]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/utilities/simulator_cache/cache_simulator.cc
update ceph source to reef 18.1.2
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / utilities / simulator_cache / cache_simulator.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
6 #include "utilities/simulator_cache/cache_simulator.h"
8 #include <algorithm>
10 #include "db/dbformat.h"
11 #include "rocksdb/trace_record.h"
13 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
15 namespace {
16 const std::string kGhostCachePrefix = "ghost_";
17 } // namespace
19 GhostCache::GhostCache(std::shared_ptr<Cache> sim_cache)
20 : sim_cache_(sim_cache) {}
22 bool GhostCache::Admit(const Slice& lookup_key) {
23 auto handle = sim_cache_->Lookup(lookup_key);
24 if (handle != nullptr) {
25 sim_cache_->Release(handle);
26 return true;
27 }
28 // TODO: Should we check for errors here?
29 auto s = sim_cache_->Insert(lookup_key, /*value=*/nullptr, lookup_key.size(),
30 /*deleter=*/nullptr);
31 s.PermitUncheckedError();
32 return false;
33 }
35 CacheSimulator::CacheSimulator(std::unique_ptr<GhostCache>&& ghost_cache,
36 std::shared_ptr<Cache> sim_cache)
37 : ghost_cache_(std::move(ghost_cache)), sim_cache_(sim_cache) {}
39 void CacheSimulator::Access(const BlockCacheTraceRecord& access) {
40 bool admit = true;
41 const bool is_user_access =
42 BlockCacheTraceHelper::IsUserAccess(access.caller);
43 bool is_cache_miss = true;
44 if (ghost_cache_ && !access.no_insert) {
45 admit = ghost_cache_->Admit(access.block_key);
46 }
47 auto handle = sim_cache_->Lookup(access.block_key);
48 if (handle != nullptr) {
49 sim_cache_->Release(handle);
50 is_cache_miss = false;
51 } else {
52 if (!access.no_insert && admit && access.block_size > 0) {
53 // Ignore errors on insert
54 auto s = sim_cache_->Insert(access.block_key, /*value=*/nullptr,
55 access.block_size,
56 /*deleter=*/nullptr);
57 s.PermitUncheckedError();
58 }
59 }
60 miss_ratio_stats_.UpdateMetrics(access.access_timestamp, is_user_access,
61 is_cache_miss);
62 }
64 void MissRatioStats::UpdateMetrics(uint64_t timestamp_in_ms,
65 bool is_user_access, bool is_cache_miss) {
66 uint64_t timestamp_in_seconds = timestamp_in_ms / kMicrosInSecond;
67 num_accesses_timeline_[timestamp_in_seconds] += 1;
68 num_accesses_ += 1;
69 if (num_misses_timeline_.find(timestamp_in_seconds) ==
70 num_misses_timeline_.end()) {
71 num_misses_timeline_[timestamp_in_seconds] = 0;
72 }
73 if (is_cache_miss) {
74 num_misses_ += 1;
75 num_misses_timeline_[timestamp_in_seconds] += 1;
76 }
77 if (is_user_access) {
78 user_accesses_ += 1;
79 if (is_cache_miss) {
80 user_misses_ += 1;
81 }
82 }
83 }
85 Cache::Priority PrioritizedCacheSimulator::ComputeBlockPriority(
86 const BlockCacheTraceRecord& access) const {
87 if (access.block_type == TraceType::kBlockTraceFilterBlock ||
88 access.block_type == TraceType::kBlockTraceIndexBlock ||
89 access.block_type == TraceType::kBlockTraceUncompressionDictBlock) {
90 return Cache::Priority::HIGH;
91 }
92 return Cache::Priority::LOW;
93 }
95 void PrioritizedCacheSimulator::AccessKVPair(
96 const Slice& key, uint64_t value_size, Cache::Priority priority,
97 const BlockCacheTraceRecord& access, bool no_insert, bool is_user_access,
98 bool* is_cache_miss, bool* admitted, bool update_metrics) {
99 assert(is_cache_miss);
100 assert(admitted);
101 *is_cache_miss = true;
102 *admitted = true;
103 if (ghost_cache_ && !no_insert) {
104 *admitted = ghost_cache_->Admit(key);
105 }
106 auto handle = sim_cache_->Lookup(key);
107 if (handle != nullptr) {
108 sim_cache_->Release(handle);
109 *is_cache_miss = false;
110 } else if (!no_insert && *admitted && value_size > 0) {
111 // TODO: Should we check for an error here?
112 auto s = sim_cache_->Insert(key, /*value=*/nullptr, value_size,
113 /*deleter=*/nullptr,
114 /*handle=*/nullptr, priority);
115 s.PermitUncheckedError();
116 }
117 if (update_metrics) {
118 miss_ratio_stats_.UpdateMetrics(access.access_timestamp, is_user_access,
119 *is_cache_miss);
120 }
121 }
123 void PrioritizedCacheSimulator::Access(const BlockCacheTraceRecord& access) {
124 bool is_cache_miss = true;
125 bool admitted = true;
126 AccessKVPair(access.block_key, access.block_size,
127 ComputeBlockPriority(access), access, access.no_insert,
128 BlockCacheTraceHelper::IsUserAccess(access.caller),
129 &is_cache_miss, &admitted, /*update_metrics=*/true);
130 }
132 void HybridRowBlockCacheSimulator::Access(const BlockCacheTraceRecord& access) {
133 // TODO (haoyu): We only support Get for now. We need to extend the tracing
134 // for MultiGet, i.e., non-data block accesses must log all keys in a
135 // MultiGet.
136 bool is_cache_miss = true;
137 bool admitted = false;
138 if (access.caller == TableReaderCaller::kUserGet &&
139 access.get_id != BlockCacheTraceHelper::kReservedGetId) {
140 // This is a Get request.
141 const std::string& row_key = BlockCacheTraceHelper::ComputeRowKey(access);
142 GetRequestStatus& status = getid_status_map_[access.get_id];
143 if (status.is_complete) {
144 // This Get request completes.
145 // Skip future accesses to its index/filter/data
146 // blocks. These block lookups are unnecessary if we observe a hit for the
147 // referenced key-value pair already. Thus, we treat these lookups as
148 // hits. This is also to ensure the total number of accesses are the same
149 // when comparing to other policies.
150 miss_ratio_stats_.UpdateMetrics(access.access_timestamp,
151 /*is_user_access=*/true,
152 /*is_cache_miss=*/false);
153 return;
154 }
155 if (status.row_key_status.find(row_key) == status.row_key_status.end()) {
156 // This is the first time that this key is accessed. Look up the key-value
157 // pair first. Do not update the miss/accesses metrics here since it will
158 // be updated later.
159 AccessKVPair(row_key, access.referenced_data_size, Cache::Priority::HIGH,
160 access,
161 /*no_insert=*/false,
162 /*is_user_access=*/true, &is_cache_miss, &admitted,
163 /*update_metrics=*/false);
164 InsertResult result = InsertResult::NO_INSERT;
165 if (admitted && access.referenced_data_size > 0) {
166 result = InsertResult::INSERTED;
167 } else if (admitted) {
168 result = InsertResult::ADMITTED;
169 }
170 status.row_key_status[row_key] = result;
171 }
172 if (!is_cache_miss) {
173 // A cache hit.
174 status.is_complete = true;
175 miss_ratio_stats_.UpdateMetrics(access.access_timestamp,
176 /*is_user_access=*/true,
177 /*is_cache_miss=*/false);
178 return;
179 }
180 // The row key-value pair observes a cache miss. We need to access its
181 // index/filter/data blocks.
182 InsertResult inserted = status.row_key_status[row_key];
183 AccessKVPair(
184 access.block_key, access.block_size, ComputeBlockPriority(access),
185 access,
186 /*no_insert=*/!insert_blocks_upon_row_kvpair_miss_ || access.no_insert,
187 /*is_user_access=*/true, &is_cache_miss, &admitted,
188 /*update_metrics=*/true);
189 if (access.referenced_data_size > 0 && inserted == InsertResult::ADMITTED) {
190 // TODO: Should we check for an error here?
191 auto s = sim_cache_->Insert(row_key, /*value=*/nullptr,
192 access.referenced_data_size,
193 /*deleter=*/nullptr,
194 /*handle=*/nullptr, Cache::Priority::HIGH);
195 s.PermitUncheckedError();
196 status.row_key_status[row_key] = InsertResult::INSERTED;
197 }
198 return;
199 }
200 AccessKVPair(access.block_key, access.block_size,
201 ComputeBlockPriority(access), access, access.no_insert,
202 BlockCacheTraceHelper::IsUserAccess(access.caller),
203 &is_cache_miss, &admitted, /*update_metrics=*/true);
204 }
206 BlockCacheTraceSimulator::BlockCacheTraceSimulator(
207 uint64_t warmup_seconds, uint32_t downsample_ratio,
208 const std::vector<CacheConfiguration>& cache_configurations)
209 : warmup_seconds_(warmup_seconds),
210 downsample_ratio_(downsample_ratio),
211 cache_configurations_(cache_configurations) {}
213 Status BlockCacheTraceSimulator::InitializeCaches() {
214 for (auto const& config : cache_configurations_) {
215 for (auto cache_capacity : config.cache_capacities) {
216 // Scale down the cache capacity since the trace contains accesses on
217 // 1/'downsample_ratio' blocks.
218 uint64_t simulate_cache_capacity = cache_capacity / downsample_ratio_;
219 std::shared_ptr<CacheSimulator> sim_cache;
220 std::unique_ptr<GhostCache> ghost_cache;
221 std::string cache_name = config.cache_name;
222 if (cache_name.find(kGhostCachePrefix) != std::string::npos) {
223 ghost_cache.reset(new GhostCache(
224 NewLRUCache(config.ghost_cache_capacity, /*num_shard_bits=*/1,
225 /*strict_capacity_limit=*/false,
226 /*high_pri_pool_ratio=*/0)));
227 cache_name = cache_name.substr(kGhostCachePrefix.size());
228 }
229 if (cache_name == "lru") {
230 sim_cache = std::make_shared<CacheSimulator>(
231 std::move(ghost_cache),
232 NewLRUCache(simulate_cache_capacity, config.num_shard_bits,
233 /*strict_capacity_limit=*/false,
234 /*high_pri_pool_ratio=*/0));
235 } else if (cache_name == "lru_priority") {
236 sim_cache = std::make_shared<PrioritizedCacheSimulator>(
237 std::move(ghost_cache),
238 NewLRUCache(simulate_cache_capacity, config.num_shard_bits,
239 /*strict_capacity_limit=*/false,
240 /*high_pri_pool_ratio=*/0.5));
241 } else if (cache_name == "lru_hybrid") {
242 sim_cache = std::make_shared<HybridRowBlockCacheSimulator>(
243 std::move(ghost_cache),
244 NewLRUCache(simulate_cache_capacity, config.num_shard_bits,
245 /*strict_capacity_limit=*/false,
246 /*high_pri_pool_ratio=*/0.5),
247 /*insert_blocks_upon_row_kvpair_miss=*/true);
248 } else if (cache_name == "lru_hybrid_no_insert_on_row_miss") {
249 sim_cache = std::make_shared<HybridRowBlockCacheSimulator>(
250 std::move(ghost_cache),
251 NewLRUCache(simulate_cache_capacity, config.num_shard_bits,
252 /*strict_capacity_limit=*/false,
253 /*high_pri_pool_ratio=*/0.5),
254 /*insert_blocks_upon_row_kvpair_miss=*/false);
255 } else {
256 // Not supported.
257 return Status::InvalidArgument("Unknown cache name " +
258 config.cache_name);
259 }
260 sim_caches_[config].push_back(sim_cache);
261 }
262 }
263 return Status::OK();
264 }
266 void BlockCacheTraceSimulator::Access(const BlockCacheTraceRecord& access) {
267 if (trace_start_time_ == 0) {
268 trace_start_time_ = access.access_timestamp;
269 }
270 // access.access_timestamp is in microseconds.
271 if (!warmup_complete_ &&
272 trace_start_time_ + warmup_seconds_ * kMicrosInSecond <=
273 access.access_timestamp) {
274 for (auto& config_caches : sim_caches_) {
275 for (auto& sim_cache : config_caches.second) {
276 sim_cache->reset_counter();
277 }
278 }
279 warmup_complete_ = true;
280 }
281 for (auto& config_caches : sim_caches_) {
282 for (auto& sim_cache : config_caches.second) {
283 sim_cache->Access(access);
284 }
285 }
286 }
288 } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE