]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/util/autovector_test.cc
update source to Ceph Pacific 16.2.2
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / util / autovector_test.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
6 #include <atomic>
7 #include <iostream>
8 #include <string>
9 #include <utility>
11 #include "rocksdb/env.h"
12 #include "test_util/testharness.h"
13 #include "test_util/testutil.h"
14 #include "util/autovector.h"
15 #include "util/string_util.h"
17 using std::cout;
18 using std::endl;
20 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
22 class AutoVectorTest : public testing::Test {};
23 const unsigned long kSize = 8;
25 namespace {
26 template <class T>
27 void AssertAutoVectorOnlyInStack(autovector<T, kSize>* vec, bool result) {
28 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
29 ASSERT_EQ(vec->only_in_stack(), result);
30 #else
31 (void) vec;
32 (void) result;
33 #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
34 }
35 } // namespace
37 TEST_F(AutoVectorTest, PushBackAndPopBack) {
38 autovector<size_t, kSize> vec;
39 ASSERT_TRUE(vec.empty());
40 ASSERT_EQ(0ul, vec.size());
42 for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000 * kSize; ++i) {
43 vec.push_back(i);
44 ASSERT_TRUE(!vec.empty());
45 if (i < kSize) {
46 AssertAutoVectorOnlyInStack(&vec, true);
47 } else {
48 AssertAutoVectorOnlyInStack(&vec, false);
49 }
50 ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, vec.size());
51 ASSERT_EQ(i, vec[i]);
52 ASSERT_EQ(i, vec.at(i));
53 }
55 size_t size = vec.size();
56 while (size != 0) {
57 vec.pop_back();
58 // will always be in heap
59 AssertAutoVectorOnlyInStack(&vec, false);
60 ASSERT_EQ(--size, vec.size());
61 }
63 ASSERT_TRUE(vec.empty());
64 }
66 TEST_F(AutoVectorTest, EmplaceBack) {
67 typedef std::pair<size_t, std::string> ValType;
68 autovector<ValType, kSize> vec;
70 for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000 * kSize; ++i) {
71 vec.emplace_back(i, ToString(i + 123));
72 ASSERT_TRUE(!vec.empty());
73 if (i < kSize) {
74 AssertAutoVectorOnlyInStack(&vec, true);
75 } else {
76 AssertAutoVectorOnlyInStack(&vec, false);
77 }
79 ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, vec.size());
80 ASSERT_EQ(i, vec[i].first);
81 ASSERT_EQ(ToString(i + 123), vec[i].second);
82 }
84 vec.clear();
85 ASSERT_TRUE(vec.empty());
86 AssertAutoVectorOnlyInStack(&vec, false);
87 }
89 TEST_F(AutoVectorTest, Resize) {
90 autovector<size_t, kSize> vec;
92 vec.resize(kSize);
93 AssertAutoVectorOnlyInStack(&vec, true);
94 for (size_t i = 0; i < kSize; ++i) {
95 vec[i] = i;
96 }
98 vec.resize(kSize * 2);
99 AssertAutoVectorOnlyInStack(&vec, false);
100 for (size_t i = 0; i < kSize; ++i) {
101 ASSERT_EQ(vec[i], i);
102 }
103 for (size_t i = 0; i < kSize; ++i) {
104 vec[i + kSize] = i;
105 }
107 vec.resize(1);
108 ASSERT_EQ(1U, vec.size());
109 }
111 namespace {
112 void AssertEqual(
113 const autovector<size_t, kSize>& a, const autovector<size_t, kSize>& b) {
114 ASSERT_EQ(a.size(), b.size());
115 ASSERT_EQ(a.empty(), b.empty());
116 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
117 ASSERT_EQ(a.only_in_stack(), b.only_in_stack());
118 #endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
119 for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) {
120 ASSERT_EQ(a[i], b[i]);
121 }
122 }
123 } // namespace
125 TEST_F(AutoVectorTest, CopyAndAssignment) {
126 // Test both heap-allocated and stack-allocated cases.
127 for (auto size : { kSize / 2, kSize * 1000 }) {
128 autovector<size_t, kSize> vec;
129 for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
130 vec.push_back(i);
131 }
133 {
134 autovector<size_t, kSize> other;
135 other = vec;
136 AssertEqual(other, vec);
137 }
139 {
140 autovector<size_t, kSize> other(vec);
141 AssertEqual(other, vec);
142 }
143 }
144 }
146 TEST_F(AutoVectorTest, Iterators) {
147 autovector<std::string, kSize> vec;
148 for (size_t i = 0; i < kSize * 1000; ++i) {
149 vec.push_back(ToString(i));
150 }
152 // basic operator test
153 ASSERT_EQ(vec.front(), *vec.begin());
154 ASSERT_EQ(vec.back(), *(vec.end() - 1));
155 ASSERT_TRUE(vec.begin() < vec.end());
157 // non-const iterator
158 size_t index = 0;
159 for (const auto& item : vec) {
160 ASSERT_EQ(vec[index++], item);
161 }
163 index = vec.size() - 1;
164 for (auto pos = vec.rbegin(); pos != vec.rend(); ++pos) {
165 ASSERT_EQ(vec[index--], *pos);
166 }
168 // const iterator
169 const auto& cvec = vec;
170 index = 0;
171 for (const auto& item : cvec) {
172 ASSERT_EQ(cvec[index++], item);
173 }
175 index = vec.size() - 1;
176 for (auto pos = cvec.rbegin(); pos != cvec.rend(); ++pos) {
177 ASSERT_EQ(cvec[index--], *pos);
178 }
180 // forward and backward
181 auto pos = vec.begin();
182 while (pos != vec.end()) {
183 auto old_val = *pos;
184 auto old = pos++;
185 // HACK: make sure -> works
186 ASSERT_TRUE(!old->empty());
187 ASSERT_EQ(old_val, *old);
188 ASSERT_TRUE(pos == vec.end() || old_val != *pos);
189 }
191 pos = vec.begin();
192 for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i += 2) {
193 // Cannot use ASSERT_EQ since that macro depends on iostream serialization
194 ASSERT_TRUE(pos + 2 - 2 == pos);
195 pos += 2;
196 ASSERT_TRUE(pos >= vec.begin());
197 ASSERT_TRUE(pos <= vec.end());
199 size_t diff = static_cast<size_t>(pos - vec.begin());
200 ASSERT_EQ(i + 2, diff);
201 }
202 }
204 namespace {
205 std::vector<std::string> GetTestKeys(size_t size) {
206 std::vector<std::string> keys;
207 keys.resize(size);
209 int index = 0;
210 for (auto& key : keys) {
211 key = "item-" + ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ToString(index++);
212 }
213 return keys;
214 }
215 } // namespace
217 template <class TVector>
218 void BenchmarkVectorCreationAndInsertion(
219 std::string name, size_t ops, size_t item_size,
220 const std::vector<typename TVector::value_type>& items) {
221 auto env = Env::Default();
223 int index = 0;
224 auto start_time = env->NowNanos();
225 auto ops_remaining = ops;
226 while(ops_remaining--) {
227 TVector v;
228 for (size_t i = 0; i < item_size; ++i) {
229 v.push_back(items[index++]);
230 }
231 }
232 auto elapsed = env->NowNanos() - start_time;
233 cout << "created " << ops << " " << name << " instances:\n\t"
234 << "each was inserted with " << item_size << " elements\n\t"
235 << "total time elapsed: " << elapsed << " (ns)" << endl;
236 }
238 template <class TVector>
239 size_t BenchmarkSequenceAccess(std::string name, size_t ops, size_t elem_size) {
240 TVector v;
241 for (const auto& item : GetTestKeys(elem_size)) {
242 v.push_back(item);
243 }
244 auto env = Env::Default();
246 auto ops_remaining = ops;
247 auto start_time = env->NowNanos();
248 size_t total = 0;
249 while (ops_remaining--) {
250 auto end = v.end();
251 for (auto pos = v.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) {
252 total += pos->size();
253 }
254 }
255 auto elapsed = env->NowNanos() - start_time;
256 cout << "performed " << ops << " sequence access against " << name << "\n\t"
257 << "size: " << elem_size << "\n\t"
258 << "total time elapsed: " << elapsed << " (ns)" << endl;
259 // HACK avoid compiler's optimization to ignore total
260 return total;
261 }
263 // This test case only reports the performance between std::vector<std::string>
264 // and autovector<std::string>. We chose string for comparison because in most
265 // of our use cases we used std::vector<std::string>.
266 TEST_F(AutoVectorTest, PerfBench) {
267 // We run same operations for kOps times in order to get a more fair result.
268 size_t kOps = 100000;
270 // Creation and insertion test
271 // Test the case when there is:
272 // * no element inserted: internal array of std::vector may not really get
273 // initialize.
274 // * one element inserted: internal array of std::vector must have
275 // initialized.
276 // * kSize elements inserted. This shows the most time we'll spend if we
277 // keep everything in stack.
278 // * 2 * kSize elements inserted. The internal vector of
279 // autovector must have been initialized.
280 cout << "=====================================================" << endl;
281 cout << "Creation and Insertion Test (value type: std::string)" << endl;
282 cout << "=====================================================" << endl;
284 // pre-generated unique keys
285 auto string_keys = GetTestKeys(kOps * 2 * kSize);
286 for (auto insertions : { 0ul, 1ul, kSize / 2, kSize, 2 * kSize }) {
287 BenchmarkVectorCreationAndInsertion<std::vector<std::string>>(
288 "std::vector<std::string>", kOps, insertions, string_keys);
289 BenchmarkVectorCreationAndInsertion<autovector<std::string, kSize>>(
290 "autovector<std::string>", kOps, insertions, string_keys);
291 cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;
292 }
294 cout << "=====================================================" << endl;
295 cout << "Creation and Insertion Test (value type: uint64_t)" << endl;
296 cout << "=====================================================" << endl;
298 // pre-generated unique keys
299 std::vector<uint64_t> int_keys(kOps * 2 * kSize);
300 for (size_t i = 0; i < kOps * 2 * kSize; ++i) {
301 int_keys[i] = i;
302 }
303 for (auto insertions : { 0ul, 1ul, kSize / 2, kSize, 2 * kSize }) {
304 BenchmarkVectorCreationAndInsertion<std::vector<uint64_t>>(
305 "std::vector<uint64_t>", kOps, insertions, int_keys);
306 BenchmarkVectorCreationAndInsertion<autovector<uint64_t, kSize>>(
307 "autovector<uint64_t>", kOps, insertions, int_keys
308 );
309 cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;
310 }
312 // Sequence Access Test
313 cout << "=====================================================" << endl;
314 cout << "Sequence Access Test" << endl;
315 cout << "=====================================================" << endl;
316 for (auto elem_size : { kSize / 2, kSize, 2 * kSize }) {
317 BenchmarkSequenceAccess<std::vector<std::string>>("std::vector", kOps,
318 elem_size);
319 BenchmarkSequenceAccess<autovector<std::string, kSize>>("autovector", kOps,
320 elem_size);
321 cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;
322 }
323 }
325 } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
327 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
328 ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
329 return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
330 }