]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/table/plain_table_factory.cc
update sources to ceph Nautilus 14.2.1
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / table / plain_table_factory.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
5 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
6 #include "table/plain_table_factory.h"
8 #include <stdint.h>
9 #include <memory>
10 #include "db/dbformat.h"
11 #include "options/options_helper.h"
12 #include "port/port.h"
13 #include "rocksdb/convenience.h"
14 #include "table/plain_table_builder.h"
15 #include "table/plain_table_reader.h"
16 #include "util/string_util.h"
18 namespace rocksdb {
20 Status PlainTableFactory::NewTableReader(
21 const TableReaderOptions& table_reader_options,
22 unique_ptr<RandomAccessFileReader>&& file, uint64_t file_size,
23 unique_ptr<TableReader>* table,
24 bool /*prefetch_index_and_filter_in_cache*/) const {
25 return PlainTableReader::Open(
26 table_reader_options.ioptions, table_reader_options.env_options,
27 table_reader_options.internal_comparator, std::move(file), file_size,
28 table, table_options_.bloom_bits_per_key, table_options_.hash_table_ratio,
29 table_options_.index_sparseness, table_options_.huge_page_tlb_size,
30 table_options_.full_scan_mode, table_reader_options.prefix_extractor);
31 }
33 TableBuilder* PlainTableFactory::NewTableBuilder(
34 const TableBuilderOptions& table_builder_options, uint32_t column_family_id,
35 WritableFileWriter* file) const {
36 // Ignore the skip_filters flag. PlainTable format is optimized for small
37 // in-memory dbs. The skip_filters optimization is not useful for plain
38 // tables
39 //
40 return new PlainTableBuilder(
41 table_builder_options.ioptions, table_builder_options.moptions,
42 table_builder_options.int_tbl_prop_collector_factories, column_family_id,
43 file, table_options_.user_key_len, table_options_.encoding_type,
44 table_options_.index_sparseness, table_options_.bloom_bits_per_key,
45 table_builder_options.column_family_name, 6,
46 table_options_.huge_page_tlb_size, table_options_.hash_table_ratio,
47 table_options_.store_index_in_file);
48 }
50 std::string PlainTableFactory::GetPrintableTableOptions() const {
51 std::string ret;
52 ret.reserve(20000);
53 const int kBufferSize = 200;
54 char buffer[kBufferSize];
56 snprintf(buffer, kBufferSize, " user_key_len: %u\n",
57 table_options_.user_key_len);
58 ret.append(buffer);
59 snprintf(buffer, kBufferSize, " bloom_bits_per_key: %d\n",
60 table_options_.bloom_bits_per_key);
61 ret.append(buffer);
62 snprintf(buffer, kBufferSize, " hash_table_ratio: %lf\n",
63 table_options_.hash_table_ratio);
64 ret.append(buffer);
65 snprintf(buffer, kBufferSize, " index_sparseness: %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt "\n",
66 table_options_.index_sparseness);
67 ret.append(buffer);
68 snprintf(buffer, kBufferSize, " huge_page_tlb_size: %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt "\n",
69 table_options_.huge_page_tlb_size);
70 ret.append(buffer);
71 snprintf(buffer, kBufferSize, " encoding_type: %d\n",
72 table_options_.encoding_type);
73 ret.append(buffer);
74 snprintf(buffer, kBufferSize, " full_scan_mode: %d\n",
75 table_options_.full_scan_mode);
76 ret.append(buffer);
77 snprintf(buffer, kBufferSize, " store_index_in_file: %d\n",
78 table_options_.store_index_in_file);
79 ret.append(buffer);
80 return ret;
81 }
83 const PlainTableOptions& PlainTableFactory::table_options() const {
84 return table_options_;
85 }
87 Status GetPlainTableOptionsFromString(const PlainTableOptions& table_options,
88 const std::string& opts_str,
89 PlainTableOptions* new_table_options) {
90 std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> opts_map;
91 Status s = StringToMap(opts_str, &opts_map);
92 if (!s.ok()) {
93 return s;
94 }
95 return GetPlainTableOptionsFromMap(table_options, opts_map,
96 new_table_options);
97 }
99 Status GetMemTableRepFactoryFromString(
100 const std::string& opts_str,
101 std::unique_ptr<MemTableRepFactory>* new_mem_factory) {
102 std::vector<std::string> opts_list = StringSplit(opts_str, ':');
103 size_t len = opts_list.size();
105 if (opts_list.empty() || opts_list.size() > 2) {
106 return Status::InvalidArgument("Can't parse memtable_factory option ",
107 opts_str);
108 }
110 MemTableRepFactory* mem_factory = nullptr;
112 if (opts_list[0] == "skip_list") {
113 // Expecting format
114 // skip_list:<lookahead>
115 if (2 == len) {
116 size_t lookahead = ParseSizeT(opts_list[1]);
117 mem_factory = new SkipListFactory(lookahead);
118 } else if (1 == len) {
119 mem_factory = new SkipListFactory();
120 }
121 } else if (opts_list[0] == "prefix_hash") {
122 // Expecting format
123 // prfix_hash:<hash_bucket_count>
124 if (2 == len) {
125 size_t hash_bucket_count = ParseSizeT(opts_list[1]);
126 mem_factory = NewHashSkipListRepFactory(hash_bucket_count);
127 } else if (1 == len) {
128 mem_factory = NewHashSkipListRepFactory();
129 }
130 } else if (opts_list[0] == "hash_linkedlist") {
131 // Expecting format
132 // hash_linkedlist:<hash_bucket_count>
133 if (2 == len) {
134 size_t hash_bucket_count = ParseSizeT(opts_list[1]);
135 mem_factory = NewHashLinkListRepFactory(hash_bucket_count);
136 } else if (1 == len) {
137 mem_factory = NewHashLinkListRepFactory();
138 }
139 } else if (opts_list[0] == "vector") {
140 // Expecting format
141 // vector:<count>
142 if (2 == len) {
143 size_t count = ParseSizeT(opts_list[1]);
144 mem_factory = new VectorRepFactory(count);
145 } else if (1 == len) {
146 mem_factory = new VectorRepFactory();
147 }
148 } else if (opts_list[0] == "cuckoo") {
149 // Expecting format
150 // cuckoo:<write_buffer_size>
151 if (2 == len) {
152 size_t write_buffer_size = ParseSizeT(opts_list[1]);
153 mem_factory = NewHashCuckooRepFactory(write_buffer_size);
154 } else if (1 == len) {
155 return Status::InvalidArgument("Can't parse memtable_factory option ",
156 opts_str);
157 }
158 } else {
159 return Status::InvalidArgument("Unrecognized memtable_factory option ",
160 opts_str);
161 }
163 if (mem_factory != nullptr) {
164 new_mem_factory->reset(mem_factory);
165 }
167 return Status::OK();
168 }
170 std::string ParsePlainTableOptions(const std::string& name,
171 const std::string& org_value,
172 PlainTableOptions* new_options,
173 bool input_strings_escaped = false,
174 bool ignore_unknown_options = false) {
175 const std::string& value =
176 input_strings_escaped ? UnescapeOptionString(org_value) : org_value;
177 const auto iter = plain_table_type_info.find(name);
178 if (iter == plain_table_type_info.end()) {
179 if (ignore_unknown_options) {
180 return "";
181 } else {
182 return "Unrecognized option";
183 }
184 }
185 const auto& opt_info = iter->second;
186 if (opt_info.verification != OptionVerificationType::kDeprecated &&
187 !ParseOptionHelper(reinterpret_cast<char*>(new_options) + opt_info.offset,
188 opt_info.type, value)) {
189 return "Invalid value";
190 }
191 return "";
192 }
194 Status GetPlainTableOptionsFromMap(
195 const PlainTableOptions& table_options,
196 const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& opts_map,
197 PlainTableOptions* new_table_options, bool input_strings_escaped,
198 bool /*ignore_unknown_options*/) {
199 assert(new_table_options);
200 *new_table_options = table_options;
201 for (const auto& o : opts_map) {
202 auto error_message = ParsePlainTableOptions(
203 o.first, o.second, new_table_options, input_strings_escaped);
204 if (error_message != "") {
205 const auto iter = plain_table_type_info.find(o.first);
206 if (iter == plain_table_type_info.end() ||
207 !input_strings_escaped || // !input_strings_escaped indicates
208 // the old API, where everything is
209 // parsable.
210 (iter->second.verification != OptionVerificationType::kByName &&
211 iter->second.verification !=
212 OptionVerificationType::kByNameAllowNull &&
213 iter->second.verification !=
214 OptionVerificationType::kByNameAllowFromNull &&
215 iter->second.verification != OptionVerificationType::kDeprecated)) {
216 // Restore "new_options" to the default "base_options".
217 *new_table_options = table_options;
218 return Status::InvalidArgument("Can't parse PlainTableOptions:",
219 o.first + " " + error_message);
220 }
221 }
222 }
223 return Status::OK();
224 }
226 extern TableFactory* NewPlainTableFactory(const PlainTableOptions& options) {
227 return new PlainTableFactory(options);
228 }
230 const std::string PlainTablePropertyNames::kEncodingType =
231 "rocksdb.plain.table.encoding.type";
233 const std::string PlainTablePropertyNames::kBloomVersion =
234 "rocksdb.plain.table.bloom.version";
236 const std::string PlainTablePropertyNames::kNumBloomBlocks =
237 "rocksdb.plain.table.bloom.numblocks";
239 } // namespace rocksdb
240 #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE