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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / util / thread_local.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
3 // LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
4 // of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
5 //
6 // Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
8 // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
10 #include "util/thread_local.h"
11 #include "util/mutexlock.h"
12 #include "port/likely.h"
13 #include <stdlib.h>
15 namespace rocksdb {
17 struct Entry {
18 Entry() : ptr(nullptr) {}
19 Entry(const Entry& e) : ptr(e.ptr.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {}
20 std::atomic<void*> ptr;
21 };
23 class StaticMeta;
25 // This is the structure that is declared as "thread_local" storage.
26 // The vector keep list of atomic pointer for all instances for "current"
27 // thread. The vector is indexed by an Id that is unique in process and
28 // associated with one ThreadLocalPtr instance. The Id is assigned by a
29 // global StaticMeta singleton. So if we instantiated 3 ThreadLocalPtr
30 // instances, each thread will have a ThreadData with a vector of size 3:
31 // ---------------------------------------------------
32 // | | instance 1 | instance 2 | instnace 3 |
33 // ---------------------------------------------------
34 // | thread 1 | void* | void* | void* | <- ThreadData
35 // ---------------------------------------------------
36 // | thread 2 | void* | void* | void* | <- ThreadData
37 // ---------------------------------------------------
38 // | thread 3 | void* | void* | void* | <- ThreadData
39 // ---------------------------------------------------
40 struct ThreadData {
41 explicit ThreadData(ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta* _inst) : entries(), inst(_inst) {}
42 std::vector<Entry> entries;
43 ThreadData* next;
44 ThreadData* prev;
45 ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta* inst;
46 };
48 class ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta {
49 public:
50 StaticMeta();
52 // Return the next available Id
53 uint32_t GetId();
54 // Return the next available Id without claiming it
55 uint32_t PeekId() const;
56 // Return the given Id back to the free pool. This also triggers
57 // UnrefHandler for associated pointer value (if not NULL) for all threads.
58 void ReclaimId(uint32_t id);
60 // Return the pointer value for the given id for the current thread.
61 void* Get(uint32_t id) const;
62 // Reset the pointer value for the given id for the current thread.
63 void Reset(uint32_t id, void* ptr);
64 // Atomically swap the supplied ptr and return the previous value
65 void* Swap(uint32_t id, void* ptr);
66 // Atomically compare and swap the provided value only if it equals
67 // to expected value.
68 bool CompareAndSwap(uint32_t id, void* ptr, void*& expected);
69 // Reset all thread local data to replacement, and return non-nullptr
70 // data for all existing threads
71 void Scrape(uint32_t id, autovector<void*>* ptrs, void* const replacement);
72 // Update res by applying func on each thread-local value. Holds a lock that
73 // prevents unref handler from running during this call, but clients must
74 // still provide external synchronization since the owning thread can
75 // access the values without internal locking, e.g., via Get() and Reset().
76 void Fold(uint32_t id, FoldFunc func, void* res);
78 // Register the UnrefHandler for id
79 void SetHandler(uint32_t id, UnrefHandler handler);
81 // protect inst, next_instance_id_, free_instance_ids_, head_,
82 // ThreadData.entries
83 //
84 // Note that here we prefer function static variable instead of the usual
85 // global static variable. The reason is that c++ destruction order of
86 // static variables in the reverse order of their construction order.
87 // However, C++ does not guarantee any construction order when global
88 // static variables are defined in different files, while the function
89 // static variables are initialized when their function are first called.
90 // As a result, the construction order of the function static variables
91 // can be controlled by properly invoke their first function calls in
92 // the right order.
93 //
94 // For instance, the following function contains a function static
95 // variable. We place a dummy function call of this inside
96 // Env::Default() to ensure the construction order of the construction
97 // order.
98 static port::Mutex* Mutex();
100 // Returns the member mutex of the current StaticMeta. In general,
101 // Mutex() should be used instead of this one. However, in case where
102 // the static variable inside Instance() goes out of scope, MemberMutex()
103 // should be used. One example is OnThreadExit() function.
104 port::Mutex* MemberMutex() { return &mutex_; }
106 private:
107 // Get UnrefHandler for id with acquiring mutex
108 // REQUIRES: mutex locked
109 UnrefHandler GetHandler(uint32_t id);
111 // Triggered before a thread terminates
112 static void OnThreadExit(void* ptr);
114 // Add current thread's ThreadData to the global chain
115 // REQUIRES: mutex locked
116 void AddThreadData(ThreadData* d);
118 // Remove current thread's ThreadData from the global chain
119 // REQUIRES: mutex locked
120 void RemoveThreadData(ThreadData* d);
122 static ThreadData* GetThreadLocal();
124 uint32_t next_instance_id_;
125 // Used to recycle Ids in case ThreadLocalPtr is instantiated and destroyed
126 // frequently. This also prevents it from blowing up the vector space.
127 autovector<uint32_t> free_instance_ids_;
128 // Chain all thread local structure together. This is necessary since
129 // when one ThreadLocalPtr gets destroyed, we need to loop over each
130 // thread's version of pointer corresponding to that instance and
131 // call UnrefHandler for it.
132 ThreadData head_;
134 std::unordered_map<uint32_t, UnrefHandler> handler_map_;
136 // The private mutex. Developers should always use Mutex() instead of
137 // using this variable directly.
138 port::Mutex mutex_;
140 // Thread local storage
141 static __thread ThreadData* tls_;
142 #endif
144 // Used to make thread exit trigger possible if !defined(OS_MACOSX).
145 // Otherwise, used to retrieve thread data.
146 pthread_key_t pthread_key_;
147 };
151 __thread ThreadData* ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::tls_ = nullptr;
152 #endif
154 // Windows doesn't support a per-thread destructor with its
155 // TLS primitives. So, we build it manually by inserting a
156 // function to be called on each thread's exit.
157 // See http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/8113/Thread-Local-Storage-The-C-Way
158 // and http://www.nynaeve.net/?p=183
159 //
160 // really we do this to have clear conscience since using TLS with thread-pools
161 // is iffy
162 // although OK within a request. But otherwise, threads have no identity in its
163 // modern use.
165 // This runs on windows only called from the System Loader
166 #ifdef OS_WIN
168 // Windows cleanup routine is invoked from a System Loader with a different
169 // signature so we can not directly hookup the original OnThreadExit which is
170 // private member
171 // so we make StaticMeta class share with the us the address of the function so
172 // we can invoke it.
173 namespace wintlscleanup {
175 // This is set to OnThreadExit in StaticMeta singleton constructor
176 UnrefHandler thread_local_inclass_routine = nullptr;
177 pthread_key_t thread_local_key = -1;
179 // Static callback function to call with each thread termination.
180 void NTAPI WinOnThreadExit(PVOID module, DWORD reason, PVOID reserved) {
181 // We decided to punt on PROCESS_EXIT
182 if (DLL_THREAD_DETACH == reason) {
183 if (thread_local_key != pthread_key_t(-1) && thread_local_inclass_routine != nullptr) {
184 void* tls = pthread_getspecific(thread_local_key);
185 if (tls != nullptr) {
186 thread_local_inclass_routine(tls);
187 }
188 }
189 }
190 }
192 } // wintlscleanup
194 // extern "C" suppresses C++ name mangling so we know the symbol name for the
195 // linker /INCLUDE:symbol pragma above.
196 extern "C" {
198 #ifdef _MSC_VER
199 // The linker must not discard thread_callback_on_exit. (We force a reference
200 // to this variable with a linker /include:symbol pragma to ensure that.) If
201 // this variable is discarded, the OnThreadExit function will never be called.
202 #ifdef _WIN64
204 // .CRT section is merged with .rdata on x64 so it must be constant data.
205 #pragma const_seg(".CRT$XLB")
206 // When defining a const variable, it must have external linkage to be sure the
207 // linker doesn't discard it.
208 extern const PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK p_thread_callback_on_exit;
209 const PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK p_thread_callback_on_exit =
210 wintlscleanup::WinOnThreadExit;
211 // Reset the default section.
212 #pragma const_seg()
214 #pragma comment(linker, "/include:_tls_used")
215 #pragma comment(linker, "/include:p_thread_callback_on_exit")
217 #else // _WIN64
219 #pragma data_seg(".CRT$XLB")
220 PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK p_thread_callback_on_exit = wintlscleanup::WinOnThreadExit;
221 // Reset the default section.
222 #pragma data_seg()
224 #pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:__tls_used")
225 #pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:_p_thread_callback_on_exit")
227 #endif // _WIN64
229 #else
230 // https://github.com/couchbase/gperftools/blob/master/src/windows/port.cc
231 BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE h, DWORD dwReason, PVOID pv) {
232 if (dwReason == DLL_THREAD_DETACH)
233 wintlscleanup::WinOnThreadExit(h, dwReason, pv);
234 return TRUE;
235 }
236 #endif
237 } // extern "C"
239 #endif // OS_WIN
241 void ThreadLocalPtr::InitSingletons() { ThreadLocalPtr::Instance(); }
243 ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta* ThreadLocalPtr::Instance() {
244 // Here we prefer function static variable instead of global
245 // static variable as function static variable is initialized
246 // when the function is first call. As a result, we can properly
247 // control their construction order by properly preparing their
248 // first function call.
249 //
250 // Note that here we decide to make "inst" a static pointer w/o deleting
251 // it at the end instead of a static variable. This is to avoid the following
252 // destruction order disaster happens when a child thread using ThreadLocalPtr
253 // dies AFTER the main thread dies: When a child thread happens to use
254 // ThreadLocalPtr, it will try to delete its thread-local data on its
255 // OnThreadExit when the child thread dies. However, OnThreadExit depends
256 // on the following variable. As a result, if the main thread dies before any
257 // child thread happen to use ThreadLocalPtr dies, then the destruction of
258 // the following variable will go first, then OnThreadExit, therefore causing
259 // invalid access.
260 //
261 // The above problem can be solved by using thread_local to store tls_ instead
262 // of using __thread. The major difference between thread_local and __thread
263 // is that thread_local supports dynamic construction and destruction of
264 // non-primitive typed variables. As a result, we can guarantee the
265 // destruction order even when the main thread dies before any child threads.
266 // However, thread_local is not supported in all compilers that accept -std=c++11
267 // (e.g., eg Mac with XCode < 8. XCode 8+ supports thread_local).
268 static ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta* inst = new ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta();
269 return inst;
270 }
272 port::Mutex* ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::Mutex() { return &Instance()->mutex_; }
274 void ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::OnThreadExit(void* ptr) {
275 auto* tls = static_cast<ThreadData*>(ptr);
276 assert(tls != nullptr);
278 // Use the cached StaticMeta::Instance() instead of directly calling
279 // the variable inside StaticMeta::Instance() might already go out of
280 // scope here in case this OnThreadExit is called after the main thread
281 // dies.
282 auto* inst = tls->inst;
283 pthread_setspecific(inst->pthread_key_, nullptr);
285 MutexLock l(inst->MemberMutex());
286 inst->RemoveThreadData(tls);
287 // Unref stored pointers of current thread from all instances
288 uint32_t id = 0;
289 for (auto& e : tls->entries) {
290 void* raw = e.ptr.load();
291 if (raw != nullptr) {
292 auto unref = inst->GetHandler(id);
293 if (unref != nullptr) {
294 unref(raw);
295 }
296 }
297 ++id;
298 }
299 // Delete thread local structure no matter if it is Mac platform
300 delete tls;
301 }
303 ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::StaticMeta() : next_instance_id_(0), head_(this) {
304 if (pthread_key_create(&pthread_key_, &OnThreadExit) != 0) {
305 abort();
306 }
308 // OnThreadExit is not getting called on the main thread.
309 // Call through the static destructor mechanism to avoid memory leak.
310 //
311 // Caveats: ~A() will be invoked _after_ ~StaticMeta for the global
312 // singleton (destructors are invoked in reverse order of constructor
313 // _completion_); the latter must not mutate internal members. This
314 // cleanup mechanism inherently relies on use-after-release of the
315 // StaticMeta, and is brittle with respect to compiler-specific handling
316 // of memory backing destructed statically-scoped objects. Perhaps
317 // registering with atexit(3) would be more robust.
318 //
319 // This is not required on Windows.
320 #if !defined(OS_WIN)
321 static struct A {
322 ~A() {
324 ThreadData* tls_ =
325 static_cast<ThreadData*>(pthread_getspecific(Instance()->pthread_key_));
326 #endif
327 if (tls_) {
328 OnThreadExit(tls_);
329 }
330 }
331 } a;
332 #endif // !defined(OS_WIN)
334 head_.next = &head_;
335 head_.prev = &head_;
337 #ifdef OS_WIN
338 // Share with Windows its cleanup routine and the key
339 wintlscleanup::thread_local_inclass_routine = OnThreadExit;
340 wintlscleanup::thread_local_key = pthread_key_;
341 #endif
342 }
344 void ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::AddThreadData(ThreadData* d) {
345 Mutex()->AssertHeld();
346 d->next = &head_;
347 d->prev = head_.prev;
348 head_.prev->next = d;
349 head_.prev = d;
350 }
352 void ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::RemoveThreadData(
353 ThreadData* d) {
354 Mutex()->AssertHeld();
355 d->next->prev = d->prev;
356 d->prev->next = d->next;
357 d->next = d->prev = d;
358 }
360 ThreadData* ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::GetThreadLocal() {
362 // Make this local variable name look like a member variable so that we
363 // can share all the code below
364 ThreadData* tls_ =
365 static_cast<ThreadData*>(pthread_getspecific(Instance()->pthread_key_));
366 #endif
368 if (UNLIKELY(tls_ == nullptr)) {
369 auto* inst = Instance();
370 tls_ = new ThreadData(inst);
371 {
372 // Register it in the global chain, needs to be done before thread exit
373 // handler registration
374 MutexLock l(Mutex());
375 inst->AddThreadData(tls_);
376 }
377 // Even it is not OS_MACOSX, need to register value for pthread_key_ so that
378 // its exit handler will be triggered.
379 if (pthread_setspecific(inst->pthread_key_, tls_) != 0) {
380 {
381 MutexLock l(Mutex());
382 inst->RemoveThreadData(tls_);
383 }
384 delete tls_;
385 abort();
386 }
387 }
388 return tls_;
389 }
391 void* ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::Get(uint32_t id) const {
392 auto* tls = GetThreadLocal();
393 if (UNLIKELY(id >= tls->entries.size())) {
394 return nullptr;
395 }
396 return tls->entries[id].ptr.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
397 }
399 void ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::Reset(uint32_t id, void* ptr) {
400 auto* tls = GetThreadLocal();
401 if (UNLIKELY(id >= tls->entries.size())) {
402 // Need mutex to protect entries access within ReclaimId
403 MutexLock l(Mutex());
404 tls->entries.resize(id + 1);
405 }
406 tls->entries[id].ptr.store(ptr, std::memory_order_release);
407 }
409 void* ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::Swap(uint32_t id, void* ptr) {
410 auto* tls = GetThreadLocal();
411 if (UNLIKELY(id >= tls->entries.size())) {
412 // Need mutex to protect entries access within ReclaimId
413 MutexLock l(Mutex());
414 tls->entries.resize(id + 1);
415 }
416 return tls->entries[id].ptr.exchange(ptr, std::memory_order_acquire);
417 }
419 bool ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::CompareAndSwap(uint32_t id, void* ptr,
420 void*& expected) {
421 auto* tls = GetThreadLocal();
422 if (UNLIKELY(id >= tls->entries.size())) {
423 // Need mutex to protect entries access within ReclaimId
424 MutexLock l(Mutex());
425 tls->entries.resize(id + 1);
426 }
427 return tls->entries[id].ptr.compare_exchange_strong(
428 expected, ptr, std::memory_order_release, std::memory_order_relaxed);
429 }
431 void ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::Scrape(uint32_t id, autovector<void*>* ptrs,
432 void* const replacement) {
433 MutexLock l(Mutex());
434 for (ThreadData* t = head_.next; t != &head_; t = t->next) {
435 if (id < t->entries.size()) {
436 void* ptr =
437 t->entries[id].ptr.exchange(replacement, std::memory_order_acquire);
438 if (ptr != nullptr) {
439 ptrs->push_back(ptr);
440 }
441 }
442 }
443 }
445 void ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::Fold(uint32_t id, FoldFunc func, void* res) {
446 MutexLock l(Mutex());
447 for (ThreadData* t = head_.next; t != &head_; t = t->next) {
448 if (id < t->entries.size()) {
449 void* ptr = t->entries[id].ptr.load();
450 if (ptr != nullptr) {
451 func(ptr, res);
452 }
453 }
454 }
455 }
457 uint32_t ThreadLocalPtr::TEST_PeekId() {
458 return Instance()->PeekId();
459 }
461 void ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::SetHandler(uint32_t id, UnrefHandler handler) {
462 MutexLock l(Mutex());
463 handler_map_[id] = handler;
464 }
466 UnrefHandler ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::GetHandler(uint32_t id) {
467 Mutex()->AssertHeld();
468 auto iter = handler_map_.find(id);
469 if (iter == handler_map_.end()) {
470 return nullptr;
471 }
472 return iter->second;
473 }
475 uint32_t ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::GetId() {
476 MutexLock l(Mutex());
477 if (free_instance_ids_.empty()) {
478 return next_instance_id_++;
479 }
481 uint32_t id = free_instance_ids_.back();
482 free_instance_ids_.pop_back();
483 return id;
484 }
486 uint32_t ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::PeekId() const {
487 MutexLock l(Mutex());
488 if (!free_instance_ids_.empty()) {
489 return free_instance_ids_.back();
490 }
491 return next_instance_id_;
492 }
494 void ThreadLocalPtr::StaticMeta::ReclaimId(uint32_t id) {
495 // This id is not used, go through all thread local data and release
496 // corresponding value
497 MutexLock l(Mutex());
498 auto unref = GetHandler(id);
499 for (ThreadData* t = head_.next; t != &head_; t = t->next) {
500 if (id < t->entries.size()) {
501 void* ptr = t->entries[id].ptr.exchange(nullptr);
502 if (ptr != nullptr && unref != nullptr) {
503 unref(ptr);
504 }
505 }
506 }
507 handler_map_[id] = nullptr;
508 free_instance_ids_.push_back(id);
509 }
511 ThreadLocalPtr::ThreadLocalPtr(UnrefHandler handler)
512 : id_(Instance()->GetId()) {
513 if (handler != nullptr) {
514 Instance()->SetHandler(id_, handler);
515 }
516 }
518 ThreadLocalPtr::~ThreadLocalPtr() {
519 Instance()->ReclaimId(id_);
520 }
522 void* ThreadLocalPtr::Get() const {
523 return Instance()->Get(id_);
524 }
526 void ThreadLocalPtr::Reset(void* ptr) {
527 Instance()->Reset(id_, ptr);
528 }
530 void* ThreadLocalPtr::Swap(void* ptr) {
531 return Instance()->Swap(id_, ptr);
532 }
534 bool ThreadLocalPtr::CompareAndSwap(void* ptr, void*& expected) {
535 return Instance()->CompareAndSwap(id_, ptr, expected);
536 }
538 void ThreadLocalPtr::Scrape(autovector<void*>* ptrs, void* const replacement) {
539 Instance()->Scrape(id_, ptrs, replacement);
540 }
542 void ThreadLocalPtr::Fold(FoldFunc func, void* res) {
543 Instance()->Fold(id_, func, res);
544 }
546 } // namespace rocksdb