]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rgw/rgw_period_history.cc
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rgw / rgw_period_history.cc
1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
4 #include "rgw_period_history.h"
5 #include "rgw_rados.h"
7 #include "include/assert.h"
9 #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw
11 #undef dout_prefix
12 #define dout_prefix (*_dout << "rgw period history: ")
14 /// an ordered history of consecutive periods
15 class RGWPeriodHistory::History : public bi::avl_set_base_hook<> {
16 public:
17 std::deque<RGWPeriod> periods;
19 epoch_t get_oldest_epoch() const {
20 return periods.front().get_realm_epoch();
21 }
22 epoch_t get_newest_epoch() const {
23 return periods.back().get_realm_epoch();
24 }
25 bool contains(epoch_t epoch) const {
26 return get_oldest_epoch() <= epoch && epoch <= get_newest_epoch();
27 }
28 RGWPeriod& get(epoch_t epoch) {
29 return periods[epoch - get_oldest_epoch()];
30 }
31 const RGWPeriod& get(epoch_t epoch) const {
32 return periods[epoch - get_oldest_epoch()];
33 }
34 const std::string& get_predecessor_id() const {
35 return periods.front().get_predecessor();
36 }
37 };
39 /// value comparison for avl_set
40 bool operator<(const RGWPeriodHistory::History& lhs,
41 const RGWPeriodHistory::History& rhs)
42 {
43 return lhs.get_newest_epoch() < rhs.get_newest_epoch();
44 }
46 /// key-value comparison for avl_set
47 struct NewestEpochLess {
48 bool operator()(const RGWPeriodHistory::History& value, epoch_t key) const {
49 return value.get_newest_epoch() < key;
50 }
51 };
54 using Cursor = RGWPeriodHistory::Cursor;
56 const RGWPeriod& Cursor::get_period() const
57 {
58 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(*mutex);
59 return history->get(epoch);
60 }
61 bool Cursor::has_prev() const
62 {
63 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(*mutex);
64 return epoch > history->get_oldest_epoch();
65 }
66 bool Cursor::has_next() const
67 {
68 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(*mutex);
69 return epoch < history->get_newest_epoch();
70 }
72 bool operator==(const Cursor& lhs, const Cursor& rhs)
73 {
74 return lhs.history == rhs.history && lhs.epoch == rhs.epoch;
75 }
77 bool operator!=(const Cursor& lhs, const Cursor& rhs)
78 {
79 return !(lhs == rhs);
80 }
82 class RGWPeriodHistory::Impl final {
83 public:
84 Impl(CephContext* cct, Puller* puller, const RGWPeriod& current_period);
85 ~Impl();
87 Cursor get_current() const { return current_cursor; }
88 Cursor attach(RGWPeriod&& period);
89 Cursor insert(RGWPeriod&& period);
90 Cursor lookup(epoch_t realm_epoch);
92 private:
93 /// an intrusive set of histories, ordered by their newest epoch. although
94 /// the newest epoch of each history is mutable, the ordering cannot change
95 /// because we prevent the histories from overlapping
96 using Set = bi::avl_set<RGWPeriodHistory::History>;
98 /// insert the given period into the period history, creating new unconnected
99 /// histories or merging existing histories as necessary. expects the caller
100 /// to hold a lock on mutex. returns a valid cursor regardless of whether it
101 /// ends up in current_history, though cursors in other histories are only
102 /// valid within the context of the lock
103 Cursor insert_locked(RGWPeriod&& period);
105 /// merge the periods from the src history onto the end of the dst history,
106 /// and return an iterator to the merged history
107 Set::iterator merge(Set::iterator dst, Set::iterator src);
109 /// construct a Cursor object using Cursor's private constuctor
110 Cursor make_cursor(Set::const_iterator history, epoch_t epoch);
112 CephContext *const cct;
113 Puller *const puller; //< interface for pulling missing periods
114 Cursor current_cursor; //< Cursor to realm's current period
116 mutable std::mutex mutex; //< protects the histories
118 /// set of disjoint histories that are missing intermediate periods needed to
119 /// connect them together
120 Set histories;
122 /// iterator to the history that contains the realm's current period
123 Set::const_iterator current_history;
124 };
126 RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::Impl(CephContext* cct, Puller* puller,
127 const RGWPeriod& current_period)
128 : cct(cct), puller(puller)
129 {
130 if (!current_period.get_id().empty()) {
131 // copy the current period into a new history
132 auto history = new History;
133 history->periods.push_back(current_period);
135 // insert as our current history
136 current_history = histories.insert(*history).first;
138 // get a cursor to the current period
139 current_cursor = make_cursor(current_history, current_period.get_realm_epoch());
140 }
141 }
143 RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::~Impl()
144 {
145 // clear the histories and delete each entry
146 histories.clear_and_dispose(std::default_delete<History>{});
147 }
149 Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::attach(RGWPeriod&& period)
150 {
151 if (current_history == histories.end()) {
152 return Cursor{-EINVAL};
153 }
155 const auto epoch = period.get_realm_epoch();
157 std::string predecessor_id;
158 for (;;) {
159 {
160 // hold the lock over insert, and while accessing the unsafe cursor
161 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
163 auto cursor = insert_locked(std::move(period));
164 if (!cursor) {
165 return cursor;
166 }
167 if (current_history->contains(epoch)) {
168 break; // the history is complete
169 }
171 // take the predecessor id of the most recent history
172 if (cursor.get_epoch() > current_cursor.get_epoch()) {
173 predecessor_id = cursor.history->get_predecessor_id();
174 } else {
175 predecessor_id = current_history->get_predecessor_id();
176 }
177 }
179 if (predecessor_id.empty()) {
180 lderr(cct) << "reached a period with an empty predecessor id" << dendl;
181 return Cursor{-EINVAL};
182 }
184 // pull the period outside of the lock
185 int r = puller->pull(predecessor_id, period);
186 if (r < 0) {
187 return Cursor{r};
188 }
189 }
191 // return a cursor to the requested period
192 return make_cursor(current_history, epoch);
193 }
195 Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::insert(RGWPeriod&& period)
196 {
197 if (current_history == histories.end()) {
198 return Cursor{-EINVAL};
199 }
201 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
203 auto cursor = insert_locked(std::move(period));
205 if (cursor.get_error()) {
206 return cursor;
207 }
208 // we can only provide cursors that are safe to use outside of the mutex if
209 // they're within the current_history, because other histories can disappear
210 // in a merge. see merge() for the special handling of current_history
211 if (cursor.history == &*current_history) {
212 return cursor;
213 }
214 return Cursor{};
215 }
217 Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::lookup(epoch_t realm_epoch)
218 {
219 if (current_history != histories.end() &&
220 current_history->contains(realm_epoch)) {
221 return make_cursor(current_history, realm_epoch);
222 }
223 return Cursor{};
224 }
226 Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::insert_locked(RGWPeriod&& period)
227 {
228 auto epoch = period.get_realm_epoch();
230 // find the first history whose newest epoch comes at or after this period
231 auto i = histories.lower_bound(epoch, NewestEpochLess{});
233 if (i == histories.end()) {
234 // epoch is past the end of our newest history
235 auto last = --Set::iterator{i}; // last = i - 1
237 if (epoch == last->get_newest_epoch() + 1) {
238 // insert at the back of the last history
239 last->periods.emplace_back(std::move(period));
240 return make_cursor(last, epoch);
241 }
243 // create a new history for this period
244 auto history = new History;
245 history->periods.emplace_back(std::move(period));
246 histories.insert(last, *history);
248 i = Set::s_iterator_to(*history);
249 return make_cursor(i, epoch);
250 }
252 if (i->contains(epoch)) {
253 // already resident in this history
254 auto& existing = i->get(epoch);
255 // verify that the period ids match; otherwise we've forked the history
256 if (period.get_id() != existing.get_id()) {
257 lderr(cct) << "Got two different periods, " << period.get_id()
258 << " and " << existing.get_id() << ", with the same realm epoch "
259 << epoch << "! This indicates a fork in the period history." << dendl;
260 return Cursor{-EEXIST};
261 }
262 // update the existing period if we got a newer period epoch
263 if (period.get_epoch() > existing.get_epoch()) {
264 existing = std::move(period);
265 }
266 return make_cursor(i, epoch);
267 }
269 if (epoch + 1 == i->get_oldest_epoch()) {
270 // insert at the front of this history
271 i->periods.emplace_front(std::move(period));
273 // try to merge with the previous history
274 if (i != histories.begin()) {
275 auto prev = --Set::iterator{i};
276 if (epoch == prev->get_newest_epoch() + 1) {
277 i = merge(prev, i);
278 }
279 }
280 return make_cursor(i, epoch);
281 }
283 if (i != histories.begin()) {
284 auto prev = --Set::iterator{i};
285 if (epoch == prev->get_newest_epoch() + 1) {
286 // insert at the back of the previous history
287 prev->periods.emplace_back(std::move(period));
288 return make_cursor(prev, epoch);
289 }
290 }
292 // create a new history for this period
293 auto history = new History;
294 history->periods.emplace_back(std::move(period));
295 histories.insert(i, *history);
297 i = Set::s_iterator_to(*history);
298 return make_cursor(i, epoch);
299 }
301 RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::Set::iterator
302 RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::merge(Set::iterator dst, Set::iterator src)
303 {
304 assert(dst->get_newest_epoch() + 1 == src->get_oldest_epoch());
306 // always merge into current_history
307 if (src == current_history) {
308 // move the periods from dst onto the front of src
309 src->periods.insert(src->periods.begin(),
310 std::make_move_iterator(dst->periods.begin()),
311 std::make_move_iterator(dst->periods.end()));
312 histories.erase_and_dispose(dst, std::default_delete<History>{});
313 return src;
314 }
316 // move the periods from src onto the end of dst
317 dst->periods.insert(dst->periods.end(),
318 std::make_move_iterator(src->periods.begin()),
319 std::make_move_iterator(src->periods.end()));
320 histories.erase_and_dispose(src, std::default_delete<History>{});
321 return dst;
322 }
324 Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::Impl::make_cursor(Set::const_iterator history,
325 epoch_t epoch) {
326 return Cursor{&*history, &mutex, epoch};
327 }
330 RGWPeriodHistory::RGWPeriodHistory(CephContext* cct, Puller* puller,
331 const RGWPeriod& current_period)
332 : impl(new Impl(cct, puller, current_period)) {}
334 RGWPeriodHistory::~RGWPeriodHistory() = default;
336 Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::get_current() const
337 {
338 return impl->get_current();
339 }
340 Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::attach(RGWPeriod&& period)
341 {
342 return impl->attach(std::move(period));
343 }
344 Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::insert(RGWPeriod&& period)
345 {
346 return impl->insert(std::move(period));
347 }
348 Cursor RGWPeriodHistory::lookup(epoch_t realm_epoch)
349 {
350 return impl->lookup(realm_epoch);
351 }