]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/tools/advisor/test/test_db_stats_fetcher.py
update sources to ceph Nautilus 14.2.1
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / tools / advisor / test / test_db_stats_fetcher.py
1 # Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 # This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 # COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 # (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
6 from advisor.db_stats_fetcher import LogStatsParser, DatabasePerfContext
7 from advisor.db_timeseries_parser import NO_ENTITY
8 from advisor.rule_parser import Condition, TimeSeriesCondition
9 import os
10 import time
11 import unittest
12 from unittest.mock import MagicMock
15 class TestLogStatsParser(unittest.TestCase):
16 def setUp(self):
17 this_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
18 stats_file = os.path.join(
19 this_path, 'input_files/log_stats_parser_keys_ts'
20 )
21 # populate the keys_ts dictionary of LogStatsParser
22 self.stats_dict = {NO_ENTITY: {}}
23 with open(stats_file, 'r') as fp:
24 for line in fp:
25 stat_name = line.split(':')[0].strip()
26 self.stats_dict[NO_ENTITY][stat_name] = {}
27 token_list = line.split(':')[1].strip().split(',')
28 for token in token_list:
29 timestamp = int(token.split()[0])
30 value = float(token.split()[1])
31 self.stats_dict[NO_ENTITY][stat_name][timestamp] = value
32 self.log_stats_parser = LogStatsParser('dummy_log_file', 20)
33 self.log_stats_parser.keys_ts = self.stats_dict
35 def test_check_and_trigger_conditions_bursty(self):
36 # mock fetch_timeseries() because 'keys_ts' has been pre-populated
37 self.log_stats_parser.fetch_timeseries = MagicMock()
38 # condition: bursty
39 cond1 = Condition('cond-1')
40 cond1 = TimeSeriesCondition.create(cond1)
41 cond1.set_parameter('keys', 'rocksdb.db.get.micros.p50')
42 cond1.set_parameter('behavior', 'bursty')
43 cond1.set_parameter('window_sec', 40)
44 cond1.set_parameter('rate_threshold', 0)
45 self.log_stats_parser.check_and_trigger_conditions([cond1])
46 expected_cond_trigger = {
47 NO_ENTITY: {1530896440: 0.9767546362322214}
48 }
49 self.assertDictEqual(expected_cond_trigger, cond1.get_trigger())
50 # ensure that fetch_timeseries() was called once
51 self.log_stats_parser.fetch_timeseries.assert_called_once()
53 def test_check_and_trigger_conditions_eval_agg(self):
54 # mock fetch_timeseries() because 'keys_ts' has been pre-populated
55 self.log_stats_parser.fetch_timeseries = MagicMock()
56 # condition: evaluate_expression
57 cond1 = Condition('cond-1')
58 cond1 = TimeSeriesCondition.create(cond1)
59 cond1.set_parameter('keys', 'rocksdb.db.get.micros.p50')
60 cond1.set_parameter('behavior', 'evaluate_expression')
61 keys = [
62 'rocksdb.manifest.file.sync.micros.p99',
63 'rocksdb.db.get.micros.p50'
64 ]
65 cond1.set_parameter('keys', keys)
66 cond1.set_parameter('aggregation_op', 'latest')
67 # condition evaluates to FALSE
68 cond1.set_parameter('evaluate', 'keys[0]-(keys[1]*100)>200')
69 self.log_stats_parser.check_and_trigger_conditions([cond1])
70 expected_cond_trigger = {NO_ENTITY: [1792.0, 15.9638]}
71 self.assertIsNone(cond1.get_trigger())
72 # condition evaluates to TRUE
73 cond1.set_parameter('evaluate', 'keys[0]-(keys[1]*100)<200')
74 self.log_stats_parser.check_and_trigger_conditions([cond1])
75 expected_cond_trigger = {NO_ENTITY: [1792.0, 15.9638]}
76 self.assertDictEqual(expected_cond_trigger, cond1.get_trigger())
77 # ensure that fetch_timeseries() was called
78 self.log_stats_parser.fetch_timeseries.assert_called()
80 def test_check_and_trigger_conditions_eval(self):
81 # mock fetch_timeseries() because 'keys_ts' has been pre-populated
82 self.log_stats_parser.fetch_timeseries = MagicMock()
83 # condition: evaluate_expression
84 cond1 = Condition('cond-1')
85 cond1 = TimeSeriesCondition.create(cond1)
86 cond1.set_parameter('keys', 'rocksdb.db.get.micros.p50')
87 cond1.set_parameter('behavior', 'evaluate_expression')
88 keys = [
89 'rocksdb.manifest.file.sync.micros.p99',
90 'rocksdb.db.get.micros.p50'
91 ]
92 cond1.set_parameter('keys', keys)
93 cond1.set_parameter('evaluate', 'keys[0]-(keys[1]*100)>500')
94 self.log_stats_parser.check_and_trigger_conditions([cond1])
95 expected_trigger = {NO_ENTITY: {
96 1530896414: [9938.0, 16.31508],
97 1530896440: [9938.0, 16.346602],
98 1530896466: [9938.0, 16.284669],
99 1530896492: [9938.0, 16.16005]
100 }}
101 self.assertDictEqual(expected_trigger, cond1.get_trigger())
102 self.log_stats_parser.fetch_timeseries.assert_called_once()
105 class TestDatabasePerfContext(unittest.TestCase):
106 def test_unaccumulate_metrics(self):
107 perf_dict = {
108 "user_key_comparison_count": 675903942,
109 "block_cache_hit_count": 830086,
110 }
111 timestamp = int(time.time())
112 perf_ts = {}
113 for key in perf_dict:
114 perf_ts[key] = {}
115 start_val = perf_dict[key]
116 for ix in range(5):
117 perf_ts[key][timestamp+(ix*10)] = start_val + (2 * ix * ix)
118 db_perf_context = DatabasePerfContext(perf_ts, 10, True)
119 timestamps = [timestamp+(ix*10) for ix in range(1, 5, 1)]
120 values = [val for val in range(2, 15, 4)]
121 inner_dict = {timestamps[ix]: values[ix] for ix in range(4)}
122 expected_keys_ts = {NO_ENTITY: {
123 'user_key_comparison_count': inner_dict,
124 'block_cache_hit_count': inner_dict
125 }}
126 self.assertDictEqual(expected_keys_ts, db_perf_context.keys_ts)