]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/src/app/ceph/pool/erasure-code-profile-form/erasure-code-profile-form-modal.component.html
import ceph 16.2.7
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / pybind / mgr / dashboard / frontend / src / app / ceph / pool / erasure-code-profile-form / erasure-code-profile-form-modal.component.html
1 <cd-modal [modalRef]="activeModal">
2 <ng-container i18n="form title"
3 class="modal-title">{{ action | titlecase }} {{ resource | upperFirst }}</ng-container>
5 <ng-container class="modal-content">
6 <form #frm="ngForm"
7 [formGroup]="form"
8 novalidate>
9 <div class="modal-body">
10 <div class="form-group row">
11 <label class="cd-col-form-label"
12 for="name"
13 i18n>Name</label>
14 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
15 <input type="text"
16 id="name"
17 name="name"
18 class="form-control"
19 placeholder="Name..."
20 formControlName="name"
21 autofocus>
22 <span class="invalid-feedback"
23 *ngIf="form.showError('name', frm, 'required')"
24 i18n>This field is required!</span>
25 <span class="invalid-feedback"
26 *ngIf="form.showError('name', frm, 'pattern')"
27 i18n>The name can only consist of alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores.</span>
28 <span class="invalid-feedback"
29 *ngIf="form.showError('name', frm, 'uniqueName')"
30 i18n>The chosen erasure code profile name is already in use.</span>
31 </div>
32 </div>
34 <div class="form-group row">
35 <label for="plugin"
36 class="cd-col-form-label">
37 <span class="required"
38 i18n>Plugin</span>
39 <cd-helper [html]="tooltips.plugins[plugin].description">
40 </cd-helper>
41 </label>
42 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
43 <select class="form-control custom-select"
44 id="plugin"
45 name="plugin"
46 formControlName="plugin">
47 <option *ngIf="!plugins"
48 ngValue=""
49 i18n>Loading...</option>
50 <option *ngFor="let plugin of plugins"
51 [ngValue]="plugin">
52 {{ plugin }}
53 </option>
54 </select>
55 <span class="invalid-feedback"
56 *ngIf="form.showError('name', frm, 'required')"
57 i18n>This field is required!</span>
58 </div>
59 </div>
61 <div class="form-group row">
62 <label for="k"
63 class="cd-col-form-label">
64 <span class="required"
65 i18n>Data chunks (k)</span>
66 <cd-helper [html]="tooltips.k">
67 </cd-helper>
68 </label>
69 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
70 <input type="number"
71 id="k"
72 name="k"
73 class="form-control"
74 ng-model="$ctrl.erasureCodeProfile.k"
75 placeholder="Data chunks..."
76 formControlName="k">
77 <span class="invalid-feedback"
78 *ngIf="form.showError('k', frm, 'required')"
79 i18n>This field is required!</span>
80 <span class="invalid-feedback"
81 *ngIf="form.showError('k', frm, 'min')"
82 i18n>Must be equal to or greater than 2.</span>
83 <span class="invalid-feedback"
84 *ngIf="form.showError('k', frm, 'max')"
85 i18n>Chunks (k+m) have exceeded the available OSDs of {{deviceCount}}.</span>
86 <span class="invalid-feedback"
87 *ngIf="form.showError('k', frm, 'unequal')"
88 i18n>For an equal distribution k has to be a multiple of (k+m)/l.</span>
89 <span class="invalid-feedback"
90 *ngIf="form.showError('k', frm, 'kLowerM')"
91 i18n>K has to be equal to or greater than m in order to recover data correctly through c.</span>
92 <span *ngIf="plugin === 'lrc'"
93 class="form-text text-muted"
94 i18n>Distribution factor: {{lrcMultiK}}</span>
95 </div>
96 </div>
98 <div class="form-group row">
99 <label for="m"
100 class="cd-col-form-label">
101 <span class="required"
102 i18n>Coding chunks (m)</span>
103 <cd-helper [html]="tooltips.m">
104 </cd-helper>
105 </label>
106 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
107 <input type="number"
108 id="m"
109 name="m"
110 class="form-control"
111 placeholder="Coding chunks..."
112 formControlName="m">
113 <span class="invalid-feedback"
114 *ngIf="form.showError('m', frm, 'required')"
115 i18n>This field is required!</span>
116 <span class="invalid-feedback"
117 *ngIf="form.showError('m', frm, 'min')"
118 i18n>Must be equal to or greater than 1.</span>
119 <span class="invalid-feedback"
120 *ngIf="form.showError('m', frm, 'max')"
121 i18n>Chunks (k+m) have exceeded the available OSDs of {{deviceCount}}.</span>
122 </div>
123 </div>
125 <div class="form-group row"
126 *ngIf="plugin === 'shec'">
127 <label for="c"
128 class="cd-col-form-label">
129 <span class="required"
130 i18n>Durability estimator (c)</span>
131 <cd-helper [html]="tooltips.plugins.shec.c">
132 </cd-helper>
133 </label>
134 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
135 <input type="number"
136 id="c"
137 name="c"
138 class="form-control"
139 placeholder="Coding chunks..."
140 formControlName="c">
141 <span class="invalid-feedback"
142 *ngIf="form.showError('c', frm, 'min')"
143 i18n>Must be equal to or greater than 1.</span>
144 <span class="invalid-feedback"
145 *ngIf="form.showError('c', frm, 'cGreaterM')"
146 i18n>C has to be equal to or lower than m as m defines the amount of chunks that can be used.</span>
147 </div>
148 </div>
150 <div class="form-group row"
151 *ngIf="plugin === 'clay'">
152 <label for="d"
153 class="cd-col-form-label">
154 <span class="required"
155 i18n>Helper chunks (d)</span>
156 <cd-helper [html]="tooltips.plugins.clay.d">
157 </cd-helper>
158 </label>
159 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
160 <div class="input-group">
161 <input type="number"
162 id="d"
163 name="d"
164 class="form-control"
165 placeholder="Helper chunks..."
166 formControlName="d">
167 <span class="input-group-append">
168 <button class="btn btn-light"
169 id="d-calc-btn"
170 ngbTooltip="Set d manually or use the plugin's default calculation that maximizes d."
171 i18n-ngbTooltip
172 type="button"
173 (click)="toggleDCalc()">
174 <i [ngClass]="dCalc ? icons.unlock : icons.lock"
175 aria-hidden="true"></i>
176 </button>
177 </span>
178 </div>
179 <span class="form-text text-muted"
180 *ngIf="dCalc"
181 i18n>D is automatically updated on k and m changes</span>
182 <ng-container
183 *ngIf="!dCalc">
184 <span class="form-text text-muted"
185 *ngIf="getDMin() < getDMax()"
186 i18n>D can be set from {{getDMin()}} to {{getDMax()}}</span>
187 <span class="form-text text-muted"
188 *ngIf="getDMin() === getDMax()"
189 i18n>D can only be set to {{getDMax()}}</span>
190 </ng-container>
191 <span class="invalid-feedback"
192 *ngIf="form.showError('d', frm, 'dMin')"
193 i18n>D has to be greater than k ({{getDMin()}}).</span>
194 <span class="invalid-feedback"
195 *ngIf="form.showError('d', frm, 'dMax')"
196 i18n>D has to be lower than k + m ({{getDMax()}}).</span>
197 </div>
198 </div>
200 <div class="form-group row"
201 *ngIf="plugin === PLUGIN.LRC">
202 <label class="cd-col-form-label"
203 for="l">
204 <span class="required"
205 i18n>Locality (l)</span>
206 <cd-helper [html]="tooltips.plugins.lrc.l">
207 </cd-helper>
208 </label>
209 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
210 <input type="number"
211 id="l"
212 name="l"
213 class="form-control"
214 placeholder="Coding chunks..."
215 formControlName="l">
216 <span class="invalid-feedback"
217 *ngIf="form.showError('l', frm, 'required')"
218 i18n>This field is required!</span>
219 <span class="invalid-feedback"
220 *ngIf="form.showError('l', frm, 'min')"
221 i18n>Must be equal to or greater than 1.</span>
222 <span class="invalid-feedback"
223 *ngIf="form.showError('l', frm, 'unequal')"
224 i18n>Can't split up chunks (k+m) correctly with the current locality.</span>
225 <span class="form-text text-muted"
226 i18n>Locality groups: {{lrcGroups}}</span>
227 </div>
228 </div>
230 <div class="form-group row">
231 <label for="crushFailureDomain"
232 class="cd-col-form-label">
233 <ng-container i18n>Crush failure domain</ng-container>
234 <cd-helper [html]="tooltips.crushFailureDomain">
235 </cd-helper>
236 </label>
237 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
238 <select class="form-control custom-select"
239 id="crushFailureDomain"
240 name="crushFailureDomain"
241 formControlName="crushFailureDomain">
242 <option *ngIf="!failureDomains"
243 ngValue=""
244 i18n>Loading...</option>
245 <option *ngFor="let domain of failureDomainKeys"
246 [ngValue]="domain">
247 {{ domain }} ( {{failureDomains[domain].length}} )
248 </option>
249 </select>
250 </div>
251 </div>
253 <div class="form-group row"
254 *ngIf="plugin === PLUGIN.LRC">
255 <label for="crushLocality"
256 class="cd-col-form-label">
257 <ng-container i18n>Crush Locality</ng-container>
258 <cd-helper [html]="tooltips.plugins.lrc.crushLocality">
259 </cd-helper>
260 </label>
261 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
262 <select class="form-control custom-select"
263 id="crushLocality"
264 name="crushLocality"
265 formControlName="crushLocality">
266 <option *ngIf="!failureDomains"
267 ngValue=""
268 i18n>Loading...</option>
269 <option *ngIf="failureDomainKeys.length > 0"
270 ngValue=""
271 i18n>None</option>
272 <option *ngFor="let domain of failureDomainKeys"
273 [ngValue]="domain">
274 {{ domain }} ( {{failureDomains[domain].length}} )
275 </option>
276 </select>
277 </div>
278 </div>
280 <div class="form-group row"
281 *ngIf="PLUGIN.CLAY === plugin">
282 <label for="scalar_mds"
283 class="cd-col-form-label">
284 <ng-container i18n>Scalar mds</ng-container>
285 <cd-helper [html]="tooltips.plugins.clay.scalar_mds">
286 </cd-helper>
287 </label>
288 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
289 <select class="form-control custom-select"
290 id="scalar_mds"
291 name="scalar_mds"
292 formControlName="scalar_mds">
293 <option *ngFor="let plugin of [PLUGIN.JERASURE, PLUGIN.ISA, PLUGIN.SHEC]"
294 [ngValue]="plugin">
295 {{ plugin }}
296 </option>
297 </select>
298 </div>
299 </div>
301 <div class="form-group row"
302 *ngIf="[PLUGIN.JERASURE, PLUGIN.ISA, PLUGIN.CLAY].includes(plugin)">
303 <label for="technique"
304 class="cd-col-form-label">
305 <ng-container i18n>Technique</ng-container>
306 <cd-helper [html]="tooltips.plugins[plugin].technique">
307 </cd-helper>
308 </label>
309 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
310 <select class="form-control custom-select"
311 id="technique"
312 name="technique"
313 formControlName="technique">
314 <option *ngFor="let technique of techniques"
315 [ngValue]="technique">
316 {{ technique }}
317 </option>
318 </select>
319 </div>
320 </div>
322 <div class="form-group row"
323 *ngIf="plugin === PLUGIN.JERASURE">
324 <label for="packetSize"
325 class="cd-col-form-label">
326 <ng-container i18n>Packetsize</ng-container>
327 <cd-helper [html]="tooltips.plugins.jerasure.packetSize">
328 </cd-helper>
329 </label>
330 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
331 <input type="number"
332 id="packetSize"
333 name="packetSize"
334 class="form-control"
335 placeholder="Packetsize..."
336 formControlName="packetSize">
337 <span class="invalid-feedback"
338 *ngIf="form.showError('packetSize', frm, 'min')"
339 i18n>Must be equal to or greater than 1.</span>
340 </div>
341 </div>
343 <div class="form-group row">
344 <label for="crushRoot"
345 class="cd-col-form-label">
346 <ng-container i18n>Crush root</ng-container>
347 <cd-helper [html]="tooltips.crushRoot">
348 </cd-helper>
349 </label>
350 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
351 <select class="form-control custom-select"
352 id="crushRoot"
353 name="crushRoot"
354 formControlName="crushRoot">
355 <option *ngIf="!buckets"
356 ngValue=""
357 i18n>Loading...</option>
358 <option *ngFor="let bucket of buckets"
359 [ngValue]="bucket">
360 {{ bucket.name }}
361 </option>
362 </select>
363 </div>
364 </div>
366 <div class="form-group row">
367 <label for="crushDeviceClass"
368 class="cd-col-form-label">
369 <ng-container i18n>Crush device class</ng-container>
370 <cd-helper [html]="tooltips.crushDeviceClass">
371 </cd-helper>
372 </label>
373 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
374 <select class="form-control custom-select"
375 id="crushDeviceClass"
376 name="crushDeviceClass"
377 formControlName="crushDeviceClass">
378 <option ngValue=""
379 i18n>Let Ceph decide</option>
380 <option *ngFor="let deviceClass of devices"
381 [ngValue]="deviceClass">
382 {{ deviceClass }}
383 </option>
384 </select>
385 <span class="form-text text-muted"
386 i18n>Available OSDs: {{deviceCount}}</span>
387 </div>
388 </div>
390 <div class="form-group row">
391 <label for="directory"
392 class="cd-col-form-label">
393 <ng-container i18n>Directory</ng-container>
394 <cd-helper [html]="tooltips.directory">
395 </cd-helper>
396 </label>
397 <div class="cd-col-form-input">
398 <input type="text"
399 id="directory"
400 name="directory"
401 class="form-control"
402 placeholder="Path..."
403 formControlName="directory">
404 </div>
405 </div>
406 </div>
408 <div class="modal-footer">
409 <cd-form-button-panel (submitActionEvent)="onSubmit()"
410 [form]="form"
411 [submitText]="(action | titlecase) + ' ' + (resource | upperFirst)"></cd-form-button-panel>
412 </div>
413 </form>
414 </ng-container>
415 </cd-modal>