]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/python-common/ceph/deployment/service_spec.py
import 15.2.0 Octopus source
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / python-common / ceph / deployment / service_spec.py
1 import fnmatch
2 import re
3 from collections import namedtuple
4 from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, List, Union
6 import six
9 class ServiceSpecValidationError(Exception):
10 """
11 Defining an exception here is a bit problematic, cause you cannot properly catch it,
12 if it was raised in a different mgr module.
13 """
15 def __init__(self, msg):
16 super(ServiceSpecValidationError, self).__init__(msg)
19 def assert_valid_host(name):
20 p = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$')
21 try:
22 assert len(name) <= 250, 'name is too long (max 250 chars)'
23 for part in name.split('.'):
24 assert len(part) > 0, '.-delimited name component must not be empty'
25 assert len(part) <= 63, '.-delimited name component must not be more than 63 chars'
26 assert p.match(part), 'name component must include only a-z, 0-9, and -'
27 except AssertionError as e:
28 raise ServiceSpecValidationError(e)
31 class HostPlacementSpec(namedtuple('HostPlacementSpec', ['hostname', 'network', 'name'])):
32 def __str__(self):
33 res = ''
34 res += self.hostname
35 if self.network:
36 res += ':' + self.network
37 if self.name:
38 res += '=' + self.name
39 return res
41 @classmethod
42 def from_json(cls, data):
43 return cls(**data)
45 def to_json(self):
46 return {
47 'hostname': self.hostname,
48 'network': self.network,
49 'name': self.name
50 }
52 @classmethod
53 def parse(cls, host, require_network=True):
54 # type: (str, bool) -> HostPlacementSpec
55 """
56 Split host into host, network, and (optional) daemon name parts. The network
57 part can be an IP, CIDR, or ceph addrvec like '[v2:,v1:]'.
58 e.g.,
59 "myhost"
60 "myhost=name"
61 "myhost:"
62 "myhost:"
63 "myhost:"
64 "myhost:"
65 "myhost:[v2:]=name"
66 "myhost:[v2:,v1:]=name"
67 """
68 # Matches from start to : or = or until end of string
69 host_re = r'^(.*?)(:|=|$)'
70 # Matches from : to = or until end of string
71 ip_re = r':(.*?)(=|$)'
72 # Matches from = to end of string
73 name_re = r'=(.*?)$'
75 # assign defaults
76 host_spec = cls('', '', '')
78 match_host = re.search(host_re, host)
79 if match_host:
80 host_spec = host_spec._replace(hostname=match_host.group(1))
82 name_match = re.search(name_re, host)
83 if name_match:
84 host_spec = host_spec._replace(name=name_match.group(1))
86 ip_match = re.search(ip_re, host)
87 if ip_match:
88 host_spec = host_spec._replace(network=ip_match.group(1))
90 if not require_network:
91 return host_spec
93 from ipaddress import ip_network, ip_address
94 networks = list() # type: List[str]
95 network = host_spec.network
96 # in case we have [v2:,v1:]
97 if ',' in network:
98 networks = [x for x in network.split(',')]
99 else:
100 networks.append(network)
101 for network in networks:
102 # only if we have versioned network configs
103 if network.startswith('v') or network.startswith('[v'):
104 network = network.split(':')[1]
105 try:
106 # if subnets are defined, also verify the validity
107 if '/' in network:
108 ip_network(six.text_type(network))
109 else:
110 ip_address(six.text_type(network))
111 except ValueError as e:
112 # logging?
113 raise e
114 host_spec.validate()
115 return host_spec
117 def validate(self):
118 assert_valid_host(self.hostname)
121 class PlacementSpec(object):
122 """
123 For APIs that need to specify a host subset
124 """
126 def __init__(self,
127 label=None, # type: Optional[str]
128 hosts=None, # type: Union[List[str],List[HostPlacementSpec]]
129 count=None, # type: Optional[int]
130 host_pattern=None # type: Optional[str]
131 ):
132 # type: (...) -> None
133 self.label = label
134 self.hosts = [] # type: List[HostPlacementSpec]
136 if hosts:
137 if all([isinstance(host, HostPlacementSpec) for host in hosts]):
138 self.hosts = hosts # type: ignore
139 else:
140 self.hosts = [HostPlacementSpec.parse(x, require_network=False) # type: ignore
141 for x in hosts if x]
143 self.count = count # type: Optional[int]
145 #: fnmatch patterns to select hosts. Can also be a single host.
146 self.host_pattern = host_pattern # type: Optional[str]
148 self.validate()
150 def is_empty(self):
151 return self.label is None and \
152 not self.hosts and \
153 not self.host_pattern and \
154 self.count is None
156 def set_hosts(self, hosts):
157 # To backpopulate the .hosts attribute when using labels or count
158 # in the orchestrator backend.
159 self.hosts = hosts
161 def pattern_matches_hosts(self, all_hosts):
162 # type: (List[str]) -> List[str]
163 if not self.host_pattern:
164 return []
165 return fnmatch.filter(all_hosts, self.host_pattern)
167 def pretty_str(self):
168 kv = []
169 if self.count:
170 kv.append('count:%d' % self.count)
171 if self.label:
172 kv.append('label:%s' % self.label)
173 if self.hosts:
174 kv.append('%s' % ','.join([str(h) for h in self.hosts]))
175 if self.host_pattern:
176 kv.append(self.host_pattern)
177 return ' '.join(kv)
179 def __repr__(self):
180 kv = []
181 if self.count:
182 kv.append('count=%d' % self.count)
183 if self.label:
184 kv.append('label=%s' % repr(self.label))
185 if self.hosts:
186 kv.append('hosts={!r}'.format(self.hosts))
187 if self.host_pattern:
188 kv.append('host_pattern={!r}'.format(self.host_pattern))
189 return "PlacementSpec(%s)" % ', '.join(kv)
191 @classmethod
192 def from_json(cls, data):
193 hosts = data.get('hosts', [])
194 if hosts:
195 data['hosts'] = [HostPlacementSpec.from_json(host) for host in hosts]
196 _cls = cls(**data)
197 _cls.validate()
198 return _cls
200 def to_json(self):
201 r = {}
202 if self.label:
203 r['label'] = self.label
204 if self.hosts:
205 r['hosts'] = [host.to_json() for host in self.hosts]
206 if self.count:
207 r['count'] = self.count
208 if self.host_pattern:
209 r['host_pattern'] = self.host_pattern
210 return r
212 def validate(self):
213 if self.hosts and self.label:
214 # TODO: a less generic Exception
215 raise ServiceSpecValidationError('Host and label are mutually exclusive')
216 if self.count is not None and self.count <= 0:
217 raise ServiceSpecValidationError("num/count must be > 1")
218 if self.host_pattern and self.hosts:
219 raise ServiceSpecValidationError('cannot combine host patterns and hosts')
220 for h in self.hosts:
221 h.validate()
223 @classmethod
224 def from_string(cls, arg):
225 # type: (Optional[str]) -> PlacementSpec
226 """
227 A single integer is parsed as a count:
228 >>> PlacementSpec.from_string('3')
229 PlacementSpec(count=3)
231 A list of names is parsed as host specifications:
232 >>> PlacementSpec.from_string('host1 host2')
233 PlacementSpec(hosts=[HostPlacementSpec(hostname='host1', network='', name=''), HostPlacemen\
234 tSpec(hostname='host2', network='', name='')])
236 You can also prefix the hosts with a count as follows:
237 >>> PlacementSpec.from_string('2 host1 host2')
238 PlacementSpec(count=2, hosts=[HostPlacementSpec(hostname='host1', network='', name=''), Hos\
239 tPlacementSpec(hostname='host2', network='', name='')])
241 You can spefify labels using `label:<label>`
242 >>> PlacementSpec.from_string('label:mon')
243 PlacementSpec(label='mon')
245 Labels als support a count:
246 >>> PlacementSpec.from_string('3 label:mon')
247 PlacementSpec(count=3, label='mon')
249 fnmatch is also supported:
250 >>> PlacementSpec.from_string('data[1-3]')
251 PlacementSpec(host_pattern='data[1-3]')
253 >>> PlacementSpec.from_string(None)
254 PlacementSpec()
255 """
256 if arg is None or not arg:
257 strings = []
258 elif isinstance(arg, str):
259 if ' ' in arg:
260 strings = arg.split(' ')
261 elif ';' in arg:
262 strings = arg.split(';')
263 elif ',' in arg and '[' not in arg:
264 # FIXME: this isn't quite right. we want to avoid breaking
265 # a list of mons with addrvecs... so we're basically allowing
266 # , most of the time, except when addrvecs are used. maybe
267 # ok?
268 strings = arg.split(',')
269 else:
270 strings = [arg]
271 else:
272 raise ServiceSpecValidationError('invalid placement %s' % arg)
274 count = None
275 if strings:
276 try:
277 count = int(strings[0])
278 strings = strings[1:]
279 except ValueError:
280 pass
281 for s in strings:
282 if s.startswith('count:'):
283 try:
284 count = int(s[6:])
285 strings.remove(s)
286 break
287 except ValueError:
288 pass
290 advanced_hostspecs = [h for h in strings if
291 (':' in h or '=' in h or not any(c in '[]?*:=' for c in h)) and
292 'label:' not in h]
293 for a_h in advanced_hostspecs:
294 strings.remove(a_h)
296 labels = [x for x in strings if 'label:' in x]
297 if len(labels) > 1:
298 raise ServiceSpecValidationError('more than one label provided: {}'.format(labels))
299 for l in labels:
300 strings.remove(l)
301 label = labels[0][6:] if labels else None
303 host_patterns = strings
304 if len(host_patterns) > 1:
305 raise ServiceSpecValidationError(
306 'more than one host pattern provided: {}'.format(host_patterns))
308 ps = PlacementSpec(count=count,
309 hosts=advanced_hostspecs,
310 label=label,
311 host_pattern=host_patterns[0] if host_patterns else None)
312 return ps
315 class ServiceSpec(object):
316 """
317 Details of service creation.
319 Request to the orchestrator for a cluster of daemons
320 such as MDS, RGW, iscsi gateway, MONs, MGRs, Prometheus
322 This structure is supposed to be enough information to
323 start the services.
325 """
326 KNOWN_SERVICE_TYPES = 'alertmanager crash grafana mds mgr mon nfs ' \
327 'node-exporter osd prometheus rbd-mirror rgw'.split()
329 def __init__(self,
330 service_type, # type: str
331 service_id=None, # type: Optional[str]
332 placement=None, # type: Optional[PlacementSpec]
333 count=None, # type: Optional[int]
334 unmanaged=False, # type: bool
335 ):
336 self.placement = PlacementSpec() if placement is None else placement # type: PlacementSpec
338 assert service_type in ServiceSpec.KNOWN_SERVICE_TYPES, service_type
339 self.service_type = service_type
340 self.service_id = service_id
341 self.unmanaged = unmanaged
343 @classmethod
344 def from_json(cls, json_spec):
345 # type: (dict) -> Any
346 # Python 3:
347 # >>> ServiceSpecs = TypeVar('Base', bound=ServiceSpec)
348 # then, the real type is: (dict) -> ServiceSpecs
349 """
350 Initialize 'ServiceSpec' object data from a json structure
351 :param json_spec: A valid dict with ServiceSpec
352 """
353 from ceph.deployment.drive_group import DriveGroupSpec
355 service_type = json_spec.get('service_type', '')
356 _cls = {
357 'rgw': RGWSpec,
358 'nfs': NFSServiceSpec,
359 'osd': DriveGroupSpec
360 }.get(service_type, cls)
362 if _cls == ServiceSpec and not service_type:
363 raise ServiceSpecValidationError('Spec needs a "service_type" key.')
365 return _cls._from_json_impl(json_spec) # type: ignore
367 @classmethod
368 def _from_json_impl(cls, json_spec):
369 args = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[Any, Any]]
370 for k, v in json_spec.items():
371 if k == 'placement':
372 v = PlacementSpec.from_json(v)
373 if k == 'spec':
374 args.update(v)
375 continue
376 args.update({k: v})
377 return cls(**args)
379 def service_name(self):
380 n = self.service_type
381 if self.service_id:
382 n += '.' + self.service_id
383 return n
385 def to_json(self):
386 # type: () -> Dict[str, Any]
387 c = {}
388 for key, val in self.__dict__.items():
389 if hasattr(val, 'to_json'):
390 val = val.to_json()
391 if val:
392 c[key] = val
393 return c
395 def validate(self):
396 if not self.service_type:
397 raise ServiceSpecValidationError('Cannot add Service: type required')
399 if self.placement is not None:
400 self.placement.validate()
402 def __repr__(self):
403 return "{}({!r})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.__dict__)
405 def one_line_str(self):
406 return '<{} for service_name={}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.service_name())
409 def servicespec_validate_add(self: ServiceSpec):
410 # This must not be a method of ServiceSpec, otherwise you'll hunt
411 # sub-interpreter affinity bugs.
412 ServiceSpec.validate(self)
413 if self.service_type in ['mds', 'rgw', 'nfs'] and not self.service_id:
414 raise ServiceSpecValidationError('Cannot add Service: id required')
417 class NFSServiceSpec(ServiceSpec):
418 def __init__(self, service_id, pool=None, namespace=None, placement=None,
419 service_type='nfs', unmanaged=False):
420 assert service_type == 'nfs'
421 super(NFSServiceSpec, self).__init__(
422 'nfs', service_id=service_id,
423 placement=placement, unmanaged=unmanaged)
425 #: RADOS pool where NFS client recovery data is stored.
426 self.pool = pool
428 #: RADOS namespace where NFS client recovery data is stored in the pool.
429 self.namespace = namespace
431 def validate_add(self):
432 servicespec_validate_add(self)
434 if not self.pool:
435 raise ServiceSpecValidationError('Cannot add NFS: No Pool specified')
438 class RGWSpec(ServiceSpec):
439 """
440 Settings to configure a (multisite) Ceph RGW
442 """
443 def __init__(self,
444 rgw_realm=None, # type: Optional[str]
445 rgw_zone=None, # type: Optional[str]
446 subcluster=None, # type: Optional[str]
447 service_id=None, # type: Optional[str]
448 placement=None,
449 service_type='rgw',
450 rgw_frontend_port=None, # type: Optional[int]
451 unmanaged=False, # type: bool
452 ssl=False, # type: bool
453 ):
454 assert service_type == 'rgw'
455 if service_id:
456 a = service_id.split('.', 2)
457 rgw_realm = a[0]
458 rgw_zone = a[1]
459 if len(a) > 2:
460 subcluster = a[2]
461 else:
462 if subcluster:
463 service_id = '%s.%s.%s' % (rgw_realm, rgw_zone, subcluster)
464 else:
465 service_id = '%s.%s' % (rgw_realm, rgw_zone)
466 super(RGWSpec, self).__init__(
467 'rgw', service_id=service_id,
468 placement=placement, unmanaged=unmanaged)
470 self.rgw_realm = rgw_realm
471 self.rgw_zone = rgw_zone
472 self.subcluster = subcluster
473 self.rgw_frontend_port = rgw_frontend_port
474 self.ssl = ssl
476 def get_port(self):
477 if self.rgw_frontend_port:
478 return self.rgw_frontend_port
479 if self.ssl:
480 return 443
481 else:
482 return 80