]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/utilities/transactions/write_unprepared_txn.h
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / utilities / transactions / write_unprepared_txn.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
6 #pragma once
8 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
10 #include <set>
12 #include "utilities/transactions/write_prepared_txn.h"
13 #include "utilities/transactions/write_unprepared_txn_db.h"
15 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
17 class WriteUnpreparedTxnDB;
18 class WriteUnpreparedTxn;
20 // WriteUnprepared transactions needs to be able to read their own uncommitted
21 // writes, and supporting this requires some careful consideration. Because
22 // writes in the current transaction may be flushed to DB already, we cannot
23 // rely on the contents of WriteBatchWithIndex to determine whether a key should
24 // be visible or not, so we have to remember to check the DB for any uncommitted
25 // keys that should be visible to us. First, we will need to change the seek to
26 // snapshot logic, to seek to max_visible_seq = max(snap_seq, max_unprep_seq).
27 // Any key greater than max_visible_seq should not be visible because they
28 // cannot be unprepared by the current transaction and they are not in its
29 // snapshot.
30 //
31 // When we seek to max_visible_seq, one of these cases will happen:
32 // 1. We hit a unprepared key from the current transaction.
33 // 2. We hit a unprepared key from the another transaction.
34 // 3. We hit a committed key with snap_seq < seq < max_unprep_seq.
35 // 4. We hit a committed key with seq <= snap_seq.
36 //
37 // IsVisibleFullCheck handles all cases correctly.
38 //
39 // Other notes:
40 // Note that max_visible_seq is only calculated once at iterator construction
41 // time, meaning if the same transaction is adding more unprep seqs through
42 // writes during iteration, these newer writes may not be visible. This is not a
43 // problem for MySQL though because it avoids modifying the index as it is
44 // scanning through it to avoid the Halloween Problem. Instead, it scans the
45 // index once up front, and modifies based on a temporary copy.
46 //
47 // In DBIter, there is a "reseek" optimization if the iterator skips over too
48 // many keys. However, this assumes that the reseek seeks exactly to the
49 // required key. In write unprepared, even after seeking directly to
50 // max_visible_seq, some iteration may be required before hitting a visible key,
51 // and special precautions must be taken to avoid performing another reseek,
52 // leading to an infinite loop.
53 //
54 class WriteUnpreparedTxnReadCallback : public ReadCallback {
55 public:
56 WriteUnpreparedTxnReadCallback(
57 WritePreparedTxnDB* db, SequenceNumber snapshot,
58 SequenceNumber min_uncommitted,
59 const std::map<SequenceNumber, size_t>& unprep_seqs,
60 SnapshotBackup backed_by_snapshot)
61 // Pass our last uncommitted seq as the snapshot to the parent class to
62 // ensure that the parent will not prematurely filter out own writes. We
63 // will do the exact comparison against snapshots in IsVisibleFullCheck
64 // override.
65 : ReadCallback(CalcMaxVisibleSeq(unprep_seqs, snapshot), min_uncommitted),
66 db_(db),
67 unprep_seqs_(unprep_seqs),
68 wup_snapshot_(snapshot),
69 backed_by_snapshot_(backed_by_snapshot) {
70 (void)backed_by_snapshot_; // to silence unused private field warning
71 }
73 virtual ~WriteUnpreparedTxnReadCallback() {
74 // If it is not backed by snapshot, the caller must check validity
75 assert(valid_checked_ || backed_by_snapshot_ == kBackedByDBSnapshot);
76 }
78 virtual bool IsVisibleFullCheck(SequenceNumber seq) override;
80 inline bool valid() {
81 valid_checked_ = true;
82 return snap_released_ == false;
83 }
85 void Refresh(SequenceNumber seq) override {
86 max_visible_seq_ = std::max(max_visible_seq_, seq);
87 wup_snapshot_ = seq;
88 }
90 static SequenceNumber CalcMaxVisibleSeq(
91 const std::map<SequenceNumber, size_t>& unprep_seqs,
92 SequenceNumber snapshot_seq) {
93 SequenceNumber max_unprepared = 0;
94 if (unprep_seqs.size()) {
95 max_unprepared =
96 unprep_seqs.rbegin()->first + unprep_seqs.rbegin()->second - 1;
97 }
98 return std::max(max_unprepared, snapshot_seq);
99 }
101 private:
102 WritePreparedTxnDB* db_;
103 const std::map<SequenceNumber, size_t>& unprep_seqs_;
104 SequenceNumber wup_snapshot_;
105 // Whether max_visible_seq_ is backed by a snapshot
106 const SnapshotBackup backed_by_snapshot_;
107 bool snap_released_ = false;
108 // Safety check to ensure that the caller has checked invalid statuses
109 bool valid_checked_ = false;
110 };
112 class WriteUnpreparedTxn : public WritePreparedTxn {
113 public:
114 WriteUnpreparedTxn(WriteUnpreparedTxnDB* db,
115 const WriteOptions& write_options,
116 const TransactionOptions& txn_options);
118 virtual ~WriteUnpreparedTxn();
120 using TransactionBaseImpl::Put;
121 virtual Status Put(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
122 const Slice& value,
123 const bool assume_tracked = false) override;
124 virtual Status Put(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const SliceParts& key,
125 const SliceParts& value,
126 const bool assume_tracked = false) override;
128 using TransactionBaseImpl::Merge;
129 virtual Status Merge(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
130 const Slice& value,
131 const bool assume_tracked = false) override;
133 using TransactionBaseImpl::Delete;
134 virtual Status Delete(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
135 const bool assume_tracked = false) override;
136 virtual Status Delete(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
137 const SliceParts& key,
138 const bool assume_tracked = false) override;
140 using TransactionBaseImpl::SingleDelete;
141 virtual Status SingleDelete(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
142 const Slice& key,
143 const bool assume_tracked = false) override;
144 virtual Status SingleDelete(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
145 const SliceParts& key,
146 const bool assume_tracked = false) override;
148 // In WriteUnprepared, untracked writes will break snapshot validation logic.
149 // Snapshot validation will only check the largest sequence number of a key to
150 // see if it was committed or not. However, an untracked unprepared write will
151 // hide smaller committed sequence numbers.
152 //
153 // TODO(lth): Investigate whether it is worth having snapshot validation
154 // validate all values larger than snap_seq. Otherwise, we should return
155 // Status::NotSupported for untracked writes.
157 virtual Status RebuildFromWriteBatch(WriteBatch*) override;
159 virtual uint64_t GetLastLogNumber() const override {
160 return last_log_number_;
161 }
163 void RemoveActiveIterator(Iterator* iter) {
164 active_iterators_.erase(
165 std::remove(active_iterators_.begin(), active_iterators_.end(), iter),
166 active_iterators_.end());
167 }
169 protected:
170 void Initialize(const TransactionOptions& txn_options) override;
172 Status PrepareInternal() override;
174 Status CommitWithoutPrepareInternal() override;
175 Status CommitInternal() override;
177 Status RollbackInternal() override;
179 void Clear() override;
181 void SetSavePoint() override;
182 Status RollbackToSavePoint() override;
183 Status PopSavePoint() override;
185 // Get and GetIterator needs to be overridden so that a ReadCallback to
186 // handle read-your-own-write is used.
187 using Transaction::Get;
188 virtual Status Get(const ReadOptions& options,
189 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
190 PinnableSlice* value) override;
192 using Transaction::MultiGet;
193 virtual void MultiGet(const ReadOptions& options,
194 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
195 const size_t num_keys, const Slice* keys,
196 PinnableSlice* values, Status* statuses,
197 const bool sorted_input = false) override;
199 using Transaction::GetIterator;
200 virtual Iterator* GetIterator(const ReadOptions& options) override;
201 virtual Iterator* GetIterator(const ReadOptions& options,
202 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family) override;
204 virtual Status ValidateSnapshot(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
205 const Slice& key,
206 SequenceNumber* tracked_at_seq) override;
208 private:
209 friend class WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest_ReadYourOwnWrite_Test;
210 friend class WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest_RecoveryTest_Test;
211 friend class WriteUnpreparedTransactionTest_UnpreparedBatch_Test;
212 friend class WriteUnpreparedTxnDB;
214 const std::map<SequenceNumber, size_t>& GetUnpreparedSequenceNumbers();
215 Status WriteRollbackKeys(const TransactionKeyMap& tracked_keys,
216 WriteBatchWithIndex* rollback_batch,
217 ReadCallback* callback, const ReadOptions& roptions);
219 Status MaybeFlushWriteBatchToDB();
220 Status FlushWriteBatchToDB(bool prepared);
221 Status FlushWriteBatchToDBInternal(bool prepared);
222 Status FlushWriteBatchWithSavePointToDB();
223 Status RollbackToSavePointInternal();
224 Status HandleWrite(std::function<Status()> do_write);
226 // For write unprepared, we check on every writebatch append to see if
227 // write_batch_flush_threshold_ has been exceeded, and then call
228 // FlushWriteBatchToDB if so. This logic is encapsulated in
229 // MaybeFlushWriteBatchToDB.
230 int64_t write_batch_flush_threshold_;
231 WriteUnpreparedTxnDB* wupt_db_;
233 // Ordered list of unprep_seq sequence numbers that we have already written
234 // to DB.
235 //
236 // This maps unprep_seq => prepare_batch_cnt for each unprepared batch
237 // written by this transaction.
238 //
239 // Note that this contains both prepared and unprepared batches, since they
240 // are treated similarily in prepare heap/commit map, so it simplifies the
241 // commit callbacks.
242 std::map<SequenceNumber, size_t> unprep_seqs_;
244 uint64_t last_log_number_;
246 // Recovered transactions have tracked_keys_ populated, but are not actually
247 // locked for efficiency reasons. For recovered transactions, skip unlocking
248 // keys when transaction ends.
249 bool recovered_txn_;
251 // Track the largest sequence number at which we performed snapshot
252 // validation. If snapshot validation was skipped because no snapshot was set,
253 // then this is set to GetLastPublishedSequence. This value is useful because
254 // it means that for keys that have unprepared seqnos, we can guarantee that
255 // no committed keys by other transactions can exist between
256 // largest_validated_seq_ and max_unprep_seq. See
257 // WriteUnpreparedTxnDB::NewIterator for an explanation for why this is
258 // necessary for iterator Prev().
259 //
260 // Currently this value only increases during the lifetime of a transaction,
261 // but in some cases, we should be able to restore the previously largest
262 // value when calling RollbackToSavepoint.
263 SequenceNumber largest_validated_seq_;
265 using KeySet = std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::vector<std::string>>;
266 struct SavePoint {
267 // Record of unprep_seqs_ at this savepoint. The set of unprep_seq is
268 // used during RollbackToSavepoint to determine visibility when restoring
269 // old values.
270 //
271 // TODO(lth): Since all unprep_seqs_ sets further down the stack must be
272 // subsets, this can potentially be deduplicated by just storing set
273 // difference. Investigate if this is worth it.
274 std::map<SequenceNumber, size_t> unprep_seqs_;
276 // This snapshot will be used to read keys at this savepoint if we call
277 // RollbackToSavePoint.
278 std::unique_ptr<ManagedSnapshot> snapshot_;
280 SavePoint(const std::map<SequenceNumber, size_t>& seqs,
281 ManagedSnapshot* snapshot)
282 : unprep_seqs_(seqs), snapshot_(snapshot){};
283 };
285 // We have 3 data structures holding savepoint information:
286 // 1. TransactionBaseImpl::save_points_
287 // 2. WriteUnpreparedTxn::flushed_save_points_
288 // 3. WriteUnpreparecTxn::unflushed_save_points_
289 //
290 // TransactionBaseImpl::save_points_ holds information about all write
291 // batches, including the current in-memory write_batch_, or unprepared
292 // batches that have been written out. Its responsibility is just to track
293 // which keys have been modified in every savepoint.
294 //
295 // WriteUnpreparedTxn::flushed_save_points_ holds information about savepoints
296 // set on unprepared batches that have already flushed. It holds the snapshot
297 // and unprep_seqs at that savepoint, so that the rollback process can
298 // determine which keys were visible at that point in time.
299 //
300 // WriteUnpreparecTxn::unflushed_save_points_ holds information about
301 // savepoints on the current in-memory write_batch_. It simply records the
302 // size of the write batch at every savepoint.
303 //
304 // TODO(lth): Remove the redundancy between save_point_boundaries_ and
305 // write_batch_.save_points_.
306 //
307 // Based on this information, here are some invariants:
308 // size(unflushed_save_points_) = size(write_batch_.save_points_)
309 // size(flushed_save_points_) + size(unflushed_save_points_)
310 // = size(save_points_)
311 //
312 std::unique_ptr<autovector<WriteUnpreparedTxn::SavePoint>>
313 flushed_save_points_;
314 std::unique_ptr<autovector<size_t>> unflushed_save_points_;
316 // It is currently unsafe to flush a write batch if there are active iterators
317 // created from this transaction. This is because we use WriteBatchWithIndex
318 // to do merging reads from the DB and the write batch. If we flush the write
319 // batch, it is possible that the delta iterator on the iterator will point to
320 // invalid memory.
321 std::vector<Iterator*> active_iterators_;
323 // Untracked keys that we have to rollback.
324 //
325 // TODO(lth): Currently we we do not record untracked keys per-savepoint.
326 // This means that when rolling back to savepoints, we have to check all
327 // keys in the current transaction for rollback. Note that this is only
328 // inefficient, but still correct because we take a snapshot at every
329 // savepoint, and we will use that snapshot to construct the rollback batch.
330 // The rollback batch will then contain a reissue of the same marker.
331 //
332 // A more optimal solution would be to only check keys changed since the
333 // last savepoint. Also, it may make sense to merge this into tracked_keys_
334 // and differentiate between tracked but not locked keys to avoid having two
335 // very similar data structures.
336 KeySet untracked_keys_;
337 };
339 } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
341 #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE