]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/utilities/cache_dump_load_impl.h
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / utilities / cache_dump_load_impl.h
1 // Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
6 #pragma once
7 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
9 #include <unordered_map>
11 #include "file/random_access_file_reader.h"
12 #include "file/writable_file_writer.h"
13 #include "rocksdb/utilities/cache_dump_load.h"
14 #include "table/block_based/block.h"
15 #include "table/block_based/block_like_traits.h"
16 #include "table/block_based/block_type.h"
17 #include "table/block_based/cachable_entry.h"
18 #include "table/block_based/parsed_full_filter_block.h"
19 #include "table/block_based/reader_common.h"
21 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
23 // the read buffer size of for the default CacheDumpReader
24 const unsigned int kDumpReaderBufferSize = 1024; // 1KB
25 static const unsigned int kSizePrefixLen = 4;
27 enum CacheDumpUnitType : unsigned char {
28 kHeader = 1,
29 kFooter = 2,
30 kData = 3,
31 kFilter = 4,
32 kProperties = 5,
33 kCompressionDictionary = 6,
34 kRangeDeletion = 7,
35 kHashIndexPrefixes = 8,
36 kHashIndexMetadata = 9,
37 kMetaIndex = 10,
38 kIndex = 11,
39 kDeprecatedFilterBlock = 12, // OBSOLETE / DEPRECATED
40 kFilterMetaBlock = 13,
41 kBlockTypeMax,
42 };
44 // The metadata of a dump unit. After it is serilized, its size is fixed 16
45 // bytes.
46 struct DumpUnitMeta {
47 // sequence number is a monotonically increasing number to indicate the order
48 // of the blocks being written. Header is 0.
49 uint32_t sequence_num;
50 // The Crc32c checksum of its dump unit.
51 uint32_t dump_unit_checksum;
52 // The dump unit size after the dump unit is serilized to a string.
53 uint64_t dump_unit_size;
55 void reset() {
56 sequence_num = 0;
57 dump_unit_checksum = 0;
58 dump_unit_size = 0;
59 }
60 };
62 // The data structure to hold a block and its information.
63 struct DumpUnit {
64 // The timestamp when the block is identified, copied, and dumped from block
65 // cache
66 uint64_t timestamp;
67 // The type of the block
68 CacheDumpUnitType type;
69 // The key of this block when the block is referenced by this Cache
70 Slice key;
71 // The block size
72 size_t value_len;
73 // The Crc32c checksum of the block
74 uint32_t value_checksum;
75 // Pointer to the block. Note that, in the dump process, it points to a memory
76 // buffer copied from cache block. The buffer is freed when we process the
77 // next block. In the load process, we use an std::string to store the
78 // serialized dump_unit read from the reader. So it points to the memory
79 // address of the begin of the block in this string.
80 void* value;
82 DumpUnit() { reset(); }
84 void reset() {
85 timestamp = 0;
86 type = CacheDumpUnitType::kBlockTypeMax;
87 key.clear();
88 value_len = 0;
89 value_checksum = 0;
90 value = nullptr;
91 }
92 };
94 // The default implementation of the Cache Dumper
95 class CacheDumperImpl : public CacheDumper {
96 public:
97 CacheDumperImpl(const CacheDumpOptions& dump_options,
98 const std::shared_ptr<Cache>& cache,
99 std::unique_ptr<CacheDumpWriter>&& writer)
100 : options_(dump_options), cache_(cache), writer_(std::move(writer)) {}
101 ~CacheDumperImpl() { writer_.reset(); }
102 Status SetDumpFilter(std::vector<DB*> db_list) override;
103 IOStatus DumpCacheEntriesToWriter() override;
105 private:
106 IOStatus WriteBlock(CacheDumpUnitType type, const Slice& key,
107 const Slice& value);
108 IOStatus WriteHeader();
109 IOStatus WriteFooter();
110 bool ShouldFilterOut(const Slice& key);
111 std::function<void(const Slice&, void*, size_t, Cache::DeleterFn)>
112 DumpOneBlockCallBack();
114 CacheDumpOptions options_;
115 std::shared_ptr<Cache> cache_;
116 std::unique_ptr<CacheDumpWriter> writer_;
117 UnorderedMap<Cache::DeleterFn, CacheEntryRole> role_map_;
118 SystemClock* clock_;
119 uint32_t sequence_num_;
120 // The cache key prefix filter. Currently, we use db_session_id as the prefix,
121 // so using std::set to store the prefixes as filter is enough. Further
122 // improvement can be applied like BloomFilter or others to speedup the
123 // filtering.
124 std::set<std::string> prefix_filter_;
125 };
127 // The default implementation of CacheDumpedLoader
128 class CacheDumpedLoaderImpl : public CacheDumpedLoader {
129 public:
130 CacheDumpedLoaderImpl(const CacheDumpOptions& dump_options,
131 const BlockBasedTableOptions& /*toptions*/,
132 const std::shared_ptr<SecondaryCache>& secondary_cache,
133 std::unique_ptr<CacheDumpReader>&& reader)
134 : options_(dump_options),
135 secondary_cache_(secondary_cache),
136 reader_(std::move(reader)) {}
137 ~CacheDumpedLoaderImpl() {}
138 IOStatus RestoreCacheEntriesToSecondaryCache() override;
140 private:
141 IOStatus ReadDumpUnitMeta(std::string* data, DumpUnitMeta* unit_meta);
142 IOStatus ReadDumpUnit(size_t len, std::string* data, DumpUnit* unit);
143 IOStatus ReadHeader(std::string* data, DumpUnit* dump_unit);
144 IOStatus ReadCacheBlock(std::string* data, DumpUnit* dump_unit);
146 CacheDumpOptions options_;
147 std::shared_ptr<SecondaryCache> secondary_cache_;
148 std::unique_ptr<CacheDumpReader> reader_;
149 UnorderedMap<Cache::DeleterFn, CacheEntryRole> role_map_;
150 };
152 // The default implementation of CacheDumpWriter. We write the blocks to a file
153 // sequentially.
154 class ToFileCacheDumpWriter : public CacheDumpWriter {
155 public:
156 explicit ToFileCacheDumpWriter(
157 std::unique_ptr<WritableFileWriter>&& file_writer)
158 : file_writer_(std::move(file_writer)) {}
160 ~ToFileCacheDumpWriter() { Close().PermitUncheckedError(); }
162 // Write the serialized metadata to the file
163 virtual IOStatus WriteMetadata(const Slice& metadata) override {
164 assert(file_writer_ != nullptr);
165 std::string prefix;
166 PutFixed32(&prefix, static_cast<uint32_t>(metadata.size()));
167 IOStatus io_s = file_writer_->Append(Slice(prefix));
168 if (!io_s.ok()) {
169 return io_s;
170 }
171 io_s = file_writer_->Append(metadata);
172 return io_s;
173 }
175 // Write the serialized data to the file
176 virtual IOStatus WritePacket(const Slice& data) override {
177 assert(file_writer_ != nullptr);
178 std::string prefix;
179 PutFixed32(&prefix, static_cast<uint32_t>(data.size()));
180 IOStatus io_s = file_writer_->Append(Slice(prefix));
181 if (!io_s.ok()) {
182 return io_s;
183 }
184 io_s = file_writer_->Append(data);
185 return io_s;
186 }
188 // Reset the writer
189 virtual IOStatus Close() override {
190 file_writer_.reset();
191 return IOStatus::OK();
192 }
194 private:
195 std::unique_ptr<WritableFileWriter> file_writer_;
196 };
198 // The default implementation of CacheDumpReader. It is implemented based on
199 // RandomAccessFileReader. Note that, we keep an internal variable to remember
200 // the current offset.
201 class FromFileCacheDumpReader : public CacheDumpReader {
202 public:
203 explicit FromFileCacheDumpReader(
204 std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFileReader>&& reader)
205 : file_reader_(std::move(reader)),
206 offset_(0),
207 buffer_(new char[kDumpReaderBufferSize]) {}
209 ~FromFileCacheDumpReader() { delete[] buffer_; }
211 virtual IOStatus ReadMetadata(std::string* metadata) override {
212 uint32_t metadata_len = 0;
213 IOStatus io_s = ReadSizePrefix(&metadata_len);
214 if (!io_s.ok()) {
215 return io_s;
216 }
217 return Read(metadata_len, metadata);
218 }
220 virtual IOStatus ReadPacket(std::string* data) override {
221 uint32_t data_len = 0;
222 IOStatus io_s = ReadSizePrefix(&data_len);
223 if (!io_s.ok()) {
224 return io_s;
225 }
226 return Read(data_len, data);
227 }
229 private:
230 IOStatus ReadSizePrefix(uint32_t* len) {
231 std::string prefix;
232 IOStatus io_s = Read(kSizePrefixLen, &prefix);
233 if (!io_s.ok()) {
234 return io_s;
235 }
236 Slice encoded_slice(prefix);
237 if (!GetFixed32(&encoded_slice, len)) {
238 return IOStatus::Corruption("Decode size prefix string failed");
239 }
240 return IOStatus::OK();
241 }
243 IOStatus Read(size_t len, std::string* data) {
244 assert(file_reader_ != nullptr);
245 IOStatus io_s;
247 unsigned int bytes_to_read = static_cast<unsigned int>(len);
248 unsigned int to_read = bytes_to_read > kDumpReaderBufferSize
249 ? kDumpReaderBufferSize
250 : bytes_to_read;
252 while (to_read > 0) {
253 io_s = file_reader_->Read(IOOptions(), offset_, to_read, &result_,
254 buffer_, nullptr,
255 Env::IO_TOTAL /* rate_limiter_priority */);
256 if (!io_s.ok()) {
257 return io_s;
258 }
259 if (result_.size() < to_read) {
260 return IOStatus::Corruption("Corrupted cache dump file.");
261 }
262 data->append(result_.data(), result_.size());
264 offset_ += to_read;
265 bytes_to_read -= to_read;
266 to_read = bytes_to_read > kDumpReaderBufferSize ? kDumpReaderBufferSize
267 : bytes_to_read;
268 }
269 return io_s;
270 }
271 std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFileReader> file_reader_;
272 Slice result_;
273 size_t offset_;
274 char* buffer_;
275 };
277 // The cache dump and load helper class
278 class CacheDumperHelper {
279 public:
280 // serialize the dump_unit_meta to a string, it is fixed 16 bytes size.
281 static void EncodeDumpUnitMeta(const DumpUnitMeta& meta, std::string* data) {
282 assert(data);
283 PutFixed32(data, static_cast<uint32_t>(meta.sequence_num));
284 PutFixed32(data, static_cast<uint32_t>(meta.dump_unit_checksum));
285 PutFixed64(data, meta.dump_unit_size);
286 }
288 // Serialize the dump_unit to a string.
289 static void EncodeDumpUnit(const DumpUnit& dump_unit, std::string* data) {
290 assert(data);
291 PutFixed64(data, dump_unit.timestamp);
292 data->push_back(dump_unit.type);
293 PutLengthPrefixedSlice(data, dump_unit.key);
294 PutFixed32(data, static_cast<uint32_t>(dump_unit.value_len));
295 PutFixed32(data, dump_unit.value_checksum);
296 PutLengthPrefixedSlice(data,
297 Slice((char*)dump_unit.value, dump_unit.value_len));
298 }
300 // Deserialize the dump_unit_meta from a string
301 static Status DecodeDumpUnitMeta(const std::string& encoded_data,
302 DumpUnitMeta* unit_meta) {
303 assert(unit_meta != nullptr);
304 Slice encoded_slice = Slice(encoded_data);
305 if (!GetFixed32(&encoded_slice, &(unit_meta->sequence_num))) {
306 return Status::Incomplete("Decode dumped unit meta sequence_num failed");
307 }
308 if (!GetFixed32(&encoded_slice, &(unit_meta->dump_unit_checksum))) {
309 return Status::Incomplete(
310 "Decode dumped unit meta dump_unit_checksum failed");
311 }
312 if (!GetFixed64(&encoded_slice, &(unit_meta->dump_unit_size))) {
313 return Status::Incomplete(
314 "Decode dumped unit meta dump_unit_size failed");
315 }
316 return Status::OK();
317 }
319 // Deserialize the dump_unit from a string.
320 static Status DecodeDumpUnit(const std::string& encoded_data,
321 DumpUnit* dump_unit) {
322 assert(dump_unit != nullptr);
323 Slice encoded_slice = Slice(encoded_data);
325 // Decode timestamp
326 if (!GetFixed64(&encoded_slice, &dump_unit->timestamp)) {
327 return Status::Incomplete("Decode dumped unit string failed");
328 }
329 // Decode the block type
330 dump_unit->type = static_cast<CacheDumpUnitType>(encoded_slice[0]);
331 encoded_slice.remove_prefix(1);
332 // Decode the key
333 if (!GetLengthPrefixedSlice(&encoded_slice, &(dump_unit->key))) {
334 return Status::Incomplete("Decode dumped unit string failed");
335 }
336 // Decode the value size
337 uint32_t value_len;
338 if (!GetFixed32(&encoded_slice, &value_len)) {
339 return Status::Incomplete("Decode dumped unit string failed");
340 }
341 dump_unit->value_len = static_cast<size_t>(value_len);
342 // Decode the value checksum
343 if (!GetFixed32(&encoded_slice, &(dump_unit->value_checksum))) {
344 return Status::Incomplete("Decode dumped unit string failed");
345 }
346 // Decode the block content and copy to the memory space whose pointer
347 // will be managed by the cache finally.
348 Slice block;
349 if (!GetLengthPrefixedSlice(&encoded_slice, &block)) {
350 return Status::Incomplete("Decode dumped unit string failed");
351 }
352 dump_unit->value = (void*)block.data();
353 assert(block.size() == dump_unit->value_len);
354 return Status::OK();
355 }
356 };
358 } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
359 #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE