]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/utilities/persistent_cache/hash_table_bench.cc
import quincy beta 17.1.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / utilities / persistent_cache / hash_table_bench.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
5 //
7 #if !defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(ROCKSDB_LITE)
9 #ifndef GFLAGS
10 #include <cstdio>
11 int main() { fprintf(stderr, "Please install gflags to run tools\n"); }
12 #else
14 #include <atomic>
15 #include <functional>
16 #include <string>
17 #include <unordered_map>
18 #include <unistd.h>
19 #include <sys/time.h>
21 #include "port/port_posix.h"
22 #include "rocksdb/env.h"
23 #include "util/gflags_compat.h"
24 #include "util/mutexlock.h"
25 #include "util/random.h"
26 #include "utilities/persistent_cache/hash_table.h"
28 using std::string;
30 DEFINE_int32(nsec, 10, "nsec");
31 DEFINE_int32(nthread_write, 1, "insert %");
32 DEFINE_int32(nthread_read, 1, "lookup %");
33 DEFINE_int32(nthread_erase, 1, "erase %");
35 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
37 //
38 // HashTableImpl interface
39 //
40 // Abstraction of a hash table implementation
41 template <class Key, class Value>
42 class HashTableImpl {
43 public:
44 virtual ~HashTableImpl() {}
46 virtual bool Insert(const Key& key, const Value& val) = 0;
47 virtual bool Erase(const Key& key) = 0;
48 virtual bool Lookup(const Key& key, Value* val) = 0;
49 };
51 // HashTableBenchmark
52 //
53 // Abstraction to test a given hash table implementation. The test mostly
54 // focus on insert, lookup and erase. The test can operate in test mode and
55 // benchmark mode.
56 class HashTableBenchmark {
57 public:
58 explicit HashTableBenchmark(HashTableImpl<size_t, std::string>* impl,
59 const size_t sec = 10,
60 const size_t nthread_write = 1,
61 const size_t nthread_read = 1,
62 const size_t nthread_erase = 1)
63 : impl_(impl),
64 sec_(sec),
65 ninserts_(0),
66 nreads_(0),
67 nerases_(0),
68 nerases_failed_(0),
69 quit_(false) {
70 Prepop();
72 StartThreads(nthread_write, WriteMain);
73 StartThreads(nthread_read, ReadMain);
74 StartThreads(nthread_erase, EraseMain);
76 uint64_t start = NowInMillSec();
77 while (!quit_) {
78 quit_ = NowInMillSec() - start > sec_ * 1000;
79 /* sleep override */ sleep(1);
80 }
82 Env* env = Env::Default();
83 env->WaitForJoin();
85 if (sec_) {
86 printf("Result \n");
87 printf("====== \n");
88 printf("insert/sec = %f \n", ninserts_ / static_cast<double>(sec_));
89 printf("read/sec = %f \n", nreads_ / static_cast<double>(sec_));
90 printf("erases/sec = %f \n", nerases_ / static_cast<double>(sec_));
91 const uint64_t ops = ninserts_ + nreads_ + nerases_;
92 printf("ops/sec = %f \n", ops / static_cast<double>(sec_));
93 printf("erase fail = %d (%f%%)\n", static_cast<int>(nerases_failed_),
94 static_cast<float>(nerases_failed_ / nerases_ * 100));
95 printf("====== \n");
96 }
97 }
99 void RunWrite() {
100 while (!quit_) {
101 size_t k = insert_key_++;
102 std::string tmp(1000, k % 255);
103 bool status = impl_->Insert(k, tmp);
104 assert(status);
105 ninserts_++;
106 }
107 }
109 void RunRead() {
110 Random64 rgen(time(nullptr));
111 while (!quit_) {
112 std::string s;
113 size_t k = rgen.Next() % max_prepop_key;
114 bool status = impl_->Lookup(k, &s);
115 assert(status);
116 assert(s == std::string(1000, k % 255));
117 nreads_++;
118 }
119 }
121 void RunErase() {
122 while (!quit_) {
123 size_t k = erase_key_++;
124 bool status = impl_->Erase(k);
125 nerases_failed_ += !status;
126 nerases_++;
127 }
128 }
130 private:
131 // Start threads for a given function
132 void StartThreads(const size_t n, void (*fn)(void*)) {
133 Env* env = Env::Default();
134 for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
135 env->StartThread(fn, this);
136 }
137 }
139 // Prepop the hash table with 1M keys
140 void Prepop() {
141 for (size_t i = 0; i < max_prepop_key; ++i) {
142 bool status = impl_->Insert(i, std::string(1000, i % 255));
143 assert(status);
144 }
146 erase_key_ = insert_key_ = max_prepop_key;
148 for (size_t i = 0; i < 10 * max_prepop_key; ++i) {
149 bool status = impl_->Insert(insert_key_++, std::string(1000, 'x'));
150 assert(status);
151 }
152 }
154 static uint64_t NowInMillSec() {
155 timeval tv;
156 gettimeofday(&tv, /*tz=*/nullptr);
157 return tv.tv_sec * 1000 + tv.tv_usec / 1000;
158 }
160 //
161 // Wrapper functions for thread entry
162 //
163 static void WriteMain(void* args) {
164 reinterpret_cast<HashTableBenchmark*>(args)->RunWrite();
165 }
167 static void ReadMain(void* args) {
168 reinterpret_cast<HashTableBenchmark*>(args)->RunRead();
169 }
171 static void EraseMain(void* args) {
172 reinterpret_cast<HashTableBenchmark*>(args)->RunErase();
173 }
175 HashTableImpl<size_t, std::string>* impl_; // Implementation to test
176 const size_t sec_; // Test time
177 const size_t max_prepop_key = 1ULL * 1024 * 1024; // Max prepop key
178 std::atomic<size_t> insert_key_; // Last inserted key
179 std::atomic<size_t> erase_key_; // Erase key
180 std::atomic<size_t> ninserts_; // Number of inserts
181 std::atomic<size_t> nreads_; // Number of reads
182 std::atomic<size_t> nerases_; // Number of erases
183 std::atomic<size_t> nerases_failed_; // Number of erases failed
184 bool quit_; // Should the threads quit ?
185 };
187 //
188 // SimpleImpl
189 // Lock safe unordered_map implementation
190 class SimpleImpl : public HashTableImpl<size_t, string> {
191 public:
192 bool Insert(const size_t& key, const string& val) override {
193 WriteLock _(&rwlock_);
194 map_.insert(make_pair(key, val));
195 return true;
196 }
198 bool Erase(const size_t& key) override {
199 WriteLock _(&rwlock_);
200 auto it = map_.find(key);
201 if (it == map_.end()) {
202 return false;
203 }
204 map_.erase(it);
205 return true;
206 }
208 bool Lookup(const size_t& key, string* val) override {
209 ReadLock _(&rwlock_);
210 auto it = map_.find(key);
211 if (it != map_.end()) {
212 *val = it->second;
213 }
214 return it != map_.end();
215 }
217 private:
218 port::RWMutex rwlock_;
219 std::unordered_map<size_t, string> map_;
220 };
222 //
223 // GranularLockImpl
224 // Thread safe custom RocksDB implementation of hash table with granular
225 // locking
226 class GranularLockImpl : public HashTableImpl<size_t, string> {
227 public:
228 bool Insert(const size_t& key, const string& val) override {
229 Node n(key, val);
230 return impl_.Insert(n);
231 }
233 bool Erase(const size_t& key) override {
234 Node n(key, string());
235 return impl_.Erase(n, nullptr);
236 }
238 bool Lookup(const size_t& key, string* val) override {
239 Node n(key, string());
240 port::RWMutex* rlock;
241 bool status = impl_.Find(n, &n, &rlock);
242 if (status) {
243 ReadUnlock _(rlock);
244 *val = n.val_;
245 }
246 return status;
247 }
249 private:
250 struct Node {
251 explicit Node(const size_t key, const string& val) : key_(key), val_(val) {}
253 size_t key_ = 0;
254 string val_;
255 };
257 struct Hash {
258 uint64_t operator()(const Node& node) {
259 return std::hash<uint64_t>()(node.key_);
260 }
261 };
263 struct Equal {
264 bool operator()(const Node& lhs, const Node& rhs) {
265 return lhs.key_ == rhs.key_;
266 }
267 };
269 HashTable<Node, Hash, Equal> impl_;
270 };
272 } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
274 //
275 // main
276 //
277 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
278 GFLAGS_NAMESPACE::SetUsageMessage(std::string("\nUSAGE:\n") +
279 std::string(argv[0]) + " [OPTIONS]...");
280 GFLAGS_NAMESPACE::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, false);
282 //
283 // Micro benchmark unordered_map
284 //
285 printf("Micro benchmarking std::unordered_map \n");
286 {
287 ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::SimpleImpl impl;
288 ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::HashTableBenchmark _(
289 &impl, FLAGS_nsec, FLAGS_nthread_write, FLAGS_nthread_read,
290 FLAGS_nthread_erase);
291 }
292 //
293 // Micro benchmark scalable hash table
294 //
295 printf("Micro benchmarking scalable hash map \n");
296 {
297 ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::GranularLockImpl impl;
298 ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::HashTableBenchmark _(
299 &impl, FLAGS_nsec, FLAGS_nthread_write, FLAGS_nthread_read,
300 FLAGS_nthread_erase);
301 }
303 return 0;
304 }
305 #endif // #ifndef GFLAGS
306 #else
307 int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) { return 0; }
308 #endif