]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/seastar/scripts/seastar-json2code.py
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / seastar / scripts / seastar-json2code.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 # C++ Code generation utility from Swagger definitions.
4 # This utility support Both the swagger 1.2 format
5 # https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/1.2.md
6 # And the 2.0 format
7 # https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md
8 #
9 # Swagger 2.0 is not only different in its structure (apis have moved, and
10 # models are now under definitions) It also moved from multiple file structure
11 # to a single file.
12 # To keep the multiple file support, each group of APIs will be placed in a single file
13 # Each group can have a .def.json file with its definitions (What used to be models)
14 # Because the APIs in definitions are snippets, they are not legal json objects
15 # and need to be formated as such so that a json parser would work.
17 import json
18 import sys
19 import re
20 import glob
21 import argparse
22 import os
23 from string import Template
25 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Generate C++ class for json
26 handling from swagger definition""")
28 parser.add_argument('--outdir', help='the output directory', default='autogen')
29 parser.add_argument('-o', help='Output file', default='')
30 parser.add_argument('-f', help='input file', default='api-java.json')
31 parser.add_argument('-ns', help="""namespace when set struct will be created
32 under the namespace""", default='')
33 parser.add_argument('-jsoninc', help='relative path to the jsaon include',
34 default='json/')
35 parser.add_argument('-jsonns', help='set the json namespace', default='json')
36 parser.add_argument('-indir', help="""when set all json file in the given
37 directory will be parsed, do not use with -f""", default='')
38 parser.add_argument('-debug', help='debug level 0 -quite,1-error,2-verbose',
39 default='1', type=int)
40 parser.add_argument('-combined', help='set the name of the combined file',
41 default='autogen/pathautogen.ee')
42 config = parser.parse_args()
45 valid_vars = {'string': 'sstring', 'int': 'int', 'double': 'double',
46 'float': 'float', 'long': 'long', 'boolean': 'bool', 'char': 'char',
47 'datetime': 'json::date_time'}
49 current_file = ''
51 spacing = " "
52 def getitem(d, key, name):
53 if key in d:
54 return d[key]
55 else:
56 raise Exception("'" + key + "' not found in " + name)
58 def fprint(f, *args):
59 for arg in args:
60 f.write(arg)
62 def fprintln(f, *args):
63 for arg in args:
64 f.write(arg)
65 f.write('\n')
68 def open_namespace(f, ns=config.ns):
69 fprintln(f, "namespace ", ns , ' {\n')
72 def close_namespace(f):
73 fprintln(f, '}')
76 def add_include(f, includes):
77 for include in includes:
78 fprintln(f, '#include ', include)
79 fprintln(f, "")
81 def trace_verbose(*params):
82 if config.debug > 1:
83 print(''.join(params))
86 def trace_err(*params):
87 if config.debug > 0:
88 print(current_file + ':' + ''.join(params))
91 def valid_type(param):
92 if param in valid_vars:
93 return valid_vars[param]
94 trace_err("Type [", param, "] not defined")
95 return param
98 def type_change(param, member):
99 if param == "array":
100 if "items" not in member:
101 trace_err("array without item declaration in ", param)
102 return ""
103 item = member["items"]
104 if "type" in item:
105 t = item["type"]
106 elif "$ref" in item:
107 t = item["$ref"]
108 else:
109 trace_err("array items with no type or ref declaration ", param)
110 return ""
111 return "json_list< " + valid_type(t) + " >"
112 return "json_element< " + valid_type(param) + " >"
116 def print_ind_comment(f, ind, *params):
117 fprintln(f, ind, "/**")
118 for s in params:
119 fprintln(f, ind, " * ", s)
120 fprintln(f, ind, " */")
122 def print_comment(f, *params):
123 print_ind_comment(f, spacing, *params)
125 def print_copyrights(f):
126 fprintln(f, "/*")
127 fprintln(f, "* Copyright (C) 2014 Cloudius Systems, Ltd.")
128 fprintln(f, "*")
129 fprintln(f, "* This work is open source software, licensed under the",
130 " terms of the")
131 fprintln(f, "* BSD license as described in the LICENSE f in the top-",
132 "level directory.")
133 fprintln(f, "*")
134 fprintln(f, "* This is an Auto-Generated-code ")
135 fprintln(f, "* Changes you do in this file will be erased on next",
136 " code generation")
137 fprintln(f, "*/\n")
140 def print_h_file_headers(f, name):
141 print_copyrights(f)
142 fprintln(f, "#ifndef __JSON_AUTO_GENERATED_" + name)
143 fprintln(f, "#define __JSON_AUTO_GENERATED_" + name + "\n")
146 def clean_param(param):
147 match = re.match(r"^\{\s*([^\}]+)\s*}", param)
148 if match:
149 return [match.group(1), False]
150 return [param, True]
153 def get_parameter_by_name(obj, name):
154 for p in obj["parameters"]:
155 if p["name"] == name:
156 return p
157 trace_err ("No Parameter declaration found for ", name)
160 def clear_path_ending(path):
161 if not path or path[-1] != '/':
162 return path
163 return path[0:-1]
165 # check if a parameter is query required.
166 # It will return true if the required flag is set
167 # and if it is a query parameter, both swagger 1.2 'paramType' and swagger 2.0 'in' attributes
168 # are supported
169 def is_required_query_param(param):
170 return "required" in param and param["required"] and ("paramType" in param and param["paramType"] == "query" or "in" in param and param["in"] == "query")
172 def add_path(f, path, details):
173 if "summary" in details:
174 print_comment(f, details["summary"])
175 param_starts = path.find("{")
176 if param_starts >= 0:
177 path_reminder = path[param_starts:]
178 vals = path.split("/")
179 vals.reverse()
180 fprintln(f, spacing, 'path_description::add_path("', clear_path_ending(vals.pop()),
181 '",', details["method"], ',"', details["nickname"], '")')
182 while vals:
183 param, is_url = clean_param(vals.pop())
184 if is_url:
185 fprintln(f, spacing, ' ->pushurl("', param, '")')
186 else:
187 param_type = get_parameter_by_name(details, param)
188 if ("allowMultiple" in param_type and
189 param_type["allowMultiple"] == True):
190 fprintln(f, spacing, ' ->pushparam("', param, '",true)')
191 else:
192 fprintln(f, spacing, ' ->pushparam("', param, '")')
193 else:
194 fprintln(f, spacing, 'path_description::add_path("', clear_path_ending(path), '",',
195 details["method"], ',"', details["nickname"], '")')
196 if "parameters" in details:
197 for param in details["parameters"]:
198 if is_required_query_param(param):
199 fprintln(f, spacing, ' ->pushmandatory_param("', param["name"], '")')
200 fprintln(f, spacing, ";")
203 def get_base_name(param):
204 return os.path.basename(param)
207 def is_model_valid(name, model):
208 if name in valid_vars:
209 return ""
210 properties = getitem(model[name], "properties", name)
211 for var in properties:
212 type = getitem(properties[var], "type", name + ":" + var)
213 if type == "array":
214 items = getitem(properties[var], "items", name + ":" + var);
215 try :
216 type = getitem(items, "type", name + ":" + var + ":items")
217 except Exception as e:
218 try:
219 type = getitem(items, "$ref", name + ":" + var + ":items")
220 except:
221 raise e;
222 if type not in valid_vars:
223 if type not in model:
224 raise Exception("Unknown type '" + type + "' in Model '" + name + "'")
225 return type
226 valid_vars[name] = name
227 return ""
229 def resolve_model_order(data):
230 res = []
231 models = set()
232 for model_name in data:
233 visited = set(model_name)
234 missing = is_model_valid(model_name, data)
235 resolved = missing == ''
236 if not resolved:
237 stack = [model_name]
238 while not resolved:
239 if missing in visited:
240 raise Exception("Cyclic dependency found: " + missing)
241 missing_depends = is_model_valid(missing, data)
242 if missing_depends == '':
243 if missing not in models:
244 res.append(missing)
245 models.add(missing)
246 resolved = len(stack) == 0
247 if not resolved:
248 missing = stack.pop()
249 else:
250 stack.append(missing)
251 missing = missing_depends
252 elif model_name not in models:
253 res.append(model_name)
254 models.add(model_name)
255 return res
257 def create_enum_wrapper(model_name, name, values):
258 enum_name = model_name + "_" + name
259 res = " enum class " + enum_name + " {"
260 for enum_entry in values:
261 res = res + " " + enum_entry + ", "
262 res = res + "NUM_ITEMS};\n"
263 wrapper = name + "_wrapper"
264 res = res + Template(""" struct $wrapper : public json::jsonable {
265 $wrapper() = default;
266 virtual std::string to_json() const {
267 switch(v) {
268 """).substitute({'wrapper' : wrapper})
269 for enum_entry in values:
270 res = res + " case " + enum_name + "::" + enum_entry + ": return \"\\\"" + enum_entry + "\\\"\";\n"
271 res = res + Template(""" default: return \"\\\"Unknown\\\"\";
272 }
273 }
274 template<class T>
275 $wrapper (const T& _v) {
276 switch(_v) {
277 """).substitute({'wrapper' : wrapper})
278 for enum_entry in values:
279 res = res + " case T::" + enum_entry + ": v = " + enum_name + "::" + enum_entry + "; break;\n"
280 res = res + Template(""" default: v = $enum_name::NUM_ITEMS;
281 }
282 }
283 template<class T>
284 operator T() const {
285 switch(v) {
286 """).substitute({'enum_name': enum_name})
287 for enum_entry in values:
288 res = res + " case " + enum_name + "::" + enum_entry + ": return T::" + enum_entry + ";\n"
289 return res + Template(""" default: return T::$value;
290 }
291 }
292 typedef typename std::underlying_type<$enum_name>::type pos_type;
293 $wrapper& operator++() {
294 v = static_cast<$enum_name>(static_cast<pos_type>(v) + 1);
295 return *this;
296 }
297 $wrapper & operator++(int) {
298 return ++(*this);
299 }
300 bool operator==(const $wrapper& c) const {
301 return v == c.v;
302 }
303 bool operator!=(const $wrapper& c) const {
304 return v != c.v;
305 }
306 bool operator<=(const $wrapper& c) const {
307 return static_cast<pos_type>(v) <= static_cast<pos_type>(c.v);
308 }
309 static $wrapper begin() {
310 return $wrapper ($enum_name::$value);
311 }
312 static $wrapper end() {
313 return $wrapper ($enum_name::NUM_ITEMS);
314 }
315 static boost::integer_range<$wrapper> all_items() {
316 return boost::irange(begin(), end());
317 }
318 $enum_name v;
319 };
320 """).substitute({'enum_name': enum_name, 'wrapper' : wrapper, 'value':values[0]})
322 def to_operation(opr, data):
323 data["method"] = opr.upper()
324 data["nickname"] = data["operationId"]
325 return data
327 def to_path(path, data):
328 data["operations"] = [to_operation(k, data[k]) for k in data]
329 data["path"] = path
331 return data
333 def create_h_file(data, hfile_name, api_name, init_method, base_api):
334 if config.o != '':
335 hfile = open(config.o, "w")
336 else:
337 hfile = open(config.outdir + "/" + hfile_name, "w")
338 print_h_file_headers(hfile, api_name)
339 add_include(hfile, ['<seastar/core/sstring.hh>',
340 '<seastar/json/json_elements.hh>',
341 '<seastar/http/json_path.hh>'])
343 add_include(hfile, ['<iostream>', '<boost/range/irange.hpp>'])
344 open_namespace(hfile, "seastar")
345 open_namespace(hfile, "httpd")
346 open_namespace(hfile, api_name)
348 if "models" in data:
349 models_order = resolve_model_order(data["models"])
350 for model_name in models_order:
351 model = data["models"][model_name]
352 if 'description' in model:
353 print_ind_comment(hfile, "", model["description"])
354 fprintln(hfile, "struct ", model_name, " : public json::json_base {")
355 member_init = ''
356 member_assignment = ''
357 member_copy = ''
358 for member_name in model["properties"]:
359 member = model["properties"][member_name]
360 if "description" in member:
361 print_comment(hfile, member["description"])
362 if "enum" in member:
363 enum_name = model_name + "_" + member_name
364 fprintln(hfile, create_enum_wrapper(model_name, member_name, member["enum"]))
365 fprintln(hfile, " ", config.jsonns, "::json_element<",
366 member_name, "_wrapper> ",
367 member_name, ";\n")
368 else:
369 fprintln(hfile, " ", config.jsonns, "::",
370 type_change(member["type"], member), " ",
371 member_name, ";\n")
372 member_init += " add(&" + member_name + ',"'
373 member_init += member_name + '");\n'
374 member_assignment += " " + member_name + " = " + "e." + member_name + ";\n"
375 member_copy += " e." + member_name + " = " + member_name + ";\n"
376 fprintln(hfile, "void register_params() {")
377 fprintln(hfile, member_init)
378 fprintln(hfile, '}')
380 fprintln(hfile, model_name, '() {')
381 fprintln(hfile, ' register_params();')
382 fprintln(hfile, '}')
383 fprintln(hfile, model_name, '(const ' + model_name + ' & e) {')
384 fprintln(hfile, ' register_params();')
385 fprintln(hfile, member_assignment)
386 fprintln(hfile, '}')
387 fprintln(hfile, "template<class T>")
388 fprintln(hfile, model_name, "& operator=(const ", "T& e) {")
389 fprintln(hfile, member_assignment)
390 fprintln(hfile, " return *this;")
391 fprintln(hfile, "}")
392 fprintln(hfile, model_name, "& operator=(const ", model_name, "& e) {")
393 fprintln(hfile, member_assignment)
394 fprintln(hfile, " return *this;")
395 fprintln(hfile, "}")
396 fprintln(hfile, "template<class T>")
397 fprintln(hfile, model_name, "& update(T& e) {")
398 fprintln(hfile, member_copy)
399 fprintln(hfile, " return *this;")
400 fprintln(hfile, "}")
401 fprintln(hfile, "};\n\n")
403 # print_ind_comment(hfile, "", "Initialize the path")
404 # fprintln(hfile, init_method + "(const std::string& description);")
405 fprintln(hfile, 'static const sstring name = "', base_api, '";')
406 for item in data["apis"]:
407 path = item["path"]
408 if "operations" in item:
409 for oper in item["operations"]:
410 if "summary" in oper:
411 print_comment(hfile, oper["summary"])
413 param_starts = path.find("{")
414 base_url = path
415 vals = []
416 if param_starts >= 0:
417 vals = path[param_starts:].split("/")
418 vals.reverse()
419 base_url = path[:param_starts]
421 fprintln(hfile, 'static const path_description ', getitem(oper, "nickname", oper), '("', clear_path_ending(base_url),
422 '",', oper["method"], ',"', oper["nickname"], '",')
423 fprint(hfile, '{')
424 first = True
425 while vals:
426 path_param, is_url = clean_param(vals.pop())
427 if path_param == "":
428 continue
429 if first == True:
430 first = False
431 else:
432 fprint(hfile, "\n,")
433 if is_url:
434 fprint(hfile, '{', '"/', path_param , '", path_description::url_component_type::FIXED_STRING', '}')
435 else:
436 path_param_type = get_parameter_by_name(oper, path_param)
437 if ("allowMultiple" in path_param_type and
438 path_param_type["allowMultiple"] == True):
439 fprint(hfile, '{', '"', path_param , '", path_description::url_component_type::PARAM_UNTIL_END_OF_PATH', '}')
440 else:
441 fprint(hfile, '{', '"', path_param , '", path_description::url_component_type::PARAM', '}')
442 fprint(hfile, '}')
443 fprint(hfile, ',{')
444 first = True
445 enum_definitions = ""
446 if "enum" in oper:
447 enum_definitions = ("namespace ns_" + oper["nickname"] + " {\n" +
448 create_enum_wrapper(oper["nickname"], "return_type", oper["enum"]) +
449 "}\n")
450 if "parameters" in oper:
451 for param in oper["parameters"]:
452 if is_required_query_param(param):
453 if first == True:
454 first = False
455 else:
456 fprint(hfile, "\n,")
457 fprint(hfile, '"', param["name"], '"')
458 if "enum" in param:
459 enum_definitions = enum_definitions + 'namespace ns_' + oper["nickname"] + '{\n'
460 enm = param["name"]
461 enum_definitions = enum_definitions + 'enum class ' + enm + ' {'
462 for val in param["enum"]:
463 enum_definitions = enum_definitions + val + ", "
464 enum_definitions = enum_definitions + 'NUM_ITEMS};\n'
465 enum_definitions = enum_definitions + enm + ' str2' + enm + '(const sstring& str) {\n'
466 enum_definitions = enum_definitions + ' static const sstring arr[] = {"' + '","'.join(param["enum"]) + '"};\n'
467 enum_definitions = enum_definitions + ' int i;\n'
468 enum_definitions = enum_definitions + ' for (i=0; i < ' + str(len(param["enum"])) + '; i++) {\n'
469 enum_definitions = enum_definitions + ' if (arr[i] == str) {return (' + enm + ')i;}\n}\n'
470 enum_definitions = enum_definitions + ' return (' + enm + ')i;\n'
471 enum_definitions = enum_definitions + '}\n}\n'
473 fprintln(hfile, '});')
474 fprintln(hfile, enum_definitions)
476 close_namespace(hfile)
477 close_namespace(hfile)
478 close_namespace(hfile)
479 hfile.write("#endif //__JSON_AUTO_GENERATED_HEADERS\n")
480 hfile.close()
482 def remove_leading_comma(data):
483 return re.sub(r'^\s*,','', data)
485 def format_as_json_object(data):
486 return "{" + remove_leading_comma(data) + "}"
488 def check_for_models(data, param):
489 model_name = param.replace(".json", ".def.json")
490 if not os.path.isfile(model_name):
491 return
492 try:
493 with open(model_name) as myfile:
494 json_data = myfile.read()
495 def_data = json.loads(format_as_json_object(json_data))
496 data["models"] = def_data
497 except Exception as e:
498 type, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
499 print("Bad formatted JSON definition file '" + model_name + "' error ", value.message)
500 sys.exit(-1)
502 def set_apis(data):
503 return {"apis": [to_path(p, data[p]) for p in data]}
505 def parse_file(param, combined):
506 global current_file
507 trace_verbose("parsing ", param, " file")
508 with open(param) as myfile:
509 json_data = myfile.read()
510 try:
511 data = json.loads(json_data)
512 except Exception as e:
513 try:
514 # the passed data is not a valid json, so maybe its a swagger 2.0
515 # snippet, format it as json and try again
516 # set_apis and check_for_models will create an object with a similiar format
517 # to a swagger 1.2 so the code generation would work
518 data = set_apis(json.loads(format_as_json_object(json_data)))
519 check_for_models(data, param)
520 except:
521 # The problem is with the file,
522 # just report the error and exit.
523 type, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
524 print("Bad formatted JSON file '" + param + "' error ", value.message)
525 sys.exit(-1)
526 try:
527 base_file_name = get_base_name(param)
528 current_file = base_file_name
529 hfile_name = base_file_name + ".hh"
530 api_name = base_file_name.replace('.', '_')
531 base_api = base_file_name.replace('.json', '')
532 init_method = "void " + api_name + "_init_path"
533 trace_verbose("creating ", hfile_name)
534 if (combined):
535 fprintln(combined, '#include "', base_file_name, ".cc", '"')
536 create_h_file(data, hfile_name, api_name, init_method, base_api)
537 except:
538 type, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
539 print("Error while parsing JSON file '" + param + "' error ", value.message)
540 sys.exit(-1)
542 if "indir" in config and config.indir != '':
543 combined = open(config.combined, "w")
544 for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(config.indir, "*.json")):
545 parse_file(f, combined)
546 else:
547 parse_file(config.f, None)