]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/db/flush_job.cc
import quincy beta 17.1.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / db / flush_job.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
5 //
6 // Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
8 // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
10 #include "db/flush_job.h"
12 #include <cinttypes>
14 #include <algorithm>
15 #include <vector>
17 #include "db/builder.h"
18 #include "db/db_iter.h"
19 #include "db/dbformat.h"
20 #include "db/event_helpers.h"
21 #include "db/log_reader.h"
22 #include "db/log_writer.h"
23 #include "db/memtable.h"
24 #include "db/memtable_list.h"
25 #include "db/merge_context.h"
26 #include "db/range_tombstone_fragmenter.h"
27 #include "db/version_set.h"
28 #include "file/file_util.h"
29 #include "file/filename.h"
30 #include "logging/event_logger.h"
31 #include "logging/log_buffer.h"
32 #include "logging/logging.h"
33 #include "monitoring/iostats_context_imp.h"
34 #include "monitoring/perf_context_imp.h"
35 #include "monitoring/thread_status_util.h"
36 #include "port/port.h"
37 #include "rocksdb/db.h"
38 #include "rocksdb/env.h"
39 #include "rocksdb/statistics.h"
40 #include "rocksdb/status.h"
41 #include "rocksdb/table.h"
42 #include "table/merging_iterator.h"
43 #include "table/table_builder.h"
44 #include "table/two_level_iterator.h"
45 #include "test_util/sync_point.h"
46 #include "util/coding.h"
47 #include "util/mutexlock.h"
48 #include "util/stop_watch.h"
50 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
52 const char* GetFlushReasonString (FlushReason flush_reason) {
53 switch (flush_reason) {
54 case FlushReason::kOthers:
55 return "Other Reasons";
56 case FlushReason::kGetLiveFiles:
57 return "Get Live Files";
58 case FlushReason::kShutDown:
59 return "Shut down";
60 case FlushReason::kExternalFileIngestion:
61 return "External File Ingestion";
62 case FlushReason::kManualCompaction:
63 return "Manual Compaction";
64 case FlushReason::kWriteBufferManager:
65 return "Write Buffer Manager";
66 case FlushReason::kWriteBufferFull:
67 return "Write Buffer Full";
68 case FlushReason::kTest:
69 return "Test";
70 case FlushReason::kDeleteFiles:
71 return "Delete Files";
72 case FlushReason::kAutoCompaction:
73 return "Auto Compaction";
74 case FlushReason::kManualFlush:
75 return "Manual Flush";
76 case FlushReason::kErrorRecovery:
77 return "Error Recovery";
78 default:
79 return "Invalid";
80 }
81 }
83 FlushJob::FlushJob(
84 const std::string& dbname, ColumnFamilyData* cfd,
85 const ImmutableDBOptions& db_options,
86 const MutableCFOptions& mutable_cf_options, const uint64_t* max_memtable_id,
87 const FileOptions& file_options, VersionSet* versions,
88 InstrumentedMutex* db_mutex, std::atomic<bool>* shutting_down,
89 std::vector<SequenceNumber> existing_snapshots,
90 SequenceNumber earliest_write_conflict_snapshot,
91 SnapshotChecker* snapshot_checker, JobContext* job_context,
92 LogBuffer* log_buffer, FSDirectory* db_directory,
93 FSDirectory* output_file_directory, CompressionType output_compression,
94 Statistics* stats, EventLogger* event_logger, bool measure_io_stats,
95 const bool sync_output_directory, const bool write_manifest,
96 Env::Priority thread_pri, const std::shared_ptr<IOTracer>& io_tracer,
97 const std::string& db_id, const std::string& db_session_id,
98 std::string full_history_ts_low)
99 : dbname_(dbname),
100 db_id_(db_id),
101 db_session_id_(db_session_id),
102 cfd_(cfd),
103 db_options_(db_options),
104 mutable_cf_options_(mutable_cf_options),
105 max_memtable_id_(max_memtable_id),
106 file_options_(file_options),
107 versions_(versions),
108 db_mutex_(db_mutex),
109 shutting_down_(shutting_down),
110 existing_snapshots_(std::move(existing_snapshots)),
111 earliest_write_conflict_snapshot_(earliest_write_conflict_snapshot),
112 snapshot_checker_(snapshot_checker),
113 job_context_(job_context),
114 log_buffer_(log_buffer),
115 db_directory_(db_directory),
116 output_file_directory_(output_file_directory),
117 output_compression_(output_compression),
118 stats_(stats),
119 event_logger_(event_logger),
120 measure_io_stats_(measure_io_stats),
121 sync_output_directory_(sync_output_directory),
122 write_manifest_(write_manifest),
123 edit_(nullptr),
124 base_(nullptr),
125 pick_memtable_called(false),
126 thread_pri_(thread_pri),
127 io_tracer_(io_tracer),
128 full_history_ts_low_(std::move(full_history_ts_low)) {
129 // Update the thread status to indicate flush.
130 ReportStartedFlush();
131 TEST_SYNC_POINT("FlushJob::FlushJob()");
132 }
134 FlushJob::~FlushJob() {
135 io_status_.PermitUncheckedError();
136 ThreadStatusUtil::ResetThreadStatus();
137 }
139 void FlushJob::ReportStartedFlush() {
140 ThreadStatusUtil::SetColumnFamily(cfd_, cfd_->ioptions()->env,
141 db_options_.enable_thread_tracking);
142 ThreadStatusUtil::SetThreadOperation(ThreadStatus::OP_FLUSH);
143 ThreadStatusUtil::SetThreadOperationProperty(
144 ThreadStatus::COMPACTION_JOB_ID,
145 job_context_->job_id);
146 IOSTATS_RESET(bytes_written);
147 }
149 void FlushJob::ReportFlushInputSize(const autovector<MemTable*>& mems) {
150 uint64_t input_size = 0;
151 for (auto* mem : mems) {
152 input_size += mem->ApproximateMemoryUsage();
153 }
154 ThreadStatusUtil::IncreaseThreadOperationProperty(
156 input_size);
157 }
159 void FlushJob::RecordFlushIOStats() {
160 RecordTick(stats_, FLUSH_WRITE_BYTES, IOSTATS(bytes_written));
161 ThreadStatusUtil::IncreaseThreadOperationProperty(
162 ThreadStatus::FLUSH_BYTES_WRITTEN, IOSTATS(bytes_written));
163 IOSTATS_RESET(bytes_written);
164 }
166 void FlushJob::PickMemTable() {
167 db_mutex_->AssertHeld();
168 assert(!pick_memtable_called);
169 pick_memtable_called = true;
170 // Save the contents of the earliest memtable as a new Table
171 cfd_->imm()->PickMemtablesToFlush(max_memtable_id_, &mems_);
172 if (mems_.empty()) {
173 return;
174 }
176 ReportFlushInputSize(mems_);
178 // entries mems are (implicitly) sorted in ascending order by their created
179 // time. We will use the first memtable's `edit` to keep the meta info for
180 // this flush.
181 MemTable* m = mems_[0];
182 edit_ = m->GetEdits();
183 edit_->SetPrevLogNumber(0);
184 // SetLogNumber(log_num) indicates logs with number smaller than log_num
185 // will no longer be picked up for recovery.
186 edit_->SetLogNumber(mems_.back()->GetNextLogNumber());
187 edit_->SetColumnFamily(cfd_->GetID());
189 // path 0 for level 0 file.
190 meta_.fd = FileDescriptor(versions_->NewFileNumber(), 0, 0);
192 base_ = cfd_->current();
193 base_->Ref(); // it is likely that we do not need this reference
194 }
196 Status FlushJob::Run(LogsWithPrepTracker* prep_tracker,
197 FileMetaData* file_meta) {
198 TEST_SYNC_POINT("FlushJob::Start");
199 db_mutex_->AssertHeld();
200 assert(pick_memtable_called);
201 AutoThreadOperationStageUpdater stage_run(
202 ThreadStatus::STAGE_FLUSH_RUN);
203 if (mems_.empty()) {
204 ROCKS_LOG_BUFFER(log_buffer_, "[%s] Nothing in memtable to flush",
205 cfd_->GetName().c_str());
206 return Status::OK();
207 }
209 // I/O measurement variables
210 PerfLevel prev_perf_level = PerfLevel::kEnableTime;
211 uint64_t prev_write_nanos = 0;
212 uint64_t prev_fsync_nanos = 0;
213 uint64_t prev_range_sync_nanos = 0;
214 uint64_t prev_prepare_write_nanos = 0;
215 uint64_t prev_cpu_write_nanos = 0;
216 uint64_t prev_cpu_read_nanos = 0;
217 if (measure_io_stats_) {
218 prev_perf_level = GetPerfLevel();
219 SetPerfLevel(PerfLevel::kEnableTime);
220 prev_write_nanos = IOSTATS(write_nanos);
221 prev_fsync_nanos = IOSTATS(fsync_nanos);
222 prev_range_sync_nanos = IOSTATS(range_sync_nanos);
223 prev_prepare_write_nanos = IOSTATS(prepare_write_nanos);
224 prev_cpu_write_nanos = IOSTATS(cpu_write_nanos);
225 prev_cpu_read_nanos = IOSTATS(cpu_read_nanos);
226 }
228 // This will release and re-acquire the mutex.
229 Status s = WriteLevel0Table();
231 if (s.ok() && cfd_->IsDropped()) {
232 s = Status::ColumnFamilyDropped("Column family dropped during compaction");
233 }
234 if ((s.ok() || s.IsColumnFamilyDropped()) &&
235 shutting_down_->load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
236 s = Status::ShutdownInProgress("Database shutdown");
237 }
239 if (!s.ok()) {
240 cfd_->imm()->RollbackMemtableFlush(mems_, meta_.fd.GetNumber());
241 } else if (write_manifest_) {
242 TEST_SYNC_POINT("FlushJob::InstallResults");
243 // Replace immutable memtable with the generated Table
244 IOStatus tmp_io_s;
245 s = cfd_->imm()->TryInstallMemtableFlushResults(
246 cfd_, mutable_cf_options_, mems_, prep_tracker, versions_, db_mutex_,
247 meta_.fd.GetNumber(), &job_context_->memtables_to_free, db_directory_,
248 log_buffer_, &committed_flush_jobs_info_, &tmp_io_s);
249 if (!tmp_io_s.ok()) {
250 io_status_ = tmp_io_s;
251 }
252 }
254 if (s.ok() && file_meta != nullptr) {
255 *file_meta = meta_;
256 }
257 RecordFlushIOStats();
259 // When measure_io_stats_ is true, the default 512 bytes is not enough.
260 auto stream = event_logger_->LogToBuffer(log_buffer_, 1024);
261 stream << "job" << job_context_->job_id << "event"
262 << "flush_finished";
263 stream << "output_compression"
264 << CompressionTypeToString(output_compression_);
265 stream << "lsm_state";
266 stream.StartArray();
267 auto vstorage = cfd_->current()->storage_info();
268 for (int level = 0; level < vstorage->num_levels(); ++level) {
269 stream << vstorage->NumLevelFiles(level);
270 }
271 stream.EndArray();
273 const auto& blob_files = vstorage->GetBlobFiles();
274 if (!blob_files.empty()) {
275 stream << "blob_file_head" << blob_files.begin()->first;
276 stream << "blob_file_tail" << blob_files.rbegin()->first;
277 }
279 stream << "immutable_memtables" << cfd_->imm()->NumNotFlushed();
281 if (measure_io_stats_) {
282 if (prev_perf_level != PerfLevel::kEnableTime) {
283 SetPerfLevel(prev_perf_level);
284 }
285 stream << "file_write_nanos" << (IOSTATS(write_nanos) - prev_write_nanos);
286 stream << "file_range_sync_nanos"
287 << (IOSTATS(range_sync_nanos) - prev_range_sync_nanos);
288 stream << "file_fsync_nanos" << (IOSTATS(fsync_nanos) - prev_fsync_nanos);
289 stream << "file_prepare_write_nanos"
290 << (IOSTATS(prepare_write_nanos) - prev_prepare_write_nanos);
291 stream << "file_cpu_write_nanos"
292 << (IOSTATS(cpu_write_nanos) - prev_cpu_write_nanos);
293 stream << "file_cpu_read_nanos"
294 << (IOSTATS(cpu_read_nanos) - prev_cpu_read_nanos);
295 }
297 return s;
298 }
300 void FlushJob::Cancel() {
301 db_mutex_->AssertHeld();
302 assert(base_ != nullptr);
303 base_->Unref();
304 }
306 Status FlushJob::WriteLevel0Table() {
307 AutoThreadOperationStageUpdater stage_updater(
308 ThreadStatus::STAGE_FLUSH_WRITE_L0);
309 db_mutex_->AssertHeld();
310 const uint64_t start_micros = db_options_.env->NowMicros();
311 const uint64_t start_cpu_micros = db_options_.env->NowCPUNanos() / 1000;
312 Status s;
314 std::vector<BlobFileAddition> blob_file_additions;
316 {
317 auto write_hint = cfd_->CalculateSSTWriteHint(0);
318 db_mutex_->Unlock();
319 if (log_buffer_) {
320 log_buffer_->FlushBufferToLog();
321 }
322 // memtables and range_del_iters store internal iterators over each data
323 // memtable and its associated range deletion memtable, respectively, at
324 // corresponding indexes.
325 std::vector<InternalIterator*> memtables;
326 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FragmentedRangeTombstoneIterator>>
327 range_del_iters;
328 ReadOptions ro;
329 ro.total_order_seek = true;
330 Arena arena;
331 uint64_t total_num_entries = 0, total_num_deletes = 0;
332 uint64_t total_data_size = 0;
333 size_t total_memory_usage = 0;
334 for (MemTable* m : mems_) {
336 db_options_.info_log,
337 "[%s] [JOB %d] Flushing memtable with next log file: %" PRIu64 "\n",
338 cfd_->GetName().c_str(), job_context_->job_id, m->GetNextLogNumber());
339 memtables.push_back(m->NewIterator(ro, &arena));
340 auto* range_del_iter =
341 m->NewRangeTombstoneIterator(ro, kMaxSequenceNumber);
342 if (range_del_iter != nullptr) {
343 range_del_iters.emplace_back(range_del_iter);
344 }
345 total_num_entries += m->num_entries();
346 total_num_deletes += m->num_deletes();
347 total_data_size += m->get_data_size();
348 total_memory_usage += m->ApproximateMemoryUsage();
349 }
351 event_logger_->Log() << "job" << job_context_->job_id << "event"
352 << "flush_started"
353 << "num_memtables" << mems_.size() << "num_entries"
354 << total_num_entries << "num_deletes"
355 << total_num_deletes << "total_data_size"
356 << total_data_size << "memory_usage"
357 << total_memory_usage << "flush_reason"
358 << GetFlushReasonString(cfd_->GetFlushReason());
360 {
361 ScopedArenaIterator iter(
362 NewMergingIterator(&cfd_->internal_comparator(), &memtables[0],
363 static_cast<int>(memtables.size()), &arena));
364 ROCKS_LOG_INFO(db_options_.info_log,
365 "[%s] [JOB %d] Level-0 flush table #%" PRIu64 ": started",
366 cfd_->GetName().c_str(), job_context_->job_id,
367 meta_.fd.GetNumber());
369 TEST_SYNC_POINT_CALLBACK("FlushJob::WriteLevel0Table:output_compression",
370 &output_compression_);
371 int64_t _current_time = 0;
372 auto status = db_options_.env->GetCurrentTime(&_current_time);
373 // Safe to proceed even if GetCurrentTime fails. So, log and proceed.
374 if (!status.ok()) {
376 db_options_.info_log,
377 "Failed to get current time to populate creation_time property. "
378 "Status: %s",
379 status.ToString().c_str());
380 }
381 const uint64_t current_time = static_cast<uint64_t>(_current_time);
383 uint64_t oldest_key_time =
384 mems_.front()->ApproximateOldestKeyTime();
386 // It's not clear whether oldest_key_time is always available. In case
387 // it is not available, use current_time.
388 uint64_t oldest_ancester_time = std::min(current_time, oldest_key_time);
391 "FlushJob::WriteLevel0Table:oldest_ancester_time",
392 &oldest_ancester_time);
393 meta_.oldest_ancester_time = oldest_ancester_time;
395 meta_.file_creation_time = current_time;
397 uint64_t creation_time = (cfd_->ioptions()->compaction_style ==
398 CompactionStyle::kCompactionStyleFIFO)
399 ? current_time
400 : meta_.oldest_ancester_time;
402 IOStatus io_s;
403 const std::string* const full_history_ts_low =
404 (full_history_ts_low_.empty()) ? nullptr : &full_history_ts_low_;
405 s = BuildTable(
406 dbname_, versions_, db_options_, *cfd_->ioptions(),
407 mutable_cf_options_, file_options_, cfd_->table_cache(), iter.get(),
408 std::move(range_del_iters), &meta_, &blob_file_additions,
409 cfd_->internal_comparator(), cfd_->int_tbl_prop_collector_factories(),
410 cfd_->GetID(), cfd_->GetName(), existing_snapshots_,
411 earliest_write_conflict_snapshot_, snapshot_checker_,
412 output_compression_, mutable_cf_options_.sample_for_compression,
413 mutable_cf_options_.compression_opts,
414 mutable_cf_options_.paranoid_file_checks, cfd_->internal_stats(),
415 TableFileCreationReason::kFlush, &io_s, io_tracer_, event_logger_,
416 job_context_->job_id, Env::IO_HIGH, &table_properties_, 0 /* level */,
417 creation_time, oldest_key_time, write_hint, current_time, db_id_,
418 db_session_id_, full_history_ts_low);
419 if (!io_s.ok()) {
420 io_status_ = io_s;
421 }
422 LogFlush(db_options_.info_log);
423 }
424 ROCKS_LOG_INFO(db_options_.info_log,
425 "[%s] [JOB %d] Level-0 flush table #%" PRIu64 ": %" PRIu64
426 " bytes %s"
427 "%s",
428 cfd_->GetName().c_str(), job_context_->job_id,
429 meta_.fd.GetNumber(), meta_.fd.GetFileSize(),
430 s.ToString().c_str(),
431 meta_.marked_for_compaction ? " (needs compaction)" : "");
433 if (s.ok() && output_file_directory_ != nullptr && sync_output_directory_) {
434 s = output_file_directory_->Fsync(IOOptions(), nullptr);
435 }
436 TEST_SYNC_POINT_CALLBACK("FlushJob::WriteLevel0Table", &mems_);
437 db_mutex_->Lock();
438 }
439 base_->Unref();
441 // Note that if file_size is zero, the file has been deleted and
442 // should not be added to the manifest.
443 const bool has_output = meta_.fd.GetFileSize() > 0;
445 if (s.ok() && has_output) {
446 // if we have more than 1 background thread, then we cannot
447 // insert files directly into higher levels because some other
448 // threads could be concurrently producing compacted files for
449 // that key range.
450 // Add file to L0
451 edit_->AddFile(0 /* level */, meta_.fd.GetNumber(), meta_.fd.GetPathId(),
452 meta_.fd.GetFileSize(), meta_.smallest, meta_.largest,
453 meta_.fd.smallest_seqno, meta_.fd.largest_seqno,
454 meta_.marked_for_compaction, meta_.oldest_blob_file_number,
455 meta_.oldest_ancester_time, meta_.file_creation_time,
456 meta_.file_checksum, meta_.file_checksum_func_name);
458 edit_->SetBlobFileAdditions(std::move(blob_file_additions));
459 }
460 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
461 // Piggyback FlushJobInfo on the first first flushed memtable.
462 mems_[0]->SetFlushJobInfo(GetFlushJobInfo());
463 #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
465 // Note that here we treat flush as level 0 compaction in internal stats
466 InternalStats::CompactionStats stats(CompactionReason::kFlush, 1);
467 stats.micros = db_options_.env->NowMicros() - start_micros;
468 stats.cpu_micros = db_options_.env->NowCPUNanos() / 1000 - start_cpu_micros;
470 if (has_output) {
471 stats.bytes_written = meta_.fd.GetFileSize();
472 stats.num_output_files = 1;
473 }
475 const auto& blobs = edit_->GetBlobFileAdditions();
476 for (const auto& blob : blobs) {
477 stats.bytes_written += blob.GetTotalBlobBytes();
478 }
480 stats.num_output_files += static_cast<int>(blobs.size());
482 RecordTimeToHistogram(stats_, FLUSH_TIME, stats.micros);
483 cfd_->internal_stats()->AddCompactionStats(0 /* level */, thread_pri_, stats);
484 cfd_->internal_stats()->AddCFStats(InternalStats::BYTES_FLUSHED,
485 stats.bytes_written);
486 RecordFlushIOStats();
487 return s;
488 }
490 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
491 std::unique_ptr<FlushJobInfo> FlushJob::GetFlushJobInfo() const {
492 db_mutex_->AssertHeld();
493 std::unique_ptr<FlushJobInfo> info(new FlushJobInfo{});
494 info->cf_id = cfd_->GetID();
495 info->cf_name = cfd_->GetName();
497 const uint64_t file_number = meta_.fd.GetNumber();
498 info->file_path =
499 MakeTableFileName(cfd_->ioptions()->cf_paths[0].path, file_number);
500 info->file_number = file_number;
501 info->oldest_blob_file_number = meta_.oldest_blob_file_number;
502 info->thread_id = db_options_.env->GetThreadID();
503 info->job_id = job_context_->job_id;
504 info->smallest_seqno = meta_.fd.smallest_seqno;
505 info->largest_seqno = meta_.fd.largest_seqno;
506 info->table_properties = table_properties_;
507 info->flush_reason = cfd_->GetFlushReason();
508 return info;
509 }
510 #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
512 } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE