]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/utilities/transactions/write_unprepared_txn_db.cc
update source to Ceph Pacific 16.2.2
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / utilities / transactions / write_unprepared_txn_db.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
6 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
8 #include "utilities/transactions/write_unprepared_txn_db.h"
9 #include "db/arena_wrapped_db_iter.h"
10 #include "rocksdb/utilities/transaction_db.h"
11 #include "util/cast_util.h"
13 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
15 // Instead of reconstructing a Transaction object, and calling rollback on it,
16 // we can be more efficient with RollbackRecoveredTransaction by skipping
17 // unnecessary steps (eg. updating CommitMap, reconstructing keyset)
18 Status WriteUnpreparedTxnDB::RollbackRecoveredTransaction(
19 const DBImpl::RecoveredTransaction* rtxn) {
20 // TODO(lth): Reduce duplicate code with WritePrepared rollback logic.
21 assert(rtxn->unprepared_);
22 auto cf_map_shared_ptr = WritePreparedTxnDB::GetCFHandleMap();
23 auto cf_comp_map_shared_ptr = WritePreparedTxnDB::GetCFComparatorMap();
24 // In theory we could write with disableWAL = true during recovery, and
25 // assume that if we crash again during recovery, we can just replay from
26 // the very beginning. Unfortunately, the XIDs from the application may not
27 // necessarily be unique across restarts, potentially leading to situations
28 // like this:
29 //
30 // BEGIN_PREPARE(unprepared) Put(a) END_PREPARE(xid = 1)
31 // -- crash and recover with Put(a) rolled back as it was not prepared
32 // BEGIN_PREPARE(prepared) Put(b) END_PREPARE(xid = 1)
33 // COMMIT(xid = 1)
34 // -- crash and recover with both a, b
35 //
36 // We could just write the rollback marker, but then we would have to extend
37 // MemTableInserter during recovery to actually do writes into the DB
38 // instead of just dropping the in-memory write batch.
39 //
40 WriteOptions w_options;
42 class InvalidSnapshotReadCallback : public ReadCallback {
43 public:
44 InvalidSnapshotReadCallback(SequenceNumber snapshot)
45 : ReadCallback(snapshot) {}
47 inline bool IsVisibleFullCheck(SequenceNumber) override {
48 // The seq provided as snapshot is the seq right before we have locked and
49 // wrote to it, so whatever is there, it is committed.
50 return true;
51 }
53 // Ignore the refresh request since we are confident that our snapshot seq
54 // is not going to be affected by concurrent compactions (not enabled yet.)
55 void Refresh(SequenceNumber) override {}
56 };
58 // Iterate starting with largest sequence number.
59 for (auto it = rtxn->batches_.rbegin(); it != rtxn->batches_.rend(); ++it) {
60 auto last_visible_txn = it->first - 1;
61 const auto& batch = it->second.batch_;
62 WriteBatch rollback_batch;
64 struct RollbackWriteBatchBuilder : public WriteBatch::Handler {
65 DBImpl* db_;
66 ReadOptions roptions;
67 InvalidSnapshotReadCallback callback;
68 WriteBatch* rollback_batch_;
69 std::map<uint32_t, const Comparator*>& comparators_;
70 std::map<uint32_t, ColumnFamilyHandle*>& handles_;
71 using CFKeys = std::set<Slice, SetComparator>;
72 std::map<uint32_t, CFKeys> keys_;
73 bool rollback_merge_operands_;
74 RollbackWriteBatchBuilder(
75 DBImpl* db, SequenceNumber snap_seq, WriteBatch* dst_batch,
76 std::map<uint32_t, const Comparator*>& comparators,
77 std::map<uint32_t, ColumnFamilyHandle*>& handles,
78 bool rollback_merge_operands)
79 : db_(db),
80 callback(snap_seq),
81 // disable min_uncommitted optimization
82 rollback_batch_(dst_batch),
83 comparators_(comparators),
84 handles_(handles),
85 rollback_merge_operands_(rollback_merge_operands) {}
87 Status Rollback(uint32_t cf, const Slice& key) {
88 Status s;
89 CFKeys& cf_keys = keys_[cf];
90 if (cf_keys.size() == 0) { // just inserted
91 auto cmp = comparators_[cf];
92 keys_[cf] = CFKeys(SetComparator(cmp));
93 }
94 auto res = cf_keys.insert(key);
95 if (res.second ==
96 false) { // second is false if a element already existed.
97 return s;
98 }
100 PinnableSlice pinnable_val;
101 bool not_used;
102 auto cf_handle = handles_[cf];
103 DBImpl::GetImplOptions get_impl_options;
104 get_impl_options.column_family = cf_handle;
105 get_impl_options.value = &pinnable_val;
106 get_impl_options.value_found = &not_used;
107 get_impl_options.callback = &callback;
108 s = db_->GetImpl(roptions, key, get_impl_options);
109 assert(s.ok() || s.IsNotFound());
110 if (s.ok()) {
111 s = rollback_batch_->Put(cf_handle, key, pinnable_val);
112 assert(s.ok());
113 } else if (s.IsNotFound()) {
114 // There has been no readable value before txn. By adding a delete we
115 // make sure that there will be none afterwards either.
116 s = rollback_batch_->Delete(cf_handle, key);
117 assert(s.ok());
118 } else {
119 // Unexpected status. Return it to the user.
120 }
121 return s;
122 }
124 Status PutCF(uint32_t cf, const Slice& key,
125 const Slice& /*val*/) override {
126 return Rollback(cf, key);
127 }
129 Status DeleteCF(uint32_t cf, const Slice& key) override {
130 return Rollback(cf, key);
131 }
133 Status SingleDeleteCF(uint32_t cf, const Slice& key) override {
134 return Rollback(cf, key);
135 }
137 Status MergeCF(uint32_t cf, const Slice& key,
138 const Slice& /*val*/) override {
139 if (rollback_merge_operands_) {
140 return Rollback(cf, key);
141 } else {
142 return Status::OK();
143 }
144 }
146 // Recovered batches do not contain 2PC markers.
147 Status MarkNoop(bool) override { return Status::InvalidArgument(); }
148 Status MarkBeginPrepare(bool) override {
149 return Status::InvalidArgument();
150 }
151 Status MarkEndPrepare(const Slice&) override {
152 return Status::InvalidArgument();
153 }
154 Status MarkCommit(const Slice&) override {
155 return Status::InvalidArgument();
156 }
157 Status MarkRollback(const Slice&) override {
158 return Status::InvalidArgument();
159 }
160 } rollback_handler(db_impl_, last_visible_txn, &rollback_batch,
161 *cf_comp_map_shared_ptr.get(), *cf_map_shared_ptr.get(),
162 txn_db_options_.rollback_merge_operands);
164 auto s = batch->Iterate(&rollback_handler);
165 if (!s.ok()) {
166 return s;
167 }
169 // The Rollback marker will be used as a batch separator
170 WriteBatchInternal::MarkRollback(&rollback_batch, rtxn->name_);
172 const uint64_t kNoLogRef = 0;
173 const bool kDisableMemtable = true;
174 const size_t kOneBatch = 1;
175 uint64_t seq_used = kMaxSequenceNumber;
176 s = db_impl_->WriteImpl(w_options, &rollback_batch, nullptr, nullptr,
177 kNoLogRef, !kDisableMemtable, &seq_used, kOneBatch);
178 if (!s.ok()) {
179 return s;
180 }
182 // If two_write_queues, we must manually release the sequence number to
183 // readers.
184 if (db_impl_->immutable_db_options().two_write_queues) {
185 db_impl_->SetLastPublishedSequence(seq_used);
186 }
187 }
189 return Status::OK();
190 }
192 Status WriteUnpreparedTxnDB::Initialize(
193 const std::vector<size_t>& compaction_enabled_cf_indices,
194 const std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*>& handles) {
195 // TODO(lth): Reduce code duplication in this function.
196 auto dbimpl = static_cast_with_check<DBImpl, DB>(GetRootDB());
197 assert(dbimpl != nullptr);
199 db_impl_->SetSnapshotChecker(new WritePreparedSnapshotChecker(this));
200 // A callback to commit a single sub-batch
201 class CommitSubBatchPreReleaseCallback : public PreReleaseCallback {
202 public:
203 explicit CommitSubBatchPreReleaseCallback(WritePreparedTxnDB* db)
204 : db_(db) {}
205 Status Callback(SequenceNumber commit_seq,
206 bool is_mem_disabled __attribute__((__unused__)), uint64_t,
207 size_t /*index*/, size_t /*total*/) override {
208 assert(!is_mem_disabled);
209 db_->AddCommitted(commit_seq, commit_seq);
210 return Status::OK();
211 }
213 private:
214 WritePreparedTxnDB* db_;
215 };
216 db_impl_->SetRecoverableStatePreReleaseCallback(
217 new CommitSubBatchPreReleaseCallback(this));
219 // PessimisticTransactionDB::Initialize
220 for (auto cf_ptr : handles) {
221 AddColumnFamily(cf_ptr);
222 }
223 // Verify cf options
224 for (auto handle : handles) {
225 ColumnFamilyDescriptor cfd;
226 Status s = handle->GetDescriptor(&cfd);
227 if (!s.ok()) {
228 return s;
229 }
230 s = VerifyCFOptions(cfd.options);
231 if (!s.ok()) {
232 return s;
233 }
234 }
236 // Re-enable compaction for the column families that initially had
237 // compaction enabled.
238 std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*> compaction_enabled_cf_handles;
239 compaction_enabled_cf_handles.reserve(compaction_enabled_cf_indices.size());
240 for (auto index : compaction_enabled_cf_indices) {
241 compaction_enabled_cf_handles.push_back(handles[index]);
242 }
244 // create 'real' transactions from recovered shell transactions
245 auto rtxns = dbimpl->recovered_transactions();
246 std::map<SequenceNumber, SequenceNumber> ordered_seq_cnt;
247 for (auto rtxn : rtxns) {
248 auto recovered_trx = rtxn.second;
249 assert(recovered_trx);
250 assert(recovered_trx->batches_.size() >= 1);
251 assert(recovered_trx->name_.length());
253 // We can only rollback transactions after AdvanceMaxEvictedSeq is called,
254 // but AddPrepared must occur before AdvanceMaxEvictedSeq, which is why
255 // two iterations is required.
256 if (recovered_trx->unprepared_) {
257 continue;
258 }
260 WriteOptions w_options;
261 w_options.sync = true;
262 TransactionOptions t_options;
264 auto first_log_number = recovered_trx->batches_.begin()->second.log_number_;
265 auto first_seq = recovered_trx->batches_.begin()->first;
266 auto last_prepare_batch_cnt =
267 recovered_trx->batches_.begin()->second.batch_cnt_;
269 Transaction* real_trx = BeginTransaction(w_options, t_options, nullptr);
270 assert(real_trx);
271 auto wupt =
272 static_cast_with_check<WriteUnpreparedTxn, Transaction>(real_trx);
273 wupt->recovered_txn_ = true;
275 real_trx->SetLogNumber(first_log_number);
276 real_trx->SetId(first_seq);
277 Status s = real_trx->SetName(recovered_trx->name_);
278 if (!s.ok()) {
279 return s;
280 }
281 wupt->prepare_batch_cnt_ = last_prepare_batch_cnt;
283 for (auto batch : recovered_trx->batches_) {
284 const auto& seq = batch.first;
285 const auto& batch_info = batch.second;
286 auto cnt = batch_info.batch_cnt_ ? batch_info.batch_cnt_ : 1;
287 assert(batch_info.log_number_);
289 ordered_seq_cnt[seq] = cnt;
290 assert(wupt->unprep_seqs_.count(seq) == 0);
291 wupt->unprep_seqs_[seq] = cnt;
293 s = wupt->RebuildFromWriteBatch(batch_info.batch_);
294 assert(s.ok());
295 if (!s.ok()) {
296 return s;
297 }
298 }
300 const bool kClear = true;
301 wupt->InitWriteBatch(kClear);
303 real_trx->SetState(Transaction::PREPARED);
304 if (!s.ok()) {
305 return s;
306 }
307 }
308 // AddPrepared must be called in order
309 for (auto seq_cnt : ordered_seq_cnt) {
310 auto seq = seq_cnt.first;
311 auto cnt = seq_cnt.second;
312 for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
313 AddPrepared(seq + i);
314 }
315 }
317 SequenceNumber prev_max = max_evicted_seq_;
318 SequenceNumber last_seq = db_impl_->GetLatestSequenceNumber();
319 AdvanceMaxEvictedSeq(prev_max, last_seq);
320 // Create a gap between max and the next snapshot. This simplifies the logic
321 // in IsInSnapshot by not having to consider the special case of max ==
322 // snapshot after recovery. This is tested in IsInSnapshotEmptyMapTest.
323 if (last_seq) {
324 db_impl_->versions_->SetLastAllocatedSequence(last_seq + 1);
325 db_impl_->versions_->SetLastSequence(last_seq + 1);
326 db_impl_->versions_->SetLastPublishedSequence(last_seq + 1);
327 }
329 Status s;
330 // Rollback unprepared transactions.
331 for (auto rtxn : rtxns) {
332 auto recovered_trx = rtxn.second;
333 if (recovered_trx->unprepared_) {
334 s = RollbackRecoveredTransaction(recovered_trx);
335 if (!s.ok()) {
336 return s;
337 }
338 continue;
339 }
340 }
342 if (s.ok()) {
343 dbimpl->DeleteAllRecoveredTransactions();
345 // Compaction should start only after max_evicted_seq_ is set AND recovered
346 // transactions are either added to PrepareHeap or rolled back.
347 s = EnableAutoCompaction(compaction_enabled_cf_handles);
348 }
350 return s;
351 }
353 Transaction* WriteUnpreparedTxnDB::BeginTransaction(
354 const WriteOptions& write_options, const TransactionOptions& txn_options,
355 Transaction* old_txn) {
356 if (old_txn != nullptr) {
357 ReinitializeTransaction(old_txn, write_options, txn_options);
358 return old_txn;
359 } else {
360 return new WriteUnpreparedTxn(this, write_options, txn_options);
361 }
362 }
364 // Struct to hold ownership of snapshot and read callback for iterator cleanup.
365 struct WriteUnpreparedTxnDB::IteratorState {
366 IteratorState(WritePreparedTxnDB* txn_db, SequenceNumber sequence,
367 std::shared_ptr<ManagedSnapshot> s,
368 SequenceNumber min_uncommitted, WriteUnpreparedTxn* txn)
369 : callback(txn_db, sequence, min_uncommitted, txn->unprep_seqs_,
370 kBackedByDBSnapshot),
371 snapshot(s) {}
372 SequenceNumber MaxVisibleSeq() { return callback.max_visible_seq(); }
374 WriteUnpreparedTxnReadCallback callback;
375 std::shared_ptr<ManagedSnapshot> snapshot;
376 };
378 namespace {
379 static void CleanupWriteUnpreparedTxnDBIterator(void* arg1, void* /*arg2*/) {
380 delete reinterpret_cast<WriteUnpreparedTxnDB::IteratorState*>(arg1);
381 }
382 } // anonymous namespace
384 Iterator* WriteUnpreparedTxnDB::NewIterator(const ReadOptions& options,
385 ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
386 WriteUnpreparedTxn* txn) {
387 // TODO(lth): Refactor so that this logic is shared with WritePrepared.
388 constexpr bool ALLOW_BLOB = true;
389 constexpr bool ALLOW_REFRESH = true;
390 std::shared_ptr<ManagedSnapshot> own_snapshot = nullptr;
391 SequenceNumber snapshot_seq = kMaxSequenceNumber;
392 SequenceNumber min_uncommitted = 0;
394 // Currently, the Prev() iterator logic does not work well without snapshot
395 // validation. The logic simply iterates through values of a key in
396 // ascending seqno order, stopping at the first non-visible value and
397 // returning the last visible value.
398 //
399 // For example, if snapshot sequence is 3, and we have the following keys:
400 // foo: v1 1
401 // foo: v2 2
402 // foo: v3 3
403 // foo: v4 4
404 // foo: v5 5
405 //
406 // Then 1, 2, 3 will be visible, but 4 will be non-visible, so we return v3,
407 // which is the last visible value.
408 //
409 // For unprepared transactions, if we have snap_seq = 3, but the current
410 // transaction has unprep_seq 5, then returning the first non-visible value
411 // would be incorrect, as we should return v5, and not v3. The problem is that
412 // there are committed values at snapshot_seq < commit_seq < unprep_seq.
413 //
414 // Snapshot validation can prevent this problem by ensuring that no committed
415 // values exist at snapshot_seq < commit_seq, and thus any value with a
416 // sequence number greater than snapshot_seq must be unprepared values. For
417 // example, if the transaction had a snapshot at 3, then snapshot validation
418 // would be performed during the Put(v5) call. It would find v4, and the Put
419 // would fail with snapshot validation failure.
420 //
421 // TODO(lth): Improve Prev() logic to continue iterating until
422 // max_visible_seq, and then return the last visible value, so that this
423 // restriction can be lifted.
424 const Snapshot* snapshot = nullptr;
425 if (options.snapshot == nullptr) {
426 snapshot = GetSnapshot();
427 own_snapshot = std::make_shared<ManagedSnapshot>(db_impl_, snapshot);
428 } else {
429 snapshot = options.snapshot;
430 }
432 snapshot_seq = snapshot->GetSequenceNumber();
433 assert(snapshot_seq != kMaxSequenceNumber);
434 // Iteration is safe as long as largest_validated_seq <= snapshot_seq. We are
435 // guaranteed that for keys that were modified by this transaction (and thus
436 // might have unprepared values), no committed values exist at
437 // largest_validated_seq < commit_seq (or the contrapositive: any committed
438 // value must exist at commit_seq <= largest_validated_seq). This implies
439 // that commit_seq <= largest_validated_seq <= snapshot_seq or commit_seq <=
440 // snapshot_seq. As explained above, the problem with Prev() only happens when
441 // snapshot_seq < commit_seq.
442 //
443 // For keys that were not modified by this transaction, largest_validated_seq_
444 // is meaningless, and Prev() should just work with the existing visibility
445 // logic.
446 if (txn->largest_validated_seq_ > snapshot->GetSequenceNumber() &&
447 !txn->unprep_seqs_.empty()) {
448 ROCKS_LOG_ERROR(info_log_,
449 "WriteUnprepared iterator creation failed since the "
450 "transaction has performed unvalidated writes");
451 return nullptr;
452 }
453 min_uncommitted =
454 static_cast_with_check<const SnapshotImpl, const Snapshot>(snapshot)
455 ->min_uncommitted_;
457 auto* cfd = reinterpret_cast<ColumnFamilyHandleImpl*>(column_family)->cfd();
458 auto* state =
459 new IteratorState(this, snapshot_seq, own_snapshot, min_uncommitted, txn);
460 auto* db_iter =
461 db_impl_->NewIteratorImpl(options, cfd, state->MaxVisibleSeq(),
462 &state->callback, !ALLOW_BLOB, !ALLOW_REFRESH);
463 db_iter->RegisterCleanup(CleanupWriteUnpreparedTxnDBIterator, state, nullptr);
464 return db_iter;
465 }
467 } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
468 #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE