
150 *ngIf="healthData.osd_map"></cd-card-row>
151 </li>
152 <hr>
153 <!-- Pools -->
154 <li *ngIf="healthData.pools"
155 class="list-group-item">
156 <cd-card-row [data]="healthData.pools.length"
157 link="/pool"
158 title="Pool"
159 summaryType="simplified"
160 *ngIf="healthData.pools"></cd-card-row>
161 </li>
162 <hr>
163 <!-- PG Info -->
164 <li class="list-group-item">
165 <cd-card-row [data]="healthData.pg_info | pgSummary"
166 title="PG"
167 *ngIf="healthData.pg_info"></cd-card-row>
168 </li>
169 <hr>
170 <!-- Object gateways -->
171 <li *ngIf="enabledFeature.rgw && healthData.rgw != null"
172 class="list-group-item"
173 id="rgw-item">
174 <cd-card-row [data]="healthData.rgw"
175 link="/rgw/daemon"
176 title="Object Gateway"
177 summaryType="simplified"
178 *ngIf="healthData.rgw || healthData.rgw === 0 "></cd-card-row>
179 </li>
180 <hr>
181 <!-- Metadata Servers -->
182 <li *ngIf="enabledFeature.cephfs && healthData.fs_map"
183 class="list-group-item"
184 id="mds-item">
185 <cd-card-row [data]="healthData.fs_map | mdsSummary"
186 title="Metadata Server"
187 *ngIf="healthData.fs_map"></cd-card-row>
188 </li>
189 <hr>
190 <!-- iSCSI Gateways -->
191 <li *ngIf="enabledFeature.iscsi && healthData.iscsi_daemons != null"
192 class="list-group-item"
193 id="iscsi-item">
194 <cd-card-row [data]="healthData.iscsi_daemons"
195 link="/iscsi/daemon"
196 title="iSCSI Gateway"
197 summaryType="iscsi"
198 *ngIf="healthData.iscsi_daemons"></cd-card-row>
199 </li>
200 </cd-card>
202 <cd-card cardTitle="Cluster utilization"
203 i18n-title
204 class="col-sm-9 px-3 d-flex"
205 aria-label="Cluster utilization card">
206 <div class="ms-4 me-4 mt-0">
207 <cd-dashboard-time-selector (selectedTime)="getPrometheusData($event)">
208 </cd-dashboard-time-selector>
209 <ng-container *ngIf="capacity">
210 <cd-dashboard-area-chart chartTitle="Used Capacity"
211 [maxValue]="capacity.total_bytes"
212 dataUnits="B"
213 label="Used Capacity"
214 [data]="queriesResults.USEDCAPACITY">
215 </cd-dashboard-area-chart>
216 </ng-container>
217 <cd-dashboard-area-chart chartTitle="IOPS"
218 dataUnits=""
219 label="OPS"
220 label2="IPS"
221 [data]="queriesResults.OPS"
222 [data2]="queriesResults.IPS">
223 </cd-dashboard-area-chart>
224 <cd-dashboard-area-chart chartTitle="Latency"
225 dataUnits="ms"
226 label="Read"
227 label2="Write"
228 [data]="queriesResults.READLATENCY"
229 [data2]="queriesResults.WRITELATENCY">
230 </cd-dashboard-area-chart>
231 <cd-dashboard-area-chart chartTitle="Client Throughput"
232 dataUnits="B/s"
233 label="Read"
234 label2="Write"
235 [data]="queriesResults.READCLIENTTHROUGHPUT"
236 [data2]="queriesResults.WRITECLIENTTHROUGHPUT">
237 </cd-dashboard-area-chart>
238 <cd-dashboard-area-chart chartTitle="Recovery Throughput"
239 dataUnits="B/s"
240 label="Recovery Throughput"
241 [data]="queriesResults.RECOVERYBYTES">
242 </cd-dashboard-area-chart>
243 </div>
244 </cd-card>
245 </div>
246 </div>
248 <ng-template #alertsCard>
249 <ng-container *ngFor="let alert of alerts; let i = index">
250 <div [ngClass]="borderClass"
251 *ngIf="alertType === alert.labels.severity">
252 <div class="card tc_alerts border-0 pt-3">
253 <div class="row no-gutters">
254 <div class="col-sm-1 text-center">
255 <span [ngClass]="[icons.stack, icons.large, textClass]">
256 <i [ngClass]="[icons.circle, icons.stack2x]"></i>
257 <i [ngClass]="[icons.stack1x, icons.inverse, icons.warning]"></i>
258 </span>
259 </div>
260 <div class="col-md-11">
261 <div class="card-body ps-0 pe-1 pt-1">
262 <h6 class="card-title bold">{{ alert.labels.alertname }}</h6>
263 <p class="card-text me-3"
264 [innerHtml]="alert.annotations.summary"></p>
265 <p class="card-text text-muted me-3">
266 <small class="date"
267 [title]="alert.startsAt | cdDate"
268 i18n>Active since: {{ alert.startsAt | relativeDate }}</small>
269 </p>
270 </div>
271 </div>
272 </div>
273 </div>
274 <hr>
275 </div>
276 </ng-container>
277 </ng-template>
279 <ng-template #logsLink>
280 <ng-container *ngIf="permissions.log.read">
281 <p class="logs-link"
282 i18n><i [ngClass]="[icons.infoCircle]"></i> See <a routerLink="/logs">Logs</a> for more details.</p>
283 </ng-container>
284 </ng-template>