]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/script/ceph-release-notes
compile with GCC 12 not 11
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / script / ceph-release-notes
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # Originally modified from A. Israel's script seen at
3 # https://gist.github.com/aisrael/b2b78d9dfdd176a232b9
4 """To run this script first install the dependencies
7 python3 -m venv v
8 source v/bin/activate
9 pip install githubpy GitPython requests
11 Generate a github access token; this is needed as the anonymous access
12 to Github's API will easily hit the limit even with a single invocation.
13 For details see:
14 https://help.github.com/articles/creating-an-access-token-for-command-line-use/
16 Next either set the github token as an env variable
17 `GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN` or alternatively invoke the script with
18 `--token` switch.
20 Example:
22 ceph-release-notes -r tags/v0.87..origin/giant \
23 $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
25 """
27 from __future__ import print_function
28 import argparse
29 import github
30 import os
31 import re
32 import sys
33 import requests
34 import time
36 from git import Repo
39 fixes_re = re.compile(r"Fixes\:? #(\d+)")
40 reviewed_by_re = re.compile(r"Rev(.*)By", re.IGNORECASE)
41 # labels is the list of relevant labels defined for github.com/ceph/ceph
42 labels = {'bluestore', 'build/ops', 'cephfs', 'common', 'core', 'mgr',
43 'mon', 'performance', 'pybind', 'rdma', 'rgw', 'rbd', 'tests',
44 'tools'}
45 merge_re = re.compile("Merge (pull request|PR) #(\d+).*")
46 # prefixes is the list of commit description prefixes we recognize
47 prefixes = ['bluestore', 'build/ops', 'cephfs', 'cephx', 'cli', 'cmake',
48 'common', 'core', 'crush', 'doc', 'fs', 'librados', 'librbd',
49 'log', 'mds', 'mgr', 'mon', 'msg', 'objecter', 'osd', 'pybind',
50 'rbd', 'rbd-mirror', 'rbd-nbd', 'rgw', 'tests', 'tools']
51 signed_off_re = re.compile("Signed-off-by: (.+) <")
52 tracker_re = re.compile("http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/(\d+)")
53 rst_link_re = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z0-9])_(\W)")
54 release_re = re.compile(r"^(nautilus|octopus|pacific|quincy):\s*")
56 tracker_uri = "http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/{0}.json"
59 def get_original_issue(issue, verbose):
60 r = requests.get(tracker_uri.format(issue),
61 params={"include": "relations"}).json()
63 # looking up for the original issue only makes sense
64 # when dealing with an issue in the Backport tracker
65 if r["issue"]["tracker"]["name"] != "Backport":
66 if verbose:
67 print ("http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/" + issue +
68 " is from the tracker " + r["issue"]["tracker"]["name"] +
69 ", do not look for the original issue")
70 return issue
72 # if a Backport issue does not have a relation, keep it
73 if "relations" not in r["issue"]:
74 if verbose:
75 print ("http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/" + issue +
76 " has no relations, do not look for the original issue")
77 return issue
79 copied_to = [
80 str(i['issue_id']) for i in r["issue"]["relations"]
81 if i["relation_type"] == "copied_to"
82 ]
83 if copied_to:
84 if len(copied_to) > 1:
85 if verbose:
86 print ("ERROR: http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/" + issue +
87 " has more than one Copied To relation")
88 return issue
89 if verbose:
90 print ("http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/" + issue +
91 " is the backport of http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/" +
92 copied_to[0])
93 return copied_to[0]
94 else:
95 if verbose:
96 print ("http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/" + issue +
97 " has no copied_to relations; do not look for the" +
98 " original issue")
99 return issue
102 def split_component(title, gh, number):
103 title_re = '(' + '|'.join(prefixes) + ')(:.*)'
104 match = re.match(title_re, title)
105 if match:
106 return match.group(1)+match.group(2)
107 else:
108 issue = gh.repos("ceph")("ceph").issues(number).get()
109 issue_labels = {it['name'] for it in issue['labels']}
110 if 'documentation' in issue_labels:
111 return 'doc: ' + title
112 item = set(prefixes).intersection(issue_labels)
113 if item:
114 return ",".join(sorted(item)) + ': ' + title
115 else:
116 return 'UNKNOWN: ' + title
118 def _title_message(commit, pr, strict):
119 title = pr['title']
120 message_lines = commit.message.split('\n')
121 if strict or len(message_lines) < 1:
122 return (title, None)
123 lines = []
124 for line in message_lines[1:]:
125 if reviewed_by_re.match(line):
126 continue
127 line = line.strip()
128 if line:
129 lines.append(line)
130 if len(lines) == 0:
131 return (title, None)
132 duplicates_pr_title = lines[0] == pr['title'].strip()
133 if duplicates_pr_title:
134 return (title, None)
135 assert len(lines) > 0, "missing message content"
136 if len(lines) == 1:
137 # assume that a single line means the intention is to
138 # re-write the PR title
139 return (lines[0], None)
140 elif len(lines) < 3 and 'refs/pull' in lines[0]:
141 # assume the intent was rewriting the title and something like
142 # ptl-tool was used to generate the merge message
143 return (lines[1], None)
144 message = " " + "\n ".join(lines)
145 return (title, message)
147 def make_release_notes(gh, repo, ref, plaintext, html, markdown, verbose, strict, use_tags, include_pr_messages):
149 issue2prs = {}
150 pr2issues = {}
151 pr2info = {}
153 for commit in repo.iter_commits(ref, merges=True):
154 merge = merge_re.match(commit.summary)
155 if not merge:
156 continue
157 number = merge.group(2)
158 print ("Considering PR#" + number)
159 # do not pick up ceph/ceph-qa-suite.git PRs
160 if int(number) < 1311:
161 print ("Ignoring low-numbered PR, probably picked up from"
162 " ceph/ceph-qa-suite.git")
163 continue
165 attempts = 0
166 retries = 30
167 while attempts < retries:
168 try:
169 pr = gh.repos("ceph")("ceph").pulls(number).get()
170 break
171 except Exception:
172 if attempts < retries:
173 attempts += 1
174 sleep_time = 2 * attempts
175 print(f"Failed to fetch PR {number}, sleeping for {sleep_time} seconds")
176 time.sleep(sleep_time)
177 else:
178 print(f"Could not fetch PR {number} in {retries} tries.")
179 raise
180 (title, message) = _title_message(commit, pr, strict)
181 issues = []
182 if pr['body']:
183 issues = fixes_re.findall(pr['body']) + tracker_re.findall(
184 pr['body']
185 )
187 authors = {}
188 for c in repo.iter_commits(
189 "{sha1}^1..{sha1}^2".format(sha1=commit.hexsha)
190 ):
191 for author in re.findall(
192 "Signed-off-by:\s*(.*?)\s*<", c.message
193 ):
194 authors[author] = 1
195 issues.extend(fixes_re.findall(c.message) +
196 tracker_re.findall(c.message))
197 if authors:
198 author = ", ".join(authors.keys())
199 else:
200 author = commit.parents[-1].author.name
202 if strict and not issues:
203 print ("ERROR: https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/" +
204 str(number) + " has no associated issue")
205 continue
207 if strict:
208 title_re = (
209 '^(?:nautilus|octopus|pacific|quincy):\s+(' +
210 '|'.join(prefixes) +
211 ')(:.*)'
212 )
213 match = re.match(title_re, title)
214 if not match:
215 print ("ERROR: https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/" +
216 str(number) + " title " + title +
217 " does not match " + title_re)
218 else:
219 title = match.group(1) + match.group(2)
220 if use_tags:
221 title = split_component(title, gh, number)
223 title = title.strip(' \t\n\r\f\v\.\,\;\:\-\=')
224 # escape asterisks, which is used by reStructuredTextrst for inline
225 # emphasis
226 title = title.replace('*', '\*')
227 # and escape the underscores for noting a link
228 title = rst_link_re.sub(r'\1\_\2', title)
229 # remove release prefix for backports
230 title = release_re.sub('', title)
231 pr2info[number] = (author, title, message)
233 for issue in set(issues):
234 if strict:
235 issue = get_original_issue(issue, verbose)
236 issue2prs.setdefault(issue, set([])).add(number)
237 pr2issues.setdefault(number, set([])).add(issue)
238 sys.stdout.write('.')
240 print (" done collecting merges.")
242 if strict:
243 for (issue, prs) in issue2prs.items():
244 if len(prs) > 1:
245 print (">>>>>>> " + str(len(prs)) + " pr for issue " +
246 issue + " " + str(prs))
248 for (pr, (author, title, message)) in sorted(
249 pr2info.items(), key=lambda title: title[1][1].lower()
250 ):
251 if pr in pr2issues:
252 if plaintext:
253 issues = map(lambda issue: '#' + str(issue), pr2issues[pr])
254 elif html:
255 issues = map(lambda issue: (
256 '<a href="http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/{issue}">issue#{issue}</a>'
257 ).format(issue=issue), pr2issues[pr]
258 )
259 elif markdown:
260 issues = map(lambda issue: (
261 '[issue#{issue}](http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/{issue})'
262 ).format(issue=issue), pr2issues[pr]
263 )
264 else:
265 issues = map(lambda issue: (
266 '`issue#{issue} <http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/{issue}>`_'
267 ).format(issue=issue), pr2issues[pr]
268 )
269 issues = ", ".join(issues) + ", "
270 else:
271 issues = ''
272 if plaintext:
273 print ("* {title} ({issues}{author})".format(
274 title=title,
275 issues=issues,
276 author=author
277 )
278 )
279 elif html:
280 print (
281 (
282 "<li><p>{title} ({issues}<a href=\""
283 "https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/{pr}\""
284 ">pr#{pr}</a>, {author})</p></li>"
285 ).format(
286 title=title,
287 issues=issues,
288 author=author, pr=pr
289 )
290 )
291 elif markdown:
292 markdown_title = title.replace('_', '\_').replace('.', '<span></span>.')
293 print ("- {title} ({issues}[pr#{pr}](https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/{pr}), {author})\n".format(
294 title=markdown_title,
295 issues=issues,
296 author=author, pr=pr
297 )
298 )
299 else:
300 print (
301 (
302 "* {title} ({issues}`pr#{pr} <"
303 "https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/{pr}"
304 ">`_, {author})"
305 ).format(
306 title=title,
307 issues=issues,
308 author=author, pr=pr
309 )
310 )
311 if include_pr_messages and message:
312 print (message)
315 if __name__ == "__main__":
316 desc = '''
317 Make ceph release notes for a given revision. Eg usage:
319 $ ceph-release-notes -r tags/v0.87..origin/giant \
320 $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
322 It is recommended to set the github env. token in order to avoid
323 hitting the api rate limits.
324 '''
326 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
327 description=desc,
328 formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter
329 )
331 parser.add_argument("--rev", "-r",
332 help="git revision range for creating release notes")
333 parser.add_argument("--text", "-t",
334 action='store_true', default=None,
335 help="output plain text only, no links")
336 parser.add_argument("--html",
337 action='store_true', default=None,
338 help="output html format for (old wordpress) website blog")
339 parser.add_argument("--markdown",
340 action='store_true', default=None,
341 help="output markdown format for new ceph.io blog")
342 parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v",
343 action='store_true', default=None,
344 help="verbose")
345 parser.add_argument("--strict",
346 action='store_true', default=None,
347 help="strict, recommended only for backport releases")
348 parser.add_argument("repo", metavar="repo",
349 help="path to ceph git repo")
350 parser.add_argument(
351 "--token",
352 default=os.getenv("GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN"),
353 help="Github Access Token ($GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN otherwise)",
354 )
355 parser.add_argument("--use-tags", default=False,
356 help="Use github tags to guess the component")
357 parser.add_argument("--include-pr-messages", default=False, action='store_true',
358 help="Include full PR message in addition to PR title, if available")
360 args = parser.parse_args()
361 gh = github.GitHub(
362 access_token=args.token)
364 make_release_notes(
365 gh,
366 Repo(args.repo),
367 args.rev,
368 args.text,
369 args.html,
370 args.markdown,
371 args.verbose,
372 args.strict,
373 args.use_tags,
374 args.include_pr_messages
375 )