]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/db/db_impl.h
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / db / db_impl.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
5 //
6 // Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
8 // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
9 #pragma once
11 #include <atomic>
12 #include <deque>
13 #include <functional>
14 #include <limits>
15 #include <list>
16 #include <map>
17 #include <set>
18 #include <string>
19 #include <utility>
20 #include <vector>
22 #include "db/column_family.h"
23 #include "db/compaction_job.h"
24 #include "db/dbformat.h"
25 #include "db/error_handler.h"
26 #include "db/event_helpers.h"
27 #include "db/external_sst_file_ingestion_job.h"
28 #include "db/flush_job.h"
29 #include "db/flush_scheduler.h"
30 #include "db/internal_stats.h"
31 #include "db/log_writer.h"
32 #include "db/logs_with_prep_tracker.h"
33 #include "db/pre_release_callback.h"
34 #include "db/range_del_aggregator.h"
35 #include "db/read_callback.h"
36 #include "db/snapshot_checker.h"
37 #include "db/snapshot_impl.h"
38 #include "db/version_edit.h"
39 #include "db/wal_manager.h"
40 #include "db/write_controller.h"
41 #include "db/write_thread.h"
42 #include "memtable_list.h"
43 #include "monitoring/instrumented_mutex.h"
44 #include "options/db_options.h"
45 #include "port/port.h"
46 #include "rocksdb/db.h"
47 #include "rocksdb/env.h"
48 #include "rocksdb/memtablerep.h"
49 #include "rocksdb/status.h"
50 #include "rocksdb/trace_reader_writer.h"
51 #include "rocksdb/transaction_log.h"
52 #include "rocksdb/write_buffer_manager.h"
53 #include "table/scoped_arena_iterator.h"
54 #include "util/autovector.h"
55 #include "util/event_logger.h"
56 #include "util/hash.h"
57 #include "util/repeatable_thread.h"
58 #include "util/stop_watch.h"
59 #include "util/thread_local.h"
60 #include "util/trace_replay.h"
62 namespace rocksdb {
64 class Arena;
65 class ArenaWrappedDBIter;
66 class InMemoryStatsHistoryIterator;
67 class MemTable;
68 class TableCache;
69 class TaskLimiterToken;
70 class Version;
71 class VersionEdit;
72 class VersionSet;
73 class WriteCallback;
74 struct JobContext;
75 struct ExternalSstFileInfo;
76 struct MemTableInfo;
78 class DBImpl : public DB {
79 public:
80 DBImpl(const DBOptions& options, const std::string& dbname,
81 const bool seq_per_batch = false, const bool batch_per_txn = true);
82 virtual ~DBImpl();
84 using DB::Resume;
85 virtual Status Resume() override;
87 // Implementations of the DB interface
88 using DB::Put;
89 virtual Status Put(const WriteOptions& options,
90 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
91 const Slice& value) override;
92 using DB::Merge;
93 virtual Status Merge(const WriteOptions& options,
94 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
95 const Slice& value) override;
96 using DB::Delete;
97 virtual Status Delete(const WriteOptions& options,
98 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
99 const Slice& key) override;
100 using DB::SingleDelete;
101 virtual Status SingleDelete(const WriteOptions& options,
102 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
103 const Slice& key) override;
104 using DB::Write;
105 virtual Status Write(const WriteOptions& options,
106 WriteBatch* updates) override;
108 using DB::Get;
109 virtual Status Get(const ReadOptions& options,
110 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
111 PinnableSlice* value) override;
113 // Function that Get and KeyMayExist call with no_io true or false
114 // Note: 'value_found' from KeyMayExist propagates here
115 Status GetImpl(const ReadOptions& options, ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
116 const Slice& key, PinnableSlice* value,
117 bool* value_found = nullptr, ReadCallback* callback = nullptr,
118 bool* is_blob_index = nullptr);
120 using DB::MultiGet;
121 virtual std::vector<Status> MultiGet(
122 const ReadOptions& options,
123 const std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*>& column_family,
124 const std::vector<Slice>& keys,
125 std::vector<std::string>* values) override;
127 virtual Status CreateColumnFamily(const ColumnFamilyOptions& cf_options,
128 const std::string& column_family,
129 ColumnFamilyHandle** handle) override;
130 virtual Status CreateColumnFamilies(
131 const ColumnFamilyOptions& cf_options,
132 const std::vector<std::string>& column_family_names,
133 std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*>* handles) override;
134 virtual Status CreateColumnFamilies(
135 const std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>& column_families,
136 std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*>* handles) override;
137 virtual Status DropColumnFamily(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family) override;
138 virtual Status DropColumnFamilies(
139 const std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*>& column_families) override;
141 // Returns false if key doesn't exist in the database and true if it may.
142 // If value_found is not passed in as null, then return the value if found in
143 // memory. On return, if value was found, then value_found will be set to true
144 // , otherwise false.
145 using DB::KeyMayExist;
146 virtual bool KeyMayExist(const ReadOptions& options,
147 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
148 std::string* value,
149 bool* value_found = nullptr) override;
151 using DB::NewIterator;
152 virtual Iterator* NewIterator(const ReadOptions& options,
153 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family) override;
154 virtual Status NewIterators(
155 const ReadOptions& options,
156 const std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*>& column_families,
157 std::vector<Iterator*>* iterators) override;
158 ArenaWrappedDBIter* NewIteratorImpl(const ReadOptions& options,
159 ColumnFamilyData* cfd,
160 SequenceNumber snapshot,
161 ReadCallback* read_callback,
162 bool allow_blob = false,
163 bool allow_refresh = true);
165 virtual const Snapshot* GetSnapshot() override;
166 virtual void ReleaseSnapshot(const Snapshot* snapshot) override;
167 using DB::GetProperty;
168 virtual bool GetProperty(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
169 const Slice& property, std::string* value) override;
170 using DB::GetMapProperty;
171 virtual bool GetMapProperty(
172 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& property,
173 std::map<std::string, std::string>* value) override;
174 using DB::GetIntProperty;
175 virtual bool GetIntProperty(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
176 const Slice& property, uint64_t* value) override;
177 using DB::GetAggregatedIntProperty;
178 virtual bool GetAggregatedIntProperty(const Slice& property,
179 uint64_t* aggregated_value) override;
180 using DB::GetApproximateSizes;
181 virtual void GetApproximateSizes(
182 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Range* range, int n,
183 uint64_t* sizes, uint8_t include_flags = INCLUDE_FILES) override;
184 using DB::GetApproximateMemTableStats;
185 virtual void GetApproximateMemTableStats(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
186 const Range& range,
187 uint64_t* const count,
188 uint64_t* const size) override;
189 using DB::CompactRange;
190 virtual Status CompactRange(const CompactRangeOptions& options,
191 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
192 const Slice* begin, const Slice* end) override;
194 using DB::CompactFiles;
195 virtual Status CompactFiles(
196 const CompactionOptions& compact_options,
197 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
198 const std::vector<std::string>& input_file_names, const int output_level,
199 const int output_path_id = -1,
200 std::vector<std::string>* const output_file_names = nullptr,
201 CompactionJobInfo* compaction_job_info = nullptr) override;
203 virtual Status PauseBackgroundWork() override;
204 virtual Status ContinueBackgroundWork() override;
206 virtual Status EnableAutoCompaction(
207 const std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*>& column_family_handles) override;
209 using DB::SetOptions;
210 Status SetOptions(
211 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
212 const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& options_map) override;
214 virtual Status SetDBOptions(
215 const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& options_map) override;
217 using DB::NumberLevels;
218 virtual int NumberLevels(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family) override;
219 using DB::MaxMemCompactionLevel;
220 virtual int MaxMemCompactionLevel(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family) override;
221 using DB::Level0StopWriteTrigger;
222 virtual int Level0StopWriteTrigger(
223 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family) override;
224 virtual const std::string& GetName() const override;
225 virtual Env* GetEnv() const override;
226 using DB::GetOptions;
227 virtual Options GetOptions(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family) const override;
228 using DB::GetDBOptions;
229 virtual DBOptions GetDBOptions() const override;
230 using DB::Flush;
231 virtual Status Flush(const FlushOptions& options,
232 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family) override;
233 virtual Status Flush(
234 const FlushOptions& options,
235 const std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*>& column_families) override;
236 virtual Status FlushWAL(bool sync) override;
237 bool TEST_WALBufferIsEmpty(bool lock = true);
238 virtual Status SyncWAL() override;
239 virtual Status LockWAL() override;
240 virtual Status UnlockWAL() override;
242 virtual SequenceNumber GetLatestSequenceNumber() const override;
243 virtual SequenceNumber GetLastPublishedSequence() const {
244 if (last_seq_same_as_publish_seq_) {
245 return versions_->LastSequence();
246 } else {
247 return versions_->LastPublishedSequence();
248 }
249 }
250 // REQUIRES: joined the main write queue if two_write_queues is disabled, and
251 // the second write queue otherwise.
252 virtual void SetLastPublishedSequence(SequenceNumber seq);
253 // Returns LastSequence in last_seq_same_as_publish_seq_
254 // mode and LastAllocatedSequence otherwise. This is useful when visiblility
255 // depends also on data written to the WAL but not to the memtable.
256 SequenceNumber TEST_GetLastVisibleSequence() const;
258 virtual bool SetPreserveDeletesSequenceNumber(SequenceNumber seqnum) override;
260 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
261 using DB::ResetStats;
262 virtual Status ResetStats() override;
263 virtual Status DisableFileDeletions() override;
264 virtual Status EnableFileDeletions(bool force) override;
265 virtual int IsFileDeletionsEnabled() const;
266 // All the returned filenames start with "/"
267 virtual Status GetLiveFiles(std::vector<std::string>&,
268 uint64_t* manifest_file_size,
269 bool flush_memtable = true) override;
270 virtual Status GetSortedWalFiles(VectorLogPtr& files) override;
272 virtual Status GetUpdatesSince(
273 SequenceNumber seq_number, std::unique_ptr<TransactionLogIterator>* iter,
274 const TransactionLogIterator::ReadOptions& read_options =
275 TransactionLogIterator::ReadOptions()) override;
276 virtual Status DeleteFile(std::string name) override;
277 Status DeleteFilesInRanges(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
278 const RangePtr* ranges, size_t n,
279 bool include_end = true);
281 virtual void GetLiveFilesMetaData(
282 std::vector<LiveFileMetaData>* metadata) override;
284 // Obtains the meta data of the specified column family of the DB.
285 // Status::NotFound() will be returned if the current DB does not have
286 // any column family match the specified name.
287 // TODO(yhchiang): output parameter is placed in the end in this codebase.
288 virtual void GetColumnFamilyMetaData(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
289 ColumnFamilyMetaData* metadata) override;
291 Status SuggestCompactRange(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
292 const Slice* begin, const Slice* end) override;
294 Status PromoteL0(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
295 int target_level) override;
297 // Similar to Write() but will call the callback once on the single write
298 // thread to determine whether it is safe to perform the write.
299 virtual Status WriteWithCallback(const WriteOptions& write_options,
300 WriteBatch* my_batch,
301 WriteCallback* callback);
303 // Returns the sequence number that is guaranteed to be smaller than or equal
304 // to the sequence number of any key that could be inserted into the current
305 // memtables. It can then be assumed that any write with a larger(or equal)
306 // sequence number will be present in this memtable or a later memtable.
307 //
308 // If the earliest sequence number could not be determined,
309 // kMaxSequenceNumber will be returned.
310 //
311 // If include_history=true, will also search Memtables in MemTableList
312 // History.
313 SequenceNumber GetEarliestMemTableSequenceNumber(SuperVersion* sv,
314 bool include_history);
316 // For a given key, check to see if there are any records for this key
317 // in the memtables, including memtable history. If cache_only is false,
318 // SST files will also be checked.
319 //
320 // If a key is found, *found_record_for_key will be set to true and
321 // *seq will be set to the stored sequence number for the latest
322 // operation on this key or kMaxSequenceNumber if unknown.
323 // If no key is found, *found_record_for_key will be set to false.
324 //
325 // Note: If cache_only=false, it is possible for *seq to be set to 0 if
326 // the sequence number has been cleared from the record. If the caller is
327 // holding an active db snapshot, we know the missing sequence must be less
328 // than the snapshot's sequence number (sequence numbers are only cleared
329 // when there are no earlier active snapshots).
330 //
331 // If NotFound is returned and found_record_for_key is set to false, then no
332 // record for this key was found. If the caller is holding an active db
333 // snapshot, we know that no key could have existing after this snapshot
334 // (since we do not compact keys that have an earlier snapshot).
335 //
336 // Returns OK or NotFound on success,
337 // other status on unexpected error.
338 // TODO(andrewkr): this API need to be aware of range deletion operations
339 Status GetLatestSequenceForKey(SuperVersion* sv, const Slice& key,
340 bool cache_only, SequenceNumber* seq,
341 bool* found_record_for_key,
342 bool* is_blob_index = nullptr);
344 using DB::IngestExternalFile;
345 virtual Status IngestExternalFile(
346 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
347 const std::vector<std::string>& external_files,
348 const IngestExternalFileOptions& ingestion_options) override;
350 using DB::IngestExternalFiles;
351 virtual Status IngestExternalFiles(
352 const std::vector<IngestExternalFileArg>& args) override;
354 virtual Status VerifyChecksum() override;
356 using DB::StartTrace;
357 virtual Status StartTrace(
358 const TraceOptions& options,
359 std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter>&& trace_writer) override;
361 using DB::EndTrace;
362 virtual Status EndTrace() override;
363 Status TraceIteratorSeek(const uint32_t& cf_id, const Slice& key);
364 Status TraceIteratorSeekForPrev(const uint32_t& cf_id, const Slice& key);
365 #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
367 // Similar to GetSnapshot(), but also lets the db know that this snapshot
368 // will be used for transaction write-conflict checking. The DB can then
369 // make sure not to compact any keys that would prevent a write-conflict from
370 // being detected.
371 const Snapshot* GetSnapshotForWriteConflictBoundary();
373 // checks if all live files exist on file system and that their file sizes
374 // match to our in-memory records
375 virtual Status CheckConsistency();
377 virtual Status GetDbIdentity(std::string& identity) const override;
379 Status RunManualCompaction(ColumnFamilyData* cfd, int input_level,
380 int output_level, uint32_t output_path_id,
381 uint32_t max_subcompactions, const Slice* begin,
382 const Slice* end, bool exclusive,
383 bool disallow_trivial_move = false);
385 // Return an internal iterator over the current state of the database.
386 // The keys of this iterator are internal keys (see format.h).
387 // The returned iterator should be deleted when no longer needed.
388 InternalIterator* NewInternalIterator(
389 Arena* arena, RangeDelAggregator* range_del_agg, SequenceNumber sequence,
390 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family = nullptr);
392 LogsWithPrepTracker* logs_with_prep_tracker() {
393 return &logs_with_prep_tracker_;
394 }
396 #ifndef NDEBUG
397 // Extra methods (for testing) that are not in the public DB interface
398 // Implemented in db_impl_debug.cc
400 // Compact any files in the named level that overlap [*begin, *end]
401 Status TEST_CompactRange(int level, const Slice* begin, const Slice* end,
402 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family = nullptr,
403 bool disallow_trivial_move = false);
405 void TEST_SwitchWAL();
407 bool TEST_UnableToReleaseOldestLog() { return unable_to_release_oldest_log_; }
409 bool TEST_IsLogGettingFlushed() {
410 return alive_log_files_.begin()->getting_flushed;
411 }
413 Status TEST_SwitchMemtable(ColumnFamilyData* cfd = nullptr);
415 // Force current memtable contents to be flushed.
416 Status TEST_FlushMemTable(bool wait = true, bool allow_write_stall = false,
417 ColumnFamilyHandle* cfh = nullptr);
419 // Wait for memtable compaction
420 Status TEST_WaitForFlushMemTable(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family = nullptr);
422 // Wait for any compaction
423 // We add a bool parameter to wait for unscheduledCompactions_ == 0, but this
424 // is only for the special test of CancelledCompactions
425 Status TEST_WaitForCompact(bool waitUnscheduled = false);
427 // Return the maximum overlapping data (in bytes) at next level for any
428 // file at a level >= 1.
429 int64_t TEST_MaxNextLevelOverlappingBytes(
430 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family = nullptr);
432 // Return the current manifest file no.
433 uint64_t TEST_Current_Manifest_FileNo();
435 // Returns the number that'll be assigned to the next file that's created.
436 uint64_t TEST_Current_Next_FileNo();
438 // get total level0 file size. Only for testing.
439 uint64_t TEST_GetLevel0TotalSize();
441 void TEST_GetFilesMetaData(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
442 std::vector<std::vector<FileMetaData>>* metadata);
444 void TEST_LockMutex();
446 void TEST_UnlockMutex();
448 // REQUIRES: mutex locked
449 void* TEST_BeginWrite();
451 // REQUIRES: mutex locked
452 // pass the pointer that you got from TEST_BeginWrite()
453 void TEST_EndWrite(void* w);
455 uint64_t TEST_MaxTotalInMemoryState() const {
456 return max_total_in_memory_state_;
457 }
459 size_t TEST_LogsToFreeSize();
461 uint64_t TEST_LogfileNumber();
463 uint64_t TEST_total_log_size() const { return total_log_size_; }
465 // Returns column family name to ImmutableCFOptions map.
466 Status TEST_GetAllImmutableCFOptions(
467 std::unordered_map<std::string, const ImmutableCFOptions*>* iopts_map);
469 // Return the lastest MutableCFOptions of a column family
470 Status TEST_GetLatestMutableCFOptions(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
471 MutableCFOptions* mutable_cf_options);
473 Cache* TEST_table_cache() { return table_cache_.get(); }
475 WriteController& TEST_write_controler() { return write_controller_; }
477 uint64_t TEST_FindMinLogContainingOutstandingPrep();
478 uint64_t TEST_FindMinPrepLogReferencedByMemTable();
479 size_t TEST_PreparedSectionCompletedSize();
480 size_t TEST_LogsWithPrepSize();
482 int TEST_BGCompactionsAllowed() const;
483 int TEST_BGFlushesAllowed() const;
484 size_t TEST_GetWalPreallocateBlockSize(uint64_t write_buffer_size) const;
485 void TEST_WaitForDumpStatsRun(std::function<void()> callback) const;
486 void TEST_WaitForPersistStatsRun(std::function<void()> callback) const;
487 bool TEST_IsPersistentStatsEnabled() const;
488 size_t TEST_EstiamteStatsHistorySize() const;
490 #endif // NDEBUG
492 struct BGJobLimits {
493 int max_flushes;
494 int max_compactions;
495 };
496 // Returns maximum background flushes and compactions allowed to be scheduled
497 BGJobLimits GetBGJobLimits() const;
498 // Need a static version that can be called during SanitizeOptions().
499 static BGJobLimits GetBGJobLimits(int max_background_flushes,
500 int max_background_compactions,
501 int max_background_jobs,
502 bool parallelize_compactions);
504 // move logs pending closing from job_context to the DB queue and
505 // schedule a purge
506 void ScheduleBgLogWriterClose(JobContext* job_context);
508 uint64_t MinLogNumberToKeep();
510 // Returns the lower bound file number for SSTs that won't be deleted, even if
511 // they're obsolete. This lower bound is used internally to prevent newly
512 // created flush/compaction output files from being deleted before they're
513 // installed. This technique avoids the need for tracking the exact numbers of
514 // files pending creation, although it prevents more files than necessary from
515 // being deleted.
516 uint64_t MinObsoleteSstNumberToKeep();
518 // Returns the list of live files in 'live' and the list
519 // of all files in the filesystem in 'candidate_files'.
520 // If force == false and the last call was less than
521 // db_options_.delete_obsolete_files_period_micros microseconds ago,
522 // it will not fill up the job_context
523 void FindObsoleteFiles(JobContext* job_context, bool force,
524 bool no_full_scan = false);
526 // Diffs the files listed in filenames and those that do not
527 // belong to live files are possibly removed. Also, removes all the
528 // files in sst_delete_files and log_delete_files.
529 // It is not necessary to hold the mutex when invoking this method.
530 // If FindObsoleteFiles() was run, we need to also run
531 // PurgeObsoleteFiles(), even if disable_delete_obsolete_files_ is true
532 void PurgeObsoleteFiles(JobContext& background_contet,
533 bool schedule_only = false);
535 void SchedulePurge();
537 ColumnFamilyHandle* DefaultColumnFamily() const override;
539 const SnapshotList& snapshots() const { return snapshots_; }
541 const ImmutableDBOptions& immutable_db_options() const {
542 return immutable_db_options_;
543 }
545 void CancelAllBackgroundWork(bool wait);
547 // Find Super version and reference it. Based on options, it might return
548 // the thread local cached one.
549 // Call ReturnAndCleanupSuperVersion() when it is no longer needed.
550 SuperVersion* GetAndRefSuperVersion(ColumnFamilyData* cfd);
552 // Similar to the previous function but looks up based on a column family id.
553 // nullptr will be returned if this column family no longer exists.
554 // REQUIRED: this function should only be called on the write thread or if the
555 // mutex is held.
556 SuperVersion* GetAndRefSuperVersion(uint32_t column_family_id);
558 // Un-reference the super version and clean it up if it is the last reference.
559 void CleanupSuperVersion(SuperVersion* sv);
561 // Un-reference the super version and return it to thread local cache if
562 // needed. If it is the last reference of the super version. Clean it up
563 // after un-referencing it.
564 void ReturnAndCleanupSuperVersion(ColumnFamilyData* cfd, SuperVersion* sv);
566 // Similar to the previous function but looks up based on a column family id.
567 // nullptr will be returned if this column family no longer exists.
568 // REQUIRED: this function should only be called on the write thread.
569 void ReturnAndCleanupSuperVersion(uint32_t colun_family_id, SuperVersion* sv);
571 // REQUIRED: this function should only be called on the write thread or if the
572 // mutex is held. Return value only valid until next call to this function or
573 // mutex is released.
574 ColumnFamilyHandle* GetColumnFamilyHandle(uint32_t column_family_id);
576 // Same as above, should called without mutex held and not on write thread.
577 std::unique_ptr<ColumnFamilyHandle> GetColumnFamilyHandleUnlocked(
578 uint32_t column_family_id);
580 // Returns the number of currently running flushes.
581 // REQUIREMENT: mutex_ must be held when calling this function.
582 int num_running_flushes() {
583 mutex_.AssertHeld();
584 return num_running_flushes_;
585 }
587 // Returns the number of currently running compactions.
588 // REQUIREMENT: mutex_ must be held when calling this function.
589 int num_running_compactions() {
590 mutex_.AssertHeld();
591 return num_running_compactions_;
592 }
594 const WriteController& write_controller() { return write_controller_; }
596 InternalIterator* NewInternalIterator(
597 const ReadOptions&, ColumnFamilyData* cfd, SuperVersion* super_version,
598 Arena* arena, RangeDelAggregator* range_del_agg, SequenceNumber sequence);
600 // hollow transactions shell used for recovery.
601 // these will then be passed to TransactionDB so that
602 // locks can be reacquired before writing can resume.
603 struct RecoveredTransaction {
604 std::string name_;
605 bool unprepared_;
607 struct BatchInfo {
608 uint64_t log_number_;
609 // TODO(lth): For unprepared, the memory usage here can be big for
610 // unprepared transactions. This is only useful for rollbacks, and we
611 // can in theory just keep keyset for that.
612 WriteBatch* batch_;
613 // Number of sub-batches. A new sub-batch is created if txn attempts to
614 // insert a duplicate key,seq to memtable. This is currently used in
615 // WritePreparedTxn/WriteUnpreparedTxn.
616 size_t batch_cnt_;
617 };
619 // This maps the seq of the first key in the batch to BatchInfo, which
620 // contains WriteBatch and other information relevant to the batch.
621 //
622 // For WriteUnprepared, batches_ can have size greater than 1, but for
623 // other write policies, it must be of size 1.
624 std::map<SequenceNumber, BatchInfo> batches_;
626 explicit RecoveredTransaction(const uint64_t log, const std::string& name,
627 WriteBatch* batch, SequenceNumber seq,
628 size_t batch_cnt, bool unprepared)
629 : name_(name), unprepared_(unprepared) {
630 batches_[seq] = {log, batch, batch_cnt};
631 }
633 ~RecoveredTransaction() {
634 for (auto& it : batches_) {
635 delete it.second.batch_;
636 }
637 }
639 void AddBatch(SequenceNumber seq, uint64_t log_number, WriteBatch* batch,
640 size_t batch_cnt, bool unprepared) {
641 assert(batches_.count(seq) == 0);
642 batches_[seq] = {log_number, batch, batch_cnt};
643 // Prior state must be unprepared, since the prepare batch must be the
644 // last batch.
645 assert(unprepared_);
646 unprepared_ = unprepared;
647 }
648 };
650 bool allow_2pc() const { return immutable_db_options_.allow_2pc; }
652 std::unordered_map<std::string, RecoveredTransaction*>
653 recovered_transactions() {
654 return recovered_transactions_;
655 }
657 RecoveredTransaction* GetRecoveredTransaction(const std::string& name) {
658 auto it = recovered_transactions_.find(name);
659 if (it == recovered_transactions_.end()) {
660 return nullptr;
661 } else {
662 return it->second;
663 }
664 }
666 void InsertRecoveredTransaction(const uint64_t log, const std::string& name,
667 WriteBatch* batch, SequenceNumber seq,
668 size_t batch_cnt, bool unprepared_batch) {
669 // For WriteUnpreparedTxn, InsertRecoveredTransaction is called multiple
670 // times for every unprepared batch encountered during recovery.
671 //
672 // If the transaction is prepared, then the last call to
673 // InsertRecoveredTransaction will have unprepared_batch = false.
674 auto rtxn = recovered_transactions_.find(name);
675 if (rtxn == recovered_transactions_.end()) {
676 recovered_transactions_[name] = new RecoveredTransaction(
677 log, name, batch, seq, batch_cnt, unprepared_batch);
678 } else {
679 rtxn->second->AddBatch(seq, log, batch, batch_cnt, unprepared_batch);
680 }
681 logs_with_prep_tracker_.MarkLogAsContainingPrepSection(log);
682 }
684 void DeleteRecoveredTransaction(const std::string& name) {
685 auto it = recovered_transactions_.find(name);
686 assert(it != recovered_transactions_.end());
687 auto* trx = it->second;
688 recovered_transactions_.erase(it);
689 for (const auto& info : trx->batches_) {
690 logs_with_prep_tracker_.MarkLogAsHavingPrepSectionFlushed(
691 info.second.log_number_);
692 }
693 delete trx;
694 }
696 void DeleteAllRecoveredTransactions() {
697 for (auto it = recovered_transactions_.begin();
698 it != recovered_transactions_.end(); it++) {
699 delete it->second;
700 }
701 recovered_transactions_.clear();
702 }
704 void AddToLogsToFreeQueue(log::Writer* log_writer) {
705 logs_to_free_queue_.push_back(log_writer);
706 }
708 void SetSnapshotChecker(SnapshotChecker* snapshot_checker);
710 // Fill JobContext with snapshot information needed by flush and compaction.
711 void GetSnapshotContext(JobContext* job_context,
712 std::vector<SequenceNumber>* snapshot_seqs,
713 SequenceNumber* earliest_write_conflict_snapshot,
714 SnapshotChecker** snapshot_checker);
716 // Not thread-safe.
717 void SetRecoverableStatePreReleaseCallback(PreReleaseCallback* callback);
719 InstrumentedMutex* mutex() { return &mutex_; }
721 Status NewDB();
723 // This is to be used only by internal rocksdb classes.
724 static Status Open(const DBOptions& db_options, const std::string& name,
725 const std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>& column_families,
726 std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*>* handles, DB** dbptr,
727 const bool seq_per_batch, const bool batch_per_txn);
729 virtual Status Close() override;
731 static Status CreateAndNewDirectory(Env* env, const std::string& dirname,
732 std::unique_ptr<Directory>* directory);
734 // Given a time window, return an iterator for accessing stats history
735 Status GetStatsHistory(
736 uint64_t start_time, uint64_t end_time,
737 std::unique_ptr<StatsHistoryIterator>* stats_iterator) override;
739 // find stats map from stats_history_ with smallest timestamp in
740 // the range of [start_time, end_time)
741 bool FindStatsByTime(uint64_t start_time, uint64_t end_time,
742 uint64_t* new_time,
743 std::map<std::string, uint64_t>* stats_map);
745 protected:
746 Env* const env_;
747 const std::string dbname_;
748 std::unique_ptr<VersionSet> versions_;
749 // Flag to check whether we allocated and own the info log file
750 bool own_info_log_;
751 const DBOptions initial_db_options_;
752 const ImmutableDBOptions immutable_db_options_;
753 MutableDBOptions mutable_db_options_;
754 Statistics* stats_;
755 std::unordered_map<std::string, RecoveredTransaction*>
756 recovered_transactions_;
757 std::unique_ptr<Tracer> tracer_;
758 InstrumentedMutex trace_mutex_;
760 // State below is protected by mutex_
761 // With two_write_queues enabled, some of the variables that accessed during
762 // WriteToWAL need different synchronization: log_empty_, alive_log_files_,
763 // logs_, logfile_number_. Refer to the definition of each variable below for
764 // more description.
765 mutable InstrumentedMutex mutex_;
767 ColumnFamilyHandleImpl* default_cf_handle_;
768 InternalStats* default_cf_internal_stats_;
770 // only used for dynamically adjusting max_total_wal_size. it is a sum of
771 // [write_buffer_size * max_write_buffer_number] over all column families
772 uint64_t max_total_in_memory_state_;
773 // If true, we have only one (default) column family. We use this to optimize
774 // some code-paths
775 bool single_column_family_mode_;
777 // The options to access storage files
778 const EnvOptions env_options_;
780 // Additonal options for compaction and flush
781 EnvOptions env_options_for_compaction_;
783 // Except in DB::Open(), WriteOptionsFile can only be called when:
784 // Persist options to options file.
785 // If need_mutex_lock = false, the method will lock DB mutex.
786 // If need_enter_write_thread = false, the method will enter write thread.
787 Status WriteOptionsFile(bool need_mutex_lock, bool need_enter_write_thread);
789 // The following two functions can only be called when:
790 // 1. WriteThread::Writer::EnterUnbatched() is used.
791 // 2. db_mutex is NOT held
792 Status RenameTempFileToOptionsFile(const std::string& file_name);
793 Status DeleteObsoleteOptionsFiles();
795 void NotifyOnFlushBegin(ColumnFamilyData* cfd, FileMetaData* file_meta,
796 const MutableCFOptions& mutable_cf_options,
797 int job_id, TableProperties prop);
799 void NotifyOnFlushCompleted(ColumnFamilyData* cfd, FileMetaData* file_meta,
800 const MutableCFOptions& mutable_cf_options,
801 int job_id, TableProperties prop);
803 void NotifyOnCompactionBegin(ColumnFamilyData* cfd, Compaction* c,
804 const Status& st,
805 const CompactionJobStats& job_stats, int job_id);
807 void NotifyOnCompactionCompleted(ColumnFamilyData* cfd, Compaction* c,
808 const Status& st,
809 const CompactionJobStats& job_stats,
810 int job_id);
811 void NotifyOnMemTableSealed(ColumnFamilyData* cfd,
812 const MemTableInfo& mem_table_info);
814 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
815 void NotifyOnExternalFileIngested(
816 ColumnFamilyData* cfd, const ExternalSstFileIngestionJob& ingestion_job);
817 #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
819 void NewThreadStatusCfInfo(ColumnFamilyData* cfd) const;
821 void EraseThreadStatusCfInfo(ColumnFamilyData* cfd) const;
823 void EraseThreadStatusDbInfo() const;
825 // If disable_memtable is set the application logic must guarantee that the
826 // batch will still be skipped from memtable during the recovery. An excption
827 // to this is seq_per_batch_ mode, in which since each batch already takes one
828 // seq, it is ok for the batch to write to memtable during recovery as long as
829 // it only takes one sequence number: i.e., no duplicate keys.
830 // In WriteCommitted it is guarnateed since disable_memtable is used for
831 // prepare batch which will be written to memtable later during the commit,
832 // and in WritePrepared it is guaranteed since it will be used only for WAL
833 // markers which will never be written to memtable. If the commit marker is
834 // accompanied with CommitTimeWriteBatch that is not written to memtable as
835 // long as it has no duplicate keys, it does not violate the one-seq-per-batch
836 // policy.
837 // batch_cnt is expected to be non-zero in seq_per_batch mode and
838 // indicates the number of sub-patches. A sub-patch is a subset of the write
839 // batch that does not have duplicate keys.
840 Status WriteImpl(const WriteOptions& options, WriteBatch* updates,
841 WriteCallback* callback = nullptr,
842 uint64_t* log_used = nullptr, uint64_t log_ref = 0,
843 bool disable_memtable = false, uint64_t* seq_used = nullptr,
844 size_t batch_cnt = 0,
845 PreReleaseCallback* pre_release_callback = nullptr);
847 Status PipelinedWriteImpl(const WriteOptions& options, WriteBatch* updates,
848 WriteCallback* callback = nullptr,
849 uint64_t* log_used = nullptr, uint64_t log_ref = 0,
850 bool disable_memtable = false,
851 uint64_t* seq_used = nullptr);
853 // batch_cnt is expected to be non-zero in seq_per_batch mode and indicates
854 // the number of sub-patches. A sub-patch is a subset of the write batch that
855 // does not have duplicate keys.
856 Status WriteImplWALOnly(const WriteOptions& options, WriteBatch* updates,
857 WriteCallback* callback = nullptr,
858 uint64_t* log_used = nullptr, uint64_t log_ref = 0,
859 uint64_t* seq_used = nullptr, size_t batch_cnt = 0,
860 PreReleaseCallback* pre_release_callback = nullptr);
862 // write cached_recoverable_state_ to memtable if it is not empty
863 // The writer must be the leader in write_thread_ and holding mutex_
864 Status WriteRecoverableState();
866 // Actual implementation of Close()
867 Status CloseImpl();
869 // Recover the descriptor from persistent storage. May do a significant
870 // amount of work to recover recently logged updates. Any changes to
871 // be made to the descriptor are added to *edit.
872 virtual Status Recover(
873 const std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>& column_families,
874 bool read_only = false, bool error_if_log_file_exist = false,
875 bool error_if_data_exists_in_logs = false);
877 private:
878 friend class DB;
879 friend class ErrorHandler;
880 friend class InternalStats;
881 friend class PessimisticTransaction;
882 friend class TransactionBaseImpl;
883 friend class WriteCommittedTxn;
884 friend class WritePreparedTxn;
885 friend class WritePreparedTxnDB;
886 friend class WriteBatchWithIndex;
887 friend class WriteUnpreparedTxnDB;
888 friend class WriteUnpreparedTxn;
890 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
891 friend class ForwardIterator;
892 #endif
893 friend struct SuperVersion;
894 friend class CompactedDBImpl;
895 friend class DBTest_ConcurrentFlushWAL_Test;
896 friend class DBTest_MixedSlowdownOptionsStop_Test;
897 friend class DBCompactionTest_CompactBottomLevelFilesWithDeletions_Test;
898 #ifndef NDEBUG
899 friend class DBTest2_ReadCallbackTest_Test;
900 friend class WriteCallbackTest_WriteWithCallbackTest_Test;
901 friend class XFTransactionWriteHandler;
902 friend class DBBlobIndexTest;
903 friend class WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest_RecoveryTest_Test;
904 #endif
905 struct CompactionState;
907 struct WriteContext {
908 SuperVersionContext superversion_context;
909 autovector<MemTable*> memtables_to_free_;
911 explicit WriteContext(bool create_superversion = false)
912 : superversion_context(create_superversion) {}
914 ~WriteContext() {
915 superversion_context.Clean();
916 for (auto& m : memtables_to_free_) {
917 delete m;
918 }
919 }
920 };
922 struct PrepickedCompaction;
923 struct PurgeFileInfo;
925 Status ResumeImpl();
927 void MaybeIgnoreError(Status* s) const;
929 const Status CreateArchivalDirectory();
931 Status CreateColumnFamilyImpl(const ColumnFamilyOptions& cf_options,
932 const std::string& cf_name,
933 ColumnFamilyHandle** handle);
935 Status DropColumnFamilyImpl(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family);
937 // Delete any unneeded files and stale in-memory entries.
938 void DeleteObsoleteFiles();
939 // Delete obsolete files and log status and information of file deletion
940 void DeleteObsoleteFileImpl(int job_id, const std::string& fname,
941 const std::string& path_to_sync, FileType type,
942 uint64_t number);
944 // Background process needs to call
945 // auto x = CaptureCurrentFileNumberInPendingOutputs()
946 // auto file_num = versions_->NewFileNumber();
947 // <do something>
948 // ReleaseFileNumberFromPendingOutputs(x)
949 // This will protect any file with number `file_num` or greater from being
950 // deleted while <do something> is running.
951 // -----------
952 // This function will capture current file number and append it to
953 // pending_outputs_. This will prevent any background process to delete any
954 // file created after this point.
955 std::list<uint64_t>::iterator CaptureCurrentFileNumberInPendingOutputs();
956 // This function should be called with the result of
957 // CaptureCurrentFileNumberInPendingOutputs(). It then marks that any file
958 // created between the calls CaptureCurrentFileNumberInPendingOutputs() and
959 // ReleaseFileNumberFromPendingOutputs() can now be deleted (if it's not live
960 // and blocked by any other pending_outputs_ calls)
961 void ReleaseFileNumberFromPendingOutputs(std::list<uint64_t>::iterator v);
963 Status SyncClosedLogs(JobContext* job_context);
965 // Flush the in-memory write buffer to storage. Switches to a new
966 // log-file/memtable and writes a new descriptor iff successful. Then
967 // installs a new super version for the column family.
968 Status FlushMemTableToOutputFile(
969 ColumnFamilyData* cfd, const MutableCFOptions& mutable_cf_options,
970 bool* madeProgress, JobContext* job_context,
971 SuperVersionContext* superversion_context,
972 std::vector<SequenceNumber>& snapshot_seqs,
973 SequenceNumber earliest_write_conflict_snapshot,
974 SnapshotChecker* snapshot_checker, LogBuffer* log_buffer,
975 Env::Priority thread_pri);
977 // Argument required by background flush thread.
978 struct BGFlushArg {
979 BGFlushArg()
980 : cfd_(nullptr), max_memtable_id_(0), superversion_context_(nullptr) {}
981 BGFlushArg(ColumnFamilyData* cfd, uint64_t max_memtable_id,
982 SuperVersionContext* superversion_context)
983 : cfd_(cfd),
984 max_memtable_id_(max_memtable_id),
985 superversion_context_(superversion_context) {}
987 // Column family to flush.
988 ColumnFamilyData* cfd_;
989 // Maximum ID of memtable to flush. In this column family, memtables with
990 // IDs smaller than this value must be flushed before this flush completes.
991 uint64_t max_memtable_id_;
992 // Pointer to a SuperVersionContext object. After flush completes, RocksDB
993 // installs a new superversion for the column family. This operation
994 // requires a SuperVersionContext object (currently embedded in JobContext).
995 SuperVersionContext* superversion_context_;
996 };
998 // Argument passed to flush thread.
999 struct FlushThreadArg {
1000 DBImpl* db_;
1002 Env::Priority thread_pri_;
1003 };
1005 // Flush the memtables of (multiple) column families to multiple files on
1006 // persistent storage.
1007 Status FlushMemTablesToOutputFiles(
1008 const autovector<BGFlushArg>& bg_flush_args, bool* made_progress,
1009 JobContext* job_context, LogBuffer* log_buffer, Env::Priority thread_pri);
1011 Status AtomicFlushMemTablesToOutputFiles(
1012 const autovector<BGFlushArg>& bg_flush_args, bool* made_progress,
1013 JobContext* job_context, LogBuffer* log_buffer, Env::Priority thread_pri);
1015 // REQUIRES: log_numbers are sorted in ascending order
1016 Status RecoverLogFiles(const std::vector<uint64_t>& log_numbers,
1017 SequenceNumber* next_sequence, bool read_only);
1019 // The following two methods are used to flush a memtable to
1020 // storage. The first one is used at database RecoveryTime (when the
1021 // database is opened) and is heavyweight because it holds the mutex
1022 // for the entire period. The second method WriteLevel0Table supports
1023 // concurrent flush memtables to storage.
1024 Status WriteLevel0TableForRecovery(int job_id, ColumnFamilyData* cfd,
1025 MemTable* mem, VersionEdit* edit);
1027 // Restore alive_log_files_ and total_log_size_ after recovery.
1028 // It needs to run only when there's no flush during recovery
1029 // (e.g. avoid_flush_during_recovery=true). May also trigger flush
1030 // in case total_log_size > max_total_wal_size.
1031 Status RestoreAliveLogFiles(const std::vector<uint64_t>& log_numbers);
1033 // num_bytes: for slowdown case, delay time is calculated based on
1034 // `num_bytes` going through.
1035 Status DelayWrite(uint64_t num_bytes, const WriteOptions& write_options);
1037 Status ThrottleLowPriWritesIfNeeded(const WriteOptions& write_options,
1038 WriteBatch* my_batch);
1040 Status ScheduleFlushes(WriteContext* context);
1042 Status SwitchMemtable(ColumnFamilyData* cfd, WriteContext* context);
1044 void SelectColumnFamiliesForAtomicFlush(autovector<ColumnFamilyData*>* cfds);
1046 // Force current memtable contents to be flushed.
1047 Status FlushMemTable(ColumnFamilyData* cfd, const FlushOptions& options,
1048 FlushReason flush_reason, bool writes_stopped = false);
1050 Status AtomicFlushMemTables(
1051 const autovector<ColumnFamilyData*>& column_family_datas,
1052 const FlushOptions& options, FlushReason flush_reason,
1053 bool writes_stopped = false);
1055 // Wait until flushing this column family won't stall writes
1056 Status WaitUntilFlushWouldNotStallWrites(ColumnFamilyData* cfd,
1057 bool* flush_needed);
1059 // Wait for memtable flushed.
1060 // If flush_memtable_id is non-null, wait until the memtable with the ID
1061 // gets flush. Otherwise, wait until the column family don't have any
1062 // memtable pending flush.
1063 // resuming_from_bg_err indicates whether the caller is attempting to resume
1064 // from background error.
1065 Status WaitForFlushMemTable(ColumnFamilyData* cfd,
1066 const uint64_t* flush_memtable_id = nullptr,
1067 bool resuming_from_bg_err = false) {
1068 return WaitForFlushMemTables({cfd}, {flush_memtable_id},
1069 resuming_from_bg_err);
1070 }
1071 // Wait for memtables to be flushed for multiple column families.
1072 Status WaitForFlushMemTables(
1073 const autovector<ColumnFamilyData*>& cfds,
1074 const autovector<const uint64_t*>& flush_memtable_ids,
1075 bool resuming_from_bg_err);
1077 // REQUIRES: mutex locked and in write thread.
1078 void AssignAtomicFlushSeq(const autovector<ColumnFamilyData*>& cfds);
1080 // REQUIRES: mutex locked
1081 Status SwitchWAL(WriteContext* write_context);
1083 // REQUIRES: mutex locked
1084 Status HandleWriteBufferFull(WriteContext* write_context);
1086 // REQUIRES: mutex locked
1087 Status PreprocessWrite(const WriteOptions& write_options, bool* need_log_sync,
1088 WriteContext* write_context);
1090 WriteBatch* MergeBatch(const WriteThread::WriteGroup& write_group,
1091 WriteBatch* tmp_batch, size_t* write_with_wal,
1092 WriteBatch** to_be_cached_state);
1094 Status WriteToWAL(const WriteBatch& merged_batch, log::Writer* log_writer,
1095 uint64_t* log_used, uint64_t* log_size);
1097 Status WriteToWAL(const WriteThread::WriteGroup& write_group,
1098 log::Writer* log_writer, uint64_t* log_used,
1099 bool need_log_sync, bool need_log_dir_sync,
1100 SequenceNumber sequence);
1102 Status ConcurrentWriteToWAL(const WriteThread::WriteGroup& write_group,
1103 uint64_t* log_used, SequenceNumber* last_sequence,
1104 size_t seq_inc);
1106 // Used by WriteImpl to update bg_error_ if paranoid check is enabled.
1107 void WriteStatusCheck(const Status& status);
1109 // Used by WriteImpl to update bg_error_ in case of memtable insert error.
1110 void MemTableInsertStatusCheck(const Status& memtable_insert_status);
1112 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
1114 Status CompactFilesImpl(const CompactionOptions& compact_options,
1115 ColumnFamilyData* cfd, Version* version,
1116 const std::vector<std::string>& input_file_names,
1117 std::vector<std::string>* const output_file_names,
1118 const int output_level, int output_path_id,
1119 JobContext* job_context, LogBuffer* log_buffer,
1120 CompactionJobInfo* compaction_job_info);
1122 // Wait for current IngestExternalFile() calls to finish.
1123 // REQUIRES: mutex_ held
1124 void WaitForIngestFile();
1126 #else
1127 // IngestExternalFile is not supported in ROCKSDB_LITE so this function
1128 // will be no-op
1129 void WaitForIngestFile() {}
1130 #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
1132 ColumnFamilyData* GetColumnFamilyDataByName(const std::string& cf_name);
1134 void MaybeScheduleFlushOrCompaction();
1136 // A flush request specifies the column families to flush as well as the
1137 // largest memtable id to persist for each column family. Once all the
1138 // memtables whose IDs are smaller than or equal to this per-column-family
1139 // specified value, this flush request is considered to have completed its
1140 // work of flushing this column family. After completing the work for all
1141 // column families in this request, this flush is considered complete.
1142 typedef std::vector<std::pair<ColumnFamilyData*, uint64_t>> FlushRequest;
1144 void GenerateFlushRequest(const autovector<ColumnFamilyData*>& cfds,
1145 FlushRequest* req);
1147 void SchedulePendingFlush(const FlushRequest& req, FlushReason flush_reason);
1149 void SchedulePendingCompaction(ColumnFamilyData* cfd);
1150 void SchedulePendingPurge(std::string fname, std::string dir_to_sync,
1151 FileType type, uint64_t number, int job_id);
1152 static void BGWorkCompaction(void* arg);
1153 // Runs a pre-chosen universal compaction involving bottom level in a
1154 // separate, bottom-pri thread pool.
1155 static void BGWorkBottomCompaction(void* arg);
1156 static void BGWorkFlush(void* arg);
1157 static void BGWorkPurge(void* arg);
1158 static void UnscheduleCompactionCallback(void* arg);
1159 static void UnscheduleFlushCallback(void* arg);
1160 void BackgroundCallCompaction(PrepickedCompaction* prepicked_compaction,
1161 Env::Priority thread_pri);
1162 void BackgroundCallFlush(Env::Priority thread_pri);
1163 void BackgroundCallPurge();
1164 Status BackgroundCompaction(bool* madeProgress, JobContext* job_context,
1165 LogBuffer* log_buffer,
1166 PrepickedCompaction* prepicked_compaction,
1167 Env::Priority thread_pri);
1168 Status BackgroundFlush(bool* madeProgress, JobContext* job_context,
1169 LogBuffer* log_buffer, FlushReason* reason,
1170 Env::Priority thread_pri);
1172 bool EnoughRoomForCompaction(ColumnFamilyData* cfd,
1173 const std::vector<CompactionInputFiles>& inputs,
1174 bool* sfm_bookkeeping, LogBuffer* log_buffer);
1176 // Request compaction tasks token from compaction thread limiter.
1177 // It always succeeds if force = true or limiter is disable.
1178 bool RequestCompactionToken(ColumnFamilyData* cfd, bool force,
1179 std::unique_ptr<TaskLimiterToken>* token,
1180 LogBuffer* log_buffer);
1182 // Schedule background tasks
1183 void StartTimedTasks();
1185 void PrintStatistics();
1187 size_t EstiamteStatsHistorySize() const;
1189 // persist stats to column family "_persistent_stats"
1190 void PersistStats();
1192 // dump rocksdb.stats to LOG
1193 void DumpStats();
1195 // Return the minimum empty level that could hold the total data in the
1196 // input level. Return the input level, if such level could not be found.
1197 int FindMinimumEmptyLevelFitting(ColumnFamilyData* cfd,
1198 const MutableCFOptions& mutable_cf_options,
1199 int level);
1201 // Move the files in the input level to the target level.
1202 // If target_level < 0, automatically calculate the minimum level that could
1203 // hold the data set.
1204 Status ReFitLevel(ColumnFamilyData* cfd, int level, int target_level = -1);
1206 // helper functions for adding and removing from flush & compaction queues
1207 void AddToCompactionQueue(ColumnFamilyData* cfd);
1208 ColumnFamilyData* PopFirstFromCompactionQueue();
1209 FlushRequest PopFirstFromFlushQueue();
1211 // Pick the first unthrottled compaction with task token from queue.
1212 ColumnFamilyData* PickCompactionFromQueue(
1213 std::unique_ptr<TaskLimiterToken>* token, LogBuffer* log_buffer);
1215 // helper function to call after some of the logs_ were synced
1216 void MarkLogsSynced(uint64_t up_to, bool synced_dir, const Status& status);
1218 SnapshotImpl* GetSnapshotImpl(bool is_write_conflict_boundary,
1219 bool lock = true);
1221 uint64_t GetMaxTotalWalSize() const;
1223 Directory* GetDataDir(ColumnFamilyData* cfd, size_t path_id) const;
1225 Status CloseHelper();
1227 void WaitForBackgroundWork();
1229 // table_cache_ provides its own synchronization
1230 std::shared_ptr<Cache> table_cache_;
1232 // Lock over the persistent DB state. Non-nullptr iff successfully acquired.
1233 FileLock* db_lock_;
1235 // In addition to mutex_, log_write_mutex_ protected writes to stats_history_
1236 InstrumentedMutex stats_history_mutex_;
1237 // In addition to mutex_, log_write_mutex_ protected writes to logs_ and
1238 // logfile_number_. With two_write_queues it also protects alive_log_files_,
1239 // and log_empty_. Refer to the definition of each variable below for more
1240 // details.
1241 InstrumentedMutex log_write_mutex_;
1243 std::atomic<bool> shutting_down_;
1244 // This condition variable is signaled on these conditions:
1245 // * whenever bg_compaction_scheduled_ goes down to 0
1246 // * if AnyManualCompaction, whenever a compaction finishes, even if it hasn't
1247 // made any progress
1248 // * whenever a compaction made any progress
1249 // * whenever bg_flush_scheduled_ or bg_purge_scheduled_ value decreases
1250 // (i.e. whenever a flush is done, even if it didn't make any progress)
1251 // * whenever there is an error in background purge, flush or compaction
1252 // * whenever num_running_ingest_file_ goes to 0.
1253 // * whenever pending_purge_obsolete_files_ goes to 0.
1254 // * whenever disable_delete_obsolete_files_ goes to 0.
1255 // * whenever SetOptions successfully updates options.
1256 // * whenever a column family is dropped.
1257 InstrumentedCondVar bg_cv_;
1258 // Writes are protected by locking both mutex_ and log_write_mutex_, and reads
1259 // must be under either mutex_ or log_write_mutex_. Since after ::Open,
1260 // logfile_number_ is currently updated only in write_thread_, it can be read
1261 // from the same write_thread_ without any locks.
1262 uint64_t logfile_number_;
1263 std::deque<uint64_t>
1264 log_recycle_files_; // a list of log files that we can recycle
1265 bool log_dir_synced_;
1266 // Without two_write_queues, read and writes to log_empty_ are protected by
1267 // mutex_. Since it is currently updated/read only in write_thread_, it can be
1268 // accessed from the same write_thread_ without any locks. With
1269 // two_write_queues writes, where it can be updated in different threads,
1270 // read and writes are protected by log_write_mutex_ instead. This is to avoid
1271 // expesnive mutex_ lock during WAL write, which update log_empty_.
1272 bool log_empty_;
1274 std::unique_ptr<ColumnFamilyMemTablesImpl> column_family_memtables_;
1275 struct LogFileNumberSize {
1276 explicit LogFileNumberSize(uint64_t _number) : number(_number) {}
1277 void AddSize(uint64_t new_size) { size += new_size; }
1278 uint64_t number;
1279 uint64_t size = 0;
1280 bool getting_flushed = false;
1281 };
1282 struct LogWriterNumber {
1283 // pass ownership of _writer
1284 LogWriterNumber(uint64_t _number, log::Writer* _writer)
1285 : number(_number), writer(_writer) {}
1287 log::Writer* ReleaseWriter() {
1288 auto* w = writer;
1289 writer = nullptr;
1290 return w;
1291 }
1292 Status ClearWriter() {
1293 Status s = writer->WriteBuffer();
1294 delete writer;
1295 writer = nullptr;
1296 return s;
1297 }
1299 uint64_t number;
1300 // Visual Studio doesn't support deque's member to be noncopyable because
1301 // of a std::unique_ptr as a member.
1302 log::Writer* writer; // own
1303 // true for some prefix of logs_
1304 bool getting_synced = false;
1305 };
1306 // Without two_write_queues, read and writes to alive_log_files_ are
1307 // protected by mutex_. However since back() is never popped, and push_back()
1308 // is done only from write_thread_, the same thread can access the item
1309 // reffered by back() without mutex_. With two_write_queues_, writes
1310 // are protected by locking both mutex_ and log_write_mutex_, and reads must
1311 // be under either mutex_ or log_write_mutex_.
1312 std::deque<LogFileNumberSize> alive_log_files_;
1313 // Log files that aren't fully synced, and the current log file.
1314 // Synchronization:
1315 // - push_back() is done from write_thread_ with locked mutex_ and
1316 // log_write_mutex_
1317 // - pop_front() is done from any thread with locked mutex_ and
1318 // log_write_mutex_
1319 // - reads are done with either locked mutex_ or log_write_mutex_
1320 // - back() and items with getting_synced=true are not popped,
1321 // - The same thread that sets getting_synced=true will reset it.
1322 // - it follows that the object referred by back() can be safely read from
1323 // the write_thread_ without using mutex
1324 // - it follows that the items with getting_synced=true can be safely read
1325 // from the same thread that has set getting_synced=true
1326 std::deque<LogWriterNumber> logs_;
1327 // Signaled when getting_synced becomes false for some of the logs_.
1328 InstrumentedCondVar log_sync_cv_;
1329 // This is the app-level state that is written to the WAL but will be used
1330 // only during recovery. Using this feature enables not writing the state to
1331 // memtable on normal writes and hence improving the throughput. Each new
1332 // write of the state will replace the previous state entirely even if the
1333 // keys in the two consecuitive states do not overlap.
1334 // It is protected by log_write_mutex_ when two_write_queues_ is enabled.
1335 // Otherwise only the heaad of write_thread_ can access it.
1336 WriteBatch cached_recoverable_state_;
1337 std::atomic<bool> cached_recoverable_state_empty_ = {true};
1338 std::atomic<uint64_t> total_log_size_;
1340 // If this is non-empty, we need to delete these log files in background
1341 // threads. Protected by db mutex.
1342 autovector<log::Writer*> logs_to_free_;
1344 bool is_snapshot_supported_;
1346 std::map<uint64_t, std::map<std::string, uint64_t>> stats_history_;
1348 std::map<std::string, uint64_t> stats_slice_;
1350 bool stats_slice_initialized_ = false;
1352 // Class to maintain directories for all database paths other than main one.
1353 class Directories {
1354 public:
1355 Status SetDirectories(Env* env, const std::string& dbname,
1356 const std::string& wal_dir,
1357 const std::vector<DbPath>& data_paths);
1359 Directory* GetDataDir(size_t path_id) const;
1361 Directory* GetWalDir() {
1362 if (wal_dir_) {
1363 return wal_dir_.get();
1364 }
1365 return db_dir_.get();
1366 }
1368 Directory* GetDbDir() { return db_dir_.get(); }
1370 private:
1371 std::unique_ptr<Directory> db_dir_;
1372 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Directory>> data_dirs_;
1373 std::unique_ptr<Directory> wal_dir_;
1374 };
1376 Directories directories_;
1378 WriteBufferManager* write_buffer_manager_;
1380 WriteThread write_thread_;
1381 WriteBatch tmp_batch_;
1382 // The write thread when the writers have no memtable write. This will be used
1383 // in 2PC to batch the prepares separately from the serial commit.
1384 WriteThread nonmem_write_thread_;
1386 WriteController write_controller_;
1388 std::unique_ptr<RateLimiter> low_pri_write_rate_limiter_;
1390 // Size of the last batch group. In slowdown mode, next write needs to
1391 // sleep if it uses up the quota.
1392 // Note: This is to protect memtable and compaction. If the batch only writes
1393 // to the WAL its size need not to be included in this.
1394 uint64_t last_batch_group_size_;
1396 FlushScheduler flush_scheduler_;
1398 SnapshotList snapshots_;
1400 // For each background job, pending_outputs_ keeps the current file number at
1401 // the time that background job started.
1402 // FindObsoleteFiles()/PurgeObsoleteFiles() never deletes any file that has
1403 // number bigger than any of the file number in pending_outputs_. Since file
1404 // numbers grow monotonically, this also means that pending_outputs_ is always
1405 // sorted. After a background job is done executing, its file number is
1406 // deleted from pending_outputs_, which allows PurgeObsoleteFiles() to clean
1407 // it up.
1408 // State is protected with db mutex.
1409 std::list<uint64_t> pending_outputs_;
1411 // PurgeFileInfo is a structure to hold information of files to be deleted in
1412 // purge_queue_
1413 struct PurgeFileInfo {
1414 std::string fname;
1415 std::string dir_to_sync;
1416 FileType type;
1417 uint64_t number;
1418 int job_id;
1419 PurgeFileInfo(std::string fn, std::string d, FileType t, uint64_t num,
1420 int jid)
1421 : fname(fn), dir_to_sync(d), type(t), number(num), job_id(jid) {}
1422 };
1424 // flush_queue_ and compaction_queue_ hold column families that we need to
1425 // flush and compact, respectively.
1426 // A column family is inserted into flush_queue_ when it satisfies condition
1427 // cfd->imm()->IsFlushPending()
1428 // A column family is inserted into compaction_queue_ when it satisfied
1429 // condition cfd->NeedsCompaction()
1430 // Column families in this list are all Ref()-erenced
1431 // TODO(icanadi) Provide some kind of ReferencedColumnFamily class that will
1432 // do RAII on ColumnFamilyData
1433 // Column families are in this queue when they need to be flushed or
1434 // compacted. Consumers of these queues are flush and compaction threads. When
1435 // column family is put on this queue, we increase unscheduled_flushes_ and
1436 // unscheduled_compactions_. When these variables are bigger than zero, that
1437 // means we need to schedule background threads for flush and compaction.
1438 // Once the background threads are scheduled, we decrease unscheduled_flushes_
1439 // and unscheduled_compactions_. That way we keep track of number of
1440 // compaction and flush threads we need to schedule. This scheduling is done
1441 // in MaybeScheduleFlushOrCompaction()
1442 // invariant(column family present in flush_queue_ <==>
1443 // ColumnFamilyData::pending_flush_ == true)
1444 std::deque<FlushRequest> flush_queue_;
1445 // invariant(column family present in compaction_queue_ <==>
1446 // ColumnFamilyData::pending_compaction_ == true)
1447 std::deque<ColumnFamilyData*> compaction_queue_;
1449 // A queue to store filenames of the files to be purged
1450 std::deque<PurgeFileInfo> purge_queue_;
1452 // A vector to store the file numbers that have been assigned to certain
1453 // JobContext. Current implementation tracks ssts only.
1454 std::vector<uint64_t> files_grabbed_for_purge_;
1456 // A queue to store log writers to close
1457 std::deque<log::Writer*> logs_to_free_queue_;
1458 int unscheduled_flushes_;
1459 int unscheduled_compactions_;
1461 // count how many background compactions are running or have been scheduled in
1462 // the BOTTOM pool
1463 int bg_bottom_compaction_scheduled_;
1465 // count how many background compactions are running or have been scheduled
1466 int bg_compaction_scheduled_;
1468 // stores the number of compactions are currently running
1469 int num_running_compactions_;
1471 // number of background memtable flush jobs, submitted to the HIGH pool
1472 int bg_flush_scheduled_;
1474 // stores the number of flushes are currently running
1475 int num_running_flushes_;
1477 // number of background obsolete file purge jobs, submitted to the HIGH pool
1478 int bg_purge_scheduled_;
1480 // Information for a manual compaction
1481 struct ManualCompactionState {
1482 ColumnFamilyData* cfd;
1483 int input_level;
1484 int output_level;
1485 uint32_t output_path_id;
1486 Status status;
1487 bool done;
1488 bool in_progress; // compaction request being processed?
1489 bool incomplete; // only part of requested range compacted
1490 bool exclusive; // current behavior of only one manual
1491 bool disallow_trivial_move; // Force actual compaction to run
1492 const InternalKey* begin; // nullptr means beginning of key range
1493 const InternalKey* end; // nullptr means end of key range
1494 InternalKey* manual_end; // how far we are compacting
1495 InternalKey tmp_storage; // Used to keep track of compaction progress
1496 InternalKey tmp_storage1; // Used to keep track of compaction progress
1497 };
1498 struct PrepickedCompaction {
1499 // background compaction takes ownership of `compaction`.
1500 Compaction* compaction;
1501 // caller retains ownership of `manual_compaction_state` as it is reused
1502 // across background compactions.
1503 ManualCompactionState* manual_compaction_state; // nullptr if non-manual
1504 // task limiter token is requested during compaction picking.
1505 std::unique_ptr<TaskLimiterToken> task_token;
1506 };
1507 std::deque<ManualCompactionState*> manual_compaction_dequeue_;
1509 struct CompactionArg {
1510 // caller retains ownership of `db`.
1511 DBImpl* db;
1512 // background compaction takes ownership of `prepicked_compaction`.
1513 PrepickedCompaction* prepicked_compaction;
1514 };
1516 // shall we disable deletion of obsolete files
1517 // if 0 the deletion is enabled.
1518 // if non-zero, files will not be getting deleted
1519 // This enables two different threads to call
1520 // EnableFileDeletions() and DisableFileDeletions()
1521 // without any synchronization
1522 int disable_delete_obsolete_files_;
1524 // Number of times FindObsoleteFiles has found deletable files and the
1525 // corresponding call to PurgeObsoleteFiles has not yet finished.
1526 int pending_purge_obsolete_files_;
1528 // last time when DeleteObsoleteFiles with full scan was executed. Originaly
1529 // initialized with startup time.
1530 uint64_t delete_obsolete_files_last_run_;
1532 // last time stats were dumped to LOG
1533 std::atomic<uint64_t> last_stats_dump_time_microsec_;
1535 // Each flush or compaction gets its own job id. this counter makes sure
1536 // they're unique
1537 std::atomic<int> next_job_id_;
1539 // A flag indicating whether the current rocksdb database has any
1540 // data that is not yet persisted into either WAL or SST file.
1541 // Used when disableWAL is true.
1542 std::atomic<bool> has_unpersisted_data_;
1544 // if an attempt was made to flush all column families that
1545 // the oldest log depends on but uncommitted data in the oldest
1546 // log prevents the log from being released.
1547 // We must attempt to free the dependent memtables again
1548 // at a later time after the transaction in the oldest
1549 // log is fully commited.
1550 bool unable_to_release_oldest_log_;
1552 static const int KEEP_LOG_FILE_NUM = 1000;
1553 // MSVC version 1800 still does not have constexpr for ::max()
1554 static const uint64_t kNoTimeOut = port::kMaxUint64;
1556 std::string db_absolute_path_;
1558 // Number of running IngestExternalFile() calls.
1559 // REQUIRES: mutex held
1560 int num_running_ingest_file_;
1562 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
1563 WalManager wal_manager_;
1564 #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
1566 // Unified interface for logging events
1567 EventLogger event_logger_;
1569 // A value of > 0 temporarily disables scheduling of background work
1570 int bg_work_paused_;
1572 // A value of > 0 temporarily disables scheduling of background compaction
1573 int bg_compaction_paused_;
1575 // Guard against multiple concurrent refitting
1576 bool refitting_level_;
1578 // Indicate DB was opened successfully
1579 bool opened_successfully_;
1581 // The min threshold to triggere bottommost compaction for removing
1582 // garbages, among all column families.
1583 SequenceNumber bottommost_files_mark_threshold_ = kMaxSequenceNumber;
1585 LogsWithPrepTracker logs_with_prep_tracker_;
1587 // Callback for compaction to check if a key is visible to a snapshot.
1588 // REQUIRES: mutex held
1589 std::unique_ptr<SnapshotChecker> snapshot_checker_;
1591 // Callback for when the cached_recoverable_state_ is written to memtable
1592 // Only to be set during initialization
1593 std::unique_ptr<PreReleaseCallback> recoverable_state_pre_release_callback_;
1595 // handle for scheduling stats dumping at fixed intervals
1596 // REQUIRES: mutex locked
1597 std::unique_ptr<rocksdb::RepeatableThread> thread_dump_stats_;
1599 // handle for scheduling stats snapshoting at fixed intervals
1600 // REQUIRES: mutex locked
1601 std::unique_ptr<rocksdb::RepeatableThread> thread_persist_stats_;
1603 // No copying allowed
1604 DBImpl(const DBImpl&);
1605 void operator=(const DBImpl&);
1607 // Background threads call this function, which is just a wrapper around
1608 // the InstallSuperVersion() function. Background threads carry
1609 // sv_context which can have new_superversion already
1610 // allocated.
1611 // All ColumnFamily state changes go through this function. Here we analyze
1612 // the new state and we schedule background work if we detect that the new
1613 // state needs flush or compaction.
1614 void InstallSuperVersionAndScheduleWork(
1615 ColumnFamilyData* cfd, SuperVersionContext* sv_context,
1616 const MutableCFOptions& mutable_cf_options);
1618 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
1619 using DB::GetPropertiesOfAllTables;
1620 virtual Status GetPropertiesOfAllTables(
1621 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
1622 TablePropertiesCollection* props) override;
1623 virtual Status GetPropertiesOfTablesInRange(
1624 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Range* range, std::size_t n,
1625 TablePropertiesCollection* props) override;
1627 #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
1629 bool GetIntPropertyInternal(ColumnFamilyData* cfd,
1630 const DBPropertyInfo& property_info,
1631 bool is_locked, uint64_t* value);
1632 bool GetPropertyHandleOptionsStatistics(std::string* value);
1634 bool HasPendingManualCompaction();
1635 bool HasExclusiveManualCompaction();
1636 void AddManualCompaction(ManualCompactionState* m);
1637 void RemoveManualCompaction(ManualCompactionState* m);
1638 bool ShouldntRunManualCompaction(ManualCompactionState* m);
1639 bool HaveManualCompaction(ColumnFamilyData* cfd);
1640 bool MCOverlap(ManualCompactionState* m, ManualCompactionState* m1);
1641 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
1642 void BuildCompactionJobInfo(const ColumnFamilyData* cfd, Compaction* c,
1643 const Status& st,
1644 const CompactionJobStats& compaction_job_stats,
1645 const int job_id, const Version* current,
1646 CompactionJobInfo* compaction_job_info) const;
1647 // Reserve the next 'num' file numbers for to-be-ingested external SST files,
1648 // and return the current file_number in 'next_file_number'.
1649 // Write a version edit to the MANIFEST.
1650 Status ReserveFileNumbersBeforeIngestion(
1651 ColumnFamilyData* cfd, uint64_t num,
1652 std::list<uint64_t>::iterator* pending_output_elem,
1653 uint64_t* next_file_number);
1654 #endif //! ROCKSDB_LITE
1656 bool ShouldPurge(uint64_t file_number) const;
1657 void MarkAsGrabbedForPurge(uint64_t file_number);
1659 size_t GetWalPreallocateBlockSize(uint64_t write_buffer_size) const;
1660 Env::WriteLifeTimeHint CalculateWALWriteHint() { return Env::WLTH_SHORT; }
1662 // When set, we use a separate queue for writes that dont write to memtable.
1663 // In 2PC these are the writes at Prepare phase.
1664 const bool two_write_queues_;
1665 const bool manual_wal_flush_;
1666 // Increase the sequence number after writing each batch, whether memtable is
1667 // disabled for that or not. Otherwise the sequence number is increased after
1668 // writing each key into memtable. This implies that when disable_memtable is
1669 // set, the seq is not increased at all.
1670 //
1671 // Default: false
1672 const bool seq_per_batch_;
1673 // This determines during recovery whether we expect one writebatch per
1674 // recovered transaction, or potentially multiple writebatches per
1675 // transaction. For WriteUnprepared, this is set to false, since multiple
1676 // batches can exist per transaction.
1677 //
1678 // Default: true
1679 const bool batch_per_txn_;
1680 // LastSequence also indicates last published sequence visibile to the
1681 // readers. Otherwise LastPublishedSequence should be used.
1682 const bool last_seq_same_as_publish_seq_;
1683 // It indicates that a customized gc algorithm must be used for
1684 // flush/compaction and if it is not provided vis SnapshotChecker, we should
1685 // disable gc to be safe.
1686 const bool use_custom_gc_;
1687 // Flag to indicate that the DB instance shutdown has been initiated. This
1688 // different from shutting_down_ atomic in that it is set at the beginning
1689 // of shutdown sequence, specifically in order to prevent any background
1690 // error recovery from going on in parallel. The latter, shutting_down_,
1691 // is set a little later during the shutdown after scheduling memtable
1692 // flushes
1693 std::atomic<bool> shutdown_initiated_;
1694 // Flag to indicate whether sst_file_manager object was allocated in
1695 // DB::Open() or passed to us
1696 bool own_sfm_;
1698 // Clients must periodically call SetPreserveDeletesSequenceNumber()
1699 // to advance this seqnum. Default value is 0 which means ALL deletes are
1700 // preserved. Note that this has no effect if DBOptions.preserve_deletes
1701 // is set to false.
1702 std::atomic<SequenceNumber> preserve_deletes_seqnum_;
1703 const bool preserve_deletes_;
1705 // Flag to check whether Close() has been called on this DB
1706 bool closed_;
1708 ErrorHandler error_handler_;
1710 // Conditional variable to coordinate installation of atomic flush results.
1711 // With atomic flush, each bg thread installs the result of flushing multiple
1712 // column families, and different threads can flush different column
1713 // families. It's difficult to rely on one thread to perform batch
1714 // installation for all threads. This is different from the non-atomic flush
1715 // case.
1716 // atomic_flush_install_cv_ makes sure that threads install atomic flush
1717 // results sequentially. Flush results of memtables with lower IDs get
1718 // installed to MANIFEST first.
1719 InstrumentedCondVar atomic_flush_install_cv_;
1720 };
1722 extern Options SanitizeOptions(const std::string& db, const Options& src);
1724 extern DBOptions SanitizeOptions(const std::string& db, const DBOptions& src);
1726 extern CompressionType GetCompressionFlush(
1727 const ImmutableCFOptions& ioptions,
1728 const MutableCFOptions& mutable_cf_options);
1730 // Return the earliest log file to keep after the memtable flush is
1731 // finalized.
1732 // `cfd_to_flush` is the column family whose memtable (specified in
1733 // `memtables_to_flush`) will be flushed and thus will not depend on any WAL
1734 // file.
1735 // The function is only applicable to 2pc mode.
1736 extern uint64_t PrecomputeMinLogNumberToKeep(
1737 VersionSet* vset, const ColumnFamilyData& cfd_to_flush,
1738 autovector<VersionEdit*> edit_list,
1739 const autovector<MemTable*>& memtables_to_flush,
1740 LogsWithPrepTracker* prep_tracker);
1742 // `cfd_to_flush` is the column family whose memtable will be flushed and thus
1743 // will not depend on any WAL file. nullptr means no memtable is being flushed.
1744 // The function is only applicable to 2pc mode.
1745 extern uint64_t FindMinPrepLogReferencedByMemTable(
1746 VersionSet* vset, const ColumnFamilyData* cfd_to_flush,
1747 const autovector<MemTable*>& memtables_to_flush);
1749 // Fix user-supplied options to be reasonable
1750 template <class T, class V>
1751 static void ClipToRange(T* ptr, V minvalue, V maxvalue) {
1752 if (static_cast<V>(*ptr) > maxvalue) *ptr = maxvalue;
1753 if (static_cast<V>(*ptr) < minvalue) *ptr = minvalue;
1754 }
1756 } // namespace rocksdb