]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/db/repair_test.cc
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / db / repair_test.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
3 // LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
4 // of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
6 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
8 #include <algorithm>
9 #include <string>
10 #include <vector>
12 #include "db/db_impl.h"
13 #include "db/db_test_util.h"
14 #include "rocksdb/comparator.h"
15 #include "rocksdb/db.h"
16 #include "rocksdb/transaction_log.h"
17 #include "util/file_util.h"
18 #include "util/string_util.h"
20 namespace rocksdb {
22 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
23 class RepairTest : public DBTestBase {
24 public:
25 RepairTest() : DBTestBase("/repair_test") {}
27 std::string GetFirstSstPath() {
28 uint64_t manifest_size;
29 std::vector<std::string> files;
30 db_->GetLiveFiles(files, &manifest_size);
31 auto sst_iter =
32 std::find_if(files.begin(), files.end(), [](const std::string& file) {
33 uint64_t number;
34 FileType type;
35 bool ok = ParseFileName(file, &number, &type);
36 return ok && type == kTableFile;
37 });
38 return sst_iter == files.end() ? "" : dbname_ + *sst_iter;
39 }
40 };
42 TEST_F(RepairTest, LostManifest) {
43 // Add a couple SST files, delete the manifest, and verify RepairDB() saves
44 // the day.
45 Put("key", "val");
46 Flush();
47 Put("key2", "val2");
48 Flush();
49 // Need to get path before Close() deletes db_, but delete it after Close() to
50 // ensure Close() didn't change the manifest.
51 std::string manifest_path =
52 DescriptorFileName(dbname_, dbfull()->TEST_Current_Manifest_FileNo());
54 Close();
55 ASSERT_OK(env_->FileExists(manifest_path));
56 ASSERT_OK(env_->DeleteFile(manifest_path));
57 ASSERT_OK(RepairDB(dbname_, CurrentOptions()));
58 Reopen(CurrentOptions());
60 ASSERT_EQ(Get("key"), "val");
61 ASSERT_EQ(Get("key2"), "val2");
62 }
64 TEST_F(RepairTest, CorruptManifest) {
65 // Manifest is in an invalid format. Expect a full recovery.
66 Put("key", "val");
67 Flush();
68 Put("key2", "val2");
69 Flush();
70 // Need to get path before Close() deletes db_, but overwrite it after Close()
71 // to ensure Close() didn't change the manifest.
72 std::string manifest_path =
73 DescriptorFileName(dbname_, dbfull()->TEST_Current_Manifest_FileNo());
75 Close();
76 ASSERT_OK(env_->FileExists(manifest_path));
77 CreateFile(env_, manifest_path, "blah");
78 ASSERT_OK(RepairDB(dbname_, CurrentOptions()));
79 Reopen(CurrentOptions());
81 ASSERT_EQ(Get("key"), "val");
82 ASSERT_EQ(Get("key2"), "val2");
83 }
85 TEST_F(RepairTest, IncompleteManifest) {
86 // In this case, the manifest is valid but does not reference all of the SST
87 // files. Expect a full recovery.
88 Put("key", "val");
89 Flush();
90 std::string orig_manifest_path =
91 DescriptorFileName(dbname_, dbfull()->TEST_Current_Manifest_FileNo());
92 CopyFile(orig_manifest_path, orig_manifest_path + ".tmp");
93 Put("key2", "val2");
94 Flush();
95 // Need to get path before Close() deletes db_, but overwrite it after Close()
96 // to ensure Close() didn't change the manifest.
97 std::string new_manifest_path =
98 DescriptorFileName(dbname_, dbfull()->TEST_Current_Manifest_FileNo());
100 Close();
101 ASSERT_OK(env_->FileExists(new_manifest_path));
102 // Replace the manifest with one that is only aware of the first SST file.
103 CopyFile(orig_manifest_path + ".tmp", new_manifest_path);
104 ASSERT_OK(RepairDB(dbname_, CurrentOptions()));
105 Reopen(CurrentOptions());
107 ASSERT_EQ(Get("key"), "val");
108 ASSERT_EQ(Get("key2"), "val2");
109 }
111 TEST_F(RepairTest, LostSst) {
112 // Delete one of the SST files but preserve the manifest that refers to it,
113 // then verify the DB is still usable for the intact SST.
114 Put("key", "val");
115 Flush();
116 Put("key2", "val2");
117 Flush();
118 auto sst_path = GetFirstSstPath();
119 ASSERT_FALSE(sst_path.empty());
120 ASSERT_OK(env_->DeleteFile(sst_path));
122 Close();
123 ASSERT_OK(RepairDB(dbname_, CurrentOptions()));
124 Reopen(CurrentOptions());
126 // Exactly one of the key-value pairs should be in the DB now.
127 ASSERT_TRUE((Get("key") == "val") != (Get("key2") == "val2"));
128 }
130 TEST_F(RepairTest, CorruptSst) {
131 // Corrupt one of the SST files but preserve the manifest that refers to it,
132 // then verify the DB is still usable for the intact SST.
133 Put("key", "val");
134 Flush();
135 Put("key2", "val2");
136 Flush();
137 auto sst_path = GetFirstSstPath();
138 ASSERT_FALSE(sst_path.empty());
139 CreateFile(env_, sst_path, "blah");
141 Close();
142 ASSERT_OK(RepairDB(dbname_, CurrentOptions()));
143 Reopen(CurrentOptions());
145 // Exactly one of the key-value pairs should be in the DB now.
146 ASSERT_TRUE((Get("key") == "val") != (Get("key2") == "val2"));
147 }
149 TEST_F(RepairTest, UnflushedSst) {
150 // This test case invokes repair while some data is unflushed, then verifies
151 // that data is in the db.
152 Put("key", "val");
153 VectorLogPtr wal_files;
154 ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->GetSortedWalFiles(wal_files));
155 ASSERT_EQ(wal_files.size(), 1);
156 uint64_t total_ssts_size;
157 GetAllSSTFiles(&total_ssts_size);
158 ASSERT_EQ(total_ssts_size, 0);
159 // Need to get path before Close() deletes db_, but delete it after Close() to
160 // ensure Close() didn't change the manifest.
161 std::string manifest_path =
162 DescriptorFileName(dbname_, dbfull()->TEST_Current_Manifest_FileNo());
164 Close();
165 ASSERT_OK(env_->FileExists(manifest_path));
166 ASSERT_OK(env_->DeleteFile(manifest_path));
167 ASSERT_OK(RepairDB(dbname_, CurrentOptions()));
168 Reopen(CurrentOptions());
170 ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->GetSortedWalFiles(wal_files));
171 ASSERT_EQ(wal_files.size(), 0);
172 GetAllSSTFiles(&total_ssts_size);
173 ASSERT_GT(total_ssts_size, 0);
174 ASSERT_EQ(Get("key"), "val");
175 }
177 TEST_F(RepairTest, RepairMultipleColumnFamilies) {
178 // Verify repair logic associates SST files with their original column
179 // families.
180 const int kNumCfs = 3;
181 const int kEntriesPerCf = 2;
182 DestroyAndReopen(CurrentOptions());
183 CreateAndReopenWithCF({"pikachu1", "pikachu2"}, CurrentOptions());
184 for (int i = 0; i < kNumCfs; ++i) {
185 for (int j = 0; j < kEntriesPerCf; ++j) {
186 Put(i, "key" + ToString(j), "val" + ToString(j));
187 if (j == kEntriesPerCf - 1 && i == kNumCfs - 1) {
188 // Leave one unflushed so we can verify WAL entries are properly
189 // associated with column families.
190 continue;
191 }
192 Flush(i);
193 }
194 }
196 // Need to get path before Close() deletes db_, but delete it after Close() to
197 // ensure Close() doesn't re-create the manifest.
198 std::string manifest_path =
199 DescriptorFileName(dbname_, dbfull()->TEST_Current_Manifest_FileNo());
200 Close();
201 ASSERT_OK(env_->FileExists(manifest_path));
202 ASSERT_OK(env_->DeleteFile(manifest_path));
204 ASSERT_OK(RepairDB(dbname_, CurrentOptions()));
206 ReopenWithColumnFamilies({"default", "pikachu1", "pikachu2"},
207 CurrentOptions());
208 for (int i = 0; i < kNumCfs; ++i) {
209 for (int j = 0; j < kEntriesPerCf; ++j) {
210 ASSERT_EQ(Get(i, "key" + ToString(j)), "val" + ToString(j));
211 }
212 }
213 }
215 TEST_F(RepairTest, RepairColumnFamilyOptions) {
216 // Verify repair logic uses correct ColumnFamilyOptions when repairing a
217 // database with different options for column families.
218 const int kNumCfs = 2;
219 const int kEntriesPerCf = 2;
221 Options opts(CurrentOptions()), rev_opts(CurrentOptions());
222 opts.comparator = BytewiseComparator();
223 rev_opts.comparator = ReverseBytewiseComparator();
225 DestroyAndReopen(opts);
226 CreateColumnFamilies({"reverse"}, rev_opts);
227 ReopenWithColumnFamilies({"default", "reverse"},
228 std::vector<Options>{opts, rev_opts});
229 for (int i = 0; i < kNumCfs; ++i) {
230 for (int j = 0; j < kEntriesPerCf; ++j) {
231 Put(i, "key" + ToString(j), "val" + ToString(j));
232 if (i == kNumCfs - 1 && j == kEntriesPerCf - 1) {
233 // Leave one unflushed so we can verify RepairDB's flush logic
234 continue;
235 }
236 Flush(i);
237 }
238 }
239 Close();
241 // RepairDB() records the comparator in the manifest, and DB::Open would fail
242 // if a different comparator were used.
243 ASSERT_OK(RepairDB(dbname_, opts, {{"default", opts}, {"reverse", rev_opts}},
244 opts /* unknown_cf_opts */));
245 ASSERT_OK(TryReopenWithColumnFamilies({"default", "reverse"},
246 std::vector<Options>{opts, rev_opts}));
247 for (int i = 0; i < kNumCfs; ++i) {
248 for (int j = 0; j < kEntriesPerCf; ++j) {
249 ASSERT_EQ(Get(i, "key" + ToString(j)), "val" + ToString(j));
250 }
251 }
253 // Examine table properties to verify RepairDB() used the right options when
254 // converting WAL->SST
255 TablePropertiesCollection fname_to_props;
256 db_->GetPropertiesOfAllTables(handles_[1], &fname_to_props);
257 ASSERT_EQ(fname_to_props.size(), 2U);
258 for (const auto& fname_and_props : fname_to_props) {
259 std::string comparator_name (
260 InternalKeyComparator(rev_opts.comparator).Name());
261 comparator_name = comparator_name.substr(comparator_name.find(':') + 1);
262 ASSERT_EQ(comparator_name,
263 fname_and_props.second->comparator_name);
264 }
266 // Also check comparator when it's provided via "unknown" CF options
267 ASSERT_OK(RepairDB(dbname_, opts, {{"default", opts}},
268 rev_opts /* unknown_cf_opts */));
269 ASSERT_OK(TryReopenWithColumnFamilies({"default", "reverse"},
270 std::vector<Options>{opts, rev_opts}));
271 for (int i = 0; i < kNumCfs; ++i) {
272 for (int j = 0; j < kEntriesPerCf; ++j) {
273 ASSERT_EQ(Get(i, "key" + ToString(j)), "val" + ToString(j));
274 }
275 }
276 }
278 #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
279 } // namespace rocksdb
281 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
282 ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
283 return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
284 }
286 #else
287 #include <stdio.h>
289 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
290 fprintf(stderr, "SKIPPED as RepairDB is not supported in ROCKSDB_LITE\n");
291 return 0;
292 }
294 #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE