]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/src/app/ceph/rgw/rgw-overview-dashboard/rgw-overview-dashboard.component.ts
update ceph source to reef 18.2.1
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / pybind / mgr / dashboard / frontend / src / app / ceph / rgw / rgw-overview-dashboard / rgw-overview-dashboard.component.ts
1 import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
3 import _ from 'lodash';
4 import { Observable, ReplaySubject, Subscription, of } from 'rxjs';
6 import { Permissions } from '~/app/shared/models/permissions';
7 import { AuthStorageService } from '~/app/shared/services/auth-storage.service';
8 import { RefreshIntervalService } from '~/app/shared/services/refresh-interval.service';
9 import { RgwDaemonService } from '~/app/shared/api/rgw-daemon.service';
10 import { RgwRealmService } from '~/app/shared/api/rgw-realm.service';
11 import { RgwZoneService } from '~/app/shared/api/rgw-zone.service';
12 import { RgwZonegroupService } from '~/app/shared/api/rgw-zonegroup.service';
13 import { RgwBucketService } from '~/app/shared/api/rgw-bucket.service';
14 import { PrometheusService } from '~/app/shared/api/prometheus.service';
16 import { RgwPromqls as queries } from '~/app/shared/enum/dashboard-promqls.enum';
17 import { HealthService } from '~/app/shared/api/health.service';
18 import { Icons } from '~/app/shared/enum/icons.enum';
19 import { RgwMultisiteService } from '~/app/shared/api/rgw-multisite.service';
20 import { catchError, shareReplay, switchMap, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
22 @Component({
23 selector: 'cd-rgw-overview-dashboard',
24 templateUrl: './rgw-overview-dashboard.component.html',
25 styleUrls: ['./rgw-overview-dashboard.component.scss']
26 })
27 export class RgwOverviewDashboardComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
28 icons = Icons;
30 interval = new Subscription();
31 permissions: Permissions;
32 rgwDaemonCount = 0;
33 rgwRealmCount = 0;
34 rgwZonegroupCount = 0;
35 rgwZoneCount = 0;
36 rgwBucketCount = 0;
37 objectCount = 0;
38 UserCount = 0;
39 totalPoolUsedBytes = 0;
40 averageObjectSize = 0;
41 realmData: any;
42 daemonSub: Subscription;
43 realmSub: Subscription;
44 multisiteInfo: object[] = [];
45 ZonegroupSub: Subscription;
46 ZoneSUb: Subscription;
47 HealthSub: Subscription;
48 BucketSub: Subscription;
49 queriesResults: any = {
54 };
55 timerGetPrometheusDataSub: Subscription;
56 chartTitles = ['Metadata Sync', 'Data Sync'];
57 realm: string;
58 zonegroup: string;
59 zone: string;
60 metadataSyncInfo: string;
61 replicaZonesInfo: any = [];
62 metadataSyncData: {};
63 showMultisiteCard = true;
64 loading = true;
65 multisiteSyncStatus$: Observable<any>;
66 subject = new ReplaySubject<any>();
67 syncCardLoading = true;
69 constructor(
70 private authStorageService: AuthStorageService,
71 private healthService: HealthService,
72 private refreshIntervalService: RefreshIntervalService,
73 private rgwDaemonService: RgwDaemonService,
74 private rgwRealmService: RgwRealmService,
75 private rgwZonegroupService: RgwZonegroupService,
76 private rgwZoneService: RgwZoneService,
77 private rgwBucketService: RgwBucketService,
78 private prometheusService: PrometheusService,
79 private rgwMultisiteService: RgwMultisiteService
80 ) {
81 this.permissions = this.authStorageService.getPermissions();
82 }
84 ngOnInit() {
85 this.interval = this.refreshIntervalService.intervalData$.subscribe(() => {
86 this.daemonSub = this.rgwDaemonService.list().subscribe((data: any) => {
87 this.rgwDaemonCount = data.length;
88 });
89 this.HealthSub = this.healthService.getClusterCapacity().subscribe((data: any) => {
90 this.objectCount = data['total_objects'];
91 this.totalPoolUsedBytes = data['total_pool_bytes_used'];
92 this.averageObjectSize = data['average_object_size'];
93 });
94 this.getSyncStatus();
95 });
96 this.BucketSub = this.rgwBucketService
97 .getTotalBucketsAndUsersLength()
98 .subscribe((data: any) => {
99 this.rgwBucketCount = data['buckets_count'];
100 this.UserCount = data['users_count'];
101 });
102 this.realmSub = this.rgwRealmService.list().subscribe((data: any) => {
103 this.rgwRealmCount = data['realms'].length;
104 });
105 this.ZonegroupSub = this.rgwZonegroupService.list().subscribe((data: any) => {
106 this.rgwZonegroupCount = data['zonegroups'].length;
107 });
108 this.ZoneSUb = this.rgwZoneService.list().subscribe((data: any) => {
109 this.rgwZoneCount = data['zones'].length;
110 });
111 this.getPrometheusData(this.prometheusService.lastHourDateObject);
112 this.multisiteSyncStatus$ = this.subject.pipe(
113 switchMap(() =>
114 this.rgwMultisiteService.getSyncStatus().pipe(
115 tap((data: any) => {
116 this.loading = false;
117 this.replicaZonesInfo = data['dataSyncInfo'];
118 this.metadataSyncInfo = data['metadataSyncInfo'];
119 if (this.replicaZonesInfo.length === 0) {
120 this.showMultisiteCard = false;
121 this.syncCardLoading = false;
122 this.loading = false;
123 }
124 [this.realm, this.zonegroup, this.zone] = data['primaryZoneData'];
125 }),
126 catchError((err) => {
127 this.showMultisiteCard = false;
128 this.syncCardLoading = false;
129 this.loading = false;
130 err.preventDefault();
131 return of(true);
132 })
133 )
134 ),
135 shareReplay(1)
136 );
137 }
139 ngOnDestroy() {
140 this.interval.unsubscribe();
141 this.daemonSub.unsubscribe();
142 this.realmSub.unsubscribe();
143 this.ZonegroupSub.unsubscribe();
144 this.ZoneSUb.unsubscribe();
145 this.BucketSub.unsubscribe();
146 this.HealthSub.unsubscribe();
147 this.prometheusService.unsubscribe();
148 }
150 getPrometheusData(selectedTime: any) {
151 this.queriesResults = this.prometheusService.getPrometheusQueriesData(
152 selectedTime,
153 queries,
154 this.queriesResults,
155 true
156 );
157 }
159 getSyncStatus() {
160 this.subject.next();
161 }
163 trackByFn(zone: any) {
164 return zone;
165 }
166 }