]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/table/block_based/partitioned_index_iterator.h
import quincy beta 17.1.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / table / block_based / partitioned_index_iterator.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
5 //
6 // Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
8 // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
9 #pragma once
10 #include "table/block_based/block_based_table_reader.h"
12 #include "table/block_based/block_based_table_reader_impl.h"
13 #include "table/block_based/block_prefetcher.h"
14 #include "table/block_based/reader_common.h"
16 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
17 // Iterator that iterates over partitioned index.
18 // Some upper and lower bound tricks played in block based table iterators
19 // could be played here, but it's too complicated to reason about index
20 // keys with upper or lower bound, so we skip it for simplicity.
21 class PartitionedIndexIterator : public InternalIteratorBase<IndexValue> {
22 // compaction_readahead_size: its value will only be used if for_compaction =
23 // true
24 public:
25 PartitionedIndexIterator(
26 const BlockBasedTable* table, const ReadOptions& read_options,
27 const InternalKeyComparator& icomp,
28 std::unique_ptr<InternalIteratorBase<IndexValue>>&& index_iter,
29 TableReaderCaller caller, size_t compaction_readahead_size = 0)
30 : table_(table),
31 read_options_(read_options),
32 #ifndef NDEBUG
33 icomp_(icomp),
34 #endif
35 user_comparator_(icomp.user_comparator()),
36 index_iter_(std::move(index_iter)),
37 block_iter_points_to_real_block_(false),
38 lookup_context_(caller),
39 block_prefetcher_(compaction_readahead_size) {}
41 ~PartitionedIndexIterator() override {}
43 void Seek(const Slice& target) override;
44 void SeekForPrev(const Slice&) override {
45 // Shouldn't be called.
46 assert(false);
47 }
48 void SeekToFirst() override;
49 void SeekToLast() override;
50 void Next() final override;
51 bool NextAndGetResult(IterateResult*) override {
52 assert(false);
53 return false;
54 }
55 void Prev() override;
56 bool Valid() const override {
57 return block_iter_points_to_real_block_ && block_iter_.Valid();
58 }
59 Slice key() const override {
60 assert(Valid());
61 return block_iter_.key();
62 }
63 Slice user_key() const override {
64 assert(Valid());
65 return block_iter_.user_key();
66 }
67 IndexValue value() const override {
68 assert(Valid());
69 return block_iter_.value();
70 }
71 Status status() const override {
72 // Prefix index set status to NotFound when the prefix does not exist
73 if (!index_iter_->status().ok() && !index_iter_->status().IsNotFound()) {
74 return index_iter_->status();
75 } else if (block_iter_points_to_real_block_) {
76 return block_iter_.status();
77 } else {
78 return Status::OK();
79 }
80 }
81 inline IterBoundCheck UpperBoundCheckResult() override {
82 // Shouldn't be called.
83 assert(false);
84 return IterBoundCheck::kUnknown;
85 }
86 void SetPinnedItersMgr(PinnedIteratorsManager*) override {
87 // Shouldn't be called.
88 assert(false);
89 }
90 bool IsKeyPinned() const override {
91 // Shouldn't be called.
92 assert(false);
93 return false;
94 }
95 bool IsValuePinned() const override {
96 // Shouldn't be called.
97 assert(false);
98 return false;
99 }
101 void ResetPartitionedIndexIter() {
102 if (block_iter_points_to_real_block_) {
103 block_iter_.Invalidate(Status::OK());
104 block_iter_points_to_real_block_ = false;
105 }
106 }
108 void SavePrevIndexValue() {
109 if (block_iter_points_to_real_block_) {
110 // Reseek. If they end up with the same data block, we shouldn't re-fetch
111 // the same data block.
112 prev_block_offset_ = index_iter_->value().handle.offset();
113 }
114 }
116 private:
117 friend class BlockBasedTableReaderTestVerifyChecksum_ChecksumMismatch_Test;
118 const BlockBasedTable* table_;
119 const ReadOptions read_options_;
120 #ifndef NDEBUG
121 const InternalKeyComparator& icomp_;
122 #endif
123 UserComparatorWrapper user_comparator_;
124 std::unique_ptr<InternalIteratorBase<IndexValue>> index_iter_;
125 IndexBlockIter block_iter_;
127 // True if block_iter_ is initialized and points to the same block
128 // as index iterator.
129 bool block_iter_points_to_real_block_;
130 uint64_t prev_block_offset_ = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
131 BlockCacheLookupContext lookup_context_;
132 BlockPrefetcher block_prefetcher_;
134 // If `target` is null, seek to first.
135 void SeekImpl(const Slice* target);
137 void InitPartitionedIndexBlock();
138 void FindKeyForward();
139 void FindBlockForward();
140 void FindKeyBackward();
141 };
142 } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE