]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rgw/rgw_auth.h
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rgw / rgw_auth.h
1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab ft=cpp
5 #ifndef CEPH_RGW_AUTH_H
6 #define CEPH_RGW_AUTH_H
8 #include <functional>
9 #include <ostream>
10 #include <type_traits>
11 #include <system_error>
12 #include <utility>
14 #include "rgw_common.h"
15 #include "rgw_web_idp.h"
17 #define RGW_USER_ANON_ID "anonymous"
19 class RGWCtl;
21 namespace rgw {
22 namespace auth {
24 using Exception = std::system_error;
27 /* Load information about identity that will be used by RGWOp to authorize
28 * any operation that comes from an authenticated user. */
29 class Identity {
30 public:
31 typedef std::map<std::string, int> aclspec_t;
32 using idset_t = boost::container::flat_set<Principal>;
34 virtual ~Identity() = default;
36 /* Translate the ACL provided in @aclspec into concrete permission set that
37 * can be used during the authorization phase (RGWOp::verify_permission).
38 * On error throws rgw::auth::Exception storing the reason.
39 *
40 * NOTE: an implementation is responsible for giving the real semantic to
41 * the items in @aclspec. That is, their meaning may depend on particular
42 * applier that is being used. */
43 virtual uint32_t get_perms_from_aclspec(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, const aclspec_t& aclspec) const = 0;
45 /* Verify whether a given identity *can be treated as* an admin of rgw_user
46 * (account in Swift's terminology) specified in @uid. On error throws
47 * rgw::auth::Exception storing the reason. */
48 virtual bool is_admin_of(const rgw_user& uid) const = 0;
50 /* Verify whether a given identity *is* the owner of the rgw_user (account
51 * in the Swift's terminology) specified in @uid. On internal error throws
52 * rgw::auth::Exception storing the reason. */
53 virtual bool is_owner_of(const rgw_user& uid) const = 0;
55 /* Return the permission mask that is used to narrow down the set of
56 * operations allowed for a given identity. This method reflects the idea
57 * of subuser tied to RGWUserInfo. On error throws rgw::auth::Exception
58 * with the reason. */
59 virtual uint32_t get_perm_mask() const = 0;
61 virtual bool is_anonymous() const {
62 /* If the identity owns the anonymous account (rgw_user), it's considered
63 * the anonymous identity. On error throws rgw::auth::Exception storing
64 * the reason. */
65 return is_owner_of(rgw_user(RGW_USER_ANON_ID));
66 }
68 virtual void to_str(std::ostream& out) const = 0;
70 /* Verify whether a given identity corresponds to an identity in the
71 provided set */
72 virtual bool is_identity(const idset_t& ids) const = 0;
74 /* Identity Type: RGW/ LDAP/ Keystone */
75 virtual uint32_t get_identity_type() const = 0;
77 /* Name of Account */
78 virtual string get_acct_name() const = 0;
80 /* Subuser of Account */
81 virtual string get_subuser() const = 0;
82 };
84 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
85 const rgw::auth::Identity& id) {
86 id.to_str(out);
87 return out;
88 }
91 std::unique_ptr<rgw::auth::Identity>
92 transform_old_authinfo(CephContext* const cct,
93 const rgw_user& auth_id,
94 const int perm_mask,
95 const bool is_admin,
96 const uint32_t type);
97 std::unique_ptr<Identity> transform_old_authinfo(const req_state* const s);
100 /* Interface for classes applying changes to request state/RADOS store
101 * imposed by a particular rgw::auth::Engine.
102 *
103 * In contrast to rgw::auth::Engine, implementations of this interface
104 * are allowed to handle req_state or RGWUserCtl in the read-write manner.
105 *
106 * It's expected that most (if not all) of implementations will also
107 * conform to rgw::auth::Identity interface to provide authorization
108 * policy (ACLs, account's ownership and entitlement). */
109 class IdentityApplier : public Identity {
110 public:
111 typedef std::unique_ptr<IdentityApplier> aplptr_t;
113 virtual ~IdentityApplier() {};
115 /* Fill provided RGWUserInfo with information about the account that
116 * RGWOp will operate on. Errors are handled solely through exceptions.
117 *
118 * XXX: be aware that the "account" term refers to rgw_user. The naming
119 * is legacy. */
120 virtual void load_acct_info(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, RGWUserInfo& user_info) const = 0; /* out */
122 /* Apply any changes to request state. This method will be most useful for
123 * TempURL of Swift API. */
124 virtual void modify_request_state(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, req_state* s) const {} /* in/out */
125 };
128 /* Interface class for completing the two-step authentication process.
129 * Completer provides the second step - the complete() method that should
130 * be called after Engine::authenticate() but before *committing* results
131 * of an RGWOp (or sending a response in the case of non-mutating ops).
132 *
133 * The motivation driving the interface is to address those authentication
134 * schemas that require message integrity verification *without* in-memory
135 * data buffering. Typical examples are AWS Auth v4 and the auth mechanism
136 * of browser uploads facilities both in S3 and Swift APIs (see RGWPostObj).
137 * The workflow of request from the authentication point-of-view does look
138 * like following one:
139 * A. authenticate (Engine::authenticate),
140 * B. authorize (see RGWOp::verify_permissions),
141 * C. execute-prepare (init potential data modifications),
142 * D. authenticate-complete - (Completer::complete),
143 * E. execute-commit - commit the modifications from point C. */
144 class Completer {
145 public:
146 /* It's expected that Completers would tend to implement many interfaces
147 * and be used not only in req_state::auth::completer. Ref counting their
148 * instances would be helpful. */
149 typedef std::shared_ptr<Completer> cmplptr_t;
151 virtual ~Completer() = default;
153 /* Complete the authentication process. Return boolean indicating whether
154 * the completion succeeded. On error throws rgw::auth::Exception storing
155 * the reason. */
156 virtual bool complete() = 0;
158 /* Apply any changes to request state. The initial use case was injecting
159 * the AWSv4 filter over rgw::io::RestfulClient in req_state. */
160 virtual void modify_request_state(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, req_state* s) = 0; /* in/out */
161 };
164 /* Interface class for authentication backends (auth engines) in RadosGW.
165 *
166 * An engine is supposed only to authenticate (not authorize!) requests
167 * basing on their req_state and - if access has been granted - provide
168 * an upper layer with:
169 * - rgw::auth::IdentityApplier to commit all changes to the request state as
170 * well as to the RADOS store (creating an account, synchronizing
171 * user-related information with external databases and so on).
172 * - rgw::auth::Completer (optionally) to finish the authentication
173 * of the request. Typical use case is verifying message integrity
174 * in AWS Auth v4 and browser uploads (RGWPostObj).
175 *
176 * Both of them are supposed to be wrapped in Engine::AuthResult.
177 *
178 * The authentication process consists of two steps:
179 * - Engine::authenticate() which should be called before *initiating*
180 * any modifications to RADOS store that are related to an operation
181 * a client wants to perform (RGWOp::execute).
182 * - Completer::complete() supposed to be called, if completer has been
183 * returned, after the authenticate() step but before *committing*
184 * those modifications or sending a response (RGWOp::complete).
185 *
186 * An engine outlives both Applier and Completer. It's intended to live
187 * since RadosGW's initialization and handle multiple requests till
188 * a reconfiguration.
189 *
190 * Auth engine MUST NOT make any changes to req_state nor RADOS store.
191 * This is solely an Applier's responsibility!
192 *
193 * Separation between authentication and global state modification has
194 * been introduced because many auth engines are orthogonal to appliers
195 * and thus they can be decoupled. Additional motivation is to clearly
196 * distinguish all portions of code modifying data structures. */
197 class Engine {
198 public:
199 virtual ~Engine() = default;
201 class AuthResult {
202 struct rejection_mark_t {};
203 bool is_rejected = false;
204 int reason = 0;
206 std::pair<IdentityApplier::aplptr_t, Completer::cmplptr_t> result_pair;
208 explicit AuthResult(const int reason)
209 : reason(reason) {
210 }
212 AuthResult(rejection_mark_t&&, const int reason)
213 : is_rejected(true),
214 reason(reason) {
215 }
217 /* Allow only the reasonable combintations - returning just Completer
218 * without accompanying IdentityApplier is strictly prohibited! */
219 explicit AuthResult(IdentityApplier::aplptr_t&& applier)
220 : result_pair(std::move(applier), nullptr) {
221 }
223 AuthResult(IdentityApplier::aplptr_t&& applier,
224 Completer::cmplptr_t&& completer)
225 : result_pair(std::move(applier), std::move(completer)) {
226 }
228 public:
229 enum class Status {
230 /* Engine doesn't grant the access but also doesn't reject it. */
233 /* Engine successfully authenicated requester. */
236 /* Engine strictly indicates that a request should be rejected
237 * without trying any further engine. */
239 };
241 Status get_status() const {
242 if (is_rejected) {
243 return Status::REJECTED;
244 } else if (! result_pair.first) {
245 return Status::DENIED;
246 } else {
247 return Status::GRANTED;
248 }
249 }
251 int get_reason() const {
252 return reason;
253 }
255 IdentityApplier::aplptr_t get_applier() {
256 return std::move(result_pair.first);
257 }
259 Completer::cmplptr_t&& get_completer() {
260 return std::move(result_pair.second);
261 }
263 static AuthResult reject(const int reason = -EACCES) {
264 return AuthResult(rejection_mark_t(), reason);
265 }
267 static AuthResult deny(const int reason = -EACCES) {
268 return AuthResult(reason);
269 }
271 static AuthResult grant(IdentityApplier::aplptr_t&& applier) {
272 return AuthResult(std::move(applier));
273 }
275 static AuthResult grant(IdentityApplier::aplptr_t&& applier,
276 Completer::cmplptr_t&& completer) {
277 return AuthResult(std::move(applier), std::move(completer));
278 }
279 };
281 using result_t = AuthResult;
283 /* Get name of the auth engine. */
284 virtual const char* get_name() const noexcept = 0;
286 /* Throwing method for identity verification. When the check is positive
287 * an implementation should return Engine::result_t containing:
288 * - a non-null pointer to an object conforming the Applier interface.
289 * Otherwise, the authentication is treated as failed.
290 * - a (potentially null) pointer to an object conforming the Completer
291 * interface.
292 *
293 * On error throws rgw::auth::Exception containing the reason. */
294 virtual result_t authenticate(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, const req_state* s) const = 0;
295 };
298 /* Interface for extracting a token basing from data carried by req_state. */
299 class TokenExtractor {
300 public:
301 virtual ~TokenExtractor() = default;
302 virtual std::string get_token(const req_state* s) const = 0;
303 };
306 /* Abstract class for stacking sub-engines to expose them as a single
307 * Engine. It is responsible for ordering its sub-engines and managing
308 * fall-backs between them. Derivatee is supposed to encapsulate engine
309 * instances and add them using the add_engine() method in the order it
310 * wants to be tried during the call to authenticate().
311 *
312 * Each new Strategy should be exposed to StrategyRegistry for handling
313 * the dynamic reconfiguration. */
314 class Strategy : public Engine {
315 public:
316 /* Specifiers controlling what happens when an associated engine fails.
317 * The names and semantic has been borrowed mostly from libpam. */
318 enum class Control {
319 /* Failure of an engine injected with the REQUISITE specifier aborts
320 * the strategy's authentication process immediately. No other engine
321 * will be tried. */
324 /* Success of an engine injected with the SUFFICIENT specifier ends
325 * strategy's authentication process successfully. However, denying
326 * doesn't abort it -- there will be fall-back to following engine
327 * if the one that failed wasn't the last one. */
330 /* Like SUFFICIENT with the exception that on failure the reason code
331 * is not overridden. Instead, it's taken directly from the last tried
332 * non-FALLBACK engine. If there was no previous non-FALLBACK engine
333 * in a Strategy, then the result_t::deny(reason = -EACCES) is used. */
335 };
337 Engine::result_t authenticate(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, const req_state* s) const override final;
339 bool is_empty() const {
340 return auth_stack.empty();
341 }
343 static int apply(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, const Strategy& auth_strategy, req_state* s) noexcept;
345 private:
346 /* Using the reference wrapper here to explicitly point out we are not
347 * interested in storing nulls while preserving the dynamic polymorphism. */
348 using stack_item_t = std::pair<std::reference_wrapper<const Engine>,
349 Control>;
350 std::vector<stack_item_t> auth_stack;
352 protected:
353 void add_engine(Control ctrl_flag, const Engine& engine) noexcept;
354 };
357 /* A class aggregating the knowledge about all Strategies in RadosGW. It is
358 * responsible for handling the dynamic reconfiguration on e.g. realm update.
359 * The definition is in rgw/rgw_auth_registry.h,
360 *
361 * Each new Strategy should be exposed to it. */
362 class StrategyRegistry;
364 class WebIdentityApplier : public IdentityApplier {
365 protected:
366 CephContext* const cct;
367 RGWCtl* const ctl;
368 string role_session;
369 rgw::web_idp::WebTokenClaims token_claims;
371 string get_idp_url() const;
373 public:
374 WebIdentityApplier( CephContext* const cct,
375 RGWCtl* const ctl,
376 const string& role_session,
377 const rgw::web_idp::WebTokenClaims& token_claims)
378 : cct(cct),
379 ctl(ctl),
380 role_session(role_session),
381 token_claims(token_claims) {
382 }
384 void load_acct_info(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, RGWUserInfo& user_info) const override {
385 user_info.user_id = rgw_user(token_claims.sub);
386 user_info.display_name = token_claims.user_name;
387 }
389 void modify_request_state(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, req_state* s) const override;
391 uint32_t get_perms_from_aclspec(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, const aclspec_t& aclspec) const override {
392 return RGW_PERM_NONE;
393 }
395 bool is_admin_of(const rgw_user& uid) const override {
396 return false;
397 }
399 bool is_owner_of(const rgw_user& uid) const override {
400 return false;
401 }
403 uint32_t get_perm_mask() const override {
404 return RGW_PERM_NONE;
405 }
407 void to_str(std::ostream& out) const override;
409 bool is_identity(const idset_t& ids) const override;
411 uint32_t get_identity_type() const override {
412 return TYPE_WEB;
413 }
415 string get_acct_name() const override {
416 return token_claims.user_name;
417 }
419 string get_subuser() const override {
420 return {};
421 }
423 struct Factory {
424 virtual ~Factory() {}
426 virtual aplptr_t create_apl_web_identity( CephContext* cct,
427 const req_state* s,
428 const string& role_session,
429 const rgw::web_idp::WebTokenClaims& token) const = 0;
430 };
431 };
433 class ImplicitTenants: public md_config_obs_t {
434 public:
435 enum implicit_tenant_flag_bits {IMPLICIT_TENANTS_SWIFT=1,
437 private:
438 int saved;
439 void recompute_value(const ConfigProxy& );
440 class ImplicitTenantValue {
441 friend class ImplicitTenants;
442 int v;
443 ImplicitTenantValue(int v) : v(v) {};
444 public:
445 bool inline is_split_mode()
446 {
447 assert(v != IMPLICIT_TENANTS_BAD);
449 }
450 bool inline implicit_tenants_for_(const implicit_tenant_flag_bits bit)
451 {
452 assert(v != IMPLICIT_TENANTS_BAD);
453 return static_cast<bool>(v&bit);
454 }
455 };
456 public:
457 ImplicitTenants(const ConfigProxy& c) { recompute_value(c);}
458 ImplicitTenantValue get_value() {
459 return ImplicitTenantValue(saved);
460 }
461 private:
462 const char** get_tracked_conf_keys() const override;
463 void handle_conf_change(const ConfigProxy& conf,
464 const std::set <std::string> &changed) override;
465 };
467 std::tuple<bool,bool> implicit_tenants_enabled_for_swift(CephContext * const cct);
468 std::tuple<bool,bool> implicit_tenants_enabled_for_s3(CephContext * const cct);
470 /* rgw::auth::RemoteApplier targets those authentication engines which don't
471 * need to ask the RADOS store while performing the auth process. Instead,
472 * they obtain credentials from an external source like Keystone or LDAP.
473 *
474 * As the authenticated user may not have an account yet, RGWRemoteAuthApplier
475 * must be able to create it basing on data passed by an auth engine. Those
476 * data will be used to fill RGWUserInfo structure. */
477 class RemoteApplier : public IdentityApplier {
478 public:
479 class AuthInfo {
480 friend class RemoteApplier;
481 protected:
482 const rgw_user acct_user;
483 const std::string acct_name;
484 const uint32_t perm_mask;
485 const bool is_admin;
486 const uint32_t acct_type;
488 public:
489 enum class acct_privilege_t {
492 };
494 AuthInfo(const rgw_user& acct_user,
495 const std::string& acct_name,
496 const uint32_t perm_mask,
497 const acct_privilege_t level,
498 const uint32_t acct_type=TYPE_NONE)
499 : acct_user(acct_user),
500 acct_name(acct_name),
501 perm_mask(perm_mask),
502 is_admin(acct_privilege_t::IS_ADMIN_ACCT == level),
503 acct_type(acct_type) {
504 }
505 };
507 using aclspec_t = rgw::auth::Identity::aclspec_t;
508 typedef std::function<uint32_t(const aclspec_t&)> acl_strategy_t;
510 protected:
511 CephContext* const cct;
513 /* Read-write is intensional here due to RGWUserInfo creation process. */
514 RGWCtl* const ctl;
516 /* Supplemental strategy for extracting permissions from ACLs. Its results
517 * will be combined (ORed) with a default strategy that is responsible for
518 * handling backward compatibility. */
519 const acl_strategy_t extra_acl_strategy;
521 const AuthInfo info;
522 rgw::auth::ImplicitTenants& implicit_tenant_context;
523 const rgw::auth::ImplicitTenants::implicit_tenant_flag_bits implicit_tenant_bit;
525 virtual void create_account(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp,
526 const rgw_user& acct_user,
527 bool implicit_tenant,
528 RGWUserInfo& user_info) const; /* out */
530 public:
531 RemoteApplier(CephContext* const cct,
532 RGWCtl* const ctl,
533 acl_strategy_t&& extra_acl_strategy,
534 const AuthInfo& info,
535 rgw::auth::ImplicitTenants& implicit_tenant_context,
536 rgw::auth::ImplicitTenants::implicit_tenant_flag_bits implicit_tenant_bit)
537 : cct(cct),
538 ctl(ctl),
539 extra_acl_strategy(std::move(extra_acl_strategy)),
540 info(info),
541 implicit_tenant_context(implicit_tenant_context),
542 implicit_tenant_bit(implicit_tenant_bit) {
543 }
545 uint32_t get_perms_from_aclspec(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, const aclspec_t& aclspec) const override;
546 bool is_admin_of(const rgw_user& uid) const override;
547 bool is_owner_of(const rgw_user& uid) const override;
548 bool is_identity(const idset_t& ids) const override;
550 uint32_t get_perm_mask() const override { return info.perm_mask; }
551 void to_str(std::ostream& out) const override;
552 void load_acct_info(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, RGWUserInfo& user_info) const override; /* out */
553 uint32_t get_identity_type() const override { return info.acct_type; }
554 string get_acct_name() const override { return info.acct_name; }
555 string get_subuser() const override { return {}; }
557 struct Factory {
558 virtual ~Factory() {}
559 /* Providing r-value reference here is required intensionally. Callee is
560 * thus disallowed to handle std::function in a way that could inhibit
561 * the move behaviour (like forgetting about std::moving a l-value). */
562 virtual aplptr_t create_apl_remote(CephContext* cct,
563 const req_state* s,
564 acl_strategy_t&& extra_acl_strategy,
565 const AuthInfo &info) const = 0;
566 };
567 };
570 /* rgw::auth::LocalApplier targets those auth engines that base on the data
571 * enclosed in the RGWUserInfo control structure. As a side effect of doing
572 * the authentication process, they must have it loaded. Leveraging this is
573 * a way to avoid unnecessary calls to underlying RADOS store. */
574 class LocalApplier : public IdentityApplier {
575 using aclspec_t = rgw::auth::Identity::aclspec_t;
577 protected:
578 const RGWUserInfo user_info;
579 const std::string subuser;
580 uint32_t perm_mask;
582 uint32_t get_perm_mask(const std::string& subuser_name,
583 const RGWUserInfo &uinfo) const;
585 public:
586 static const std::string NO_SUBUSER;
588 LocalApplier(CephContext* const cct,
589 const RGWUserInfo& user_info,
590 std::string subuser,
591 const boost::optional<uint32_t>& perm_mask)
592 : user_info(user_info),
593 subuser(std::move(subuser)) {
594 if (perm_mask) {
595 this->perm_mask = perm_mask.get();
596 } else {
597 this->perm_mask = RGW_PERM_INVALID;
598 }
599 }
602 uint32_t get_perms_from_aclspec(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, const aclspec_t& aclspec) const override;
603 bool is_admin_of(const rgw_user& uid) const override;
604 bool is_owner_of(const rgw_user& uid) const override;
605 bool is_identity(const idset_t& ids) const override;
606 uint32_t get_perm_mask() const override {
607 if (this->perm_mask == RGW_PERM_INVALID) {
608 return get_perm_mask(subuser, user_info);
609 } else {
610 return this->perm_mask;
611 }
612 }
613 void to_str(std::ostream& out) const override;
614 void load_acct_info(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, RGWUserInfo& user_info) const override; /* out */
615 uint32_t get_identity_type() const override { return TYPE_RGW; }
616 string get_acct_name() const override { return {}; }
617 string get_subuser() const override { return subuser; }
619 struct Factory {
620 virtual ~Factory() {}
621 virtual aplptr_t create_apl_local(CephContext* cct,
622 const req_state* s,
623 const RGWUserInfo& user_info,
624 const std::string& subuser,
625 const boost::optional<uint32_t>& perm_mask) const = 0;
626 };
627 };
629 class RoleApplier : public IdentityApplier {
630 public:
631 struct Role {
632 string id;
633 string name;
634 string tenant;
635 vector<string> role_policies;
636 } role;
637 protected:
638 const rgw_user user_id;
639 string token_policy;
640 string role_session_name;
641 std::vector<string> token_claims;
643 public:
645 RoleApplier(CephContext* const cct,
646 const Role& role,
647 const rgw_user& user_id,
648 const string& token_policy,
649 const string& role_session_name,
650 const std::vector<string>& token_claims)
651 : role(role),
652 user_id(user_id),
653 token_policy(token_policy),
654 role_session_name(role_session_name),
655 token_claims(token_claims) {}
657 uint32_t get_perms_from_aclspec(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, const aclspec_t& aclspec) const override {
658 return 0;
659 }
660 bool is_admin_of(const rgw_user& uid) const override {
661 return false;
662 }
663 bool is_owner_of(const rgw_user& uid) const override {
664 return false;
665 }
666 bool is_identity(const idset_t& ids) const override;
667 uint32_t get_perm_mask() const override {
668 return RGW_PERM_NONE;
669 }
670 void to_str(std::ostream& out) const override;
671 void load_acct_info(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, RGWUserInfo& user_info) const override; /* out */
672 uint32_t get_identity_type() const override { return TYPE_ROLE; }
673 string get_acct_name() const override { return {}; }
674 string get_subuser() const override { return {}; }
675 void modify_request_state(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, req_state* s) const override;
677 struct Factory {
678 virtual ~Factory() {}
679 virtual aplptr_t create_apl_role( CephContext* cct,
680 const req_state* s,
681 const rgw::auth::RoleApplier::Role& role_name,
682 const rgw_user& user_id,
683 const std::string& token_policy,
684 const std::string& role_session,
685 const std::vector<string>& token_claims) const = 0;
686 };
687 };
689 /* The anonymous abstract engine. */
690 class AnonymousEngine : public Engine {
691 CephContext* const cct;
692 const rgw::auth::LocalApplier::Factory* const apl_factory;
694 public:
695 AnonymousEngine(CephContext* const cct,
696 const rgw::auth::LocalApplier::Factory* const apl_factory)
697 : cct(cct),
698 apl_factory(apl_factory) {
699 }
701 const char* get_name() const noexcept override {
702 return "rgw::auth::AnonymousEngine";
703 }
705 Engine::result_t authenticate(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, const req_state* s) const override final;
707 protected:
708 virtual bool is_applicable(const req_state*) const noexcept {
709 return true;
710 }
711 };
713 } /* namespace auth */
714 } /* namespace rgw */
717 uint32_t rgw_perms_from_aclspec_default_strategy(
718 const rgw_user& uid,
719 const rgw::auth::Identity::aclspec_t& aclspec);
721 #endif /* CEPH_RGW_AUTH_H */