]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/monitoring/stats_history_test.cc
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / monitoring / stats_history_test.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
5 //
6 // Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
8 // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
9 #include "rocksdb/stats_history.h"
11 #include <limits>
12 #include <string>
13 #include <unordered_map>
15 #include "db/column_family.h"
16 #include "db/db_impl/db_impl.h"
17 #include "db/db_test_util.h"
18 #include "db/periodic_task_scheduler.h"
19 #include "monitoring/persistent_stats_history.h"
20 #include "options/options_helper.h"
21 #include "port/stack_trace.h"
22 #include "rocksdb/cache.h"
23 #include "rocksdb/convenience.h"
24 #include "rocksdb/rate_limiter.h"
25 #include "test_util/mock_time_env.h"
26 #include "test_util/sync_point.h"
27 #include "test_util/testutil.h"
28 #include "util/random.h"
30 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
32 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
33 class StatsHistoryTest : public DBTestBase {
34 public:
35 StatsHistoryTest() : DBTestBase("stats_history_test", /*env_do_fsync=*/true) {
36 mock_clock_ = std::make_shared<MockSystemClock>(env_->GetSystemClock());
37 mock_env_.reset(new CompositeEnvWrapper(env_, mock_clock_));
38 }
40 protected:
41 std::shared_ptr<MockSystemClock> mock_clock_;
42 std::unique_ptr<Env> mock_env_;
44 void SetUp() override {
45 mock_clock_->InstallTimedWaitFixCallback();
46 SyncPoint::GetInstance()->SetCallBack(
47 "DBImpl::StartPeriodicTaskScheduler:Init", [&](void* arg) {
48 auto periodic_task_scheduler_ptr =
49 reinterpret_cast<PeriodicTaskScheduler*>(arg);
50 periodic_task_scheduler_ptr->TEST_OverrideTimer(mock_clock_.get());
51 });
52 }
53 };
55 TEST_F(StatsHistoryTest, RunStatsDumpPeriodSec) {
56 constexpr int kPeriodSec = 5;
57 Options options;
58 options.create_if_missing = true;
59 options.stats_dump_period_sec = kPeriodSec;
60 options.env = mock_env_.get();
61 int counter = 0;
62 SyncPoint::GetInstance()->SetCallBack("DBImpl::DumpStats:1",
63 [&](void* /*arg*/) { counter++; });
64 Reopen(options);
65 ASSERT_EQ(5u, dbfull()->GetDBOptions().stats_dump_period_sec);
67 // Wait for the first stats persist to finish, as the initial delay could be
68 // different.
69 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
70 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec - 1); });
72 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
73 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
74 ASSERT_GE(counter, 1);
76 // Test cancel job through SetOptions
77 ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->SetDBOptions({{"stats_dump_period_sec", "0"}}));
78 int old_val = counter;
79 for (int i = 1; i < 20; ++i) {
80 mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec);
81 }
82 ASSERT_EQ(counter, old_val);
83 Close();
84 }
86 // Test persistent stats background thread scheduling and cancelling
87 TEST_F(StatsHistoryTest, StatsPersistScheduling) {
88 constexpr int kPeriodSec = 5;
89 Options options;
90 options.create_if_missing = true;
91 options.stats_persist_period_sec = kPeriodSec;
92 options.env = mock_env_.get();
93 int counter = 0;
94 SyncPoint::GetInstance()->SetCallBack("DBImpl::PersistStats:Entry",
95 [&](void* /*arg*/) { counter++; });
96 Reopen(options);
97 ASSERT_EQ(5u, dbfull()->GetDBOptions().stats_persist_period_sec);
99 // Wait for the first stats persist to finish, as the initial delay could be
100 // different.
101 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
102 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec - 1); });
104 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
105 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
106 ASSERT_GE(counter, 1);
108 // Test cancel job through SetOptions
109 ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->SetDBOptions({{"stats_persist_period_sec", "0"}}));
110 int old_val = counter;
111 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
112 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec * 2); });
113 ASSERT_EQ(counter, old_val);
115 Close();
116 }
118 // Test enabling persistent stats for the first time
119 TEST_F(StatsHistoryTest, PersistentStatsFreshInstall) {
120 constexpr unsigned int kPeriodSec = 5;
121 Options options;
122 options.create_if_missing = true;
123 options.stats_persist_period_sec = 0;
124 options.env = mock_env_.get();
125 int counter = 0;
126 SyncPoint::GetInstance()->SetCallBack("DBImpl::PersistStats:Entry",
127 [&](void* /*arg*/) { counter++; });
128 Reopen(options);
129 ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->SetDBOptions(
130 {{"stats_persist_period_sec", std::to_string(kPeriodSec)}}));
131 ASSERT_EQ(kPeriodSec, dbfull()->GetDBOptions().stats_persist_period_sec);
133 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
134 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
135 ASSERT_GE(counter, 1);
136 Close();
137 }
139 // TODO(Zhongyi): Move persistent stats related tests to a separate file
140 TEST_F(StatsHistoryTest, GetStatsHistoryInMemory) {
141 constexpr int kPeriodSec = 5;
142 Options options;
143 options.create_if_missing = true;
144 options.stats_persist_period_sec = kPeriodSec;
145 options.statistics = CreateDBStatistics();
146 options.env = mock_env_.get();
147 CreateColumnFamilies({"pikachu"}, options);
148 ASSERT_OK(Put("foo", "bar"));
149 ReopenWithColumnFamilies({"default", "pikachu"}, options);
151 // make sure the first stats persist to finish
152 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
153 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec - 1); });
155 // Wait for stats persist to finish
156 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
157 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
159 std::unique_ptr<StatsHistoryIterator> stats_iter;
161 db_->GetStatsHistory(0, mock_clock_->NowSeconds() + 1, &stats_iter));
162 ASSERT_TRUE(stats_iter != nullptr);
163 // disabled stats snapshots
164 ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->SetDBOptions({{"stats_persist_period_sec", "0"}}));
165 size_t stats_count = 0;
166 for (; stats_iter->Valid(); stats_iter->Next()) {
167 auto stats_map = stats_iter->GetStatsMap();
168 ASSERT_EQ(stats_iter->GetStatsTime(), mock_clock_->NowSeconds());
169 stats_count += stats_map.size();
170 }
171 ASSERT_GT(stats_count, 0);
172 // Wait a bit and verify no more stats are found
173 for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
174 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
175 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(1); });
176 }
177 ASSERT_OK(db_->GetStatsHistory(0, mock_clock_->NowSeconds(), &stats_iter));
178 ASSERT_TRUE(stats_iter != nullptr);
179 size_t stats_count_new = 0;
180 for (; stats_iter->Valid(); stats_iter->Next()) {
181 stats_count_new += stats_iter->GetStatsMap().size();
182 }
183 ASSERT_EQ(stats_count_new, stats_count);
184 Close();
185 }
187 TEST_F(StatsHistoryTest, InMemoryStatsHistoryPurging) {
188 constexpr int kPeriodSec = 1;
189 Options options;
190 options.create_if_missing = true;
191 options.statistics = CreateDBStatistics();
192 options.stats_persist_period_sec = kPeriodSec;
193 options.env = mock_env_.get();
195 CreateColumnFamilies({"pikachu"}, options);
196 ASSERT_OK(Put("foo", "bar"));
197 ReopenWithColumnFamilies({"default", "pikachu"}, options);
198 // some random operation to populate statistics
199 ASSERT_OK(Delete("foo"));
200 ASSERT_OK(Put("sol", "sol"));
201 ASSERT_OK(Put("epic", "epic"));
202 ASSERT_OK(Put("ltd", "ltd"));
203 ASSERT_EQ("sol", Get("sol"));
204 ASSERT_EQ("epic", Get("epic"));
205 ASSERT_EQ("ltd", Get("ltd"));
206 Iterator* iterator = db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions());
207 for (iterator->SeekToFirst(); iterator->Valid(); iterator->Next()) {
208 ASSERT_TRUE(iterator->key() == iterator->value());
209 }
210 delete iterator;
211 ASSERT_OK(Flush());
212 ASSERT_OK(Delete("sol"));
213 ASSERT_OK(db_->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr));
215 // second round of ops
216 ASSERT_OK(Put("saigon", "saigon"));
217 ASSERT_OK(Put("noodle talk", "noodle talk"));
218 ASSERT_OK(Put("ping bistro", "ping bistro"));
219 iterator = db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions());
220 for (iterator->SeekToFirst(); iterator->Valid(); iterator->Next()) {
221 ASSERT_TRUE(iterator->key() == iterator->value());
222 }
223 delete iterator;
224 ASSERT_OK(Flush());
225 ASSERT_OK(db_->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr));
227 const int kIterations = 10;
228 for (int i = 0; i < kIterations; ++i) {
229 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
230 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
231 }
233 std::unique_ptr<StatsHistoryIterator> stats_iter;
235 db_->GetStatsHistory(0, mock_clock_->NowSeconds() + 1, &stats_iter));
236 ASSERT_TRUE(stats_iter != nullptr);
237 size_t stats_count = 0;
238 int slice_count = 0;
239 for (; stats_iter->Valid(); stats_iter->Next()) {
240 slice_count++;
241 auto stats_map = stats_iter->GetStatsMap();
242 stats_count += stats_map.size();
243 }
244 size_t stats_history_size = dbfull()->TEST_EstimateInMemoryStatsHistorySize();
245 ASSERT_GE(slice_count, kIterations - 1);
246 ASSERT_GE(stats_history_size, 15000);
247 // capping memory cost at 15000 bytes since one slice is around 10000~15000
248 ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->SetDBOptions({{"stats_history_buffer_size", "15000"}}));
249 ASSERT_EQ(15000, dbfull()->GetDBOptions().stats_history_buffer_size);
251 // Wait for stats persist to finish
252 for (int i = 0; i < kIterations; ++i) {
253 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
254 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
255 }
258 db_->GetStatsHistory(0, mock_clock_->NowSeconds() + 1, &stats_iter));
259 ASSERT_TRUE(stats_iter != nullptr);
260 size_t stats_count_reopen = 0;
261 slice_count = 0;
262 for (; stats_iter->Valid(); stats_iter->Next()) {
263 slice_count++;
264 auto stats_map = stats_iter->GetStatsMap();
265 stats_count_reopen += stats_map.size();
266 }
267 size_t stats_history_size_reopen =
268 dbfull()->TEST_EstimateInMemoryStatsHistorySize();
269 // only one slice can fit under the new stats_history_buffer_size
270 ASSERT_LT(slice_count, 2);
271 ASSERT_TRUE(stats_history_size_reopen < 15000 &&
272 stats_history_size_reopen > 0);
273 ASSERT_TRUE(stats_count_reopen < stats_count && stats_count_reopen > 0);
274 Close();
275 // TODO: may also want to verify stats timestamp to make sure we are purging
276 // the correct stats snapshot
277 }
279 int countkeys(Iterator* iter) {
280 int count = 0;
281 for (iter->SeekToFirst(); iter->Valid(); iter->Next()) {
282 count++;
283 }
284 return count;
285 }
287 TEST_F(StatsHistoryTest, GetStatsHistoryFromDisk) {
288 constexpr int kPeriodSec = 5;
289 Options options;
290 options.create_if_missing = true;
291 options.stats_persist_period_sec = kPeriodSec;
292 options.statistics = CreateDBStatistics();
293 options.persist_stats_to_disk = true;
294 options.env = mock_env_.get();
295 CreateColumnFamilies({"pikachu"}, options);
296 ASSERT_OK(Put("foo", "bar"));
297 ReopenWithColumnFamilies({"default", "pikachu"}, options);
298 ASSERT_EQ(Get("foo"), "bar");
300 // Wait for the first stats persist to finish, as the initial delay could be
301 // different.
302 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
303 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec - 1); });
305 // Wait for stats persist to finish
306 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
307 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
309 auto iter =
310 db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions(), dbfull()->PersistentStatsColumnFamily());
311 int key_count1 = countkeys(iter);
312 delete iter;
314 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
315 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
316 iter =
317 db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions(), dbfull()->PersistentStatsColumnFamily());
318 int key_count2 = countkeys(iter);
319 delete iter;
321 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
322 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
323 iter =
324 db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions(), dbfull()->PersistentStatsColumnFamily());
325 int key_count3 = countkeys(iter);
326 delete iter;
327 ASSERT_GE(key_count2, key_count1);
328 ASSERT_GE(key_count3, key_count2);
329 ASSERT_EQ(key_count3 - key_count2, key_count2 - key_count1);
330 std::unique_ptr<StatsHistoryIterator> stats_iter;
332 db_->GetStatsHistory(0, mock_clock_->NowSeconds() + 1, &stats_iter));
333 ASSERT_TRUE(stats_iter != nullptr);
334 size_t stats_count = 0;
335 int slice_count = 0;
336 int non_zero_count = 0;
337 for (int i = 2; stats_iter->Valid(); stats_iter->Next(), i++) {
338 slice_count++;
339 auto stats_map = stats_iter->GetStatsMap();
340 ASSERT_EQ(stats_iter->GetStatsTime(), kPeriodSec * i - 1);
341 for (auto& stat : stats_map) {
342 if (stat.second != 0) {
343 non_zero_count++;
344 }
345 }
346 stats_count += stats_map.size();
347 }
348 ASSERT_EQ(slice_count, 3);
349 // 2 extra keys for format version
350 ASSERT_EQ(stats_count, key_count3 - 2);
351 // verify reopen will not cause data loss
352 ReopenWithColumnFamilies({"default", "pikachu"}, options);
354 db_->GetStatsHistory(0, mock_clock_->NowSeconds() + 1, &stats_iter));
355 ASSERT_TRUE(stats_iter != nullptr);
356 size_t stats_count_reopen = 0;
357 int slice_count_reopen = 0;
358 int non_zero_count_recover = 0;
359 for (; stats_iter->Valid(); stats_iter->Next()) {
360 slice_count_reopen++;
361 auto stats_map = stats_iter->GetStatsMap();
362 for (auto& stat : stats_map) {
363 if (stat.second != 0) {
364 non_zero_count_recover++;
365 }
366 }
367 stats_count_reopen += stats_map.size();
368 }
370 ASSERT_EQ(non_zero_count, non_zero_count_recover);
371 ASSERT_EQ(slice_count, slice_count_reopen);
372 ASSERT_EQ(stats_count, stats_count_reopen);
373 Close();
374 }
376 // Test persisted stats matches the value found in options.statistics and
377 // the stats value retains after DB reopen
378 TEST_F(StatsHistoryTest, PersitentStatsVerifyValue) {
379 constexpr int kPeriodSec = 5;
380 Options options;
381 options.create_if_missing = true;
382 options.stats_persist_period_sec = kPeriodSec;
383 options.statistics = CreateDBStatistics();
384 options.persist_stats_to_disk = true;
385 std::map<std::string, uint64_t> stats_map_before;
386 ASSERT_TRUE(options.statistics->getTickerMap(&stats_map_before));
387 options.env = mock_env_.get();
388 CreateColumnFamilies({"pikachu"}, options);
389 ASSERT_OK(Put("foo", "bar"));
390 ReopenWithColumnFamilies({"default", "pikachu"}, options);
391 ASSERT_EQ(Get("foo"), "bar");
393 // Wait for the first stats persist to finish, as the initial delay could be
394 // different.
395 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
396 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec - 1); });
398 // Wait for stats persist to finish
399 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
400 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
401 auto iter =
402 db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions(), dbfull()->PersistentStatsColumnFamily());
403 countkeys(iter);
404 delete iter;
406 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
407 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
408 iter =
409 db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions(), dbfull()->PersistentStatsColumnFamily());
410 countkeys(iter);
411 delete iter;
413 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
414 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
415 iter =
416 db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions(), dbfull()->PersistentStatsColumnFamily());
417 countkeys(iter);
418 delete iter;
420 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
421 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
423 std::map<std::string, uint64_t> stats_map_after;
424 ASSERT_TRUE(options.statistics->getTickerMap(&stats_map_after));
425 std::unique_ptr<StatsHistoryIterator> stats_iter;
427 db_->GetStatsHistory(0, mock_clock_->NowSeconds() + 1, &stats_iter));
428 ASSERT_TRUE(stats_iter != nullptr);
429 std::string sample = "rocksdb.num.iterator.deleted";
430 uint64_t recovered_value = 0;
431 for (int i = 2; stats_iter->Valid(); stats_iter->Next(), ++i) {
432 auto stats_map = stats_iter->GetStatsMap();
433 ASSERT_EQ(stats_iter->GetStatsTime(), kPeriodSec * i - 1);
434 for (const auto& stat : stats_map) {
435 if (sample.compare(stat.first) == 0) {
436 recovered_value += stat.second;
437 }
438 }
439 }
440 ASSERT_EQ(recovered_value, stats_map_after[sample]);
442 // test stats value retains after recovery
443 ReopenWithColumnFamilies({"default", "pikachu"}, options);
445 db_->GetStatsHistory(0, mock_clock_->NowSeconds() + 1, &stats_iter));
446 ASSERT_TRUE(stats_iter != nullptr);
447 uint64_t new_recovered_value = 0;
448 for (int i = 2; stats_iter->Valid(); stats_iter->Next(), i++) {
449 auto stats_map = stats_iter->GetStatsMap();
450 ASSERT_EQ(stats_iter->GetStatsTime(), kPeriodSec * i - 1);
451 for (const auto& stat : stats_map) {
452 if (sample.compare(stat.first) == 0) {
453 new_recovered_value += stat.second;
454 }
455 }
456 }
457 ASSERT_EQ(recovered_value, new_recovered_value);
459 // TODO(Zhongyi): also add test to read raw values from disk and verify
460 // correctness
461 Close();
462 }
464 // TODO(Zhongyi): add test for different format versions
466 TEST_F(StatsHistoryTest, PersistentStatsCreateColumnFamilies) {
467 constexpr int kPeriodSec = 5;
468 Options options;
469 options.create_if_missing = true;
470 options.stats_persist_period_sec = kPeriodSec;
471 options.statistics = CreateDBStatistics();
472 options.persist_stats_to_disk = true;
473 options.env = mock_env_.get();
474 ASSERT_OK(TryReopen(options));
475 CreateColumnFamilies({"one", "two", "three"}, options);
476 ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "foo", "bar"));
477 ReopenWithColumnFamilies({"default", "one", "two", "three"}, options);
478 ASSERT_EQ(Get(2, "foo"), "bar");
479 CreateColumnFamilies({"four"}, options);
480 ReopenWithColumnFamilies({"default", "one", "two", "three", "four"}, options);
481 ASSERT_EQ(Get(2, "foo"), "bar");
483 // make sure the first stats persist to finish
484 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
485 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec - 1); });
487 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
488 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
489 auto iter =
490 db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions(), dbfull()->PersistentStatsColumnFamily());
491 int key_count = countkeys(iter);
492 delete iter;
493 ASSERT_GE(key_count, 0);
494 uint64_t num_write_wal = 0;
495 std::string sample = "rocksdb.write.wal";
496 std::unique_ptr<StatsHistoryIterator> stats_iter;
497 ASSERT_OK(db_->GetStatsHistory(0, mock_clock_->NowSeconds(), &stats_iter));
498 ASSERT_TRUE(stats_iter != nullptr);
499 for (; stats_iter->Valid(); stats_iter->Next()) {
500 auto stats_map = stats_iter->GetStatsMap();
501 for (const auto& stat : stats_map) {
502 if (sample.compare(stat.first) == 0) {
503 num_write_wal += stat.second;
504 }
505 }
506 }
507 stats_iter.reset();
508 ASSERT_EQ(num_write_wal, 1);
510 options.persist_stats_to_disk = false;
511 ReopenWithColumnFamilies({"default", "one", "two", "three", "four"}, options);
512 int cf_count = 0;
513 for (auto cfd : *dbfull()->versions_->GetColumnFamilySet()) {
514 (void)cfd;
515 cf_count++;
516 }
517 // persistent stats cf will be implicitly opened even if
518 // persist_stats_to_disk is false
519 ASSERT_EQ(cf_count, 6);
520 ASSERT_EQ(Get(2, "foo"), "bar");
522 // attempt to create column family using same name, should fail
523 ColumnFamilyOptions cf_opts(options);
524 ColumnFamilyHandle* handle;
525 ASSERT_NOK(db_->CreateColumnFamily(cf_opts, kPersistentStatsColumnFamilyName,
526 &handle));
528 options.persist_stats_to_disk = true;
529 ReopenWithColumnFamilies({"default", "one", "two", "three", "four"}, options);
530 ASSERT_NOK(db_->CreateColumnFamily(cf_opts, kPersistentStatsColumnFamilyName,
531 &handle));
532 // verify stats is not affected by prior failed CF creation
533 ASSERT_OK(db_->GetStatsHistory(0, mock_clock_->NowSeconds(), &stats_iter));
534 ASSERT_TRUE(stats_iter != nullptr);
535 num_write_wal = 0;
536 for (; stats_iter->Valid(); stats_iter->Next()) {
537 auto stats_map = stats_iter->GetStatsMap();
538 for (const auto& stat : stats_map) {
539 if (sample.compare(stat.first) == 0) {
540 num_write_wal += stat.second;
541 }
542 }
543 }
544 ASSERT_EQ(num_write_wal, 1);
546 Close();
547 Destroy(options);
548 }
550 TEST_F(StatsHistoryTest, PersistentStatsReadOnly) {
551 ASSERT_OK(Put("bar", "v2"));
552 Close();
554 auto options = CurrentOptions();
555 options.stats_persist_period_sec = 5;
556 options.persist_stats_to_disk = true;
557 assert(options.env == env_);
558 ASSERT_OK(ReadOnlyReopen(options));
559 ASSERT_EQ("v2", Get("bar"));
560 Close();
562 // Reopen and flush memtable.
563 ASSERT_OK(TryReopen(options));
564 ASSERT_OK(Flush());
565 Close();
566 // Now check keys in read only mode.
567 ASSERT_OK(ReadOnlyReopen(options));
568 }
570 TEST_F(StatsHistoryTest, ForceManualFlushStatsCF) {
571 constexpr int kPeriodSec = 5;
572 Options options;
573 options.create_if_missing = true;
574 options.write_buffer_size = 1024 * 1024 * 10; // 10 Mb
575 options.stats_persist_period_sec = kPeriodSec;
576 options.statistics = CreateDBStatistics();
577 options.persist_stats_to_disk = true;
578 options.env = mock_env_.get();
579 CreateColumnFamilies({"pikachu"}, options);
580 ReopenWithColumnFamilies({"default", "pikachu"}, options);
582 // Wait for the first stats persist to finish, as the initial delay could be
583 // different.
584 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
585 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec - 1); });
587 ColumnFamilyData* cfd_default =
588 static_cast<ColumnFamilyHandleImpl*>(dbfull()->DefaultColumnFamily())
589 ->cfd();
590 ColumnFamilyData* cfd_stats = static_cast<ColumnFamilyHandleImpl*>(
591 dbfull()->PersistentStatsColumnFamily())
592 ->cfd();
593 ColumnFamilyData* cfd_test =
594 static_cast<ColumnFamilyHandleImpl*>(handles_[1])->cfd();
596 ASSERT_OK(Put("foo", "v0"));
597 ASSERT_OK(Put("bar", "v0"));
598 ASSERT_EQ("v0", Get("bar"));
599 ASSERT_EQ("v0", Get("foo"));
600 ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "Eevee", "v0"));
601 ASSERT_EQ("v0", Get(1, "Eevee"));
603 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
604 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
605 // writing to all three cf, flush default cf
606 // LogNumbers: default: 16, stats: 10, pikachu: 5
607 // Since in recovery process, cfd_stats column is created after WAL is
608 // created, synced and MANIFEST is persisted, its log number which depends on
609 // logfile_number_ will be different. Since "pikachu" is never flushed, thus
610 // its log_number should be the smallest of the three.
611 ASSERT_OK(Flush());
612 ASSERT_LT(cfd_test->GetLogNumber(), cfd_stats->GetLogNumber());
613 ASSERT_LT(cfd_test->GetLogNumber(), cfd_default->GetLogNumber());
615 ASSERT_OK(Put("foo1", "v1"));
616 ASSERT_OK(Put("bar1", "v1"));
617 ASSERT_EQ("v1", Get("bar1"));
618 ASSERT_EQ("v1", Get("foo1"));
619 ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "Vaporeon", "v1"));
620 ASSERT_EQ("v1", Get(1, "Vaporeon"));
621 // writing to default and test cf, flush test cf
622 // LogNumbers: default: 14, stats: 16, pikachu: 16
623 ASSERT_OK(Flush(1));
624 ASSERT_EQ(cfd_stats->GetLogNumber(), cfd_test->GetLogNumber());
625 ASSERT_GT(cfd_stats->GetLogNumber(), cfd_default->GetLogNumber());
627 ASSERT_OK(Put("foo2", "v2"));
628 ASSERT_OK(Put("bar2", "v2"));
629 ASSERT_EQ("v2", Get("bar2"));
630 ASSERT_EQ("v2", Get("foo2"));
632 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
633 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
634 // writing to default and stats cf, flushing default cf
635 // LogNumbers: default: 19, stats: 19, pikachu: 19
636 ASSERT_OK(Flush());
637 ASSERT_EQ(cfd_stats->GetLogNumber(), cfd_test->GetLogNumber());
638 ASSERT_EQ(cfd_stats->GetLogNumber(), cfd_default->GetLogNumber());
640 ASSERT_OK(Put("foo3", "v3"));
641 ASSERT_OK(Put("bar3", "v3"));
642 ASSERT_EQ("v3", Get("bar3"));
643 ASSERT_EQ("v3", Get("foo3"));
644 ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "Jolteon", "v3"));
645 ASSERT_EQ("v3", Get(1, "Jolteon"));
647 dbfull()->TEST_WaitForPeridicTaskRun(
648 [&] { mock_clock_->MockSleepForSeconds(kPeriodSec); });
649 // writing to all three cf, flushing test cf
650 // LogNumbers: default: 19, stats: 19, pikachu: 22
651 ASSERT_OK(Flush(1));
652 ASSERT_LT(cfd_stats->GetLogNumber(), cfd_test->GetLogNumber());
653 ASSERT_EQ(cfd_stats->GetLogNumber(), cfd_default->GetLogNumber());
654 Close();
655 }
657 #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
658 } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
660 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
661 ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::port::InstallStackTraceHandler();
662 ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
663 return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
664 }