]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/options/options_parser.cc
update source to Ceph Pacific 16.2.2
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / options / options_parser.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
6 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
8 #include "options/options_parser.h"
10 #include <cmath>
11 #include <map>
12 #include <string>
13 #include <utility>
14 #include <vector>
16 #include "file/read_write_util.h"
17 #include "file/writable_file_writer.h"
18 #include "options/options_helper.h"
19 #include "rocksdb/convenience.h"
20 #include "rocksdb/db.h"
21 #include "test_util/sync_point.h"
22 #include "util/cast_util.h"
23 #include "util/string_util.h"
25 #include "port/port.h"
27 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
29 static const std::string option_file_header =
30 "# This is a RocksDB option file.\n"
31 "#\n"
32 "# For detailed file format spec, please refer to the example file\n"
33 "# in examples/rocksdb_option_file_example.ini\n"
34 "#\n"
35 "\n";
37 Status PersistRocksDBOptions(const DBOptions& db_opt,
38 const std::vector<std::string>& cf_names,
39 const std::vector<ColumnFamilyOptions>& cf_opts,
40 const std::string& file_name, FileSystem* fs) {
41 TEST_SYNC_POINT("PersistRocksDBOptions:start");
42 if (cf_names.size() != cf_opts.size()) {
43 return Status::InvalidArgument(
44 "cf_names.size() and cf_opts.size() must be the same");
45 }
46 std::unique_ptr<FSWritableFile> wf;
48 Status s =
49 fs->NewWritableFile(file_name, FileOptions(), &wf, nullptr);
50 if (!s.ok()) {
51 return s;
52 }
53 std::unique_ptr<WritableFileWriter> writable;
54 writable.reset(new WritableFileWriter(std::move(wf), file_name, EnvOptions(),
55 nullptr /* statistics */));
57 std::string options_file_content;
59 writable->Append(option_file_header + "[" +
60 opt_section_titles[kOptionSectionVersion] +
61 "]\n"
62 " rocksdb_version=" +
63 ToString(ROCKSDB_MAJOR) + "." + ToString(ROCKSDB_MINOR) +
64 "." + ToString(ROCKSDB_PATCH) + "\n");
65 writable->Append(" options_file_version=" +
68 writable->Append("\n[" + opt_section_titles[kOptionSectionDBOptions] +
69 "]\n ");
71 s = GetStringFromDBOptions(&options_file_content, db_opt, "\n ");
72 if (!s.ok()) {
73 writable->Close();
74 return s;
75 }
76 writable->Append(options_file_content + "\n");
78 for (size_t i = 0; i < cf_opts.size(); ++i) {
79 // CFOptions section
80 writable->Append("\n[" + opt_section_titles[kOptionSectionCFOptions] +
81 " \"" + EscapeOptionString(cf_names[i]) + "\"]\n ");
82 s = GetStringFromColumnFamilyOptions(&options_file_content, cf_opts[i],
83 "\n ");
84 if (!s.ok()) {
85 writable->Close();
86 return s;
87 }
88 writable->Append(options_file_content + "\n");
89 // TableOptions section
90 auto* tf = cf_opts[i].table_factory.get();
91 if (tf != nullptr) {
92 writable->Append("[" + opt_section_titles[kOptionSectionTableOptions] +
93 tf->Name() + " \"" + EscapeOptionString(cf_names[i]) +
94 "\"]\n ");
95 options_file_content.clear();
96 s = tf->GetOptionString(&options_file_content, "\n ");
97 if (!s.ok()) {
98 return s;
99 }
100 writable->Append(options_file_content + "\n");
101 }
102 }
103 writable->Sync(true /* use_fsync */);
104 writable->Close();
106 return RocksDBOptionsParser::VerifyRocksDBOptionsFromFile(
107 db_opt, cf_names, cf_opts, file_name, fs);
108 }
110 RocksDBOptionsParser::RocksDBOptionsParser() { Reset(); }
112 void RocksDBOptionsParser::Reset() {
113 db_opt_ = DBOptions();
114 db_opt_map_.clear();
115 cf_names_.clear();
116 cf_opts_.clear();
117 cf_opt_maps_.clear();
118 has_version_section_ = false;
119 has_db_options_ = false;
120 has_default_cf_options_ = false;
121 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
122 db_version[i] = 0;
123 opt_file_version[i] = 0;
124 }
125 }
127 bool RocksDBOptionsParser::IsSection(const std::string& line) {
128 if (line.size() < 2) {
129 return false;
130 }
131 if (line[0] != '[' || line[line.size() - 1] != ']') {
132 return false;
133 }
134 return true;
135 }
137 Status RocksDBOptionsParser::ParseSection(OptionSection* section,
138 std::string* title,
139 std::string* argument,
140 const std::string& line,
141 const int line_num) {
142 *section = kOptionSectionUnknown;
143 // A section is of the form [<SectionName> "<SectionArg>"], where
144 // "<SectionArg>" is optional.
145 size_t arg_start_pos = line.find("\"");
146 size_t arg_end_pos = line.rfind("\"");
147 // The following if-then check tries to identify whether the input
148 // section has the optional section argument.
149 if (arg_start_pos != std::string::npos && arg_start_pos != arg_end_pos) {
150 *title = TrimAndRemoveComment(line.substr(1, arg_start_pos - 1), true);
151 *argument = UnescapeOptionString(
152 line.substr(arg_start_pos + 1, arg_end_pos - arg_start_pos - 1));
153 } else {
154 *title = TrimAndRemoveComment(line.substr(1, line.size() - 2), true);
155 *argument = "";
156 }
157 for (int i = 0; i < kOptionSectionUnknown; ++i) {
158 if (title->find(opt_section_titles[i]) == 0) {
159 if (i == kOptionSectionVersion || i == kOptionSectionDBOptions ||
160 i == kOptionSectionCFOptions) {
161 if (title->size() == opt_section_titles[i].size()) {
162 // if true, then it indicats equal
163 *section = static_cast<OptionSection>(i);
164 return CheckSection(*section, *argument, line_num);
165 }
166 } else if (i == kOptionSectionTableOptions) {
167 // This type of sections has a sufffix at the end of the
168 // section title
169 if (title->size() > opt_section_titles[i].size()) {
170 *section = static_cast<OptionSection>(i);
171 return CheckSection(*section, *argument, line_num);
172 }
173 }
174 }
175 }
176 return Status::InvalidArgument(std::string("Unknown section ") + line);
177 }
179 Status RocksDBOptionsParser::InvalidArgument(const int line_num,
180 const std::string& message) {
181 return Status::InvalidArgument(
182 "[RocksDBOptionsParser Error] ",
183 message + " (at line " + ToString(line_num) + ")");
184 }
186 Status RocksDBOptionsParser::ParseStatement(std::string* name,
187 std::string* value,
188 const std::string& line,
189 const int line_num) {
190 size_t eq_pos = line.find("=");
191 if (eq_pos == std::string::npos) {
192 return InvalidArgument(line_num, "A valid statement must have a '='.");
193 }
195 *name = TrimAndRemoveComment(line.substr(0, eq_pos), true);
196 *value =
197 TrimAndRemoveComment(line.substr(eq_pos + 1, line.size() - eq_pos - 1));
198 if (name->empty()) {
199 return InvalidArgument(line_num,
200 "A valid statement must have a variable name.");
201 }
202 return Status::OK();
203 }
205 Status RocksDBOptionsParser::Parse(const std::string& file_name, FileSystem* fs,
206 bool ignore_unknown_options,
207 size_t file_readahead_size) {
208 Reset();
210 std::unique_ptr<FSSequentialFile> seq_file;
211 Status s = fs->NewSequentialFile(file_name, FileOptions(), &seq_file,
212 nullptr);
213 if (!s.ok()) {
214 return s;
215 }
217 SequentialFileReader sf_reader(std::move(seq_file), file_name,
218 file_readahead_size);
220 OptionSection section = kOptionSectionUnknown;
221 std::string title;
222 std::string argument;
223 std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> opt_map;
224 std::istringstream iss;
225 std::string line;
226 bool has_data = true;
227 // we only support single-lined statement.
228 for (int line_num = 1; ReadOneLine(&iss, &sf_reader, &line, &has_data, &s);
229 ++line_num) {
230 if (!s.ok()) {
231 return s;
232 }
233 line = TrimAndRemoveComment(line);
234 if (line.empty()) {
235 continue;
236 }
237 if (IsSection(line)) {
238 s = EndSection(section, title, argument, opt_map, ignore_unknown_options);
239 opt_map.clear();
240 if (!s.ok()) {
241 return s;
242 }
244 // If the option file is not generated by a higher minor version,
245 // there shouldn't be any unknown option.
246 if (ignore_unknown_options && section == kOptionSectionVersion) {
247 if (db_version[0] < ROCKSDB_MAJOR || (db_version[0] == ROCKSDB_MAJOR &&
248 db_version[1] <= ROCKSDB_MINOR)) {
249 ignore_unknown_options = false;
250 }
251 }
253 s = ParseSection(&section, &title, &argument, line, line_num);
254 if (!s.ok()) {
255 return s;
256 }
257 } else {
258 std::string name;
259 std::string value;
260 s = ParseStatement(&name, &value, line, line_num);
261 if (!s.ok()) {
262 return s;
263 }
264 opt_map.insert({name, value});
265 }
266 }
268 s = EndSection(section, title, argument, opt_map, ignore_unknown_options);
269 opt_map.clear();
270 if (!s.ok()) {
271 return s;
272 }
273 return ValidityCheck();
274 }
276 Status RocksDBOptionsParser::CheckSection(const OptionSection section,
277 const std::string& section_arg,
278 const int line_num) {
279 if (section == kOptionSectionDBOptions) {
280 if (has_db_options_) {
281 return InvalidArgument(
282 line_num,
283 "More than one DBOption section found in the option config file");
284 }
285 has_db_options_ = true;
286 } else if (section == kOptionSectionCFOptions) {
287 bool is_default_cf = (section_arg == kDefaultColumnFamilyName);
288 if (cf_opts_.size() == 0 && !is_default_cf) {
289 return InvalidArgument(
290 line_num,
291 "Default column family must be the first CFOptions section "
292 "in the option config file");
293 } else if (cf_opts_.size() != 0 && is_default_cf) {
294 return InvalidArgument(
295 line_num,
296 "Default column family must be the first CFOptions section "
297 "in the optio/n config file");
298 } else if (GetCFOptions(section_arg) != nullptr) {
299 return InvalidArgument(
300 line_num,
301 "Two identical column families found in option config file");
302 }
303 has_default_cf_options_ |= is_default_cf;
304 } else if (section == kOptionSectionTableOptions) {
305 if (GetCFOptions(section_arg) == nullptr) {
306 return InvalidArgument(
307 line_num, std::string(
308 "Does not find a matched column family name in "
309 "TableOptions section. Column Family Name:") +
310 section_arg);
311 }
312 } else if (section == kOptionSectionVersion) {
313 if (has_version_section_) {
314 return InvalidArgument(
315 line_num,
316 "More than one Version section found in the option config file.");
317 }
318 has_version_section_ = true;
319 }
320 return Status::OK();
321 }
323 Status RocksDBOptionsParser::ParseVersionNumber(const std::string& ver_name,
324 const std::string& ver_string,
325 const int max_count,
326 int* version) {
327 int version_index = 0;
328 int current_number = 0;
329 int current_digit_count = 0;
330 bool has_dot = false;
331 for (int i = 0; i < max_count; ++i) {
332 version[i] = 0;
333 }
334 constexpr int kBufferSize = 200;
335 char buffer[kBufferSize];
336 for (size_t i = 0; i < ver_string.size(); ++i) {
337 if (ver_string[i] == '.') {
338 if (version_index >= max_count - 1) {
339 snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1,
340 "A valid %s can only contains at most %d dots.",
341 ver_name.c_str(), max_count - 1);
342 return Status::InvalidArgument(buffer);
343 }
344 if (current_digit_count == 0) {
345 snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1,
346 "A valid %s must have at least one digit before each dot.",
347 ver_name.c_str());
348 return Status::InvalidArgument(buffer);
349 }
350 version[version_index++] = current_number;
351 current_number = 0;
352 current_digit_count = 0;
353 has_dot = true;
354 } else if (isdigit(ver_string[i])) {
355 current_number = current_number * 10 + (ver_string[i] - '0');
356 current_digit_count++;
357 } else {
358 snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1,
359 "A valid %s can only contains dots and numbers.",
360 ver_name.c_str());
361 return Status::InvalidArgument(buffer);
362 }
363 }
364 version[version_index] = current_number;
365 if (has_dot && current_digit_count == 0) {
366 snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1,
367 "A valid %s must have at least one digit after each dot.",
368 ver_name.c_str());
369 return Status::InvalidArgument(buffer);
370 }
371 return Status::OK();
372 }
374 Status RocksDBOptionsParser::EndSection(
375 const OptionSection section, const std::string& section_title,
376 const std::string& section_arg,
377 const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& opt_map,
378 bool ignore_unknown_options) {
379 Status s;
380 if (section == kOptionSectionDBOptions) {
381 s = GetDBOptionsFromMap(DBOptions(), opt_map, &db_opt_, true,
382 ignore_unknown_options);
383 if (!s.ok()) {
384 return s;
385 }
386 db_opt_map_ = opt_map;
387 } else if (section == kOptionSectionCFOptions) {
388 // This condition should be ensured earlier in ParseSection
389 // so we make an assertion here.
390 assert(GetCFOptions(section_arg) == nullptr);
391 cf_names_.emplace_back(section_arg);
392 cf_opts_.emplace_back();
393 s = GetColumnFamilyOptionsFromMap(ColumnFamilyOptions(), opt_map,
394 &cf_opts_.back(), true,
395 ignore_unknown_options);
396 if (!s.ok()) {
397 return s;
398 }
399 // keep the parsed string.
400 cf_opt_maps_.emplace_back(opt_map);
401 } else if (section == kOptionSectionTableOptions) {
402 assert(GetCFOptions(section_arg) != nullptr);
403 auto* cf_opt = GetCFOptionsImpl(section_arg);
404 if (cf_opt == nullptr) {
405 return Status::InvalidArgument(
406 "The specified column family must be defined before the "
407 "TableOptions section:",
408 section_arg);
409 }
410 // Ignore error as table factory deserialization is optional
411 s = GetTableFactoryFromMap(
412 section_title.substr(
413 opt_section_titles[kOptionSectionTableOptions].size()),
414 opt_map, &(cf_opt->table_factory), ignore_unknown_options);
415 if (!s.ok()) {
416 return s;
417 }
418 } else if (section == kOptionSectionVersion) {
419 for (const auto pair : opt_map) {
420 if (pair.first == "rocksdb_version") {
421 s = ParseVersionNumber(pair.first, pair.second, 3, db_version);
422 if (!s.ok()) {
423 return s;
424 }
425 } else if (pair.first == "options_file_version") {
426 s = ParseVersionNumber(pair.first, pair.second, 2, opt_file_version);
427 if (!s.ok()) {
428 return s;
429 }
430 if (opt_file_version[0] < 1) {
431 return Status::InvalidArgument(
432 "A valid options_file_version must be at least 1.");
433 }
434 }
435 }
436 }
437 return Status::OK();
438 }
440 Status RocksDBOptionsParser::ValidityCheck() {
441 if (!has_db_options_) {
442 return Status::Corruption(
443 "A RocksDB Option file must have a single DBOptions section");
444 }
445 if (!has_default_cf_options_) {
446 return Status::Corruption(
447 "A RocksDB Option file must have a single CFOptions:default section");
448 }
450 return Status::OK();
451 }
453 std::string RocksDBOptionsParser::TrimAndRemoveComment(const std::string& line,
454 bool trim_only) {
455 size_t start = 0;
456 size_t end = line.size();
458 // we only support "#" style comment
459 if (!trim_only) {
460 size_t search_pos = 0;
461 while (search_pos < line.size()) {
462 size_t comment_pos = line.find('#', search_pos);
463 if (comment_pos == std::string::npos) {
464 break;
465 }
466 if (comment_pos == 0 || line[comment_pos - 1] != '\\') {
467 end = comment_pos;
468 break;
469 }
470 search_pos = comment_pos + 1;
471 }
472 }
474 while (start < end && isspace(line[start]) != 0) {
475 ++start;
476 }
478 // start < end implies end > 0.
479 while (start < end && isspace(line[end - 1]) != 0) {
480 --end;
481 }
483 if (start < end) {
484 return line.substr(start, end - start);
485 }
487 return "";
488 }
490 namespace {
491 bool AreEqualDoubles(const double a, const double b) {
492 return (fabs(a - b) < 0.00001);
493 }
494 } // namespace
496 bool AreEqualOptions(
497 const char* opt1, const char* opt2, const OptionTypeInfo& type_info,
498 const std::string& opt_name,
499 const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* opt_map) {
500 const char* offset1 = opt1 + type_info.offset;
501 const char* offset2 = opt2 + type_info.offset;
503 switch (type_info.type) {
504 case OptionType::kBoolean:
505 return (*reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(offset1) ==
506 *reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(offset2));
507 case OptionType::kInt:
508 return (*reinterpret_cast<const int*>(offset1) ==
509 *reinterpret_cast<const int*>(offset2));
510 case OptionType::kInt32T:
511 return (*reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(offset1) ==
512 *reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(offset2));
513 case OptionType::kInt64T:
514 {
515 int64_t v1, v2;
516 GetUnaligned(reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(offset1), &v1);
517 GetUnaligned(reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(offset2), &v2);
518 return (v1 == v2);
519 }
520 case OptionType::kVectorInt:
521 return (*reinterpret_cast<const std::vector<int>*>(offset1) ==
522 *reinterpret_cast<const std::vector<int>*>(offset2));
523 case OptionType::kUInt:
524 return (*reinterpret_cast<const unsigned int*>(offset1) ==
525 *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned int*>(offset2));
526 case OptionType::kUInt32T:
527 return (*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(offset1) ==
528 *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(offset2));
529 case OptionType::kUInt64T:
530 {
531 uint64_t v1, v2;
532 GetUnaligned(reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(offset1), &v1);
533 GetUnaligned(reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(offset2), &v2);
534 return (v1 == v2);
535 }
536 case OptionType::kSizeT:
537 {
538 size_t v1, v2;
539 GetUnaligned(reinterpret_cast<const size_t*>(offset1), &v1);
540 GetUnaligned(reinterpret_cast<const size_t*>(offset2), &v2);
541 return (v1 == v2);
542 }
543 case OptionType::kString:
544 return (*reinterpret_cast<const std::string*>(offset1) ==
545 *reinterpret_cast<const std::string*>(offset2));
546 case OptionType::kDouble:
547 return AreEqualDoubles(*reinterpret_cast<const double*>(offset1),
548 *reinterpret_cast<const double*>(offset2));
549 case OptionType::kCompactionStyle:
550 return (*reinterpret_cast<const CompactionStyle*>(offset1) ==
551 *reinterpret_cast<const CompactionStyle*>(offset2));
552 case OptionType::kCompactionPri:
553 return (*reinterpret_cast<const CompactionPri*>(offset1) ==
554 *reinterpret_cast<const CompactionPri*>(offset2));
555 case OptionType::kCompressionType:
556 return (*reinterpret_cast<const CompressionType*>(offset1) ==
557 *reinterpret_cast<const CompressionType*>(offset2));
558 case OptionType::kVectorCompressionType: {
559 const auto* vec1 =
560 reinterpret_cast<const std::vector<CompressionType>*>(offset1);
561 const auto* vec2 =
562 reinterpret_cast<const std::vector<CompressionType>*>(offset2);
563 return (*vec1 == *vec2);
564 }
565 case OptionType::kChecksumType:
566 return (*reinterpret_cast<const ChecksumType*>(offset1) ==
567 *reinterpret_cast<const ChecksumType*>(offset2));
568 case OptionType::kBlockBasedTableIndexType:
569 return (
570 *reinterpret_cast<const BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType*>(
571 offset1) ==
572 *reinterpret_cast<const BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType*>(offset2));
573 case OptionType::kBlockBasedTableDataBlockIndexType:
574 return (
575 *reinterpret_cast<const BlockBasedTableOptions::DataBlockIndexType*>(
576 offset1) ==
577 *reinterpret_cast<const BlockBasedTableOptions::DataBlockIndexType*>(
578 offset2));
579 case OptionType::kBlockBasedTableIndexShorteningMode:
580 return (
581 *reinterpret_cast<const BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexShorteningMode*>(
582 offset1) ==
583 *reinterpret_cast<const BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexShorteningMode*>(
584 offset2));
585 case OptionType::kWALRecoveryMode:
586 return (*reinterpret_cast<const WALRecoveryMode*>(offset1) ==
587 *reinterpret_cast<const WALRecoveryMode*>(offset2));
588 case OptionType::kAccessHint:
589 return (*reinterpret_cast<const DBOptions::AccessHint*>(offset1) ==
590 *reinterpret_cast<const DBOptions::AccessHint*>(offset2));
591 case OptionType::kInfoLogLevel:
592 return (*reinterpret_cast<const InfoLogLevel*>(offset1) ==
593 *reinterpret_cast<const InfoLogLevel*>(offset2));
594 case OptionType::kCompactionOptionsFIFO: {
595 CompactionOptionsFIFO lhs =
596 *reinterpret_cast<const CompactionOptionsFIFO*>(offset1);
597 CompactionOptionsFIFO rhs =
598 *reinterpret_cast<const CompactionOptionsFIFO*>(offset2);
599 if (lhs.max_table_files_size == rhs.max_table_files_size &&
600 lhs.allow_compaction == rhs.allow_compaction) {
601 return true;
602 }
603 return false;
604 }
605 case OptionType::kCompactionOptionsUniversal: {
606 CompactionOptionsUniversal lhs =
607 *reinterpret_cast<const CompactionOptionsUniversal*>(offset1);
608 CompactionOptionsUniversal rhs =
609 *reinterpret_cast<const CompactionOptionsUniversal*>(offset2);
610 if (lhs.size_ratio == rhs.size_ratio &&
611 lhs.min_merge_width == rhs.min_merge_width &&
612 lhs.max_merge_width == rhs.max_merge_width &&
613 lhs.max_size_amplification_percent ==
614 rhs.max_size_amplification_percent &&
615 lhs.compression_size_percent == rhs.compression_size_percent &&
616 lhs.stop_style == rhs.stop_style &&
617 lhs.allow_trivial_move == rhs.allow_trivial_move) {
618 return true;
619 }
620 return false;
621 }
622 default:
623 if (type_info.verification == OptionVerificationType::kByName ||
624 type_info.verification ==
625 OptionVerificationType::kByNameAllowFromNull ||
626 type_info.verification == OptionVerificationType::kByNameAllowNull) {
627 std::string value1;
628 bool result =
629 SerializeSingleOptionHelper(offset1, type_info.type, &value1);
630 if (result == false) {
631 return false;
632 }
633 if (opt_map == nullptr) {
634 return true;
635 }
636 auto iter = opt_map->find(opt_name);
637 if (iter == opt_map->end()) {
638 return true;
639 } else {
640 if (type_info.verification ==
641 OptionVerificationType::kByNameAllowNull) {
642 if (iter->second == kNullptrString || value1 == kNullptrString) {
643 return true;
644 }
645 } else if (type_info.verification ==
646 OptionVerificationType::kByNameAllowFromNull) {
647 if (iter->second == kNullptrString) {
648 return true;
649 }
650 }
651 return (value1 == iter->second);
652 }
653 }
654 return false;
655 }
656 }
658 Status RocksDBOptionsParser::VerifyRocksDBOptionsFromFile(
659 const DBOptions& db_opt, const std::vector<std::string>& cf_names,
660 const std::vector<ColumnFamilyOptions>& cf_opts,
661 const std::string& file_name, FileSystem* fs,
662 OptionsSanityCheckLevel sanity_check_level, bool ignore_unknown_options) {
663 // We infer option file readhead size from log readahead size.
664 // If it is not given, use 512KB.
665 size_t file_readahead_size = db_opt.log_readahead_size;
666 if (file_readahead_size == 0) {
667 const size_t kDefaultOptionFileReadAheadSize = 512 * 1024;
668 file_readahead_size = kDefaultOptionFileReadAheadSize;
669 }
671 RocksDBOptionsParser parser;
672 Status s =
673 parser.Parse(file_name, fs, ignore_unknown_options, file_readahead_size);
674 if (!s.ok()) {
675 return s;
676 }
678 // Verify DBOptions
679 s = VerifyDBOptions(db_opt, *parser.db_opt(), parser.db_opt_map(),
680 sanity_check_level);
681 if (!s.ok()) {
682 return s;
683 }
685 // Verify ColumnFamily Name
686 if (cf_names.size() != parser.cf_names()->size()) {
687 if (sanity_check_level >= kSanityLevelLooselyCompatible) {
688 return Status::InvalidArgument(
689 "[RocksDBOptionParser Error] The persisted options does not have "
690 "the same number of column family names as the db instance.");
691 } else if (cf_opts.size() > parser.cf_opts()->size()) {
692 return Status::InvalidArgument(
693 "[RocksDBOptionsParser Error]",
694 "The persisted options file has less number of column family "
695 "names than that of the specified one.");
696 }
697 }
698 for (size_t i = 0; i < cf_names.size(); ++i) {
699 if (cf_names[i] != parser.cf_names()->at(i)) {
700 return Status::InvalidArgument(
701 "[RocksDBOptionParser Error] The persisted options and the db"
702 "instance does not have the same name for column family ",
703 ToString(i));
704 }
705 }
707 // Verify Column Family Options
708 if (cf_opts.size() != parser.cf_opts()->size()) {
709 if (sanity_check_level >= kSanityLevelLooselyCompatible) {
710 return Status::InvalidArgument(
711 "[RocksDBOptionsParser Error]",
712 "The persisted options does not have the same number of "
713 "column families as the db instance.");
714 } else if (cf_opts.size() > parser.cf_opts()->size()) {
715 return Status::InvalidArgument(
716 "[RocksDBOptionsParser Error]",
717 "The persisted options file has less number of column families "
718 "than that of the specified number.");
719 }
720 }
721 for (size_t i = 0; i < cf_opts.size(); ++i) {
722 s = VerifyCFOptions(cf_opts[i], parser.cf_opts()->at(i),
723 &(parser.cf_opt_maps()->at(i)), sanity_check_level);
724 if (!s.ok()) {
725 return s;
726 }
727 s = VerifyTableFactory(cf_opts[i].table_factory.get(),
728 parser.cf_opts()->at(i).table_factory.get(),
729 sanity_check_level);
730 if (!s.ok()) {
731 return s;
732 }
733 }
735 return Status::OK();
736 }
738 Status RocksDBOptionsParser::VerifyDBOptions(
739 const DBOptions& base_opt, const DBOptions& persisted_opt,
740 const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* /*opt_map*/,
741 OptionsSanityCheckLevel sanity_check_level) {
742 for (auto pair : db_options_type_info) {
743 if (pair.second.verification == OptionVerificationType::kDeprecated) {
744 // We skip checking deprecated variables as they might
745 // contain random values since they might not be initialized
746 continue;
747 }
748 if (DBOptionSanityCheckLevel(pair.first) <= sanity_check_level) {
749 if (!AreEqualOptions(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&base_opt),
750 reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&persisted_opt),
751 pair.second, pair.first, nullptr)) {
752 constexpr size_t kBufferSize = 2048;
753 char buffer[kBufferSize];
754 std::string base_value;
755 std::string persisted_value;
756 SerializeSingleOptionHelper(
757 reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&base_opt) + pair.second.offset,
758 pair.second.type, &base_value);
759 SerializeSingleOptionHelper(
760 reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&persisted_opt) + pair.second.offset,
761 pair.second.type, &persisted_value);
762 snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
763 "[RocksDBOptionsParser]: "
764 "failed the verification on DBOptions::%s --- "
765 "The specified one is %s while the persisted one is %s.\n",
766 pair.first.c_str(), base_value.c_str(),
767 persisted_value.c_str());
768 return Status::InvalidArgument(Slice(buffer, strlen(buffer)));
769 }
770 }
771 }
772 return Status::OK();
773 }
775 Status RocksDBOptionsParser::VerifyCFOptions(
776 const ColumnFamilyOptions& base_opt,
777 const ColumnFamilyOptions& persisted_opt,
778 const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* persisted_opt_map,
779 OptionsSanityCheckLevel sanity_check_level) {
780 for (auto& pair : cf_options_type_info) {
781 if (pair.second.verification == OptionVerificationType::kDeprecated) {
782 // We skip checking deprecated variables as they might
783 // contain random values since they might not be initialized
784 continue;
785 }
786 if (CFOptionSanityCheckLevel(pair.first) <= sanity_check_level) {
787 if (!AreEqualOptions(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&base_opt),
788 reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&persisted_opt),
789 pair.second, pair.first, persisted_opt_map)) {
790 constexpr size_t kBufferSize = 2048;
791 char buffer[kBufferSize];
792 std::string base_value;
793 std::string persisted_value;
794 SerializeSingleOptionHelper(
795 reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&base_opt) + pair.second.offset,
796 pair.second.type, &base_value);
797 SerializeSingleOptionHelper(
798 reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&persisted_opt) + pair.second.offset,
799 pair.second.type, &persisted_value);
800 snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
801 "[RocksDBOptionsParser]: "
802 "failed the verification on ColumnFamilyOptions::%s --- "
803 "The specified one is %s while the persisted one is %s.\n",
804 pair.first.c_str(), base_value.c_str(),
805 persisted_value.c_str());
806 return Status::InvalidArgument(Slice(buffer, sizeof(buffer)));
807 }
808 }
809 }
810 return Status::OK();
811 }
813 Status RocksDBOptionsParser::VerifyTableFactory(
814 const TableFactory* base_tf, const TableFactory* file_tf,
815 OptionsSanityCheckLevel sanity_check_level) {
816 if (base_tf && file_tf) {
817 if (sanity_check_level > kSanityLevelNone &&
818 std::string(base_tf->Name()) != std::string(file_tf->Name())) {
819 return Status::Corruption(
820 "[RocksDBOptionsParser]: "
821 "failed the verification on TableFactory->Name()");
822 }
823 if (base_tf->Name() == BlockBasedTableFactory::kName) {
824 return VerifyBlockBasedTableFactory(
825 static_cast_with_check<const BlockBasedTableFactory,
826 const TableFactory>(base_tf),
827 static_cast_with_check<const BlockBasedTableFactory,
828 const TableFactory>(file_tf),
829 sanity_check_level);
830 }
831 // TODO(yhchiang): add checks for other table factory types
832 } else {
833 // TODO(yhchiang): further support sanity check here
834 }
835 return Status::OK();
836 }
837 } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
839 #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE