]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/java/src/main/java/org/rocksdb/ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface.java
import quincy beta 17.1.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / java / src / main / java / org / rocksdb / ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface.java
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
6 package org.rocksdb;
8 import java.util.Collection;
9 import java.util.List;
11 public interface ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface<T extends ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface<T>>
12 extends AdvancedColumnFamilyOptionsInterface<T> {
13 /**
14 * The function recovers options to a previous version. Only 4.6 or later
15 * versions are supported.
16 *
17 * @return the instance of the current object.
18 */
19 T oldDefaults(int majorVersion, int minorVersion);
21 /**
22 * Use this if your DB is very small (like under 1GB) and you don't want to
23 * spend lots of memory for memtables.
24 *
25 * @return the instance of the current object.
26 */
27 T optimizeForSmallDb();
29 /**
30 * Some functions that make it easier to optimize RocksDB
31 * Use this if your DB is very small (like under 1GB) and you don't want to
32 * spend lots of memory for memtables.
33 * An optional cache object is passed in to be used as the block cache
34 *
35 * @return the instance of the current object.
36 */
37 T optimizeForSmallDb(Cache cache);
39 /**
40 * Use this if you don't need to keep the data sorted, i.e. you'll never use
41 * an iterator, only Put() and Get() API calls
42 *
43 * @param blockCacheSizeMb Block cache size in MB
44 * @return the instance of the current object.
45 */
46 T optimizeForPointLookup(long blockCacheSizeMb);
48 /**
49 * <p>Default values for some parameters in ColumnFamilyOptions are not
50 * optimized for heavy workloads and big datasets, which means you might
51 * observe write stalls under some conditions. As a starting point for tuning
52 * RocksDB options, use the following for level style compaction.</p>
53 *
54 * <p>Make sure to also call IncreaseParallelism(), which will provide the
55 * biggest performance gains.</p>
56 * <p>Note: we might use more memory than memtable_memory_budget during high
57 * write rate period</p>
58 *
59 * @return the instance of the current object.
60 */
61 T optimizeLevelStyleCompaction();
63 /**
64 * <p>Default values for some parameters in ColumnFamilyOptions are not
65 * optimized for heavy workloads and big datasets, which means you might
66 * observe write stalls under some conditions. As a starting point for tuning
67 * RocksDB options, use the following for level style compaction.</p>
68 *
69 * <p>Make sure to also call IncreaseParallelism(), which will provide the
70 * biggest performance gains.</p>
71 * <p>Note: we might use more memory than memtable_memory_budget during high
72 * write rate period</p>
73 *
74 * @param memtableMemoryBudget memory budget in bytes
75 * @return the instance of the current object.
76 */
77 T optimizeLevelStyleCompaction(
78 long memtableMemoryBudget);
80 /**
81 * <p>Default values for some parameters in ColumnFamilyOptions are not
82 * optimized for heavy workloads and big datasets, which means you might
83 * observe write stalls under some conditions. As a starting point for tuning
84 * RocksDB options, use the following for universal style compaction.</p>
85 *
86 * <p>Universal style compaction is focused on reducing Write Amplification
87 * Factor for big data sets, but increases Space Amplification.</p>
88 *
89 * <p>Make sure to also call IncreaseParallelism(), which will provide the
90 * biggest performance gains.</p>
91 *
92 * <p>Note: we might use more memory than memtable_memory_budget during high
93 * write rate period</p>
94 *
95 * @return the instance of the current object.
96 */
97 T optimizeUniversalStyleCompaction();
99 /**
100 * <p>Default values for some parameters in ColumnFamilyOptions are not
101 * optimized for heavy workloads and big datasets, which means you might
102 * observe write stalls under some conditions. As a starting point for tuning
103 * RocksDB options, use the following for universal style compaction.</p>
104 *
105 * <p>Universal style compaction is focused on reducing Write Amplification
106 * Factor for big data sets, but increases Space Amplification.</p>
107 *
108 * <p>Make sure to also call IncreaseParallelism(), which will provide the
109 * biggest performance gains.</p>
110 *
111 * <p>Note: we might use more memory than memtable_memory_budget during high
112 * write rate period</p>
113 *
114 * @param memtableMemoryBudget memory budget in bytes
115 * @return the instance of the current object.
116 */
117 T optimizeUniversalStyleCompaction(
118 long memtableMemoryBudget);
120 /**
121 * Set {@link BuiltinComparator} to be used with RocksDB.
122 *
123 * Note: Comparator can be set once upon database creation.
124 *
125 * Default: BytewiseComparator.
126 * @param builtinComparator a {@link BuiltinComparator} type.
127 * @return the instance of the current object.
128 */
129 T setComparator(
130 BuiltinComparator builtinComparator);
132 /**
133 * Use the specified comparator for key ordering.
134 *
135 * Comparator should not be disposed before options instances using this comparator is
136 * disposed. If dispose() function is not called, then comparator object will be
137 * GC'd automatically.
138 *
139 * Comparator instance can be re-used in multiple options instances.
140 *
141 * @param comparator java instance.
142 * @return the instance of the current object.
143 */
144 T setComparator(
145 AbstractComparator comparator);
147 /**
148 * <p>Set the merge operator to be used for merging two merge operands
149 * of the same key. The merge function is invoked during
150 * compaction and at lookup time, if multiple key/value pairs belonging
151 * to the same key are found in the database.</p>
152 *
153 * @param name the name of the merge function, as defined by
154 * the MergeOperators factory (see utilities/MergeOperators.h)
155 * The merge function is specified by name and must be one of the
156 * standard merge operators provided by RocksDB. The available
157 * operators are "put", "uint64add", "stringappend" and "stringappendtest".
158 * @return the instance of the current object.
159 */
160 T setMergeOperatorName(String name);
162 /**
163 * <p>Set the merge operator to be used for merging two different key/value
164 * pairs that share the same key. The merge function is invoked during
165 * compaction and at lookup time, if multiple key/value pairs belonging
166 * to the same key are found in the database.</p>
167 *
168 * @param mergeOperator {@link MergeOperator} instance.
169 * @return the instance of the current object.
170 */
171 T setMergeOperator(MergeOperator mergeOperator);
173 /**
174 * A single CompactionFilter instance to call into during compaction.
175 * Allows an application to modify/delete a key-value during background
176 * compaction.
177 *
178 * If the client requires a new compaction filter to be used for different
179 * compaction runs, it can specify call
180 * {@link #setCompactionFilterFactory(AbstractCompactionFilterFactory)}
181 * instead.
182 *
183 * The client should specify only set one of the two.
184 * {@link #setCompactionFilter(AbstractCompactionFilter)} takes precedence
185 * over {@link #setCompactionFilterFactory(AbstractCompactionFilterFactory)}
186 * if the client specifies both.
187 *
188 * If multithreaded compaction is being used, the supplied CompactionFilter
189 * instance may be used from different threads concurrently and so should be thread-safe.
190 *
191 * @param compactionFilter {@link AbstractCompactionFilter} instance.
192 * @return the instance of the current object.
193 */
194 T setCompactionFilter(
195 final AbstractCompactionFilter<? extends AbstractSlice<?>> compactionFilter);
197 /**
198 * Accessor for the CompactionFilter instance in use.
199 *
200 * @return Reference to the CompactionFilter, or null if one hasn't been set.
201 */
202 AbstractCompactionFilter<? extends AbstractSlice<?>> compactionFilter();
204 /**
205 * This is a factory that provides {@link AbstractCompactionFilter} objects
206 * which allow an application to modify/delete a key-value during background
207 * compaction.
208 *
209 * A new filter will be created on each compaction run. If multithreaded
210 * compaction is being used, each created CompactionFilter will only be used
211 * from a single thread and so does not need to be thread-safe.
212 *
213 * @param compactionFilterFactory {@link AbstractCompactionFilterFactory} instance.
214 * @return the instance of the current object.
215 */
216 T setCompactionFilterFactory(
217 final AbstractCompactionFilterFactory<? extends AbstractCompactionFilter<?>>
218 compactionFilterFactory);
220 /**
221 * Accessor for the CompactionFilterFactory instance in use.
222 *
223 * @return Reference to the CompactionFilterFactory, or null if one hasn't been set.
224 */
225 AbstractCompactionFilterFactory<? extends AbstractCompactionFilter<?>> compactionFilterFactory();
227 /**
228 * This prefix-extractor uses the first n bytes of a key as its prefix.
229 *
230 * In some hash-based memtable representation such as HashLinkedList
231 * and HashSkipList, prefixes are used to partition the keys into
232 * several buckets. Prefix extractor is used to specify how to
233 * extract the prefix given a key.
234 *
235 * @param n use the first n bytes of a key as its prefix.
236 * @return the reference to the current option.
237 */
238 T useFixedLengthPrefixExtractor(int n);
240 /**
241 * Same as fixed length prefix extractor, except that when slice is
242 * shorter than the fixed length, it will use the full key.
243 *
244 * @param n use the first n bytes of a key as its prefix.
245 * @return the reference to the current option.
246 */
247 T useCappedPrefixExtractor(int n);
249 /**
250 * Number of files to trigger level-0 compaction. A value &lt; 0 means that
251 * level-0 compaction will not be triggered by number of files at all.
252 * Default: 4
253 *
254 * @param numFiles the number of files in level-0 to trigger compaction.
255 * @return the reference to the current option.
256 */
257 T setLevelZeroFileNumCompactionTrigger(
258 int numFiles);
260 /**
261 * The number of files in level 0 to trigger compaction from level-0 to
262 * level-1. A value &lt; 0 means that level-0 compaction will not be
263 * triggered by number of files at all.
264 * Default: 4
265 *
266 * @return the number of files in level 0 to trigger compaction.
267 */
268 int levelZeroFileNumCompactionTrigger();
270 /**
271 * Soft limit on number of level-0 files. We start slowing down writes at this
272 * point. A value &lt; 0 means that no writing slow down will be triggered by
273 * number of files in level-0.
274 *
275 * @param numFiles soft limit on number of level-0 files.
276 * @return the reference to the current option.
277 */
278 T setLevelZeroSlowdownWritesTrigger(
279 int numFiles);
281 /**
282 * Soft limit on the number of level-0 files. We start slowing down writes
283 * at this point. A value &lt; 0 means that no writing slow down will be
284 * triggered by number of files in level-0.
285 *
286 * @return the soft limit on the number of level-0 files.
287 */
288 int levelZeroSlowdownWritesTrigger();
290 /**
291 * Maximum number of level-0 files. We stop writes at this point.
292 *
293 * @param numFiles the hard limit of the number of level-0 files.
294 * @return the reference to the current option.
295 */
296 T setLevelZeroStopWritesTrigger(int numFiles);
298 /**
299 * Maximum number of level-0 files. We stop writes at this point.
300 *
301 * @return the hard limit of the number of level-0 file.
302 */
303 int levelZeroStopWritesTrigger();
305 /**
306 * The ratio between the total size of level-(L+1) files and the total
307 * size of level-L files for all L.
308 * DEFAULT: 10
309 *
310 * @param multiplier the ratio between the total size of level-(L+1)
311 * files and the total size of level-L files for all L.
312 * @return the reference to the current option.
313 */
314 T setMaxBytesForLevelMultiplier(
315 double multiplier);
317 /**
318 * The ratio between the total size of level-(L+1) files and the total
319 * size of level-L files for all L.
320 * DEFAULT: 10
321 *
322 * @return the ratio between the total size of level-(L+1) files and
323 * the total size of level-L files for all L.
324 */
325 double maxBytesForLevelMultiplier();
327 /**
328 * FIFO compaction option.
329 * The oldest table file will be deleted
330 * once the sum of table files reaches this size.
331 * The default value is 1GB (1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024).
332 *
333 * @param maxTableFilesSize the size limit of the total sum of table files.
334 * @return the instance of the current object.
335 */
336 T setMaxTableFilesSizeFIFO(
337 long maxTableFilesSize);
339 /**
340 * FIFO compaction option.
341 * The oldest table file will be deleted
342 * once the sum of table files reaches this size.
343 * The default value is 1GB (1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024).
344 *
345 * @return the size limit of the total sum of table files.
346 */
347 long maxTableFilesSizeFIFO();
349 /**
350 * Get the config for mem-table.
351 *
352 * @return the mem-table config.
353 */
354 MemTableConfig memTableConfig();
356 /**
357 * Set the config for mem-table.
358 *
359 * @param memTableConfig the mem-table config.
360 * @return the instance of the current object.
361 * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException thrown on 32-Bit platforms
362 * while overflowing the underlying platform specific value.
363 */
364 T setMemTableConfig(MemTableConfig memTableConfig);
366 /**
367 * Returns the name of the current mem table representation.
368 * Memtable format can be set using setTableFormatConfig.
369 *
370 * @return the name of the currently-used memtable factory.
371 * @see #setTableFormatConfig(org.rocksdb.TableFormatConfig)
372 */
373 String memTableFactoryName();
375 /**
376 * Get the config for table format.
377 *
378 * @return the table format config.
379 */
380 TableFormatConfig tableFormatConfig();
382 /**
383 * Set the config for table format.
384 *
385 * @param config the table format config.
386 * @return the reference of the current options.
387 */
388 T setTableFormatConfig(TableFormatConfig config);
390 /**
391 * @return the name of the currently used table factory.
392 */
393 String tableFactoryName();
395 /**
396 * A list of paths where SST files for this column family
397 * can be put into, with its target size. Similar to db_paths,
398 * newer data is placed into paths specified earlier in the
399 * vector while older data gradually moves to paths specified
400 * later in the vector.
401 * Note that, if a path is supplied to multiple column
402 * families, it would have files and total size from all
403 * the column families combined. User should provision for the
404 * total size(from all the column families) in such cases.
405 *
406 * If left empty, db_paths will be used.
407 * Default: empty
408 *
409 * @param paths collection of paths for SST files.
410 * @return the reference of the current options.
411 */
412 T setCfPaths(final Collection<DbPath> paths);
414 /**
415 * @return collection of paths for SST files.
416 */
417 List<DbPath> cfPaths();
419 /**
420 * Compression algorithm that will be used for the bottommost level that
421 * contain files. If level-compaction is used, this option will only affect
422 * levels after base level.
423 *
424 * Default: {@link CompressionType#DISABLE_COMPRESSION_OPTION}
425 *
426 * @param bottommostCompressionType The compression type to use for the
427 * bottommost level
428 *
429 * @return the reference of the current options.
430 */
431 T setBottommostCompressionType(
432 final CompressionType bottommostCompressionType);
434 /**
435 * Compression algorithm that will be used for the bottommost level that
436 * contain files. If level-compaction is used, this option will only affect
437 * levels after base level.
438 *
439 * Default: {@link CompressionType#DISABLE_COMPRESSION_OPTION}
440 *
441 * @return The compression type used for the bottommost level
442 */
443 CompressionType bottommostCompressionType();
445 /**
446 * Set the options for compression algorithms used by
447 * {@link #bottommostCompressionType()} if it is enabled.
448 *
449 * To enable it, please see the definition of
450 * {@link CompressionOptions}.
451 *
452 * @param compressionOptions the bottom most compression options.
453 *
454 * @return the reference of the current options.
455 */
456 T setBottommostCompressionOptions(
457 final CompressionOptions compressionOptions);
459 /**
460 * Get the bottom most compression options.
461 *
462 * See {@link #setBottommostCompressionOptions(CompressionOptions)}.
463 *
464 * @return the bottom most compression options.
465 */
466 CompressionOptions bottommostCompressionOptions();
468 /**
469 * Set the different options for compression algorithms
470 *
471 * @param compressionOptions The compression options
472 *
473 * @return the reference of the current options.
474 */
475 T setCompressionOptions(
476 CompressionOptions compressionOptions);
478 /**
479 * Get the different options for compression algorithms
480 *
481 * @return The compression options
482 */
483 CompressionOptions compressionOptions();
485 /**
486 * If non-nullptr, use the specified factory for a function to determine the
487 * partitioning of sst files. This helps compaction to split the files
488 * on interesting boundaries (key prefixes) to make propagation of sst
489 * files less write amplifying (covering the whole key space).
490 *
491 * Default: nullptr
492 *
493 * @param factory The factory reference
494 * @return the reference of the current options.
495 */
496 @Experimental("Caution: this option is experimental")
497 T setSstPartitionerFactory(SstPartitionerFactory factory);
499 /**
500 * Get SST partitioner factory
501 *
502 * @return SST partitioner factory
503 */
504 @Experimental("Caution: this option is experimental")
505 SstPartitionerFactory sstPartitionerFactory();
507 /**
508 * Compaction concurrent thread limiter for the column family.
509 * If non-nullptr, use given concurrent thread limiter to control
510 * the max outstanding compaction tasks. Limiter can be shared with
511 * multiple column families across db instances.
512 *
513 * @param concurrentTaskLimiter The compaction thread limiter.
514 * @return the reference of the current options.
515 */
516 T setCompactionThreadLimiter(ConcurrentTaskLimiter concurrentTaskLimiter);
518 /**
519 * Get compaction thread limiter
520 *
521 * @return Compaction thread limiter
522 */
523 ConcurrentTaskLimiter compactionThreadLimiter();
525 /**
526 * Default memtable memory budget used with the following methods:
527 *
528 * <ol>
529 * <li>{@link #optimizeLevelStyleCompaction()}</li>
530 * <li>{@link #optimizeUniversalStyleCompaction()}</li>
531 * </ol>
532 */
534 }