]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/script/ptl-tool.py
update sources to ceph Nautilus 14.2.1
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / script / ptl-tool.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python2
4 #
5 # This tool's purpose is to make it easier to merge PRs into test branches and
6 # into master. Make sure you generate a Personal access token in GitHub and
7 # add it your ~/.github.key.
8 #
9 # Because developers often have custom names for the ceph upstream remote
10 # (https://github.com/ceph/ceph.git), You will probably want to export the
11 # PTL_TOOL_BASE_PATH environment variable in your shell rc files before using
12 # this script:
13 #
14 # export PTL_TOOL_BASE_PATH=refs/remotes/<remotename>/
15 #
16 # and PTL_TOOL_BASE_REMOTE as the name of your Ceph upstream remote (default: "upstream"):
17 #
18 # export PTL_TOOL_BASE_REMOTE=<remotename>
19 #
20 #
21 # ** Here are some basic exmples to get started: **
22 #
23 # Merging all PRs labeled 'wip-pdonnell-testing' into a new test branch:
24 #
25 # $ src/script/ptl-tool.py --pr-label wip-pdonnell-testing
26 # Adding labeled PR #18805 to PR list
27 # Adding labeled PR #18774 to PR list
28 # Adding labeled PR #18600 to PR list
29 # Will merge PRs: [18805, 18774, 18600]
30 # Detaching HEAD onto base: master
31 # Merging PR #18805
32 # Merging PR #18774
33 # Merging PR #18600
34 # Checked out new branch wip-pdonnell-testing-20171108.054517
35 # Created tag testing/wip-pdonnell-testing-20171108.054517
36 #
37 #
38 # Merging all PRs labeled 'wip-pdonnell-testing' into master:
39 #
40 # $ src/script/ptl-tool.py --pr-label wip-pdonnell-testing --branch master
41 # Adding labeled PR #18805 to PR list
42 # Adding labeled PR #18774 to PR list
43 # Adding labeled PR #18600 to PR list
44 # Will merge PRs: [18805, 18774, 18600]
45 # Detaching HEAD onto base: master
46 # Merging PR #18805
47 # Merging PR #18774
48 # Merging PR #18600
49 # Checked out branch master
50 #
51 # Now push to master:
52 # $ git push upstream master
53 # ...
54 #
55 #
56 # Merging PR #1234567 and #2345678 into a new test branch with a testing label added to the PR:
57 #
58 # $ src/script/ptl-tool.py 1234567 2345678 --label wip-pdonnell-testing
59 # Detaching HEAD onto base: master
60 # Merging PR #1234567
61 # Labeled PR #1234567 wip-pdonnell-testing
62 # Merging PR #2345678
63 # Labeled PR #2345678 wip-pdonnell-testing
64 # Deleted old test branch wip-pdonnell-testing-20170928
65 # Created branch wip-pdonnell-testing-20170928
66 # Created tag testing/wip-pdonnell-testing-20170928_03
67 #
68 #
69 # Merging PR #1234567 into master leaving a detached HEAD (i.e. do not update your repo's master branch) and do not label:
70 #
71 # $ src/script/ptl-tool.py --branch HEAD --merge-branch-name master 1234567
72 # Detaching HEAD onto base: master
73 # Merging PR #1234567
74 # Leaving HEAD detached; no branch anchors your commits
75 #
76 # Now push to master:
77 # $ git push upstream HEAD:master
78 #
79 #
80 # Merging PR #12345678 into luminous leaving a detached HEAD (i.e. do not update your repo's master branch) and do not label:
81 #
82 # $ src/script/ptl-tool.py --base luminous --branch HEAD --merge-branch-name luminous 12345678
83 # Detaching HEAD onto base: luminous
84 # Merging PR #12345678
85 # Leaving HEAD detached; no branch anchors your commits
86 #
87 # Now push to luminous:
88 # $ git push upstream HEAD:luminous
89 #
90 #
91 # Merging all PRs labelled 'wip-pdonnell-testing' into master leaving a detached HEAD:
92 #
93 # $ src/script/ptl-tool.py --base master --branch HEAD --merge-branch-name master --pr-label wip-pdonnell-testing
94 # Adding labeled PR #18192 to PR list
95 # Will merge PRs: [18192]
96 # Detaching HEAD onto base: master
97 # Merging PR #18192
98 # Leaving HEAD detached; no branch anchors your commit
101 # TODO
102 # Look for check failures?
103 # redmine issue update: http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/Rest_Issues
105 import argparse
106 import codecs
107 import datetime
108 import getpass
109 import git
110 import itertools
111 import json
112 import logging
113 import os
114 import re
115 import requests
116 import sys
118 from os.path import expanduser
120 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
121 log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler())
122 log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
124 BASE_PROJECT = os.getenv("PTL_TOOL_BASE_PROJECT", "ceph")
125 BASE_REPO = os.getenv("PTL_TOOL_BASE_REPO", "ceph")
126 BASE_REMOTE = os.getenv("PTL_TOOL_BASE_REMOTE", "upstream")
127 BASE_PATH = os.getenv("PTL_TOOL_BASE_PATH", "refs/remotes/upstream/")
128 GITDIR = os.getenv("PTL_TOOL_GITDIR", ".")
129 USER = os.getenv("PTL_TOOL_USER", getpass.getuser())
130 with open(expanduser("~/.github.key")) as f:
131 PASSWORD = f.read().strip()
132 TEST_BRANCH = os.getenv("PTL_TOOL_TEST_BRANCH", "wip-{user}-testing-%Y%m%d.%H%M%S")
134 SPECIAL_BRANCHES = ('master', 'luminous', 'jewel', 'HEAD')
137 re.compile("(Reviewed-by: .+ <[\w@.-]+>)", re.IGNORECASE),
138 re.compile("(Acked-by: .+ <[\w@.-]+>)", re.IGNORECASE),
139 re.compile("(Tested-by: .+ <[\w@.-]+>)", re.IGNORECASE),
140 ]
142 # find containing git dir
143 git_dir = GITDIR
144 max_levels = 6
145 while not os.path.exists(git_dir + '/.git'):
146 git_dir += '/..'
147 max_levels -= 1
148 if max_levels < 0:
149 break
153 with codecs.open(git_dir + "/.githubmap", encoding='utf-8') as f:
154 comment = re.compile("\s*#")
155 patt = re.compile("([\w-]+)\s+(.*)")
156 for line in f:
157 if comment.match(line):
158 continue
159 m = patt.match(line)
160 CONTRIBUTORS[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
162 BZ_MATCH = re.compile("(.*https?://bugzilla.redhat.com/.*)")
163 TRACKER_MATCH = re.compile("(.*https?://tracker.ceph.com/.*)")
165 def build_branch(args):
166 base = args.base
167 branch = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(args.branch).format(user=USER)
168 label = args.label
169 merge_branch_name = args.merge_branch_name
170 if merge_branch_name is False:
171 merge_branch_name = branch
173 if label:
174 #Check the label format
175 if re.search(r'\bwip-(.*?)-testing\b', label) is None:
176 log.error("Unknown Label '{lblname}'. Label Format: wip-<name>-testing".format(lblname=label))
177 sys.exit(1)
179 #Check if the Label exist in the repo
180 res = requests.get("https://api.github.com/repos/{project}/{repo}/labels/{lblname}".format(lblname=label, project=BASE_PROJECT, repo=BASE_REPO), auth=(USER, PASSWORD))
181 if res.status_code != 200:
182 log.error("Label '{lblname}' not found in the repo".format(lblname=label))
183 sys.exit(1)
185 G = git.Repo(args.git)
187 # First get the latest base branch and PRs from BASE_REMOTE
188 remote = getattr(G.remotes, BASE_REMOTE)
189 remote.fetch()
191 prs = args.prs
192 if args.pr_label is not None:
193 if args.pr_label == '' or args.pr_label.isspace():
194 log.error("--pr-label must have a non-space value")
195 sys.exit(1)
196 payload = {'labels': args.pr_label, 'sort': 'created', 'direction': 'desc'}
197 labeled_prs = requests.get("https://api.github.com/repos/{project}/{repo}/issues".format(project=BASE_PROJECT, repo=BASE_REPO), auth=(USER, PASSWORD), params=payload)
198 if labeled_prs.status_code != 200:
199 log.error("Failed to load labeled PRs: {}".format(labeled_prs))
200 sys.exit(1)
201 labeled_prs = labeled_prs.json()
202 if len(labeled_prs) == 0:
203 log.error("Search for PRs matching label '{}' returned no results!".format(args.pr_label))
204 sys.exit(1)
205 for pr in labeled_prs:
206 if pr['pull_request']:
207 n = pr['number']
208 log.info("Adding labeled PR #{} to PR list".format(n))
209 prs.append(n)
210 log.info("Will merge PRs: {}".format(prs))
212 if base == 'HEAD':
213 log.info("Branch base is HEAD; not checking out!")
214 else:
215 log.info("Detaching HEAD onto base: {}".format(base))
216 try:
217 base_path = args.base_path + base
218 base = filter(lambda r: r.path == base_path, G.refs)[0]
219 except IndexError:
220 log.error("Branch " + base + " does not exist!")
221 sys.exit(1)
223 # So we know that we're not on an old test branch, detach HEAD onto ref:
224 base.checkout()
226 for pr in prs:
227 pr = int(pr)
228 log.info("Merging PR #{pr}".format(pr=pr))
230 remote_ref = "refs/pull/{pr}/head".format(pr=pr)
231 fi = remote.fetch(remote_ref)
232 if len(fi) != 1:
233 log.error("PR {pr} does not exist?".format(pr=pr))
234 sys.exit(1)
235 tip = fi[0].ref.commit
237 pr_req = requests.get("https://api.github.com/repos/ceph/ceph/pulls/{pr}".format(pr=pr), auth=(USER, PASSWORD))
238 if pr_req.status_code != 200:
239 log.error("PR '{pr}' not found: {c}".format(pr=pr,c=pr_req))
240 sys.exit(1)
242 message = "Merge PR #%d into %s\n\n* %s:\n" % (pr, merge_branch_name, remote_ref)
244 for commit in G.iter_commits(rev="HEAD.."+str(tip)):
245 message = message + ("\t%s\n" % commit.message.split('\n', 1)[0])
246 # Get tracker issues / bzs cited so the PTL can do updates
247 short = commit.hexsha[:8]
248 for m in BZ_MATCH.finditer(commit.message):
249 log.info("[ {sha1} ] BZ cited: {cite}".format(sha1=short, cite=m.group(1)))
250 for m in TRACKER_MATCH.finditer(commit.message):
251 log.info("[ {sha1} ] Ceph tracker cited: {cite}".format(sha1=short, cite=m.group(1)))
253 message = message + "\n"
255 comments = requests.get("https://api.github.com/repos/{project}/{repo}/issues/{pr}/comments".format(pr=pr, project=BASE_PROJECT, repo=BASE_REPO), auth=(USER, PASSWORD))
256 if comments.status_code != 200:
257 log.error("PR '{pr}' not found: {c}".format(pr=pr,c=comments))
258 sys.exit(1)
260 reviews = requests.get("https://api.github.com/repos/{project}/{repo}/pulls/{pr}/reviews".format(pr=pr, project=BASE_PROJECT, repo=BASE_REPO), auth=(USER, PASSWORD))
261 if reviews.status_code != 200:
262 log.error("PR '{pr}' not found: {c}".format(pr=pr,c=comments))
263 sys.exit(1)
265 review_comments = requests.get("https://api.github.com/repos/{project}/{repo}/pulls/{pr}/comments".format(pr=pr, project=BASE_PROJECT, repo=BASE_REPO), auth=(USER, PASSWORD))
266 if review_comments.status_code != 200:
267 log.error("PR '{pr}' not found: {c}".format(pr=pr,c=comments))
268 sys.exit(1)
270 indications = set()
271 for comment in [pr_req.json()]+comments.json()+reviews.json()+review_comments.json():
272 body = comment["body"]
273 if body:
274 url = comment["html_url"]
275 for m in BZ_MATCH.finditer(body):
276 log.info("[ {url} ] BZ cited: {cite}".format(url=url, cite=m.group(1)))
277 for m in TRACKER_MATCH.finditer(body):
278 log.info("[ {url} ] Ceph tracker cited: {cite}".format(url=url, cite=m.group(1)))
279 for indication in INDICATIONS:
280 for cap in indication.findall(comment["body"]):
281 indications.add(cap)
283 new_new_contributors = {}
284 for review in reviews.json():
285 if review["state"] == "APPROVED":
286 user = review["user"]["login"]
287 try:
288 indications.add("Reviewed-by: "+CONTRIBUTORS[user])
289 except KeyError as e:
290 try:
291 indications.add("Reviewed-by: "+NEW_CONTRIBUTORS[user])
292 except KeyError as e:
293 try:
294 name = raw_input("Need name for contributor \"%s\" (use ^D to skip); Reviewed-by: " % user)
295 name = name.strip()
296 if len(name) == 0:
297 continue
298 NEW_CONTRIBUTORS[user] = name
299 new_new_contributors[user] = name
300 indications.add("Reviewed-by: "+name)
301 except EOFError as e:
302 continue
304 for indication in indications:
305 message = message + indication + "\n"
307 G.git.merge(tip.hexsha, '--no-ff', m=message)
309 if new_new_contributors:
310 # Check out the PR, add a commit adding to .githubmap
311 log.info("adding new contributors to githubmap in merge commit")
312 with open(git_dir + "/.githubmap", "a") as f:
313 for c in new_new_contributors:
314 f.write("%s %s\n" % (c, new_new_contributors[c]))
315 G.index.add([".githubmap"])
316 G.git.commit("--amend", "--no-edit")
318 if label:
319 req = requests.post("https://api.github.com/repos/{project}/{repo}/issues/{pr}/labels".format(pr=pr, project=BASE_PROJECT, repo=BASE_REPO), data=json.dumps([label]), auth=(USER, PASSWORD))
320 if req.status_code != 200:
321 log.error("PR #%d could not be labeled %s: %s" % (pr, label, req))
322 sys.exit(1)
323 log.info("Labeled PR #{pr} {label}".format(pr=pr, label=label))
325 # If the branch is 'HEAD', leave HEAD detached (but use "master" for commit message)
326 if branch == 'HEAD':
327 log.info("Leaving HEAD detached; no branch anchors your commits")
328 else:
329 created_branch = False
330 try:
331 G.head.reference = G.create_head(branch)
332 log.info("Checked out new branch {branch}".format(branch=branch))
333 created_branch = True
334 except:
335 G.head.reference = G.create_head(branch, force=True)
336 log.info("Checked out branch {branch}".format(branch=branch))
338 if created_branch:
339 # tag it for future reference.
340 tag = "testing/%s" % branch
341 git.refs.tag.Tag.create(G, tag)
342 log.info("Created tag %s" % tag)
344 def main():
345 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Ceph PTL tool")
346 default_base = 'master'
347 default_branch = TEST_BRANCH
348 default_label = ''
349 if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] in SPECIAL_BRANCHES:
350 argv = sys.argv[2:]
351 default_branch = 'HEAD' # Leave HEAD detached
352 default_base = default_branch
353 default_label = False
354 else:
355 argv = sys.argv[1:]
356 parser.add_argument('--branch', dest='branch', action='store', default=default_branch, help='branch to create ("HEAD" leaves HEAD detached; i.e. no branch is made)')
357 parser.add_argument('--merge-branch-name', dest='merge_branch_name', action='store', default=False, help='name of the branch for merge messages')
358 parser.add_argument('--base', dest='base', action='store', default=default_base, help='base for branch')
359 parser.add_argument('--base-path', dest='base_path', action='store', default=BASE_PATH, help='base for branch')
360 parser.add_argument('--git-dir', dest='git', action='store', default=git_dir, help='git directory')
361 parser.add_argument('--label', dest='label', action='store', default=default_label, help='label PRs for testing')
362 parser.add_argument('--pr-label', dest='pr_label', action='store', help='label PRs for testing')
363 parser.add_argument('prs', metavar="PR", type=int, nargs='*', help='Pull Requests to merge')
364 args = parser.parse_args(argv)
365 return build_branch(args)
367 if __name__ == "__main__":
368 main()