]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/monitoring/histogram.cc
import 14.2.4 nautilus point release
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / monitoring / histogram.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
5 //
6 // Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
8 // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
12 #endif
14 #include "monitoring/histogram.h"
16 #include <inttypes.h>
17 #include <cassert>
18 #include <math.h>
19 #include <stdio.h>
21 #include "port/port.h"
22 #include "util/cast_util.h"
24 namespace rocksdb {
26 HistogramBucketMapper::HistogramBucketMapper() {
27 // If you change this, you also need to change
28 // size of array buckets_ in HistogramImpl
29 bucketValues_ = {1, 2};
30 valueIndexMap_ = {{1, 0}, {2, 1}};
31 double bucket_val = static_cast<double>(bucketValues_.back());
32 while ((bucket_val = 1.5 * bucket_val) <= static_cast<double>(port::kMaxUint64)) {
33 bucketValues_.push_back(static_cast<uint64_t>(bucket_val));
34 // Extracts two most significant digits to make histogram buckets more
35 // human-readable. E.g., 172 becomes 170.
36 uint64_t pow_of_ten = 1;
37 while (bucketValues_.back() / 10 > 10) {
38 bucketValues_.back() /= 10;
39 pow_of_ten *= 10;
40 }
41 bucketValues_.back() *= pow_of_ten;
42 valueIndexMap_[bucketValues_.back()] = bucketValues_.size() - 1;
43 }
44 maxBucketValue_ = bucketValues_.back();
45 minBucketValue_ = bucketValues_.front();
46 }
48 size_t HistogramBucketMapper::IndexForValue(const uint64_t value) const {
49 if (value >= maxBucketValue_) {
50 return bucketValues_.size() - 1;
51 } else if ( value >= minBucketValue_ ) {
52 std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t>::const_iterator lowerBound =
53 valueIndexMap_.lower_bound(value);
54 if (lowerBound != valueIndexMap_.end()) {
55 return static_cast<size_t>(lowerBound->second);
56 } else {
57 return 0;
58 }
59 } else {
60 return 0;
61 }
62 }
64 namespace {
65 const HistogramBucketMapper bucketMapper;
66 }
68 HistogramStat::HistogramStat()
69 : num_buckets_(bucketMapper.BucketCount()) {
70 assert(num_buckets_ == sizeof(buckets_) / sizeof(*buckets_));
71 Clear();
72 }
74 void HistogramStat::Clear() {
75 min_.store(bucketMapper.LastValue(), std::memory_order_relaxed);
76 max_.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
77 num_.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
78 sum_.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
79 sum_squares_.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
80 for (unsigned int b = 0; b < num_buckets_; b++) {
81 buckets_[b].store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
82 }
83 };
85 bool HistogramStat::Empty() const { return num() == 0; }
87 void HistogramStat::Add(uint64_t value) {
88 // This function is designed to be lock free, as it's in the critical path
89 // of any operation. Each individual value is atomic and the order of updates
90 // by concurrent threads is tolerable.
91 const size_t index = bucketMapper.IndexForValue(value);
92 assert(index < num_buckets_);
93 buckets_[index].store(buckets_[index].load(std::memory_order_relaxed) + 1,
94 std::memory_order_relaxed);
96 uint64_t old_min = min();
97 if (value < old_min) {
98 min_.store(value, std::memory_order_relaxed);
99 }
101 uint64_t old_max = max();
102 if (value > old_max) {
103 max_.store(value, std::memory_order_relaxed);
104 }
106 num_.store(num_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) + 1,
107 std::memory_order_relaxed);
108 sum_.store(sum_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) + value,
109 std::memory_order_relaxed);
110 sum_squares_.store(
111 sum_squares_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) + value * value,
112 std::memory_order_relaxed);
113 }
115 void HistogramStat::Merge(const HistogramStat& other) {
116 // This function needs to be performned with the outer lock acquired
117 // However, atomic operation on every member is still need, since Add()
118 // requires no lock and value update can still happen concurrently
119 uint64_t old_min = min();
120 uint64_t other_min = other.min();
121 while (other_min < old_min &&
122 !min_.compare_exchange_weak(old_min, other_min)) {}
124 uint64_t old_max = max();
125 uint64_t other_max = other.max();
126 while (other_max > old_max &&
127 !max_.compare_exchange_weak(old_max, other_max)) {}
129 num_.fetch_add(other.num(), std::memory_order_relaxed);
130 sum_.fetch_add(other.sum(), std::memory_order_relaxed);
131 sum_squares_.fetch_add(other.sum_squares(), std::memory_order_relaxed);
132 for (unsigned int b = 0; b < num_buckets_; b++) {
133 buckets_[b].fetch_add(other.bucket_at(b), std::memory_order_relaxed);
134 }
135 }
137 double HistogramStat::Median() const {
138 return Percentile(50.0);
139 }
141 double HistogramStat::Percentile(double p) const {
142 double threshold = num() * (p / 100.0);
143 uint64_t cumulative_sum = 0;
144 for (unsigned int b = 0; b < num_buckets_; b++) {
145 uint64_t bucket_value = bucket_at(b);
146 cumulative_sum += bucket_value;
147 if (cumulative_sum >= threshold) {
148 // Scale linearly within this bucket
149 uint64_t left_point = (b == 0) ? 0 : bucketMapper.BucketLimit(b-1);
150 uint64_t right_point = bucketMapper.BucketLimit(b);
151 uint64_t left_sum = cumulative_sum - bucket_value;
152 uint64_t right_sum = cumulative_sum;
153 double pos = 0;
154 uint64_t right_left_diff = right_sum - left_sum;
155 if (right_left_diff != 0) {
156 pos = (threshold - left_sum) / right_left_diff;
157 }
158 double r = left_point + (right_point - left_point) * pos;
159 uint64_t cur_min = min();
160 uint64_t cur_max = max();
161 if (r < cur_min) r = static_cast<double>(cur_min);
162 if (r > cur_max) r = static_cast<double>(cur_max);
163 return r;
164 }
165 }
166 return static_cast<double>(max());
167 }
169 double HistogramStat::Average() const {
170 uint64_t cur_num = num();
171 uint64_t cur_sum = sum();
172 if (cur_num == 0) return 0;
173 return static_cast<double>(cur_sum) / static_cast<double>(cur_num);
174 }
176 double HistogramStat::StandardDeviation() const {
177 uint64_t cur_num = num();
178 uint64_t cur_sum = sum();
179 uint64_t cur_sum_squares = sum_squares();
180 if (cur_num == 0) return 0;
181 double variance =
182 static_cast<double>(cur_sum_squares * cur_num - cur_sum * cur_sum) /
183 static_cast<double>(cur_num * cur_num);
184 return sqrt(variance);
185 }
186 std::string HistogramStat::ToString() const {
187 uint64_t cur_num = num();
188 std::string r;
189 char buf[1650];
190 snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
191 "Count: %" PRIu64 " Average: %.4f StdDev: %.2f\n",
192 cur_num, Average(), StandardDeviation());
193 r.append(buf);
194 snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
195 "Min: %" PRIu64 " Median: %.4f Max: %" PRIu64 "\n",
196 (cur_num == 0 ? 0 : min()), Median(), (cur_num == 0 ? 0 : max()));
197 r.append(buf);
198 snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
199 "Percentiles: "
200 "P50: %.2f P75: %.2f P99: %.2f P99.9: %.2f P99.99: %.2f\n",
201 Percentile(50), Percentile(75), Percentile(99), Percentile(99.9),
202 Percentile(99.99));
203 r.append(buf);
204 r.append("------------------------------------------------------\n");
205 if (cur_num == 0) return r; // all buckets are empty
206 const double mult = 100.0 / cur_num;
207 uint64_t cumulative_sum = 0;
208 for (unsigned int b = 0; b < num_buckets_; b++) {
209 uint64_t bucket_value = bucket_at(b);
210 if (bucket_value <= 0.0) continue;
211 cumulative_sum += bucket_value;
212 snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
213 "%c %7" PRIu64 ", %7" PRIu64 " ] %8" PRIu64 " %7.3f%% %7.3f%% ",
214 (b == 0) ? '[' : '(',
215 (b == 0) ? 0 : bucketMapper.BucketLimit(b-1), // left
216 bucketMapper.BucketLimit(b), // right
217 bucket_value, // count
218 (mult * bucket_value), // percentage
219 (mult * cumulative_sum)); // cumulative percentage
220 r.append(buf);
222 // Add hash marks based on percentage; 20 marks for 100%.
223 size_t marks = static_cast<size_t>(mult * bucket_value / 5 + 0.5);
224 r.append(marks, '#');
225 r.push_back('\n');
226 }
227 return r;
228 }
230 void HistogramStat::Data(HistogramData * const data) const {
231 assert(data);
232 data->median = Median();
233 data->percentile95 = Percentile(95);
234 data->percentile99 = Percentile(99);
235 data->max = static_cast<double>(max());
236 data->average = Average();
237 data->standard_deviation = StandardDeviation();
238 data->count = num();
239 data->sum = sum();
240 data->min = static_cast<double>(min());
241 }
243 void HistogramImpl::Clear() {
244 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
245 stats_.Clear();
246 }
248 bool HistogramImpl::Empty() const {
249 return stats_.Empty();
250 }
252 void HistogramImpl::Add(uint64_t value) {
253 stats_.Add(value);
254 }
256 void HistogramImpl::Merge(const Histogram& other) {
257 if (strcmp(Name(), other.Name()) == 0) {
258 Merge(
259 *static_cast_with_check<const HistogramImpl, const Histogram>(&other));
260 }
261 }
263 void HistogramImpl::Merge(const HistogramImpl& other) {
264 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
265 stats_.Merge(other.stats_);
266 }
268 double HistogramImpl::Median() const {
269 return stats_.Median();
270 }
272 double HistogramImpl::Percentile(double p) const {
273 return stats_.Percentile(p);
274 }
276 double HistogramImpl::Average() const {
277 return stats_.Average();
278 }
280 double HistogramImpl::StandardDeviation() const {
281 return stats_.StandardDeviation();
282 }
284 std::string HistogramImpl::ToString() const {
285 return stats_.ToString();
286 }
288 void HistogramImpl::Data(HistogramData * const data) const {
289 stats_.Data(data);
290 }
292 } // namespace levedb