]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/logging/auto_roll_logger_test.cc
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / logging / auto_roll_logger_test.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
5 //
7 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
9 #include "logging/auto_roll_logger.h"
11 #include <sys/stat.h>
13 #include <algorithm>
14 #include <cmath>
15 #include <fstream>
16 #include <iostream>
17 #include <iterator>
18 #include <string>
19 #include <thread>
20 #include <vector>
22 #include "db/db_test_util.h"
23 #include "env/emulated_clock.h"
24 #include "logging/env_logger.h"
25 #include "logging/logging.h"
26 #include "port/port.h"
27 #include "rocksdb/db.h"
28 #include "rocksdb/file_system.h"
29 #include "rocksdb/system_clock.h"
30 #include "test_util/sync_point.h"
31 #include "test_util/testharness.h"
32 #include "test_util/testutil.h"
34 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
36 // In this test we only want to Log some simple log message with
37 // no format. LogMessage() provides such a simple interface and
38 // avoids the [format-security] warning which occurs when you
39 // call ROCKS_LOG_INFO(logger, log_message) directly.
40 namespace {
41 void LogMessage(Logger* logger, const char* message) {
42 ROCKS_LOG_INFO(logger, "%s", message);
43 }
45 void LogMessage(const InfoLogLevel log_level, Logger* logger,
46 const char* message) {
47 Log(log_level, logger, "%s", message);
48 }
49 } // namespace
51 class AutoRollLoggerTest : public testing::Test {
52 public:
53 static void InitTestDb() {
54 // TODO replace the `system` calls with Env/FileSystem APIs.
55 #ifdef OS_WIN
56 // Replace all slashes in the path so windows CompSpec does not
57 // become confused
58 std::string testDbDir(kTestDbDir);
59 std::replace_if(
60 testDbDir.begin(), testDbDir.end(), [](char ch) { return ch == '/'; },
61 '\\');
62 std::string deleteDbDirCmd =
63 "if exist " + testDbDir + " rd /s /q " + testDbDir;
64 ASSERT_TRUE(system(deleteDbDirCmd.c_str()) == 0);
66 std::string testDir(kTestDir);
67 std::replace_if(
68 testDir.begin(), testDir.end(), [](char ch) { return ch == '/'; },
69 '\\');
70 std::string deleteCmd = "if exist " + testDir + " rd /s /q " + testDir;
71 #else
72 std::string deleteCmd = "rm -rf " + kTestDir + " " + kTestDbDir;
73 #endif
74 ASSERT_TRUE(system(deleteCmd.c_str()) == 0);
75 ASSERT_OK(Env::Default()->CreateDir(kTestDir));
76 ASSERT_OK(Env::Default()->CreateDir(kTestDbDir));
77 }
79 void RollLogFileBySizeTest(AutoRollLogger* logger, size_t log_max_size,
80 const std::string& log_message);
81 void RollLogFileByTimeTest(const std::shared_ptr<FileSystem>& fs,
82 const std::shared_ptr<SystemClock>& sc,
83 AutoRollLogger* logger, size_t time,
84 const std::string& log_message);
85 // return list of files under kTestDir that contains "LOG"
86 std::vector<std::string> GetLogFiles() {
87 std::vector<std::string> ret;
88 std::vector<std::string> files;
89 Status s = default_env->GetChildren(kTestDir, &files);
90 // Should call ASSERT_OK() here but it doesn't compile. It's not
91 // worth the time figuring out why.
92 EXPECT_TRUE(s.ok());
93 for (const auto& f : files) {
94 if (f.find("LOG") != std::string::npos) {
95 ret.push_back(f);
96 }
97 }
98 return ret;
99 }
101 // Delete all log files under kTestDir
102 void CleanupLogFiles() {
103 for (const std::string& f : GetLogFiles()) {
104 ASSERT_OK(default_env->DeleteFile(kTestDir + "/" + f));
105 }
106 }
108 void RollNTimesBySize(Logger* auto_roll_logger, size_t file_num,
109 size_t max_log_file_size) {
110 // Roll the log 4 times, and it will trim to 3 files.
111 std::string dummy_large_string;
112 dummy_large_string.assign(max_log_file_size, '=');
113 auto_roll_logger->SetInfoLogLevel(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL);
114 for (size_t i = 0; i < file_num + 1; i++) {
115 // Log enough bytes to trigger at least one roll.
116 LogMessage(auto_roll_logger, dummy_large_string.c_str());
117 LogMessage(auto_roll_logger, "");
118 }
119 }
121 static const std::string kSampleMessage;
122 static const std::string kTestDir;
123 static const std::string kTestDbDir;
124 static const std::string kLogFile;
125 static Env* default_env;
126 };
128 const std::string AutoRollLoggerTest::kSampleMessage(
129 "this is the message to be written to the log file!!");
130 const std::string AutoRollLoggerTest::kTestDir(
131 test::PerThreadDBPath("db_log_test"));
132 const std::string AutoRollLoggerTest::kTestDbDir(
133 test::PerThreadDBPath("db_log_test_db"));
134 const std::string AutoRollLoggerTest::kLogFile(
135 test::PerThreadDBPath("db_log_test") + "/LOG");
136 Env* AutoRollLoggerTest::default_env = Env::Default();
138 void AutoRollLoggerTest::RollLogFileBySizeTest(AutoRollLogger* logger,
139 size_t log_max_size,
140 const std::string& log_message) {
141 logger->SetInfoLogLevel(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL);
142 ASSERT_EQ(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, logger->GetInfoLogLevel());
144 logger->TEST_inner_logger()->GetInfoLogLevel());
145 // measure the size of each message, which is supposed
146 // to be equal or greater than log_message.size()
147 LogMessage(logger, log_message.c_str());
148 size_t message_size = logger->GetLogFileSize();
149 size_t current_log_size = message_size;
151 // Test the cases when the log file will not be rolled.
152 while (current_log_size + message_size < log_max_size) {
153 LogMessage(logger, log_message.c_str());
154 current_log_size += message_size;
155 ASSERT_EQ(current_log_size, logger->GetLogFileSize());
156 }
158 // Now the log file will be rolled
159 LogMessage(logger, log_message.c_str());
160 // Since rotation is checked before actual logging, we need to
161 // trigger the rotation by logging another message.
162 LogMessage(logger, log_message.c_str());
164 ASSERT_TRUE(message_size == logger->GetLogFileSize());
165 }
167 void AutoRollLoggerTest::RollLogFileByTimeTest(
168 const std::shared_ptr<FileSystem>& fs,
169 const std::shared_ptr<SystemClock>& sc, AutoRollLogger* logger, size_t time,
170 const std::string& log_message) {
171 uint64_t expected_ctime;
172 uint64_t actual_ctime;
174 uint64_t total_log_size;
175 EXPECT_OK(fs->GetFileSize(kLogFile, IOOptions(), &total_log_size, nullptr));
176 expected_ctime = logger->TEST_ctime();
177 logger->SetCallNowMicrosEveryNRecords(0);
179 // -- Write to the log for several times, which is supposed
180 // to be finished before time.
181 for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
182 sc->SleepForMicroseconds(50000);
183 LogMessage(logger, log_message.c_str());
184 EXPECT_OK(logger->GetStatus());
185 // Make sure we always write to the same log file (by
186 // checking the create time);
188 actual_ctime = logger->TEST_ctime();
190 // Also make sure the log size is increasing.
191 EXPECT_EQ(expected_ctime, actual_ctime);
192 EXPECT_GT(logger->GetLogFileSize(), total_log_size);
193 total_log_size = logger->GetLogFileSize();
194 }
196 // -- Make the log file expire
197 sc->SleepForMicroseconds(static_cast<int>(time * 1000000));
198 LogMessage(logger, log_message.c_str());
200 // At this time, the new log file should be created.
201 actual_ctime = logger->TEST_ctime();
202 EXPECT_LT(expected_ctime, actual_ctime);
203 EXPECT_LT(logger->GetLogFileSize(), total_log_size);
204 }
206 TEST_F(AutoRollLoggerTest, RollLogFileBySize) {
207 InitTestDb();
208 size_t log_max_size = 1024 * 5;
209 size_t keep_log_file_num = 10;
211 AutoRollLogger logger(FileSystem::Default(), SystemClock::Default(), kTestDir,
212 "", log_max_size, 0, keep_log_file_num);
214 RollLogFileBySizeTest(&logger, log_max_size,
215 kSampleMessage + ":RollLogFileBySize");
216 }
218 TEST_F(AutoRollLoggerTest, RollLogFileByTime) {
219 auto nsc =
220 std::make_shared<EmulatedSystemClock>(SystemClock::Default(), true);
222 size_t time = 2;
223 size_t log_size = 1024 * 5;
224 size_t keep_log_file_num = 10;
226 InitTestDb();
227 // -- Test the existence of file during the server restart.
228 ASSERT_EQ(Status::NotFound(), default_env->FileExists(kLogFile));
229 AutoRollLogger logger(default_env->GetFileSystem(), nsc, kTestDir, "",
230 log_size, time, keep_log_file_num);
231 ASSERT_OK(default_env->FileExists(kLogFile));
233 RollLogFileByTimeTest(default_env->GetFileSystem(), nsc, &logger, time,
234 kSampleMessage + ":RollLogFileByTime");
235 }
237 TEST_F(AutoRollLoggerTest, SetInfoLogLevel) {
238 InitTestDb();
239 Options options;
240 options.info_log_level = InfoLogLevel::FATAL_LEVEL;
241 options.max_log_file_size = 1024;
242 std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger;
243 ASSERT_OK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDir, options, &logger));
244 auto* auto_roll_logger = dynamic_cast<AutoRollLogger*>(logger.get());
245 ASSERT_NE(nullptr, auto_roll_logger);
246 ASSERT_EQ(InfoLogLevel::FATAL_LEVEL, auto_roll_logger->GetInfoLogLevel());
248 auto_roll_logger->TEST_inner_logger()->GetInfoLogLevel());
249 auto_roll_logger->SetInfoLogLevel(InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL);
250 ASSERT_EQ(InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL, auto_roll_logger->GetInfoLogLevel());
251 ASSERT_EQ(InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL, logger->GetInfoLogLevel());
253 auto_roll_logger->TEST_inner_logger()->GetInfoLogLevel());
254 }
256 TEST_F(AutoRollLoggerTest, OpenLogFilesMultipleTimesWithOptionLog_max_size) {
257 // If only 'log_max_size' options is specified, then every time
258 // when rocksdb is restarted, a new empty log file will be created.
259 InitTestDb();
261 // avoid complier's complaint of "comparison between signed
262 // and unsigned integer expressions" because literal 0 is
263 // treated as "singed".
264 size_t kZero = 0;
265 size_t log_size = 1024;
266 size_t keep_log_file_num = 10;
268 AutoRollLogger* logger =
269 new AutoRollLogger(FileSystem::Default(), SystemClock::Default(),
270 kTestDir, "", log_size, 0, keep_log_file_num);
272 LogMessage(logger, kSampleMessage.c_str());
273 ASSERT_GT(logger->GetLogFileSize(), kZero);
274 delete logger;
276 // reopens the log file and an empty log file will be created.
277 logger = new AutoRollLogger(FileSystem::Default(), SystemClock::Default(),
278 kTestDir, "", log_size, 0, 10);
279 ASSERT_EQ(logger->GetLogFileSize(), kZero);
280 delete logger;
281 }
283 TEST_F(AutoRollLoggerTest, CompositeRollByTimeAndSizeLogger) {
284 size_t time = 2, log_max_size = 1024 * 5;
285 size_t keep_log_file_num = 10;
287 InitTestDb();
289 auto nsc =
290 std::make_shared<EmulatedSystemClock>(SystemClock::Default(), true);
291 AutoRollLogger logger(FileSystem::Default(), nsc, kTestDir, "", log_max_size,
292 time, keep_log_file_num);
294 // Test the ability to roll by size
295 RollLogFileBySizeTest(&logger, log_max_size,
296 kSampleMessage + ":CompositeRollByTimeAndSizeLogger");
298 // Test the ability to roll by Time
299 RollLogFileByTimeTest(FileSystem::Default(), nsc, &logger, time,
300 kSampleMessage + ":CompositeRollByTimeAndSizeLogger");
301 }
303 #ifndef OS_WIN
304 // TODO: does not build for Windows because of EnvLogger use below. Need to
305 // port
306 TEST_F(AutoRollLoggerTest, CreateLoggerFromOptions) {
307 DBOptions options;
308 auto nsc =
309 std::make_shared<EmulatedSystemClock>(SystemClock::Default(), true);
310 std::unique_ptr<Env> nse(new CompositeEnvWrapper(Env::Default(), nsc));
312 std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger;
314 // Normal logger
315 ASSERT_OK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDir, options, &logger));
316 ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast<EnvLogger*>(logger.get()));
318 // Only roll by size
319 InitTestDb();
320 options.max_log_file_size = 1024;
321 ASSERT_OK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDir, options, &logger));
322 AutoRollLogger* auto_roll_logger =
323 dynamic_cast<AutoRollLogger*>(logger.get());
324 ASSERT_TRUE(auto_roll_logger);
325 RollLogFileBySizeTest(auto_roll_logger, options.max_log_file_size,
326 kSampleMessage + ":CreateLoggerFromOptions - size");
328 // Only roll by Time
329 options.env = nse.get();
330 InitTestDb();
331 options.max_log_file_size = 0;
332 options.log_file_time_to_roll = 2;
333 ASSERT_OK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDir, options, &logger));
334 auto_roll_logger = dynamic_cast<AutoRollLogger*>(logger.get());
335 RollLogFileByTimeTest(options.env->GetFileSystem(), nsc, auto_roll_logger,
336 options.log_file_time_to_roll,
337 kSampleMessage + ":CreateLoggerFromOptions - time");
339 // roll by both Time and size
340 InitTestDb();
341 options.max_log_file_size = 1024 * 5;
342 options.log_file_time_to_roll = 2;
343 ASSERT_OK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDir, options, &logger));
344 auto_roll_logger = dynamic_cast<AutoRollLogger*>(logger.get());
345 RollLogFileBySizeTest(auto_roll_logger, options.max_log_file_size,
346 kSampleMessage + ":CreateLoggerFromOptions - both");
347 RollLogFileByTimeTest(options.env->GetFileSystem(), nsc, auto_roll_logger,
348 options.log_file_time_to_roll,
349 kSampleMessage + ":CreateLoggerFromOptions - both");
351 // Set keep_log_file_num
352 {
353 const size_t kFileNum = 3;
354 InitTestDb();
355 options.max_log_file_size = 512;
356 options.log_file_time_to_roll = 2;
357 options.keep_log_file_num = kFileNum;
358 ASSERT_OK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDir, options, &logger));
359 auto_roll_logger = dynamic_cast<AutoRollLogger*>(logger.get());
361 // Roll the log 4 times, and it will trim to 3 files.
362 std::string dummy_large_string;
363 dummy_large_string.assign(options.max_log_file_size, '=');
364 auto_roll_logger->SetInfoLogLevel(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL);
365 for (size_t i = 0; i < kFileNum + 1; i++) {
366 // Log enough bytes to trigger at least one roll.
367 LogMessage(auto_roll_logger, dummy_large_string.c_str());
368 LogMessage(auto_roll_logger, "");
369 }
371 std::vector<std::string> files = GetLogFiles();
372 ASSERT_EQ(kFileNum, files.size());
374 CleanupLogFiles();
375 }
377 // Set keep_log_file_num and dbname is different from
378 // db_log_dir.
379 {
380 const size_t kFileNum = 3;
381 InitTestDb();
382 options.max_log_file_size = 512;
383 options.log_file_time_to_roll = 2;
384 options.keep_log_file_num = kFileNum;
385 options.db_log_dir = kTestDir;
386 ASSERT_OK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDbDir, options, &logger));
387 auto_roll_logger = dynamic_cast<AutoRollLogger*>(logger.get());
389 // Roll the log 4 times, and it will trim to 3 files.
390 std::string dummy_large_string;
391 dummy_large_string.assign(options.max_log_file_size, '=');
392 auto_roll_logger->SetInfoLogLevel(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL);
393 for (size_t i = 0; i < kFileNum + 1; i++) {
394 // Log enough bytes to trigger at least one roll.
395 LogMessage(auto_roll_logger, dummy_large_string.c_str());
396 LogMessage(auto_roll_logger, "");
397 }
399 std::vector<std::string> files = GetLogFiles();
400 ASSERT_EQ(kFileNum, files.size());
401 for (const auto& f : files) {
402 ASSERT_TRUE(f.find("db_log_test_db") != std::string::npos);
403 }
405 // Cleaning up those files.
406 CleanupLogFiles();
407 }
408 }
410 TEST_F(AutoRollLoggerTest, AutoDeleting) {
411 for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 2; attempt++) {
412 // In the first attemp, db_log_dir is not set, while in the
413 // second it is set.
414 std::string dbname = (attempt == 0) ? kTestDir : "/test/dummy/dir";
415 std::string db_log_dir = (attempt == 0) ? "" : kTestDir;
417 InitTestDb();
418 const size_t kMaxFileSize = 512;
419 {
420 size_t log_num = 8;
421 AutoRollLogger logger(FileSystem::Default(), SystemClock::Default(),
422 dbname, db_log_dir, kMaxFileSize, 0, log_num);
423 RollNTimesBySize(&logger, log_num, kMaxFileSize);
425 ASSERT_EQ(log_num, GetLogFiles().size());
426 }
427 // Shrink number of files
428 {
429 size_t log_num = 5;
430 AutoRollLogger logger(FileSystem::Default(), SystemClock::Default(),
431 dbname, db_log_dir, kMaxFileSize, 0, log_num);
432 ASSERT_EQ(log_num, GetLogFiles().size());
434 RollNTimesBySize(&logger, 3, kMaxFileSize);
435 ASSERT_EQ(log_num, GetLogFiles().size());
436 }
438 // Increase number of files again.
439 {
440 size_t log_num = 7;
441 AutoRollLogger logger(FileSystem::Default(), SystemClock::Default(),
442 dbname, db_log_dir, kMaxFileSize, 0, log_num);
443 ASSERT_EQ(6, GetLogFiles().size());
445 RollNTimesBySize(&logger, 3, kMaxFileSize);
446 ASSERT_EQ(log_num, GetLogFiles().size());
447 }
449 CleanupLogFiles();
450 }
451 }
453 TEST_F(AutoRollLoggerTest, LogFlushWhileRolling) {
454 DBOptions options;
455 std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger;
457 InitTestDb();
458 options.max_log_file_size = 1024 * 5;
459 ASSERT_OK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDir, options, &logger));
460 AutoRollLogger* auto_roll_logger =
461 dynamic_cast<AutoRollLogger*>(logger.get());
462 ASSERT_TRUE(auto_roll_logger);
463 ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::port::Thread flush_thread;
465 // Notes:
466 // (1) Need to pin the old logger before beginning the roll, as rolling grabs
467 // the mutex, which would prevent us from accessing the old logger. This
468 // also marks flush_thread with AutoRollLogger::Flush:PinnedLogger.
469 // (2) New logger will be cut in AutoRollLogger::RollLogFile only when flush
470 // is completed and reference to pinned logger is released.
471 // (3) EnvLogger::Flush() happens in both threads but its SyncPoints only
472 // are enabled in flush_thread (the one pinning the old logger).
473 ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::SyncPoint::GetInstance()->LoadDependencyAndMarkers(
474 {{"AutoRollLogger::Flush:PinnedLogger",
475 "AutoRollLoggerTest::LogFlushWhileRolling:PreRollAndPostThreadInit"}},
476 {{"AutoRollLogger::Flush:PinnedLogger", "EnvLogger::Flush:Begin1"},
477 {"AutoRollLogger::Flush:PinnedLogger", "EnvLogger::Flush:Begin2"}});
478 ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::SyncPoint::GetInstance()->EnableProcessing();
480 flush_thread = port::Thread([&]() { auto_roll_logger->Flush(); });
482 "AutoRollLoggerTest::LogFlushWhileRolling:PreRollAndPostThreadInit");
483 RollLogFileBySizeTest(auto_roll_logger, options.max_log_file_size,
484 kSampleMessage + ":LogFlushWhileRolling");
485 flush_thread.join();
486 ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::SyncPoint::GetInstance()->DisableProcessing();
487 }
489 #endif // OS_WIN
491 TEST_F(AutoRollLoggerTest, InfoLogLevel) {
492 InitTestDb();
494 size_t log_size = 8192;
495 size_t log_lines = 0;
496 // an extra-scope to force the AutoRollLogger to flush the log file when it
497 // becomes out of scope.
498 {
499 AutoRollLogger logger(FileSystem::Default(), SystemClock::Default(),
500 kTestDir, "", log_size, 0, 10);
501 for (int log_level = InfoLogLevel::HEADER_LEVEL;
502 log_level >= InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL; log_level--) {
503 logger.SetInfoLogLevel((InfoLogLevel)log_level);
504 for (int log_type = InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL;
505 log_type <= InfoLogLevel::HEADER_LEVEL; log_type++) {
506 // log messages with log level smaller than log_level will not be
507 // logged.
508 LogMessage((InfoLogLevel)log_type, &logger, kSampleMessage.c_str());
509 }
510 log_lines += InfoLogLevel::HEADER_LEVEL - log_level + 1;
511 }
512 for (int log_level = InfoLogLevel::HEADER_LEVEL;
513 log_level >= InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL; log_level--) {
514 logger.SetInfoLogLevel((InfoLogLevel)log_level);
516 // again, messages with level smaller than log_level will not be logged.
517 ROCKS_LOG_HEADER(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
518 ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
519 ROCKS_LOG_INFO(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
520 ROCKS_LOG_WARN(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
521 ROCKS_LOG_ERROR(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
522 ROCKS_LOG_FATAL(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
523 log_lines += InfoLogLevel::HEADER_LEVEL - log_level + 1;
524 }
525 }
526 std::ifstream inFile(AutoRollLoggerTest::kLogFile.c_str());
527 size_t lines = std::count(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(inFile),
528 std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), '\n');
529 ASSERT_EQ(log_lines, lines);
530 inFile.close();
531 }
533 TEST_F(AutoRollLoggerTest, Close) {
534 InitTestDb();
536 size_t log_size = 8192;
537 size_t log_lines = 0;
538 AutoRollLogger logger(FileSystem::Default(), SystemClock::Default(), kTestDir,
539 "", log_size, 0, 10);
540 for (int log_level = InfoLogLevel::HEADER_LEVEL;
541 log_level >= InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL; log_level--) {
542 logger.SetInfoLogLevel((InfoLogLevel)log_level);
543 for (int log_type = InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL;
544 log_type <= InfoLogLevel::HEADER_LEVEL; log_type++) {
545 // log messages with log level smaller than log_level will not be
546 // logged.
547 LogMessage((InfoLogLevel)log_type, &logger, kSampleMessage.c_str());
548 }
549 log_lines += InfoLogLevel::HEADER_LEVEL - log_level + 1;
550 }
551 for (int log_level = InfoLogLevel::HEADER_LEVEL;
552 log_level >= InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL; log_level--) {
553 logger.SetInfoLogLevel((InfoLogLevel)log_level);
555 // again, messages with level smaller than log_level will not be logged.
556 ROCKS_LOG_HEADER(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
557 ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
558 ROCKS_LOG_INFO(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
559 ROCKS_LOG_WARN(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
560 ROCKS_LOG_ERROR(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
561 ROCKS_LOG_FATAL(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
562 log_lines += InfoLogLevel::HEADER_LEVEL - log_level + 1;
563 }
564 ASSERT_EQ(logger.Close(), Status::OK());
566 std::ifstream inFile(AutoRollLoggerTest::kLogFile.c_str());
567 size_t lines = std::count(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(inFile),
568 std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), '\n');
569 ASSERT_EQ(log_lines, lines);
570 inFile.close();
571 }
573 // Test the logger Header function for roll over logs
574 // We expect the new logs creates as roll over to carry the headers specified
575 static std::vector<std::string> GetOldFileNames(const std::string& path) {
576 std::vector<std::string> ret;
578 const std::string dirname = path.substr(/*start=*/0, path.find_last_of("/"));
579 const std::string fname = path.substr(path.find_last_of("/") + 1);
581 std::vector<std::string> children;
582 EXPECT_OK(Env::Default()->GetChildren(dirname, &children));
584 // We know that the old log files are named [path]<something>
585 // Return all entities that match the pattern
586 for (auto& child : children) {
587 if (fname != child && child.find(fname) == 0) {
588 ret.push_back(dirname + "/" + child);
589 }
590 }
592 return ret;
593 }
595 TEST_F(AutoRollLoggerTest, LogHeaderTest) {
596 static const size_t MAX_HEADERS = 10;
597 static const size_t LOG_MAX_SIZE = 1024 * 5;
598 static const std::string HEADER_STR = "Log header line";
600 // test_num == 0 -> standard call to Header()
601 // test_num == 1 -> call to Log() with InfoLogLevel::HEADER_LEVEL
602 for (int test_num = 0; test_num < 2; test_num++) {
603 InitTestDb();
605 AutoRollLogger logger(FileSystem::Default(), SystemClock::Default(),
606 kTestDir, /*db_log_dir=*/"", LOG_MAX_SIZE,
607 /*log_file_time_to_roll=*/0,
608 /*keep_log_file_num=*/10);
610 if (test_num == 0) {
611 // Log some headers explicitly using Header()
612 for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_HEADERS; i++) {
613 Header(&logger, "%s %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt, HEADER_STR.c_str(), i);
614 }
615 } else if (test_num == 1) {
616 // HEADER_LEVEL should make this behave like calling Header()
617 for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_HEADERS; i++) {
618 ROCKS_LOG_HEADER(&logger, "%s %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt, HEADER_STR.c_str(), i);
619 }
620 }
622 const std::string newfname = logger.TEST_log_fname();
624 // Log enough data to cause a roll over
625 int i = 0;
626 for (size_t iter = 0; iter < 2; iter++) {
627 while (logger.GetLogFileSize() < LOG_MAX_SIZE) {
628 Info(&logger, (kSampleMessage + ":LogHeaderTest line %d").c_str(), i);
629 ++i;
630 }
632 Info(&logger, "Rollover");
633 }
635 // Flush the log for the latest file
636 LogFlush(&logger);
638 const auto oldfiles = GetOldFileNames(newfname);
640 ASSERT_EQ(oldfiles.size(), (size_t)2);
642 for (auto& oldfname : oldfiles) {
643 // verify that the files rolled over
644 ASSERT_NE(oldfname, newfname);
645 // verify that the old log contains all the header logs
646 ASSERT_EQ(test::GetLinesCount(oldfname, HEADER_STR), MAX_HEADERS);
647 }
648 }
649 }
651 TEST_F(AutoRollLoggerTest, LogFileExistence) {
653 ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Options options;
654 #ifdef OS_WIN
655 // Replace all slashes in the path so windows CompSpec does not
656 // become confused
657 std::string testDir(kTestDir);
658 std::replace_if(
659 testDir.begin(), testDir.end(), [](char ch) { return ch == '/'; }, '\\');
660 std::string deleteCmd = "if exist " + testDir + " rd /s /q " + testDir;
661 #else
662 std::string deleteCmd = "rm -rf " + kTestDir;
663 #endif
664 ASSERT_EQ(system(deleteCmd.c_str()), 0);
665 options.max_log_file_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024;
666 options.create_if_missing = true;
667 ASSERT_OK(ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::DB::Open(options, kTestDir, &db));
668 ASSERT_OK(default_env->FileExists(kLogFile));
669 delete db;
670 }
672 TEST_F(AutoRollLoggerTest, FileCreateFailure) {
673 Options options;
674 options.max_log_file_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024;
675 options.db_log_dir = "/a/dir/does/not/exist/at/all";
677 std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger;
678 ASSERT_NOK(CreateLoggerFromOptions("", options, &logger));
679 ASSERT_TRUE(!logger);
680 }
682 TEST_F(AutoRollLoggerTest, RenameOnlyWhenExists) {
683 InitTestDb();
684 SpecialEnv env(Env::Default());
685 Options options;
686 options.env = &env;
688 // Originally no LOG exists. Should not see a rename.
689 {
690 std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger;
691 ASSERT_OK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDir, options, &logger));
692 ASSERT_EQ(0, env.rename_count_);
693 }
695 // Now a LOG exists. Create a new one should see a rename.
696 {
697 std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger;
698 ASSERT_OK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDir, options, &logger));
699 ASSERT_EQ(1, env.rename_count_);
700 }
701 }
703 TEST_F(AutoRollLoggerTest, RenameError) {
704 InitTestDb();
705 SpecialEnv env(Env::Default());
706 env.rename_error_ = true;
707 Options options;
708 options.env = &env;
710 // Originally no LOG exists. Should not be impacted by rename error.
711 {
712 std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger;
713 ASSERT_OK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDir, options, &logger));
714 ASSERT_TRUE(logger != nullptr);
715 }
717 // Now a LOG exists. Rename error should cause failure.
718 {
719 std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger;
720 ASSERT_NOK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDir, options, &logger));
721 ASSERT_TRUE(logger == nullptr);
722 }
723 }
725 } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
727 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
728 ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::port::InstallStackTraceHandler();
729 ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
730 return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
731 }
733 #else
734 #include <stdio.h>
736 int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) {
737 fprintf(stderr,
738 "SKIPPED as AutoRollLogger is not supported in ROCKSDB_LITE\n");
739 return 0;
740 }
742 #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE