]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/tools/ldb_cmd.cc
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / tools / ldb_cmd.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
3 // LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
4 // of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
5 //
6 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
7 #include "rocksdb/utilities/ldb_cmd.h"
11 #endif
13 #include <inttypes.h>
15 #include "db/db_impl.h"
16 #include "db/dbformat.h"
17 #include "db/log_reader.h"
18 #include "db/write_batch_internal.h"
19 #include "port/dirent.h"
20 #include "rocksdb/cache.h"
21 #include "rocksdb/table_properties.h"
22 #include "rocksdb/utilities/backupable_db.h"
23 #include "rocksdb/utilities/checkpoint.h"
24 #include "rocksdb/utilities/object_registry.h"
25 #include "rocksdb/utilities/options_util.h"
26 #include "rocksdb/write_batch.h"
27 #include "rocksdb/write_buffer_manager.h"
28 #include "table/scoped_arena_iterator.h"
29 #include "tools/ldb_cmd_impl.h"
30 #include "tools/sst_dump_tool_imp.h"
31 #include "util/coding.h"
32 #include "util/filename.h"
33 #include "util/stderr_logger.h"
34 #include "util/string_util.h"
35 #include "utilities/ttl/db_ttl_impl.h"
37 #include <cstdlib>
38 #include <ctime>
39 #include <fstream>
40 #include <functional>
41 #include <iostream>
42 #include <limits>
43 #include <sstream>
44 #include <stdexcept>
45 #include <string>
47 namespace rocksdb {
49 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_DB = "db";
50 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_PATH = "path";
51 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_HEX = "hex";
52 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_KEY_HEX = "key_hex";
53 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_VALUE_HEX = "value_hex";
54 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_CF_NAME = "column_family";
55 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_TTL = "ttl";
56 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_TTL_START = "start_time";
57 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_TTL_END = "end_time";
58 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_TIMESTAMP = "timestamp";
59 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_TRY_LOAD_OPTIONS = "try_load_options";
60 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_FROM = "from";
61 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_TO = "to";
62 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_MAX_KEYS = "max_keys";
63 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_BLOOM_BITS = "bloom_bits";
64 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_FIX_PREFIX_LEN = "fix_prefix_len";
65 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_COMPRESSION_TYPE = "compression_type";
66 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_COMPRESSION_MAX_DICT_BYTES =
67 "compression_max_dict_bytes";
68 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_BLOCK_SIZE = "block_size";
69 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_AUTO_COMPACTION = "auto_compaction";
70 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_DB_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE = "db_write_buffer_size";
71 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE = "write_buffer_size";
72 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_FILE_SIZE = "file_size";
73 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_CREATE_IF_MISSING = "create_if_missing";
74 const std::string LDBCommand::ARG_NO_VALUE = "no_value";
76 const char* LDBCommand::DELIM = " ==> ";
78 namespace {
80 void DumpWalFile(std::string wal_file, bool print_header, bool print_values,
81 LDBCommandExecuteResult* exec_state);
83 void DumpSstFile(std::string filename, bool output_hex, bool show_properties);
84 };
86 LDBCommand* LDBCommand::InitFromCmdLineArgs(
87 int argc, char** argv, const Options& options,
88 const LDBOptions& ldb_options,
89 const std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>* column_families) {
90 std::vector<std::string> args;
91 for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
92 args.push_back(argv[i]);
93 }
94 return InitFromCmdLineArgs(args, options, ldb_options, column_families,
95 SelectCommand);
96 }
98 /**
99 * Parse the command-line arguments and create the appropriate LDBCommand2
100 * instance.
101 * The command line arguments must be in the following format:
102 * ./ldb --db=PATH_TO_DB [--commonOpt1=commonOpt1Val] ..
103 * COMMAND <PARAM1> <PARAM2> ... [-cmdSpecificOpt1=cmdSpecificOpt1Val] ..
104 * This is similar to the command line format used by HBaseClientTool.
105 * Command name is not included in args.
106 * Returns nullptr if the command-line cannot be parsed.
107 */
108 LDBCommand* LDBCommand::InitFromCmdLineArgs(
109 const std::vector<std::string>& args, const Options& options,
110 const LDBOptions& ldb_options,
111 const std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>* column_families,
112 const std::function<LDBCommand*(const ParsedParams&)>& selector) {
113 // --x=y command line arguments are added as x->y map entries in
114 // parsed_params.option_map.
115 //
116 // Command-line arguments of the form --hex end up in this array as hex to
117 // parsed_params.flags
118 ParsedParams parsed_params;
120 // Everything other than option_map and flags. Represents commands
121 // and their parameters. For eg: put key1 value1 go into this vector.
122 std::vector<std::string> cmdTokens;
124 const std::string OPTION_PREFIX = "--";
126 for (const auto& arg : args) {
127 if (arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] == '-'){
128 std::vector<std::string> splits = StringSplit(arg, '=');
129 if (splits.size() == 2) {
130 std::string optionKey = splits[0].substr(OPTION_PREFIX.size());
131 parsed_params.option_map[optionKey] = splits[1];
132 } else {
133 std::string optionKey = splits[0].substr(OPTION_PREFIX.size());
134 parsed_params.flags.push_back(optionKey);
135 }
136 } else {
137 cmdTokens.push_back(arg);
138 }
139 }
141 if (cmdTokens.size() < 1) {
142 fprintf(stderr, "Command not specified!");
143 return nullptr;
144 }
146 parsed_params.cmd = cmdTokens[0];
147 parsed_params.cmd_params.assign(cmdTokens.begin() + 1, cmdTokens.end());
149 LDBCommand* command = selector(parsed_params);
151 if (command) {
152 command->SetDBOptions(options);
153 command->SetLDBOptions(ldb_options);
154 }
155 return command;
156 }
158 LDBCommand* LDBCommand::SelectCommand(const ParsedParams& parsed_params) {
159 if (parsed_params.cmd == GetCommand::Name()) {
160 return new GetCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params, parsed_params.option_map,
161 parsed_params.flags);
162 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == PutCommand::Name()) {
163 return new PutCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params, parsed_params.option_map,
164 parsed_params.flags);
165 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == BatchPutCommand::Name()) {
166 return new BatchPutCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
167 parsed_params.option_map, parsed_params.flags);
168 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == ScanCommand::Name()) {
169 return new ScanCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params, parsed_params.option_map,
170 parsed_params.flags);
171 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == DeleteCommand::Name()) {
172 return new DeleteCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params, parsed_params.option_map,
173 parsed_params.flags);
174 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == DeleteRangeCommand::Name()) {
175 return new DeleteRangeCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
176 parsed_params.option_map,
177 parsed_params.flags);
178 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == ApproxSizeCommand::Name()) {
179 return new ApproxSizeCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
180 parsed_params.option_map, parsed_params.flags);
181 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == DBQuerierCommand::Name()) {
182 return new DBQuerierCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
183 parsed_params.option_map, parsed_params.flags);
184 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == CompactorCommand::Name()) {
185 return new CompactorCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
186 parsed_params.option_map, parsed_params.flags);
187 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == WALDumperCommand::Name()) {
188 return new WALDumperCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
189 parsed_params.option_map, parsed_params.flags);
190 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == ReduceDBLevelsCommand::Name()) {
191 return new ReduceDBLevelsCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
192 parsed_params.option_map,
193 parsed_params.flags);
194 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == ChangeCompactionStyleCommand::Name()) {
195 return new ChangeCompactionStyleCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
196 parsed_params.option_map,
197 parsed_params.flags);
198 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == DBDumperCommand::Name()) {
199 return new DBDumperCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
200 parsed_params.option_map, parsed_params.flags);
201 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == DBLoaderCommand::Name()) {
202 return new DBLoaderCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
203 parsed_params.option_map, parsed_params.flags);
204 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == ManifestDumpCommand::Name()) {
205 return new ManifestDumpCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
206 parsed_params.option_map,
207 parsed_params.flags);
208 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == ListColumnFamiliesCommand::Name()) {
209 return new ListColumnFamiliesCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
210 parsed_params.option_map,
211 parsed_params.flags);
212 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == CreateColumnFamilyCommand::Name()) {
213 return new CreateColumnFamilyCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
214 parsed_params.option_map,
215 parsed_params.flags);
216 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == DBFileDumperCommand::Name()) {
217 return new DBFileDumperCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
218 parsed_params.option_map,
219 parsed_params.flags);
220 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == InternalDumpCommand::Name()) {
221 return new InternalDumpCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
222 parsed_params.option_map,
223 parsed_params.flags);
224 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == CheckConsistencyCommand::Name()) {
225 return new CheckConsistencyCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
226 parsed_params.option_map,
227 parsed_params.flags);
228 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == CheckPointCommand::Name()) {
229 return new CheckPointCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
230 parsed_params.option_map,
231 parsed_params.flags);
232 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == RepairCommand::Name()) {
233 return new RepairCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params, parsed_params.option_map,
234 parsed_params.flags);
235 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == BackupCommand::Name()) {
236 return new BackupCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params, parsed_params.option_map,
237 parsed_params.flags);
238 } else if (parsed_params.cmd == RestoreCommand::Name()) {
239 return new RestoreCommand(parsed_params.cmd_params,
240 parsed_params.option_map, parsed_params.flags);
241 }
242 return nullptr;
243 }
245 /* Run the command, and return the execute result. */
246 void LDBCommand::Run() {
247 if (!exec_state_.IsNotStarted()) {
248 return;
249 }
251 if (db_ == nullptr && !NoDBOpen()) {
252 OpenDB();
253 if (exec_state_.IsFailed() && try_load_options_) {
254 // We don't always return if there is a failure because a WAL file or
255 // manifest file can be given to "dump" command so we should continue.
256 // --try_load_options is not valid in those cases.
257 return;
258 }
259 }
261 // We'll intentionally proceed even if the DB can't be opened because users
262 // can also specify a filename, not just a directory.
263 DoCommand();
265 if (exec_state_.IsNotStarted()) {
266 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Succeed("");
267 }
269 if (db_ != nullptr) {
270 CloseDB();
271 }
272 }
274 LDBCommand::LDBCommand(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
275 const std::vector<std::string>& flags, bool is_read_only,
276 const std::vector<std::string>& valid_cmd_line_options)
277 : db_(nullptr),
278 is_read_only_(is_read_only),
279 is_key_hex_(false),
280 is_value_hex_(false),
281 is_db_ttl_(false),
282 timestamp_(false),
283 try_load_options_(false),
284 create_if_missing_(false),
285 option_map_(options),
286 flags_(flags),
287 valid_cmd_line_options_(valid_cmd_line_options) {
288 std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator itr = options.find(ARG_DB);
289 if (itr != options.end()) {
290 db_path_ = itr->second;
291 }
293 itr = options.find(ARG_CF_NAME);
294 if (itr != options.end()) {
295 column_family_name_ = itr->second;
296 } else {
297 column_family_name_ = kDefaultColumnFamilyName;
298 }
300 is_key_hex_ = IsKeyHex(options, flags);
301 is_value_hex_ = IsValueHex(options, flags);
302 is_db_ttl_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_TTL);
303 timestamp_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_TIMESTAMP);
304 try_load_options_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_TRY_LOAD_OPTIONS);
305 }
307 void LDBCommand::OpenDB() {
308 Options opt;
309 bool opt_set = false;
310 if (!create_if_missing_ && try_load_options_) {
311 Status s =
312 LoadLatestOptions(db_path_, Env::Default(), &opt, &column_families_);
313 if (s.ok()) {
314 opt_set = true;
315 } else if (!s.IsNotFound()) {
316 // Option file exists but load option file error.
317 std::string msg = s.ToString();
318 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(msg);
319 db_ = nullptr;
320 return;
321 }
322 }
323 if (!opt_set) {
324 opt = PrepareOptionsForOpenDB();
325 }
326 if (!exec_state_.IsNotStarted()) {
327 return;
328 }
329 // Open the DB.
330 Status st;
331 std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*> handles_opened;
332 if (is_db_ttl_) {
333 // ldb doesn't yet support TTL DB with multiple column families
334 if (!column_family_name_.empty() || !column_families_.empty()) {
335 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
336 "ldb doesn't support TTL DB with multiple column families");
337 }
338 if (is_read_only_) {
339 st = DBWithTTL::Open(opt, db_path_, &db_ttl_, 0, true);
340 } else {
341 st = DBWithTTL::Open(opt, db_path_, &db_ttl_);
342 }
343 db_ = db_ttl_;
344 } else {
345 if (!opt_set && column_families_.empty()) {
346 // Try to figure out column family lists
347 std::vector<std::string> cf_list;
348 st = DB::ListColumnFamilies(DBOptions(), db_path_, &cf_list);
349 // There is possible the DB doesn't exist yet, for "create if not
350 // "existing case". The failure is ignored here. We rely on DB::Open()
351 // to give us the correct error message for problem with opening
352 // existing DB.
353 if (st.ok() && cf_list.size() > 1) {
354 // Ignore single column family DB.
355 for (auto cf_name : cf_list) {
356 column_families_.emplace_back(cf_name, opt);
357 }
358 }
359 }
360 if (is_read_only_) {
361 if (column_families_.empty()) {
362 st = DB::OpenForReadOnly(opt, db_path_, &db_);
363 } else {
364 st = DB::OpenForReadOnly(opt, db_path_, column_families_,
365 &handles_opened, &db_);
366 }
367 } else {
368 if (column_families_.empty()) {
369 st = DB::Open(opt, db_path_, &db_);
370 } else {
371 st = DB::Open(opt, db_path_, column_families_, &handles_opened, &db_);
372 }
373 }
374 }
375 if (!st.ok()) {
376 std::string msg = st.ToString();
377 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(msg);
378 } else if (!handles_opened.empty()) {
379 assert(handles_opened.size() == column_families_.size());
380 bool found_cf_name = false;
381 for (size_t i = 0; i < handles_opened.size(); i++) {
382 cf_handles_[column_families_[i].name] = handles_opened[i];
383 if (column_family_name_ == column_families_[i].name) {
384 found_cf_name = true;
385 }
386 }
387 if (!found_cf_name) {
388 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
389 "Non-existing column family " + column_family_name_);
390 CloseDB();
391 }
392 } else {
393 // We successfully opened DB in single column family mode.
394 assert(column_families_.empty());
395 if (column_family_name_ != kDefaultColumnFamilyName) {
396 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
397 "Non-existing column family " + column_family_name_);
398 CloseDB();
399 }
400 }
402 options_ = opt;
403 }
405 void LDBCommand::CloseDB() {
406 if (db_ != nullptr) {
407 for (auto& pair : cf_handles_) {
408 delete pair.second;
409 }
410 delete db_;
411 db_ = nullptr;
412 }
413 }
415 ColumnFamilyHandle* LDBCommand::GetCfHandle() {
416 if (!cf_handles_.empty()) {
417 auto it = cf_handles_.find(column_family_name_);
418 if (it == cf_handles_.end()) {
419 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
420 "Cannot find column family " + column_family_name_);
421 } else {
422 return it->second;
423 }
424 }
425 return db_->DefaultColumnFamily();
426 }
428 std::vector<std::string> LDBCommand::BuildCmdLineOptions(
429 std::vector<std::string> options) {
430 std::vector<std::string> ret = {ARG_DB,
441 ret.insert(ret.end(), options.begin(), options.end());
442 return ret;
443 }
445 /**
446 * Parses the specific integer option and fills in the value.
447 * Returns true if the option is found.
448 * Returns false if the option is not found or if there is an error parsing the
449 * value. If there is an error, the specified exec_state is also
450 * updated.
451 */
452 bool LDBCommand::ParseIntOption(
453 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
454 const std::string& option, int& value,
455 LDBCommandExecuteResult& exec_state) {
456 std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator itr =
457 option_map_.find(option);
458 if (itr != option_map_.end()) {
459 try {
460 #if defined(CYGWIN)
461 value = strtol(itr->second.c_str(), 0, 10);
462 #else
463 value = std::stoi(itr->second);
464 #endif
465 return true;
466 } catch (const std::invalid_argument&) {
467 exec_state =
468 LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(option + " has an invalid value.");
469 } catch (const std::out_of_range&) {
470 exec_state = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
471 option + " has a value out-of-range.");
472 }
473 }
474 return false;
475 }
477 /**
478 * Parses the specified option and fills in the value.
479 * Returns true if the option is found.
480 * Returns false otherwise.
481 */
482 bool LDBCommand::ParseStringOption(
483 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
484 const std::string& option, std::string* value) {
485 auto itr = option_map_.find(option);
486 if (itr != option_map_.end()) {
487 *value = itr->second;
488 return true;
489 }
490 return false;
491 }
493 Options LDBCommand::PrepareOptionsForOpenDB() {
495 Options opt = options_;
496 opt.create_if_missing = false;
498 std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator itr;
500 BlockBasedTableOptions table_options;
501 bool use_table_options = false;
502 int bits;
503 if (ParseIntOption(option_map_, ARG_BLOOM_BITS, bits, exec_state_)) {
504 if (bits > 0) {
505 use_table_options = true;
506 table_options.filter_policy.reset(NewBloomFilterPolicy(bits));
507 } else {
508 exec_state_ =
509 LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(ARG_BLOOM_BITS + " must be > 0.");
510 }
511 }
513 int block_size;
514 if (ParseIntOption(option_map_, ARG_BLOCK_SIZE, block_size, exec_state_)) {
515 if (block_size > 0) {
516 use_table_options = true;
517 table_options.block_size = block_size;
518 } else {
519 exec_state_ =
520 LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(ARG_BLOCK_SIZE + " must be > 0.");
521 }
522 }
524 if (use_table_options) {
525 opt.table_factory.reset(NewBlockBasedTableFactory(table_options));
526 }
528 itr = option_map_.find(ARG_AUTO_COMPACTION);
529 if (itr != option_map_.end()) {
530 opt.disable_auto_compactions = ! StringToBool(itr->second);
531 }
533 itr = option_map_.find(ARG_COMPRESSION_TYPE);
534 if (itr != option_map_.end()) {
535 std::string comp = itr->second;
536 if (comp == "no") {
537 opt.compression = kNoCompression;
538 } else if (comp == "snappy") {
539 opt.compression = kSnappyCompression;
540 } else if (comp == "zlib") {
541 opt.compression = kZlibCompression;
542 } else if (comp == "bzip2") {
543 opt.compression = kBZip2Compression;
544 } else if (comp == "lz4") {
545 opt.compression = kLZ4Compression;
546 } else if (comp == "lz4hc") {
547 opt.compression = kLZ4HCCompression;
548 } else if (comp == "xpress") {
549 opt.compression = kXpressCompression;
550 } else if (comp == "zstd") {
551 opt.compression = kZSTD;
552 } else {
553 // Unknown compression.
554 exec_state_ =
555 LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed("Unknown compression level: " + comp);
556 }
557 }
559 int compression_max_dict_bytes;
560 if (ParseIntOption(option_map_, ARG_COMPRESSION_MAX_DICT_BYTES,
561 compression_max_dict_bytes, exec_state_)) {
562 if (compression_max_dict_bytes >= 0) {
563 opt.compression_opts.max_dict_bytes = compression_max_dict_bytes;
564 } else {
565 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
566 ARG_COMPRESSION_MAX_DICT_BYTES + " must be >= 0.");
567 }
568 }
570 int db_write_buffer_size;
571 if (ParseIntOption(option_map_, ARG_DB_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
572 db_write_buffer_size, exec_state_)) {
573 if (db_write_buffer_size >= 0) {
574 opt.db_write_buffer_size = db_write_buffer_size;
575 } else {
576 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(ARG_DB_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE +
577 " must be >= 0.");
578 }
579 }
581 int write_buffer_size;
582 if (ParseIntOption(option_map_, ARG_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE, write_buffer_size,
583 exec_state_)) {
584 if (write_buffer_size > 0) {
585 opt.write_buffer_size = write_buffer_size;
586 } else {
587 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(ARG_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE +
588 " must be > 0.");
589 }
590 }
592 int file_size;
593 if (ParseIntOption(option_map_, ARG_FILE_SIZE, file_size, exec_state_)) {
594 if (file_size > 0) {
595 opt.target_file_size_base = file_size;
596 } else {
597 exec_state_ =
598 LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(ARG_FILE_SIZE + " must be > 0.");
599 }
600 }
602 if (opt.db_paths.size() == 0) {
603 opt.db_paths.emplace_back(db_path_, std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());
604 }
606 int fix_prefix_len;
607 if (ParseIntOption(option_map_, ARG_FIX_PREFIX_LEN, fix_prefix_len,
608 exec_state_)) {
609 if (fix_prefix_len > 0) {
610 opt.prefix_extractor.reset(
611 NewFixedPrefixTransform(static_cast<size_t>(fix_prefix_len)));
612 } else {
613 exec_state_ =
614 LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(ARG_FIX_PREFIX_LEN + " must be > 0.");
615 }
616 }
618 return opt;
619 }
621 bool LDBCommand::ParseKeyValue(const std::string& line, std::string* key,
622 std::string* value, bool is_key_hex,
623 bool is_value_hex) {
624 size_t pos = line.find(DELIM);
625 if (pos != std::string::npos) {
626 *key = line.substr(0, pos);
627 *value = line.substr(pos + strlen(DELIM));
628 if (is_key_hex) {
629 *key = HexToString(*key);
630 }
631 if (is_value_hex) {
632 *value = HexToString(*value);
633 }
634 return true;
635 } else {
636 return false;
637 }
638 }
640 /**
641 * Make sure that ONLY the command-line options and flags expected by this
642 * command are specified on the command-line. Extraneous options are usually
643 * the result of user error.
644 * Returns true if all checks pass. Else returns false, and prints an
645 * appropriate error msg to stderr.
646 */
647 bool LDBCommand::ValidateCmdLineOptions() {
648 for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator itr =
649 option_map_.begin();
650 itr != option_map_.end(); ++itr) {
651 if (std::find(valid_cmd_line_options_.begin(),
652 valid_cmd_line_options_.end(),
653 itr->first) == valid_cmd_line_options_.end()) {
654 fprintf(stderr, "Invalid command-line option %s\n", itr->first.c_str());
655 return false;
656 }
657 }
659 for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itr = flags_.begin();
660 itr != flags_.end(); ++itr) {
661 if (std::find(valid_cmd_line_options_.begin(),
662 valid_cmd_line_options_.end(),
663 *itr) == valid_cmd_line_options_.end()) {
664 fprintf(stderr, "Invalid command-line flag %s\n", itr->c_str());
665 return false;
666 }
667 }
669 if (!NoDBOpen() && option_map_.find(ARG_DB) == option_map_.end() &&
670 option_map_.find(ARG_PATH) == option_map_.end()) {
671 fprintf(stderr, "Either %s or %s must be specified.\n", ARG_DB.c_str(),
672 ARG_PATH.c_str());
673 return false;
674 }
676 return true;
677 }
679 std::string LDBCommand::HexToString(const std::string& str) {
680 std::string result;
681 std::string::size_type len = str.length();
682 if (len < 2 || str[0] != '0' || str[1] != 'x') {
683 fprintf(stderr, "Invalid hex input %s. Must start with 0x\n", str.c_str());
684 throw "Invalid hex input";
685 }
686 if (!Slice(str.data() + 2, len - 2).DecodeHex(&result)) {
687 throw "Invalid hex input";
688 }
689 return result;
690 }
692 std::string LDBCommand::StringToHex(const std::string& str) {
693 std::string result("0x");
694 result.append(Slice(str).ToString(true));
695 return result;
696 }
698 std::string LDBCommand::PrintKeyValue(const std::string& key,
699 const std::string& value, bool is_key_hex,
700 bool is_value_hex) {
701 std::string result;
702 result.append(is_key_hex ? StringToHex(key) : key);
703 result.append(DELIM);
704 result.append(is_value_hex ? StringToHex(value) : value);
705 return result;
706 }
708 std::string LDBCommand::PrintKeyValue(const std::string& key,
709 const std::string& value, bool is_hex) {
710 return PrintKeyValue(key, value, is_hex, is_hex);
711 }
713 std::string LDBCommand::HelpRangeCmdArgs() {
714 std::ostringstream str_stream;
715 str_stream << " ";
716 str_stream << "[--" << ARG_FROM << "] ";
717 str_stream << "[--" << ARG_TO << "] ";
718 return str_stream.str();
719 }
721 bool LDBCommand::IsKeyHex(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
722 const std::vector<std::string>& flags) {
723 return (IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_HEX) || IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_KEY_HEX) ||
724 ParseBooleanOption(options, ARG_HEX, false) ||
725 ParseBooleanOption(options, ARG_KEY_HEX, false));
726 }
728 bool LDBCommand::IsValueHex(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
729 const std::vector<std::string>& flags) {
730 return (IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_HEX) ||
731 IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_VALUE_HEX) ||
732 ParseBooleanOption(options, ARG_HEX, false) ||
733 ParseBooleanOption(options, ARG_VALUE_HEX, false));
734 }
736 bool LDBCommand::ParseBooleanOption(
737 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
738 const std::string& option, bool default_val) {
739 std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator itr = options.find(option);
740 if (itr != options.end()) {
741 std::string option_val = itr->second;
742 return StringToBool(itr->second);
743 }
744 return default_val;
745 }
747 bool LDBCommand::StringToBool(std::string val) {
748 std::transform(val.begin(), val.end(), val.begin(),
749 [](char ch) -> char { return (char)::tolower(ch); });
751 if (val == "true") {
752 return true;
753 } else if (val == "false") {
754 return false;
755 } else {
756 throw "Invalid value for boolean argument";
757 }
758 }
760 CompactorCommand::CompactorCommand(
761 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
762 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
763 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
764 : LDBCommand(options, flags, false,
765 BuildCmdLineOptions({ARG_FROM, ARG_TO, ARG_HEX, ARG_KEY_HEX,
767 null_from_(true),
768 null_to_(true) {
769 std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator itr =
770 options.find(ARG_FROM);
771 if (itr != options.end()) {
772 null_from_ = false;
773 from_ = itr->second;
774 }
776 itr = options.find(ARG_TO);
777 if (itr != options.end()) {
778 null_to_ = false;
779 to_ = itr->second;
780 }
782 if (is_key_hex_) {
783 if (!null_from_) {
784 from_ = HexToString(from_);
785 }
786 if (!null_to_) {
787 to_ = HexToString(to_);
788 }
789 }
790 }
792 void CompactorCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
793 ret.append(" ");
794 ret.append(CompactorCommand::Name());
795 ret.append(HelpRangeCmdArgs());
796 ret.append("\n");
797 }
799 void CompactorCommand::DoCommand() {
800 if (!db_) {
801 assert(GetExecuteState().IsFailed());
802 return;
803 }
805 Slice* begin = nullptr;
806 Slice* end = nullptr;
807 if (!null_from_) {
808 begin = new Slice(from_);
809 }
810 if (!null_to_) {
811 end = new Slice(to_);
812 }
814 CompactRangeOptions cro;
815 cro.bottommost_level_compaction = BottommostLevelCompaction::kForce;
817 db_->CompactRange(cro, GetCfHandle(), begin, end);
818 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Succeed("");
820 delete begin;
821 delete end;
822 }
824 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
826 const std::string DBLoaderCommand::ARG_DISABLE_WAL = "disable_wal";
827 const std::string DBLoaderCommand::ARG_BULK_LOAD = "bulk_load";
828 const std::string DBLoaderCommand::ARG_COMPACT = "compact";
830 DBLoaderCommand::DBLoaderCommand(
831 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
832 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
833 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
834 : LDBCommand(
835 options, flags, false,
839 disable_wal_(false),
840 bulk_load_(false),
841 compact_(false) {
842 create_if_missing_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_CREATE_IF_MISSING);
843 disable_wal_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_DISABLE_WAL);
844 bulk_load_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_BULK_LOAD);
845 compact_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_COMPACT);
846 }
848 void DBLoaderCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
849 ret.append(" ");
850 ret.append(DBLoaderCommand::Name());
851 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_CREATE_IF_MISSING + "]");
852 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_DISABLE_WAL + "]");
853 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_BULK_LOAD + "]");
854 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_COMPACT + "]");
855 ret.append("\n");
856 }
858 Options DBLoaderCommand::PrepareOptionsForOpenDB() {
859 Options opt = LDBCommand::PrepareOptionsForOpenDB();
860 opt.create_if_missing = create_if_missing_;
861 if (bulk_load_) {
862 opt.PrepareForBulkLoad();
863 }
864 return opt;
865 }
867 void DBLoaderCommand::DoCommand() {
868 if (!db_) {
869 assert(GetExecuteState().IsFailed());
870 return;
871 }
873 WriteOptions write_options;
874 if (disable_wal_) {
875 write_options.disableWAL = true;
876 }
878 int bad_lines = 0;
879 std::string line;
880 // prefer ifstream getline performance vs that from std::cin istream
881 std::ifstream ifs_stdin("/dev/stdin");
882 std::istream* istream_p = ifs_stdin.is_open() ? &ifs_stdin : &std::cin;
883 while (getline(*istream_p, line, '\n')) {
884 std::string key;
885 std::string value;
886 if (ParseKeyValue(line, &key, &value, is_key_hex_, is_value_hex_)) {
887 db_->Put(write_options, GetCfHandle(), Slice(key), Slice(value));
888 } else if (0 == line.find("Keys in range:")) {
889 // ignore this line
890 } else if (0 == line.find("Created bg thread 0x")) {
891 // ignore this line
892 } else {
893 bad_lines ++;
894 }
895 }
897 if (bad_lines > 0) {
898 std::cout << "Warning: " << bad_lines << " bad lines ignored." << std::endl;
899 }
900 if (compact_) {
901 db_->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), GetCfHandle(), nullptr, nullptr);
902 }
903 }
905 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
907 namespace {
909 void DumpManifestFile(std::string file, bool verbose, bool hex, bool json) {
910 Options options;
911 EnvOptions sopt;
912 std::string dbname("dummy");
913 std::shared_ptr<Cache> tc(NewLRUCache(options.max_open_files - 10,
914 options.table_cache_numshardbits));
915 // Notice we are using the default options not through SanitizeOptions(),
916 // if VersionSet::DumpManifest() depends on any option done by
917 // SanitizeOptions(), we need to initialize it manually.
918 options.db_paths.emplace_back("dummy", 0);
919 options.num_levels = 64;
920 WriteController wc(options.delayed_write_rate);
921 WriteBufferManager wb(options.db_write_buffer_size);
922 ImmutableDBOptions immutable_db_options(options);
923 VersionSet versions(dbname, &immutable_db_options, sopt, tc.get(), &wb, &wc);
924 Status s = versions.DumpManifest(options, file, verbose, hex, json);
925 if (!s.ok()) {
926 printf("Error in processing file %s %s\n", file.c_str(),
927 s.ToString().c_str());
928 }
929 }
931 } // namespace
933 const std::string ManifestDumpCommand::ARG_VERBOSE = "verbose";
934 const std::string ManifestDumpCommand::ARG_JSON = "json";
935 const std::string ManifestDumpCommand::ARG_PATH = "path";
937 void ManifestDumpCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
938 ret.append(" ");
939 ret.append(ManifestDumpCommand::Name());
940 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_VERBOSE + "]");
941 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_JSON + "]");
942 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_PATH + "=<path_to_manifest_file>]");
943 ret.append("\n");
944 }
946 ManifestDumpCommand::ManifestDumpCommand(
947 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
948 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
949 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
950 : LDBCommand(
951 options, flags, false,
952 BuildCmdLineOptions({ARG_VERBOSE, ARG_PATH, ARG_HEX, ARG_JSON})),
953 verbose_(false),
954 json_(false),
955 path_("") {
956 verbose_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_VERBOSE);
957 json_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_JSON);
959 std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator itr =
960 options.find(ARG_PATH);
961 if (itr != options.end()) {
962 path_ = itr->second;
963 if (path_.empty()) {
964 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed("--path: missing pathname");
965 }
966 }
967 }
969 void ManifestDumpCommand::DoCommand() {
971 std::string manifestfile;
973 if (!path_.empty()) {
974 manifestfile = path_;
975 } else {
976 bool found = false;
977 // We need to find the manifest file by searching the directory
978 // containing the db for files of the form MANIFEST_[0-9]+
980 auto CloseDir = [](DIR* p) { closedir(p); };
981 std::unique_ptr<DIR, decltype(CloseDir)> d(opendir(db_path_.c_str()),
982 CloseDir);
984 if (d == nullptr) {
985 exec_state_ =
986 LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(db_path_ + " is not a directory");
987 return;
988 }
989 struct dirent* entry;
990 while ((entry = readdir(d.get())) != nullptr) {
991 unsigned int match;
992 uint64_t num;
993 if (sscanf(entry->d_name, "MANIFEST-%" PRIu64 "%n", &num, &match) &&
994 match == strlen(entry->d_name)) {
995 if (!found) {
996 manifestfile = db_path_ + "/" + std::string(entry->d_name);
997 found = true;
998 } else {
999 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
1000 "Multiple MANIFEST files found; use --path to select one");
1001 return;
1002 }
1003 }
1004 }
1005 }
1007 if (verbose_) {
1008 printf("Processing Manifest file %s\n", manifestfile.c_str());
1009 }
1011 DumpManifestFile(manifestfile, verbose_, is_key_hex_, json_);
1013 if (verbose_) {
1014 printf("Processing Manifest file %s done\n", manifestfile.c_str());
1015 }
1016 }
1018 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1020 void ListColumnFamiliesCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
1021 ret.append(" ");
1022 ret.append(ListColumnFamiliesCommand::Name());
1023 ret.append(" full_path_to_db_directory ");
1024 ret.append("\n");
1025 }
1027 ListColumnFamiliesCommand::ListColumnFamiliesCommand(
1028 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
1029 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
1030 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
1031 : LDBCommand(options, flags, false, {}) {
1032 if (params.size() != 1) {
1033 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
1034 "dbname must be specified for the list_column_families command");
1035 } else {
1036 dbname_ = params[0];
1037 }
1038 }
1040 void ListColumnFamiliesCommand::DoCommand() {
1041 std::vector<std::string> column_families;
1042 Status s = DB::ListColumnFamilies(DBOptions(), dbname_, &column_families);
1043 if (!s.ok()) {
1044 printf("Error in processing db %s %s\n", dbname_.c_str(),
1045 s.ToString().c_str());
1046 } else {
1047 printf("Column families in %s: \n{", dbname_.c_str());
1048 bool first = true;
1049 for (auto cf : column_families) {
1050 if (!first) {
1051 printf(", ");
1052 }
1053 first = false;
1054 printf("%s", cf.c_str());
1055 }
1056 printf("}\n");
1057 }
1058 }
1060 void CreateColumnFamilyCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
1061 ret.append(" ");
1062 ret.append(CreateColumnFamilyCommand::Name());
1063 ret.append(" --db=<db_path> <new_column_family_name>");
1064 ret.append("\n");
1065 }
1067 CreateColumnFamilyCommand::CreateColumnFamilyCommand(
1068 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
1069 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
1070 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
1071 : LDBCommand(options, flags, true, {ARG_DB}) {
1072 if (params.size() != 1) {
1073 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
1074 "new column family name must be specified");
1075 } else {
1076 new_cf_name_ = params[0];
1077 }
1078 }
1080 void CreateColumnFamilyCommand::DoCommand() {
1081 ColumnFamilyHandle* new_cf_handle;
1082 Status st = db_->CreateColumnFamily(options_, new_cf_name_, &new_cf_handle);
1083 if (st.ok()) {
1084 fprintf(stdout, "OK\n");
1085 } else {
1086 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
1087 "Fail to create new column family: " + st.ToString());
1088 }
1089 delete new_cf_handle;
1090 CloseDB();
1091 }
1093 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1095 namespace {
1097 std::string ReadableTime(int unixtime) {
1098 char time_buffer [80];
1099 time_t rawtime = unixtime;
1100 struct tm tInfo;
1101 struct tm* timeinfo = localtime_r(&rawtime, &tInfo);
1102 assert(timeinfo == &tInfo);
1103 strftime(time_buffer, 80, "%c", timeinfo);
1104 return std::string(time_buffer);
1105 }
1107 // This function only called when it's the sane case of >1 buckets in time-range
1108 // Also called only when timekv falls between ttl_start and ttl_end provided
1109 void IncBucketCounts(std::vector<uint64_t>& bucket_counts, int ttl_start,
1110 int time_range, int bucket_size, int timekv,
1111 int num_buckets) {
1112 assert(time_range > 0 && timekv >= ttl_start && bucket_size > 0 &&
1113 timekv < (ttl_start + time_range) && num_buckets > 1);
1114 int bucket = (timekv - ttl_start) / bucket_size;
1115 bucket_counts[bucket]++;
1116 }
1118 void PrintBucketCounts(const std::vector<uint64_t>& bucket_counts,
1119 int ttl_start, int ttl_end, int bucket_size,
1120 int num_buckets) {
1121 int time_point = ttl_start;
1122 for(int i = 0; i < num_buckets - 1; i++, time_point += bucket_size) {
1123 fprintf(stdout, "Keys in range %s to %s : %lu\n",
1124 ReadableTime(time_point).c_str(),
1125 ReadableTime(time_point + bucket_size).c_str(),
1126 (unsigned long)bucket_counts[i]);
1127 }
1128 fprintf(stdout, "Keys in range %s to %s : %lu\n",
1129 ReadableTime(time_point).c_str(),
1130 ReadableTime(ttl_end).c_str(),
1131 (unsigned long)bucket_counts[num_buckets - 1]);
1132 }
1134 } // namespace
1136 const std::string InternalDumpCommand::ARG_COUNT_ONLY = "count_only";
1137 const std::string InternalDumpCommand::ARG_COUNT_DELIM = "count_delim";
1138 const std::string InternalDumpCommand::ARG_STATS = "stats";
1139 const std::string InternalDumpCommand::ARG_INPUT_KEY_HEX = "input_key_hex";
1141 InternalDumpCommand::InternalDumpCommand(
1142 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
1143 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
1144 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
1145 : LDBCommand(
1146 options, flags, true,
1150 has_from_(false),
1151 has_to_(false),
1152 max_keys_(-1),
1153 delim_("."),
1154 count_only_(false),
1155 count_delim_(false),
1156 print_stats_(false),
1157 is_input_key_hex_(false) {
1158 has_from_ = ParseStringOption(options, ARG_FROM, &from_);
1159 has_to_ = ParseStringOption(options, ARG_TO, &to_);
1161 ParseIntOption(options, ARG_MAX_KEYS, max_keys_, exec_state_);
1162 std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator itr =
1163 options.find(ARG_COUNT_DELIM);
1164 if (itr != options.end()) {
1165 delim_ = itr->second;
1166 count_delim_ = true;
1167 // fprintf(stdout,"delim = %c\n",delim_[0]);
1168 } else {
1169 count_delim_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_COUNT_DELIM);
1170 delim_=".";
1171 }
1173 print_stats_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_STATS);
1174 count_only_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_COUNT_ONLY);
1175 is_input_key_hex_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_INPUT_KEY_HEX);
1177 if (is_input_key_hex_) {
1178 if (has_from_) {
1179 from_ = HexToString(from_);
1180 }
1181 if (has_to_) {
1182 to_ = HexToString(to_);
1183 }
1184 }
1185 }
1187 void InternalDumpCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
1188 ret.append(" ");
1189 ret.append(InternalDumpCommand::Name());
1190 ret.append(HelpRangeCmdArgs());
1191 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_INPUT_KEY_HEX + "]");
1192 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_MAX_KEYS + "=<N>]");
1193 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_COUNT_ONLY + "]");
1194 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_COUNT_DELIM + "=<char>]");
1195 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_STATS + "]");
1196 ret.append("\n");
1197 }
1199 void InternalDumpCommand::DoCommand() {
1200 if (!db_) {
1201 assert(GetExecuteState().IsFailed());
1202 return;
1203 }
1205 if (print_stats_) {
1206 std::string stats;
1207 if (db_->GetProperty(GetCfHandle(), "rocksdb.stats", &stats)) {
1208 fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", stats.c_str());
1209 }
1210 }
1212 // Cast as DBImpl to get internal iterator
1213 DBImpl* idb = dynamic_cast<DBImpl*>(db_);
1214 if (!idb) {
1215 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed("DB is not DBImpl");
1216 return;
1217 }
1218 std::string rtype1, rtype2, row, val;
1219 rtype2 = "";
1220 uint64_t c=0;
1221 uint64_t s1=0,s2=0;
1222 // Setup internal key iterator
1223 Arena arena;
1224 auto icmp = InternalKeyComparator(options_.comparator);
1225 RangeDelAggregator range_del_agg(icmp, {} /* snapshots */);
1226 ScopedArenaIterator iter(idb->NewInternalIterator(&arena, &range_del_agg));
1227 Status st = iter->status();
1228 if (!st.ok()) {
1229 exec_state_ =
1230 LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed("Iterator error:" + st.ToString());
1231 }
1233 if (has_from_) {
1234 InternalKey ikey;
1235 ikey.SetMaxPossibleForUserKey(from_);
1236 iter->Seek(ikey.Encode());
1237 } else {
1238 iter->SeekToFirst();
1239 }
1241 long long count = 0;
1242 for (; iter->Valid(); iter->Next()) {
1243 ParsedInternalKey ikey;
1244 if (!ParseInternalKey(iter->key(), &ikey)) {
1245 fprintf(stderr, "Internal Key [%s] parse error!\n",
1246 iter->key().ToString(true /* in hex*/).data());
1247 // TODO: add error counter
1248 continue;
1249 }
1251 // If end marker was specified, we stop before it
1252 if (has_to_ && options_.comparator->Compare(ikey.user_key, to_) >= 0) {
1253 break;
1254 }
1256 ++count;
1257 int k;
1258 if (count_delim_) {
1259 rtype1 = "";
1260 s1=0;
1261 row = iter->key().ToString();
1262 val = iter->value().ToString();
1263 for(k=0;row[k]!='\x01' && row[k]!='\0';k++)
1264 s1++;
1265 for(k=0;val[k]!='\x01' && val[k]!='\0';k++)
1266 s1++;
1267 for(int j=0;row[j]!=delim_[0] && row[j]!='\0' && row[j]!='\x01';j++)
1268 rtype1+=row[j];
1269 if(rtype2.compare("") && rtype2.compare(rtype1)!=0) {
1270 fprintf(stdout,"%s => count:%lld\tsize:%lld\n",rtype2.c_str(),
1271 (long long)c,(long long)s2);
1272 c=1;
1273 s2=s1;
1274 rtype2 = rtype1;
1275 } else {
1276 c++;
1277 s2+=s1;
1278 rtype2=rtype1;
1279 }
1280 }
1282 if (!count_only_ && !count_delim_) {
1283 std::string key = ikey.DebugString(is_key_hex_);
1284 std::string value = iter->value().ToString(is_value_hex_);
1285 std::cout << key << " => " << value << "\n";
1286 }
1288 // Terminate if maximum number of keys have been dumped
1289 if (max_keys_ > 0 && count >= max_keys_) break;
1290 }
1291 if(count_delim_) {
1292 fprintf(stdout,"%s => count:%lld\tsize:%lld\n", rtype2.c_str(),
1293 (long long)c,(long long)s2);
1294 } else
1295 fprintf(stdout, "Internal keys in range: %lld\n", (long long) count);
1296 }
1298 const std::string DBDumperCommand::ARG_COUNT_ONLY = "count_only";
1299 const std::string DBDumperCommand::ARG_COUNT_DELIM = "count_delim";
1300 const std::string DBDumperCommand::ARG_STATS = "stats";
1301 const std::string DBDumperCommand::ARG_TTL_BUCKET = "bucket";
1303 DBDumperCommand::DBDumperCommand(
1304 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
1305 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
1306 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
1307 : LDBCommand(options, flags, true,
1308 BuildCmdLineOptions(
1313 null_from_(true),
1314 null_to_(true),
1315 max_keys_(-1),
1316 count_only_(false),
1317 count_delim_(false),
1318 print_stats_(false) {
1319 std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator itr =
1320 options.find(ARG_FROM);
1321 if (itr != options.end()) {
1322 null_from_ = false;
1323 from_ = itr->second;
1324 }
1326 itr = options.find(ARG_TO);
1327 if (itr != options.end()) {
1328 null_to_ = false;
1329 to_ = itr->second;
1330 }
1332 itr = options.find(ARG_MAX_KEYS);
1333 if (itr != options.end()) {
1334 try {
1335 #if defined(CYGWIN)
1336 max_keys_ = strtol(itr->second.c_str(), 0, 10);
1337 #else
1338 max_keys_ = std::stoi(itr->second);
1339 #endif
1340 } catch (const std::invalid_argument&) {
1341 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(ARG_MAX_KEYS +
1342 " has an invalid value");
1343 } catch (const std::out_of_range&) {
1344 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
1345 ARG_MAX_KEYS + " has a value out-of-range");
1346 }
1347 }
1348 itr = options.find(ARG_COUNT_DELIM);
1349 if (itr != options.end()) {
1350 delim_ = itr->second;
1351 count_delim_ = true;
1352 } else {
1353 count_delim_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_COUNT_DELIM);
1354 delim_=".";
1355 }
1357 print_stats_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_STATS);
1358 count_only_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_COUNT_ONLY);
1360 if (is_key_hex_) {
1361 if (!null_from_) {
1362 from_ = HexToString(from_);
1363 }
1364 if (!null_to_) {
1365 to_ = HexToString(to_);
1366 }
1367 }
1369 itr = options.find(ARG_PATH);
1370 if (itr != options.end()) {
1371 path_ = itr->second;
1372 }
1373 }
1375 void DBDumperCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
1376 ret.append(" ");
1377 ret.append(DBDumperCommand::Name());
1378 ret.append(HelpRangeCmdArgs());
1379 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_TTL + "]");
1380 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_MAX_KEYS + "=<N>]");
1381 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_TIMESTAMP + "]");
1382 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_COUNT_ONLY + "]");
1383 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_COUNT_DELIM + "=<char>]");
1384 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_STATS + "]");
1385 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_TTL_BUCKET + "=<N>]");
1386 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_TTL_START + "=<N>:- is inclusive]");
1387 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_TTL_END + "=<N>:- is exclusive]");
1388 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_PATH + "=<path_to_a_file>]");
1389 ret.append("\n");
1390 }
1392 /**
1393 * Handles two separate cases:
1394 *
1395 * 1) --db is specified - just dump the database.
1396 *
1397 * 2) --path is specified - determine based on file extension what dumping
1398 * function to call. Please note that we intentionally use the extension
1399 * and avoid probing the file contents under the assumption that renaming
1400 * the files is not a supported scenario.
1401 *
1402 */
1403 void DBDumperCommand::DoCommand() {
1404 if (!db_) {
1405 assert(!path_.empty());
1406 std::string fileName = GetFileNameFromPath(path_);
1407 uint64_t number;
1408 FileType type;
1410 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Succeed("");
1412 if (!ParseFileName(fileName, &number, &type)) {
1413 exec_state_ =
1414 LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed("Can't parse file type: " + path_);
1415 return;
1416 }
1418 switch (type) {
1419 case kLogFile:
1420 DumpWalFile(path_, /* print_header_ */ true, /* print_values_ */ true,
1421 &exec_state_);
1422 break;
1423 case kTableFile:
1424 DumpSstFile(path_, is_key_hex_, /* show_properties */ true);
1425 break;
1426 case kDescriptorFile:
1427 DumpManifestFile(path_, /* verbose_ */ false, is_key_hex_,
1428 /* json_ */ false);
1429 break;
1430 default:
1431 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
1432 "File type not supported: " + path_);
1433 break;
1434 }
1436 } else {
1437 DoDumpCommand();
1438 }
1439 }
1441 void DBDumperCommand::DoDumpCommand() {
1442 assert(nullptr != db_);
1443 assert(path_.empty());
1445 // Parse command line args
1446 uint64_t count = 0;
1447 if (print_stats_) {
1448 std::string stats;
1449 if (db_->GetProperty("rocksdb.stats", &stats)) {
1450 fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", stats.c_str());
1451 }
1452 }
1454 // Setup key iterator
1455 Iterator* iter = db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions(), GetCfHandle());
1456 Status st = iter->status();
1457 if (!st.ok()) {
1458 exec_state_ =
1459 LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed("Iterator error." + st.ToString());
1460 }
1462 if (!null_from_) {
1463 iter->Seek(from_);
1464 } else {
1465 iter->SeekToFirst();
1466 }
1468 int max_keys = max_keys_;
1469 int ttl_start;
1470 if (!ParseIntOption(option_map_, ARG_TTL_START, ttl_start, exec_state_)) {
1471 ttl_start = DBWithTTLImpl::kMinTimestamp; // TTL introduction time
1472 }
1473 int ttl_end;
1474 if (!ParseIntOption(option_map_, ARG_TTL_END, ttl_end, exec_state_)) {
1475 ttl_end = DBWithTTLImpl::kMaxTimestamp; // Max time allowed by TTL feature
1476 }
1477 if (ttl_end < ttl_start) {
1478 fprintf(stderr, "Error: End time can't be less than start time\n");
1479 delete iter;
1480 return;
1481 }
1482 int time_range = ttl_end - ttl_start;
1483 int bucket_size;
1484 if (!ParseIntOption(option_map_, ARG_TTL_BUCKET, bucket_size, exec_state_) ||
1485 bucket_size <= 0) {
1486 bucket_size = time_range; // Will have just 1 bucket by default
1487 }
1488 //cretaing variables for row count of each type
1489 std::string rtype1, rtype2, row, val;
1490 rtype2 = "";
1491 uint64_t c=0;
1492 uint64_t s1=0,s2=0;
1494 // At this point, bucket_size=0 => time_range=0
1495 int num_buckets = (bucket_size >= time_range)
1496 ? 1
1497 : ((time_range + bucket_size - 1) / bucket_size);
1498 std::vector<uint64_t> bucket_counts(num_buckets, 0);
1499 if (is_db_ttl_ && !count_only_ && timestamp_ && !count_delim_) {
1500 fprintf(stdout, "Dumping key-values from %s to %s\n",
1501 ReadableTime(ttl_start).c_str(), ReadableTime(ttl_end).c_str());
1502 }
1504 for (; iter->Valid(); iter->Next()) {
1505 int rawtime = 0;
1506 // If end marker was specified, we stop before it
1507 if (!null_to_ && (iter->key().ToString() >= to_))
1508 break;
1509 // Terminate if maximum number of keys have been dumped
1510 if (max_keys == 0)
1511 break;
1512 if (is_db_ttl_) {
1513 TtlIterator* it_ttl = dynamic_cast<TtlIterator*>(iter);
1514 assert(it_ttl);
1515 rawtime = it_ttl->timestamp();
1516 if (rawtime < ttl_start || rawtime >= ttl_end) {
1517 continue;
1518 }
1519 }
1520 if (max_keys > 0) {
1521 --max_keys;
1522 }
1523 if (is_db_ttl_ && num_buckets > 1) {
1524 IncBucketCounts(bucket_counts, ttl_start, time_range, bucket_size,
1525 rawtime, num_buckets);
1526 }
1527 ++count;
1528 if (count_delim_) {
1529 rtype1 = "";
1530 row = iter->key().ToString();
1531 val = iter->value().ToString();
1532 s1 = row.size()+val.size();
1533 for(int j=0;row[j]!=delim_[0] && row[j]!='\0';j++)
1534 rtype1+=row[j];
1535 if(rtype2.compare("") && rtype2.compare(rtype1)!=0) {
1536 fprintf(stdout,"%s => count:%lld\tsize:%lld\n",rtype2.c_str(),
1537 (long long )c,(long long)s2);
1538 c=1;
1539 s2=s1;
1540 rtype2 = rtype1;
1541 } else {
1542 c++;
1543 s2+=s1;
1544 rtype2=rtype1;
1545 }
1547 }
1551 if (!count_only_ && !count_delim_) {
1552 if (is_db_ttl_ && timestamp_) {
1553 fprintf(stdout, "%s ", ReadableTime(rawtime).c_str());
1554 }
1555 std::string str =
1556 PrintKeyValue(iter->key().ToString(), iter->value().ToString(),
1557 is_key_hex_, is_value_hex_);
1558 fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", str.c_str());
1559 }
1560 }
1562 if (num_buckets > 1 && is_db_ttl_) {
1563 PrintBucketCounts(bucket_counts, ttl_start, ttl_end, bucket_size,
1564 num_buckets);
1565 } else if(count_delim_) {
1566 fprintf(stdout,"%s => count:%lld\tsize:%lld\n",rtype2.c_str(),
1567 (long long )c,(long long)s2);
1568 } else {
1569 fprintf(stdout, "Keys in range: %lld\n", (long long) count);
1570 }
1571 // Clean up
1572 delete iter;
1573 }
1575 const std::string ReduceDBLevelsCommand::ARG_NEW_LEVELS = "new_levels";
1576 const std::string ReduceDBLevelsCommand::ARG_PRINT_OLD_LEVELS =
1577 "print_old_levels";
1579 ReduceDBLevelsCommand::ReduceDBLevelsCommand(
1580 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
1581 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
1582 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
1583 : LDBCommand(options, flags, false,
1584 BuildCmdLineOptions({ARG_NEW_LEVELS, ARG_PRINT_OLD_LEVELS})),
1585 old_levels_(1 << 7),
1586 new_levels_(-1),
1587 print_old_levels_(false) {
1588 ParseIntOption(option_map_, ARG_NEW_LEVELS, new_levels_, exec_state_);
1589 print_old_levels_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_PRINT_OLD_LEVELS);
1591 if(new_levels_ <= 0) {
1592 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
1593 " Use --" + ARG_NEW_LEVELS + " to specify a new level number\n");
1594 }
1595 }
1597 std::vector<std::string> ReduceDBLevelsCommand::PrepareArgs(
1598 const std::string& db_path, int new_levels, bool print_old_level) {
1599 std::vector<std::string> ret;
1600 ret.push_back("reduce_levels");
1601 ret.push_back("--" + ARG_DB + "=" + db_path);
1602 ret.push_back("--" + ARG_NEW_LEVELS + "=" + rocksdb::ToString(new_levels));
1603 if(print_old_level) {
1604 ret.push_back("--" + ARG_PRINT_OLD_LEVELS);
1605 }
1606 return ret;
1607 }
1609 void ReduceDBLevelsCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
1610 ret.append(" ");
1611 ret.append(ReduceDBLevelsCommand::Name());
1612 ret.append(" --" + ARG_NEW_LEVELS + "=<New number of levels>");
1613 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_PRINT_OLD_LEVELS + "]");
1614 ret.append("\n");
1615 }
1617 Options ReduceDBLevelsCommand::PrepareOptionsForOpenDB() {
1618 Options opt = LDBCommand::PrepareOptionsForOpenDB();
1619 opt.num_levels = old_levels_;
1620 opt.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier_additional.resize(opt.num_levels, 1);
1621 // Disable size compaction
1622 opt.max_bytes_for_level_base = 1ULL << 50;
1623 opt.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier = 1;
1624 return opt;
1625 }
1627 Status ReduceDBLevelsCommand::GetOldNumOfLevels(Options& opt,
1628 int* levels) {
1629 ImmutableDBOptions db_options(opt);
1630 EnvOptions soptions;
1631 std::shared_ptr<Cache> tc(
1632 NewLRUCache(opt.max_open_files - 10, opt.table_cache_numshardbits));
1633 const InternalKeyComparator cmp(opt.comparator);
1634 WriteController wc(opt.delayed_write_rate);
1635 WriteBufferManager wb(opt.db_write_buffer_size);
1636 VersionSet versions(db_path_, &db_options, soptions, tc.get(), &wb, &wc);
1637 std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor> dummy;
1638 ColumnFamilyDescriptor dummy_descriptor(kDefaultColumnFamilyName,
1639 ColumnFamilyOptions(opt));
1640 dummy.push_back(dummy_descriptor);
1641 // We rely the VersionSet::Recover to tell us the internal data structures
1642 // in the db. And the Recover() should never do any change
1643 // (like LogAndApply) to the manifest file.
1644 Status st = versions.Recover(dummy);
1645 if (!st.ok()) {
1646 return st;
1647 }
1648 int max = -1;
1649 auto default_cfd = versions.GetColumnFamilySet()->GetDefault();
1650 for (int i = 0; i < default_cfd->NumberLevels(); i++) {
1651 if (default_cfd->current()->storage_info()->NumLevelFiles(i)) {
1652 max = i;
1653 }
1654 }
1656 *levels = max + 1;
1657 return st;
1658 }
1660 void ReduceDBLevelsCommand::DoCommand() {
1661 if (new_levels_ <= 1) {
1662 exec_state_ =
1663 LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed("Invalid number of levels.\n");
1664 return;
1665 }
1667 Status st;
1668 Options opt = PrepareOptionsForOpenDB();
1669 int old_level_num = -1;
1670 st = GetOldNumOfLevels(opt, &old_level_num);
1671 if (!st.ok()) {
1672 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(st.ToString());
1673 return;
1674 }
1676 if (print_old_levels_) {
1677 fprintf(stdout, "The old number of levels in use is %d\n", old_level_num);
1678 }
1680 if (old_level_num <= new_levels_) {
1681 return;
1682 }
1684 old_levels_ = old_level_num;
1686 OpenDB();
1687 if (exec_state_.IsFailed()) {
1688 return;
1689 }
1690 // Compact the whole DB to put all files to the highest level.
1691 fprintf(stdout, "Compacting the db...\n");
1692 db_->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), GetCfHandle(), nullptr, nullptr);
1693 CloseDB();
1695 EnvOptions soptions;
1696 st = VersionSet::ReduceNumberOfLevels(db_path_, &opt, soptions, new_levels_);
1697 if (!st.ok()) {
1698 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(st.ToString());
1699 return;
1700 }
1701 }
1703 const std::string ChangeCompactionStyleCommand::ARG_OLD_COMPACTION_STYLE =
1704 "old_compaction_style";
1705 const std::string ChangeCompactionStyleCommand::ARG_NEW_COMPACTION_STYLE =
1706 "new_compaction_style";
1708 ChangeCompactionStyleCommand::ChangeCompactionStyleCommand(
1709 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
1710 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
1711 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
1712 : LDBCommand(options, flags, false,
1713 BuildCmdLineOptions(
1715 old_compaction_style_(-1),
1716 new_compaction_style_(-1) {
1717 ParseIntOption(option_map_, ARG_OLD_COMPACTION_STYLE, old_compaction_style_,
1718 exec_state_);
1719 if (old_compaction_style_ != kCompactionStyleLevel &&
1720 old_compaction_style_ != kCompactionStyleUniversal) {
1721 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
1722 "Use --" + ARG_OLD_COMPACTION_STYLE + " to specify old compaction " +
1723 "style. Check ldb help for proper compaction style value.\n");
1724 return;
1725 }
1727 ParseIntOption(option_map_, ARG_NEW_COMPACTION_STYLE, new_compaction_style_,
1728 exec_state_);
1729 if (new_compaction_style_ != kCompactionStyleLevel &&
1730 new_compaction_style_ != kCompactionStyleUniversal) {
1731 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
1732 "Use --" + ARG_NEW_COMPACTION_STYLE + " to specify new compaction " +
1733 "style. Check ldb help for proper compaction style value.\n");
1734 return;
1735 }
1737 if (new_compaction_style_ == old_compaction_style_) {
1738 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
1739 "Old compaction style is the same as new compaction style. "
1740 "Nothing to do.\n");
1741 return;
1742 }
1744 if (old_compaction_style_ == kCompactionStyleUniversal &&
1745 new_compaction_style_ == kCompactionStyleLevel) {
1746 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
1747 "Convert from universal compaction to level compaction. "
1748 "Nothing to do.\n");
1749 return;
1750 }
1751 }
1753 void ChangeCompactionStyleCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
1754 ret.append(" ");
1755 ret.append(ChangeCompactionStyleCommand::Name());
1756 ret.append(" --" + ARG_OLD_COMPACTION_STYLE + "=<Old compaction style: 0 " +
1757 "for level compaction, 1 for universal compaction>");
1758 ret.append(" --" + ARG_NEW_COMPACTION_STYLE + "=<New compaction style: 0 " +
1759 "for level compaction, 1 for universal compaction>");
1760 ret.append("\n");
1761 }
1763 Options ChangeCompactionStyleCommand::PrepareOptionsForOpenDB() {
1764 Options opt = LDBCommand::PrepareOptionsForOpenDB();
1766 if (old_compaction_style_ == kCompactionStyleLevel &&
1767 new_compaction_style_ == kCompactionStyleUniversal) {
1768 // In order to convert from level compaction to universal compaction, we
1769 // need to compact all data into a single file and move it to level 0.
1770 opt.disable_auto_compactions = true;
1771 opt.target_file_size_base = INT_MAX;
1772 opt.target_file_size_multiplier = 1;
1773 opt.max_bytes_for_level_base = INT_MAX;
1774 opt.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier = 1;
1775 }
1777 return opt;
1778 }
1780 void ChangeCompactionStyleCommand::DoCommand() {
1781 // print db stats before we have made any change
1782 std::string property;
1783 std::string files_per_level;
1784 for (int i = 0; i < db_->NumberLevels(GetCfHandle()); i++) {
1785 db_->GetProperty(GetCfHandle(),
1786 "rocksdb.num-files-at-level" + NumberToString(i),
1787 &property);
1789 // format print string
1790 char buf[100];
1791 snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", (i ? "," : ""), property.c_str());
1792 files_per_level += buf;
1793 }
1794 fprintf(stdout, "files per level before compaction: %s\n",
1795 files_per_level.c_str());
1797 // manual compact into a single file and move the file to level 0
1798 CompactRangeOptions compact_options;
1799 compact_options.change_level = true;
1800 compact_options.target_level = 0;
1801 db_->CompactRange(compact_options, GetCfHandle(), nullptr, nullptr);
1803 // verify compaction result
1804 files_per_level = "";
1805 int num_files = 0;
1806 for (int i = 0; i < db_->NumberLevels(GetCfHandle()); i++) {
1807 db_->GetProperty(GetCfHandle(),
1808 "rocksdb.num-files-at-level" + NumberToString(i),
1809 &property);
1811 // format print string
1812 char buf[100];
1813 snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", (i ? "," : ""), property.c_str());
1814 files_per_level += buf;
1816 num_files = atoi(property.c_str());
1818 // level 0 should have only 1 file
1819 if (i == 0 && num_files != 1) {
1820 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
1821 "Number of db files at "
1822 "level 0 after compaction is " +
1823 ToString(num_files) + ", not 1.\n");
1824 return;
1825 }
1826 // other levels should have no file
1827 if (i > 0 && num_files != 0) {
1828 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
1829 "Number of db files at "
1830 "level " +
1831 ToString(i) + " after compaction is " + ToString(num_files) +
1832 ", not 0.\n");
1833 return;
1834 }
1835 }
1837 fprintf(stdout, "files per level after compaction: %s\n",
1838 files_per_level.c_str());
1839 }
1841 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1843 namespace {
1845 struct StdErrReporter : public log::Reader::Reporter {
1846 virtual void Corruption(size_t bytes, const Status& s) override {
1847 std::cerr << "Corruption detected in log file " << s.ToString() << "\n";
1848 }
1849 };
1851 class InMemoryHandler : public WriteBatch::Handler {
1852 public:
1853 InMemoryHandler(std::stringstream& row, bool print_values)
1854 : Handler(), row_(row) {
1855 print_values_ = print_values;
1856 }
1858 void commonPutMerge(const Slice& key, const Slice& value) {
1859 std::string k = LDBCommand::StringToHex(key.ToString());
1860 if (print_values_) {
1861 std::string v = LDBCommand::StringToHex(value.ToString());
1862 row_ << k << " : ";
1863 row_ << v << " ";
1864 } else {
1865 row_ << k << " ";
1866 }
1867 }
1869 virtual Status PutCF(uint32_t cf, const Slice& key,
1870 const Slice& value) override {
1871 row_ << "PUT(" << cf << ") : ";
1872 commonPutMerge(key, value);
1873 return Status::OK();
1874 }
1876 virtual Status MergeCF(uint32_t cf, const Slice& key,
1877 const Slice& value) override {
1878 row_ << "MERGE(" << cf << ") : ";
1879 commonPutMerge(key, value);
1880 return Status::OK();
1881 }
1883 virtual Status DeleteCF(uint32_t cf, const Slice& key) override {
1884 row_ << "DELETE(" << cf << ") : ";
1885 row_ << LDBCommand::StringToHex(key.ToString()) << " ";
1886 return Status::OK();
1887 }
1889 virtual Status SingleDeleteCF(uint32_t cf, const Slice& key) override {
1890 row_ << "SINGLE_DELETE(" << cf << ") : ";
1891 row_ << LDBCommand::StringToHex(key.ToString()) << " ";
1892 return Status::OK();
1893 }
1895 virtual Status DeleteRangeCF(uint32_t cf, const Slice& begin_key,
1896 const Slice& end_key) override {
1897 row_ << "DELETE_RANGE(" << cf << ") : ";
1898 row_ << LDBCommand::StringToHex(begin_key.ToString()) << " ";
1899 row_ << LDBCommand::StringToHex(end_key.ToString()) << " ";
1900 return Status::OK();
1901 }
1903 virtual Status MarkBeginPrepare() override {
1904 row_ << "BEGIN_PREARE ";
1905 return Status::OK();
1906 }
1908 virtual Status MarkEndPrepare(const Slice& xid) override {
1909 row_ << "END_PREPARE(";
1910 row_ << LDBCommand::StringToHex(xid.ToString()) << ") ";
1911 return Status::OK();
1912 }
1914 virtual Status MarkRollback(const Slice& xid) override {
1915 row_ << "ROLLBACK(";
1916 row_ << LDBCommand::StringToHex(xid.ToString()) << ") ";
1917 return Status::OK();
1918 }
1920 virtual Status MarkCommit(const Slice& xid) override {
1921 row_ << "COMMIT(";
1922 row_ << LDBCommand::StringToHex(xid.ToString()) << ") ";
1923 return Status::OK();
1924 }
1926 virtual ~InMemoryHandler() {}
1928 private:
1929 std::stringstream& row_;
1930 bool print_values_;
1931 };
1933 void DumpWalFile(std::string wal_file, bool print_header, bool print_values,
1934 LDBCommandExecuteResult* exec_state) {
1935 Env* env_ = Env::Default();
1936 EnvOptions soptions;
1937 unique_ptr<SequentialFileReader> wal_file_reader;
1939 Status status;
1940 {
1941 unique_ptr<SequentialFile> file;
1942 status = env_->NewSequentialFile(wal_file, &file, soptions);
1943 if (status.ok()) {
1944 wal_file_reader.reset(new SequentialFileReader(std::move(file)));
1945 }
1946 }
1947 if (!status.ok()) {
1948 if (exec_state) {
1949 *exec_state = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed("Failed to open WAL file " +
1950 status.ToString());
1951 } else {
1952 std::cerr << "Error: Failed to open WAL file " << status.ToString()
1953 << std::endl;
1954 }
1955 } else {
1956 StdErrReporter reporter;
1957 uint64_t log_number;
1958 FileType type;
1960 // we need the log number, but ParseFilename expects dbname/NNN.log.
1961 std::string sanitized = wal_file;
1962 size_t lastslash = sanitized.rfind('/');
1963 if (lastslash != std::string::npos)
1964 sanitized = sanitized.substr(lastslash + 1);
1965 if (!ParseFileName(sanitized, &log_number, &type)) {
1966 // bogus input, carry on as best we can
1967 log_number = 0;
1968 }
1969 DBOptions db_options;
1970 log::Reader reader(db_options.info_log, std::move(wal_file_reader),
1971 &reporter, true, 0, log_number);
1972 std::string scratch;
1973 WriteBatch batch;
1974 Slice record;
1975 std::stringstream row;
1976 if (print_header) {
1977 std::cout << "Sequence,Count,ByteSize,Physical Offset,Key(s)";
1978 if (print_values) {
1979 std::cout << " : value ";
1980 }
1981 std::cout << "\n";
1982 }
1983 while (reader.ReadRecord(&record, &scratch)) {
1984 row.str("");
1985 if (record.size() < WriteBatchInternal::kHeader) {
1986 reporter.Corruption(record.size(),
1987 Status::Corruption("log record too small"));
1988 } else {
1989 WriteBatchInternal::SetContents(&batch, record);
1990 row << WriteBatchInternal::Sequence(&batch) << ",";
1991 row << WriteBatchInternal::Count(&batch) << ",";
1992 row << WriteBatchInternal::ByteSize(&batch) << ",";
1993 row << reader.LastRecordOffset() << ",";
1994 InMemoryHandler handler(row, print_values);
1995 batch.Iterate(&handler);
1996 row << "\n";
1997 }
1998 std::cout << row.str();
1999 }
2000 }
2001 }
2003 } // namespace
2005 const std::string WALDumperCommand::ARG_WAL_FILE = "walfile";
2006 const std::string WALDumperCommand::ARG_PRINT_VALUE = "print_value";
2007 const std::string WALDumperCommand::ARG_PRINT_HEADER = "header";
2009 WALDumperCommand::WALDumperCommand(
2010 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2011 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2012 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2013 : LDBCommand(options, flags, true,
2014 BuildCmdLineOptions(
2016 print_header_(false),
2017 print_values_(false) {
2018 wal_file_.clear();
2020 std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator itr =
2021 options.find(ARG_WAL_FILE);
2022 if (itr != options.end()) {
2023 wal_file_ = itr->second;
2024 }
2027 print_header_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_PRINT_HEADER);
2028 print_values_ = IsFlagPresent(flags, ARG_PRINT_VALUE);
2029 if (wal_file_.empty()) {
2030 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed("Argument " + ARG_WAL_FILE +
2031 " must be specified.");
2032 }
2033 }
2035 void WALDumperCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
2036 ret.append(" ");
2037 ret.append(WALDumperCommand::Name());
2038 ret.append(" --" + ARG_WAL_FILE + "=<write_ahead_log_file_path>");
2039 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_PRINT_HEADER + "] ");
2040 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_PRINT_VALUE + "] ");
2041 ret.append("\n");
2042 }
2044 void WALDumperCommand::DoCommand() {
2045 DumpWalFile(wal_file_, print_header_, print_values_, &exec_state_);
2046 }
2048 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2050 GetCommand::GetCommand(const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2051 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2052 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2053 : LDBCommand(
2054 options, flags, true,
2055 BuildCmdLineOptions({ARG_TTL, ARG_HEX, ARG_KEY_HEX, ARG_VALUE_HEX})) {
2056 if (params.size() != 1) {
2057 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
2058 "<key> must be specified for the get command");
2059 } else {
2060 key_ = params.at(0);
2061 }
2063 if (is_key_hex_) {
2064 key_ = HexToString(key_);
2065 }
2066 }
2068 void GetCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
2069 ret.append(" ");
2070 ret.append(GetCommand::Name());
2071 ret.append(" <key>");
2072 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_TTL + "]");
2073 ret.append("\n");
2074 }
2076 void GetCommand::DoCommand() {
2077 if (!db_) {
2078 assert(GetExecuteState().IsFailed());
2079 return;
2080 }
2081 std::string value;
2082 Status st = db_->Get(ReadOptions(), GetCfHandle(), key_, &value);
2083 if (st.ok()) {
2084 fprintf(stdout, "%s\n",
2085 (is_value_hex_ ? StringToHex(value) : value).c_str());
2086 } else {
2087 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(st.ToString());
2088 }
2089 }
2091 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2093 ApproxSizeCommand::ApproxSizeCommand(
2094 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2095 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2096 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2097 : LDBCommand(options, flags, true,
2098 BuildCmdLineOptions(
2100 if (options.find(ARG_FROM) != options.end()) {
2101 start_key_ = options.find(ARG_FROM)->second;
2102 } else {
2103 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
2104 ARG_FROM + " must be specified for approxsize command");
2105 return;
2106 }
2108 if (options.find(ARG_TO) != options.end()) {
2109 end_key_ = options.find(ARG_TO)->second;
2110 } else {
2111 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
2112 ARG_TO + " must be specified for approxsize command");
2113 return;
2114 }
2116 if (is_key_hex_) {
2117 start_key_ = HexToString(start_key_);
2118 end_key_ = HexToString(end_key_);
2119 }
2120 }
2122 void ApproxSizeCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
2123 ret.append(" ");
2124 ret.append(ApproxSizeCommand::Name());
2125 ret.append(HelpRangeCmdArgs());
2126 ret.append("\n");
2127 }
2129 void ApproxSizeCommand::DoCommand() {
2130 if (!db_) {
2131 assert(GetExecuteState().IsFailed());
2132 return;
2133 }
2134 Range ranges[1];
2135 ranges[0] = Range(start_key_, end_key_);
2136 uint64_t sizes[1];
2137 db_->GetApproximateSizes(GetCfHandle(), ranges, 1, sizes);
2138 fprintf(stdout, "%lu\n", (unsigned long)sizes[0]);
2139 /* Weird that GetApproximateSizes() returns void, although documentation
2140 * says that it returns a Status object.
2141 if (!st.ok()) {
2142 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(st.ToString());
2143 }
2144 */
2145 }
2147 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2149 BatchPutCommand::BatchPutCommand(
2150 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2151 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2152 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2153 : LDBCommand(options, flags, false,
2154 BuildCmdLineOptions({ARG_TTL, ARG_HEX, ARG_KEY_HEX,
2156 if (params.size() < 2) {
2157 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
2158 "At least one <key> <value> pair must be specified batchput.");
2159 } else if (params.size() % 2 != 0) {
2160 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
2161 "Equal number of <key>s and <value>s must be specified for batchput.");
2162 } else {
2163 for (size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i += 2) {
2164 std::string key = params.at(i);
2165 std::string value = params.at(i + 1);
2166 key_values_.push_back(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(
2167 is_key_hex_ ? HexToString(key) : key,
2168 is_value_hex_ ? HexToString(value) : value));
2169 }
2170 }
2171 create_if_missing_ = IsFlagPresent(flags_, ARG_CREATE_IF_MISSING);
2172 }
2174 void BatchPutCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
2175 ret.append(" ");
2176 ret.append(BatchPutCommand::Name());
2177 ret.append(" <key> <value> [<key> <value>] [..]");
2178 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_TTL + "]");
2179 ret.append("\n");
2180 }
2182 void BatchPutCommand::DoCommand() {
2183 if (!db_) {
2184 assert(GetExecuteState().IsFailed());
2185 return;
2186 }
2187 WriteBatch batch;
2189 for (std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>::const_iterator itr =
2190 key_values_.begin();
2191 itr != key_values_.end(); ++itr) {
2192 batch.Put(GetCfHandle(), itr->first, itr->second);
2193 }
2194 Status st = db_->Write(WriteOptions(), &batch);
2195 if (st.ok()) {
2196 fprintf(stdout, "OK\n");
2197 } else {
2198 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(st.ToString());
2199 }
2200 }
2202 Options BatchPutCommand::PrepareOptionsForOpenDB() {
2203 Options opt = LDBCommand::PrepareOptionsForOpenDB();
2204 opt.create_if_missing = create_if_missing_;
2205 return opt;
2206 }
2208 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2210 ScanCommand::ScanCommand(const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2211 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2212 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2213 : LDBCommand(
2214 options, flags, true,
2215 BuildCmdLineOptions({ARG_TTL, ARG_NO_VALUE, ARG_HEX, ARG_KEY_HEX,
2218 start_key_specified_(false),
2219 end_key_specified_(false),
2220 max_keys_scanned_(-1),
2221 no_value_(false) {
2222 std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator itr =
2223 options.find(ARG_FROM);
2224 if (itr != options.end()) {
2225 start_key_ = itr->second;
2226 if (is_key_hex_) {
2227 start_key_ = HexToString(start_key_);
2228 }
2229 start_key_specified_ = true;
2230 }
2231 itr = options.find(ARG_TO);
2232 if (itr != options.end()) {
2233 end_key_ = itr->second;
2234 if (is_key_hex_) {
2235 end_key_ = HexToString(end_key_);
2236 }
2237 end_key_specified_ = true;
2238 }
2240 std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator vitr =
2241 std::find(flags.begin(), flags.end(), ARG_NO_VALUE);
2242 if (vitr != flags.end()) {
2243 no_value_ = true;
2244 }
2246 itr = options.find(ARG_MAX_KEYS);
2247 if (itr != options.end()) {
2248 try {
2249 #if defined(CYGWIN)
2250 max_keys_scanned_ = strtol(itr->second.c_str(), 0, 10);
2251 #else
2252 max_keys_scanned_ = std::stoi(itr->second);
2253 #endif
2254 } catch (const std::invalid_argument&) {
2255 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(ARG_MAX_KEYS +
2256 " has an invalid value");
2257 } catch (const std::out_of_range&) {
2258 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
2259 ARG_MAX_KEYS + " has a value out-of-range");
2260 }
2261 }
2262 }
2264 void ScanCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
2265 ret.append(" ");
2266 ret.append(ScanCommand::Name());
2267 ret.append(HelpRangeCmdArgs());
2268 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_TTL + "]");
2269 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_TIMESTAMP + "]");
2270 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_MAX_KEYS + "=<N>q] ");
2271 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_TTL_START + "=<N>:- is inclusive]");
2272 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_TTL_END + "=<N>:- is exclusive]");
2273 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_NO_VALUE + "]");
2274 ret.append("\n");
2275 }
2277 void ScanCommand::DoCommand() {
2278 if (!db_) {
2279 assert(GetExecuteState().IsFailed());
2280 return;
2281 }
2283 int num_keys_scanned = 0;
2284 Iterator* it = db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions(), GetCfHandle());
2285 if (start_key_specified_) {
2286 it->Seek(start_key_);
2287 } else {
2288 it->SeekToFirst();
2289 }
2290 int ttl_start;
2291 if (!ParseIntOption(option_map_, ARG_TTL_START, ttl_start, exec_state_)) {
2292 ttl_start = DBWithTTLImpl::kMinTimestamp; // TTL introduction time
2293 }
2294 int ttl_end;
2295 if (!ParseIntOption(option_map_, ARG_TTL_END, ttl_end, exec_state_)) {
2296 ttl_end = DBWithTTLImpl::kMaxTimestamp; // Max time allowed by TTL feature
2297 }
2298 if (ttl_end < ttl_start) {
2299 fprintf(stderr, "Error: End time can't be less than start time\n");
2300 delete it;
2301 return;
2302 }
2303 if (is_db_ttl_ && timestamp_) {
2304 fprintf(stdout, "Scanning key-values from %s to %s\n",
2305 ReadableTime(ttl_start).c_str(), ReadableTime(ttl_end).c_str());
2306 }
2307 for ( ;
2308 it->Valid() && (!end_key_specified_ || it->key().ToString() < end_key_);
2309 it->Next()) {
2310 if (is_db_ttl_) {
2311 TtlIterator* it_ttl = dynamic_cast<TtlIterator*>(it);
2312 assert(it_ttl);
2313 int rawtime = it_ttl->timestamp();
2314 if (rawtime < ttl_start || rawtime >= ttl_end) {
2315 continue;
2316 }
2317 if (timestamp_) {
2318 fprintf(stdout, "%s ", ReadableTime(rawtime).c_str());
2319 }
2320 }
2322 Slice key_slice = it->key();
2324 std::string formatted_key;
2325 if (is_key_hex_) {
2326 formatted_key = "0x" + key_slice.ToString(true /* hex */);
2327 key_slice = formatted_key;
2328 } else if (ldb_options_.key_formatter) {
2329 formatted_key = ldb_options_.key_formatter->Format(key_slice);
2330 key_slice = formatted_key;
2331 }
2333 if (no_value_) {
2334 fprintf(stdout, "%.*s\n", static_cast<int>(key_slice.size()),
2335 key_slice.data());
2336 } else {
2337 Slice val_slice = it->value();
2338 std::string formatted_value;
2339 if (is_value_hex_) {
2340 formatted_value = "0x" + val_slice.ToString(true /* hex */);
2341 val_slice = formatted_value;
2342 }
2343 fprintf(stdout, "%.*s : %.*s\n", static_cast<int>(key_slice.size()),
2344 key_slice.data(), static_cast<int>(val_slice.size()),
2345 val_slice.data());
2346 }
2348 num_keys_scanned++;
2349 if (max_keys_scanned_ >= 0 && num_keys_scanned >= max_keys_scanned_) {
2350 break;
2351 }
2352 }
2353 if (!it->status().ok()) { // Check for any errors found during the scan
2354 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(it->status().ToString());
2355 }
2356 delete it;
2357 }
2359 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2361 DeleteCommand::DeleteCommand(const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2362 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2363 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2364 : LDBCommand(options, flags, false,
2365 BuildCmdLineOptions({ARG_HEX, ARG_KEY_HEX, ARG_VALUE_HEX})) {
2366 if (params.size() != 1) {
2367 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
2368 "KEY must be specified for the delete command");
2369 } else {
2370 key_ = params.at(0);
2371 if (is_key_hex_) {
2372 key_ = HexToString(key_);
2373 }
2374 }
2375 }
2377 void DeleteCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
2378 ret.append(" ");
2379 ret.append(DeleteCommand::Name() + " <key>");
2380 ret.append("\n");
2381 }
2383 void DeleteCommand::DoCommand() {
2384 if (!db_) {
2385 assert(GetExecuteState().IsFailed());
2386 return;
2387 }
2388 Status st = db_->Delete(WriteOptions(), GetCfHandle(), key_);
2389 if (st.ok()) {
2390 fprintf(stdout, "OK\n");
2391 } else {
2392 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(st.ToString());
2393 }
2394 }
2396 DeleteRangeCommand::DeleteRangeCommand(
2397 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2398 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2399 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2400 : LDBCommand(options, flags, false,
2401 BuildCmdLineOptions({ARG_HEX, ARG_KEY_HEX, ARG_VALUE_HEX})) {
2402 if (params.size() != 2) {
2403 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
2404 "begin and end keys must be specified for the delete command");
2405 } else {
2406 begin_key_ = params.at(0);
2407 end_key_ = params.at(1);
2408 if (is_key_hex_) {
2409 begin_key_ = HexToString(begin_key_);
2410 end_key_ = HexToString(end_key_);
2411 }
2412 }
2413 }
2415 void DeleteRangeCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
2416 ret.append(" ");
2417 ret.append(DeleteRangeCommand::Name() + " <begin key> <end key>");
2418 ret.append("\n");
2419 }
2421 void DeleteRangeCommand::DoCommand() {
2422 if (!db_) {
2423 assert(GetExecuteState().IsFailed());
2424 return;
2425 }
2426 Status st =
2427 db_->DeleteRange(WriteOptions(), GetCfHandle(), begin_key_, end_key_);
2428 if (st.ok()) {
2429 fprintf(stdout, "OK\n");
2430 } else {
2431 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(st.ToString());
2432 }
2433 }
2435 PutCommand::PutCommand(const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2436 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2437 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2438 : LDBCommand(options, flags, false,
2439 BuildCmdLineOptions({ARG_TTL, ARG_HEX, ARG_KEY_HEX,
2441 if (params.size() != 2) {
2442 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
2443 "<key> and <value> must be specified for the put command");
2444 } else {
2445 key_ = params.at(0);
2446 value_ = params.at(1);
2447 }
2449 if (is_key_hex_) {
2450 key_ = HexToString(key_);
2451 }
2453 if (is_value_hex_) {
2454 value_ = HexToString(value_);
2455 }
2456 create_if_missing_ = IsFlagPresent(flags_, ARG_CREATE_IF_MISSING);
2457 }
2459 void PutCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
2460 ret.append(" ");
2461 ret.append(PutCommand::Name());
2462 ret.append(" <key> <value> ");
2463 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_TTL + "]");
2464 ret.append("\n");
2465 }
2467 void PutCommand::DoCommand() {
2468 if (!db_) {
2469 assert(GetExecuteState().IsFailed());
2470 return;
2471 }
2472 Status st = db_->Put(WriteOptions(), GetCfHandle(), key_, value_);
2473 if (st.ok()) {
2474 fprintf(stdout, "OK\n");
2475 } else {
2476 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(st.ToString());
2477 }
2478 }
2480 Options PutCommand::PrepareOptionsForOpenDB() {
2481 Options opt = LDBCommand::PrepareOptionsForOpenDB();
2482 opt.create_if_missing = create_if_missing_;
2483 return opt;
2484 }
2486 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2488 const char* DBQuerierCommand::HELP_CMD = "help";
2489 const char* DBQuerierCommand::GET_CMD = "get";
2490 const char* DBQuerierCommand::PUT_CMD = "put";
2491 const char* DBQuerierCommand::DELETE_CMD = "delete";
2493 DBQuerierCommand::DBQuerierCommand(
2494 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2495 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2496 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2497 : LDBCommand(
2498 options, flags, false,
2499 BuildCmdLineOptions({ARG_TTL, ARG_HEX, ARG_KEY_HEX, ARG_VALUE_HEX})) {
2501 }
2503 void DBQuerierCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
2504 ret.append(" ");
2505 ret.append(DBQuerierCommand::Name());
2506 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_TTL + "]");
2507 ret.append("\n");
2508 ret.append(" Starts a REPL shell. Type help for list of available "
2509 "commands.");
2510 ret.append("\n");
2511 }
2513 void DBQuerierCommand::DoCommand() {
2514 if (!db_) {
2515 assert(GetExecuteState().IsFailed());
2516 return;
2517 }
2519 ReadOptions read_options;
2520 WriteOptions write_options;
2522 std::string line;
2523 std::string key;
2524 std::string value;
2525 while (getline(std::cin, line, '\n')) {
2526 // Parse line into std::vector<std::string>
2527 std::vector<std::string> tokens;
2528 size_t pos = 0;
2529 while (true) {
2530 size_t pos2 = line.find(' ', pos);
2531 if (pos2 == std::string::npos) {
2532 break;
2533 }
2534 tokens.push_back(line.substr(pos, pos2-pos));
2535 pos = pos2 + 1;
2536 }
2537 tokens.push_back(line.substr(pos));
2539 const std::string& cmd = tokens[0];
2541 if (cmd == HELP_CMD) {
2542 fprintf(stdout,
2543 "get <key>\n"
2544 "put <key> <value>\n"
2545 "delete <key>\n");
2546 } else if (cmd == DELETE_CMD && tokens.size() == 2) {
2547 key = (is_key_hex_ ? HexToString(tokens[1]) : tokens[1]);
2548 db_->Delete(write_options, GetCfHandle(), Slice(key));
2549 fprintf(stdout, "Successfully deleted %s\n", tokens[1].c_str());
2550 } else if (cmd == PUT_CMD && tokens.size() == 3) {
2551 key = (is_key_hex_ ? HexToString(tokens[1]) : tokens[1]);
2552 value = (is_value_hex_ ? HexToString(tokens[2]) : tokens[2]);
2553 db_->Put(write_options, GetCfHandle(), Slice(key), Slice(value));
2554 fprintf(stdout, "Successfully put %s %s\n",
2555 tokens[1].c_str(), tokens[2].c_str());
2556 } else if (cmd == GET_CMD && tokens.size() == 2) {
2557 key = (is_key_hex_ ? HexToString(tokens[1]) : tokens[1]);
2558 if (db_->Get(read_options, GetCfHandle(), Slice(key), &value).ok()) {
2559 fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", PrintKeyValue(key, value,
2560 is_key_hex_, is_value_hex_).c_str());
2561 } else {
2562 fprintf(stdout, "Not found %s\n", tokens[1].c_str());
2563 }
2564 } else {
2565 fprintf(stdout, "Unknown command %s\n", line.c_str());
2566 }
2567 }
2568 }
2570 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2572 CheckConsistencyCommand::CheckConsistencyCommand(
2573 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2574 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2575 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2576 : LDBCommand(options, flags, false, BuildCmdLineOptions({})) {}
2578 void CheckConsistencyCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
2579 ret.append(" ");
2580 ret.append(CheckConsistencyCommand::Name());
2581 ret.append("\n");
2582 }
2584 void CheckConsistencyCommand::DoCommand() {
2585 Options opt = PrepareOptionsForOpenDB();
2586 opt.paranoid_checks = true;
2587 if (!exec_state_.IsNotStarted()) {
2588 return;
2589 }
2590 DB* db;
2591 Status st = DB::OpenForReadOnly(opt, db_path_, &db, false);
2592 delete db;
2593 if (st.ok()) {
2594 fprintf(stdout, "OK\n");
2595 } else {
2596 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(st.ToString());
2597 }
2598 }
2600 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2602 const std::string CheckPointCommand::ARG_CHECKPOINT_DIR = "checkpoint_dir";
2604 CheckPointCommand::CheckPointCommand(
2605 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2606 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2607 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2608 : LDBCommand(options, flags, false /* is_read_only */,
2609 BuildCmdLineOptions({ARG_CHECKPOINT_DIR})) {
2610 auto itr = options.find(ARG_CHECKPOINT_DIR);
2611 if (itr == options.end()) {
2612 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
2613 "--" + ARG_CHECKPOINT_DIR + ": missing checkpoint directory");
2614 } else {
2615 checkpoint_dir_ = itr->second;
2616 }
2617 }
2619 void CheckPointCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
2620 ret.append(" ");
2621 ret.append(CheckPointCommand::Name());
2622 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_CHECKPOINT_DIR + "] ");
2623 ret.append("\n");
2624 }
2626 void CheckPointCommand::DoCommand() {
2627 if (!db_) {
2628 assert(GetExecuteState().IsFailed());
2629 return;
2630 }
2631 Checkpoint* checkpoint;
2632 Status status = Checkpoint::Create(db_, &checkpoint);
2633 status = checkpoint->CreateCheckpoint(checkpoint_dir_);
2634 if (status.ok()) {
2635 printf("OK\n");
2636 } else {
2637 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(status.ToString());
2638 }
2639 }
2641 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2643 RepairCommand::RepairCommand(const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2644 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2645 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2646 : LDBCommand(options, flags, false, BuildCmdLineOptions({})) {}
2648 void RepairCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
2649 ret.append(" ");
2650 ret.append(RepairCommand::Name());
2651 ret.append("\n");
2652 }
2654 void RepairCommand::DoCommand() {
2655 Options options = PrepareOptionsForOpenDB();
2656 options.info_log.reset(new StderrLogger(InfoLogLevel::WARN_LEVEL));
2657 Status status = RepairDB(db_path_, options);
2658 if (status.ok()) {
2659 printf("OK\n");
2660 } else {
2661 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(status.ToString());
2662 }
2663 }
2665 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2667 const std::string BackupableCommand::ARG_NUM_THREADS = "num_threads";
2668 const std::string BackupableCommand::ARG_BACKUP_ENV_URI = "backup_env_uri";
2669 const std::string BackupableCommand::ARG_BACKUP_DIR = "backup_dir";
2670 const std::string BackupableCommand::ARG_STDERR_LOG_LEVEL = "stderr_log_level";
2672 BackupableCommand::BackupableCommand(
2673 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2674 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2675 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2676 : LDBCommand(options, flags, false /* is_read_only */,
2679 num_threads_(1) {
2680 auto itr = options.find(ARG_NUM_THREADS);
2681 if (itr != options.end()) {
2682 num_threads_ = std::stoi(itr->second);
2683 }
2684 itr = options.find(ARG_BACKUP_ENV_URI);
2685 if (itr != options.end()) {
2686 backup_env_uri_ = itr->second;
2687 }
2688 itr = options.find(ARG_BACKUP_DIR);
2689 if (itr == options.end()) {
2690 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed("--" + ARG_BACKUP_DIR +
2691 ": missing backup directory");
2692 } else {
2693 backup_dir_ = itr->second;
2694 }
2696 itr = options.find(ARG_STDERR_LOG_LEVEL);
2697 if (itr != options.end()) {
2698 int stderr_log_level = std::stoi(itr->second);
2699 if (stderr_log_level < 0 ||
2700 stderr_log_level >= InfoLogLevel::NUM_INFO_LOG_LEVELS) {
2701 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(
2702 ARG_STDERR_LOG_LEVEL + " must be >= 0 and < " +
2703 std::to_string(InfoLogLevel::NUM_INFO_LOG_LEVELS) + ".");
2704 } else {
2705 logger_.reset(
2706 new StderrLogger(static_cast<InfoLogLevel>(stderr_log_level)));
2707 }
2708 }
2709 }
2711 void BackupableCommand::Help(const std::string& name, std::string& ret) {
2712 ret.append(" ");
2713 ret.append(name);
2714 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_BACKUP_ENV_URI + "] ");
2715 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_BACKUP_DIR + "] ");
2716 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_NUM_THREADS + "] ");
2717 ret.append(" [--" + ARG_STDERR_LOG_LEVEL + "=<int (InfoLogLevel)>] ");
2718 ret.append("\n");
2719 }
2721 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2723 BackupCommand::BackupCommand(const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2724 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2725 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2726 : BackupableCommand(params, options, flags) {}
2728 void BackupCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
2729 BackupableCommand::Help(Name(), ret);
2730 }
2732 void BackupCommand::DoCommand() {
2733 BackupEngine* backup_engine;
2734 Status status;
2735 if (!db_) {
2736 assert(GetExecuteState().IsFailed());
2737 return;
2738 }
2739 printf("open db OK\n");
2740 std::unique_ptr<Env> custom_env_guard;
2741 Env* custom_env = NewCustomObject<Env>(backup_env_uri_, &custom_env_guard);
2742 BackupableDBOptions backup_options =
2743 BackupableDBOptions(backup_dir_, custom_env);
2744 backup_options.info_log = logger_.get();
2745 backup_options.max_background_operations = num_threads_;
2746 status = BackupEngine::Open(Env::Default(), backup_options, &backup_engine);
2747 if (status.ok()) {
2748 printf("open backup engine OK\n");
2749 } else {
2750 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(status.ToString());
2751 return;
2752 }
2753 status = backup_engine->CreateNewBackup(db_);
2754 if (status.ok()) {
2755 printf("create new backup OK\n");
2756 } else {
2757 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(status.ToString());
2758 return;
2759 }
2760 }
2762 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2764 RestoreCommand::RestoreCommand(
2765 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2766 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2767 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2768 : BackupableCommand(params, options, flags) {}
2770 void RestoreCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
2771 BackupableCommand::Help(Name(), ret);
2772 }
2774 void RestoreCommand::DoCommand() {
2775 std::unique_ptr<Env> custom_env_guard;
2776 Env* custom_env = NewCustomObject<Env>(backup_env_uri_, &custom_env_guard);
2777 std::unique_ptr<BackupEngineReadOnly> restore_engine;
2778 Status status;
2779 {
2780 BackupableDBOptions opts(backup_dir_, custom_env);
2781 opts.info_log = logger_.get();
2782 opts.max_background_operations = num_threads_;
2783 BackupEngineReadOnly* raw_restore_engine_ptr;
2784 status = BackupEngineReadOnly::Open(Env::Default(), opts,
2785 &raw_restore_engine_ptr);
2786 if (status.ok()) {
2787 restore_engine.reset(raw_restore_engine_ptr);
2788 }
2789 }
2790 if (status.ok()) {
2791 printf("open restore engine OK\n");
2792 status = restore_engine->RestoreDBFromLatestBackup(db_path_, db_path_);
2793 }
2794 if (status.ok()) {
2795 printf("restore from backup OK\n");
2796 } else {
2797 exec_state_ = LDBCommandExecuteResult::Failed(status.ToString());
2798 }
2799 }
2801 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2803 namespace {
2805 void DumpSstFile(std::string filename, bool output_hex, bool show_properties) {
2806 std::string from_key;
2807 std::string to_key;
2808 if (filename.length() <= 4 ||
2809 filename.rfind(".sst") != filename.length() - 4) {
2810 std::cout << "Invalid sst file name." << std::endl;
2811 return;
2812 }
2813 // no verification
2814 rocksdb::SstFileReader reader(filename, false, output_hex);
2815 Status st = reader.ReadSequential(true, -1, false, // has_from
2816 from_key, false, // has_to
2817 to_key);
2818 if (!st.ok()) {
2819 std::cerr << "Error in reading SST file " << filename << st.ToString()
2820 << std::endl;
2821 return;
2822 }
2824 if (show_properties) {
2825 const rocksdb::TableProperties* table_properties;
2827 std::shared_ptr<const rocksdb::TableProperties>
2828 table_properties_from_reader;
2829 st = reader.ReadTableProperties(&table_properties_from_reader);
2830 if (!st.ok()) {
2831 std::cerr << filename << ": " << st.ToString()
2832 << ". Try to use initial table properties" << std::endl;
2833 table_properties = reader.GetInitTableProperties();
2834 } else {
2835 table_properties = table_properties_from_reader.get();
2836 }
2837 if (table_properties != nullptr) {
2838 std::cout << std::endl << "Table Properties:" << std::endl;
2839 std::cout << table_properties->ToString("\n") << std::endl;
2840 std::cout << "# deleted keys: "
2841 << rocksdb::GetDeletedKeys(
2842 table_properties->user_collected_properties)
2843 << std::endl;
2844 }
2845 }
2846 }
2848 } // namespace
2850 DBFileDumperCommand::DBFileDumperCommand(
2851 const std::vector<std::string>& params,
2852 const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options,
2853 const std::vector<std::string>& flags)
2854 : LDBCommand(options, flags, true, BuildCmdLineOptions({})) {}
2856 void DBFileDumperCommand::Help(std::string& ret) {
2857 ret.append(" ");
2858 ret.append(DBFileDumperCommand::Name());
2859 ret.append("\n");
2860 }
2862 void DBFileDumperCommand::DoCommand() {
2863 if (!db_) {
2864 assert(GetExecuteState().IsFailed());
2865 return;
2866 }
2867 Status s;
2869 std::cout << "Manifest File" << std::endl;
2870 std::cout << "==============================" << std::endl;
2871 std::string manifest_filename;
2872 s = ReadFileToString(db_->GetEnv(), CurrentFileName(db_->GetName()),
2873 &manifest_filename);
2874 if (!s.ok() || manifest_filename.empty() ||
2875 manifest_filename.back() != '\n') {
2876 std::cerr << "Error when reading CURRENT file "
2877 << CurrentFileName(db_->GetName()) << std::endl;
2878 }
2879 // remove the trailing '\n'
2880 manifest_filename.resize(manifest_filename.size() - 1);
2881 std::string manifest_filepath = db_->GetName() + "/" + manifest_filename;
2882 std::cout << manifest_filepath << std::endl;
2883 DumpManifestFile(manifest_filepath, false, false, false);
2884 std::cout << std::endl;
2886 std::cout << "SST Files" << std::endl;
2887 std::cout << "==============================" << std::endl;
2888 std::vector<LiveFileMetaData> metadata;
2889 db_->GetLiveFilesMetaData(&metadata);
2890 for (auto& fileMetadata : metadata) {
2891 std::string filename = fileMetadata.db_path + fileMetadata.name;
2892 std::cout << filename << " level:" << fileMetadata.level << std::endl;
2893 std::cout << "------------------------------" << std::endl;
2894 DumpSstFile(filename, false, true);
2895 std::cout << std::endl;
2896 }
2897 std::cout << std::endl;
2899 std::cout << "Write Ahead Log Files" << std::endl;
2900 std::cout << "==============================" << std::endl;
2901 rocksdb::VectorLogPtr wal_files;
2902 s = db_->GetSortedWalFiles(wal_files);
2903 if (!s.ok()) {
2904 std::cerr << "Error when getting WAL files" << std::endl;
2905 } else {
2906 for (auto& wal : wal_files) {
2907 // TODO(qyang): option.wal_dir should be passed into ldb command
2908 std::string filename = db_->GetOptions().wal_dir + wal->PathName();
2909 std::cout << filename << std::endl;
2910 DumpWalFile(filename, true, true, &exec_state_);
2911 }
2912 }
2913 }
2915 } // namespace rocksdb
2916 #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE